Neo-Quenya Semantic Categories
Physical World
- 1.11 World
- 1.12 Universe
- 1.21 Earth, Land
- 1.212 Ground, Soil
- 1.213 Dust, Powder
- 1.214 Mud, Mire
- 1.215 Sand, Grit
- 1.22 Hill, Mountain
- 1.221 Peak, Summit
- 1.222 Slope, Cliff
- 1.223 Mound, Pile
- 1.23 Plain, Field
- 1.24 Dale, Valley
- 1.241 Ravine, Pass
- 1.25 Isle, Island
- 1.27 Shore, Beach
- 1.31 Water
- 1.32 Sea
- 1.33 Lake, Pond
- 1.34 Gulf, Bay
- 1.35 Wave, Surge
- 1.351 Foam, Froth
- 1.352 Splash, Spray
- 1.36 Brook, Stream, River
- 1.37 Spring, Well
- 1.38 Whirlpool
- 1.41 Woods, Forest
- 1.43 Wood, Timber
- 1.44 Rock, Stone
- 1.46 Cave
- 1.51 Sky, Heavens
- 1.52 Sun
- 1.53 Moon
- 1.54 Star
- 1.542 Starlight
- 1.55 Flash, Lightning
- 1.56 Noise, Thunder
- 1.61 Light
- 1.62 Darkness
- 1.622 Dark, Murky
- 1.63 Shade, Shadow
- 1.71 Air, Ether
- 1.72 Wind
- 1.722 Storm
- 1.723 Breeze
- 1.73 Cloud, Mirk
- 1.74 Mist, Fog, Haze
- 1.75 Rain
- 1.752 Rainbow
- 1.76 Snow
- 1.77 Ice, Frost
- 1.772 to Freeze
- 1.78 Weather
- 1.81 Fire
- 1.82 Flame
- 1.83 Smoke
- 1.84 Ashes
- 1.85 to Burn, Scorch
- 1.86 to Light, Kindle
- 1.87 Match, Fire Stick
- 1.99 Physical World (other)
1.11 World
- Q., ᴹQ. Ambar n. “The World, Earth, (lit.) Habitation, Settlement”
- ᴺQ. !ambarya adj. “worldwide, world-wide, international, global”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. irmin n. “the inhabited world”; see instead:
- Q. Ambar “The World, Earth, (lit.) Habitation, Settlement”
1.12 Universe
- Q., ᴹQ. Eä n. “Creation, the (Material) Universe, Cosmos, †World; it is, let it be, [ᴹQ.] all that is”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ëavëa adj. “universal, natural”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ilúva “universal”
- ᴺQ. !nassëa² “natural”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ilu n. “everything, all, the whole; [ᴹQ.] universe, ⚠️world; [ᴱQ.] ether”
- ᴹQ. ilúva adj. “universal”
- Q., ᴹQ. ilúvë n. “the whole, the all, allness; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] universe, world; Heaven”
1.21 Earth, Land
- ᴺQ. !ardahyalma n. “[planetary] crust”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cemen n. “the earth; earth, [ᴹQ.] soil”
- ᴺQ. !cemenquasië [þ] n. “earthquake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cemi n. “earth, soil, land”; see instead:
- Q. cemen “the earth; earth, [ᴹQ.] soil”
- ᴹQ. cemna adj. “of earth, earthen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cempalië n. “earthquake”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cemenquasië “earthquake”
- Q. nór (nor-) n. “land”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talat n. “dry land”; see instead:
- Q. nór “land”
- ᴹQ. talat “sheet”
1.212 Ground, Soil
- ᴺQ. !cémë n. “clay”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hamba adj. “on the ground”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hambanoitë adj. “on the ground”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. han (hamb-) n. “ground, earth”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hún “earth, *ground”
- ᴹQ. hún (hun-) n. “earth, *ground”
- ᴹQ. palúrë n. “surface, bosom, bosom of Earth, (Old English) folde”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pingwa adj. “fat, rich (of soil)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lárëa “fat, rich”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sar n. “earth, soil”; see instead:
- Q. cemen “the earth; earth, [ᴹQ.] soil”
- Q. #sar “stone (small)”
1.213 Dust, Powder
- ᴹQ. asto¹ n. “dust”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mul (muld-) n. “fine powder”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. mulo “dust, [ᴱQ.] fine powder”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulda adj. “powdery”
- ᴹQ. mulo (mulu-) n. “dust, [ᴱQ.] fine powder”
1.214 Mud, Mire
- ᴺQ. [Q.] hlöa n. “flood, fenland”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^loxo n. “mud”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^loxor n. “swamp, bog”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúcë n. “slime”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sucul “sticky matter, slime, ⚠️gum”
- ᴹQ. lúcë “enchantment”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúcima adj. “slimy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. luxo (luxu-) n. “mud”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^loxo “mud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. luxor n. “swamp, bog”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^loxor “swamp, bog”
- Q., ᴹQ. maxo n. “mire, [ᴹQ.] sticky substance”
- Q., ᴹQ. motto n. “fen, marsh; [ᴹQ.] blot”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sucul [þ] n. “sticky matter, slime, ⚠️gum”
1.215 Sand, Grit
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ára n. “dry sand, grit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. litsë “sand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arquilis n. “desert”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. erumë “desert”
- ᴹQ. erumë n. “desert”
- ᴹQ. litsë n. “sand”
- ᴺQ. !litsëa adj. “sandy; granular, gritty”
- ᴹQ. mál n. “grit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mar⁴ (mard-) n. “grit, coarse grain or powder”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. mál “grit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marma n. “sand”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. litsë “sand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyussë n. “sand”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. litsë “sand”
1.22 Hill, Mountain
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ambo n. “hill, rising ground, ⚠️mount”
- Q. ambuna adj. “hilly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †amun (amund-) n. “hill”; see instead:
- Q. ambo “hill, rising ground, ⚠️mount”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nóla¹ n. “round head, knoll, round hilltop; ⚠️summit, [ᴱQ.] top (only used of mountains etc.); crown of head”
- Q., ᴱQ. oro n. “mount, mountain, ⚠️hill”
- ᴺQ. !orolanda n. “upland, plateau”
- Q. #oroman (oromand-) n. “mountain dweller”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. oron (oront-) n. “mountain”
- Q., ᴹQ. orto n. “[ᴹQ.] mountain-top; ⚠️[Q.] mount, mountain”
- ᴺQ. !ortosta n. “mountain range”
- Q. quín(ë) n. “crest, ridge”
- Q. quinna adj. “crested”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. taras (tarass-) n. “mount, hill”; see instead:
- Q. taras “great towering building (fort/city/castle), tower; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] mount, hill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolda n. “hill (with a flat top), hill top; town on a hill”; see instead:
- Q. ambo “hill, rising ground, ⚠️mount”
- ᴹQ. tundo¹ (tundu-) n. “hill, mound [isolated]”
1.221 Peak, Summit
- ᴹQ. aicalë n. “peak”
- ᴹQ. aicassë n. “mountain peak”
- ᴹQ. antaro n. “high mountain, peak, *(lit.) great height”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. colman n. “peak, summit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. aicassë “mountain peak”
- Q. ingor n. “summit of a mountain”
- ᴹQ. mintyë n. “peak”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ormë¹ n. “summit, crest, hilltop”; see instead:
- Q. ingor “summit of a mountain”
- ᴹQ. ormë “haste, violence, wrath, rushing”
- Q. orotinga n. “mountain-top”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soron² n. “pinnacle, high peak, crag”; see instead:
- Q. soron “eagle”
- ᴺQ. !tarastar n. “highlands”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tormë n. “mountain (peak)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. aicassë “mountain peak”
- ᴹQ. antaro “high mountain, peak, *(lit.) great height”
1.222 Slope, Cliff
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aico (aicu-) n. “cliff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aicuvoitë adj. “cliffy, rocky”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aiquassë n. “precipice”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. am(ba)penda adj. “uphill, *sloping up; [ᴱQ.] arduous, difficult, tiresome”
- ᴹQ. ambon n. “upward slope, hill-side”
- ᴹQ. ampendë n. “upward slope”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ívë n. “to cliff, sheer descent, precipice”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. aico “cliff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ollo n. “cliff, seaward precipice”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. penda adj. “sloping down, (steeply) inclined”
- Q. penda- v. “to slope, incline”
- Q., ᴹQ. pendë n. “steep incline, hillside, [ᴹQ.] (down) slope, declivity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. róma n. “upward path, mountain side, (mountain) slope, alp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ampendë “upward slope”
- Q. róma “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn”
- ᴹQ. talta² n. “incline”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tilta adj. “slanting”; see instead:
- Q. talta “tottering, unsteady, [ᴱQ.] shaky, wobbling; [ᴹQ.] sloping, tilted, leaning, [ᴱQ.] slanting”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tiltin adj. “slanting”; see instead:
- Q. talta “tottering, unsteady, [ᴱQ.] shaky, wobbling; [ᴹQ.] sloping, tilted, leaning, [ᴱQ.] slanting”
- ᴺQ. !varassë n. “cliff”
1.223 Mound, Pile
- Q. coron (corn-) n. “mound; [ᴹQ.] globe, ball”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cumbë n. “mound, heap, [ᴱQ.] pile; load, burden”; see instead:
- Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cumpo n. “pile”; see instead:
- Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
- ᴹQ. tumpo “hump, lump”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hahta n. “heap, pile, (piled) mound”; see instead:
- Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
- Q. hahta “fence, hedge”
- Q. hamna n. “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
- Q., ᴹQ. luppo (luppu-) n. “clumsy piece or lump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pulmë n. “lump, knob”; see instead:
- Q. tolma “knob, (short rounded) handle, protuberance contrived to serve a purpose”
- ᴹQ. tumpo “hump, lump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ractë n. “pile, heap”; see instead:
- Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
- ᴹQ. tumpo n. “hump, lump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tupsë n. “lump, knob”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tumpo “hump, lump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyúma n. “lump, mass”; see instead:
- Q. umbo(n) “lump, clump, mass, ⚠️hill”
- Q. umbo(n) n. “lump, clump, mass, ⚠️hill”
1.23 Plain, Field
- ⚠️ᴱQ. endl n. “plain, vale”; see instead:
- Q. nan(do) “(wide) valley, vale; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] water-mead, watered plain; [ᴱQ.] woodland”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enga n. “mead”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nesselë “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fal(a)toisi n. “meadow, grassland”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !salquenor “grassland, meadow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lá¹ n. “moor, heath, open space”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lairë n. “meadow”; see instead:
- Q. lairë “summer”
- ᴹQ. landa² n. “plain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lé n. “a sward, glade”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. palis “sward, green, lawn”
- Q. lé¹ “way, method, manner”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nanda n. “water-mead, watered plain”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nendo “water mead, *watered plain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nendo n. “water mead, *watered plain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nes¹ n. “mead, valley, land”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nesselë “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage”
- ᴹQ. palar n. “plain, flat field, ‘wang’”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palumë n. “plain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. palar “plain, flat field, ‘wang’”
- ᴺQ. !salquenor n. “grassland, meadow”
1.24 Dale, Valley
- Q., ᴹQ. imbë² n. “deep valley, (wide) ravine, [ᴹQ.] glen, dell, (lit.) tween-land”
- Q. imbilat n. “*deep valley”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. latimbë n. “glen”; see instead:
- Q. imbilat “*deep valley”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nal (nald-) n. “dale, dell”; see instead:
- Q. imbë² “deep valley, (wide) ravine, [ᴹQ.] glen, dell, (lit.) tween-land”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nalda adj. “lowly, valley (aj.), dale (aj.)”; see instead:
- Q. tumba “[ᴹQ.] deep, lowlying; ⚠️[Q.] deep valley”
- Q., ᴱQ. nan(do) n. “(wide) valley, vale; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] water-mead, watered plain; [ᴱQ.] woodland”
- Q., ᴹQ. tumba adj. “[ᴹQ.] deep, lowlying; ⚠️[Q.] deep valley”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tumbo (tumbu-) n. “deep vale, valley, [ᴱQ.] dale”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. umbë n. “dale, dell”; see instead:
- Q. imbë² “deep valley, (wide) ravine, [ᴹQ.] glen, dell, (lit.) tween-land”
- Q. umbë “imminence, threat; premonition, fear, unwelcome expectation”
1.241 Ravine, Pass
- Q. (a)nacca n. “narrows, defile, pass, cut”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. axa n. “ravine, narrow path; edge”; see instead:
- Q. (a)nacca “narrows, defile, pass, cut”
- Q. címa “edge of a cutting weapon/tool”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cilya n. “cleft, pass between hills, gorge; chasm”; see instead:
- Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cirmë n. “cleft, gully”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
- Q. cirya² n. “cleft, pass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falqua n. “(mountain) pass, ravine, cliff, cleft”; see instead:
- Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
- ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
- ᴺQ. aico “cliff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fásë n. “gulf, gap”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yáwë “ravine, cleft, gully”
- ᴹQ. yáwë n. “ravine, cleft, gully”
1.25 Isle, Island
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lóna¹ n. “island, remote land difficult to reach”; see instead:
- Q. #lónë “isle, [ᴹQ.] island, remote land difficult to reach”
- Q. #lónë n. “isle, [ᴹQ.] island, remote land difficult to reach”
- Q. nortil n. “cape (of land)”
- ᴺQ. !pertol (pertoll-) n. “peninsula”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tollë¹ n. “island, (steep) isle”
- ᴺQ. !tollesta n. “archipelago”
- ᴺQ. !tolloquen n. “islander”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolomë n. “island”
1.27 Shore, Beach
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ailin² n. “shore”; see instead:
- Q. hresta “beach, shore”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aractë n. “(stony) beach”; see instead:
- Q. sarnië “shingle, pebble bank”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. falassë n. “(wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beach”
- ᴺQ. !falassëa adj. “coastal”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. fára n. “beach, shore”; see instead:
- Q. hresta “beach, shore”
- Q. falassë “(wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beach”
- Q. hresta n. “beach, shore”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marmalë n. “beach”; see instead:
- Q. hresta “beach, shore”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rímen n. “border, shore”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hríma “edge, hem, border”
- Q. hresta “beach, shore”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soractë n. “beach”; see instead:
- Q. hresta “beach, shore”
1.31 Water
- ⚠️ᴱQ. linquëa adj. “watery”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirmila adj. “rippling”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nén (nen-) n. “water, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] river”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ninda¹ n. “water, river”; see instead:
- Q. nén “water, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] river”
- Q. yulunefítë adj. “amphibious, *(lit.) drinking-breathing”
1.32 Sea
- Q., ᴹQ. †airë² n. “sea”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. airen n. “sea”; see instead:
- Q. †airon “ocean”
- Q. †airon n. “ocean”
- Q., ᴹQ. ëar n. “sea, great sea, [ᴹQ.] open sea; ⚠️water”
- Q., ᴹQ. ëaren n. “ocean, great sea”
- ᴺQ. !ëarina adj. “of the sea”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. haloisi n. “the sea (in storm)”; see instead:
- Q. raumo “(noise of a) storm”
- Q. váya “ocean, [stormy] sea”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laivar n. “ocean”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ua n. “the sea”; see instead:
- Q. ëar “sea, great sea, [ᴹQ.] open sea; ⚠️water”
- Q. váya n. “ocean, [stormy] sea”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vëa² n. “sea”; see instead:
- Q. váya “ocean, [stormy] sea”
1.33 Lake, Pond
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ailin n. “(large) lake, [ᴹQ.] pool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ailo (ailu-) n. “lake, pool”; see instead:
- Q. ailin “(large) lake, [ᴹQ.] pool”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lindë² n. “pool”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. linya “pool”
- ᴹQ. linya n. “pool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. liquilla n. “(clear) pool”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. linya “pool”
- Q. lóna n. “(deep) pool, mere, river-feeding well”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. moilë n. “tarn”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ringwë “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”
- Q., ᴹQ. nendë n. “lake, [ᴹQ.] pool”
- ᴹQ. ringwë n. “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”
1.34 Gulf, Bay
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cópa n. “harbour, haven, bay”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hópa “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
- ᴹQ. hópa n. “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
1.35 Wave, Surge
- Q., ᴱQ. falasta- v. “to foam, surge, [ᴱQ.] make a sound like surf”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. falma n. “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falmar n. “wave (as it breaks), foamcrest”; see instead:
- Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palastor n. “surf”; see instead:
- Q. falassë “(wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beach”
- ᴹQ. solor “surf, [ᴱQ.] surge; ⚠️wavebreak, coast”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palaswin (palaswing-) n. “wave-crest”; see instead:
- Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. solmë n. “wave”; see instead:
- Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. solor n. “surf, [ᴱQ.] surge; ⚠️wavebreak, coast”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^solta- v. “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. solto- v. “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^solta- “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)”
- ⚠️Q. vairë adj. “?wavy”; see instead:
- Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
1.351 Foam, Froth
- ᴹQ. fallë n. “foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falmo n. “foam”; see instead:
- Q. falma “(crested or foaming) wave, breaker; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] foam”
- ᴹQ. fallë “foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hoiyë n. “foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palassë n. “foam, splashing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. fallë “foam”
- Q. vingë “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palassëa adj. “foaming (of the sea)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. uilossë n. “foam”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vingë [w] n. “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave”
1.352 Splash, Spray
- ᴺQ. !falarië n. “splashing, splash”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^falarya- v. “to splash, ⚠️foam”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palasta- v. “to splash, sprinkle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^falarya- “to splash, ⚠️foam”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palastië n. “splashing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !falarië “splashing, splash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palasya- v. “to splash, foam”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^falarya- “to splash, ⚠️foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. timpa n. “spray, nozzle of hose”; see instead:
- Q. vingë “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. timpina adj. “fine, powdered, sprayed”; see instead:
- Q. vingë “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. timpinë n. “spray”; see instead:
- Q. vingë “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vasca adj. “making a plash or rush”
1.36 Brook, Stream, River
- ᴺQ. !anasirë n. “tributary”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. axa¹ n. “waterfall”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lantasírë “waterfall, (lit.) falling river”
- ᴹQ. celma n. “channel”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. celumë n. “flow(ing), stream, flood (tide); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fountain, spring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. celusindi n. “river (near its source)”
- ᴹQ. celut n. “rivulet”
- ᴹQ. etsir n. “mouth of a river, *(lit.) outflow”
- ᴺQ. !lantasírë n. “waterfall, (lit.) falling river”
- Q. naina n. “upstream”
- Q. -(n)duinë suf. “(large) river”
- ᴹQ. nellë n. “brook, *stream”
- ᴹQ. ráva² n. “bank (especially of a river)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sindi n. “river”; see instead:
- Q. sír(ë) “river, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] stream”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sír(ë) (síri-) n. “river, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] stream”
- ᴹQ. siril n. “rivulet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wenda n. “brook”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nellë “brook, *stream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wentë n. “brook, small river”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nellë “brook, *stream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wereven(da) (werevend-) n. “winding rill”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nellë “brook, *stream”
1.37 Spring, Well
- ⚠️ᴱQ. capalinda n. “spring of water”; see instead:
- Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cecta n. “jet, spring”; see instead:
- Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
- Q. celussë “freshet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cectelë n. “fountain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. celurë “fountain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †cectelu- v. “to bubble up”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ehtelu- “to well, bubble up”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. celulindë (celulindi-) n. “spring”; see instead:
- Q. celussë “freshet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring”
- ᴹQ. celurë n. “fountain”
- Q. celussë n. “freshet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !celwë n. “spring, source”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^celu “source, origin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ectelë n. “fountain”; see instead:
- Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
- ᴹQ. celurë “fountain”
- Q., ᴹQ. ehtelë n. “spring, issue of water”
- ᴹQ. ehtelu- v. “to well, bubble up”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ehtil n. “spring, fount, source”; see instead:
- Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
- ᴺQ. !laucehtelë n. “hot spring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelu n. “well, spring, source”; see instead:
- Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
- ᴺQ. ^celu “source, origin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelu- v. “to well up”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ehtelu- “to well, bubble up”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tampo n. “well”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vascelu n. “fountain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. celurë “fountain”
1.38 Whirlpool
- ᴹQ. hwindë n. “eddy, whirlpool”
- ᴺQ. !hwinwaiwa n. “whirlwind”
1.41 Woods, Forest
- ⚠️ᴱQ. málos n. “forest”; see instead:
- Q. taurë “forest, (great) wood”
- Q. ornendur n. “tree-keep, forester, woodsman”
- ᴺQ. !rostaurë n. “rainforest”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tauno n. “(great) forest”; see instead:
- Q. taurë “forest, (great) wood”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. taurë n. “forest, (great) wood”
- Q. #taurëa adj. “forested”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tauron (taurond-) n. “forester”; see instead:
- Q. ornendur “tree-keep, forester, woodsman”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tavas (tavast-) n. “woodland”
- ᴺQ. !töasta n. “grove”
1.43 Wood, Timber
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aldarë n. “wood”; see instead:
- Q. töa “wood (as material)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cinda n. “splinter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^cirda “splinter, wood shaving”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cirda n. “splinter, wood shaving”
- ᴺQ. !moritöa n. “ebony wood”
- ᴺQ. !mortavar n. “ebony, ⚠️ivory”
- ᴹQ. runda n. “rough piece of wood”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sacillë [þ] n. “splinter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^cirda “splinter, wood shaving”
- Q. tauca adj. “stiff, wooden”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. taurina adj. “of wood”; see instead:
- Q. toina “wood, *wooden, made of wood”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tavar n. “wood (material)”; see instead:
- Q. töa “wood (as material)”
- Q. töa n. “wood (as material)”
- Q., ᴹQ. toina adj. “wood, *wooden, made of wood”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tundo n. “firewood, fuel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turu n. “wood (as material), (orig.) firewood”; see instead:
- Q. töa “wood (as material)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turúva adj. “wooden”; see instead:
- Q. toina “wood, *wooden, made of wood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turuvoitë adj. “rich in timber”
1.44 Rock, Stone
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alas (alast-) n. “marble”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alasta adj. “of marble, marble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alaswa adj. “like marble”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. alasta “of marble, marble”
- ᴺQ. !alon (alond-) n. “limestone, (lit.) grow-stone”
- ᴺQ. !ambalasar (ambalasarn-) n. “stalagmite, (lit.) up-growing stone”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arac n. “shingle, piles of stones”; see instead:
- Q. sarnië “shingle, pebble bank”
- ᴺQ. !canton (cantond-) n. “soapstone, (lit.) sculpted rock”
- ᴺQ. !haumë n. “layer, stratum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #hon¹ (hond-) n. “stone, rock”; see instead:
- Q. ondo “stone (as a material), (large mass of) rock”
- ᴺQ. !hwandasar (hwandasarn-) n. “pumice, (lit.) sponge-stone”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyellë n. “pebble”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sarnincë “pebble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽lallë (lalli-) n. “pebble”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sarnincë “pebble”
- ᴺQ. !liptasar (liptasarn-) n. “dripstone”
- ᴺQ. !litsëon (litsëond-) n. “sandstone”
- ᴺQ. !maxon (maxond-) n. “mudstone”
- ᴺQ. !moricalca n. “obsidian, (lit.) black glass”
- ᴺQ. !morteccon (morteccond-) n. “graphite, (lit.) black writing rock”
- ᴺQ. !nellon (nellond-) n. “granite, (lit.) tri-rock”
- ᴺQ. !ninteccon (ninteccond-) n. “chalk, (lit.) white writing rock”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. on(d) n. “(a) stone”; see instead:
- Q. ondo “stone (as a material), (large mass of) rock”
- Q. #sar “stone (small)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ondo n. “stone (as a material), (large mass of) rock”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ondova adj. “stony”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. onwa adj. “stony”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ondova “stony”
- ᴺQ. !racon (racond-) n. “cobblestone, (lit.) broken stone”
- ᴺQ. !rimpion (rimpiond-) n. “gneiss, (lit.) stripe-rock”
- ᴺQ. !rúcinon (rúcinond-) n. “breccia, (lit.) ruined stone”
- ᴺQ. !sancon (sancond-) [þ] n. “schist, (lit.) split-rock”
- Q., ᴹQ. #sar (sarn-) n. “stone (small)”
- ᴹQ. sarna adj. “of stone”
- ᴹQ. sarnë n. “stony place”
- Q. sarnië n. “shingle, pebble bank”
- ᴺQ. !sarnincë n. “pebble”
- ᴺQ. !sarya- v. “to stone”
- ᴺQ. !seruinon (seruinond-) n. “sedimentary rock, (lit.) settled-rock”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silic (siliqu-) n. “flint”; see instead:
- Q. #sinca “flint; *flinty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. siliqu(in)a adj. “flinty”; see instead:
- Q. #sinca “flint; *flinty”
- Q. #sinca n. and adj. “flint; *flinty”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sincë (sinci-) n. “mineral [as in any solid inorganic substance], ⚠️gem, metal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soraxa n. “shingle”; see instead:
- Q. sarnië “shingle, pebble bank”
- ᴺQ. !sundon (sundond-) n. “bedrock, (lit.) base-rock”
- ᴺQ. !talmondo n. “foundation stone”
- ᴺQ. !tarmon (tarmond-) n. “basalt, (lit.) pillar-rock”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #tinga n. “*flint”; see instead:
- Q. #sinca “flint; *flinty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolot (toloct-) n. “pebble, cobble-stone”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sarnincë “pebble”
- ᴹQ. ambal “shaped stone, flag [stone]”
- ᴺQ. !undalasar (undalasarn-) n. “stalactite, (lit.) down-growing stone”
- ᴺQ. !virittë n. “gravel”
1.46 Cave
- ⚠️ᴱQ. asampe(a) adj. “cavernous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rondova “cavernous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cambo n. “cellar, cave, vault”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sampo “*cellar, vault; ⚠️cave, hollow”
- ⚠️Q. felco n. “cave, mine, underground dwelling”; see instead:
- Q. felya “mine, boring, tunnel, ⚠️underground dwelling; [ᴹQ.] cave”
- Q., ᴹQ. felya n. “mine, boring, tunnel, ⚠️underground dwelling; [ᴹQ.] cave”
- Q. hróta n. “dwelling underground, artificial cave or rockhewn hall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orot n. “cave”; see instead:
- Q. rotto “tunnel, small grot, [ᴹQ.] cave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ronda n. “cavern”; see instead:
- Q. rondo¹ “vaulted or arched roof, vaulted hall; [ᴹQ.] cavern, ⚠️cave”
- Q., ᴹQ. rondo¹ n. “vaulted or arched roof, vaulted hall; [ᴹQ.] cavern, ⚠️cave”
- ᴺQ. !rondova adj. “cavernous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rótelë n. “cave”; see instead:
- Q. rotto “tunnel, small grot, [ᴹQ.] cave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rotl n. “cave, hollow, grot”; see instead:
- Q. rotto “tunnel, small grot, [ᴹQ.] cave”
- Q., ᴹQ. rotto n. “tunnel, small grot, [ᴹQ.] cave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sampë n. “cave, hollow”; see instead:
- Q. rotto “tunnel, small grot, [ᴹQ.] cave”
- Q. unquë “hollow, [ᴹQ.] cavity, hole”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sampo n. “*cellar, vault; ⚠️cave, hollow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinquelë n. “mine”; see instead:
- Q. felya “mine, boring, tunnel, ⚠️underground dwelling; [ᴹQ.] cave”
1.51 Sky, Heavens
- Q. fanyarë n. “the skies (not heaven or firmament), the upper airs and clouds”
- ᴹQ. hellë¹ n. “sky”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilwë n. “sky, heavens”; see instead:
- Q. menel “the heavens, firmament, sky”
- Q., ᴹQ. menel n. “the heavens, firmament, sky”
- ᴺQ. !menelwa adj. “heavenly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taimë n. “sky”; see instead:
- Q. vilya “air, sky”
- ᴹQ. hellë¹ “sky”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taitelúmë n. “firmament”; see instead:
- Q. menel “the heavens, firmament, sky”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vaitë adj. “skied”; see instead:
- Q. vilya “air, sky”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vaiya¹ n. “sky, skies”; see instead:
- Q. vilya “air, sky”
1.52 Sun
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Ahúra n. “Sun”; see instead:
- Q. Anar “Sun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †ahúrasilqui n. “sun and moon”
- Q., ᴹQ. Anar (Anár-) n. “Sun”
- Q., ᴹQ. árë (ári-) n. “sunlight, warmth (especially of the sun); *noontide; ⚠️day”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !árinqua adj. “sunny, (lit.) sunlight-full”; see instead:
- Q. calina “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
- Q. arma n. “ray of sunlight”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aurëa adj. “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aurinca adj. “sunny”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
- Q. calina “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. auro n. “sun”; see instead:
- Q. Anar “Sun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aurquila adj. “golden, sunlit”; see instead:
- Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
- ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
- Q. ceuranar (ceuranár-) n. “new sun after solstice”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. firin¹ n. “ray of sun”; see instead:
- Q. arma “ray of sunlight”
- ᴹQ. firin “dead (by natural cause)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. osto n. “gates of the Sun”; see instead:
- Q. osto “fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
1.53 Moon
- Q. ceuran (*ceurán-) n. “new-moon”
- Q., ᴹQ. Isil [þ] n. “Moon, (lit.) Sheen”
- Q. isilmë [þ] n. “moonlight”
- ᴺQ. !quaran (quarán-) n. “full-moon”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Rána n. “Moon, (lit.) Wayward”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ránuringwi n. “sun and moon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rincu n. “orb of Moon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Sil (Sill-) n. “Moon; Rose”; see instead:
- Q. Isil “Moon, (lit.) Sheen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silma n. “ray of moonlight”; see instead:
- Q. isilmë “moonlight”
- Q. silma “crystal (white); [ᴹQ.] silver, shining white”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silmëa adj. “*of the moon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silmerána n. “gleaming moon, silver moon”
1.54 Star
- Q., ᴹQ. †él n. “star”
- Q., ᴹQ. elen n. “star”
- ᴺQ. !elengolmë n. “astronomy”
- Q. elenya adj. “adjective referring to the stars, *of the stars, stellar”
- ᴺQ. !elhísë [þ] n. “nebula, star cloud”
- ᴺQ. !élicombë n. “galaxy, collection of stars”
- Q. elvëa adj. “starlike”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ílë n. “star”; see instead:
- Q. nillë¹ “silver glint; Valinorian imagines [images of real stars]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] letinwessë n. “constellation”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lintitinwë adj. “having many stars, many-starred”
- Q. meneldil n. “astronomer, *(lit.) lover of the heavens”
- Q. nillë¹ [ñ-] n. “silver glint; Valinorian imagines [images of real stars]”
- ᴹQ. tingilya n. “twinkling star”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tinwë n. “spark, [apparent] star”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] titinwë n. “small star, sparkle of dew, *small sparkling thing”
1.542 Starlight
- ᴹQ. élë n. “star-ray, beam, flashing of [?starry] light”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. silmë n. “starlight; [ᴹQ.] silver [light], ⚠️moonlight, light of Silpion”
1.55 Flash, Lightning
- Q. alca- v. “to glitter, *shine out, flash”
- ᴺQ. !í- pref. “e-, a prefix for electronic things like e-book”
- Q. íta¹ n. “flash, *lightning”
- ᴺQ. !ítacelmë n. “electricity”
- ᴺQ. !ítacelmëa n. “electrical”
- ᴺQ. !ítacelmítë n. “electronic”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silë n. “glint (of white)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tindë “glint”
- ᴹQ. tinda adj. “glinting (silver)”
- ᴹQ. tindë n. “glint”
- ᴺQ. !volta n. “volt”
- ᴺQ. !voltië n. “voltage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wintil n. “a glint”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tindë “glint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. winwë (winwi-) n. “a sparkling, flash”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tintilië “sparkling, twinkling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. winya- v. “to flash, glint”; see instead:
- Q. tin- “to spark, glitter, [ᴹQ.] glint, [ᴱQ.] gleam, shine as a star”
- Q. alca- “to glitter, *shine out, flash”
1.56 Noise, Thunder
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] fundu- v. “to thunder”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hundu- “to thunder”
- Q. hlón(a) (hlon-) n. “noise, sound; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hlonda- v. “to boom, bang, make (loud) noise”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hlondë n. “loud noise”
- ᴺQ. !hundo n. “thunder”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hundu- v. “to thunder”
- ᴹQ. indyalmë n. “clamour”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lausta-² v. “to roar, rush [making a rushing sound]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lausto adv. “*noisily”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. limpalassë n. “much roaring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. limpalassëa adj. “much roaring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. londa- v. “to boom, bang”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlonda- “to boom, bang, make (loud) noise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lon(dë) (lond-) n. “loud noise”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlondë “loud noise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. patacan n. “rattling, clatter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. patacanda adj. “rattling, clattering”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. patacatapaca n. “rat-a-tat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^patacë n. “clatter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. patacta- v. “to clatter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^patahta- “to clatter; *to clap (+ instrumental of hands)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^patahta- v. “to clatter; *to clap (+ instrumental of hands)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ran (ram-) n. “noise”; see instead:
- Q. hlón(a) “noise, sound; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound”
- ᴺQ. !rav- v. “to roar”
- Q. rávë n. “roaring noise”
- Q. rávëa adj. “roaring”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tompo-tompo n. “noise of drums (or guns)”
- ᴺQ. !umberóma n. “alarm, siren, (lit.) threat-trumpeting”
1.61 Light
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alca n. “ray of light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] light of day; shining”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cala n. “light; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] daytime (sunlight), 12 hours”
- ⚠️Q. cálë n. “light”; see instead:
- Q. cala “light; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] daytime (sunlight), 12 hours”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cal(l)u- v. “to illuminate, to light up”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. calya- “to illuminate”
- ᴹQ. calya- v. “to illuminate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. catë (cati-) n. “gleam, ray”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alca “ray of light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] light of day; shining”
- ⚠️Q. †fá¹ n. “*ray of light, flame”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alca “ray of light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] light of day; shining”
- ᴺQ. !Foralcar n. “aurora, (lit.) northern radiance”
- ᴺQ. !Hyaralcar n. “aurora, (lit.) southern radiance”
- Q. linquë² n. and adj. “light-substance; liquid light, *photons”
1.62 Darkness
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hui n. “dark, murk, fog; night, evening”; see instead:
- Q. huinë “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
- Q., ᴹQ. huinë n. “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilcala n. “*nighttime, darkness”
- Q. lúmë² n. “darkness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lur- v. “?to be dark”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nur- “to grow/be dark”
- ᴹQ. nur- v. “to grow/be dark”
- ᴺQ. !tihtë n. “glimpse”
- ᴺQ. !ulva n. “eclipse, darkening”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ungwë n. “gloom”; see instead:
- Q. huinë “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
- Q. ungwë “spider’s web; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] spider; [ᴹQ.] gloom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yara n. “a gloom, blight, lowering darkness”; see instead:
- Q. lumbo “cloud, [ᴱQ.] dark lowering cloud; [Q.] gloom, dark, shade”
- Q. yára “old, ancient, [ᴹQ.] belonging to or descending from former times”
1.622 Dark, Murky
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] huiva adj. “murky, *(nearly) lightless”
- Q. lilómëa adj. “many-shadowed, very dark, full of darkness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lóna² adj. “dark”; see instead:
- Q. lúna “*dark”
- Q. lumba adj. “gloomy”
- Q. lúna adj. “*dark”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. morë (mori-) adj. and n. “dark, black; darkness, [ᴹQ.] blackness, [Q.] night”
- Q. mornië n. “darkness, blackness”
- Q. úcalima adj. “dim, murky, *not bright”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yanda adj. “dark, gloomy”; see instead:
- Q. lumba “gloomy”
- Q. yanda “wide”
1.63 Shade, Shadow
- Q. hala n. “cast shadow, *shade”
- ᴹQ. halda¹ adj. “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. laimë n. “shadow (cast by an object or form), shade”; see instead:
- Q. hala “cast shadow, *shade”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. laira adj. “shady”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. halda¹ “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. leo n. “shade, shadow cast by any object”; see instead:
- Q. hala “cast shadow, *shade”
- Q., ᴱQ. #lómëa adj. “shadowed, gloomy, *dusk-like”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lómin n. “shade, shadow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lumbë “gloom, shadow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lómina adj. “shadowy”; see instead:
- Q. #lómëa “shadowed, gloomy, *dusk-like”
- ᴹQ. lumbë n. “gloom, shadow”
- Q. lumbulë n. “dark shadow, heavy shadow; deep in shadow”
1.71 Air, Ether
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilma n. “air”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vilina adj. “airy, breezy; light [weight?]”
- Q. vilya [w] n. “air, sky”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vílyava adj. “airy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. vilina “airy, breezy; light [weight?]”
- ᴹQ. vista n. “air as substance”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. wilma n. “inner or lower air”; see instead:
- Q. vilya “air, sky”
1.72 Wind
- Q. hwarwa n. “violent wind”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. noswë n. “a wet wind (SW)”
- Q., ᴱQ. sú n. “sound of wind, [ᴱQ.] noise of wind”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] suiva adj. “soughing, moaning [of wind]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. súlimë n. “wind”; see instead:
- Q. Súlimë “March, *Windy-one”
- Q. súrë “wind, breeze”
- Q. súrë (súri-) n. “wind, breeze”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. súru n. “air-spirit; wind, gale”; see instead:
- Q. súrë “wind, breeze”
- Q. vailë “[strong] wind, *gale”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. susúlima adj. “full of wind, windy, airy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †súyë n. “air, breezes, winds”; see instead:
- Q. súrë “wind, breeze”
- Q. vailë n. “[strong] wind, *gale”
- Q. vailima adj. “windy”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vaiwa n. “wind”; see instead:
- Q. vailë “[strong] wind, *gale”
- ⚠️Q. váva n. “*wind”; see instead:
- Q. vailë “[strong] wind, *gale”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wá n. “wind”; see instead:
- Q. vailë “[strong] wind, *gale”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wanwavoitë adj. “windy”; see instead:
- Q. vailima “windy”
1.722 Storm
- ⚠️ᴱQ. húro n. “storm”; see instead:
- Q. raumo “(noise of a) storm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laumë¹ n. “storm, overcast sky”; see instead:
- Q. raumo “(noise of a) storm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laumëa adj. “dark, stormy”
- Q. raumo n. “(noise of a) storm”
- ᴺQ. !ulussë n. “monsoon, (lit.) rain-ness, rainy one”
- Q. vangwë n. “storm, *gale; ⚠️blow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wanwa n. “great gale”; see instead:
- Q. vangwë “storm, *gale; ⚠️blow”
1.723 Breeze
- Q., ᴹQ. hwesta n. “breeze; [ᴹQ.] breath, puff of air”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vílë n. “gentle breeze”
1.73 Cloud, Mirk
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aulo n. “cloud”; see instead:
- Q. fanya “(white) cloud, white and shining [thing]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] sky; white”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. fanya n. “(white) cloud, white and shining [thing]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] sky; white”
- Q., ᴱQ. lumbo n. “cloud, [ᴱQ.] dark lowering cloud; [Q.] gloom, dark, shade”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ungo n. “cloud, dark shadow”; see instead:
- Q. lumbo “cloud, [ᴱQ.] dark lowering cloud; [Q.] gloom, dark, shade”
1.74 Mist, Fog, Haze
- Q. fanwë n. “vapour, steam”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #hísë (hísi-) [þ] n. “mist, [ᴹQ.] fog, [ᴱQ.] haze; ⚠️dusk; bleared”
- ᴺQ. !hísëa adj. “misty”
- Q. hísië [þ] n. “mist, mistiness”
- ᴹQ. hiswë [þ] n. “fog”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hwestalauca n. “vapour”; see instead:
- Q. fanwë “vapour, steam”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hwestalaucata- v. “to vapourize”; see instead:
- Q. fanwë “vapour, steam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirdë n. “mist”; see instead:
- Q. mistë “drizzle, [ᴹQ.] fine rain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nótë n. “dew”; see instead:
- Q. #rossë “(fine) rain; [ᴹQ.] dew; *spray, shower; ⚠️[Q.] foam”
- ᴹQ. nótë “number”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quossë n. “mist”; see instead:
- Q. #hísë “mist, [ᴹQ.] fog, [ᴱQ.] haze; ⚠️dusk; bleared”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rin² (ring-) n. “dew”; see instead:
- Q. #rossë “(fine) rain; [ᴹQ.] dew; *spray, shower; ⚠️[Q.] foam”
1.75 Rain
- ⚠️ᴹQ. celya- v. “to rain; (lit.) to send running down”; see instead:
- Q. #ul- “to rain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mië¹ n. “mist, drizzle”; see instead:
- Q. mistë “drizzle, [ᴹQ.] fine rain”
- Q., ᴹQ. mistë n. “drizzle, [ᴹQ.] fine rain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. notë (notsi-) n. “drizzle”; see instead:
- Q. mistë “drizzle, [ᴹQ.] fine rain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. notsiva adj. “drizzling”
- Q., ᴹQ. #rossë n. “(fine) rain; [ᴹQ.] dew; *spray, shower; ⚠️[Q.] foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. timpë n. “fine rain”; see instead:
- Q. mistë “drizzle, [ᴹQ.] fine rain”
- Q. #rossë “(fine) rain; [ᴹQ.] dew; *spray, shower; ⚠️[Q.] foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. timpínëa adj. “made of spray, full of fine showers, showery (of weather)”; see instead:
- Q. vingë “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave”
- Q. #ul- v. “to rain”
- Q. ulo (*ulu-) n. “rain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #uqu- v. “to rain”; see instead:
- Q. #ul- “to rain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. úquil n. “rain”; see instead:
- Q. ulo “rain”
1.752 Rainbow
- ᴹQ. helyanwë n. “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. iluquinga n. “rainbow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helyanwë “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilweran(ta) n. “bridge of heaven, rainbow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helyanwë “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. uccu n. “rainbow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helyanwë “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge, *sky-joining”
1.76 Snow
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fauta- v. “to snow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fáwë n. “snow”; see instead:
- Q. lossë¹ “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
- ᴺQ. !helexë n. “hail”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^hris- v. “to snow”
- Q. hrissë n. “fall of snow”
- Q. hristil n. “snow (?peak)”
- ⚠️Q. hrisya- [þ] v. “to snow (impersonal)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
- ⚠️Q. †#hriz- v. “to snow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
- ᴺQ. !hwarrissë n. “blizzard, (lit.) blowing fall of snow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. is (iss-) n. “light snow”; see instead:
- Q. lossë¹ “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
- Q. lossë¹ n. and adj. “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
- Q. lossëa adj. “snowy, (snow) white”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nieninquë n. “snowdrop, [ᴹQ.] (lit.) white tear”
- Q., ᴱQ. nieninquëa adj. “like a snowdrop”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. niquetil (niquetild-) n. “snow cap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. niquileninquë adj. “snow-white”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. niquilis n. “fine snow”; see instead:
- Q. lossë¹ “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. niquissëa adj. “snowy”; see instead:
- Q. lossëa “snowy, (snow) white”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. niquista- v. “to snow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hris- “to snow”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †olos(së) n. “snow, fallen snow”; see instead:
- Q. lossë¹ “snow, fallen snow; snow-white, snowy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiquilin n. “thaw, melting snow, slush”
1.77 Ice, Frost
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. helcë n. “ice”
- ᴹQ. helcelimbë n. “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
- ᴺQ. !helcelmë n. “glacier; (lit.) frozen flow”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. helen (helem-) n. “icicle”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helcelimbë “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hellë² n. “frost”; see instead:
- Q. nixë “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
- ᴹQ. hellë¹ “sky”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. helor n. “frost”; see instead:
- Q. nixë “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. liquilitl n. “icicle, *(lit.) clear drop”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helcelimbë “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
- Q. niquessë n. “frost-patterns; snowflake, ice-flake; (lit.) chill feather”
- Q., ᴱQ. niquis (niquiss-) n. “snowflake, ice-flake; petal (loose) of a white flower; ⚠️frost-patterns, [ᴱQ.] snow”
- Q. nixë n. “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ringwë n. “rime, frost; cold”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ringë “cold, *chill”
- Q. nixë “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
- ᴹQ. ringwë “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yalca n. “ice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helcë “ice”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yelma n. “(a bout of) frost; a cold; chill”; see instead:
- Q. nixë “frost; ⚠️ice-flake or snow-flake”
1.772 to Freeze
- ⚠️ᴱQ. halcin adj. “frozen”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !helina “frozen”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hel- v. “to freeze (of water)”
- ᴺQ. !helina adj. “frozen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hilc- v. “to freeze”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hel- “to freeze (of water)”
- Q. niqu- v. “to be chill, cold, freeze (of weather), ⚠️snow”
1.78 Weather
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] callë n. “fair weather, clear sky, blue sky”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calleva adj. “fair (weather or complexion)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúrë n. “dark weather, bad weather”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúrëa adj. “overcast, dark [of weather]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúvin(a) adj. “dark, overcast”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lúrëa “overcast, dark [of weather]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. luvu- v. “to lower, hang, brood”
- ᴺQ. !vilwis(të) n. “weather, (lit.) turn of air”
1.81 Fire
- Q. (apa)ruivë n. “wild fire, fire as conflagration”
- Q., ᴹQ. nár n. “fire (as an element); ⚠️[ᴹQ.] flame”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pur (purn-) n. “a fire, an artificial fire”; see instead:
- Q. ruinë “blaze, fire”
- ᴺQ. !ruical(a) n. “firelight”
- ᴺQ. !ruima n. “magma”
- Q. ruina adj. “blazing, fiery”
- Q. ruinë n. “blaze, fire”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sá n. “fire”; see instead:
- Q. nár “fire (as an element); ⚠️[ᴹQ.] flame”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sár(e)a adj. “fiery”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. úruva “fiery, [ᴱQ.] like fire”
- Q. sára “[ᴹQ.] bitter”
- ᴺQ. !sirruima n. “lava”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tan(y)a n. “fire”; see instead:
- Q. ruinë “blaze, fire”
- ᴹQ. úr n. “fire, ⚠️heat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. uru n. “fire”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. úr “fire, ⚠️heat”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. uruitë adj. “fiery”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. úruva “fiery, [ᴱQ.] like fire”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (uru)purnië n. “conflagration”; see instead:
- Q. (apa)ruivë “wild fire, fire as conflagration”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. úruva adj. “fiery, [ᴱQ.] like fire”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. uruvoitë adj. “fiery, having fire”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. úruva “fiery, [ᴱQ.] like fire”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] urwa adj. “on fire, afire”
1.82 Flame
- ⚠️ᴹQ. culo n. “flame”; see instead:
- Q. runya “fiery red”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. purma n. “blaze, flame”; see instead:
- Q. ruinë “blaze, fire”
- Q. rúnya n. “red flame”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. velca n. “flame”; see instead:
- Q. nár “fire (as an element); ⚠️[ᴹQ.] flame”
1.83 Smoke
- ᴺQ. !aranisquë n. “frankincense”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hisquë n. “smog”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quonda “choking smog, smoke”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ninquima n. “frankincense”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !aranisquë “frankincense”
- ᴺQ. !nisquë n. “incense, *(lit.) sweet smoke”
- ᴺQ. !nitwa n. “censer”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quonda n. “choking smog, smoke”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ructa- v. “to belch smoke, spout smoke; to cause to smoke; to smoke at a pipe”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !uruhta- “to (cause to) smoke; to belch smoke”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rucu n. “smoke, reek”; see instead:
- Q. usquë “[ᴹQ.] reek, *smoke; ⚠️[Q.] dusk, dim light, [ᴹQ.] twilight; [ᴱQ.] fog”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rucu- v. “to steam, smoke, reek”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ustya- “to smoke (intr.)”
- ᴺQ. !uruhta- v. “to (cause to) smoke; to belch smoke”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. usquë n. “[ᴹQ.] reek, *smoke; ⚠️[Q.] dusk, dim light, [ᴹQ.] twilight; [ᴱQ.] fog”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ussa n. “incense”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nisquë “incense, *(lit.) sweet smoke”
- ᴺQ. !ustya- v. “to smoke (intr.)”
1.84 Ashes
- ᴺQ. !littë n. “ash”
1.85 to Burn, Scorch
- ⚠️ᴱQ. canda- v. “to blaze”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
- ᴺQ. !accal- “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hus- v. “to burn (tr.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. puru- v. “to burn”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sanga-² v. “to scorch”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sis- “to scorch, singe, fry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sis- [þiþ-] v. “to scorch, singe, fry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^urta- v. “to burn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. usta- v. “to burn (tr.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^yol- v. “to smoulder”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yul- v. “to smoulder”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^yol- “to smoulder”
1.86 to Light, Kindle
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #calta- v. “to kindle, [ᴹQ.] (cause to) shine, light up, [ᴱQ.] set light to”
- Q. lacalima adj. “not possible to be kindled (made to shine)”
- ⚠️Q. **lacaltaima adj. “not possible to be kindled”; see instead:
- Q. lacalima “not possible to be kindled (made to shine)”
- ᴺQ. !luhtya- v. “extinguish, *quench”
- ᴹQ. narta- v. “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
- ᴺQ. !nartaima adj. “inflammable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. purya- v. “to set fire to”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. narta- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
- Q., ᴹQ. tinta- v. “to kindle, cause to spark, [ᴹQ.] make to spark”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tunda- v. “to kindle”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. narta- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
- Q. tinta- “to kindle, cause to spark, [ᴹQ.] make to spark”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turya- v. “to catch fire”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^urta- “to burn”
- ᴹQ. turya- “to strengthen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tustima adj. “inflammable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nartaima “inflammable”
1.87 Match, Fire Stick
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyulma n. “coal”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ur(u)ma “coal, charcoal”
- ᴺQ. !narrundo n. “torch”
- ᴺQ. !nartanwë n. “firework”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tusturë n. “tinder, chips, ⚠️firewood”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tusturin (tusturind-) n. “match”
- ᴺQ. !ur(u)ma n. “coal, charcoal”
- ᴺQ. !ussar (ussard-) n. “sulphur, (lit.) fire-stone”
- ᴹQ. yúla n. “ember, smouldering wood”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yulma n. “brand”; see instead:
- Q. yulma “cup, drinking vessel, drinking implement, ⚠️goblet”
1.99 Physical World (other)
- Q., ᴹQ. #caraxë n. “[ᴹQ.] jagged hedge of spikes, [ᴱQ.] row of spikes or teeth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carcassë n. “row of spikes or teeth”; see instead:
- Q. #caraxë “[ᴹQ.] jagged hedge of spikes, [ᴱQ.] row of spikes or teeth”
2.1 Human Being
- Q., ᴹQ. Atan n. “Man, (lit.) the Second (People)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. enno n. “person, *being”; see instead:
- Q. námo¹ “person, somebody (unnamed)”
- ᴹQ. firë n. “mortal man”
- Q., ᴹQ. firya adj. “[ᴹQ.] human; [Q.] mortal”
- Q. quén (quen-) n. and pron. “person, individual, man or woman; one, somebody”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -wë suf. “ancient name suffix (usually but not always masculine)”
2.21 Man
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nér (ner-) n. “man, male person; [ᴹQ.] adult male; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] husband; warrior”
- Q. nercë n. “little man”
- Q. nerdo n. “large, strong man”
- ᴹQ. vëaner¹ n. “(adult) man”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †wé n. “man, warrior”; see instead:
- Q. vëo “living creature, *living being, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] man”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wië n. “*man, male of the Elda”; see instead:
- Q. vëo “living creature, *living being, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] man”
2.22 Woman
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anai n. “woman”; see instead:
- Q. nís “woman (of any kindred: elf, human or dwarf)”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. †ní n. “woman, female”
- Q. #nillë² (nill-) n. “small [woman]”
- Q., ᴹQ. nís (niss-) n. “woman (of any kindred: elf, human or dwarf)”
- Q. nisto n. “large woman”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyél n. “woman”; see instead:
- Q. nís “woman (of any kindred: elf, human or dwarf)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quimellë n. “little woman”; see instead:
- Q. #nillë² “small [woman]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quin¹ (quim-) n. “woman, female”; see instead:
- Q. nís “woman (of any kindred: elf, human or dwarf)”
2.23 Male
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anu n. “a male, man”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hanu “male, man (of Men or Elves), male animal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anúrë n. “manliness, masculinity”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hanúrë “manliness, masculinity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anúvië n. “manhood, doughtyness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hanúvië “manhood, doughtyness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anuvoitë adj. “male, masculine”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hanuvoitë “*masculine”
- ᴹQ. hanu n. “male, man (of Men or Elves), male animal”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúrë n. “manliness, masculinity”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúva adj. “doughty, *manly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúvië n. “manhood, doughtyness”
- ᴹQ. hanuvoitë adj. “*masculine”
- ᴹQ. hanwa adj. “male”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nerëa adj. “manly, stout, brave”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hanúva “doughty, *manly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nerevoitë adj. “manly, male”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hanuvoitë “*masculine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #nérinwa adj. “*mannish”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hanwa “male”
- ᴹQ. nerítë adj. “manly”
- ᴹQ. -no suf. “male”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nöa³ n. and adj. “male (of any kind)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. noitë adj. “male, masculine”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. noito n. “male (of any kind)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-nu suf. “masculine suffix”
- Q. -on¹ suf. “masculine suffix”
- ᴹQ. -on¹ suf. “masculine suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. via adj. “male”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hanwa “male”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vië n. “manhood, vigour; [ᴱQ.] teors, *penis”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wenga adj. “*male”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hanwa “male”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yonda adj. “manly, masculine”
2.24 Female
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anaina adj. “womanly”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !iniva “womanly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ennië n. “person (female), *being (female)”; see instead:
- Q. námo¹ “person, somebody (unnamed)”
- Q., ᴹQ. -ien¹ suf. “feminine ending; ⚠️feminine patronymic, -daughter”
- ᴺQ. !inimë n. “femininity, womanliness”
- ᴹQ. inimeitë adj. “*feminine”
- ᴺQ. !iniva adj. “womanly”
- ᴹQ. inya¹ adj. “female”
- Q., ᴱQ. -issë suf. “ending in feminine names”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-ni suf. “feminine suffix”
- ᴹQ. -nië suf. “female”
- ᴹQ. #nirítë adj. “womanly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quim(en)ëa adj. “womanly, feminine”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. inimeitë “*feminine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quimenoitë (quimenoitsi-) adj. “feminine, female”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. inimeitë “*feminine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quindë n. “womanliness, femininity; (concr.) women as a whole”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !inimë “femininity, womanliness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quinya adj. “female”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. inya¹ “female”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. rëa n. and adj. “female (of any kind)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. rítë¹ adj. “female, fem[inine]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. rítë² n. “female (of any kind)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-si suf. “feminine suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. venya adj. “womanl[y]”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !iniva “womanly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. wenda adj. “female”
2.25 Boy
- ᴹQ. seldo n. “child [m.], *boy”
- Q. yonyo n. “(big) boy, son”
2.26 Girl
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mella n. “girl”; see instead:
- Q. nettë “(little) girl, ⚠️sister (diminutive), daughter, pretty little thing”
- ᴺQ. !nesya [þ] adj. “gay, lively, girlish”
- Q. nettë n. “(little) girl, ⚠️sister (diminutive), daughter, pretty little thing”
- Q. riel(lë) n. “garlanded maiden, maiden crowned with a festive garland”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tessa n. “maid, maiden”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tessara adj. “maiden, maidenly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tessarë (tessari-) n. “little maid”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vendë [w] n. “maiden, ⚠️*virgin”
- Q., ᴱQ. vendelë [w] n. “maidenhood”
- Q., ᴹQ. vénë n. “*virgin; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] girl”
- Q. #vénëa adj. “*virginal”
- ᴹQ. venessë n. “virginity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wen(di) n. “maid, girl, maiden”; see instead:
- Q. vendë “maiden, ⚠️*virgin”
2.27 Child
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ar¹ (arn-) n. “child”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. aran² (arn-) n. “child”; see instead:
- Q. hína “child”
- Q. hína n. “child”
- ⚠️Q. hindë n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
- Q. hína “child”
- ⚠️Q. hindo n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
- Q. hína “child”
- Q., ᴹQ. onna n. “child, *offspring; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] creature”
- Q. onya n. “my child”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. selda n. and adj. “child [n.]”; see instead:
- Q. hína “child”
- ⚠️Q. #sén n. “child”; see instead:
- Q. hína “child”
- Q. senya² n. “*my child”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^vinima adj. “childish”
- ⚠️Q. winima adj. “childish”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^vinima “childish”
2.28 Infant
- ⚠️Q. hinyë n. “baby”; see instead:
- Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”
- ᴹQ. lapsë n. “babe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. putsë (putsi-) n. “baby, child”; see instead:
- Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tet(ta) n. “baby”; see instead:
- Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyetl n. “babe, a tiny baby”; see instead:
- Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”
- Q. vinimo [w] n. “baby, little-one”
- ᴺQ. !vinyanóna adj. “new-born”
- Q. †winë (wini-) n. “baby, little-one, ⚠️child not yet full grown”
2.31 Husband
- ᴹQ. ender n. “bridegroom, *groom, fiancé”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. heruvesto n. “husband, (lit.) lord husband”; see instead:
- Q. veru “husband”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. venno n. “husband”; see instead:
- Q. veru “husband”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. veru n. “husband”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. veruner n. “husband”; see instead:
- Q. veru “husband”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vestaner n. “?(bride)groom”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ender “bridegroom, *groom, fiancé”
2.32 Wife
- ⚠️ᴱQ. herivesti n. “wife”; see instead:
- Q. veri “wife”
- Q., ᴱQ. veri n. “wife”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †veruni n. “wife”; see instead:
- Q. veri “wife”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vessë n. “wife”; see instead:
- Q. veri “wife”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vestin n. “wife”; see instead:
- Q. veri “wife”
2.321 Bride
- ⚠️ᴱQ. acairis (acairist-) n. “bride, wife”; see instead:
- Q. indis “[ᴹQ.] bride, [ᴺQ.] *fiancée; ⚠️[Q.] wife”
- Q. veri “wife”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. acairisan (acairisamb-) n. “bride chamber, thalamus”
- Q., ᴹQ. indis (indiss-) n. “[ᴹQ.] bride, [ᴺQ.] *fiancée; ⚠️[Q.] wife”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vestani n. “*bride”; see instead:
- Q. indis “[ᴹQ.] bride, [ᴺQ.] *fiancée; ⚠️[Q.] wife”
2.33 to Wed, Marry
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽(a)cainu- v. “to wed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vesta-¹ “to wed, *marry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] verin adj. “married”
- ⚠️Q. verta- v. “to give in marriage (a) to (b), take as husband or wife (to oneself)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vesta-¹ “to wed, *marry”
- ⚠️Q. verya- v. “to marry (of husband and wife), be joined to”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vesta-¹ “to wed, *marry”
- ᴹQ. verya- “to dare”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vesta-¹ v. “to wed, *marry”
2.34 Wedding, Marriage
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (a)cainusta n. “wedding, marriage”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vestalë “wedding”
- ᴹQ. vesta¹ “matrimony, [ᴱQ.] state of marriage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. acairë (acairi-) n. “‘living beside’, wedded life”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vesta¹ “matrimony, [ᴱQ.] state of marriage”
- ᴺQ. !aumenta- v. “to dismiss, divorce, (lit.) away-send”
- ᴺQ. !aumentalë n. “dismissal, divorce”
- ᴺQ. !heconna n. “child born out of wedlock, bastard”
- Q. veryanwë n. “wedding”
- ᴺQ. !vesquen n. “spouse (gender neutral)”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vesta¹ n. “matrimony, [ᴱQ.] state of marriage”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vestalë n. “wedding”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vestanoina adj. “related by marriage”
2.341 Married Couple
- ⚠️ᴱQ. veringwi n. “husband and wife, married pair”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !verinu “married pair”
- ᴺQ. !verinu coll. “married pair”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. veru² coll. “husband and wife, married pair”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !verinu “married pair”
2.35 Father
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. atar¹ n. “father”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. atta¹ n. “father (child’s word)”; see instead:
- Q. atto “daddy, father (familiar/family)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. atto n. “daddy, father (familiar/family)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. attu n. “father”; see instead:
- Q. atto “daddy, father (familiar/family)”
- Q. atya¹ n. “daddy, (my) father”
- ⚠️Q. #tata n. “*daddy”; see instead:
- Q. atya¹ “daddy, (my) father”
2.36 Mother
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ama n. “mother”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ammë “mummy, mother”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ambi n. “mother”; see instead:
- Q. amil(lë) “mother”
- Q., ᴹQ. amil(lë) n. “mother”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. amis (amits-) n. “mother”; see instead:
- Q. amil(lë) “mother”
- ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ. ammë n. “mummy, mother”
- Q. amya n. “mummy, (orig.) my mother”
- ⚠️Q. emmë² n. “mummy, mother (familiar/family)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ammë “mummy, mother”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (m)ambë n. “mother”; see instead:
- Q. amil(lë) “mother”
- ⚠️Q. mamil n. “*mummy”; see instead:
- Q. amya “mummy, (orig.) my mother”
2.37 Parent
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †attahwi n. “parents”; see instead:
- Q. #nostar “*ancestor, forbearer; ⚠️parent, begetter”
- Q. #nostar n. “*ancestor, forbearer; ⚠️parent, begetter”
- ᴺQ. !ontar n. “parent (gender neutral)”
- ᴹQ. ontarë n. “begetter, parent (f.)”
- ⚠️Q. ontari(l) n. “*mother, (lit.) genetrix”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ontarë “begetter, parent (f.)”
- Q. amil(lë) “mother”
- ᴹQ. ontaro n. “begetter, parent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. puyando n. “parent”; see instead:
- Q. #nostar “*ancestor, forbearer; ⚠️parent, begetter”
2.41 Son
- ⚠️Q. anon n. “son”; see instead:
- Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fion (fiond-) n. “son”; see instead:
- Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hilu n. “son”; see instead:
- Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ion suf. “-son, masculine patronymic”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ion n. “son”; see instead:
- Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vondo n. “son”; see instead:
- Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †yó n. “son”; see instead:
- Q. yondo “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. yondo n. “son, ⚠️boy; [ᴱQ.] male descendant, (great) grandson”
2.42 Daughter
- ⚠️Q. anel n. “daughter”; see instead:
- Q. seldë “daughter; [ᴹQ.] child [f.], *girl”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aris (arits-) n. “daughter, maid”
- Q., ᴹQ. -iel suf. “-daughter; feminine suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -il suf. “*(feminine) patronymic”; see instead:
- Q. -iel “-daughter; feminine suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ. seldë n. “daughter; [ᴹQ.] child [f.], *girl”
- Q. selyë n. “daughter (diminutive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sildë n. “daughter”; see instead:
- Q. seldë “daughter; [ᴹQ.] child [f.], *girl”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sui n. “daughter”; see instead:
- Q. seldë “daughter; [ᴹQ.] child [f.], *girl”
- Q., ᴹQ. yeldë n. “daughter”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yen(dë) n. “daughter”; see instead:
- Q. yeldë “daughter”
2.44 Brother
- ᴺQ. !hando n. “big brother, ‘big bro’ (intimate)”
- Q. hanno n. “brother (diminutive)”
- Q. háno n. “brother”
- ᴺQ. !hassë (hass-) n. “little brother, ‘lil bro’ (intimate)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. herendo n. “brother”; see instead:
- Q. háno “brother”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hestaner n. “brother”; see instead:
- Q. háno “brother”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hestanu n. “brother”; see instead:
- Q. háno “brother”
- ᴺQ. !höahan (höahán-) n. “big brother (informal/familiar)”
- Q. #melotorno n. “love-brother”
- ᴺQ. !nityahan (nityahán-) n. “little brother (informal/familiar)”
- ᴹQ. otornassë n. “brotherhood, *association”
- ᴹQ. otorno n. “sworn brother, associate [m.]”
- ᴹQ. toron (torn-) n. “brother”
- ᴺQ. !vinyahan (vinyahán-) n. “younger brother”
- ᴺQ. !yárahan (yárahán-) n. “older brother”
2.45 Sister
- ⚠️ᴱQ. heressë n. “sister”; see instead:
- Q. nésa “sister”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hestani n. “sister”; see instead:
- Q. nésa “sister”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hestaquin n. “sister”; see instead:
- Q. nésa “sister”
- ᴺQ. !höanet (höanéþ-) n. “big sister (informal/familiar)”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^melesellë [þ] n. “love-sister”
- ⚠️Q. #meletheldë n. “love-sister”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^melesellë “love-sister”
- Q. nésa [þ] n. “sister”
- ᴺQ. !netsë (netsi-) n. “little sister, ‘lil sis’ (intimate)”
- ᴺQ. !netto n. “big sister, ‘big sis’ (intimate)”
- ᴺQ. !nityanet (nityanéþ-) n. “little sister (informal/familiar)”
- ᴹQ. osellë [þ] n. “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
- ᴹQ. seler (sell-) [þ] n. “sister”
- ᴺQ. !vinyanet (vinyanéþ-) n. “younger sister”
- ᴺQ. !yáranet (yáranéþ-) n. “older sister”
2.452 Sibling
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hes (hest-) n. “*sibling”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hesta(lë) n. “the nearest consanguinity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hestanoina adj. “bearing the nearest consanguinity”
2.46 Grandfather
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atartur n. “patriarch, (lit.) master-father”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nossetur “patriarch, family head”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] haru n. “grandfather”
- ᴺQ. !nossetur n. “patriarch, family head”
2.47 Grandmother
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] haruni n. “grandmother”
2.48 Grandson
- ᴹQ. indyo n. “grandchild, descendant, grandson, *granddaughter”
2.53 Nephew
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] súyon n. “nephew, ⚠️daughter’s son”
2.54 Niece
- ᴺQ. !súyel n. “niece”
2.55 Cousin
- ⚠️ᴱQ. etta n. “cousin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. rendo “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
- ᴺQ. ressë “female cousin, kinsman, *relative”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ettani n. “female cousin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ressë “female cousin, kinsman, *relative”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ettanu n. “male cousin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. rendo “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ettarendi n. “cousinship”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^rendë “kinship, kin, kindred, clan”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rendo n. “male cousin, kinsman, *relative”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rendolë n. “cousinship”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ressë n. “female cousin, kinsman, *relative”
2.57 Descendant
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hilmë¹ n. “offspring, *descendant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hilmi coll. “family, offspring”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hilmë¹ “offspring, *descendant”
- ᴺQ. !hilyalë n. “succession, dynasty”
- ᴺQ. !nónarë n. “generation”
- Q., ᴹQ. ontalë n. “descent, *derivation, ancestry”
2.65 Brother-in-Law
- ᴺQ. !verrendo n. “brother in law, kinsman by marriage”
2.66 Sister-in-Law
- ᴺQ. !verressë n. “sister in law, kinswoman by marriage”
2.75 Orphan
- ᴺQ. !hinta- v. “to adopt”
- ᴺQ. !nostarenca adj. “orphaned, (lit.) parent-less”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yenta- v. “to adopt (a daughter)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yentarë n. “adoptive mother (for a daughter)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yentaro n. “adoptive father (for a daughter)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yonta- v. “to adopt (a son)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yontarë n. “adoptive mother (for a son)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yontaro n. “adoptive father (for a son)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
2.76 Widow
- ᴺQ. !verulóra adj. and n. “widowed; widow”
2.81 Relative
- ᴹQ. onónë n. “kinswoman; ⚠️sister”
- ᴹQ. onóro n. “kinsman; ⚠️brother”
2.82 Family
- ᴺQ. !orendë n. “(nuclear) family”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soresta n. “family”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !orendë “(nuclear) family”
3.11 Animal
- Q. #celva n. “animal, living thing that moves”
- ᴺQ. !celvavëa adj. “animal-like”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coisiva adj. “animal, bodily”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hröava “corporeal, bodily”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coitë (coisi-) n. “living thing, being, animal”; see instead:
- Q. #celva “animal, living thing that moves”
- ⚠️Q. #cuima n. “creature, animal”; see instead:
- Q. #celva “animal, living thing that moves”
- ⚠️Q. #cuiva n. “animal”; see instead:
- Q. #celva “animal, living thing that moves”
- Q. hravan n. “wild beast”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lama n. “animal, beast; head of cattle or sheep”; see instead:
- Q. laman “animal, [ᴹQ.] tame beast”
- Q., ᴹQ. laman (lamn-) n. “animal, [ᴹQ.] tame beast”
- ᴺQ. !mellaman (mellamn-) n. “pet, (lit.) love-animal”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nasto n. “animal, beast”; see instead:
- Q. laman “animal, [ᴹQ.] tame beast”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. röa n. “wild beast”; see instead:
- Q. hravan “wild beast”
- Q. röa “dog”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talar (talard-) n. “beast of burden”
- Q., ᴹQ. vëo n. “living creature, *living being, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] man”
3.16 to Pasture
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !narasta- v. “to pasture, *graze, give to feed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nesta-¹ “to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nese- v. “to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nesta-¹ “to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nesta-¹ v. “to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed”
- ᴺQ. !tiucata- v. “to fatten, to feed up”
3.17 Pasture
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !narassë n. “pasture”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nesselë “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nesselë n. “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage”
3.18 Herdsman
- Q. #emer- v. “?to herd (sheep)”
- ᴺQ. !emerro n. “shepherd, herdsman”
- Q. emerwen n. “shepherdess”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lamandar n. “herdsman, shepherd”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !emerro “shepherd, herdsman”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lamnarë n. “flock, *herd”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mavar(do) n. “shepherd”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !emerro “shepherd, herdsman”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. möar(do) (möard-) n. “shepherd”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !emerro “shepherd, herdsman”
3.21 Bull
- ᴺQ. !aromundo n. “auroch, kine of Araw”
- ᴺQ. !hrambundo n. “bison, gaur, wisent, buffalo (lit. wild ox)”
- Q. mundo n. “bull, ox”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarucco n. “bull, ox”; see instead:
- Q. mundo “bull, ox”
3.22 Ox, Steer
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yac(c)o n. “ox”; see instead:
- Q. mundo “bull, ox”
3.23 Cow
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mui n. “cow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. yaxë “cow”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yaxë n. “cow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yaxi n. “cow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. yaxë “cow”
3.24 Calf
- ᴺQ. !mundollë n. “calf”
3.25 Sheep
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arma n. “flock of sheep”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lamnarë “flock, *herd”
- Q. arma “ray of sunlight”
- Q. máma n. “sheep”
- ᴺQ. !mámalin n. “sheepfold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. möa n. “sheep”; see instead:
- Q. máma “sheep”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. möalin n. “sheepfold”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mámalin “sheepfold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sauvë n. “sheep”
3.26 Ram
- ⚠️ᴱQ. camo n. “ram”
- ᴺQ. !pollo n. “ram”
3.29 Lamb
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] eulë n. “lamb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eulitsë n. “*little lamb”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. eulë “lamb”
3.32 Boar
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcapolca n. “boar, *(lit.) tusk-pig”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. úro n. “boar”; see instead:
- Q. úro “*evil, nastiness”
- ᴺQ. carcapolca “boar, *(lit.) tusk-pig”
3.35 Pig
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] polca n. “pig”
3.36 Goat
- ᴺQ. !naico n. “goat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyé n. “bleat, cry of goat or sheep”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyéni n. “(she) goat”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yat² (yac-) n. “goat”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !naico “goat”
3.41 Horse (generic)
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !antolatta n. “bridle, (lit.) mouth-strap”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !pérappa “bridle, (lit.) lip-rope”
- ᴺQ. !eretildo n. “unicorn”
- ᴺQ. !lattasta n. “harness, (lit.) collection of straps”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lópa n. “horse, mare”; see instead:
- Q. rocco “horse”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mairu n. “(horse) mane, flowing hair; charger”
- ᴺQ. !nupattal n. “horseshoe”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. olombo n. “horse”; see instead:
- Q. rocco “horse”
- ᴺQ. !pattal n. “hoof”
- ᴺQ. !pérappa n. “bridle, (lit.) lip-rope”
- ᴺQ. !rimperocco n. “zebra, (lit.) stripe-horse”
- Q., ᴹQ. rocco n. “horse”
- ᴺQ. !roccotsë n. “cavalry”
- ᴺQ. !tupattal n. “horse-boot”
3.44 Mare
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lopsi n. “mare”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !roccë “mare”
- ᴺQ. !roccë n. “mare”
3.45 Foal, Colt
- ᴺQ. !rocollë n. “colt”
3.46 Ass, Donkey
- ᴺQ. !pellopë n. “donkey, ass”
3.51 Chicken (generic)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cectecet (cectecett-) n. “clucking”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^cehtecet “clucking”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cehtecet n. “clucking”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] porocë n. “hen, barn fowl, *chicken”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. porocellë n. “chicken”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. porocoi ? “[unglossed]”
3.52 Cock, Rooster
- ᴺQ. !hollo n. “cock, cockerel, rooster”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tocot n. “cock, *rooster”
3.54 Hen
- ᴺQ. !holyë n. “hen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oi n. “bird, hen”; see instead:
- Q. aiwë “(small) bird”
- ᴺQ. !holyë “hen”
3.56 Goose
- ᴹQ. ván n. “goose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yanwa n. “goose”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ván “goose”
3.57 Duck
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quá n. “duck”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quaqua- v. “to quack, squawk, cackle, *croak”
3.61 Dog
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fan (fand-) n. “dog”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. huan “hound, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dog”
- Q. hó n. “hound (or ?heart)”
- ᴺQ. !hu- v. “to bark, bay”
- ⚠️Q. hú n. “hound (or ?heart)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. huo “dog”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. huan (hún-) n. “hound, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dog”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huar n. “wild dog, jackal”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huarda n. “pack (of dogs, wolves)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^húni n. “bitch, *female dog”
- ᴹQ. huo n. “dog”
- Q. röa n. “dog”
- ᴹQ. ronyo n. “‘chaser’, hound of chase, *hunting dog”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. savar n. “wild dog, jackal”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^huar “wild dog, jackal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. savarda n. “pack (of dogs, wolves)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^huarda “pack (of dogs, wolves)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. suni n. “bitch, *female dog”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^húni “bitch, *female dog”
3.612 Puppy
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huolë n. “litter (of pups, cubs, etc.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saulë n. “litter (of pups, cubs, etc.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^huolë “litter (of pups, cubs, etc.)”
3.62 Cat
- ⚠️ᴱQ. meoi n. “cat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ᴹQ. miuë (miuy-) n. “cat”
- ᴹQ. miulë n. “whining, mewing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !miura n. “cat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !miurë n. “cat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !miuro n. “cat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ᴹQ. titsë (tits-) n. “kitten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yaulë n. “cat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
3.63 Mouse, Rodent
- ᴺQ. !farinë n. “vermin”
- ᴺQ. !nyarrincë n. “mouse”
- ᴹQ. nyarro n. “rat”
- Q. peccuvo n. “squirrel, (lit.) nut-hider”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quin- v. “to speak high, squeak”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quínë n. “squeaking, *squeak”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quínëa adj. “squeaking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quíni- v. “to speak high, squeak”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quin- “to speak high, squeak”
- Q. rasillo [þ] n. “squirrel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rausimë n. “vermin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !farinë “vermin”
- ᴺQ. !rimpeccuvo n. “chipmunk”
3.64 Bird
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. aiwë n. “(small) bird”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aiwestë n. “bird’s nest”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hausta “nest”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilapitya- v. “to chirp”
- ᴺQ. !hausta n. “nest”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. oio (oiw-) n. “bird”; see instead:
- Q. aiwë “(small) bird”
- Q. oi(o) “ever, everlastingly; an endless period, *aeon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oivë n. “bird”; see instead:
- Q. aiwë “(small) bird”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wilin n. “bird”; see instead:
- Q. aiwë “(small) bird”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wilindëa adj. “as a bird”
3.641 Eagle, Hawk
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ëa(r) n. “(young) eagle”; see instead:
- Q. ëar “sea, great sea, [ᴹQ.] open sea; ⚠️water”
- Q. soron “eagle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ëaren (ëarend-) n. “eyrie, (young) eagle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sornion “eyrie”
- Q. soron “eagle”
- ᴹQ. fion (fiond-) n. “hawk, ⚠️haste”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. haro n. “hawk”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. fion “hawk, ⚠️haste”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hó n. “owl”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sornion [þ] n. “eyrie”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. soron (sorn-) [þ] n. “eagle”
- ᴺQ. !soroncë [þ] n. “kite, (lit.) little eagle”
3.642 Crow, Raven
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caron n. “crow”
- ᴹQ. corco n. “crow”
- ⚠️Q. quáco n. “crow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. corco “crow”
- Q. quácë “frog”
3.647 Gull, Petrel
- Q., ᴹQ. maiwë n. “gull”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. máwë (máwi-) n. “gull, seamew”; see instead:
- Q. maiwë “gull”
- ᴹQ. quénë n. “petrel”
3.648 Swan
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alqua n. “swan”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. siloinë (siloini-) n. “swan”; see instead:
- Q. alqua “swan”
3.649 Bird (other)
- ᴺQ. !ailindo n. “loon [bird], (lit.) lake-singer”
- ⚠️Q. aimenal n. “lark”; see instead:
- Q. lirulin “lark”
- ᴹQ. ambalë n. “yellow bird, yellow hammer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ambarin (ambarind-) n. “lark”; see instead:
- Q. lirulin “lark”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carnëambar n. and adj. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^carniambos n. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
- ᴺQ. !carnicumbo n. “bullfinch, (lit.) red-belly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cecet n. “pheasant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilapi n. “robin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
- Q. #cirincë n. “scarlet-plumed species of bird”
- ᴹQ. cucua n. “dove”
- ᴺQ. !cucuollë n. “turtledove”
- Q., ᴹQ. filincë n. “finch”
- ᴹQ. filit (filic-) n. “small bird, sparrow”
- ᴹQ. halatir(no) (halatirn-) n. “kingsfisher, (lit.) fish-watcher”
- ᴺQ. !hendelúpëa cecet n. “peafowl, (lit.) eye-plumed pheasant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. imbilinc n. “sparrow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. filit “small bird, sparrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lintuilinda adj. “many-swallows of autumn”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. liri n. “finch”; see instead:
- Q. filincë “finch”
- Q. lirulin n. “lark”
- Q., ᴹQ. lómelindë n. “nightingale, (lit.) dusk-singer”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. morilindë n. “nightingale”; see instead:
- Q. lómelindë “nightingale, (lit.) dusk-singer”
- ᴺQ. !morilúpë n. “blackbird, (lit.) black plume”
- ᴺQ. !nyatso n. “magpie, (lit.) chatterer”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !russambos n. “robin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
- ᴹQ. tambaro n. “woodpecker, (lit.) knocker”
- ᴺQ. !tinwerúmë n. “starling, (lit.) abundance of stars”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tuilindo n. “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
3.65 Fish
- ᴺQ. !alaxë n. “salmon”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cullingwë n. “goldfish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culuin (culuind-) n. “goldfish”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^cullingwë “goldfish”
- ᴹQ. hala n. “(small) fish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ingwë (ingwi-) n. “fish”; see instead:
- Q. #lingwë “fish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ingwil(in) (ingwiling-) n. “eel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lingwileuca “eel”
- Q., ᴹQ. #lingwë (lingwi-) n. “fish”
- ᴺQ. !lingwëa adj. “fishlike”
- ᴺQ. !lingwileuca n. “eel”
- ᴺQ. !lunwa n. “fin, (lit.) swim-thing”
- ᴹQ. nixë n. “minnow, little fish”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telpingwë n. “silverfish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. windëa adj. “fishlike”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lingwëa “fishlike”
3.66 Fisherman
- ᴺQ. !lingwimo n. “fisherman”
- ᴺQ. !lingwiremnë n. “fishing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raito n. “fisher”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lingwimo “fisherman”
3.71 Wolf
- ⚠️ᴹQ. harma² n. “wolf, hound”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hu n. “howl”; see instead:
- Q. nwámë “wolvish howling”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. húna- v. “to howl”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nauna- “to howl”
- ᴹQ. narmo [ñ-] n. “wolf”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. naulë [ñ-] n. “wolfhowl”; see instead:
- Q. nwámë “wolvish howling”
- ᴺQ. !nauna- [ñ-] v. “to howl”
- Q., ᴹQ. nauro [ñ-] n. “werewolf, wolf (not wild wolves)”
- Q. nwámë [ñ-] n. “wolvish howling”
- ᴹQ. ráca n. “wolf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulcu n. “wolf”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ráca “wolf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulqui n. “she-wolf”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ráca “wolf”
3.72 Lion
- ᴺQ. !picara n. “leopard”
- Q., ᴹQ. †rá¹ (ráv-) n. “lion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rau (ráv-) n. “lion”; see instead:
- Q. †rá¹ “lion”
- Q. rauro n. “lion”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ravennë n. “she-lion, *lioness”
- ᴺQ. !rimpira (rimpiráv-) n. “tiger, (lit.) stripe-lion”
3.73 Bear
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #matsilë n. “bear”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. morco “bear”
- ᴹQ. morco n. “bear”
3.74 Fox
- Q. rusco (ruscu-) n. “fox”
- Q. ruscuitë adj. “foxy”
3.75 Deer
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !arassë n. “deer, hart, stag”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !arasso “hart, stag, (male) deer”
- ᴺQ. !arasso n. “hart, stag, (male) deer”
- ᴺQ. !celvë n. “hind, deer, doe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. opolë n. “fawn, young deer”
3.76 Monkey
- ᴺQ. !maimun n. “monkey, ape”
3.77 Elephant
- ᴹQ. andamunda n. “elephant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hunto n. “elephant”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. andamunda “elephant”
3.78 Camel
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cuptulo n. “camel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ulumpë “camel”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ulumpë n. “camel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. uluntilla n. “camel’s hair”
3.79 to Hunt
- ᴹQ. fafarra- v. “*to keep on hunting”
- Q., ᴹQ. fara- v. “to hunt”
- Q., ᴹQ. faralë n. “hunting”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^farasta n. “hunting, the chase”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. farastë n. “hunting, the chase”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^farasta “hunting, the chase”
- ᴹQ. farastëa adj. “of the chase (that it is proper to hunt), *of prey”
- ᴹQ. farina adj. “fugitive, hunted”
- ᴹQ. farna n. “quarry, prey”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rausima adj. “*hunted”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. farina “fugitive, hunted”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. raustë n. “hunting, preying, the hunt”; see instead:
- Q. faralë “hunting”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. raustëa adj. “of prey”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. farastëa “of the chase (that it is proper to hunt), *of prey”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rauta- v. “to chase, hunt, pursue; to extirpate, exterminate; to steal”; see instead:
- Q. fara- “to hunt”
- ᴹQ. roita- “to pursue, *chase”
- ᴺQ. pil- “to steal”
- ᴹQ. roimë n. “hunt, hunting”
3.81 Insect
- ᴺQ. !hrapsë n. “bug, pest, parasite”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malo n. “moth”
- ᴺQ. !nastaro n. “scorpion”
- ᴺQ. !nyelexë n. “arthropod”
- Q. pí n. “small insect, fly, *mite, gnat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] speck, spot, dot, mote”
- ᴺQ. !pímótar n. “ant, (lit.) insect-worker”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pin n. “little thing, mite”; see instead:
- Q. pí “small insect, fly, *mite, gnat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] speck, spot, dot, mote”
- ᴺQ. !pulungol n. “tick, (lit.) swelling spider”
- ᴺQ. !salquecápo n. “grasshopper”
- ᴺQ. !ticin n. “beetle, (lit.) crawler”
- ᴺQ. !tixipi n. “ladybug, (lit.) insect of [many] dots”
- ᴺQ. !tuxatalya n. “centipede”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ulumpembë n. “caterpillar, (lit.) camel worm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulumpingwë n. “caterpillar”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ulumpembë “caterpillar, (lit.) camel worm”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vilvarin (vilvarind-) [w] n. “butterfly”
- Q. vilvarindëa [w] adj. “like a butterfly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wilwarinda adj. “butterflylike”; see instead:
- Q. vilvarindëa “like a butterfly”
3.811 Spider
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cangalë n. “web”; see instead:
- Q. ungwë “spider’s web; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] spider; [ᴹQ.] gloom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cangaris (cangarist-) n. “spider”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. liantë “spider, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tendril, vine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cangawinda n. “cobweb”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. línë “cobweb; [ᴱQ.] cotton, ⚠️thread”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. filet (filec-) n. “cobweb”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. línë “cobweb; [ᴱQ.] cotton, ⚠️thread”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lenquelénu n. “(daddy) long-legs”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. liantë n. “spider, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tendril, vine”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. línë n. “cobweb; [ᴱQ.] cotton, ⚠️thread”
- ᴺQ. *ungol n. “(monstrous) spider”
- Q., ᴱQ. ungwë n. “spider’s web; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] spider; [ᴹQ.] gloom”
3.82 Bee
- ⚠️ᴱQ. imbë n. “hive”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nier n. “(honey) bee”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nieres (nieress-) n. “hive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nierwes (nierwest-) n. “hive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nieres “hive”
3.83 Fly (n)
- ⚠️ᴹQ. camparu n. “?flea”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. campo “flea”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] campo n. “flea”
- ᴺQ. !elenitsë n. “firefly, (lit.) star-fly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itis [þ] n. “fly bite; *itch”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. itsë n. “fly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. mí n. “small fly”; see instead:
- Q. pí “small insect, fly, *mite, gnat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] speck, spot, dot, mote”
- ᴺQ. !míritsettë n. “dragonfly, (lit.) jewel-fly”
- Q., ᴹQ. pupso n. “large fly, [ᴹQ.] blow fly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †tsettë n. “fly”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. itsë “fly”
3.84 Worm
- ᴺQ. !cöacolindo n. “snail, (lit.) house-bearer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lingwë n. “snake, worm”; see instead:
- Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
- Q. #lingwë “fish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. testë n. “small worm”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^vembë “worm”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^vembë n. “worm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wembë n. “worm”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^vembë “worm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wembil n. “worm”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^vembë “worm”
3.85 Snake
- ᴹQ. ango (angu-) n. “snake, dragon, *serpent”
- ᴺQ. !carcaran n. “crocodile, (lit.) toothed-beam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. histe- v. “to hiss”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !surya- “to hiss”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hlócë (hlóci-) n. “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
- Q. leuca n. “snake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lin² (ling-) n. “snake”; see instead:
- Q. leuca “snake”
- ᴹQ. lingwilócë n. “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lingwin n. “serpent, dragon”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lingwilócë “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oqui n. “snake”; see instead:
- Q. leuca “snake”
- ᴺQ. !surya- v. “to hiss”
3.99 Animals (other)
- ᴺQ. !andalango n. “giraffe, (lit.) long-neck”
- ᴺQ. !andanyarro n. “weasel, ferret, mink, stoat, polecat, (lit.) long-rat”
- ᴺQ. !canguru n. “kangaroo”
- ᴺQ. !carastanyarro n. “beaver, (lit.) build-rat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !carpo n. “frog”; see instead:
- Q. quácë “frog”
- ᴺQ. !castor n. “beaver”
- ᴺQ. !celvatarwa n. “zoo, (lit.) life-garden”
- ᴺQ. !ëarel n. “starfish, (lit.) sea-star”
- ᴺQ. !ëarra (ëarráv-) n. “seal, sea lion”
- Q. ecellë n. “urchin, hedgehog”
- ᴺQ. !ehtipolca n. “porcupine, (lit.) spike-pig”
- Q. ?fanto n. “whale”
- ᴺQ. !filiculumpë n. “ostrich, (lit.) sparrow-camel”
- ᴺQ. !helcehtyar n. “narwhal, (lit.) ice-spearman”
- ᴺQ. !hlixë n. “slug, snail, gastropod”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lapatl n. “leveret”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lapattë (lapatsi-) n. “rabbit”; see instead:
- Q. #lopoldë “rabbit”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lopo n. “rabbit”; see instead:
- Q. #lopoldë “rabbit”
- Q. #lopoldë n. “rabbit”
- ᴹQ. lopotundo (lopotundu-) n. “rabbithole”
- ᴺQ. !mórolingwë n. “squid, (lit.) ink-fish”
- Q. #nendil n. “beast that lives in the water”
- ᴺQ. !nengarmo n. “otter, (lit.) water-wolf”
- ᴺQ. !nenungol n. “octopus, (lit.) water-spider”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. noldarë n. “mole”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nolpa “mole”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nolpa n. “mole”
- ᴺQ. !nuinerocco n. “hippopotamus, (lit.) river-horse”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oryat (oryap-) n. “badger”
- ᴺQ. !poco(lle)nyarro n. “opossum, (lit.) pouch-rat”
- ᴺQ. !quaccas (quaccar-) n. “tadpole, (lit.) frog head”
- Q. quácë n. “frog”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quildarë n. “bat”
- ᴺQ. !rassemunda n. “rhinoceros, (lit.) horn-snout”
- ᴺQ. !sandanasto [þ] n. “turtle, (lit.) shield-being”
- ᴺQ. !sauroryat [þ] n. “skunk, (lit.) stink-badger”
- ᴺQ. !sovamorco n. “raccoon, (lit.) wash-bear”
Body Parts and Functions
- 4.11 Body
- 4.12 Skin, Hide
- 4.13 Flesh
- 4.14 Hair
- 4.142 Beard
- 4.143 Hair (other)
- 4.15 Blood
- 4.16 Bone
- 4.17 Horn (animal)
- 4.18 Tail
- 4.19 Back
- 4.20 Head
- 4.202 Skull
- 4.204 Face
- 4.205 Forehead
- 4.206 Eyebrow
- 4.207 Jaw
- 4.209 Chin
- 4.21 Eye
- 4.212 Sharpeyed
- 4.213 Evileyed
- 4.22 Ear
- 4.23 Nose
- 4.24 Mouth
- 4.25 Lip
- 4.26 Tongue
- 4.27 Tooth
- 4.28 Neck
- 4.29 Throat
- 4.30 Shoulder
- 4.31 Arm
- 4.32 Elbow
- 4.33 Hand
- 4.332 Hand (other)
- 4.34 Finger
- 4.342 Thumb
- 4.35 Leg
- 4.36 Knee
- 4.37 Foot
- 4.38 Toe
- 4.39 Nail, Claw
- 4.392 Wing
- 4.393 Feather
- 4.40 Front of Chest
- 4.41 Breast of Woman
- 4.44 Heart
- 4.45 Liver
- 4.46 Belly, Stomach
- 4.47 Womb
- 4.48 Egg
- 4.49 Testicle
- 4.492 Penis
- 4.51 to Breathe; Breath
- 4.52 to Gape, Yawn
- 4.53 to Cough
- 4.54 to Sneeze
- 4.56 to Spit
- 4.57 to Vomit
- 4.58 to Bite
- 4.59 to Lick
- 4.61 to Sleep; Sleep
- 4.62 Dream
- 4.63 to Wake
- 4.65 to Urinate; Urine
- 4.66 to Void Excrement; Dung, Excrement
- 4.67 to have Sexual Intercourse
- 4.71 to Beget (of Father)
- 4.72 to Bear (of Mother)
- 4.73 Pregnant
- 4.74 to Live; Living; Life
- 4.742 Immortal
- 4.75 to Die; Dead; Death
- 4.76 to Kill
- 4.77 Corpse, Body
- 4.79 Grave, Tomb
- 4.81 Strong, Mighty, Powerful
- 4.82 Weak, Infirm
- 4.83 Well; Health
- 4.84 Sick; Sickness
- 4.85 to Wound; Wound; Wounded
- 4.86 to Cure, Heal
- 4.87 Physician
- 4.88 Medicine, Drug
- 4.89 Poison
- 4.91 Tired, Weary
- 4.92 Lazy
- 4.93 Bald
- 4.94 Lame
- 4.95 Deaf
- 4.96 Dumb
- 4.97 Blind
- 4.98 Drunk
- 4.99 Naked, Bare
- 4.999 Body Parts and Functions (other)
4.11 Body
- ⚠️ᴱQ. columë n. “body”; see instead:
- Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
- Q. hröa n. “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
- ᴺQ. !hröava adj. “corporeal, bodily”
- ⚠️Q. hrondo n. “(physical) body, corporeal form”; see instead:
- Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
- Q. #mirröanwë n. “incarnate”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pulco n. “trunk, bole of tree, *torso, ⚠️body”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarcuva adj. “corporeal, bodily”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hröava “corporeal, bodily”
4.12 Skin, Hide
- ⚠️ᴹQ. halma n. “skin, fell”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helma “skin, fell, *hide”
- ᴹQ. helma n. “skin, fell, *hide”
- ᴺQ. !helmunquë n. “wrinkle, (lit.) skin-hollow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nautë n. “skin”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helma “skin, fell, *hide”
- ᴹQ. †psára n. “peel”
4.13 Flesh
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hara(nda) n. “flesh-meat”; see instead:
- Q. hrávë “flesh”
- ᴹQ. apsa¹ “meat, cooked food”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. haranwa adj. “fleshly, carnal”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hrávëa “fleshly, carnal”
- Q. hrávë n. “flesh”
- ᴺQ. !hrávëa adj. “fleshly, carnal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mimbë n. “flesh”; see instead:
- Q. hrávë “flesh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mindl n. “piece of flesh”; see instead:
- Q. hrávë “flesh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarco¹ (sarcu-) n. “flesh, living flesh, body”; see instead:
- Q. hrávë “flesh”
- Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarqua adj. “fleshy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !larmëa “fatty, fleshy”
4.14 Hair
- ⚠️ᴱQ. filma n. “fine hair, line”; see instead:
- Q. finë “(single) hair, filament”
- ᴹQ. tëa “straight line, ⚠️road”
- Q., ᴹQ. findë n. “hair (especially of the head); tress or plait of hair, [ᴹQ.] braid of hair”
- Q. findelë n. “tress, lock [of hair]”
- Q. findessë n. “head of hair, person’s hair as a whole”
- ⚠️Q. findilë n. “head of hair”; see instead:
- Q. findessë “head of hair, person’s hair as a whole”
- Q. findelë “tress, lock [of hair]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. findl n. “lock of hair, tress”; see instead:
- Q. findelë “tress, lock [of hair]”
- Q. finë (fini-) n. “(single) hair, filament”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laxa n. “tress”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. loxë “hair [in general]”
- ᴹQ. loxë n. “hair [in general]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silquë n. “tress of hair; (glossy) hair”; see instead:
- Q. findë “hair (especially of the head); tress or plait of hair, [ᴹQ.] braid of hair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silqueléna adj. “having tresses”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silquelossëa adj. “with hair like white flowers”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. til (tiln-) n. “(single) hair”; see instead:
- Q. finë “(single) hair, filament”
4.142 Beard
- Q., ᴹQ. #fanga n. “beard”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fangë n. “beard”; see instead:
- Q. #fanga “beard”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pöa n. “beard”; see instead:
- Q. #fanga “beard”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. veltë n. “beard”; see instead:
- Q. #fanga “beard”
4.143 Hair (other)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. andesilquë adj. “long-haired, long-tressed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aulë (auli-) adj. “shaggy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !fassëa “shaggy, tangled [hair]”
- ᴹQ. aulë “invention”
- ᴹQ. fassë n. “tangled hair, shaggy lock”
- ᴺQ. !fassëa adj. “shaggy, tangled [hair]”
- ᴹQ. fasta-¹ v. “to tangle”
- Q. finda¹ adj. “having hair, -haired”
- ᴺQ. !findimaitar n. “barber, hairdresser”
- ᴺQ. !finëa adj. “downy, hairy [specifically fine, light hair]”
- ⚠️Q. hróva¹ adj. “dark, dark brown (of hair)”; see instead:
- Q. nolya “dark-haired, *brown-haired”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !locco n. “ringlet”; see instead:
- Q. lócë¹ “bight, bend, curl of hair”
- Q. lócë¹ n. “bight, bend, curl of hair”
- ⚠️Q. loxa adj. “brown of hair”; see instead:
- Q. nolya “dark-haired, *brown-haired”
- Q. nolya [ñ-] adj. “dark-haired, *brown-haired”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tilinya adj. “downy, hairy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !finëa “downy, hairy [specifically fine, light hair]”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] vaina¹ [w] adj. “blonde, fair of hair”
4.15 Blood
- ᴺQ. !etserca- v. “to bleed out, exsanguinate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hari n. “blood”; see instead:
- Q. sercë “blood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mëar (mëarn-) n. “gore, blood”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mehar “gore”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mehar n. “gore”
- ᴺQ. !serca- v. “to bleed”
- Q. sercë (serci-) n. “blood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vísi n. “blood”; see instead:
- Q. sercë “blood”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yár (yar-) n. “blood”; see instead:
- Q. sercë “blood”
4.16 Bone
- ᴺQ. !amboraxosta n. “rib cage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. as (ass-) n. “bone”; see instead:
- Q. axo¹ “bone”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. assëa adj. “bony”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #asto² (astu-) n. “bone”; see instead:
- Q. axo¹ “bone”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. astula adj. “bony”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aswa adj. “of bone”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !axula “bony”
- ᴺQ. !axendë n. “marrow”
- Q. axo¹ n. “bone”
- ᴺQ. !axosta n. “skeleton”
- ᴺQ. !axula adj. “bony”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hón(a) n. “bone”; see instead:
- Q. axo¹ “bone”
- ᴺQ. !ilcaxo n. “ivory, (lit.) gleam bone”
4.17 Horn (animal)
- ᴹQ. hyalma n. “conch, shell, horn of Ulmo”
- Q., ᴹQ. rassë n. “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
- ᴺQ. !rassëa adj. “horned”
- ᴹQ. tarca n. “horn [of animals]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taru n. “horn”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tarca “horn [of animals]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarucca adj. “horned”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rassëa “horned”
4.18 Tail
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^pimpë (pimpi-) n. “tail”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pint (pimp-) n. “tail”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^pimpë “tail”
4.19 Back
- ᴺQ. !catta n. “back”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hacca n. “the hams, buttocks”
4.20 Head
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cár (cas-) n. “head”; see instead:
- Q. cas “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cas (car-) n. “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
4.202 Skull
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !caraxo n. “skull, *(lit.) head-bone”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !corpë “skull”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !coropë n. “skull”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !corpë “skull”
- ᴺQ. !corpë n. “skull”
4.204 Face
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alma n. “face”; see instead:
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
- ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anta n. “[ᴹQ.] face, *front of the head, [ᴱQ.] cheek; ⚠️[Q.] jaw”
- ⚠️Q. #canwa² n. “face”; see instead:
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
- Q. cendelë n. “face, *visage”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nívë n. “face”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. anta “[ᴹQ.] face, *front of the head, [ᴱQ.] cheek; ⚠️[Q.] jaw”
- Q. -stir suf. “face”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yéma n. “face”; see instead:
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
4.205 Forehead
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] candóla n. “crown of head”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] timbarë n. “forehead”
4.206 Eyebrow
- Q. *estirnë n. “brow”
4.207 Jaw
- Q., ᴹQ. anca n. “jaws; [ᴹQ.] jaw, row of teeth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. câ n. “jaw”; see instead:
- Q. anca “jaws; [ᴹQ.] jaw, row of teeth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maquar n. “jaw”; see instead:
- Q. anca “jaws; [ᴹQ.] jaw, row of teeth”
- ᴹQ. nangwa n. “jaw”
4.209 Chin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] venta n. “chin”
4.21 Eye
- Q. alahen (alahend-) adj. “eyeless”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #hen (hend-) n. “eye”
- ᴺQ. !hencúnë n. “eyebrow, (lit.) eye-arch”
- ᴺQ. !hentópa n. “eyelid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sé n. “eye, eyeball, pupil”; see instead:
- Q. #hen “eye”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sehtë (sehti-) n. “pupil; bead; †eye, eyeball”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinda¹ n. “eye”; see instead:
- Q. #hen “eye”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yé² n. “eye”; see instead:
- Q. #hen “eye”
4.212 Sharpeyed
- Q. hendumaica adj. “sharp-eye[d]”
4.213 Evileyed
- ᴹQ. henulca adj. “*evil-eyed”
4.22 Ear
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ancar (ancas-) n. “ear (of men)”; see instead:
- Q. hlas “ear”
- ᴺQ. !hlarma n. “earpiece, receiver”
- Q. hlas (hlar-) n. “ear”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lár n. “ear”; see instead:
- Q. hlas “ear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quan (quand-) n. “ear”; see instead:
- Q. hlas “ear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. unc(o) (unqu-) n. “ear (of animals); corner, sticking out edge”; see instead:
- Q. hlas “ear”
4.23 Nose
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mén (mem-) n. “beak, ⚠️nose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. men¹ (mem-) n. “nose, beak”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mén “beak, ⚠️nose”
- ᴹQ. mundo (mundu-) n. “snout, nose; cape [of land]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nen (neng-) n. “nostril”
- ᴹQ. nengwë (nengwi-) n. “nose”
- ᴹQ. nengwëa adj. “nasal”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nin (ning-) n. “nose, beak”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nengwë “nose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽penta n. “nose, beak (probably of such birds as woodpeckers)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nengwë “nose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. súma n. “nostril”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nen “nostril”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. súnë n. “(human) nose”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nengwë “nose”
4.24 Mouth
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anto n. “mouth [as a thing for eating]; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] jaw”
- ⚠️Q. carpa n. “(entire) mouth; phonetic system”; see instead:
- Q. náva² “*mouth (including tongue, lips and teeth), speech apparatus”
- Q. lambelë “phonetics”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. matu n. “the mouth (inside)”; see instead:
- Q. songa “mouth (interior cavity behind the teeth containing the tongue)”
- Q. náva² [ñ-] n. “*mouth (including tongue, lips and teeth), speech apparatus”
- Q. ópa n. “mouth (opening of which the lips are the edges)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ó(vo) n. “mouth”; see instead:
- Q. ópa “mouth (opening of which the lips are the edges)”
- ⚠️Q. páva n. “mouth”; see instead:
- Q. náva² “*mouth (including tongue, lips and teeth), speech apparatus”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. pé n. “(closed) mouth; the two lips [as dual], ⚠️lip”
- Q. songa n. “mouth (interior cavity behind the teeth containing the tongue)”
4.25 Lip
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cailë n. “lip”; see instead:
- Q. #pempë “lip”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilmë n. “lip”; see instead:
- Q. #pempë “lip”
- Q. #pempë n. “lip”
4.26 Tongue
- Q., ᴹQ. lamba n. “(physical) tongue”
4.27 Tooth
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. carca n. “fang, [ᴹQ.] tooth, [ᴱQ.] tusk; ⚠️[Q.] rock”
- ᴹQ. carcanë n. “row of teeth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carcanel n. “fang”; see instead:
- Q. carca “fang, [ᴹQ.] tooth, [ᴱQ.] tusk; ⚠️[Q.] rock”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcara adj. “toothed”
- ᴹQ. nelet (nelc-) n. “tooth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyat n. “tooth”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nelcë “tooth”
4.28 Neck
- Q. axë n. “neck [vertebrae], *(upper) spine; rock ridge”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lango n. “neck, [ᴹQ.] throat; [Q.] passages [that are] narrower parts of a structure serving to join larger parts, *corridor”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. yat¹ (yaht-) n. “neck; [ᴱQ.] isthmus”; see instead:
- Q. axë “neck [vertebrae], *(upper) spine; rock ridge”
- ᴹQ. yatta “(narrow) neck, isthmus; *(lit.) joining”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. yatta n. “(narrow) neck, isthmus; *(lit.) joining”
4.29 Throat
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caicta- v. “to strangle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cailen n. “throat, gullet”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hlunco “pharynx, gullet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carco (carcu-) n. “alimentary canel”
- ᴺQ. !hluc- v. “to swallow”
- ᴺQ. !hlunco (hluncu-) n. “pharynx, gullet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lanco n. “throat”; see instead:
- Q. lango “neck, [ᴹQ.] throat; [Q.] passages [that are] narrower parts of a structure serving to join larger parts, *corridor”
- ᴺQ. !hlunco “pharynx, gullet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelqua n. “throat”; see instead:
- Q. lango “neck, [ᴹQ.] throat; [Q.] passages [that are] narrower parts of a structure serving to join larger parts, *corridor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. querca n. “throat”; see instead:
- Q. lango “neck, [ᴹQ.] throat; [Q.] passages [that are] narrower parts of a structure serving to join larger parts, *corridor”
4.30 Shoulder
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] almo n. “shoulder, ⚠️back”
4.31 Arm
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lenc (lenqu-) n. “limb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olet (olec-) n. “forearm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rá n. “arm”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ranco “arm”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ranco (rancu-) n. “arm”
4.32 Elbow
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ólemë n. “elbow”
4.33 Hand
- Q. camba n. “(cupped) hand, hollow of the hand”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. #cambë n. “(hollow of) hand”; see instead:
- Q. camba “(cupped) hand, hollow of the hand”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. má n. “hand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †mactë¹ (maxi-) n. “hand”; see instead:
- Q. má “hand”
- Q. nonda n. “hand especially in (?clutching)”
- Q., ᴹQ. quár(ë) n. “fist, closed hand”
4.332 Hand (other)
- Q. ataformaitë adj. “ambidextrous”
- Q. atamaitë adj. “two-handed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. erumaitë adj. “one handed”
- Q., ᴹQ. maitë (maiti-) adj. “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #maitë³ adj. “handed”; see instead:
- Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- Q. málimë (málimi-) n. “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maqua adj. “handy, skilled (with hands)”; see instead:
- Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- Q. maqua “hand-full, group of five (similar) things; hand (colloquial); ⚠️closing or closed [hand] (facing down) for taking”
- Q. maqua n. “hand-full, group of five (similar) things; hand (colloquial); ⚠️closing or closed [hand] (facing down) for taking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maqualëa adj. “handy, skilled (with hands)”; see instead:
- Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maricta n. “wrist”; see instead:
- Q. málimë “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mavoitë (mavoisi-) adj. “having hands”; see instead:
- Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- ⚠️Q. maxë n. “handiness”; see instead:
- Q. massë² “portion, share; capacity, [ᴹQ.] measure; the personal measure or capacity of a man, a talent; [Q.] †handful”
- Q., ᴹQ. morimaitë adj. “black-handed”
- Q., ᴱQ. palta n. “flat of the hand, *palm; [ᴱQ.] shelf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. paltya n. “flat of hand, palm of hand”; see instead:
- Q. palta “flat of the hand, *palm; [ᴱQ.] shelf”
4.34 Finger
- ⚠️Q. amaltil n. “*mother finger”; see instead:
- Q. lepetas “index finger”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anda-lepta adj. “long-fingered”
- ⚠️Q. antil n. “*middle finger”; see instead:
- Q. lependë “middle finger”
- ⚠️Q. cantil n. “fourth finger”; see instead:
- Q. lepecan “fourth finger”
- ⚠️Q. enestil n. “*middle finger”; see instead:
- Q. lependë “middle finger”
- Q. lepecan (lepecant-) n. “fourth finger”
- Q. lependë n. “middle finger”
- Q. †lepenel n. “middle finger”
- Q. lepentë n. “fourth finger”
- Q. leper n. “finger”
- Q. lepetas (lepetass-) n. “index finger”
- Q. lepincë (lepinci-) n. “little finger”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. lepsë n. “*finger”; see instead:
- Q. leper “finger”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lepta adj. and n. “fingered; ⚠️thumb, [ᴱQ.] finger”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. let (leps-) n. “finger”; see instead:
- Q. leper “finger”
- ⚠️Q. leuta n. “finger”; see instead:
- Q. leper “finger”
- Q. nícë n. “little finger”
- ⚠️Q. nihtil n. “little [finger]”; see instead:
- Q. lepincë “little finger”
- ⚠️Q. seltil n. “daughter [finger name]”; see instead:
- Q. lepecan “fourth finger”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tapatenda adj. “taper fingered, light fingered, long fingered”
- Q. tassa n. “index finger”
- ⚠️Q. tastil n. “*index finger”; see instead:
- Q. lepetas “index finger”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -tenda suf. “having fingers”; see instead:
- Q. lepta “fingered; ⚠️thumb, [ᴱQ.] finger”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tenna n. “finger”; see instead:
- Q. leper “finger”
- Q. tolyo n. “sticker-up”
- ⚠️Q. yontil n. “boy, son [finger name]”; see instead:
- Q. lependë “middle finger”
4.342 Thumb
- ⚠️Q. atartil n. “thumb [nursery rhymes]”; see instead:
- Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
- Q. nápo n. “thumb, (lit.) picker”
- ⚠️Q. tollë² n. “thumb”; see instead:
- Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
- ⚠️Q. tolpë n. “thumb”; see instead:
- Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
- ⚠️Q. toltil n. “thumb”; see instead:
- Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyútë (tyúsi-) n. “thumb”; see instead:
- Q. nápo “thumb, (lit.) picker”
4.35 Leg
- ⚠️ᴱQ. attalaitë adj. “biped”; see instead:
- Q. #attalya “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. attalin n. “biped”; see instead:
- Q. #attalya “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
- Q. #attalya n. and adj. “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
- ᴺQ. !cantalya adj. and n. “four-legged, quadruped, (lit.) four-footed”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. ciuca n. “*thigh”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuco “thigh”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nöa² n. “thigh”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuco “thigh”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oswë [þ] n. “hip”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. pelco n. “leg”; see instead:
- Q. telco “leg; stem”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piu n. “calf of leg”
- ᴹQ. quingatelco adj. “*bow-legged”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. telco (?telcu-) n. “leg; stem”
- ᴹQ. tiuco n. “thigh”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tyúca n. “thigh”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuco “thigh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyú(ta) n. “thigh”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuco “thigh”
4.36 Knee
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] occa n. “knee”
4.37 Foot
- ᴺQ. !fincamo n. “trickster”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyapóto n. “forepaw, front paw”; see instead:
- √KHY- “other”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !papóto n. “hindpaw”; see instead:
- √KHY- “other”
- ᴺQ. !póto n. “paw”
- ᴹQ. runya n. “slot, footprint”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tál (tal-) n. “foot; [ᴹQ.] bottom, [ᴱQ.] lowest part”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tala¹ n. “foot; bottom, lowest part”; see instead:
- Q. tál “foot; [ᴹQ.] bottom, [ᴱQ.] lowest part”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] talaitë (talaiti-) adj. “footed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talas (talast-) n. “sole”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tallunë “sole of foot”
- ᴺQ. !tallimë (tallimi-) n. “ankle, (lit.) foot-link”
- ᴹQ. tallunë n. “sole of foot”
4.38 Toe
- Q. pirë n. “toe”
- Q. taltil (taltill-) n. “toe, *(lit.) foot-tip”
- Q. taltol n. “big toe”
- Q. tolbo n. “big toe; stump, stub; ⚠️thumb”
4.39 Nail, Claw
- Q. nappa n. “claw, talon”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyelet (nyelec-) n. “nail (of the finger)”
- ᴹQ. #racca n. “*claw”
- ᴹQ. raccalepta adj. “*claw-fingered”
4.392 Wing
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #ala² n. “wing”; see instead:
- Q. ráma “wing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] arm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anda-ráma adj. “long-arm(ed); long-wing(ed)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ehtaráma adj. “having a wing like a sword”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ráma n. “wing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] arm”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rámaitë (rámaiti-) adj. “winged, having wings”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rámavoitë adj. “winged, having wings”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. rámaitë “winged, having wings”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ramna n. “wing (horn)”; see instead:
- Q. ráma “wing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] arm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vassë (vassi-) n. “wing”; see instead:
- Q. ráma “wing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] arm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vassivaswë n. “beating or rushing of wings”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wilda adj. “winged”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. rámaitë “winged, having wings”
4.393 Feather
- ᴹQ. lúpë n. “plume”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pectë (pexi-) n. “plume, cox-comb”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lúpë “plume”
- ᴺQ. ^pehtë “cox-comb, *crest (of birds), ⚠️plume”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^pehtë n. “cox-comb, *crest (of birds), ⚠️plume”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. pilen n. “feather”; see instead:
- Q. quessë “feather”
- ᴹQ. pilin “arrow; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] feather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pilinquasilla n. “nodding plume”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lúpë “plume”
- Q. pilinehtar “a reed-like plant, (lit.) ?arrow thorn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pilintelë n. “plumage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quasilla n. “tuft, nodding spray, tassel, plume”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lúpë “plume”
- Q., ᴹQ. quessë n. “feather”
4.40 Front of Chest
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ambor n. “breast, *chest”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ambos “breast, *chest”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ambos (ambor-) n. “breast, *chest”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ambos (ambost-) n. “breast”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ambos “breast, *chest”
4.41 Breast of Woman
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ambar² (ambas-) n. “breast, bosom”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ambos “breast, *chest”
- ᴺQ. !ambostulco n. “bra, (lit.) breast-support”
- Q. súma n. “hollow cavity, bosom”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tittë n. “breast [of a woman], ⚠️teat”
- ᴺQ. !tyet- v. “to suckle, nurse”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyetsë n. “teat, *nipple”
4.44 Heart
- ⚠️ᴱQ. elwen n. “heart”; see instead:
- Q. hón “heart (physical organ)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hón (hom-) n. “heart (physical organ)”
- Q. #honda adj. “hearted”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #hondo adj. “*hearted”; see instead:
- Q. #honda “hearted”
- Q. hondo n. “[metaphorical] heart, (seat of the) deepest feelings”
- ᴺQ. !hondolauca adj. “warm-hearted”
- Q. #hondoringa adj. “cold-hearted”
- ᴺQ. !hontompa n. “heartbeat”
- Q. sincahonda adj. “flint-hearted”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tingahondo adj. “flint-hearted”; see instead:
- Q. sincahonda “flint-hearted”
4.45 Liver
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lepsa n. “liver”
4.46 Belly, Stomach
- ᴹQ. #cumba adj. “*bellied”
- ᴺQ. !cumbo n. “belly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. famba n. “belly, fat body”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cumbo “belly”
- ᴺQ. !hirdë n. “entrails, bowels”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palla n. “paunch”
- ᴹQ. sauricumba [þ] adj. “*foul-bellied”
4.47 Womb
- ⚠️Q. #carva n. “*womb”; see instead:
- Q. #móna “*womb”
- ⚠️Q. #colba n. “*womb”; see instead:
- Q. #móna “*womb”
- Q. #móna n. “*womb”
- ᴺQ. !pucco (puccu-) n. “cunnus, vagina”
4.48 Egg
- ᴺQ. !maldë n. “yolk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ohtë n. “egg”
- ᴺQ. !ohtëa adj. “elliptical, egg-like”
4.49 Testicle
- ⚠️ᴱQ. milt n. “semen”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^miltë “semen”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^miltë (milti-) n. “semen”
4.492 Penis
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hapta- v. “to eject, ejaculate”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^puncil n. “male organ, penis”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. puntl n. “mem. vir., *penis”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^puncil “male organ, penis”
- ᴺQ. !vielóra n. “eunuch”
4.51 to Breathe; Breath
- Q. föa n. “breath, puff of breath”
- Q. #fúmë n.
- Q. *nef- v. “to breathe (air)”
- Q. #nefítë adj. “air-breathing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quor- v. “to choke, suffocate, (esp.) drown”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quorin adj. “drowned, choked, speechless”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quosta- v. “to choke, drown (trans.)”
- Q., ᴹQ. súlë [þ] n. “breath; (movement of) spirit, emission of power (of will or desire)”
- ᴹQ. súya- [þ] v. “to breathe”
4.52 to Gape, Yawn
- Q. #hac- v. “to yawn”
- Q. hácala adj. “yawning”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yámë adj. “yawning”; see instead:
- Q. hácala “yawning”
- ᴹQ. yanga- v. “to yawn”
4.53 to Cough
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hototyossë n. “a cough and a sneeze”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hútatyosta n. “whooping cough”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyuxo n. “hiccup”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nang- v. “I have a cold”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nungwë “cold (in the nose or head)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nungo n. “cold (in the nose or head)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nungwë “cold (in the nose or head)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nungwë n. “cold (in the nose or head)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyos (tyoss-) n. “cough”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tyosta- v. “to cough”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyosto- v. “to cough”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tyosta- “to cough”
4.54 to Sneeze
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hont n. “sneeze”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hontossë n. “loud sneeze”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hotya- v. “to sneeze”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #hotyo- v. “to sneeze”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hotya- “to sneeze”
4.56 to Spit
- ⚠️ᴹQ. pis- [þ] v. “to spit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. piuta- “to spit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pist- v. “to spit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. piuta- “to spit”
- ᴹQ. piuta- v. “to spit”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] recca n. “spittle, *saliva”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rent (renty-) n. “spittle, saliva”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. recca “spittle, *saliva”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. retye- v. “to spit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. piuta- “to spit”
4.57 to Vomit
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quam- v. “to be ill, vomit”
- ᴺQ. !quamna n. “vomit”
- ᴺQ. !sála n. “gall, bile”
4.58 to Bite
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nac-² v. “to bite”
- ᴹQ. nahta¹ n. “bite”
- ᴺQ. !nyanda- v. “to gnaw”
4.59 to Lick
- ᴹQ. lapsa- v. “to lick (frequentative)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lapsa n. “licking up (food or drink), gluttonous eating”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. laptë “gluttonous eating, [ᴹQ.] †licking up (food or drink)”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] laptë n. “gluttonous eating, [ᴹQ.] †licking up (food or drink)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lav- v. “to lick”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. salpa- v. “to lick up, sup, sip, [ᴱQ.] take a sup of; to sample”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salpë n. “sip, ⚠️taste”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sulpa- v. “to lap up, drink greedily; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to lick, sup, lick up, sup up; to sip, taste; to drink”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sult (sulp-) n. “sip, taste”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^salpë “sip, ⚠️taste”
4.61 to Sleep; Sleep
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fansa n. “swoon”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lortalë “swoon, faint, dizziness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fanta- v. “to fall asleep, go dazed, swoon”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lorta- “to faint, swoon, become dazed”
- ᴺQ. !loru- “to fall asleep”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fum- v. “to sleep”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #lor- “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fúmë n. “(deep) sleep”; see instead:
- Q. lórë “[ᴹQ.] slumber, *sleep; [Q.] dream”
- ᴺQ. !hwínë n. “giddiness, faintness”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #lor- v. “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lorda adj. “slumbrous, drowsy, *sleepy”
- ᴹQ. lorna adj. “asleep”
- ᴺQ. !lornata- v. “to put to sleep”
- ᴺQ. !lornatála adj. “sleep-inducing”
- ᴺQ. !lorta- v. “to faint, swoon, become dazed”
- ᴺQ. !lortalë n. “swoon, faint, dizziness”
- ᴺQ. !loru- v. “to fall asleep”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. murmë n. “slumber, sleep”; see instead:
- Q. lórë “[ᴹQ.] slumber, *sleep; [Q.] dream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. murmëa adj. “slumbrous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lorda “slumbrous, drowsy, *sleepy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. muru- v. “to slumber, sleep”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #lor- “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber”
4.62 Dream
- ᴺQ. !cuilórë n. “day-dream, (lit.) awake-dream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fanórë n. “day-dream”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuilórë “day-dream, (lit.) awake-dream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fantl n. “vision, dream, hazy notion, imaginary idea”; see instead:
- Q. olor “dream, vision”
- Q. tenna³ “thought, notion, idea”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fanwë n. “dream”; see instead:
- Q. olor “dream, vision”
- Q. indemma n. “mind-picture (of apparition in dream)”
- Q., ᴹQ. lórë n. “[ᴹQ.] slumber, *sleep; [Q.] dream”
- Q. óla- v. “to dream (impersonal)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. olar n. “dream”; see instead:
- Q. olor “dream, vision”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. olor n. “dream, vision”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] olorda adj. “dreamy, drowsy; in dreams”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olórë n. “dream”; see instead:
- Q. olor “dream, vision”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olórëa adj. “dreamy, dreamlike”; see instead:
- Q. olosta “dreamy, *dreamlike”
- Q. olosta adj. “dreamy, *dreamlike”
4.63 to Wake
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuiru- v. “to stir (to wakefullness)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !eccuinu- “to awake, wake up”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] cuita- v. “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
- ᴺQ. !cuiva adj. “awake”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuiva- v. “to awake”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cuita- “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
- ᴹQ. cuivëa adj. “wakening”
- Q., ᴹQ. cuivië¹ n. “awakening”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. eccoita- v. “to awake”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cuita- “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
- ᴺQ. !eccuinu- v. “to awake, wake up”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quíva adj. “awake”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuiva “awake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quívië n. “awakening”; see instead:
- Q. cuivië¹ “awakening”
4.65 to Urinate; Urine
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mis (mist-) n. “urine”
4.66 to Void Excrement; Dung, Excrement
- ᴺQ. !catassa n. “anus, arsehole, (lit.) behind-hole”
- ᴺQ. !hexan (hexamb-) n. “toilet, lavatory”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] múco n. “dung, *manure, muck”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mucta- v. “cacare [Latin], *to empty bowels”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^muhta- “*to defecate, empty bowels”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^muhta- v. “*to defecate, empty bowels”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !satyasambë [þ] n. “privy, lavatory”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hexan “toilet, lavatory”
4.67 to have Sexual Intercourse
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhta- v. “to fornicate”
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhtië n. “fornication”
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhto n. “fornicator”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pucta- v. “*to copulate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^puhta- “to copulate, have sex”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] puhta n. “coitus, *sex”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^puhta- v. “to copulate, have sex”
- ᴺQ. !puhtëa adj. “sexual”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úpuhta- v. “to fornicate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhta- “to fornicate”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úpuhtalë n. “fornication”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhtië “fornication”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yérë n. “*sexual desire”; see instead:
- Q. yermë “sexual desire (for marriage and procreation)”
- Q. yermë n. “sexual desire (for marriage and procreation)”
4.71 to Beget (of Father)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ciw- v. “*to germinate, impregnate”
- Q., ᴹQ. onta- v. “to beget, *conceive (a child); [ᴹQ.] to create”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. puita- v. “to beget”; see instead:
- Q. onta- “to beget, *conceive (a child); [ᴹQ.] to create”
4.72 to Bear (of Mother)
- ᴺQ. !ennóna adj. “born again”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enontië n. “rebirth, resurrection”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !enortalë “resurrection”
- ᴺQ. !enortalë n. “resurrection”
- ᴺQ. !ernóna adj. “only-born, only-begotten”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nó- v. “to be born, ⚠️become”
- Q. #nóna adj. “born”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nónië n. “birth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nosta “birth, ⚠️birthday”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nosta n. “birth, ⚠️birthday”
- Q., ᴱQ. nosta- v. “to beget, [ᴱQ.] give birth to; [Q.] to be begotten, *be born [impersonal]; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to cause”
- ᴺQ. !nostarë n. “birthday”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !onya- v. “to be born, be begotten”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nó- “to be born, ⚠️become”
4.73 Pregnant
- ⚠️Q. colbamarië n. “gestation, *(lit.) womb-residence”; see instead:
- Q. colbanavië “gestation, *(lit.) womb-being”
- Q. colbanavië n. “gestation, *(lit.) womb-being”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lapsarwa adj. “pregnant, (lit.) baby-having”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lapselunga “pregnant, (lit.) baby-heavy”
- ᴺQ. !lapselunga adj. “pregnant, (lit.) baby-heavy”
4.74 to Live; Living; Life
- Q. ceula adj. “?alive (of vegetable)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. coina adj. “alive, ⚠️living”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coirë n. “life”; see instead:
- Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
- Q. coirë “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
- Q., ᴱQ. coirëa adj. “living, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] lively, alive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coiresta- v. “to spend one’s life”
- Q., ᴹQ. #coita- v. “[ᴹQ.] to live, be alive, have life”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] coiva adj. “lively, ⚠️living; awake”
- ᴺQ. !coivenqua adj. “lively, vibrant, vivacious, (lit.) full of life”
- Q., ᴱQ. coivië n. “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cuilë n. “life, being alive”; see instead:
- Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cuina adj. “alive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. coina “alive, ⚠️living”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuina- v. “to live, be alive”; see instead:
- Q. #coita- “[ᴹQ.] to live, be alive, have life”
- ᴹQ. (ec)coiru- v. “to come to life”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulë n. “mode of life, *lifestyle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulesta n. “livelihood”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulesta- v. “to lead a life, gain a living”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lausiva adj. “living (of plants)”; see instead:
- Q. ceula “?alive (of vegetable)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. löa n. “life”; see instead:
- Q. löa “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
- Q. coivië “life, [ᴱQ.] liveliness; ⚠️awakening”
- Q. vehtë n. “[a span of] life; habitat, haunt”
- Q. vehtequentalë n. “biography”
4.742 Immortal
- ᴹQ. #alfírima adj. “immortal”
- ᴹQ. Alfírimo n. “Immortal”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ilfirin adj. “immortal”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #alfírima “immortal”
4.75 to Die; Dead; Death
- ⚠️ᴹQ. fairë² n. “natural death (as act)”; see instead:
- Q. fírië “death (of Men), *natural death”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fé n. “last hour, last breath, (act of) death”; see instead:
- Q. fírië “death (of Men), *natural death”
- Q., ᴹQ. fir- v. “to die, fade, †expire, breathe forth”
- Q. fírië n. “death (of Men), *natural death”
- Q., ᴹQ. fírima adj. “mortal, *(lit.) able to die”
- ᴹQ. fírimárë n. “mortality, the state of being mortal”
- ᴹQ. firin adj. “dead (by natural cause)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mána adj. “dead”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. qualin “dead, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dying”
- Q. mána “blessing, good thing; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] blessed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #narca² adj. “dead”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. qualin “dead, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dying”
- ᴹQ. nuru [ñ-] n. “death [abstract]”
- Q., ᴱQ. qual- v. “to die”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. qualin adj. “dead, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dying”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. qualmë n. “(process of) death, (death) agony”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] qualmëa adj. “deadly, deathly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †qualna adj. “dead”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. qualin “dead, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dying”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †qualumë¹ n. “death”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. qualmë “(process of) death, (death) agony”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †qualúmëa adj. “deadly”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. qualmëa “deadly, deathly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. urdu n. “death”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nuru “death [abstract]”
- ⚠️Q. ?urtu n. “death”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nuru “death [abstract]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. warda adj. “dead”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. qualin “dead, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dying”
4.76 to Kill
- ᴺQ. !atannahtar n. “man-slayer”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !firta- v. “to kill”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !qualta- “to kill, murder”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. macca n. “slaughter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nahtalë “slaughter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. macta- v. “to slay, slaughter”; see instead:
- Q. nahta-¹ “to slay; ⚠️[Q.] to hurt, injure, wound; [ᴱQ.] slay cruelly”
- Q. mahta- “to handle, wield, use, make use of; to manage, deal with, treat, control; [ᴹQ.] to stroke, feel; to wield a weapon, fight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mactya- v. “to kill”; see instead:
- Q. nahta-¹ “to slay; ⚠️[Q.] to hurt, injure, wound; [ᴱQ.] slay cruelly”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nahta-¹ v. “to slay; ⚠️[Q.] to hurt, injure, wound; [ᴱQ.] slay cruelly”
- ᴺQ. !nahtalë n. “slaughter”
- Q. nahtana adj. “*slain”
- ᴺQ. !nahtar n. “slayer, murderer”
- Q. #nehtar n. “slayer”
- ᴺQ. !qualta- v. “to kill, murder”
4.77 Corpse, Body
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caivo n. “corpse”; see instead:
- Q. loico “corpse, dead body”
- Q. loico n. “corpse, dead body”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelectë n. “carcase”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quelehtë “carcass”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quelehtë n. “carcass”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. quelet (quelett-) n. “corpse”
4.79 Grave, Tomb
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caunë n. “grave”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lára² n. “grave”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
- Q. #noirë n. “tomb”
4.81 Strong, Mighty, Powerful
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anúva adj. “doughty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hanúva “doughty, *manly”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] astalda adj. “*valiant; ⚠️strong”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !curya adj. “potent, powerful, strong (as function of craft or cunning)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. turwa “powerful [in a general sense]”
- Q. melehta adj. “mighty”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] melehtë n. “might, power (inherent)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nertu n. “strength”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. poldorë “[ᴱQ.] physical strength; ⚠️might”
- ᴺQ. !poldavë adv. “strongly”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. poldorë n. “[ᴱQ.] physical strength; ⚠️might”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. poldórëa adj. “strong, strong-bodied, [ᴱQ.] muscular, ⚠️powerful”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !pollië adv. “hard, strongly”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !poldavë “strongly”
- Q., ᴹQ. taura adj. “(very) mighty, masterful; vast, of unmeasured might or size”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !torya- v. “to strengthen”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. turya- “to strengthen”
- ᴹQ. tuo n. “muscle, sinew; vigour, physical strength”
- Q., ᴱQ. #turca adj. “strong, powerful (in body)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] turwa adj. “powerful [in a general sense]”
- Q., ᴹQ. turya- v. “[ᴹQ.] to strengthen”
- Q., ᴹQ. turyandë n. “fortification, [ᴹQ.] strengthening”
- ᴹQ. turyanwa adj. “fortified, *strengthened”
- ᴹQ. vëassë n. “vigour”
4.82 Weak, Infirm
- Q. limpa adj. “frail, slender and drooping”
- Q. úmaitë adj. “clumsy(-handed), unskilled”
4.83 Well; Health
- ⚠️ᴹQ. al- v. “to thrive”; see instead:
- Q. ala-¹ “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
- Q. málë n. “good health”
- ᴺQ. !málëa adj. “healthy, healthful”
4.84 Sick; Sickness
- ᴹQ. caila adj. “lying in bed, *abed, ⚠️bedridden; sickness”
- ᴹQ. caimassë n. “sickness, (lit.) lying in bed”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. caimassëa adj. “bedridden, sick, [ᴱQ.] confined to bed, a-bed”
- Q., ᴹQ. #engwa adj. “sickly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlaiwa adj. “sickly, sick, ill”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlívë n. “sickness, *disease”
- ᴺQ. !hruhirdië n. “dysentery”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. laiwa adj. “sickly, sick, ill”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlaiwa “sickly, sick, ill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. leucë (leuci-) adj. “sick, ill; pallid, wan”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlaiwa “sickly, sick, ill”
- ᴹQ. malwa “fallow, pale, [ᴱQ.] yellowish, *wan”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. leumë n. “sickness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlívë “sickness, *disease”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lívë n. “sickness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlívë “sickness, *disease”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naica² adj. “stricken ill, sick”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlaiwa “sickly, sick, ill”
- ᴺQ. quámëa “sick, *nauseous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naico adv. “*sickly”; see instead:
- Q. #engwa “sickly”
- Q. nimpa adj. “drooping, ailing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quamba adj. “unwell, sick”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quámëa “sick, *nauseous”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. quámë n. “sickness, [ᴱQ.] nausea”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quámëa adj. “sick, *nauseous”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quol- v. “to ail, *be sick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quolda adj. “ill”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quolina “ill, sickly, ailing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quolima adj. “sickly, ailing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quolina “ill, sickly, ailing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolimo n. “invalid”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolina adj. “ill, sickly, ailing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolu n. “disease”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolúva adj. “pestilent, pestilential”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolúvië n. “pestilence”
- ᴺQ. !sauluppo (sauluppu-) n. “cancer (disease) ”
4.85 to Wound; Wound; Wounded
- ᴹQ. harna- v. “to wound”
- ᴹQ. harna¹ adj. “wounded”
- ᴹQ. harwë² n. “wound”
- Q. nahtë n. “wounding, wound”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nirwa² adj. “scarred”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nirwë n. “scar”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sastya adj. “sore, galled”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sistina “ulcerated, sore”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sistë (sisti-) n. “ulcer, sore, boil”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sistina adj. “ulcerated, sore”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^velet n. “boil, tumor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. welet (welect-) n. “boil, tumor”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^velet “boil, tumor”
4.86 to Cure, Heal
- Q. #envinyata- v. “to renew, heal, *restore”
- Q. hasa- [þ] v. “to treat (medically), (help to) cure; to treat kindly, make easy”
- ᴺQ. !hasaino [þ] n. “patient, (lit.) medically treated one”
- ᴺQ. !hasiendë [þ] n. “therapy, a process of treating medically”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nesta-² v. “to heal”; see instead:
- Q. hasa- “to treat (medically), (help to) cure; to treat kindly, make easy”
- Q. #envinyata- “to renew, heal, *restore”
- ᴹQ. venya- v. “to heal”
4.87 Physician
- Q. asar(o) [þ] n. “doctor, leech”
- Q. asarta [þ] n. “doctor, leech”
- ᴺQ. !hlaimar (hlaimard-) n. “hospital”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nestando n. “healer, physician”; see instead:
- Q. asarta “doctor, leech”
4.88 Medicine, Drug
- Q., ᴹQ. asëa [þ] n. “healing herb, ⚠️athelas”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. asëa aranaitë [þ] n. “*kingsfoil”; see instead:
- Q. asëa aranion “kingsfoil, asëa of the Kings”
- Q. asëa aranion [þ] n. “kingsfoil, asëa of the Kings”
- ᴺQ. !colma n. “stretcher”
- ᴺQ. !hasarë [þ] n. “medicine (as a practice)”
- ᴺQ. !hasarëa [þ] adj. “medical”
- ᴺQ. !hatwa n. “medicine, medication, drug”
- Q. hröangolmë n. “lore of the body and arts of healing”
4.89 Poison
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fuiyáru n. “deadly nightshade”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. heno (henu-) n. “venom, poison”; see instead:
- Q. hloima “poison, poisonous substance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. henuva adj. “venomous, poisonous”; see instead:
- Q. hloirëa “venomous, *poisonous”
- Q. hloima n. “poison, poisonous substance”
- Q. hloirë n. “venom, poison, poisonousness”
- Q. hloirëa adj. “venomous, *poisonous”
- Q. hloita- v. “to poison, envenom, fill with poison”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sangwa n. “poison”; see instead:
- Q. hloima “poison, poisonous substance”
4.91 Tired, Weary
- ᴹQ. lumba adj. “weary”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quiqui- v. “to hang, droop”; see instead:
- Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #rúsë (rúsi-) adj. “weary”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lumba “weary”
- Q. rúsë “wrath”
- ᴺQ. !sapsarrima adj. “boring, tedious”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarwa² adj. “tired”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lumba “weary”
4.92 Lazy
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinqua adj. “languid, *lazy, relaxed, ⚠️drooping”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinquelë n. “languor, *relaxation”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinquelëa adj. “languorous, *relaxing”
4.93 Bald
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falcasse(a) adj. “bald”; see instead:
- Q. parnë “bald, bare, ⚠️naked”
- Q. parnë adj. “bald, bare, ⚠️naked”
4.94 Lame
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cauco (caucu-) n. “humpback”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cupta- v. “to hump up, look lumpy”
- ᴺQ. !hröaloica n. “cripple”
- ᴺQ. !lalevítë adj. “lame”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maita adj. “maimed”
- ᴺQ. !úlévima adj. “paralyzed, ⚠️lame”
4.95 Deaf
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hlárelóra adj. “deaf, (lit.) hearing-less”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lahlaraitë “deaf, (lit.) unable to hear”
- ᴺQ. !lahlaraitë adj. “deaf, (lit.) unable to hear”
4.96 Dumb
- Q. úpa adj. “dumb [unable to speak]”
- Q. úpahtëa adj. “speechless”
4.97 Blind
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cellóra adj. “blind, sightless”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cénelóra adj. “blind”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cenenca adj. “blind, sightless”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lacenítë adj. “unseeing, blind”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lomba adj. “blind”
- ᴺQ. !lomya- n. “to blind”
4.98 Drunk
- ᴺQ. !limpunqua adj. “drunken”
- ᴺQ. !limpunquië n. “drunkenness”
4.99 Naked, Bare
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carp- v. “to pluck”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carpalë n. “a plucking, tugging, wrenching; deceiving, tricking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falca¹ adj. “naked, bare”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falin adj. “bare, nude, fallow, wild (of land)”; see instead:
- Q. parnë “bald, bare, ⚠️naked”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. halla² adj. “naked”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
- ᴹQ. helda¹ adj. “naked, stripped bare”
- ᴺQ. !heldassë n. “nakedness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hulin adj. “naked”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hulqua adj. “naked”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
- ⚠️Q. parca adj. “naked (of persons)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helda¹ “naked, stripped bare”
- ᴹQ. parca “dry; ⚠️thirsty”
4.999 Body Parts and Functions (other)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lepsilë (lepsily-) n. “tendril”
Food and Drink
5.11 to Eat
- ᴺQ. !accamátala adj. “over-eating”
- ᴺQ. !accamatië n. “over-eating”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. camanta- v. “to make eat, give to eat”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !matya- “to feed”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lávëar n. “glutton”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽malu- v. “to devour”; see instead:
- Q. mammata- “to gorge (oneself), gobble up, [ᴹQ.] devour; [Q.] (lit.) to go on eating”
- Q., ᴹQ. mammata- v. “to gorge (oneself), gobble up, [ᴹQ.] devour; [Q.] (lit.) to go on eating”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manta adj. “eaten”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !matina “eaten”
- Q. #manta- “to bless”
- ⚠️Q., ᴱQ. mastima adj. “edible”; see instead:
- Q. mátima “edible”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mat- v. “to eat”
- ᴹQ. #matië n. “eating”
- Q. mátima adj. “edible”
- ᴺQ. !matimar (matimard-) n. “restaurant, (lit.) eating hall”
- ᴺQ. !matina adj. “eaten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. matsa adj. “good to eat, nice”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. mattima adj. “edible”; see instead:
- Q. mátima “edible”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-matwa suf. “*-eating”; see instead:
- Q. #-matya “-eating”
- Q. #-matya suf. “-eating”
- ᴺQ. !matya- v. “to feed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nesta n. “(act of) feeding”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nestië “(act of) feeding”
- ᴺQ. !nestië n. “(act of) feeding”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyuc- v. “to chew”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyúca² n. “cud”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tyuxë “cud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyus (tyux-) n. “cud”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tyuxë “cud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyustyucta- v. “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tyustyuhta- “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tyustyuhta- v. “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tyuxë n. “cud”
- ᴺQ. !vas- [þ] v. “to consume”
5.12 Food
- ᴺQ. !celvamatta n. “animal food”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coisimatl n. “animal food”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !celvamatta “animal food”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. matl n. “food”; see instead:
- Q. matta “food”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. matso n. “food”; see instead:
- Q. matta “food”
- Q. matta n. “food”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nes (nest-) n. “food, feed, fodder”
5.13 to Drink
- ᴺQ. !accasúcala adj. “over-drinking”
- ᴺQ. !accasucië n. “over-drinking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soco- v. “to drink”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. suc- “to drink [rapidly], *gulp, quaff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. socto- v. “to give to drink, drench”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sohta- “to give to drink, drench”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sohta- v. “to give to drink, drench”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soqu- v. “to drink”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. suc- “to drink [rapidly], *gulp, quaff”
- ᴹQ. suc- v. “to drink [rapidly], *gulp, quaff”
- ᴹQ. suhto n. “draught, *a single act of drinking”
- Q. yul- v. “to drink”
- Q. yulda¹ n. “drink, draught, thing drunk; ⚠️cup”
- Q. yulda² adj. “drunk”
- Q. yúlima adj. “drinkable”
- Q. yulmë n. “drinking, carousal”
- ᴺQ. !yulmo n. “drinker”
- Q. yuluitë (yuluiti-) adj. “drinking (as a habit), *aquatic”
5.14 Hunger
- Q. maita adj. “hungry”
- ᴺQ. !maitië n. “hunger”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saicë n. “hunger”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saicelë n. “famine”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saicelëa adj. “famished”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saicelta- v. “to starve”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. saitya- “to starve”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saiqua adj. “hungry”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saita- v. “to be hungry (impersonal)”; see instead:
- Q. maita “hungry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saitya- v. “to starve”
5.15 Thirst
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loimë n. “thirst”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !soicië “thirst”
- ᴺQ. !soicië n. “thirst”
5.151 Thirsty
- ᴹQ. fauca adj. “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loimëa adj. “thirsty”; see instead:
- Q. soica “thirsty”
- ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loirë (loiri-) adj. “thirsty”; see instead:
- Q. soica “thirsty”
- ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loyo- v. “be thirsty (impers.)”; see instead:
- Q. soica “thirsty”
- Q. soica adj. “thirsty”
5.17 to Mix, Blend
- ᴺQ. !hwinta- v. “to mix, stir; to confuse”
- Q. #ostimë n. “blend”
5.21 to Cook
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aptaina adj. “cooked, broiled”; see instead:
- Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
- ᴺQ. maxa- “to cook”
- ᴺQ. !carmen (carmend-) n. “recipe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maswa adj. “soft, cooked, ripe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maxa- v. “to cook”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maxar n. “cook”
5.24 to Bake
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mas- v. “to bake, cook”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
- ᴹQ. masta- v. “to bake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. torina adj. “baked, done”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. toro- v. “to bake”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
5.25 Oven
- ⚠️ᴱQ. torma n. “oven”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. urna “oven”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] urna n. “oven”
- ᴺQ. !urpalda n. “stove plate”
5.26 Pot
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. calpa n. “water-vessel, bucket”
- ᴹQ. tambë (tambi-) n. “pot”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tambin (tambind-) n. “cauldron”
5.28 Pan
- ᴺQ. !sitwa [þ] n. “pan, fryer”
5.31 Dish
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] venë n. “dish, [eating] vessel, ⚠️small boat”
5.32 Plate
- ᴺQ. !palda n. “plate, dish, platter”
5.33 Bowl
- Q. nanwa² n. “(large) bowl”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salpa n. “bowl”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tolpo “bowl”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tolpo n. “bowl”
5.34 Jug, Pitcher
- ᴺQ. !helmolpë n. “wine-skin, (lit.) skin-bottle”
- ᴺQ. !lótecas (lótecaps-) n. “vase, (lit.) flower-vessel”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] olpë n. “bottle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ulma n. “flagon, *pitcher”
- ᴺQ. !unco (uncu-) n. “jar”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. unquilla(r) n. “handle of jar; pothook”
5.35 Cup
- Q. cilinyul (*cilinyulm-) n. “drinking-vessel (made of glass)”
- ᴹQ. súlo (*súlu-) n. “goblet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sungwa n. “drinking-vessel”; see instead:
- Q. yulma “cup, drinking vessel, drinking implement, ⚠️goblet”
- Q. yulma n. “cup, drinking vessel, drinking implement, ⚠️goblet”
- ᴺQ. !yulmon n. “chalice”
5.37 Spoon
- ᴺQ. !calampa n. “spoon”
5.39 Fork
- ᴺQ. !nelecco n. “fork, (lit.) three-thorn”
5.41 a Meal
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mat (matt-) n. “meal, [ᴱQ.] meal time; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] food”
5.42 Breakfast
- ᴺQ. !arinwat n. “breakfast, (lit.) morning-meal”
5.43 Lunch
- ᴺQ. !endemat (endematt-) n. “lunch, (lit.) mid-meal”
5.44 Dinner
- ᴺQ. !héramat (héramatt-) n. “main course, (lit.) chief meal”
- ᴺQ. !sinyemat [þ] n. “dinner, evening meal”
5.45 Supper
- ᴹQ. ahtumat n. “supper, *(lit.) maker’s meal”
5.51 Bread
- ᴺQ. !alapulúna adj. “unleavened, unfermented”
- Q. coimas (*coimass-) n. “life-bread, lembas”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cornë n. “loaf”
- Q. háva n. “[unleavened] bread (collective)”
- Q. havar n. “a loaf or cake of [unleavened] bread”
- ⚠️Q. lerembas n. “bread taken on leaving home (for a long journey)”; see instead:
- Q. coimas “life-bread, lembas”
- Q. #massa n. “bread”
- Q. massánië n. “Lady, breadgiver”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. masta n. “bread, cake, loaf, *baked good”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mastacornë n. “[bread] loaf”
5.52 Cake
- ⚠️ᴱQ. corma n. “cake, lump”; see instead:
- Q. masta “bread, cake, loaf, *baked good”
- Q. #corma “ring”
- ᴺQ. !havarcë n. “cookie”
- ᴺQ. !liscornë n. “any sweet fried bread, doughnut”
- ᴺQ. !lissimbas (lissimbass-) n. “(sweet) cake (eaten as dessert)”
5.53 Dough
- ᴺQ. !malda n. “pulp, paste, mash, mush”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !malma² n. “pulp, paste, mash, mush; dough, grume”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !malda “pulp, paste, mash, mush”
- ᴹQ. maxë¹ “dough”
- ᴹQ. maxë¹ n. “dough”
- ᴺQ. !pulmaxë n. “leaven(ing), *yeast”
5.54 to Knead
- ᴺQ. !maxata- v. “to knead”
5.55 Meal, Flour
- Q. mulë n. “meal, *grist, ground grains”
- ᴺQ. !mulessë n. “porridge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulma n. “fine flour”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. polë (poli-) n. “meal, grist, [ᴹQ.] flour, [ᴱQ.] oats, grain (unground kernels of oats, wheat, etc.)”; see instead:
- Q. mulë “meal, *grist, ground grains”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. polessë n. “porridge”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mulessë “porridge”
- ᴹQ. porë (pori-) n. “flour, ⚠️meal”
5.56 to Grind
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mard(a)- v. “to grind, pulverize”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mul- “to grind, *pulverize”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mul- v. “to grind, *pulverize”
5.57 Mill
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mulmanen n. “mill”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mulmin “mill”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulmar n. “miller”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulmin n. “mill”
- ᴺQ. !mulondo n. “millstone”
5.61 Meat
- ᴹQ. apsa¹ n. “meat, cooked food”
- ᴺQ. !celvamatya adj. “carnivorous, (lit.) animal-eating”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coisimatwa adj. “carnivorous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !celvamatya “carnivorous, (lit.) animal-eating”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. maxë² n. “meat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. apsa¹ “meat, cooked food”
- ᴹQ. maxë¹ “dough”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mimbematwa adj. “carnivorous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !celvamatya “carnivorous, (lit.) animal-eating”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarquin(a) n. and adj. “salt meat; salted, dried, *(orig.) preserved”
5.612 Butcher
- ᴺQ. !celvacir n. “butcher”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuimacir n. “butcher”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !celvacir “butcher”
5.614 Fat, Grease
- Q. hlúvo (hlúvu-) adj. “greasy, fat”
- ᴹQ. lar n. “fat, richness, ⚠️riches”
- ᴹQ. lárëa adj. “fat, rich”
- ᴹQ. larma n. “fat [as a substance], ⚠️(?pig-)fat, flesh”
- ᴺQ. !larmëa adj. “fatty, fleshy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laru n. “grease, ⚠️fat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. larucë adj. “fat, rich”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lárëa “fat, rich”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] larúva adj. “greasy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lisë (lihy-) n. “grease, butter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. laru “grease, ⚠️fat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lisiva adj. “greasy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. larúva “greasy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mangë¹ (mangi-) n. “grease”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. laru “grease, ⚠️fat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piulë adj. “greasy, overfat; overfed, spoilt”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. larúva “greasy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. píwë n. “fatness, richness, goodness”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lar “fat, richness, ⚠️riches”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silc(in)a adj. “rich, fat, glossy”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lárëa “fat, rich”
- ᴺQ. oiwa “glossy”
5.64 Soup, Broth
- ᴺQ. !salpa n. “broth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sulpa n. “soup”
5.65 Vegetables
- ᴺQ. !cemellet (cemellept-) n. “asparagus, (lit.) earth-finger”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colosta n. “cucumber”
- ᴺQ. !laimamatta n. “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food”
- ᴺQ. !laimamatya adj. “herbivorous, vegetarian, (lit.) plant-eating”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lausimatl n. “vegetable food”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laimamatta “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lausimatwa adj. “vegetarian”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laimamatya “herbivorous, vegetarian, (lit.) plant-eating”
- ᴺQ. !nastyapsul (nastyapsulc-) n. “turnip, (lit.) prickly/stingy/sharp tasting root”
- Q. quëa n. “vegetable”
- ᴺQ. !rassulca n. “carrot”
5.67 Pea
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mildë (mildi-) n. “pea”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mildi coll. “pease”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mildë “pea”
5.68 Onion
- ᴺQ. !linvainëa n. “onion, (lit.) many-sheathed”
5.69 Cabbage
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calar n. “lettuce”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^caras “lettuce”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^caras (caras-) n. “lettuce”
5.70 Potato
- ᴺQ. !cemorva n. “potato, (lit.) earth-apple”
5.71 Fruit
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culmarin (culmarind-) n. “orange”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. culuma “orange [fruit]”
- ᴹQ. culuma n. “orange [fruit]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culurin n. “orange; piece of gold”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. culuma “orange [fruit]”
- ᴺQ. !culvelyávë n. “pumpkin”
- ᴺQ. !laivelyávë n. “(water)melon”
- ᴺQ. !malma¹ n. “lemon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marin n. “(ripe) fruit (of apple type)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marinnë n. “fruit tree”
- ᴺQ. !velyávë n. “gourd, Cucurbitaceae, the gourd family”
- ᴺQ. !venwa [w] n. “lime (fruit)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yáva n. “fruit, produce”; see instead:
- Q. yávë “fruit”
- Q., ᴹQ. yávë n. “fruit”
- ᴺQ. !yávelóra adj. “fruitless”
- ᴺQ. !yávinqua adj. “fruitful”
5.72 Apple
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] orva n. “apple”
5.74 Peach
- ᴺQ. !tuorva n. “peach, (lit.) wool-apple”
5.75 Fig
- ᴺQ. !relyávalda n. “fig-tree”
- ᴺQ. !relyávë n. “fig”
5.76 Grape
- ᴺQ. !mirupio n. “grape, (lit.) wine-berry”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tiuma n. “grape”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mirupio “grape, (lit.) wine-berry”
5.77 Nut
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cotë (cotsi-) n. “nut”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cotsia adj. “nutty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cotsivoitë adj. “nut-bearing, nutty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cottulë n. “hazel”
- Q. *pecco n. “nut”
5.78 Olive
- ᴺQ. !milpialda n. “olive tree”
- ᴺQ. !milpio n. “olive, (lit.) oily-berry”
- ᴺQ. !piemillo n. “olive oil”
5.79 Oil
- ⚠️Q. ?elp- v. “to anoint”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !liv- “to anoint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilma¹ n. “oil”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. millo “oil”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilqua adj. “oily, smooth, glossy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !milla “oily”
- ᴺQ. !milla adj. “oily”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] millo (millu-) n. “oil”
- ᴺQ. !ondomillo (ondomillu-) n. “petrol, petroleum, gasoline, gas”
5.80 Berry
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aipio n. “cherry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] melpo n. “gooseberry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pio n. “berry, plum, cherry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] piopin n. “haws, fruit of hawthorns”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^piuca n. “blackberry”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piucca n. “blackberry”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^piuca “blackberry”
5.81 Salt
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] singë (singi-) n. “salt”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] singwa adj. “salt, *salty”
5.84 Honey
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilë n. “honey”; see instead:
- Q. lís “honey, *sugar, sweetener”
- Q., ᴹQ. lís (liss-) n. “honey, *sugar, sweetener”
- ⚠️Q. #melu n. “honey”; see instead:
- Q. nehtë² “honey; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] honeycomb”
- ⚠️Q. melumatya adj. “honey-eating”; see instead:
- Q. nehtë² “honey; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] honeycomb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nectë n. “honey”; see instead:
- Q. nehtë² “honey; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] honeycomb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nectelë n. “honeycomb”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nehtelë “honeycomb”
- Q., ᴹQ. nehtë² n. “honey; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] honeycomb”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nehtelë n. “honeycomb”
5.86 Milk
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ilimba adj. “milky”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ilin (ilim-) n. “milk”
5.88 Cheese
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyur- v. “to curdle (blood, milk, etc.), *congeal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyur (tyurd-) n. “cheese”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tyurmë “cheese”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyurda adj. “curdled”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyurmë n. “cheese”
5.89 Butter
- ᴺQ. !helquir (helquirm-) n. “ice cream”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] manya n. “butter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mingwë n. “butter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. manya “butter”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quirmë n. “cream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telpë² n. “butter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. manya “butter”
- Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. úlë n. “butter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. manya “butter”
5.91 Mead
- Q., ᴱQ. miruvórë n. “mead, nectar, special wine or cordial, drink of the Elves, ⚠️(lit.) precious juice, [ᴱQ.] sweet drink”
5.92 Wine
- Q. hyero n. “wine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. io n. “wine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. miru “wine”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. limpë n. “wine, ⚠️drink of the Valar, [ᴱQ.] drink of the fairies, fairy-drink, elfwine”
- ᴺQ. !limpevorma n. “wine-press”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] miru n. “wine”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mirúva adj. “like wine, winy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulmë n. “a kind of wine”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. limpë “wine, ⚠️drink of the Valar, [ᴱQ.] drink of the fairies, fairy-drink, elfwine”
5.93 Beer
- ᴺQ. !hímë n. “beer”
5.94 Juice
- ⚠️ᴹQ. apsa² n. “juice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sáva “juice”
- ᴹQ. apsa¹ “meat, cooked food”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marc n. “ripe juice, sap, ooze, moisture”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pirya “juice, syrup, *sap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marqua adj. “oozy, juicy, moist”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !pirina “juicy, oozy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maru n. “pulp”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !malda “pulp, paste, mash, mush”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pihyë n. “sap, juice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pirya “juice, syrup, *sap”
- ᴺQ. !piohimma n. “jam, (lit.) berry-sticky-substance”
- ᴺQ. !pirina adj. “juicy, oozy”
- ᴹQ. pirya n. “juice, syrup, *sap”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. pitë n. “juice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pirya “juice, syrup, *sap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pulquë n. “juice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pirya “juice, syrup, *sap”
- ᴹQ. sáva n. “juice”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vasa n. “juice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sáva “juice”
5.999 Food (Other)
- ᴺQ. !cacáva n. “cocoa”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colucë n. “strainer”
- ᴺQ. !epemat (epematt-) n. “dessert, (lit.) after-meal”
- ᴺQ. !lissimat (lissimatt-) n. “dessert, (lit.) sweet-meal”
- ᴺQ. !lissimatta n. “sweet, piece of confectionary”
- ᴺQ. !nyasta n. “snack”
- ᴺQ. !pitsa n. “pizza”
- ᴺQ. !sinapio n. “mustard”
- ᴺQ. !tyávelassë n. “spice, (lit.) taste-leaf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyé n. “tea”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yullas “tea”
- ᴺQ. !tyocolat n. “chocolate”
- ᴺQ. !yullas (yullass-) n. “tea”
Clothing and Adornment
6.11 to Clothe, Dress
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hap-² v. “to clothe, enfold”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vaita- “to enfold, [ᴱQ.] wrap”
- ᴺQ. vaimata- “to [en]robe, *clothe; to get dressed, put on clothing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vaimata- v. “to [en]robe, *clothe; to get dressed, put on clothing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vaina² adj. “clad”
6.12 Clothes, Clothing
- ᴺQ. !hampë n. “clothing, garment”
- Q. #larma n. “raiment”
6.13 Tailor, Seamstress
- Q. serindë [þ] n. “broideress, needlewoman, *seamstress”
6.21 Cloth
- ᴹQ. lannë n. “tissue, cloth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lapil n. “swathe, flowing cloth”
- ᴺQ. !parco n. “towel”
- ᴹQ. talat n. “sheet”
6.22 Wool
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carpan n. “hank (of wool etc.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. öa n. “wool”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tó “wool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. öallë n. “blanket”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^töallë “blanket”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. öara adj. “of wool”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. töa “of wool, woollen”
- ᴹQ. tó n. “wool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. töa n. “wool”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tó “wool”
- ᴹQ. töa adj. “of wool, woollen”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^töallë n. “blanket”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tuë n. “fleece”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ue n. “fleece”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tuë “fleece”
6.23 Flax, Linen
- ᴺQ. !pásë [þ] n. “linen”
- ᴺQ. !páselannë [þ] n. “linen-cloth”
- ᴺQ. !páselarma [þ] n. “linen-raiment”
6.25 Silk
- ᴺQ. !quessamin (quessamind-) n. “velvet, (lit.) downy silk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] samin (samind-) n. “silk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saminda adj. “silken”
6.26 Lace
- Q. raiwë n. “lace”
6.28 Fur
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fara n. “fur, fell”
- ᴺQ. !helet (helets-) n. “fur, fur-coat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vórë (vóri-) n. “fur”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vórina adj. “of fur”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vóriva adj. “like fur”
6.29 Leather
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alu n. “(dressed) leather”
- ᴺQ. !alumo n. “leather-worker”
- ᴹQ. latta² n. “strap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. límen n. “thong, band”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. latta² “strap”
6.31 to Spin
- ᴹQ. hwinya- v. “to swirl, eddy, gyrate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piri- v. “to spin, turn”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quir- “to stir, make spin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pirpiri- v. “to twirl, twizzle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pirucë n. “swirl, twisting, pirouetting”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quirilda “twirling, pirouetting”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pirúc(end)ëa adj. “pirouetting, whirling lightly”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quirilda “twirling, pirouetting”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quir- v. “to stir, make spin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quiri-¹ v. “to stir (make spin)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quir- “to stir, make spin”
- ᴺQ. !quirilda adj. “twirling, pirouetting”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. werelinda adj. “twirling, pirouetting”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quirilda “twirling, pirouetting”
6.32 Spindle
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quindl n. “a spindle, top”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quiril “spindle; [spinning] top, *whirligig”
- ᴺQ. !quiril n. “spindle; [spinning] top, *whirligig”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. werelin (werelind-) n. “whirligig”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quiril “spindle; [spinning] top, *whirligig”
6.33 to Weave
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #canga- v. “to weave, spin”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lanya- “to weave”
- ᴹQ. lanat n. “weft, *woof”
- ᴺQ. !lanaxa n. “shed (the gap between upper and lower yarns in weaving)”
- ᴹQ. lanya- v. “to weave”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quint n. “loop, stitch (in knitting)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quit- v. “to knit”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quitima adj. “(for) knitting”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quitin adj. “knitted, joined tight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quity- v. “to knit”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quit- “to knit”
- ᴺQ. !vírina adj. “woven”
- ⚠️Q. were- v. “to weave”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lanya- “to weave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. winda n. “woof”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lanat “weft, *woof”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wistë n. “weft”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lanat “weft, *woof”
6.34 Loom
- ᴹQ. lanwa n. “loom”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tantal n. “shuttle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tantl n. “shuttle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tantal “shuttle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. windelë n. “loom”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lanwa “loom”
6.35 to Sew
- ᴺQ. !lanquit- v. “to darn a knitted garment, (lit.) cross/over-knit”
- ᴺQ. !latter- v. “to darn a sewn garment, (lit.) cross/over-sew”
- ᴺQ. !lilma n. “patch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neme- v. “to sew”; see instead:
- Q. #ser- “*to sew”
- Q. #ser- [þ] v. “*to sew”
6.36 Needle
- ᴺQ. !leppa n. “thimble”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nelma n. “needle”
6.38 Thread
- Q. ipsin n. “fine thread”
- Q. #lanya n. “thread, warp”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lia² n. “fine thread, spider filament; [ᴱQ.] twine, *wire”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nemba n. “thread”; see instead:
- Q. #lanya “thread, warp”
6.41 Cloak
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carapë n. “cloak, outer garment”
- Q. collo n. “cloak”
6.412 Overcoat
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vaima n. “wrap, robe”
6.42 Woman’s Dress
- ᴺQ. !hlappo n. “dress, (lit.) flying cloth”
- ᴺQ. !perwaima n. “skirt, (lit.) half-robe”
6.43 Coat
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vacco n. “jacket, coat”
6.44 Shirt
- ᴺQ. !laparotsë n. “sleeve, trouser leg, (lit.) wrap-tube”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laupë n. “tunic, shirt”
- ᴺQ. !rotsenca n. “waistcoat, vest”
6.47 Apron
- ᴺQ. !quiltalannë n. “apron”
6.48 Trousers
- ᴺQ. !telcohan (telcohamp-) n. “trousers, pants, (lit.) leg-clothing”
6.51 Shoe
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyapa n. “shoe”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hyapat “shoe”
- ᴺQ. !hyapallë n. “slipper, (lit.) little shoe”
- ᴹQ. hyapat n. “shoe”
- ᴺQ. !tótal n. “sock, (lit.) wool-foot”
6.52 Boot
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saipo n. “boot”
6.53 Slipper
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] patinca n. “slipper, ⚠️shoe”
6.55 Hat, Cap
- Q. arcas (arcast-) n. “crown”
- ᴺQ. !cáralannë n. “bandana, kerchief, (lit.) head-cloth”
- ᴺQ. !carpë n. “hat”
- Q. ría n. “wreath, garland”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ríanta- v. “to crown, coronate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rínata- “to crown, coronate”
- Q., ᴹQ. rië¹ n. “[ᴹQ.] crown, ⚠️[Q.] garland”
- Q. ríma n. “fillet, snood, *headband, hairnet”
- Q., ᴹQ. rína adj. “garlanded, crowned”
- ᴺQ. !rínata- v. “to crown, coronate”
- ᴺQ. !sarnunta [þ] n. “diadem”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. serin (serind-) n. “wreath, crown”; see instead:
- Q. ría “wreath, garland”
- Q. rië¹ “[ᴹQ.] crown, ⚠️[Q.] garland”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. táta n. “hat”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !carpë “hat”
6.57 Belt, Girdle
- Q. #lesta n. “*girdle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. qualta adj. “girdled, girt”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quiltaina “girdled, girt”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilta n. “belt, ⚠️girdle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quilta- v. “to gird, encircle”
- ᴺQ. !quiltaina adj. “girdled, girt”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quilti- v. “to gird, encircle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quilta- “to gird, encircle”
6.58 Glove
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mantal n. “glove”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mantelë n. “gauntlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mantl n. “glove”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mantal “glove”
6.62 Button
- ᴺQ. !cortangwa n. “button, (lit.) circle-fastener”
6.63 Pin, Brooch
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piec (piecc-) n. “pin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. pirin “thin rod, pin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piexin n. “brooch”; see instead:
- Q. tancal(a) “brooch, ⚠️clasp, [ᴹQ.] fastener, pin”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pirin (pirind-) n. “thin rod, pin”
- Q. tancal(a) n. “brooch, ⚠️clasp, [ᴹQ.] fastener, pin”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tancil n. “brooch, clasp, pin; fastener”; see instead:
- Q. tancal(a) “brooch, ⚠️clasp, [ᴹQ.] fastener, pin”
- ᴹQ. tangwa n. “hasp, clasp, *fastener”
6.71 Adornment (personal)
- ᴺQ. !carcatangwa n. “zip fastener, zipper, (lit.) tooth-clasp”
- Q. carrëa n. “tressure, *headdress”
- Q. netil n. “trinket, small thing of personal adornment”
- Q. netya- v. “to trim, adorn”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilin adj. “adorned; (orig.) bright-coloured, *embellished; ⚠️embroidered”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilinoitë adj. “[em]broidered”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quiltassë n. “(em)broidery”
6.72 Gem, Jewel
- ᴺQ. !culmírë n. “sardius, carneol [carnelian], (lit.) orange-jewel”
- ᴺQ. !ëarsil n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ëassar (ëassarn-) n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-pebble/stone”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ëarsil “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen”
- ᴺQ. !falmaril n. “aquamarine, (lit.) wave-crystal”
- ᴺQ. !fanorcarnë n. “sardonyx”
- ᴺQ. !helissar n. “amethyst”
- ᴺQ. !inwissar (inwissarn-) n. “opal, (lit.) mood-change stone”
- ᴺQ. !laicelumir (laicelumír-) n. “malachite (lit.) green-flowing-jewel”
- ᴺQ. !lailinquë n. “beryllium, (lit.) fresh-liquid light”
- ᴺQ. !laimaril n. “emerald”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !laiquaril n. “emerald”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laimaril “emerald”
- ᴺQ. !linquemir n. “hyacinth [jewel]”
- ᴺQ. !lómaril n. “jade”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^luilë n. “sapphire, blue stone”
- ᴺQ. !luinion (luiniond-) n. “lapis lazuli, (lit.) blue-rock”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúlë n. “blue stone, sapphire”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^luilë “sapphire, blue stone”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúlëa adj. “sapphirine”
- ᴺQ. !malatsar (malatsarn-) n. “chrysolite”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malicon (malicond-) n. “amber”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malicondëa adj. “of amber”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marilla n. “pearl”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- ᴺQ. !ëarsil “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen”
- Q., ᴹQ. mírë (míri-) n. and adj. “jewel, gem, precious thing, treasure; precious”
- Q. mírëa adj. “jewelled, *gemmed”
- Q. mírenel n. “jewel-triad”
- ᴹQ. miril (mirill-) n. “shining jewel”
- ᴺQ. !míritan (míritam-) n. “jeweller, jewelsmith”
- ᴺQ. !mirmairë n. “jewelry, (lit.) jewel-art”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mirumírë n. “amethyst, (lit.) wine-jewel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !helissar “amethyst”
- ᴺQ. !nambírë n. “jasper”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nindon (nindond-) n. “lapis lazuli”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !luinion “lapis lazuli, (lit.) blue-rock”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyelecca n. “onyx”
- ᴺQ. !omírë n. “jewelry (collectively)”
- ᴺQ. !orvamir n. “chrysoprase, (lit.) apple-jewel”
- ᴺQ. !ostimmir n. “agate, (lit.) blend-jewel”
- Q. rámannertë n. “ship-ennead”
- ᴺQ. !runyaril (runyarill-) n. “garnet, (lit.) fiery red radiance”
- ᴺQ. !sardanar (sardanár-) n. “corundum, (lit.) hard sun”
- ᴺQ. !serciril (sercirill-) n. “ruby, (lit.) blood-glitter”
- ᴺQ. !sinilë n. “topaz”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinquë n. “jewel, gem”; see instead:
- Q. mírë “jewel, gem, precious thing, treasure; precious”
- ᴺQ. ^sincë “mineral [as in any solid inorganic substance], ⚠️gem, metal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinque?? adj. “sparkle as with gems”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinquevoitë adj. “gemmed”; see instead:
- Q. mírëa “jewelled, *gemmed”
- ᴺQ. !tinwírë n. “diamond, (lit.) sparkling gem”
6.73 Finger Ring
- ⚠️ᴹQ. colma n. “ring (?on finger)”; see instead:
- Q. #corma “ring”
- Q. #corma n. “ring”
- ⚠️Q. #millë n. “?ring”; see instead:
- Q. #corma “ring”
6.75 Necklace
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] firinga n. “necklace, carcanet”
6.91 Comb
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pequ- v. “to comb, card wool, tease”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pequen n. “comb”
6.94 Ointment
- ᴹQ. laivë n. “ointment”
- ᴺQ. !liv- v. “to anoint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oinalis (oinaliss-) n. “ointment”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. laivë “ointment”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oinë n. “unguent”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. laivë “ointment”
6.95 Soap
- ᴹQ. lipsa n. “soap”
- ᴺQ. !lipsanë n. “lather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽poimë (poimi-) n. “soap”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lipsa “soap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. poiminë n. “lather, foam; mermaid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lipsanë “lather”
6.96 Mirror
- Q. angal n. “mirror, *reflective surface”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ceniril(lë) n. “mirror”; see instead:
- Q. cilintilla “looking-glass, *mirror”
- Q. cilintilla n. “looking-glass, *mirror”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nalma [ñ-] n. “reflector, mirror”; see instead:
- Q. angal “mirror, *reflective surface”
6.999 Adornment (other)
- ⚠️ᴹQ. atsa² n. “tassel, fryse, fringe”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. fas “fringe, [ᴱQ.] tassel; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] border”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^indyarin “device, escutcheon, blazon”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. fas (fass-) n. “fringe, [ᴱQ.] tassel; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] border”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^fassalë n. “(tasseled) fringe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^fassitë adj. “tasseled”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fatsalë n. “(tasseled) fringe”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^fassalë “(tasseled) fringe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fatsevoitë adj. “tasseled”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^fassitë “tasseled”
- ᴺQ. !hlapil n. “flag”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^indyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pimpilin n. “tassel, hanging tail”
- ᴺQ. !tarolwen n. “sceptre, (lit.) royal branch”
Dwelling and Furniture
7.11 to Live, Dwell
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulema adj. “inhabiting”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulemo n. “inhabitant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manda- v. “to dwell, remain”; see instead:
- Q. mar- “to dwell, abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] live [in a place]”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mar- v. “to dwell, abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] live [in a place]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mardo n. “dweller”
- ᴺQ. !marindo n. “settler”
- ᴺQ. !marya- v. “to found, establish, settle (as dwelling)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wasta- v. “to dwell”; see instead:
- Q. mar- “to dwell, abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] live [in a place]”
7.12 House
- ᴹQ. car¹ (card-) n. “building, house”
- Q. cöa n. “house; outhouse, shed, hut, booth; building used for a dwelling or other purposes; †body”
- ᴺQ. !cöantur n. “householder, master of the house”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. indo n. “house”; see instead:
- Q. mar(da) “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
- Q. indo “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. indolis n. “domicile”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. indor n. “master of house”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cöantur “householder, master of the house”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. indositsina adj. “domestic(ated)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mardaitë “homely, domestic”
- Q., ᴱQ. mar(da) (mard-) n. “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
- Q. martan (martam-) n. “dwelling-house”
- Q. oromar (oromard-) n. “lofty hall, high-mansion, high (lofty) dwelling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. os (ost-) n. “cottage, house”; see instead:
- Q. cöa “house; outhouse, shed, hut, booth; building used for a dwelling or other purposes; †body”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. san² (samb-) n. “hall, dwelling, house”; see instead:
- Q. mar(da) “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
7.122 Home
- ᴺQ. !avamarwa adj. “homeless”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caimë n. “dwelling, home”; see instead:
- Q. már “home, dwelling, habitation; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] house; earth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. indoitë adj. “indoors, at home, homely, domestic”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mardaitë “homely, domestic”
- ᴺQ. maryë “at home, *indoors”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. már (mar-) n. “home, dwelling, habitation; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] house; earth”
- ᴺQ. !maraina adj. “native, of home”
- ᴺQ. !mardaitë adj. “homely, domestic”
- ᴹQ. mar(dar) adv. “homewards”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. marrë adv. “at home”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. maryë “at home, *indoors”
- ᴺQ. !marrum- v. “to move = change residence”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. marta² adv. “home”; see instead:
- Q. mar(da) “dwelling, (great) house, residence, mansion, a thing or place dwelt in, ⚠️home; [ᴱQ.] world”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] maryë adv. “at home, *indoors”
- Q. mélamar n. “(emotional) home”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. osta n. “homestead”
7.14 Tent
- ᴺQ. !estolië n. “camp”
- ᴺQ. !lancöa n. “tent, (lit.) cloth shelter”
7.15 Yard, Court
- ᴺQ. !lietarwa n. “park, (lit.) people-garden”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] palis (palist-) n. “sward, green, lawn”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !paswa n. “sward”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. palis “sward, green, lawn”
7.21 Room
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. caimasan (caimasamb-) [þ] n. “bedchamber”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sambë [þ] n. “room, chamber”
- ᴺQ. !sambesta [þ] n. “flat, apartment”
- Q. solma² n. “[main or entry] hall, chamber”
7.22 Door, Gate
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ando n. “gate, [great] door; †entrances, approaches”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. andon (andond-) n. “great gate, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] door, gate”
- ᴺQ. !andosan (andosamb-) [þ] n. “vestibule, (lit.) gate room”
- ᴹQ. fenda n. “threshold”
- ᴺQ. !fendassë n. “doorway, gateway”
- Q. fendë n. “door”
- ᴺQ. !fennatir n. “door-watcher”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lat (latt-) n. “flap, small hinged door, lid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pondo n. “gate”; see instead:
- Q. ando “gate, [great] door; †entrances, approaches”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. posta n. “door”; see instead:
- Q. fendë “door”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #tarnon n. “door”; see instead:
- Q. fendë “door”
- Q. ando “gate, [great] door; †entrances, approaches”
7.24 Key
- ᴺQ. !latil n. “key”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !patil n. “key”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !latil “key”
7.25 Window
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hendelë n. “window”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lattin “window”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !henet (henets-) n. “window”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lattin “window”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lattin n. “window”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lattinsámo [þ] n. “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lattinsan “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier”
- ᴺQ. !lattinsan (lattinsam-) [þ] n. “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier”
7.26 Floor
- ᴺQ. !ettalan n. “balcony”
- Q., ᴹQ. talan (talam-) n. “flat space, platform; [ᴹQ.] floor, ⚠️ground”
- ⚠️Q. talma² n. “flat space, platform”; see instead:
- Q. talan “flat space, platform; [ᴹQ.] floor, ⚠️ground”
7.27 Wall
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ossa n. “wall and moat”
- Q., ᴹQ. ramba n. “wall”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sámo [þ] n. “bar, barrier”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !san “bar, barrier”
- Q. *sámo “helper”
- ᴺQ. !san (sam-) [þ] n. “bar, barrier”
7.28 Roof
- ᴹQ. coromindo n. “cupola, dome”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tel (teld-) n. “roof”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tópa “roof”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telda adj. “having a roof”; see instead:
- Q. telda “last, final”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telëa adj. “*roofed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telimbo n. “canopy; sky”; see instead:
- Q. telumë “roof, canopy, [ᴹQ.] vault, dome (of heaven); [Q.] heaven, sky, [ᴱQ.] firmament”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telintulë (telintuli-) adj. “bearing a roof, roofed”
- Q. telluma n. “dome, cupola, vault”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. teltassë n. “awning”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. telumë n. “roof, canopy, [ᴹQ.] vault, dome (of heaven); [Q.] heaven, sky, [ᴱQ.] firmament”
- ᴹQ. telumet (telumett-) n. “canopy”
- ᴹQ. tópa n. “roof”
- ᴹQ. tópa- v. “to roof”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] túpelë n. “roofing, tiles, ⚠️roof”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tupin adj. “roofed, having a lid, having hat on”
- ᴹQ. tupsë n. “thatch”
7.29 House (other)
- ᴹQ. ampano n. “building (especially of wood), wooden hall, construction, edifice”
- ᴺQ. !angamendar (angamendár-) n. “train station, (lit.) iron way-stop”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !arcöa n. “palace, (lit.) noble-house”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. túrion “palace”
- ᴹQ. ataquë n. “construction, building”
- ᴺQ. !aucelië n. “sewer, (lit.) away-flowing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !autamar (autamard-) n. “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vanwiémar “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !combemen n. “museum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vanwiémar “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
- ᴺQ. !látacar (látacard-) n. “pub, public house, (lit.) open-house”
- ᴺQ. !mendar (mendár-) n. “station, (lit.) way-stop”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] túrion (túriond-) n. “palace”
- ᴺQ. !vanwiémar (vanwiemard-) n. “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
7.31 Hearth, Fireplace
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arin n. “hearth”; see instead:
- Q. ruimen “fireplace, hearth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arinya adj. “fireside”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ruimenya “fireside, by the fire”
- ᴹQ. arinya “morning, early”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. purin (purind-) n. “hearth”; see instead:
- Q. ruimen “fireplace, hearth”
- Q. ruimen n. “fireplace, hearth”
- ᴺQ. !ruimenya adj. “fireside, by the fire”
7.32 Stove
- ᴺQ. !mastasan (mastasamb-) [þ] n. “kitchen”
7.412 Furniture (other)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anc (anqu-) n. “loop, handle, ring”
- ᴹQ. farma n. “?carpet”
- ᴺQ. !hauro n. “wardrobe, cupboard, piece of furniture used for storing”
- ᴺQ. !náreluhtyuma n. “fire extinguisher”
- ᴺQ. !palusta n. “shelf, bookshelf”
- Q. rantala n. “ladder”
- ᴺQ. !ringihauro n. “refrigerator, (lit.) chill cupboard”
- ᴺQ. !sarassë [þ] n. “hassock, footstool”
- ᴺQ. !senda [þ] n. “bracket, (lit.) that what cramps, confines”
- Q. tolma n. “knob, (short rounded) handle, protuberance contrived to serve a purpose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolos (toloss-) n. “knob, lump”; see instead:
- Q. tolma “knob, (short rounded) handle, protuberance contrived to serve a purpose”
- Q. tyellë n. “grade, step (in a stairway or ladder), ⚠️order”
- ᴺQ. !tyellesta n. “staircase, ⚠️ladder”
7.42 Bed
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. caima n. “bed, [ᴱQ.] couch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. camba n. “bed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. caima “bed, [ᴱQ.] couch”
- ᴺQ. !mustalan (mustalam-) n. “mattress, (lit.) soft flat space”
- ᴹQ. nirwa n. “bolster, cushion”
- ᴹQ. quesset (*quessec-) n. “pillow”
7.43 Chair
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hamma n. “chair”; see instead:
- Q. hanwa “seat, *chair”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. handa² n. “chair”; see instead:
- Q. hanwa “seat, *chair”
- Q. hanwa n. “seat, *chair”
- Q. mahalma n. “throne”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sonda n. “seat, chair”; see instead:
- Q. hanwa “seat, *chair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sóra¹ n. “seat”; see instead:
- Q. hanwa “seat, *chair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sorin (sorind-) n. “throne”; see instead:
- Q. tarhanwa “throne, (lit.) high seat”
- Q. tarhanwa n. “throne, (lit.) high seat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tult (tulp-) n. “leg of chair, etc.”; see instead:
- Q. telco “leg; stem”
7.44 Table
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palasar (palasard-) n. “great table”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^paluhta “table”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palucta n. “table”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^paluhta “table”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^paluhta n. “table”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarno n. “table”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^paluhta “table”
7.45 Lamp
- Q. calar n. “lamp”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. calma n. “lamp, (device for shining) light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] candle; (day)light”
- Q. calmatan n. “lampwright”
- ᴺQ. !calmatarma n. “lampstand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calumë n. “an (artificial) light”; see instead:
- Q. calma “lamp, (device for shining) light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] candle; (day)light”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. calumet (calumett-) n. “lamp”; see instead:
- Q. calma “lamp, (device for shining) light, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] candle; (day)light”
7.46 Candle
- ⚠️ᴱQ. catinca n. “candle”; see instead:
- Q. lícuma “taper, candle”
- Q. líco (lícu-) n. “wax”
- Q. lícuma n. “taper, candle”
- ᴺQ. !lihta n. “seal”
- ᴺQ. !lihta- v. “to seal”
- ᴺQ. !lihtaina adj. “sealed”
- Q. loicolícuma n. “corpse-candle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neitë n. “wax”; see instead:
- Q. líco “wax”
- ᴺQ. !urulanya n. “wick, (lit.) fire-thread”
Agriculture and Vegetation
- 8.11 Farmer
- 8.12 Field for Cultivation
- 8.13 Garden, Orchard
- 8.14 Barn
- 8.212 Furrow
- 8.22 to Dig, Delve
- 8.23 Spade
- 8.29 Blade, Share
- 8.30 Plough
- 8.31 to Sow; Seed
- 8.32 to Mow, Reap
- 8.33 Scythe, Sickle
- 8.41 Crop, Harvest
- 8.42 Grain (generic, British Corn)
- 8.44 Barley
- 8.46 Oats
- 8.51 Grass
- 8.52 Hay
- 8.53 Plant, Herb
- 8.54 Root
- 8.55 Branch
- 8.56 Leaf
- 8.565 Thorn
- 8.57 Flower
- 8.571 Bloom
- 8.572 to Sprout, Bud, Blossom
- 8.575 Lily
- 8.58 Rose
- 8.59 Violet
- 8.599 Flower (other)
- 8.60 Tree (generic)
- 8.61 Oak
- 8.62 Beech
- 8.63 Birch
- 8.635 Elm
- 8.64 Pine
- 8.655 Tree (other)
- 8.66 Acorn
- 8.67 Vine
- 8.68 Tobacco
- 8.99 Vegetation (other)
8.11 Farmer
- ᴺQ. !alamo n. “cultivator, grower”
- ᴺQ. !cemendur n. “farmer”
8.12 Field for Cultivation
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arwa n. “field”; see instead:
- Q. resta “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. milnar(wa) n. “sown field”; see instead:
- Q. resta “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. peler n. “fenced field, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fence”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pelto n. “hedge, hedged field”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. peler “fenced field, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fence”
- Q., ᴹQ. resta n. “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair”
8.13 Garden, Orchard
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laucien (lauciend-) n. “vegetable or kitchen garden”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quëatarwa “vegetable or kitchen garden”
- ᴺQ., ᴱQ. !lotarwa n. “[flower] garden”
- ᴺQ. !quëatarwa n. “vegetable or kitchen garden”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !santa n. “garden, field, yard; apportioned/designated space”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tarwa “garden, enclosure”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarwa n. “garden, enclosure”
- ᴺQ. !tarwandur n. “gardener”
8.14 Barn
- ᴺQ. !salquecolca n. “manger, (lit.) grass-box”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tumpo n. “shed, barn”
8.212 Furrow
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ríma n. “line of seeds planted, row, series, furrow”
8.22 to Dig, Delve
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cava- v. “to dig”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sap- “to dig”
- Q. felehta- v. “*to excavate, tunnel, mine”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rosta- v. “to hollow out, excavate”; see instead:
- Q. felehta- “*to excavate, tunnel, mine”
- ᴺQ. !rot- v. “to delve, excavate, dig”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sap- v. “to dig”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sappa adj. “hollow, dug-out, excavated”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. satwa adj. “hollow, dug-out, excavated”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sappa “hollow, dug-out, excavated”
8.23 Spade
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sampa n. “spade, *shovel”
8.29 Blade, Share
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyanda¹ n. “blade, share”; see instead:
- Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
- Q. maica² n. “blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taila n. “(axe) blade”; see instead:
- Q. maica² “blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valcë (valci-) n. “edge, sharp blade”; see instead:
- Q. maica² “blade of a cutting tool or weapon (especially sword-blade)”
8.30 Plough
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyar n. “plough”
8.31 to Sow; Seed
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ala-¹ v. “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
- ᴹQ. erdë¹ n. “seed, germ”
- ᴺQ. !erdevainë n. “seed pod, peapod”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. milë (mili-) n. “seed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. erdë¹ “seed, germ”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. milin n. “grain of seed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ori “grain, ⚠️seed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orë (ori-) n. “seed, grain”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ori “grain, ⚠️seed”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ori n. “grain, ⚠️seed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orivainë n. “pod, seed pod, pea; peapod (a boat)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !erdevainë “seed pod, peapod”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orya- v. “to sow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #rer- “to sow”
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽polu n. “kernel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^poru “kernel”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^poru n. “kernel”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^rel- v. “to sow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #rer- “to sow”
- ᴹQ. #rer- v. “to sow”
- ᴺQ. !rerindo n. “sower”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rista- v. “to plant”; see instead:
- Q. ala-¹ “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
- ᴹQ. rista- “to cut”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ristalë n. “sowing time”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ristar n. “sower”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rerindo “sower”
8.32 to Mow, Reap
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cer- v. “reap”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cirihta- “to reap, harvest”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cerihtando n. “reaper”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cirihtor “reaper”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilc- v. “to gather, reap”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cirihta- “to reap, harvest”
- ᴺQ. !cirihta- v. “to reap, harvest”
- ᴺQ. !cirihtor n. “reaper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salca- v. “to mow, scythe, mow down”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salcima adj. “ready for cutting, *harvestable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silci- v. “to mow, scythe, mow down”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^salca- “to mow, scythe, mow down”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silcima adj. “ready for cutting”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^salcima “ready for cutting, *harvestable”
8.33 Scythe, Sickle
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calca n. “sickle”; see instead:
- Q. circa “sickle”
- Q., ᴹQ. circa n. “sickle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] salca n. “scythe”
8.41 Crop, Harvest
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cermië n. “harvest”; see instead:
- Q. yávië “autumn, harvest [time or act]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salcessë n. “harvest [product], *produce”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silcessë n. “harvest”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^salcessë “harvest [product], *produce”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. toquo- v. “to yield, give, bear, bring forth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. yav- “to bear (fruit), *yield, bring forth, produce”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yausta n. “crop”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yav- v. “to bear (fruit), *yield, bring forth, produce”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yávan n. “harvest, autumn”; see instead:
- Q. yávië “autumn, harvest [time or act]”
- Q. yávië n. “autumn, harvest [time or act]”
8.42 Grain (generic, British Corn)
- ᴺQ. !máhis n. “maize, either sweet corn or field corn”
- ᴺQ. !ospor n. “chaff”
- ᴺQ. !porisalquë n. “corn, (lit.) flour-grass”
8.44 Barley
- ᴺQ. !findori n. “barley”
8.46 Oats
- ⚠️ᴱQ. polenta n. “oatmeal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. polina adj. “oaten”
8.51 Grass
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fen (feng-) n. “reed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. liscë “reed, [ᴱQ.] sedge”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. liscë n. “reed, [ᴱQ.] sedge”
- ᴹQ. rí n. “reed, grass-stem”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salci n. “grass”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. salquë “grass, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] long mowing grass”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. salquë n. “grass, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] long mowing grass”
- ᴹQ. sara [þ] n. “stiff dry grass, bent [as a type of grass]”
- Q. súriquessë n. “species of grass, (lit.) wind feather”
8.52 Hay
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nessë n. “(green) fodder, herb, grass”
8.53 Plant, Herb
- Q. laima n. “plant”
- Q. laiquë n. “herb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laucë (lauci-) n. “vegetable, plant (species)”; see instead:
- Q. quëa “vegetable”
- Q. laima “plant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lautë (lausi-) n. “living thing, (esp.) vegetable”; see instead:
- Q. quëa “vegetable”
- Q. laima “plant”
- Q. #olva n. “plant, growing things with roots in the earth”
8.54 Root
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mólë n. “root”; see instead:
- Q. sundo “base, root, [ᴹQ.] root-word”
- ᴹQ. sulca “root (especially as edible)”
- ᴺQ. mólë “labour, *work”
- ᴹQ. sulca n. “root (especially as edible)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarca n. “root”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sulca “root (especially as edible)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarcelë n. “great system of roots”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sulca “root (especially as edible)”
- ᴹQ. turut (turuc-) n. “tree-stem, *tree-trunk”
8.55 Branch
- ᴺQ. !nessornë n. “sapling”
- Q. olba n. “branch”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. olwa n. “branch”; see instead:
- Q. olba “branch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olwe(n) n. “branch, wand, stick”; see instead:
- Q. olba “branch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rista n. “shoot (sowing), plant, seedling”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tuista “twig, shoot, ⚠️sprout, spray”
- ᴹQ. rista “cut”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. siripta n. “slender stem”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sirpë “stalk, slender tube, ⚠️stem”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sirpë [þ] n. “stalk, slender tube, ⚠️stem”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tuista n. “twig, shoot, ⚠️sprout, spray”
8.56 Leaf
- ⚠️ᴹQ. farnë n. “foliage”; see instead:
- Q. farnë “ash, rowan; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] foliage”
- Q. olass(i)ë “foliage, collection of leaves”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lassë n. “leaf; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] petal”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lassëa adj. “with leaves, leafy”
- ᴹQ. lassecanta adj. “leaf-shaped”
- Q. lillassëa adj. “having many leaves”
- ᴺQ. !lótelas (lótelass-) n. “petal, (lit.) flower-leaf”
- Q. olass(i)ë n. “foliage, collection of leaves”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pat (papt-) n. “small leaf”; see instead:
- Q. lassë “leaf; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] petal”
8.565 Thorn
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eccë (ecci-) n. “thorn”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ecco “spine, thorn, point”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eccia adj. “thorny”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^eccoia “thorny”
- ᴹQ. ecco n. “spine, thorn, point”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^eccoia adj. “thorny”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ehta¹ n. “thorn”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ecco “spine, thorn, point”
- ᴹQ. erca n. “prickle, spine”
- Q. necel n. “thorn”
8.57 Flower
- ⚠️Q. alma n. “flower”; see instead:
- Q. lótë “flower, single blossom; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] bloom”
- Q. lilótëa adj. “having many flowers”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lilótimë adj. “*many-flowered”; see instead:
- Q. lilótëa “having many flowers”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lossë² n. “[ᴹQ.] (white) blossom, flower, [ᴱQ.] (white) flower; [Q.] inflorescence (of white flowers); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] rose”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lótë n. “flower, single blossom; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] bloom”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lotella n. “floret”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lótequilna adj. “broidered with flowers”
- Q. lotsë n. “small (single) flower”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. meril n. “flower”; see instead:
- Q. lótë “flower, single blossom; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] bloom”
- ᴺQ. !merillë “rose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tetl n. “small flower”; see instead:
- Q. lotsë “small (single) flower”
8.571 Bloom
- ⚠️Q. alalmë n. “inflorescence”; see instead:
- Q. lós “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loctë (loxi-) n. “blossom (of flowers), (flower) cluster, bunch”; see instead:
- Q. olos¹ “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
- Q. lós [þ] n. “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lótëa adj. “full of blossom, *blooming, flowering”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lotórë n. “blooming, flowering, best time, flower”
- Q. olos¹ (olós-) [þ] n. “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
- Q. olótë n. “bloom, the flowers collectively of a single plant”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !olotsë n. “collection of flowers”; see instead:
- Q. olos¹ “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tettelë n. “burgeoning, efflorescence”; see instead:
- Q. lós “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
8.572 to Sprout, Bud, Blossom
- ⚠️ᴱQ. locta- v. “to sprout, bud, put forth leaves or flowers”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tuilu- “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
- Q. losta- v. “to bloom, *blossom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lóto- v. “to bloom”; see instead:
- Q. losta- “to bloom, *blossom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tetsë n. “bud”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tuima “sprout, bud”
- ᴹQ. tuia- v. “to sprout, spring”
- ᴹQ. tuilu- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
- ᴹQ. tuima n. “sprout, bud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuita- v. “to bud, burst, burgeon, grow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tuilu- “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
8.575 Lily
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ailinon n. “water lily”; see instead:
- Q. indil “lily, other large single flower”
- ᴺQ. !iasintë n. “hyacinth”
- Q. indil n. “lily, other large single flower”
- Q. linquë¹ n. “(leaf of a) hyacinth, *grass or grass-like leaf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narwë¹ n. “(sweet) lily”; see instead:
- Q. indil “lily, other large single flower”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nénu n. “yellow water lily”; see instead:
- Q. indil “lily, other large single flower”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nénuvar n. “pool of lilies”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quiquilla n. “Lily of the Valley”; see instead:
- Q. indil “lily, other large single flower”
8.58 Rose
- ⚠️ᴱQ. campilossë n. “wild-rose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. campin n. “hips, (wild-rose) berries”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. losillë n. “rose”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !merillë “rose”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. mairë n. “*rose”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !merillë “rose”
- ᴺQ. !merillë n. “rose”
8.59 Violet
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helin n. “pansy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinillë n. “violet [flower]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinillëa adj. “*violet [colour]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinwa n. “of pansies; (of colour) a blue-violet”
8.599 Flower (other)
- ᴺQ. !aurehen (aurehend-) n. “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. camillo n. “large poppy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lórelot “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. camilot n. “red clover”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cancale-malina n. “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lalië-malina “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter”
- ᴺQ. !carpalos [þ] n. “tulip, (lit.) hat-flower”
- ᴺQ. !elanar n. “pimpernel, (lit.) sun-star”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fumella n. “(red) poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lórelot “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
- ᴺQ. !hondacil n. “belladonna, (lit.) heartsbane”
- ᴺQ. !lairemírë n. “daisy, (lit.) meadow-jewel *(or summer-jewel)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lalië-malina n. “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter”
- Q., ᴹQ. lávar n. “(golden) blossom”
- ᴺQ. !lórelot n. “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep”
- ᴺQ. !luinyellë n. “bluebell”
- ᴺQ. !macilindil n. “gladiolus, (lit.) sword lily”
- ᴹQ. malo¹ (malu-) n. “pollen, yellow powder”
- ᴺQ. !maltalos [þ] n. “buttercup (lit.) flower of gold”
- Q. menelluin n. “cornflower (colour), *(lit.) sky-blue”
- ᴺQ. !nendalaurë n. “golden water-flower, yellow iris”
- ᴹQ. nil (nild-) n. “blue-bell, harebell”
- ᴺQ. !nurunyel (nurunyell-) [ñ-] n. “foxglove, (lit.) death-bell”
- ᴺQ. !ondosercë n. “stonecrop, plant with red flowers, (lit.) blood of stone”
- Q. pirindë n. “flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quillë¹ (quilli-) n. “blue-bell”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nil “blue-bell, harebell”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quillinin (quillinind-) n. “blue-bell”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nil “blue-bell, harebell”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinquenna n. “Solomon’s-seal”
- ᴺQ. !rácumbar n. “aconitum, wolfsbane, (lit.) wolf-doom”
- ᴺQ. !súriellë n. “windflower, anemone”
8.60 Tree (generic)
- Q. aldarembina adj. “tree-meshed”
- ᴹQ. aldarwa adj. “having trees, tree-grown”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aldëa adj. “tree-shadowed”; see instead:
- Q. Aldëa “*Tuesday, Tree-day (Númenórean)”
- Q. aldinga n. “tree-top”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ornë n. “(tall) tree, [ᴹQ.] high isolated tree”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taulë¹ n. “great tree”; see instead:
- Q. táva “great tree”
- Q. táva n. “great tree”
8.61 Oak
- ᴹQ. lindornëa adj. “having many oaks”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nor (norn-) n. “oak”; see instead:
- Q. norno “oak”
- ⚠️Q. nordo n. “oak”; see instead:
- Q. norno “oak”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nornë n. “oak (tree), oak in general”; see instead:
- Q. norno “oak”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #nornëa adj. “*of oak”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nornelassëa adj. “having oak-leaves”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nornolassëa “having oak-leaves”
- Q., ᴹQ. norno n. “oak”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nornolassëa adj. “having oak-leaves”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oromë n. “oak”
8.62 Beech
- ᴹQ. feren (fern-) n. “beech-tree”
- ᴹQ. ferinya adj. “beechen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. líneneldora adj. “having many beeches”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldor n. “beech”; see instead:
- S. neldor “beech”
- ᴹQ. feren “beech-tree”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldorin n. “beech-tree”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. feren “beech-tree”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldorion n. “beech wood”
8.63 Birch
- Q. hwindë n. “birch”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] polondë n. “alder”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarco² n. “elder [tree]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silqueléni n. “silver birch, (lit.) long tresses”; see instead:
- Q. hwindë “birch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silwin (silwind-) n. “birch”; see instead:
- Q. hwindë “birch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulwë n. “alder tree”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. polondë “alder”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulwëa adj. “alder-grown”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulwenoitë adj. “alderlike”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulwe nornelassëa n. “oakleaved alder”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulwessë n. “alder-thicket”
8.635 Elm
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alalmë n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
- Q. alvë “elm”
- Q. alalvëa adj. “having many elms”
- Q. alvë n. “elm”
8.64 Pine
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aicassë n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aicor n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aiquairë n. “fir, pine (tree)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. finë n. “larch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hórë (hóri-) n. “pine, stone pine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. horinel (horinell-) n. “pine-needle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sononel “pine-needle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pimpevinnë n. “larch”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. finë “larch”
- ⚠️Q. sánë (sáni-) [þ] n. “pine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sónë [þ] n. “pine tree”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ᴺQ. !sono [þ] n. “pine”
- ᴺQ. !sononel (sononelm-) [þ] n. “pine-needle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] súcë [þ] n. “resinous tree, pine or fir”
8.655 Tree (other)
- Q. culumalda n. “laburnum, *(lit.) orange-tree”
- Q. farnë (farni-) n. “ash, rowan; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] foliage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lailexë n. “willow”; see instead:
- Q. tasar(ë) “willow”
- Q. lairelossë n. “summer-snow-white, species of tree in Númenor”
- Q. laurinquë n. “yellow-flowered tree”
- ᴹQ. lavaralda n. “tree with long green leaves with golden undersides and pale flowers with a yellow flush”
- Q. lepetta n. “Gondorian hardwood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lindeloctë n. “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lindelos “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lindelos (lindelós-) [þ] n. “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lintasarindëa adj. “having many willows”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lintyulussëa adj. “having many poplars”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maisilanda n. “sycamore”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mapalin “plane tree [Platinus], sycamore, (lit.) hand-flat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maitë² n. “maple”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mavaina “maple, (lit.) hand-clad”
- Q. malinornë n. “mallorn, (lit.) golden/yellow tree”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mapalin n. “plane tree [Platinus], sycamore, (lit.) hand-flat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mavaina n. “maple, (lit.) hand-clad”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mavoisi n. “chestnut”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !olmos “chestnut tree, *chestnut”
- Q. nessamelda n. “species of tree in Númenor, (lit.) beloved of Nessa”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nindornë n. “palm-tree”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^paltalda “palm tree”
- Q. oiolairë n. “ever-summer (a species of tree)”
- ᴺQ. !olmos (olmoss-) n. “chestnut tree, *chestnut”
- Q. ornemalin n. “[tree] bearing yellow flowers”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palapaptë n. “*sycamore”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mapalin “plane tree [Platinus], sycamore, (lit.) hand-flat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^paltalda n. “palm tree”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. paltyalda n. “palm tree”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^paltalda “palm tree”
- ᴺQ. !parda n. “bark (of a tree)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. randa n. “bark; peel, rind, outer ring, circumference”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. randa “cycle, age (100 Valian Years)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siquilissë n. “weeping willow; ⚠️lamentation”
- ᴺQ. !sunca [þ] n. “cone (of a tree, as in pine cone)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tamuril n. “yew”
- Q. taniquelassë n. “*high-white-leaf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tapatenda mavoisi n. “Spanish [chestnut]”
- Q., ᴹQ. tasar(ë) (tasari-) [þ] n. “willow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tasarin n. “willow”; see instead:
- Q. tasar(ë) “willow”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tyulussë n. “poplar-tree”
- Q. vardarianna n. “fragrant evergreen tree”
- Q. yavannamírë n. “Jewel of Yavanna”
8.66 Acorn
- ᴹQ. ferna n. “mast, beechnuts”
8.67 Vine
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] etil n. “ivy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. etl n. “ivy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. etil “ivy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liantassë n. “vine”
- ᴹQ. uilë n. “long trailing plant”
8.68 Tobacco
- Q. alanessë n. “nicotiana, pipeweed, *tobacco”
- ᴺQ. !uscil(lë) n. “cigarette”
8.99 Vegetation (other)
- ᴺQ. !airasëa [þ] n. “hyssop”
- ᴹQ. arat (arac-) n. “weed”
- Q. cëa n. “*hedge”
- ᴹQ. ëaruilë n. “seaweed”
- ᴺQ. !eccahta n. “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge”
- ᴺQ. !eccalda n. “cactus, (lit.) spine tree”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ectar² n. “hawthorn, thorn”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !eccahta “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^eldafindë n. “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eldasilquë n. “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^eldafindë “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress”
- ᴹQ. ercassë n. “holly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ercë n. “holly”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ercassë “holly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] filquë n. “fern”
- ᴺQ. !föapumpo n. “puffball mushroom, (lit.) puff-bubble”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^helillos [þ] n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. heliloctë n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^helillos “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster”
- ᴹQ. hwan (hwand-) n. “sponge, fungus”
- ᴺQ. !laiquelis (laiqueliss-) n. “rue (plant)”
- ᴺQ. !lóma n. “moss”
- ᴺQ. !morromba n. “black trumpet mushroom”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nastalaima n. “thistle, (lit.) spear plant”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë “thistle, (lit.) needle-stalk”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nehta n. “hawthorn”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !eccahta “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge”
- ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë [þ] n. “thistle, (lit.) needle-stalk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oricon n. “heather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #oron¹ (orond-) n. “bush”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tussa “bush”
- Q. oron “mountain”
- Q. pilinehtar n. “a reed-like plant, (lit.) ?arrow thorn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piosenna n. “holly”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ercassë “holly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pi(pi)nectar n. “whitethorn, hawthorn”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !eccahta “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge”
- ᴺQ. !ruscuromba n. “chanterelle (mushroom)”
- ᴺQ. !sortöa [þ] n. “aloe, (lit.) eaglewood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarassë n. “hawthorn”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !eccahta “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telumbë n. “mushroom”
- ᴹQ. tussa n. “bush”
Physical Acts and Materials
- 9.11 to Do, Make
- 9.112 Doer, Agent
- 9.114 Action
- 9.12 Work, Labor
- 9.13 to Work, Toil
- 9.14 to Bend
- 9.16 to Bind
- 9.17 Bond
- 9.18 Chain
- 9.19 Rope, Cord
- 9.192 Knot
- 9.21 to Hit, Strike, Beat
- 9.22 to Cut
- 9.23 Knife (tool)
- 9.24 Shears, Scissors
- 9.25 Ax
- 9.26 to Break
- 9.27 to Split
- 9.28 to Tear
- 9.29 to Flay, Skin
- 9.31 to Rub
- 9.32 to Stretch
- 9.33 to Draw, Pull
- 9.34 to Strew, Spread Out
- 9.342 to Press
- 9.35 to Pour
- 9.36 to Wash
- 9.38 Broom
- 9.41 Craft, Trade
- 9.412 Art
- 9.413 Horn, Trumpet
- 9.42 Artisan, Craftsman
- 9.422 Tool
- 9.423 to Use
- 9.43 Carpenter
- 9.44 to Build
- 9.45 to Hew
- 9.455 to Poke, Prick, Stab
- 9.46 to Bore
- 9.47 Auger
- 9.48 Saw
- 9.49 Hammer
- 9.50 Nail, Peg
- 9.51 Beam
- 9.52 Board
- 9.54 Brick
- 9.60 Smith
- 9.61 to Forge
- 9.62 Anvil
- 9.635 Metal
- 9.64 Gold
- 9.65 Silver
- 9.66 Copper, Bronze
- 9.67 Iron
- 9.68 Lead
- 9.69 Tin, Tin-Plate
- 9.71 Potter
- 9.74 Glass
- 9.76 Basket
- 9.81 to Carve
- 9.82 Sculptor
- 9.83 Statue
- 9.87 Painting, Picture
- 9.88 Paint
- 9.90 Thing
- 9.91 Be
- 9.92 Become
- 9.93 Need, Necessity
- 9.94 Ought, Must
- 9.942 Duty
- 9.943 Fitting, Suitable
- 9.95 Can, May
- 9.96 Easy
- 9.97 Difficult
- 9.98 to Try
- 9.99 Try
- 9.992 Way, Manner
- 9.993 to Happen
9.11 to Do, Make
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alcárima adj. “impossible to make”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lacárima “not feasible, impossible”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cacar- v. “to continue, *keep on doing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cacarra- “to keep on doing, *continue”
- ᴹQ. cacarra- v. “to keep on doing, *continue”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. car- v. “to do, make, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] build”
- Q., ᴹQ. carië n. “doing, making”
- Q., ᴹQ. cárima adj. “feasible, possible (to do), able to be done, [ᴹQ.] able to be made”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. carina adj. “done, [ᴹQ.] made, [ᴱQ.] finished”
- Q. carmë n. “production, making; structure; ⚠️art”
- Q. #-carya suf. “-doing”
- Q. finya- v. “to do/make a thing (with fine work)”
- ᴺQ. !hritya- v. “to achieve, accomplish”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lacárima adj. “not feasible, impossible”
- Q. lacarina adj. “undone, *unfinished, incomplete”
- ᴺQ. !onda n. “creation, work”
9.112 Doer, Agent
- ⚠️ᴹQ. -ando suf. “agent (male)”; see instead:
- Q. -ndo “(masculine) agent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-(a)r suf. “masculine/agental suffix”; see instead:
- Q. #-r(o) “agental suffix”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cáro n. “doer, actor, agent”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tyaro “doer, actor, agent”
- Q. -ldë² suf. “feminine agent”
- Q. -llë¹ suf. “feminine agent”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -mo suf. “agental suffix”
- Q. -ndë suf. “feminine agent”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ndo suf. “(masculine) agent”
- Q., ᴹQ. #-r(o) suf. “agental suffix”
- ᴹQ. tyaro n. “doer, actor, agent”
9.114 Action
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ahtar- v. “to do back, react; ⚠️to requite, avenge”
- ᴺQ. !ahtarië n. “reaction; ⚠️vengeance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cá n. “deed, act, fact”; see instead:
- Q. carda “deed, *action”
- ᴹQ. enna¹ “fact, (primary) thing [that exists]”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !car n. “act, an action”; see instead:
- Q. carda “deed, *action”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. car² (card-) n. “deed”; see instead:
- Q. carda “deed, *action”
- Q., ᴹQ. caraitë (caraiti-) adj. “active, busy; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] able to make, handy, crafty, craftsmanlike, skilled”
- Q. caraitië n. “activity, business”
- Q. carda n. “deed, *action”
- Q. -carë suf. “action, doing, making”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carma n. “shape, fashion; act, deed”; see instead:
- Q. canta² “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
- Q. carda “deed, *action”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caro n. “deed, act, action”; see instead:
- Q. -carë “action, doing, making”
- Q. lacaraitë adj. “*inactive; ⚠️impossible”
- Q. lacarë n. “inaction, (lit.) not-doing”
- ᴺQ. !ocaraitië n. “program, a set of activities”
- ⚠️Q. vecca adj. “active”; see instead:
- Q. caraitë “active, busy; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] able to make, handy, crafty, craftsmanlike, skilled”
9.12 Work, Labor
- ᴺQ. !fintemótalë n. “industry, (lit.) making toil”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] mólë n. “labour, *work”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !molië n. “labour, work”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mólë “labour, *work”
- ᴺQ. !mólië “slavery, thralldom”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !molindo n. “worker”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mótaro “worker”
- ᴹQ. mólomë n. “hard work, burden”
- ᴺQ. !mótamen n. “office”
- ᴺQ. !mótaro n. “worker”
- ᴺQ. !omolmë n. “company, business, enterprise, firm”
- ᴺQ. !omolmessë n. “corporation”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tarassë n. “labour”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mólë “labour, *work”
- ᴺQ. !tassa “(a) trouble, troublesome event/thing/circumstance”
9.13 to Work, Toil
- Q. moia- v. “to be afflicted, *be laboured; ⚠️to labour”
- ⚠️Q. mol- v. “to labour”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. móta- “to labour, toil, *work”
- ᴹQ. móta- v. “to labour, toil, *work”
9.14 to Bend
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cauta- v. “to bend”; see instead:
- Q. cúna- “to bend”
- ᴹQ. cucumba- v. “to nod repeatedly, (lit.) keep on bowing”
- Q. cúna adj. “bent, curved, *concave”
- Q. cúna- v. “to bend”
- ᴹQ. cuv- v. “to bow [the body]”
- ᴺQ. !loc- v. “to loop, curl, ⚠️bend”
- Q. locin adj. “bent, *curled”
- Q. luhta- v. “to bow, *curve”
- Q. lúva n. “bow (in forming tengwar), bight, bend, curve”
- ᴺQ. !nancúna adj. “convex, (lit.) back-curved”
- Q. numba adj. “bent, humped”
9.16 to Bind
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !avanut- v. “to untie”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !únut- “to untie”
- ᴺQ. !hap-¹ v. “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hepe- v. “to bind”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hap-¹ “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain”
- ᴺQ. !hep- “to keep”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lia- v. “to entwine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lim- v. “to bind”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hap-¹ “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain”
- ᴹQ. #nut- v. “to tie”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. serta- v. “to tie”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #nut- “to tie”
- ᴺQ. !únut- v. “to untie”
9.17 Bond
- ⚠️ᴹQ. aman n. “bond”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nútë “bond, knot”
- ᴹQ. vérë “bond, troth, compact, oath”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hetl n. “bond”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nútë “bond, knot”
- Q. naxa¹ “bond, fetter”
- ᴺQ. !minaxanwa adj. “enchained, bound, fettered”
- Q. naxa¹ n. “bond, fetter”
- ᴹQ. nútë n. “bond, knot”
9.18 Chain
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !angwenda n. “chain”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. limil “chain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] limil n. “chain”
9.19 Rope, Cord
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hempa n. “cord”
- Q. hísilanya [þ] n. “mist thread, grey elvish rope”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nurda n. “cord, rope”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rappa “rope”
- ᴺQ. !rappa n. “rope”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] serma [þ] n. “string, ⚠️cord”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tendl n. “string”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. serma “string, ⚠️cord”
9.192 Knot
- ᴹQ. narda n. “knot”
9.21 to Hit, Strike, Beat
- ᴺQ. !andamba- v. “to smite”
- ᴺQ. !andarma- v. “to crash”
- ᴺQ. !falpa- v. “to flog”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyalta- v. “to strike, make ring; [with dative] make a phone call to, ring”
- ᴹQ. lah- v. “to kick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lampa- v. “to beat, hit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. palpa- “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^narambo n. “bang, buffet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otto- v. “to knock”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ton- “to tap, knock”
- ᴹQ. palca- v. “to beat flat”
- ᴹQ. palpa- v. “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. panta-² v. “to beat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. palpa- “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pete- v. “to knock, strike”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tamba- “to knock, keep on knocking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pilt (pilty-) n. “blow, cuff, box on ear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pilty- v. “to strike (esp. with flat hand)”
- ᴹQ. tam- v. “to tap”
- ᴹQ. tamba- v. “to knock, keep on knocking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tanga- v. “to beat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. palpa- “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taran (taramb-) n. “bang, buffet”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^narambo “bang, buffet”
- ᴹQ. ton- v. “to tap, knock”
9.22 to Cut
- Q. #aucir- v. “to cut off (and get rid of or lose a portion)”
- Q., ᴱQ. #cir- v. “to cut, [ᴱQ.] cleave; *to separate from”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #feng- v. “to cut”; see instead:
- Q. #cir- “to cut, [ᴱQ.] cleave; *to separate from”
- Q. #hócir- v. “to cut off (so as to have or use a required portion)”
- ᴺQ. !narcu- v. “to snap”
- ᴹQ. rista n. “cut”
- Q., ᴹQ. rista- v. “[ᴹQ.] to cut”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vilci- v. “to cut”; see instead:
- Q. #cir- “to cut, [ᴱQ.] cleave; *to separate from”
9.23 Knife (tool)
- Q. #cirma n. “knife”
- Q. cirmacin (cirmacim-) n. “knife-edge”
- ᴺQ. !hahtëa adj. “serrated, serrate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naica¹ n. “dagger”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sicil “dagger, knife”
- ᴹQ. sicil n. “dagger, knife”
9.24 Shears, Scissors
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †öalúmë n. “shearing time”
9.25 Ax
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hanta n. “a blow with an axe”
- ᴺQ. !ondopelet (ondopelecc-) n. “pickaxe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pelecco (peleccu-) n. “axe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuacca n. “battle axe”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. pelecco “axe”
9.26 to Break
- ᴹQ. #ascat- v. “to rend, break asunder”
- ᴹQ. hat-¹ v. “to break asunder”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laira- v. “to wear out, break up”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yerya- “to wear (out), get old”
- ᴹQ. nwara- “to gnaw, erode, wear away”
- Q. rac- v. “to break”
- Q. rácina adj. “broken”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ranca adj. “broken”; see instead:
- Q. rácina “broken”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rusta adj. “broken”
- ᴺQ. !ruv- v. “to burst, rupture”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rúvina adj. “burst, ruptured”
- Q. #ruxa- v. “to crumble”
- ᴹQ. terhat- v. “to break apart”
- ᴺQ. !urva- v. “to explode”
9.27 to Split
- ⚠️ᴱQ. circis n. “cleft, crack”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cirissë “slash, gash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ciris (cirist-) n. “cleft, crack”; see instead:
- Q. cirya² “cleft, pass”
- ᴹQ. cirissë “slash, gash”
- ᴹQ. cirissë n. “slash, gash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cisin adj. “cleft”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sanca “cleft, split”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyanda- v. “to mow, cleave”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hyar- “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
- ᴺQ. ^salca- “to mow, scythe, mow down”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hyar- v. “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyasta-² v. “to hack through”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hyar- “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
- ᴺQ. hyasta- “to rush, rustle”
- ᴹQ. hyatsë n. “cleft, gash”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sahta- [þ] v. “to split”
- ᴹQ. sanca [þ] adj. “cleft, split”
9.28 to Tear
- ᴹQ. naraca adj. “harsh, rending, violent of (?sounds)”
- ᴹQ. narca- v. “to rend”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^narcë n. “*rend, tear; [ᴱQ.] snap of a dog; spiteful remark”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sanca¹ n. “rend, jab”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^narcë “*rend, tear; [ᴱQ.] snap of a dog; spiteful remark”
- ᴹQ. sanca “cleft, split”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulqu- v. “*to rend”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. narca- “to rend”
9.29 to Flay, Skin
- ᴺQ. !helta- v. “to strip, bare, peel; to despoil, denude”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. par- v. “to peel”; see instead:
- Q. par- “to learn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rara- v. “to scrape, peel, strip”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !helta- “to strip, bare, peel; to despoil, denude”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rasta n. “file, scraper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ripta- v. “to cut in strips, tear up; to stripe, mark in parallel lines; to flay, flog”
9.31 to Rub
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aupsar- v. “to wipe away”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !öapsar- “to wipe away”
- ᴺQ. !öapsar- v. “to wipe away”
- Q., ᴹQ. †psar- v. “to rub, [ᴹQ.] fret”
- ᴹQ. sapsarra- v. “to keep on rubbing, fray away”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #wara- v. “to rub”; see instead:
- Q. †psar- “to rub, [ᴹQ.] fret”
9.32 to Stretch
- ᴺQ. !eterahta- v. “to reach out”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lenu- v. “to stretch”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lat- “to be extended, stretch, [ᴱQ.] spread, extend; [ᴹQ.] to be situated (of an area), lie (of lands or regions)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. racta-¹ v. “to stretch out, reach”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^rahta- “to stretch out, reach”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^rahta- v. “to stretch out, reach”
- Q., ᴹQ. #tailë n. “lengthening, [ᴹQ.] extension”
- Q., ᴹQ. #taima n. “extension”
- Q., ᴹQ. taina¹ adj. “stretched, elongated; [ᴹQ.] lengthened, extended, prolonged”
- ᴹQ. taita- v. “to prolong, *lengthen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tapa- v. “to taper, stretch out (intr.), extend thin”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lat- “to be extended, stretch, [ᴱQ.] spread, extend; [ᴹQ.] to be situated (of an area), lie (of lands or regions)”
9.33 to Draw, Pull
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilt n. “tuck”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #cilti- v. “to jerk, tuck”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rihta- “to jerk, give quick twist or move, twitch, *wrench”
- ᴺQ. !ettuc- v. “to draw out”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #halmë n. “drawing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tucië “drawing, pulling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyecca n. “jerk”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyehta- v. “to jerk”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rihta- “to jerk, give quick twist or move, twitch, *wrench”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] luc- v. “to haul, drag, [ᴱQ.] pull (behind)”
- ᴹQ. rihta- v. “to jerk, give quick twist or move, twitch, *wrench”
- ᴹQ. rinca n. “twitch, jerk, sudden move, ⚠️trick”
- ᴹQ. tuc- v. “to draw, *pull (toward)”
- ᴺQ. !tucië n. “drawing, pulling”
9.34 to Strew, Spread Out
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. capta- v. “to make spring, scatter; [ᴱQ.] to startle, ⚠️leap”
- ᴺQ. !rerestë n. “scattering, diaspora”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rína adj. and suf. “scattered, ⚠️sown”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rísima [þ] adj. “scattered, ubiquitous, universal”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rísimandë [þ] adv. “passim [Latin]; *scatteredly, here and there, at random”
- ᴺQ. !úpartalë n. “unorder, *disorder”
- Q. vinta- [w] v. “to scatter, blow about”
9.342 to Press
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mal- v. “to crush, squeeze; to hurt, pain (cause pain to)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malda- v. “to pound, ⚠️crush”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sanga- [þ] v. “[ᴱQ.] to pack tight, compress, press; ⚠️to gather”
- ᴹQ. sanguma [þ] n. “press, *thing that presses”
9.35 to Pour
- ᴹQ. calpa- v. “to draw water, scoop out, bale out”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. celta- v. “to draw water”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. calpa- “to draw water, scoop out, bale out”
- ᴺQ. !etulya- v. “to pour forth, pour out”
- ⚠️Q. púlima adj. “pourable, liquid”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sirëa “flowing, liquid”
- ᴹQ. ulya- “to pour, ⚠️flow”
- ᴹQ. úlëa adj. “pouring, flooding, flowing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulto- v. “to pour (tr.)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ulya- “to pour, ⚠️flow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulu- v. “to pour, gush (intr.)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ulya- “to pour, ⚠️flow”
- ᴹQ. ululla- v. “to keep on pouring”
- ᴹQ. ulya- v. “to pour, ⚠️flow”
9.36 to Wash
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alasóvina adj. “unwashed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !úhwalda “unwashed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. allu- v. “to wash”; see instead:
- Q. #hwal- “to wash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. allumë n. “washing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sovallë “washing, bathing, purification”
- ᴺQ. !poitië “(act of) cleaning, cleansing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fascalan n. “bath”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^súnë “bath, small pool”
- Q. #hwal- v. “to wash”
- ᴺQ. !hwalda adj. “washed”
- ᴺQ. !hwallë n. “washing, bathing”
- ᴺQ. !hwalmë n. “bathing, bath”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lusta n. “warm water”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^súnë “bath, small pool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lusta- v. “to bathe in warm water”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sov- “*to bathe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lutto- v. “to swill, wash”; see instead:
- Q. #hwal- “to wash”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] poita- v. “to cleanse, *clean”
- ᴺQ. !poitië n. “(act of) cleaning, cleansing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. poitya- v. “to make clean, tidy, straighten”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. poita- “to cleanse, *clean”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saunë n. “bath, small pool”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^súnë “bath, small pool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sausa n. “bath water, hot water”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^súsa “bath water, hot water”
- ᴺQ. !sónanwa n. “water basin”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sov- v. “*to bathe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sovallë n. “washing, bathing, purification”
- ᴺQ. !sumbanwa n. “sink (for washing)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^súnë n. “bath, small pool”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^súsa [súþa] n. “bath water, hot water”
- ᴺQ. !úhwalda adj. “unwashed”
9.38 Broom
- ᴺQ. !olopsë n. “broom”
9.41 Craft, Trade
- Q. arimaitë adj. “[most] skillful, *gifted”
- Q., ᴱQ. curu n. “skill; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] magic, wizardry”
- Q., ᴹQ. curwë n. “[ᴹQ.] craft, [Q.] skill of the hand, technical skill and invention”
- ᴺQ. !móletyeller n. “career, (lit.) work-steps”
- ᴺQ. !nórarwa n. “economy, (lit.) country-wealth”
- Q. taman n. “thing made by handicraft”
- ᴺQ. !tammen n. “workshop, (lit.) manufacturing room”
9.412 Art
- Q. mairë n. “art, work of high and beautiful art, process of producing an art work”
- Q. mairëa adj. “beautiful (of things made by art), *artistic”
- Q. maita- v. “to make with art, design, compose”
- Q. maitalë n. “act of doing [artistic] work”
- Q. maitar n. “artist; poet”
- ᴺQ. !tirmen n. “theater”
9.413 Horn, Trumpet
- ᴹQ. hyóla n. “trump, *trumpet”
- ᴺQ. !hyólamo n. “trumpeter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. licin n. “horn, curled horn”; see instead:
- Q. romba “horn, trumpet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. licinda- v. “to blow a trumpet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. licinda n. “trumpet”; see instead:
- Q. romba “horn, trumpet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. licinnë n. “blowing of horns”; see instead:
- Q. róma “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn”
- Q., ᴹQ. róma n. “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn”
- Q., ᴹQ. romba n. “horn, trumpet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tumbë n. “trumpet, (large) horn”; see instead:
- Q. romba “horn, trumpet”
9.42 Artisan, Craftsman
- ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ. ahto n. “wright, maker, *[lesser] craftsman”
- Q. cantaro n. “shaper”
- ᴺQ. !carmatan (carmatam-) n. “toolsmith”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. carno n. “wright”; see instead:
- Q. ahto “wright, maker”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †carnózë n. “wright [f.]”; see instead:
- Q. ahto “wright, maker”
- ᴺQ. !maicatan (maicatam-) n. “weaponsmith”
- ᴺQ. !noremmatan (noremmatam-) n. “cartographer”
9.422 Tool
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !auma n. “machine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^indya “device, machine, engine”
- Q. carma² n. “tool, implement, means, weapon”
- ᴺQ. !cómë n. “file”
- Q. curo (curu-) n. “skillful (?device)”
- ᴺQ. !curwesta n. “technology”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enya n. “device (method, trick), machine, engine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^indya “device, machine, engine”
- ᴺQ. !imbenatsë n. “internet”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !imberaima n. “internet”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !imbenatsë “internet”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^indya n. “device, machine, engine”
- ᴺQ. !lialóra adj. “cordless, wireless”
- ᴺQ. !maxarma n. “software”
- ᴺQ. !natsemen n. “website, (lit.) web-spot”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nonwa n. “computer, (lit.) implement for reckoning”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nótar “computer, calculator”
- ᴺQ. !nótar n. “computer, calculator”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !notil n. “calculator”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nótar “computer, calculator”
- ᴺQ. !otolmië n. “keyboard”
- ᴺQ. !palallon n. “telephone, (lit.) far-sound”
- ᴺQ. !palancen n. “television, (lit.) far-sight”
- ᴺQ. !palancenta n. “telecommunication”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palanóma n. “phone”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !palallon “telephone, (lit.) far-sound”
- ᴺQ. !palantilla n. “telescope”
- ᴺQ. !sor- v. “to provide, equip, furnish”
- ᴹQ. sorasta n. “equipment”
- Q. tamma n. “tool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yaima n. “implement”; see instead:
- Q. carma² “tool, implement, means, weapon”
- ᴺQ. !yungwa n. “appliance”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yuqua n. “appliance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yungwa “appliance”
9.423 to Use
- Q., ᴹQ. mahta- v. “to handle, wield, use, make use of; to manage, deal with, treat, control; [ᴹQ.] to stroke, feel; to wield a weapon, fight”
- ᴺQ. !sorastarwa adj. “furnished, equipped”
- ᴺQ. !yuhta- v. “to use, employ”
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë n. “usefulness”
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaina adj. “used”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yunca adj. “used”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaina “used”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yungwë n. “usefulness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë “usefulness”
9.43 Carpenter
- ᴹQ. samno [þ] n. “carpenter, wright, builder”
- Q. tautamo n. “carpenter, [wood] carver”
9.44 to Build
- ᴺQ. !amacarastië n. “upbuilding”
- ᴹQ. #ampana- v. “to build”
- ᴹQ. ampanóta- v. “to build, construct, erect a (large) building”
- ᴹQ. ampanotalëa adj. “architectural”
- ᴹQ. ampanotastë n. “architecture”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^carasta n. “making, manufacture, construction”
- Q. carasta- v. “to build, construct”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. carastë n. “making, manufacture, construction”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^carasta “making, manufacture, construction”
- ᴺQ. !cariendë n. “production, process of manufacture”
- ᴺQ. !nutanwë n. “infrastructure”
- Q. tamna adj. and n. “artificial; artifact”
- ᴹQ. tanwë n. “craft, thing made, device, construction”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taqua- v. “to build, fashion, construct, make”; see instead:
- Q. carasta- “to build, construct”
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tump-¹ v. “to build; to beat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #ampana- “to build”
- ᴹQ. palpa- “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
9.45 to Hew
- Q., ᴱQ. mac- v. “to hew (with a sword), *swing (a sword); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to slay; to die”
- Q., ᴹQ. #nac- v. “to hew [into], cut; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to slay, kill; to hate”
- Q. nanca adj. “*hewn, ⚠️slain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pelecta- v. “to hew”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyacta- v. “hew”; see instead:
- Q. mac- “to hew (with a sword), *swing (a sword); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to slay; to die”
9.455 to Poke, Prick, Stab
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ceny- v. “to prick”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. erca- “to prick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. coli- v. “to prick”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. erca- “to prick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. colimen n. “prick”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ehta- v. “to stab”
- ᴹQ. erca- v. “to prick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilt n. “dig, stab”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilt- v. “to thrust home, come in”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. irt (irty-) n. “peck, pinprick”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^irtë “peck, pinprick”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^irta- v. “to peck, prick”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^irtë (irti-) n. “peck, pinprick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #irty- v. “to peck, prick”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^irta- “to peck, prick”
- ᴹQ. nasta- v. “to sting, prick”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piecta- v. “to prick, pin-prick”
9.46 to Bore
- ᴺQ. !rotta- v. “to bore (a hole or tunnel)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ter- v. “to pierce”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !térala adj. “piercing”; see instead:
- ᴱQ. ter- “*to pierce”
9.47 Auger
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^terendel n. “lathe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. terendl n. “lathe”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^terendel “lathe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] teret (tereht-) n. “auger, borer, gimlet”
9.48 Saw
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcasarma [þ] n. “large saw”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sara- [þ] v. “to saw [wood]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sarma [þ] n. “saw”
9.49 Hammer
- ⚠️ᴱQ. artan (artam-) n. “hammer”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. namba “hammer”
- ᴹQ. namba n. “hammer”
- ᴹQ. namba- v. “to hammer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. petl n. “hammer”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. namba “hammer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tonga n. “great hammer”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. namba “hammer”
9.50 Nail, Peg
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tanca n. “fastening, rivet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tas (tax-) n. “nail”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. taxë “nail”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. taxë n. “nail”
9.51 Beam
- ᴹQ. andul n. “long pole”
- ᴹQ. hana n. “post”
- ᴺQ. !orpano n. “ridgepole”
- ᴺQ. !otarmië n. “colonnade”
- ᴺQ. !ramma n. “lever”
- ᴹQ. ran (ramb-) n. “beam of wood”
- ⚠️Q. rondo² n. “staff (of hardwood)”
- ᴹQ. samna¹ [þ] n. “wooden post”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. súlë n. “column, pillar”; see instead:
- Q. tarma “pillar”
- Q. #talca n. “post, mark”
- Q. tarma n. “pillar”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. taulë² n. “pillar”; see instead:
- Q. tarma “pillar”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulwë n. “tall thin pillar, standard, pole; banner”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. ^vandil n. “staff”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. vanga “staff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vandl n. “staff”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^vandil “staff”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vanga n. “staff”
9.52 Board
- ᴹQ. pano n. “piece of shaped wood, *board, plank”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. panta² n. “board”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pano “piece of shaped wood, *board, plank”
- ᴹQ. panta “open, [ᴱQ.] wide, spreading”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarat (saract-) n. “plank”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pano “piece of shaped wood, *board, plank”
- Q. sarat “letter (of the Rúmilian alphabet)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saratwa adj. “made of planks”
9.54 Brick
- ᴹQ. ambal n. “shaped stone, flag [stone]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telar n. “brick, tile”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tesar “brick, tile”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tesar n. “brick, tile”
9.60 Smith
- Q. sintamo n. “smith”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talca¹ n. “smith”; see instead:
- Q. tamo¹ “smith, builder, wright, artificer”
- Q. tamo¹ n. “smith, builder, wright, artificer”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tano n. “craftsman, smith”; see instead:
- Q. tamo¹ “smith, builder, wright, artificer”
- ᴺQ. !telpetan n. “silversmith”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tongar n. “smith”; see instead:
- Q. sintamo “smith”
- ᴺQ. !urustan (urustam-) n. “copper-smith”
9.61 to Forge
- ᴺQ. !maca- v. “to forge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tamin n. “forge”
- ᴺQ. !ticuta- v. “to smelt, (orig.) make melt”
9.62 Anvil
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] onin n. “anvil”
9.635 Metal
- ᴺQ. !lupsë (lupsi-) n. “nugget, (small) chunk, clump, tidbit”
- ᴺQ. !minul(da) n. “ingot”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. rauta n. “metal”; see instead:
- Q. tinco “metal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinquina adj. “metallic”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tincoina “metallic”
- Q., ᴹQ. tinco n. “metal”
- ᴺQ. !tincoina adj. “metallic”
- ᴺQ. !tincostimë n. “alloy, (lit.) blend of metal(s)”
9.64 Gold
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. culu n. “gold (metal)”; see instead:
- Q. malta “gold (metal), gold as material”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cululta adj. “of gold”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !maltaina “of gold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culusta n. “gold coin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culuva adj. “of gold”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !maltaina “of gold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culuvoitë (culuvoisi-) adj. “golden”; see instead:
- Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laurë n. “gold (light or colour)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laurëa adj. “golden (of hue)”
- Q. laurië n. and adv. “goldenness; like gold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laurina adj. “golden”; see instead:
- Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
- Q., ᴹQ. malta n. “gold (metal), gold as material”
- ᴺQ. !maltaina adj. “of gold”
9.65 Silver
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilsa n. “(mystic name of) silver”; see instead:
- Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money”
- ᴹQ. telemna adj. “*of silver”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. telepsa adj. “of silver”; see instead:
- Q. telepta “silver, *silver-coloured”
- Q., ᴱQ. telepta adj. “silver, *silver-coloured”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. telpë n. “silver; [ᴱQ.] money”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telpëa adj. “silvern”; see instead:
- Q. telpina “like silver (in hue or worth), [ᴹQ.] of silver”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. telpina adj. “like silver (in hue or worth), [ᴹQ.] of silver”
- Q., ᴹQ. †tyelpë (tyelep-) n. “silver”
9.66 Copper, Bronze
- Q. calarus (calarust-) n. “polished copper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calas (calass-) n. “brass”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calassina adj. “brazen, *made of brass”
- Q. lairus (lairust-) n. “verdigris”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tambë (tambi-) n. “bronze, ⚠️copper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tambina adj. “of bronze, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] of copper”
- Q. urus (urust-) n. “copper”
- ᴺQ. !urusta adj. “of copper”
- ᴺQ. !urustamitta n. “copper-piece”
9.67 Iron
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anga n. “iron”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. angaina adj. “of iron”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] axë (axi-) n. “steel”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] axína adj. “(of) steel, *like steel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ere(n) n. “iron, steel”; see instead:
- Q. anga “iron”
- Q. tornanga “iron hard; hard-iron, *steel”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. malo² (malu-) n. “rust”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tong??a adj. “of iron”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. angaina “of iron”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tongo n. “iron”; see instead:
- Q. anga “iron”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tongwa adj. “like iron”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. angaina “of iron”
- Q. tornanga adj. and n. “iron hard; hard-iron, *steel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yaxë¹ n. “steel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. axë “steel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yaxina adj. “of steel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. axína “(of) steel, *like steel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yeraina adj. “of iron”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. angaina “of iron”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yeren n. “pig iron, *ore”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yerenwa adj. “like iron”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. angaina “of iron”
9.68 Lead
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canu n. “lead [metal]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canuina adj. “of lead”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canuva adj. “leaden”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. núlë (núli-) n. “lead”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. canu “lead [metal]”
- Q. núlë “black arts, sorcery”
9.69 Tin, Tin-Plate
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] latúcen n. “tin [metal]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] latucenda adj. “of tin”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sin (sint-) [þ] n. “tin (metal)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. latúcen “tin [metal]”
9.71 Potter
- ᴹQ. cemnaro n. “potter”
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë n. “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cennassë n. “pottery, ceramic vessel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !centánië n. “ceramics, pottery-craft”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. centano n. “potter”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cemnaro “potter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cerë n. “earthenware; earthen jar”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ceres (cerest-) n. “earthenware”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ceresto n. “potter”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cemnaro “potter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cerexa adj. “of earthenware”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cemna “of earth, earthen”
9.74 Glass
- Q. calca n. “glass”
- ᴺQ. !calcata- v. “to glaze”
- ᴺQ. !calcëa adj. “glassy, of glass”
- Q. cilin n. “glass [transluscent or reflective]”
- ᴺQ. !hencalcat n. “eye-glasses, spectacles”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hyellë n. “glass”; see instead:
- Q. calca “glass”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !imirë n. “crystal”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !imirin adj. “of crystal”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lipil n. “a tiny (fay-)glass”; see instead:
- Q. cilinyul “drinking-vessel (made of glass)”
- ᴹQ. maril n. “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- Q. naltalma [ñ-] n. “heliograph”
- Q. silima n. “crystal substance devised by Fëanor”
- Q., ᴹQ. silma n. and adj. “crystal (white); [ᴹQ.] silver, shining white”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sintl n. “crystal”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- Q. silma “crystal (white); [ᴹQ.] silver, shining white”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talcu- v. “to glaze”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !calcata- “to glaze”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talquë (talqui-) n. “glass”; see instead:
- Q. calca “glass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talquëa adj. “glassy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !calcëa “glassy, of glass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talquina adj. “made of glass”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !calcëa “glassy, of glass”
- ᴺQ. !tirma n. “spyglass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vírin n. “glass substance [used to make the Moon]”
9.76 Basket
- ᴺQ. !almopocco n. “backpack”
- ᴹQ. capsa n. “case, vessel, *container”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colca n. “box”
- ᴺQ. !colcallë n. “phylactery, (lit.) little box”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] poco n. “bag”
- ᴺQ. !pocollë n. “pouch”
- ᴺQ. !taucolca n. “(wooden) chest”
- ᴺQ. !vircolca n. “basket, (lit.) woven-box”
9.81 to Carve
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyas [þ] n. “scratch, score, line, mark”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyas- [þ] v. “to scratch”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rimpë² n. “scratch”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nyas “scratch, score, line, mark”
- ᴺQ. rimpë¹ “stripe, strip”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rip- v. “to scratch”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nyas- “to scratch”
9.82 Sculptor
- Q. ondomaitar n. “sculptor in stone”
- Q. ontamo n. “mason, ⚠️sculptor”
9.83 Statue
- ᴺQ. !amboremma n. “bust, (lit.) breast-picture”
- ᴺQ. !cantemma n. “shaped image, sculpture”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ondolë n. “(stone) monument or cairn”
9.87 Painting, Picture
- ᴺQ. !calatengwë n. “photograph, (lit.) light-writing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !calta n. “picture, photography”; see instead:
- Q. emma “picture, *image”
- Q. #calta- “to kindle, [ᴹQ.] (cause to) shine, light up, [ᴱQ.] set light to”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cemma n. “picture, (lit.) something seen”; see instead:
- Q. emma “picture, *image”
- ᴺQ. !em- v. “to depict, portray”
- ᴺQ. !embë n. “painting, drawing”
- Q. emma n. “picture, *image”
- ᴺQ. !emmata- v. “to draw/create (a picture); to photograph”
- ᴺQ. !emnotosta n. “framerate, FPS (frames per second)”
- ᴺQ. !impanwenen adv. “respectively, (lit.) by same arrangement”
- ᴺQ. !levemma n. “movie, motion picture”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !menemma n. “movie, motion picture”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !levemma “movie, motion picture”
- ᴺQ. !noremma n. “map”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nórihalmë n. “map”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !noremma “map”
- Q. quantemma n. “facsimile, *(lit.) full-picture”
- ᴺQ. !ricci n. “wasp, (lit.) she of sudden moves”
- ᴺQ. !tecemma n. “drawn image, drawing, painting”
9.88 Paint
- ᴺQ. !emba- v. “to paint, draw (something)”
- ᴺQ. !quilma n. “paint”
9.90 Thing
- Q. engwë n. “thing [that exists]”
- Q. erma n. “(physical) matter”
- ⚠️Q. hrón n. “matter, substance, flesh; body”; see instead:
- Q. hröa “body, bodily form, ⚠️flesh; physical matter”
- Q. erma “(physical) matter”
- Q. #náma² n. “(created) thing”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nat n. “thing, [ᴹQ.] object”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] natto (nattu-) n. “affair, matter, ⚠️thing”
- Q., ᴹQ. tama pron. “that matter”
9.91 Be
- ᴺQ. !alermaitë (alermaiti-) adj. “abstract, non-concrete”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. e-² v. “to be”; see instead:
- Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
- Q., ᴹQ. ëa- v. “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ëasta n. “existence, being”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ëastë n. “being, essence”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ëasta “existence, being”
- Q. nassë “nature, true-being, *essence; ⚠️person, individual; material”
- ᴹQ. érë n. “existing, existence”
- ᴺQ. !ermaitë (ermaiti-) adj. “concrete, material”
- ᴺQ. !minassëa adj. “inherent, innate, intrinsic”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ná- v. “to be, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] exist”
- Q. nassë n. “nature, true-being, *essence; ⚠️person, individual; material”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nasta n. “existence, being, creature”; see instead:
- Q. nassë “nature, true-being, *essence; ⚠️person, individual; material”
- ᴺQ. ^ëasta “existence, being”
- Q. návë n. “being”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ó- v. “to be”; see instead:
- Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
- ᴺQ. !sinanwa adj. “present, in a particular place, existing or occurring now”
- ᴺQ. !sinanwië n. “presence”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sóma n. “state, condition”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tarmë “state, status, condition”
- ᴺQ. !tarmë n. “state, status, condition”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ye- v. “to be”; see instead:
- Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yestë n. “being, existence”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ëasta “existence, being”
9.92 Become
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ol- v. “to become”; see instead:
- Q. ola- “to become; [ᴹQ.] to grow (up)”
9.93 Need, Necessity
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iquis (iquist-) n. “requirement”
- ᴺQ. !maura- v. “to need, require”
- ᴹQ. maurë n. “need”
- Q. #sangië n. “necessity, *pressing need or concern”
- Q. turindura adj. “done necessarily”
9.94 Ought, Must
- ᴺQ. !möa v. “must (impersonal)”
9.942 Duty
- ᴺQ. !nautië n. “obligation, duty”
9.943 Fitting, Suitable
- ᴺQ. !camaitë (camaiti-) adj. “suitable, fitting”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !camtanë n. “adaptation”; see instead:
- ✶camta- “to (make) fit, suit, accomodate, adapt”
9.95 Can, May
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -alca suf. “able to”; see instead:
- Q. -itë “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #cav- v. “to be able”; see instead:
- Q. pol- “can, to be able to”
- Q. #cav- “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
- Q. ec- v. “to have a chance of; may, can”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ima suf. “-able, [ᴹQ.] -ible, able to be done, [ᴱQ.] possible; [with short base vowel] *having a (strong) nature of”
- Q., ᴹQ. -itë (-iti-) suf. “adjectival ending; [with verbs] capable of doing, generally (and naturally) doing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lata- v. “to be able to (used of opportunity, permission)”; see instead:
- Q. ec- “to have a chance of; may, can”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mala-² v. “to be able to (used of capacity, ability)”; see instead:
- Q. pol- “can, to be able to”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. málë n. “ability”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !pollië “hard, strongly”
- Q. málë “good health”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. málëa adj. “able”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !polëa “able”
- ᴺQ. !málëa “healthy, healthful”
- Q. pol- v. “can, to be able to”
- ᴺQ. !polëa adj. “able”
- ᴺQ. !polië n. “ability”
- ᴺQ. !polta- v. “to (physically) enable”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. valya- v. “can”; see instead:
- Q. pol- “can, to be able to”
9.96 Easy
- Q. ancárima adj. “easy, (lit.) very doable”
- Q. as(a)- [þ] pref. “easily”
- Q. asalastë [þ] adj. “easily heard”
- ᴺQ. !asamahtë [þ] adj. “simple, (lit.) easily handled”
- ⚠️Q. asanótë [þ] adj. “*easily counted”
- ᴺQ. !ascarë [þ] adj. “easily done”
- ᴺQ. !ascárima [þ] adj. “easy [to do]”
- ᴺQ. !ascénië [þ] adv. “obviously, *(lit.) easily seen”
- Q. ascénima [þ] adj. “visible, easily seen”
- ᴺQ. !asquétima [þ] adj. “easy to say”
- ⚠️Q. hrai(a)² adj. “easy”; see instead:
- Q. hrai(a)¹ “difficult, awkward, ⚠️stiff”
9.97 Difficult
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] auqua adj. “awkward, clumsy ⚠️(of things), difficult”
- ⚠️Q. empollië adv. “*harder”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ampollië “great effort, struggle”
- Q. hrai- pref. “hard, *difficult”
- Q. hrai(a)¹ adj. “difficult, awkward, ⚠️stiff”
- Q. hraicénima adj. “scarcely visible, hard to see”
- ⚠️Q. hrainotë adj. “*hard to count”
- Q. hranga adj. “awkward, difficult, stiff, hard”
- ᴺQ. !hrangwë n. “problem, difficulty”
- ᴺQ. !linipsinwa adj. “complex, complicated, convoluted; (lit.) many-threaded”
- ᴺQ. !linipsinwië n. “complexity, complication, complicatedness; (lit.) many-threadedness”
- ᴺQ. !taryassë n. “stiffness, toughness, difficulty”
- Q. úcárima adj. “*undoable, unmakeable; ⚠️hard to do, difficult”
- Q. urda adj. “difficult, arduous, hard”
- ⚠️Q. urnótima adj. “*difficult to count”; see instead:
- Q. únótima “numberless, innumerable, countless, difficult/impossible to count”
- Q. ur(u)- pref. “difficult, hard”
- Q. urucárima adj. “hard to make / do”
- Q. urucarin adj. “made with difficulty”
9.98 to Try
- ᴺQ. !ampollië n. “great effort, struggle”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !andavië n. “struggle, strong effort”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ampollië “great effort, struggle”
- ᴺQ. !atandev- v. “to retry”
- Q. nev- v. “to try, *seek opportunity, experiment”
- Q. #ric-¹ v. “to try, put forth effort, strive, endeavour”
- ᴺQ. !ricítë adj. “diligent”
- ᴺQ. !rincuma n. “task, charge, mission”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyas- [þ] v. “to test, try [out], pick, choose”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyasta- v. “to (put to the) test, *verify”
- ᴺQ. !tyastaima adj. “testable”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyestima adj. “testable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tyastaima “testable”
9.99 Try
- ᴺQ. !nevië n. “experiment”
- ᴺQ. !rihta n. “effort”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !riquë n. “experiment”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nevië “experiment”
9.992 Way, Manner
- Q. lé¹ n. “way, method, manner”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lenga- v. “to behave”
- ᴺQ. !lengalë n. “behavior”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lengë n. “gesture, characteristic look, gesture or trait”
- ᴺQ. !mailengaitë adj. “well-mannered”
- ᴹQ. santa n. “mode”
- ᴺQ. !saulengaitë adj. “ill-mannered”
9.993 to Happen
- ᴺQ. !ecesta n. “opportunity, chance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enget n. “a hap”; see instead:
- Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lár- v. “to happen”
- ᴺQ. !tullu- v. “to occur, happen (i.e. come in time)”
- ᴹQ. tulma n. “event”
- ᴺQ. !útulma n. “accident, (lit.) bad-event”
- ᴺQ. !(y)otulma n. “coincidence, concurrence, simultaneity, synchronicity”
Motion and Transportation
- 10.11 to Move
- 10.12 to Turn
- 10.13 to Turn Around
- 10.14 to Wind, Wrap
- 10.15 to Roll
- 10.21 to Rise
- 10.22 to Lift, Raise
- 10.225 to Hang, Dangle
- 10.23 to Fall
- 10.24 to Drop
- 10.25 to Throw
- 10.26 to Shake
- 10.31 to Boil (intr.)
- 10.32 to Flow
- 10.33 to Sink
- 10.34 to Float
- 10.35 to Swim
- 10.36 to Sail
- 10.37 to Fly
- 10.38 to Blow
- 10.41 to Creep, Crawl
- 10.42 to Slip, Slide
- 10.43 to Jump, Leap
- 10.432 Leaping
- 10.44 to Dance
- 10.45 to Walk
- 10.46 to Run
- 10.47 to Go
- 10.48 to Come
- 10.49 to Depart, Go Away
- 10.50 to Fade
- 10.51 to Flee
- 10.52 to Follow
- 10.53 to Pursue
- 10.54 to Overtake
- 10.55 to Reach, Arrive
- 10.56 to Approach
- 10.57 to Enter
- 10.61 to Bear, Carry
- 10.62 to Bring
- 10.63 to Send
- 10.64 to Lead
- 10.645 to Wander, Stray
- 10.65 to Drive
- 10.66 to Ride
- 10.67 to Push, Shove
- 10.71 Road
- 10.72 Path
- 10.73 Street
- 10.74 Bridge
- 10.75 Cart, Wagon, Carriage
- 10.76 Wheel
- 10.78 Yoke
- 10.81 Ship
- 10.82 Sailor
- 10.83 Boat
- 10.84 Raft
- 10.85 Oar
- 10.86 Rudder
- 10.87 Mast
- 10.88 Sail
- 10.89 Anchor
- 10.90 Port, Harbor
10.11 to Move
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hatsë n. “headlong movement”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alaco “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lev- v. “to move”
- ᴺQ. !levë n. “movement, motion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !menesta n. “motion, movement”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !levë “movement, motion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túma adj. “moving”; see instead:
- Q. rum- “to shift, move, heave (of large and heavy things)”
10.12 to Turn
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cere- v. “to turn”; see instead:
- Q. quer- “to turn, *revolve”
- Q. quer- v. “to turn, *revolve”
- ᴺQ. !querda n. “turn (e.g. in a game)”
- Q. #querna adj. “*turned”
10.13 to Turn Around
- ᴺQ., Q. !nanquer- v. “to turn back, turn around”
- Q., ᴹQ. nuquerna adj. “reversed, inverted, *(lit.) under-turned”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !pelë n. “revolution”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !querë “revolution (around a point)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. peltas (peltax-) n. “pivot”; see instead:
- Q. peltas “fence of fixed stakes, a ‘pale’”
- Q. #queren “pivot, revolving centre, *axis”
- ᴺQ. !querë n. “revolution (around a point)”
- Q. #queren (querend-) n. “pivot, revolving centre, *axis”
- Q. #ric-² v. “to twist”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rinqua adj. “revolving, returning, recurrent; ⚠️round, circular”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. riqui- v. “to wrench, twist”; see instead:
- Q. #ric-² “to twist”
- ᴺQ. !talmacasta adj. “upside down, *topsy-turvy, head over foot”
10.14 to Wind, Wrap
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lapa-¹ v. “to wrap, swathe, wind”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lingwilla n. “coil, spire”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maxë n. “net”; see instead:
- Q. raima “net”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maxella n. “mesh”; see instead:
- Q. rembë “mesh; net (for catching), hunter’s or fisher’s net”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maxeta- v. “to enmesh”; see instead:
- Q. remba- “to net, entrap”
- ᴹQ. natsë n. “web, net[work]”
- Q. raima n. “net”
- Q. raina¹ adj. “netted, enlaced; caught in a net”
- Q. raita-¹ v. “to make network or lace; to catch in a net”
- Q. remba- v. “to net, entrap”
- Q. rembë n. “mesh; net (for catching), hunter’s or fisher’s net”
- Q. rembina adj. “entangled; meshed, netted, woven”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vaita- v. “to enfold, [ᴱQ.] wrap”
- ᴹQ. vai(y)a n. “envelope”
10.15 to Roll
- ⚠️ᴱQ. conta- v. “to roll up, roll, pack”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^corta- “to roll (up), pack”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^corta- v. “to roll (up), pack”
- ᴺQ. !pelta- v. “to roll”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolu- v. “to roll up, furl”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^corta- “to roll (up), pack”
- ᴹQ. tolu- “to stand up, get up, leave one’s seat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] velu- v. “to unroll, unfurl”
10.21 to Rise
- ⚠️ᴹQ. chus- v. “to come up, emerge”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ef- “to emerge (especially from water)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ef- v. “to emerge (especially from water)”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. órë n. “rising, *rise; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dawn, Sunrise, East”
- ᴺQ. !orina adj. “risen”
- Q. #ormo n. “riser”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oro- v. “to rise”; see instead:
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ororia- v. “to keep on rising (and falling)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] orosta n. “ascension”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. orro- v. “to rise (from ground)”; see instead:
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. orta-² v. “to rise”; see instead:
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
- Q., ᴹQ. orya-¹ v. “to rise”
- Q. oryandë n. “arising”
- ᴺQ. !ret- v. “to climb”
- Q. retto n. “*climber”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. róna- v. “to arise, rise, ascend”; see instead:
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rosta- v. “*to rise”; see instead:
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
10.22 to Lift, Raise
- Q. #amorta- v. “to heave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. amu- v. “to raise”; see instead:
- Q. orta-¹ “to raise, lift (up), (lit.) cause to rise”
- Q., ᴹQ. orta-¹ v. “to raise, lift (up), (lit.) cause to rise”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ortalima adj. “able to be raised”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ortima “able to be raised”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ortarë n. “lifting up”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ortië “lifting up, raising”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ortië n. “lifting up, raising”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ortima adj. “able to be raised”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orto- v. “to raise”; see instead:
- Q. orta-¹ “to raise, lift (up), (lit.) cause to rise”
- ⚠️Q. orya-² v. “*to raise”; see instead:
- Q. orta-¹ “to raise, lift (up), (lit.) cause to rise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. qualumë² adj. “heaving”
10.225 to Hang, Dangle
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †cinca- v. “to hang (intr.)”; see instead:
- Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cincata- v. “to hang (tr.)”; see instead:
- Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
- Q., ᴹQ. *linga- v. “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pipte- v. “to fall (of folds or clusters), hang, trail”; see instead:
- Q. *linga- “[ᴹQ.] to hang, dangle”
10.23 to Fall
- ᴺQ. !andatya- v. “to plummet, drop swiftly”
- Q. atalantë n. “collapse, downfall”
- Q. atalantëa adj. “ruinous, downfallen”
- ᴹQ. atalta- v. “to collapse, fall in, fall down, slip down in ruin”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ataltarë n. “collapse”; see instead:
- Q. atalantë “collapse, downfall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. iltanca adj. “unsteady”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lanta n. and adj. “fall; falling, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fallen”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lanta- v. “to fall; [ᴱQ.] to drop”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lantanwa adj. “*fallen”
- Q. #lantë n. “fall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. númeta- v. “to get low (of the Sun), go down in the west”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. núta- v. “to lower; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to set, sink (of Sun or Moon); [ᴱQ.] to stoop”
- Q. nútaitë (nútaiti-) adj. “*(naturally) lowering, ?degrading”
- Q. nútima adj. “*lowerable”
- Q. núya- v. “to descend, *come down, set (of the sun)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. talta adj. “tottering, unsteady, [ᴱQ.] shaky, wobbling; [ᴹQ.] sloping, tilted, leaning, [ᴱQ.] slanting”
- Q., ᴹQ. talta- v. “to slip, slide down, collapse, fall, [ᴹQ.] slip down, ⚠️slope”
- ᴺQ. !tatalta- v. “to totter, keep on slipping”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tilt- v. “to make slope, incline (tr.), decline, shake at foundations, make totter”; see instead:
- Q. talta- “to slip, slide down, collapse, fall, [ᴹQ.] slip down, ⚠️slope”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. unda- v. “to sink”
- ᴹQ. unta- v. “to descend [below a surface], *sink, stoop”
10.24 to Drop
- ᴺQ. !hwat- v. “to spill”
- ᴺQ. !lilíva- v. “to (continuously) drip, drip-drop”
- ᴹQ. limba n. “drop”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lipta- v. “to drip”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lipte- v. “to drip”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lipta- “to drip”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. litl n. “tiny drop”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. limba “drop”
10.25 to Throw
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. hat- v. “[ᴱQ.] to hurl, fling, *throw”
- ᴺQ. !hatar n. “thrower (of spears and darts)”
- ᴺQ. !hatta n. “missile”
- ᴺQ. !nanhat- v. “to cast back, reflect”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #rip- v. “to hurl”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hat- “[ᴱQ.] to hurl, fling, *throw”
10.26 to Shake
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alapálima adj. “unshakable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quas- “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle”
- ᴺQ. !ir- v. “to shudder”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pal- v. “to shake”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quas- “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle”
- √PAL “wide, broad, extended; [ᴹ√] wide (open); [ᴱ√] flatness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palmë n. “shaking”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pampilë n. “trembling”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pampilëa adj. “tremulous”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pampinë n. “tremor, [minor] earthquake”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pap- v. “to tremble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quap- v. “to throb, flutter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quapta-² v. “to flap”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quas- “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quas- [þ] v. “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle”
- ᴺQ. !quequer- v. “to wag”
10.31 to Boil (intr.)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pumpo n. “bubble; bladder; blister”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^velvë “bubble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pumpolë n. “bubble; merboy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^velvë “bubble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pus (pust-) n. “boil”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^vel-¹ v. “to boil, bubble”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^velva adj. “boiling, bubbling”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^velvë n. “bubble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. welba adj. “boiling, bubbling”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^velva “boiling, bubbling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. welbë n. “bubble”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^velvë “bubble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wele- v. “to boil, bubble”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^vel-¹ “to boil, bubble”
10.32 to Flow
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] celeta n. “trickle”
- Q. celima adj. “fluent, *able to flow freely”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. celu- v. “to (begin to) flow, spring forth (of water)”
- Q. celundë n. “welling forth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^celusta n. “outflow”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. celustë n. “outflow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^celusta “outflow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. linya- v. “to run or flow smoothly”; see instead:
- Q. sirya- “to flow [smoothly]”
- Q. luimë n. “flood, floodwater; flood tide, high tide; ⚠️flooded land”
- Q. luita- v. “to flood, drench, ⚠️inundate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúto n. “flood”; see instead:
- Q. luimë “flood, floodwater; flood tide, high tide; ⚠️flooded land”
- Q. nanwë n. “ebb, lowtide”
- Q. oloirë n. “great flood”
- Q. oloiya- v. “to inundate, flood”
- ᴺQ. !osírië n. “confluence”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sir- v. “to flow”
- ᴹQ. sirëa adj. “flowing, liquid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sírima adj. “liquid, flowing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sirëa “flowing, liquid”
- ᴺQ. !sirma n. “liquid, (lit.) flowing substance”
- Q., ᴹQ. sirya- v. “to flow [smoothly]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sóla n. “tide”
- ᴺQ. !suhta- v. “to drain”
- ᴹQ. ulundë n. “flood, *downpour”
10.33 to Sink
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] sumba- v. “to submerge”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sunqua adj. “going down, descending; abysmal, deep, profound”; see instead:
- Q. andú- “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sunquë n. “going-down, descent, down-fall; abyss, depth”; see instead:
- Q. andú- “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sunquelaina adj. “falling, fading, setting”; see instead:
- Q. andú- “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sunquelë n. “sinking, falling, setting of heavenly bodies”; see instead:
- Q. andú- “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sunquelëa adj. “westering, setting”; see instead:
- Q. andú- “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. suqu- v. “to fall, fail, go down, die down”; see instead:
- Q. lanta- “to fall; [ᴱQ.] to drop”
- Q. núya- “to descend, *come down, set (of the sun)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] suv- v. “to sink (esp. in water)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tum- v. “to dive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tumba- “to cast down (into depths); *to dive; (orig.) to go or cause to go deep, endeepen”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] tumba- v. “to cast down (into depths); *to dive; (orig.) to go or cause to go deep, endeepen”
- Q. undulav- v. “to swallow, *engulf; (lit.) lick down; ⚠️drown, submerge”
10.34 to Float
- Q., ᴱQ. #lut- v. “to float, flow [on or in water], [ᴱQ.] sail, [ᴺQ.] *swim”
- Q. valut- v. “to flow away”
10.35 to Swim
- ᴺQ. !hlarumir (hlarumír-) n. “(pair of) earrings”
- ᴺQ. !ítaquanta- v. “to charge (an electrical device), (lit.) to fill with lightning”
- ᴺQ. !nellarma n. “swimsuit”
10.36 to Sail
- ᴹQ. ciryasta- v. “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go”
- ᴺQ. !(lu)lútië n. “cruise, (lit.) floating/sailing about”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salta- v. “to sail”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ciryasta- “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go”
10.37 to Fly
- ᴺQ. !amavil- v. “to fly up, soar”
- ᴺQ. !andormen n. “landing pad, landing strip”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ramya- v. “to fly, sail; to wander”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vil- “to fly, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] float, sail”
- ᴹQ. ciryasta- “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go”
- ᴹQ. ranya- “to stray, *wander”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vil- [w] v. “to fly, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] float, sail”
- ᴺQ. !vilcirya n. “airplane”
- ᴺQ. !villuntë n. “airship, zeppelin, blimp”
- ᴺQ. !vilma n. “aircraft [general term]”
- ᴺQ. !vilmen n. “airport, airfield, airdrome”
- Q. vilva [w] adj. “fluttering to and fro”
- ᴺQ. !vilyalondë n. “(official) airport for passengers”
10.38 to Blow
- Q. etsurya- [þ] v. “to go out, *blow out”
- Q. hlapu- v. “to blow, fly or stream in the wind”
- ᴹQ. hwesta- v. “to puff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pus- v. “to puff, snort”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hwesta- “to puff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pusilla n. “puff, whiff, breeze”; see instead:
- Q. sussë “puff (of air)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pussë n. “puff”; see instead:
- Q. sussë “puff (of air)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #pusta- v. “to blow”; see instead:
- Q. hlapu- “to blow, fly or stream in the wind”
- ᴹQ. pusta- “to stop, put a stop to, cease”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pusulpë n. “gas-bag, balloon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pusulta- v. “to puff out with one’s breath”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hwesta- “to puff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sur- v. “to blow”; see instead:
- Q. surya- “to blow (intr.)”
- Q. surya- [þ] v. “to blow (intr.)”
- Q. sussë [þ-] n. “puff (of air)”
- Q. susta- [þ] v. “to blow (tr.)”
- ⚠️Q. súta- [þ] v. “to blow (tr.)”; see instead:
- Q. susta- “to blow (tr.)”
- ⚠️Q. váya- v. “to blow”
10.41 to Creep, Crawl
- ᴹQ. hlic- v. “to creep, *sneak”
- ᴺQ. !lolóca- v. “to crawl”
- ᴺQ. !tixa- v. “to crawl”
10.42 to Slip, Slide
- ᴺQ. !hlimba n. “sled”
- ᴺQ. !hlimbon n. “sleigh”
- ᴺQ. !lic- v. “to glide, slip, slide, ⚠️drip”
- ᴺQ. !linca n. “ski”
- ᴺQ. !linca- v. “to ski”
10.43 to Jump, Leap
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cap- v. “to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. capta-² v. “to leap”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. capta- “to make spring, scatter; [ᴱQ.] to startle, ⚠️leap”
- ᴹQ. cap- “to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. halta- v. “to leap”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cap- “to leap, [ᴱQ.] jump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hampa- v. “to hop”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lapa-² “to hop”
- ᴺQ. !lapa-² v. “to hop”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tanta- v. “to bounce, bound, rebound”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tantila- v. “to hop”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tantya- v. “to set bouncing”
10.432 Leaping
- ᴺQ. !capaitë adj. “leaping, bounding”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. capalima adj. “bounding, leaping”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !capaitë “leaping, bounding”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] capanda n. “jump”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. haloitë adj. “leaping”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !capaitë “leaping, bounding”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tantara adj. “bouncing, resilient”
10.44 to Dance
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lilt- v. “to dance”; see instead:
- Q. lilta- “to dance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lilt n. “dance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^liltë “dance”
- Q., ᴹQ. lilta- v. “to dance”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^liltë n. “dance”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liltië n. “dancing, ⚠️dance”
- Q. pirucendëa adj. “on the point of her toes”
- Q. ruxotompalë n. “Great Bear-dance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tanta-² v. “to dance (tr.), dandle, wave”; see instead:
- Q. lilta- “to dance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tantarë n. “dance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^liltë “dance”
10.45 to Walk
- ᴺQ. !etevatta- v. “to trample out”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lopeta- v. “to amble, ⚠️lop”
- ᴺQ. !pat n. “step”
- ᴺQ. !pat- v. “to step, take a (single) step”
- Q., ᴱQ. pata- v. “to walk, *stroll; [ᴱQ.] to rap, tap (of feet)”
- ᴺQ. !patu- v. “to step to it, start off, start walking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ramba- v. “to walk”
- Q. #telconta- v. “to stride, *(lit.) to leg it”
- ᴺQ. !tervanta- v. “to traverse”
- ᴹQ. vanta n. “walk, *hike, march”
- ᴹQ. vanta- v. “to walk, *trudge, trek”
- ᴺQ. !vatta- v. “to trample”
10.46 to Run
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lop- v. “to run (of animals), gallop, *lope”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loquo- v. “to run (of human beings)”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nonóra- v. “to run on, run smoothly and hum, *keep on running (especially of machines)”
- Q. nor-¹ v. “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- Q. norië n. “running, ⚠️race”
- Q. norima adj. “strong/swift at running, swiftly running a course”
- Q. normë n. “race, ⚠️running”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nornoro- v. “to run on, run smoothly and hum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nonóra- “to run on, run smoothly and hum, *keep on running (especially of machines)”
- Q. noroitë (noroiti-) adj. “(capable of) running”
- Q. norolinda adj. “*tripping lightly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. norolindë adj. “tripping lightly”; see instead:
- Q. norolinda “*tripping lightly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyoro- v. “to run”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pelte- v. “to run”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. rohta- v. “?to run on foot”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yur- v. “to run”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yuro n. “a run, race”; see instead:
- Q. normë “race, ⚠️running”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yuru- v. “to run”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
10.47 to Go
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ere-² v. “to go”; see instead:
- Q. men- “to go, proceed, move (in some direction); to come [when moving to a destination], arrive [+ locative]”
- ᴺQ. !etelelya- v. “to go into exile, go out”
- ᴺQ. !etemen- v. “to go out, go forth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inta- v. “to go (indefinite), fare, proceed”
- ᴺQ. !lelelya- v. “to go on travelling, keep travelling”
- Q. lelya-¹ v. “to travel, go, proceed (in any direction)”
- Q. lenda n. “journey, *travel, trip”
- ⚠️Q. lenda- v. “to go free”; see instead:
- Q. lelya-¹ “to travel, go, proceed (in any direction)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lendë n. “journey”; see instead:
- Q. lenda “journey, *travel, trip”
- ᴺQ. !lendië n. “tourism, *traveling”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lesto (lestu-) n. “journey”; see instead:
- Q. lenda “journey, *travel, trip”
- Q. lomentië n. “?away-journey, departure”
- Q. men- v. “to go, proceed, move (in some direction); to come [when moving to a destination], arrive [+ locative]”
- ᴹQ. mena- v. “to be making for, be on way to”
- Q. mentië n. “passage, journey, direction of travel”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rata- v. “to make a way, find a way”; see instead:
- Q. ráta- “to excel, surpass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tie- v. “to go”; see instead:
- Q. men- “to go, proceed, move (in some direction); to come [when moving to a destination], arrive [+ locative]”
- ⚠️Q. tinga- v. “to go (for a long while)”; see instead:
- Q. men- “to go, proceed, move (in some direction); to come [when moving to a destination], arrive [+ locative]”
- ᴹQ. tinga- “to twang”
10.48 to Come
- ᴹQ. #ettul- v. “*to come forth, come out, issue”
- Q. hótul- v. “to come away (to leave a place and go to another)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. *lé- v. “to come, be sent, approach”; see instead:
- Q. tul- “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. #lenna- v. “to come; [ᴹQ.] to go, depart”; see instead:
- Q. tul- “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
- Q. lelya-¹ “to travel, go, proceed (in any direction)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tul- v. “to come, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] move (intr.); to bring, carry, fetch; to produce, bear fruit”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. túlima adj. “*able to come”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tuluitë “*able to come”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^tuluitë adj. “*able to come”
- Q., ᴹQ. tutulla- v. “to keep on coming (and going)”
10.49 to Depart, Go Away
- ⚠️ᴹQ. apsa- v. “to go away”; see instead:
- Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
- Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
- Q., ᴹQ. auta-¹ v. “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
- ᴺQ. !autaila adj. “going away, passing away”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #ava- v. “to depart”; see instead:
- Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
- ⚠️Q. ava-³ v. “to depart, go away, disappear, be lost”; see instead:
- Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avandë interj. “get hence!”; see instead:
- Q. heca “be gone!, stand aside!”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avanwa adj. “going, passing, nearly gone”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !autaila “going away, passing away”
- Q. avanwa “refused, forbidden, banned”
- Q. heca interj. “be gone!, stand aside!”
- Q. lenwë n. “leaving, departure”
- Q. lenweta- v. “to go away, migrate, leave one’s abode”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lesta- v. “to leave”; see instead:
- Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
- ᴺQ. !lóya- v. “to leave (from something: a place, a thing)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vana- v. “to pass, depart, vanish, go away”; see instead:
- Q. auta-¹ “to go (away), depart, leave; [variant: vanya-] to pass away, disappear, be lost”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vanwa adj. “gone, lost, departed, vanished, past, over, no longer to be had, passed away, dead, [ᴹQ.] gone for good; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] on the
- Q., ᴹQ. vanya- v. “to pass [away], *be lost, [ᴹQ.] disappear; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] go, depart”
10.50 to Fade
- Q. fifíru- v. “to slowly fade away”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #hista- v. “to fade”; see instead:
- Q. fifíru- “to slowly fade away”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minda- v. “to diminish, fade, lessen, vanish”; see instead:
- Q. #pic- “to lessen, dwindle, wane”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minga adj. “waning”; see instead:
- Q. #pic- “to lessen, dwindle, wane”
- Q. #pic- v. “to lessen, dwindle, wane”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #quel- v. “to fade; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] †to fail; [ᴱQ.] to perish”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. quelesta n. “dying, fading”; see instead:
- Q. #quelië “*fading”
- Q., ᴹQ. #quelië n. “*fading”
- ᴹQ. sinta- [þ] v. “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vinda- v. “to fade”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sinta- “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
10.51 to Flee
- ᴺQ. !lerca- v. “to flee”
- ᴺQ. !lercië n. “flight, fleeing”
10.52 to Follow
- ᴺQ. !hilië n. “following (act of)”
- ᴺQ. !hilista n. “following (situation), succession, continuation”
- ᴺQ. !hilistas adv. “in turn”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hilmë² n. “following (act of)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hilië “following (act of)”
- ᴹQ. hilya- v. “to follow”
- ᴹQ. neuro n. “follower, successor”
10.53 to Pursue
- ᴹQ. alfárima adj. “impossible to pursue”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rawa- v. “to run, chase”; see instead:
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
- ᴹQ. roita- “to pursue, *chase”
- ᴹQ. roita- v. “to pursue, *chase”
10.54 to Overtake
- ᴺQ. !at- v. “to catch, capture”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lac (laqu-) n. “snare”; see instead:
- Q. remma “snare, *trap”
- ᴹQ. neuma “snare, *noose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laqua- v. “to catch, seize, snare”; see instead:
- Q. raf- “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
- Q. #rem- “to snare, *entangle, trap”
- ᴹQ. mapa- “to grasp, seize, [ᴱQ.] take; ⚠️to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
- ᴹQ. neuma n. “snare, *noose”
- Q. #rem- v. “to snare, *entangle, trap”
- Q. remma n. “snare, *trap”
10.55 to Reach, Arrive
- Q. anya- v. “to reach, arrive at, go to; *to manage, succeed (at something) + infinitive”
- ᴺQ. !anyaitië n. “range, reach, distance of capability”
- ⚠️Q. ten- v. “to arrive, come to”; see instead:
- Q. anya- “to reach, arrive at, go to; *to manage, succeed (at something) + infinitive”
- Q. tenta- “to point (to/out), indicate; to direct toward, be directed toward; to go forth towards (with object)”
- ⚠️Q. †tenya- v. “to arrive, end (not at speaker’s[?] place)”; see instead:
- Q. anya- “to reach, arrive at, go to; *to manage, succeed (at something) + infinitive”
- Q. tulusta n. “advent, arrival”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tulustë n. “arrival”; see instead:
- Q. tulusta “advent, arrival”
10.56 to Approach
- ᴺQ. !analelya- v. “to approach”
- Q. úva- v. “to impend, be imminent, draw near [usually negative in sense]”
10.57 to Enter
- ⚠️ᴱQ. elte- v. “to thrust in, drive [in]”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ter- “to pierce”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mitta- v. “to insert; [ᴹQ.] to come in, [ᴱQ.] enter (intr.)”
- Q. #mittar(ë) n. “*entering, entrance”
- ᴺQ. !mitwen n. “entrance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pen prep. “through”; see instead:
- Q. ter “through”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. perma n. “passage; pass, aperture”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^terma “passage, aperture, ⚠️pass”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ter prep. “through”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^terma n. “passage, aperture, ⚠️pass”
10.61 to Bear, Carry
- Q. #col- v. “to bear, *carry, wear”
- Q. #colindo n. “bearer”
- Q. colla adj. “borne, worn; ⚠️vestment, cloak”
- Q. coloitë (coloiti-) adj. “capable of bearing, tolerant (of), enduring”
- Q. coloitië n. “endurance, staunchness, fortitude”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tala- v. “to carry, bring; to weigh (intr.)”; see instead:
- Q. #col- “to bear, *carry, wear”
- Q. tulya- “*to lead; to fetch; [ᴱQ.] to bring, ⚠️send”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yulu- v. “to carry”; see instead:
- Q. #col- “to bear, *carry, wear”
- Q. yul- “to drink”
10.62 to Bring
- ᴺQ. !autulya- v. “to deport, (lit.) bring away”
- ᴺQ. !autulyalë n. “deportation”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulalca adj. “able to bring”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tulyaitë “able to bring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulinya adj. “(bringable) worth bringing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tulyaima “bringable, able to be brought”
- Q., ᴱQ. tulya- v. “*to lead; to fetch; [ᴱQ.] to bring, ⚠️send”
- ᴺQ. !tulyaima adj. “bringable, able to be brought”
- ᴺQ. !tulyaitë adj. “able to bring”
- Q. tulyandë n. “[process of] fetching”
10.63 to Send
- ᴺQ. !atamenta- v. “to transmit”
- ᴺQ. !atamentië n. “transmission”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. esta- v. “to send”; see instead:
- Q. menta-¹ “to send, cause to go (in a desired direction)”
- ᴹQ. esta-¹ “to name”
- ᴺQ. !etementa- v. “to banish, send out, (lit.) out-send”
- Q. #lelta- v. “to send, *(lit.) cause to go”
- Q. #menta n. “sending, message”
- Q. menta-¹ v. “to send, cause to go (in a desired direction)”
10.64 to Lead
- Q. mittanya- v. “*to lead (into), induce”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulyando n. “leader”; see instead:
- Q. cáno “commander, chief(tain), ruler, governor; †crier, herald”
10.645 to Wander, Stray
- ᴹQ. mista- v. “to stray about”
- ᴺQ. !mistana adj. “stray”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palava- v. “to stray, wander”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ranya- “to stray, *wander”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. paláva adj. “wandering”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ranyaila “wandering”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. palwa- v. “to make wander”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ranya- “to stray, *wander”
- ᴹQ. ránë n. “straying, wandering”
- ᴹQ. ránen adj. “errant, *roving”
- Q., ᴹQ. ranya n. “erratic wandering; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] free”
- ᴹQ. ranya- v. “to stray, *wander”
- ᴺQ. !ranyaila adj. “wandering”
- ᴺQ. !ranyar n. “wanderer”
- ᴺQ. !tenwa n. “compass”
10.65 to Drive
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #ele- v. “to drive”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. elta- “to speed, send [flying], *thrust, [ᴱQ.] drive, ⚠️come”
10.66 to Ride
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lehesta n. “ride, riding, raid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nortasta “ride”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lehta- v. “to ride, move (tr.)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lehta- “to loose, slacken”
- Q. norta- “to ride, [lit.] make run (specially used of riding horses or other animals)”
- Q. norta- v. “to ride, [lit.] make run (specially used of riding horses or other animals)”
- ᴺQ. !nortasta n. “ride”
- Q. roquen n. “horseman, rider; knight”
10.67 to Push, Shove
- ⚠️ᴱQ. elta n. “a thrust”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nista “thrust, push, shove”
- ᴺQ. !etsahta- v. “to force out”
- Q. nir- v. “to press, urge, thrust, force (in a given direction); [ᴺQ.] to impose [with allative]”
- Q. nírë n. “force”
- Q. nírítë adj. “forceful, exerting great thrust or pressure, driving”
- ᴺQ. !nista n. “thrust, push, shove”
- Q. rum- v. “to shift, move, heave (of large and heavy things)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !undávo n. “executioner, (lit) convictor”; see instead:
- *√NAM “judge”
10.71 Road
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aldeon (aldeond-) n. “avenue (of trees)”
- ᴺQ. !ómen n. “crossroads”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vasta n. “road”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. mallë “street, (made or stone) road”
10.72 Path
- Q., ᴹQ. men n. “way, *direction; [ᴹQ.] place, spot [only in compounds]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ranta n. “course”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rata n. “path, track”; see instead:
- Q. ratta “track”
- Q. ratta n. “track”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. raumë n. “running, course”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ranta “course”
- Q. norië “running, ⚠️race”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tië n. “path, road, way, line, [ᴹQ.] course, direction, [ᴱQ.] route”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #van (vand-) n. “way, path”; see instead:
- Q. tië “path, road, way, line, [ᴹQ.] course, direction, [ᴱQ.] route”
- ᴹQ. ván “goose”
- ᴺQ. !vata n. “beaten track, pathway”
10.73 Street
- ᴺQ. !aramallë n. “side-street”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mallë n. “street, (made or stone) road”
- ᴺQ. !quermen n. “a turning, turn, corner (of a street)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ratta n. “street; course, river-bed”; see instead:
- Q. ratta “track”
- ᴹQ. mallë “street, (made or stone) road”
10.74 Bridge
- ⚠️ᴱQ. penda¹ n. “bridge”; see instead:
- Q. yanta “bridge”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ranta¹ n. “arch, bridge”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cúnë “crescent, arch, ⚠️bow”
- Q. yanta “bridge”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sarapenda n. “wood-bridge”; see instead:
- Q. yanta “bridge”
- Q., ᴹQ. yanta n. “bridge”
10.75 Cart, Wagon, Carriage
- ᴺQ. !angaraxa n. “train”
- ᴺQ. !angatië n. “railway line, railroad track, (lit.) iron-road”
- ᴺQ. !ataquer n. “bike, bicycle”
- ᴺQ. !immenwa n. “automobile”
- ᴺQ. !lávehentar n. “ticket inspector, (lit.) permission examiner”
- ᴺQ. !lelyalávë n. “ticket, (lit.) travel-permission”
- ᴺQ. !lieraxa n. “a bus, coach, (lit.) people wagon”
- Q. lunca n. “heavy transport wain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] norollë n. “cart”
- Q. ondolunca n. “stonewain”
- ᴺQ. !putil n. “brake (pedal), the element of a vehicle used to activate the braking mechanism”
- ᴺQ. !rattaraxa n. “tram, (lit.) track-wagon”
- Q. raxa n. “wain, *wagon”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raxasta n. “train”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !angaraxa “train”
10.76 Wheel
- Q. querma n. “spinning wheel, turn-table, *wheel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quirin n. “wheel”; see instead:
- Q. querma “spinning wheel, turn-table, *wheel”
10.78 Yoke
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. yalta n. “yoke”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yanta² n. “yoke”; see instead:
- Q. yanta “bridge”
- ᴺQ. yalta “yoke”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yarta n. “yoke”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. yalta “yoke”
10.81 Ship
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cirya¹ n. “(sharp-prowed) ship, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] boat; [Q.] swift gliding”
- ᴹQ. ciryahto n. “shipwright, *[subordinate] ship-crafter”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ciryassëa adj. “*ship-board, on-board, [ᴱQ.] what is on board ship”
- ᴺQ. !ciryasta n. “fleet (of ships)”
- ᴺQ. !(cirya)talan (ciryatalam-) n. “deck (of a ship), main deck”
- Q. ciryatan (*ciryatam-) n. “shipbuilder, shipwright”
- Q. ëarráman (ëarrámand-) n. “great ship for sailing on the Great Sea”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] marcirya n. “ark”
- Q. ráman (rámand-) n. “great ship for sailing on the Great Sea”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vëacirya n. “sea-ship, *ocean-going ship”
10.82 Sailor
- Q. ciryamo n. “mariner”
- Q. ciryando n. “sailor”
- Q. ciryaquen n. “shipman, sailor”
- Q. ëarendur n. “(professional) mariner”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †vainar n. “sailor”; see instead:
- Q. ciryaquen “shipman, sailor”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vëaner² (vëanér-) n. “sailor”; see instead:
- Q. ciryaquen “shipman, sailor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. veniel n. “mariner”; see instead:
- Q. ciryamo “mariner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yarendila adj. “like a sailor”; see instead:
- Q. ëarendur “(professional) mariner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yarendilyon n. “sailor”; see instead:
- Q. ëarendur “(professional) mariner”
10.83 Boat
- ᴺQ. !angulóceluntë n. “dragon boat”
- ᴺQ. !luntala n. “raft, floater”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. luntë n. “boat, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] ship”
10.84 Raft
- ᴺQ. !luttalan (luttalam-) n. “raft, (lit.) floating platform”
10.85 Oar
- ᴺQ. !palma¹ n. “oar, [orig.] flat tool, flat plank”
10.86 Rudder
- ᴺQ. !tulla n. “rudder”
10.87 Mast
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tyulma n. “mast”
10.88 Sail
- ᴺQ. !súlendil n. “kite, (lit.) friend of the wind”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tala² n. “sail”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. veluntë “sail”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] veluntë n. “sail”
10.89 Anchor
- ᴺQ. !ciryampa n. “anchor, (lit.) boat-hook”
10.90 Port, Harbor
- ᴺQ. !andorië n. “landing (place), dock”
- ᴺQ. !andorya- v. “to land, dock”
- ᴺQ. !ciryacarmen n. “shipyard”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ciryapanda n. “haven, (lit.) ship-enclosure”; see instead:
- Q. londë “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] road (in sea), fairway, entrance to harbour; gulf”
- ᴹQ. hopassë n. “harbourage”
- Q., ᴹQ. londë n. “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] road (in sea), fairway, entrance to harbour; gulf”
- Q. #londië n. “harbourage”
Possession and Trade
- 11.11 to Have
- 11.12 to Own, Possess
- 11.13 to Take
- 11.14 to Grasp, Seize, Take Hold of
- 11.15 to Hold
- 11.16 to Get, Obtain
- 11.17 to Keep, Retain
- 11.21 to Give
- 11.22 to Return, Give Back
- 11.23 to Restore
- 11.24 to Save, Preserve, Keep Safe
- 11.25 to Save, Rescue
- 11.27 to Destroy
- 11.28 to Harm, Injure, Damage
- 11.29 to Spoil
- 11.31 to Seek
- 11.32 to Find
- 11.33 to Lose
- 11.34 to Release
- 11.41 Property
- 11.42 Wealth, Riches
- 11.43 Money
- 11.46 Treasure
- 11.47 Bank
- 11.48 Heir
- 11.51 Rich
- 11.52 Poor
- 11.53 Beggar
- 11.56 to Steal
- 11.57 Thief
- 11.61 to Lend
- 11.64 Debt
- 11.65 to Pay
- 11.66 Account, Reckoning
- 11.67 Surety, Security
- 11.69 Tax
- 11.72 Cost, Expense
- 11.73 Gain, Profit
- 11.79 to Earn
- 11.81 to Buy
- 11.82 to Sell
- 11.83 to Trade
- 11.84 Merchant, Tradesman
- 11.85 Market (place)
- 11.87 Price
- 11.88 Dear, Expensive
- 11.89 Cheap
11.11 to Have
- Q., ᴹQ. #harya- v. “to have, *hold, [ᴹQ.] possess”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !inyenna adv. “have, (lit.) [added] to me”; see instead:
- Q. #sam- “to have”
- ⚠️Q. mai-² v. “to have, possess”; see instead:
- Q. #sam- “to have”
- Q. #harya- “to have, *hold, [ᴹQ.] possess”
- Q. #sam- v. “to have”
11.12 to Own, Possess
- ᴹQ. arwa adj. and suf. “possessing, having, in control of”
- Q. auvië n. “possession (abstract), *the act of possessing”
- ᴺQ. !harno n. “possessor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mactë² (maxi-) n. “hold, grip, power, possession”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mahtë “hold, grip, *grasp; ⚠️power, possession”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. milc(i)- v. “to possess, have, keep”; see instead:
- Q. #harya- “to have, *hold, [ᴹQ.] possess”
- Q. #sam- “to have”
- Q. öa- v. “to possess, own, keep”
- ᴺQ. !öamo n. “owner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #yaim- v. “to possess”; see instead:
- Q. #harya- “to have, *hold, [ᴹQ.] possess”
11.13 to Take
- ᴺQ. !aucol- v. “to remove, (lit.) bear away”
- ᴺQ. !haita- v. “to remove, (lit.) make distant”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lep- v. “to take [with fingers], *pick, pluck”
- ᴺQ. !nap- v. “to take (hold), pick up, grasp (with fingers)”
- Q. nehta- v. “to deprive”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ruc- v. “to pluck”; see instead:
- Q. #ruc- “to feel fear or horror; *to flee (to)”
- ᴺQ. lep- “to take [with fingers], *pick, pluck”
11.14 to Grasp, Seize, Take Hold of
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #aqua- v. “to seize”; see instead:
- Q. raf- “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
- ᴹQ. mapa- “to grasp, seize, [ᴱQ.] take; ⚠️to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mahtë n. “hold, grip, *grasp; ⚠️power, possession”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mapa- v. “to grasp, seize, [ᴱQ.] take; ⚠️to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
- Q., ᴹQ. raf- v. “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rapa- v. “to snatch”; see instead:
- Q. raf- “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
11.15 to Hold
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !camya- v. “to contain, hold”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cava- “to contain, hold”
- ᴺQ. !cava- v. “to contain, hold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culp- v. “to contain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vainë n. “sheath, pod”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yava-² v. “to hold”
11.16 to Get, Obtain
- ⚠️Q. #cam- v. “to receive”; see instead:
- Q. #cav- “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
- Q. #cav- v. “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
- ᴺQ. !cávima adj. “acceptable”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !maicámima adj. “acceptable, (lit.) well-receivable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cávima “acceptable”
- ᴺQ. !maicarindo n. “benefactor”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] net- [ñ-] v. “to get, *obtain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túvima adj. “acceptable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cávima “acceptable”
- Q. túvima “discoverable”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tuvu- v. “to take, [ᴱQ.] require, cost, ⚠️receive, accept”
11.17 to Keep, Retain
- ᴺQ. !ambahep- v. “to maintain, (lit.) upkeep”
- ᴺQ. !camma n. “receptacle”
- ᴺQ. !fillannë n. “sack-cloth”
- Q. hampa adj. “restrained, delayed, kept”
- ᴺQ. !hep- v. “to keep”
11.21 to Give
- ⚠️ᴱQ. an (and-) n. “gift”; see instead:
- Q. anna “gift, (orig.) thing handed, brought or sent to a person, *present”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anar (anard-) n. “giver”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. anto² “giver (m.)”
- Q., ᴹQ. anna n. “gift, (orig.) thing handed, brought or sent to a person, *present”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anta- v. “to give, present; †to add to”
- ᴹQ. antë n. “giver (f.)”
- ᴹQ. anto² n. “giver (m.)”
- ᴺQ. !aranta- v. “to turn over, (lit.) give by”
11.22 to Return, Give Back
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #antulu- v. “to return”; see instead:
- Q. #entul- “to come again, *return”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atanta- v. “to give back”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nananta- “to give back, *return [something]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. attul- v. “to come back, return”; see instead:
- Q. #entul- “to come again, *return”
- Q. #entul- v. “to come again, *return”
- Q. entulessë n. “return”
- ᴺQ. !nampaitya- v. “to pay back”
- ᴺQ. !nampaityalë n. “paying back, *restitution”
- ᴺQ. !nananta- v. “to give back, *return [something]”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nancam- v. “to receive back”; see instead:
- Q. #cav- “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
- Q. nantul- v.
- Q. nanwen- v. “to return, go/come back”
- ᴺQ. !nanwenta- v. “to send back”
- Q. ral- v. “*to return (intransitive)”
- ᴺQ. !ralya- v. “to return (transitive)”
11.23 to Restore
- ᴺQ. !apterya- v. “to repair, fix”
- Q. ceulë n. “*renewal”
- Q. ceura adj. “renewed”
- Q. ceuta- v. “to renew, refresh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loista- v. “to refresh”; see instead:
- Q. ceuta- “to renew, refresh”
11.24 to Save, Preserve, Keep Safe
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alantya adj. “*shielded, protected”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alatya- v. “to shield, ward off, ⚠️protect”
- Q. cauma n. “protection, shelter, shield”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. moina adj. “safe, secure”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. varna “safe, protected, secure”
- ᴹQ. moina “familiar, dear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quára n. “watch, ward”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tiris “watch, vigil, ward”
- ᴺQ. !sótë n. “refuge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarqua- v. “to dry, preserve; to pickle”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. varilë n. “protection”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. varnassë “security”
- Q. cauma “protection, shelter, shield”
- ᴹQ. varna adj. “safe, protected, secure”
- ᴹQ. varnassë n. “security”
- ᴺQ. !varno n. “protector, guard”
- ᴹQ. varya- v. “to protect”
- ᴺQ. !varyando n. “protector”
- ᴺQ. !vorta- v. “to preserve, make lasting”
- ᴺQ. !vortalë n. “preservation, maintenance”
11.25 to Save, Rescue
- Q. etelehta- v. “*to deliver”
- ᴺQ. !etelehto n. “deliverer”
- Q. eterúna- v. “*to deliver”
- Q. #rehta- v. “to rescue, save”
- Q. rehtië n. “rescue, saving”
- ᴺQ. !rehto n. “savior”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. resta- v. “to aid, come to aid of, rescue, save”; see instead:
- Q. #rehta- “to rescue, save”
- Q. runando n. “*redeemer”
- ᴺQ. !sámë [þ] n. “salvation, saving, help”
- ᴹQ. #sáro [þ] n. “saviour”
11.27 to Destroy
- ᴺQ. !alanancárima adj. “indestructible”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. faicar n. “destroyer, slayer; bane”; see instead:
- Q. #nehtar “slayer”
- Q. #nancar- v. “to undo, *destroy”
- ᴺQ. !nancárima adj. “destructible”
- ᴺQ. !nancarindo n. “destroyer”
- ᴺQ. !nancáro n. “destroyer”
- ᴺQ. !(n)ungwar- v. “to undermine, weaken, hinder, sabotage, sap, (lit.) to under/down-fret”
- Q., ᴹQ. #nwar- [ñ-] v. “to fret, wear away, [ᴹQ.] erode; *worry about [with reflexive + dative]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to gnaw”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] queletya- v. “to perish”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quelmë n. “ruin, utter end, perdition, ⚠️end, death”
- ᴺQ. !talasta n. “ruin, remains of a destroyed construction”
11.28 to Harm, Injure, Damage
- Q. alahasta adj. “unmarred”
- Q. †χarina adj. “marred”
- ᴺQ. !harnalë n. “harm, damage”
- Q. #hasta- v. “to mar”
- Q. hastaina adj. “marred”
- ᴺQ. !hastarya- v. “verschlimmbessern, to make something worse while trying to improve it”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyan- v. “to injure”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyanda n. “harm, damage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mala-¹ v. “to hurt, pain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] sac- v. “to hurt”
- Q. sahta adj. “marred”
- ᴺQ. !sahtë n. “scar”
- Q. †úχarin adj. “unmarred”
- Q. úvana adj. “marred”
11.29 to Spoil
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avalta- v. “to strip, despoil, denude”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !helta- “to strip, bare, peel; to despoil, denude”
- ᴺQ. !hastalë n. “corruption”
- ᴺQ. !hastima adj. “corruptible”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hessa adj. “withered, ⚠️dead”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hesta- v. “to wither”
- Q. hwirya- v. “to wither”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. il(l)oitë adj. “withered, dead”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hessa “withered, ⚠️dead”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minu- v. “to make less, decrease, spoil, alter for worse”; see instead:
- Q. #pic- “to lessen, dwindle, wane”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narqua adj. “faded, shrivelled”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hessa “withered, ⚠️dead”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narqua- v. “to wither”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hesta- “to wither”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narquelë n. “fading, withering”; see instead:
- Q. #quelië “*fading”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quelehtië n. “rot, corruption”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quelehtima adj. “corrupt, rotten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelexië n. “rot, corruption”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quelehtië “rot, corruption”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelexima adj. “corrupt, rotten”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quelehtima “corrupt, rotten”
- Q., ᴱQ. ringa adj. “cold, [ᴱQ.] chilly; ⚠️damp”
- Q. rúcina adj. “confused, shattered, disordered, ruined”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sí adv. “now”
- Q. to prep. “on, above; [ᴹQ.] in”
11.31 to Seek
- ᴺQ. !alacestaima adj. “unsearchable”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alacestima adj. “unsearchable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alacestaima “unsearchable”
- Q. ces- [þ] v. “to search, examine (in order to find something)”
- ᴺQ. !cesië [þ] n. “search”
- ⚠️Q. cesta-¹ v. “to seek, search for”; see instead:
- Q. cesta-² “to ask”
- Q. ces- “to search, examine (in order to find something)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saca- v. “to pursue, look for, search”; see instead:
- Q. ces- “to search, examine (in order to find something)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. satl n. “search, enquiry”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cesië “search”
- Q. minasurië “enquiry, *research”
- Q. *sur- [þ] v. “*to seek”
- Q. *surië [þ] n. “*(an act of) seeking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuctalla n. “*search”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cesië “search”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tucu- v. “to go in search of, look for, fetch”; see instead:
- Q. ces- “to search, examine (in order to find something)”
11.32 to Find
- ᴺQ. !alahírima adj. “unfindable, impossible to find”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cim- v. “to find; [ᴱQ.] to heed”; see instead:
- Q. hir- “to find”
- Q. tir- “to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to keep, preserve”
- Q. ecces- [þ] v. “to find out, bring out by examining or eyeing[?]”
- Q., ᴹQ. hir- v. “to find”
- ᴺQ. !rat- v. “to explore, find a way”
- Q., ᴹQ. #tuv- v. “to find, discover”
- Q. túvima adj. “discoverable”
11.33 to Lose
- ᴺQ. !aulerya- v. “to rid, free somebody of something”
- ᴺQ. !penta- v. “to lose”
- ᴹQ. rov- v. “to lose”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úhep- v. “to lose, (lit.) to un-keep”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !penta- “to lose”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úhepië n. “loss”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !penta- “to lose”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !únet- v. “to lose, (lit.) to un-get”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !penta- “to lose”
- ᴺQ. !vanwë n. “loss (abstract/general)”
11.34 to Release
- ⚠️ᴱQ. erefainu n. “release”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !leryalë “release”
- ᴺQ. !etwen n. “exit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fainu- v. “to release”; see instead:
- Q. lerya- “to release, set free, let go”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lapta- v. “?to relax, loosen”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lehta- “to loose, slacken”
- ᴹQ. lehta- v. “to loose, slacken”
- Q. lerya- v. “to release, set free, let go”
- ᴺQ. !leryalë n. “release”
- Q. rúna- v. “to free”
- Q. sen- v. “to let loose, free, let go”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] us- [þ] v. “to escape, get out”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #úsiéra adj. “*escaped”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] uswë [þ] n. “escape, issue, outlet”
- ᴺQ. !uswen n. “emergency exit, fire exit”
11.41 Property
- Q. aura n. “possession, thing owned”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. autë¹ n. “goods, property, wealth, money”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. armar “goods”
- ᴺQ. ^aurië “wealth [in possessions], property”
- Q. telpë “silver; [ᴱQ.] money”
- ᴺQ. !herulatsë n. “estate, domain”
- Q. satya adj. “private, separate, not common, excluded”
- Q. véra adj. “personal, private, own”
11.42 Wealth, Riches
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aurië n. “wealth [in possessions], property”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ausië n. “wealth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aurië “wealth [in possessions], property”
- ᴹQ. heren n. “fortune, (lit.) governance”
- ᴺQ. !mailitya adj. “(greedily) wealthy, avaricious”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. milcin n. “wealth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aurië “wealth [in possessions], property”
11.43 Money
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telpilin n. “silver piece, *silver coin”
11.46 Treasure
- ⚠️ᴱQ. föa n. “hoard, treasure”; see instead:
- Q. haura² “hoard, store”
- Q. föa “breath, puff of breath”
- Q., ᴹQ. harma n. “treasure, [ᴹQ.] treasured thing”
- ᴹQ. harwë¹ n. “treasure, treasury”
- Q. maina n. “thing of excellence, treasure”
- ᴺQ. !mirta- v. “to value, esteem, treasure, cherish”
11.47 Bank
- Q. haura² n. “hoard, store”
- ᴺQ. !sarnomo n. “banker”
11.48 Heir
- ᴹQ. aryon n. “heir”
- ᴺQ. !aryonië n. “inheritance”
- Q. atamir n. “heirloom”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #hildë (hildi-) n. “heir, follower; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] child”
11.51 Rich
- ⚠️ᴱQ. autë² (ausi-) adj. “rich”; see instead:
- Q. alya “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
- ᴹQ. herenya “fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avarna adj. “very rich”; see instead:
- Q. alya “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
- ᴹQ. herenya adj. “fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malcë (malci-) adj. “rich”; see instead:
- Q. alya “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
11.52 Poor
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mangë² n. “lack, want, shortage”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !penië “lack, want, shortage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oica adj. “poor”; see instead:
- Q. penya “lacking, inadequate; *poor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oisë n. “poverty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !penyalë “poverty, deprivation”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oiswa adj. “poor”; see instead:
- Q. penya “lacking, inadequate; *poor”
- ᴺQ. !penië n. “lack, want, shortage”
- Q. penna adj. and n. “lacking; vowel”
- ᴺQ. !penno n. “poor man”
- Q. penya adj. “lacking, inadequate; *poor”
- ᴺQ. !penyalë n. “poverty, deprivation”
- Q. #racina adj. “stripped, deprived”
11.53 Beggar
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iqu- v. “to beg, ‘pray’ [ask earnestly]”
- ᴺQ. !iquindo n. “beggar”
11.56 to Steal
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naqua- v. “to steal”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. pil- “to steal”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pil- v. “to steal”
11.57 Thief
- Q. arpo n. “seizer, thief”
- ᴺQ. !aumapando n. “abductor, (lit.) away-seizer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naquar n. “thief”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. pilu “thief, robber”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pilu n. “thief, robber”
- ᴺQ. !rapta n. “loot, booty, stolen goods”
11.61 to Lend
- ᴺQ. !yutya- v. “to lend, loan”
11.64 Debt
- Q. #lucassë n. “*debt, trespass”
- Q. #lucië n. “*debt, trespass”
- Q. #lucindo n. “*debtor, one who trespasses”
- Q. #luhta n. “*debt, trespass”
- ᴹQ. nauta adj. “bound, obliged”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paitya- v. “to repay, requite”
- Q. #rocindë n. “*debtor, one who trespasses”
- Q. #rohta n. “*debt, trespass”
11.65 to Pay
- ᴺQ. !paityalë n. “reward, payment”
11.66 Account, Reckoning
- Q., ᴹQ. not- v. “to count, [ᴹQ.] reckon”
- Q., ᴹQ. #onot- v. “[ᴹQ.] to count up, *reckon”
- Q. #onótië n. “*reckoning”
- Q. onótimo n. “*reckoner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quoto- v. “to count up, reckon; to account, call up; to think, consider”; see instead:
- Q. not- “to count, [ᴹQ.] reckon”
11.67 Surety, Security
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ovesta n. “contract, compact, treaty”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vesta² n. “contract”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ovesta “contract, compact, treaty”
11.69 Tax
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hótocië n. “tax”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tungwë “tax”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] toc- v. “to appraise, tax, assess, assay; ⚠️to try, test, essay, endeavour; to feel with the hand, handle”
- ᴺQ. !tungwë n. “tax”
- ᴺQ. !tungwemen n. “tax-office”
- ᴺQ. !tungwemo n. “tax-collector”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !túrëautocië n. “tax”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tungwë “tax”
11.72 Cost, Expense
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vil(dë) n. “matter, business, affair, thing”; see instead:
- Q. caraitië “activity, business”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #vildi- v. “to matter; to be of significance, worth, moment”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^valda- “to matter; to be of significance, worth, moment; *to cost”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vildima adj. “essential, imperative”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^valdima “essential, imperative”
11.73 Gain, Profit
- ᴺQ. !cambië n. “profit, gain, intake, income”
11.79 to Earn
- ᴺQ. !namoia- v. “to work (hard) for; to earn”
11.81 to Buy
- ᴺQ. !homanca- v. “to buy”
11.82 to Sell
- ᴺQ. !aumanca- v. “to sell, (lit.) trade away”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^maxë n. “sale”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampa n. “peddlar-goods”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampa- v. “to hawk goods”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampalë n. “chaffering, *haggling, bargaining”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vaxë n. “sale”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^maxë “sale”
- ᴹQ. vaxë “stain”
11.83 to Trade
- ᴺQ. !eccol- v. “to export”
- ᴹQ. manca- v. “to trade”
- ᴹQ. mancalë n. “commerce, *trade [as an activity]”
- ᴺQ. !micol- v. “to import”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quap- v. “to chaffer, bargain, swap, barter”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quapta n. “deal, bargain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quapta- v. “to exchange”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quaptalë n. “exchange”
- ᴺQ. !quaptando n. “money-changer, (lit.) exchanger”
- ᴺQ. !sundoharmar n. “capital [funds], (lit.) base treasures”
- ᴺQ. !telpevistando n. “money-changer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vactelë n. “trade”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. mancalë “commerce, *trade [as an activity]”
11.84 Merchant, Tradesman
- ⚠️ᴹQ. macar n. “tradesman, *trader, merchant”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mahar “tradesman, trader, merchant”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^mahar n. “tradesman, trader, merchant”
- ᴺQ. !mancaro n. “tradesman, trader, merchant”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampo n. “pedlar, huckster”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vactelëar n. “merchant”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mahar “tradesman, trader, merchant”
11.85 Market (place)
- ᴹQ. armar coll. “goods”
- ᴺQ. !macca n. “article (for exchange), ware, thing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mancamen n. “market, (lit.) trade-place”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !mancanómë “market, market-place”
- ᴺQ. !mancanómë n. “market, market-place”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^manco n. “wares”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mangwa n. “article for trading, goods”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. armar “goods”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vanco n. “wares”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^manco “wares”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #vat (vact-) n. “wares”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^manco “wares”
11.87 Price
- ᴺQ. !mirma n. “value, *price”
11.88 Dear, Expensive
- Q. mírima adj. “very valuable, very precious, very lovely”
- Q. mirwa adj. “precious, valuable”
- ᴺQ. !valasta- v. “to deserve, (lit.) be worthy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] valda n. and adj. “worth; worthy, dear”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^valda- v. “to matter; to be of significance, worth, moment; *to cost”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] valdëa adj. “of moment, important”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^valdima adj. “essential, imperative”
11.89 Cheap
- ᴺQ. !alamirwa adj. “cheap, not precious, not expensive”
Spatial Relations
- 12.11 Place
- 12.12 to Put, Place, Set, Lay
- 12.13 to Sit
- 12.14 to Lie, Recline
- 12.15 to Stand
- 12.16 to Stay, Wait, Remain
- 12.17 to Remain, be Left Over
- 12.18 to Leave, Relinquish
- 12.19 Quiet
- 12.195 Whisper
- 12.21 to Gather, Collect
- 12.22 to Join, Unite
- 12.221 Together
- 12.222 And
- 12.223 Also
- 12.23 to Separate
- 12.232 to Divide
- 12.24 to Open
- 12.25 to Shut, Close
- 12.26 to Cover
- 12.27 to Hide, Conceal
- 12.272 Hidden, Concealed
- 12.31 High
- 12.32 Low
- 12.33 Top
- 12.34 Bottom
- 12.35 End
- 12.352 Point
- 12.353 Edge
- 12.37 Middle
- 12.371 Between
- 12.38 Center
- 12.391 In, Inside
- 12.392 Out, Outside
- 12.393 Across, Athwart
- 12.394 Up, Above, Over
- 12.395 Down, Below, Beneath
- 12.3955 In Front
- 12.396 Behind, At the Rear
- 12.397 Beyond
- 12.398 To, Towards
- 12.399 From, Away
- 12.41 Right (vs. Left)
- 12.42 Left (vs. Right)
- 12.43 Near
- 12.44 Far
- 12.45 East
- 12.46 West
- 12.47 North
- 12.48 South
- 12.51 Form, Shape
- 12.52 Size
- 12.53 to Grow
- 12.54 to Measure
- 12.55 Big, Large, Great
- 12.56 Small, Little
- 12.565 Bit, Small Thing
- 12.57 Long
- 12.58 Tall
- 12.59 Short
- 12.61 Wide, Broad
- 12.62 Narrow
- 12.63 Thick (in Dimension)
- 12.64 Thick (in Density)
- 12.65 Thin (in Dimension)
- 12.66 Thin (in Density)
- 12.67 Deep
- 12.71 Flat
- 12.72 Hollow, Concave
- 12.73 Straight
- 12.74 Crooked
- 12.75 Hook, Crook
- 12.76 Angle, Corner
- 12.77 Cross
- 12.78 Square
- 12.81 Round
- 12.82 Circle
- 12.83 Sphere
- 12.84 Line
- 12.85 Hole
- 12.91 Equal, Alike
- 12.92 Like, Similar
- 12.925 Different, Other
- 12.93 to Change
- 12.94 Sign
12.11 Place
- ᴺQ. !ainomë adv. “anyplace, anywhere”
- ᴺQ. !cennomë n. “point of view, vista”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. essë³ n. “place”; see instead:
- Q. #nómë “place”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. essëa² adj. “in place, local”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nómëa “local”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. larma n. “area, space, room”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sambë “room, chamber”
- ᴺQ. !latsë “area, space, room”
- Q. #larma “raiment”
- ᴹQ. larma “fat [as a substance], ⚠️(?pig-)fat, flesh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. larmavoitë adj. “roomy, spacious”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
- ᴺQ. !latsë n. “area, space, room”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !menessë adv. “instead, (lit.) in place”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !minomë “instead, in place of, in exchange of”
- ᴺQ. !minomë adv. “instead, in place of, in exchange of”
- ᴺQ. !nairë [ñ-] n. “space (as a physical dimension)”
- ᴺQ. !nanomë adv. “someplace, somewhere”
- Q., ᴹQ. #nómë n. “place”
- ᴺQ. !nómëa adj. “local”
- Q. #nómessë n. “place-name”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nómessëa adj. “local”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nómëa “local”
- ᴺQ. !-non (-nóm(e)-) suf. “-place, -spot (forms place-names, area nouns)”
- ᴺQ. !osquetië n. “context”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #panyara adj. “?setting”
12.12 to Put, Place, Set, Lay
- ᴺQ. !antac- v. “to apply”
- Q., ᴱQ. caita-² v. “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. casóro- v. “to make sit, set”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sesta- “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. esta-² v. “to place, set, plant”; see instead:
- Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etepanya- v. “to put out”; see instead:
- Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
- Q. #pan- v. “*to arrange, set in order”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] panna n. “arrangement, grouping; *plan, course; ⚠️book”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pano n. “series, course, plan, arrangement”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. panna “arrangement, grouping; *plan, course; ⚠️book”
- ᴹQ. pano “piece of shaped wood, *board, plank”
- ᴺQ. !panwë n. “arrangement, plan; structure, ordering; (musical) theme”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. panya- v. “to fix, set; [ᴱQ.] to plan, arrange, ⚠️intend, mean”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sasta- v. “to put, place”; see instead:
- Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
- ᴺQ. !sesta- v. “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sorto- v. “to set, settle”; see instead:
- Q. mar- “to dwell, abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] live [in a place]”
- ᴹQ. seru- “to settle on, sit or lie down, come to rest on”
12.13 to Sit
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hac- v. “to squat”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ham- v. “to sit (down), be situated in ”; see instead:
- Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hamu- v. “to sit down, take a seat”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^haru- “to sit down, take a seat”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. har- v. “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^haru- v. “to sit down, take a seat”
- ᴹQ. seru- v. “to settle on, sit or lie down, come to rest on”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soro- v. “to sit”; see instead:
- Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sorta- v. “to sit down”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^haru- “to sit down, take a seat”
12.14 to Lie, Recline
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caima- v. “to lie quiet”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ser- “to rest, repose; to stay, tarry, stop, be for a while, at the moment”
- ᴺQ. ^quilda- “to stay quiet, be quiet, ⚠️rest”
- ᴺQ. !cainu- v. “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
- Q., ᴹQ. caita-¹ v. “to lie (down)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caitoilë n. “rest”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sérë “peace, [ᴹQ.] rest, repose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cama- v. “to lie down; (c. loc.) to endure, suffer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cainu- “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. camu- v. “to lay down, bend down, reduce”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cainu- “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caya- v. “to lie”; see instead:
- Q. caita-¹ “to lie (down)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. erdë² n. “repose”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sérë “peace, [ᴹQ.] rest, repose”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lat- v. “to be extended, stretch, [ᴱQ.] spread, extend; [ᴹQ.] to be situated (of an area), lie (of lands or regions)”
- ᴺQ. !nirya- v. “to lean against”
12.15 to Stand
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyá- v. “to stand”; see instead:
- Q. #tar-² “to stand”
- ᴺQ. !nantar- v. “to stand back”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nohto- v. “to stick out”; see instead:
- Q. #ras- “to stick out”
- Q. #ras- v. “to stick out”
- Q. #tar-² v. “to stand”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #thar-² v. “to stand”; see instead:
- Q. #tar-² “to stand”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #tol- v. “to stand”; see instead:
- Q. #tar-² “to stand”
- ᴹQ. tolu- v. “to stand up, get up, leave one’s seat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyul- v. “to stand”; see instead:
- Q. #tar-² “to stand”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyulta- v. “to rear up, stick up”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyulya- v. “to stand (intr.), rise”; see instead:
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
12.16 to Stay, Wait, Remain
- ᴺQ. !coilemma n. “fossil, biological artifact/relic”
- ᴹQ. hora- v. “to wait for”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !larta- v. “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure”; see instead:
- Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- Q. termar- “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
- ᴺQ. !lemma n. “artifact, relic, residue”
- ᴺQ. !lemmë n. “remnant(s), remains, remainders”
- ᴹQ. lemya- v. “to remain, tarry”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lenda- v. “to linger”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. masta- v. “to tarry, linger”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
- ᴹQ. masta- “to bake”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !norta- v. “to stay”; see instead:
- Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- ᴺQ. !ranqua n. “armful”
- ᴺQ. !res- [þ] v. “to remain in same place”
12.17 to Remain, be Left Over
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #er- v. “to remain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lemya- “to remain, tarry”
- ᴹQ. lemba adj. “left behind”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sal- v. “?to remain or remove”
12.18 to Leave, Relinquish
- ᴺQ. !avarta- v. “to abandon”
- ᴺQ. !etehat- v. “to throw out”
- Q. hehta- v. “to put aside, leave out, exclude, abandon, forsake”
- Q. hequa prep. and adv. “leaving aside, not counting, excluding, except”
12.19 Quiet
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calaina adj. “serene”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calainë n. “serenity, ⚠️serene”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lína- v. “to be silent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quië adj. “calm at sea”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilda adj. “quiet, hushed, still”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quilda- v. “to stay quiet, be quiet, ⚠️rest”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. quildë n. “quiet, rest, hush”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quildi- v. “to rest, stay quiet, be quiet”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quilda- “to stay quiet, be quiet, ⚠️rest”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. quilir n. “quiet”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quildë “quiet, rest, hush”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rua adj. “steady, still, tranquil”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ruë n. “stillness, *steadiness, tranquility, ⚠️rest, remaining, steadfastness”
12.195 Whisper
- ⚠️ᴹQ. escë n. “rustle, noise of leaves”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlussa- v. “to whisper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlussë n. “whispering sound, *whisper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyassë n. “rushing noise, *rustling”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyasta- v. “to rush, rustle”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lussa- v. “to whisper”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlussa- “to whisper”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lussë n. “whispering sound”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlussë “whispering sound, *whisper”
- ᴺQ. !nurrulë n. “murmuring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quiri-² v. “to murmur”; see instead:
- Q. nurru- “to murmur, grumble, mumble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quirquirinda adj. “murmuring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quirquirindë n. “murmuring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quisi- v. “to whisper”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlussa- “to whisper”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quisquiri- v. “to rustle, murmur”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hyasta- “to rush, rustle”
- Q. nurru- “to murmur, grumble, mumble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulmula adj. “mumbling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vassalë n. “rustling”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hyassë “rushing noise, *rustling”
12.21 to Gather, Collect
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arm- v. “to gather, collect”; see instead:
- Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
- Q. comya- v. “to collect”
- ⚠️Q. conta- v. “[unglossed]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #cum- v. “to pile up”; see instead:
- Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hosta- v. “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hostaitë adj. “able to gather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hostalca adj. “able to gather”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hostaitë “able to gather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lese- v. “to come together, gather (intr.)”; see instead:
- Q. ócom- “to gather, assemble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lesta- v. “to collect (tr.)”; see instead:
- Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
- Q. ócom- v. “to gather, assemble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. racta-² v. “to pile, hoard, amass, collect”; see instead:
- Q. hosta- “to gather (hastily together), collect, assemble, pile up”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yocar- v. “to assemble, compose, construct”; see instead:
- Q. carasta- “to build, construct”
- Q. maita- “to make with art, design, compose”
12.22 to Join, Unite
- ᴺQ. !erta- v. “to unite”
- ᴺQ. !ertië n. “union”
- ᴺQ. !himyalë n. “connection”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lecte- v. “to join together, dovetail, fit in, splice”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lequet (lequett-) n. “joint”
- Q. #limë (limi-) n. “link, *joint”
- ᴺQ. !limya- v. “to link, join”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oxa n. “joint”; see instead:
- Q. #limë “link, *joint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pac- v. “to apply, attach”
- ᴺQ. !parna- v. “to comprise, be put together from”
- ᴺQ. !sampan- v. “to combine”
- Q., ᴹQ. #sampanë n. “combination”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tac- v. “to fasten, [ᴱQ.] fix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyac- v. “to stick”
- ᴺQ. !yanta-¹ v. “to join”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yanta² adj. “joined”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yantaina “joined”
- ᴺQ. !yantaina adj. “joined”
- Q., ᴹQ. yanwë n. “joining, [ᴹQ.] isthmus, ⚠️bridge”
12.221 Together
- ⚠️Q. #as prep. “with”; see instead:
- Q. #ó “with”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lé² prep. “with, [ᴹQ.] by, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] with (accompaniment)”; see instead:
- Q. #ó “with”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ma- pref. “together, in one”; see instead:
- Q. o- “together”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -ngwë suf. “*together”
- Q., ᴹQ. o- pref. “together”
- Q. #ó prep. “with”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. so- pref. “grouped, together”; see instead:
- Q. #yo- “together (used in words describing the union of three or more things)”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] uo adv. “together”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. va- pref. “together”; see instead:
- Q. o- “together”
- Q. #yo- pref. “together (used in words describing the union of three or more things)”
- Q. yó(m) prep. “[together] with”
12.222 And
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ar conj. “and; ⚠️[ᴱQ., ᴹQ.] but”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ya(n) conj. “and”; see instead:
- Q. yo “both ... and”
- Q. -yë suf. “and (pairs)”
- Q., ᴹQ. yo conj. “both ... and”
12.223 Also
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aru adv. “in addition, as well, besides”; see instead:
- Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
- ᴺQ. !aryë adv. “also, as well, besides, too”
- Q. epetai conj. “consequently, thereupon, thence, whereupon, (lit.) following which (fact)”
- Q. etta conj. “*therefore, (lit.) out of that”
- Q. potai conj. “*therefore, (lit.) before which”
- Q. sië adv. “thus”
- Q. sin¹ adv. “*thus”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yando adv. “also”; see instead:
- Q. ta³ “so, like that, also; and also, then; etcetera”
- ᴹQ. yú adv. “too, *also”
12.23 to Separate
- ᴺQ. !ausatië adv. “especially, (lit.) setting aside”
- ᴺQ. !cilta- v. “to divide, separate”
- ᴺQ. !ciltië n. “division, separation”
- ᴺQ. !etsatië adv. “especially”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !salta- v. “to strain, winnow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^silta- “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !saltama n. “winnowing-fork”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^silta- “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- Q. sat- v. “to set aside, appropriate to a special purpose or owner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silt- v. “to sift, sort out, winnow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^silta- “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] silta n. “sieve”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^silta- v. “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siltina adj. “winnowed”
12.232 to Divide
- Q. estat- v. “to distribute (in even portions), *partition”
- ᴺQ. !estatië n. “portion, share”
- ᴺQ. !estatina adj. “divided, shared, distributed”
- ᴺQ. !ósat- v. “to share”
- ᴹQ. perya- v. “to divide in middle, halve”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #ranta² n. “part”; see instead:
- Q. asta “month; division, part (esp. one of other equal parts)”
- ᴺQ. !sundë n. “element, ingredient, a basic component”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirt (tirty-) n. “part, portion, share, section”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !estatië “portion, share”
- Q. asta “month; division, part (esp. one of other equal parts)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirtina adj. “divided, shared, distributed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !estatina “divided, shared, distributed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirty- v. “to partition, divide, part, distribute”; see instead:
- Q. estat- “to distribute (in even portions), *partition”
- ᴺQ. !úperima adj. “indivisible”
12.24 to Open
- ⚠️ᴱQ. apta- v. “to open”; see instead:
- Q. latya- “to open anything (so as to allow entry)”
- Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aptë (*apti-) adj. “open”; see instead:
- Q. láta “open (not closed)”
- Q. láta adj. “open (not closed)”
- Q. látië n. “openness”
- Q. latya n. “opening”
- Q. latya- v. “to open anything (so as to allow entry)”
- ᴹQ. palya- v. “to open wide, spread, expand, extend”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. panta adj. “open, [ᴱQ.] wide, spreading”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. panta- v. “to open, spread out, unfurl, [ᴱQ.] unfold”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pantië n. “unfolding, opening, ⚠️revealing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. patsima adj. “wide open”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. panta “open, [ᴱQ.] wide, spreading”
12.25 to Shut, Close
- ⚠️Q. avalatya- v. “to close, shut”; see instead:
- Q. holya- “to shut, close”
- Q. holla adj. “?shut”
- Q. holya- v. “to shut, close”
- Q. pahta¹ adj. “closed, shut, private”
- Q. sac- [þ] v. “to close”
12.26 to Cover
- ᴺQ. !avatup- v. “to uncover, expose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talda adj. “covered”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tupina “covered”
- Q. tal(da) “to the bottom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telin (telimb-) n. “roof, covering”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. telmë “hood, covering”
- ᴹQ. telmë n. “hood, covering”
- ᴹQ. telta- v. “to canopy, overshadow, screen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #tildi- v. “to cover”; see instead:
- Q. tup- “to cover, [ᴱQ.] put a lid on, put hat on, ⚠️roof”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. top- v. “to cover”; see instead:
- Q. tup- “to cover, [ᴱQ.] put a lid on, put hat on, ⚠️roof”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tump-² v. “to cover”; see instead:
- Q. tup- “to cover, [ᴱQ.] put a lid on, put hat on, ⚠️roof”
- Q., ᴱQ. tup- v. “to cover, [ᴱQ.] put a lid on, put hat on, ⚠️roof”
- ᴺQ. !tupina adj. “covered”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] túpo n. “cover, lid, ⚠️roof”
- ᴺQ. !ulutelmë n. “umbrella, rainshade”
- Q. #untup- v. “to cover (over or up), (lit.) to cover down”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vailë n. “covering, *sheath”; see instead:
- Q. vailë “[strong] wind, *gale”
- ᴹQ. telmë “hood, covering”
12.27 to Hide, Conceal
- Q. #cuv- v. “to conceal, *hide”
- Q. fanta- v. “to veil, cloak, mantle; [ᴺQ.] to muffle”
- Q. fanwa n. “veil, screen”
- ᴹQ. halya- v. “to veil, conceal, screen from light”
- ᴹQ. *lihlicca- v. “to sneak about”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lom- v. “to hide, lurk”; see instead:
- Q. #nurta- “*to hide”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. moru- v. “to hide, conceal, lurk”; see instead:
- Q. #cuv- “to conceal, *hide”
- ᴺQ. !nannem- v. “to disappear”
- Q. #nurta- v. “*to hide”
- Q. vasar [þ] n. “veil”
- Q. vasarya- [þ] v. “to veil”
12.272 Hidden, Concealed
- Q. cúvima adj. “concealable”
- Q. #cuvo n. “hider”
- Q. cuvoitë (cuvoiti-) adj. “hiding, secretive; treacherous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. foina adj. “hidden, secret”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. muina “hidden, secret”
- ᴹQ. nulla “dark, dusky, obscure; hidden, secret”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. furin adj. “hidden, concealed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. muina “hidden, secret”
- ⚠️Q. henfanwa n. “eye-screen, veil upon eyes”
- ᴺQ. !muinas (muinass-) n. “hideout”
- Q. nurtalë n. “hiding”
- ᴺQ. !úcénima adj. “invisible”
- Q. úfantima adj. “not concealable”
- Q. úfanwëa adj. “not veiled, unveiled”
12.31 High
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aiquië n. “highness, height”; see instead:
- Q. #tárië “height”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alva adj. “?lofty”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alwa “well-grown”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ancasse(a) adj. “lofty, tall, (lit.) up-headed, high-headed”; see instead:
- Q. tára¹ “lofty, tall, high”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anwa adj. “high up, place high”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. anwa “true, real, actual”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ordië n. “height, loftiness”; see instead:
- Q. #tárië “height”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. orro² adv. “up in the air, on high”
- Q., ᴱQ. orwa adj. “high, lofty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tá¹ adj. and adv. “high; high above, high up”; see instead:
- Q. tára¹ “lofty, tall, high”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tahóra adj. “lofty”; see instead:
- Q. tára¹ “lofty, tall, high”
- Q., ᴹQ. tar-¹ affix. “high; [ᴹQ.] king or queen (in compounds)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tára¹ adj. “lofty, tall, high”
- Q., ᴱQ. #tárië n. “height”
- ᴺQ. !tarmen n. “vertical direction”
- ᴺQ. !tarmenya adj. “vertical”
12.32 Low
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hunda adj. “low, lowly”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tumna “lowlying, low; deep, [ᴱQ.] profound; ⚠️dark, hidden”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tumna adj. “lowlying, low; deep, [ᴱQ.] profound; ⚠️dark, hidden”
12.33 Top
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ána n. “crown of head, top”
- Q., ᴹQ. cas(ta) adv. “to(wards) the top, upwards”
- ᴺQ. !castëa adj. “top (with added sense of prominent, chief)”
- ᴹQ. hat (haht-) n. “ridge, comb, crest”
- Q., ᴹQ. inga n. “top, highest point, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] first”
- ᴺQ. !ingëa adj. “top”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ormin n. “top”; see instead:
- Q. cas “head, [ᴱQ.] top, ⚠️summit”
12.34 Bottom
- ⚠️ᴹQ. numbë n. “root, foundation”; see instead:
- Q. #talma¹ “basis, [ᴹQ.] foundation, base, ⚠️root; [ᴱQ.] end”
- Q. sundo “base, root, [ᴹQ.] root-word”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sulmin n. “base of a pillar, base of column”; see instead:
- Q. #talma¹ “basis, [ᴹQ.] foundation, base, ⚠️root; [ᴱQ.] end”
- Q., ᴹQ. sundo [þ] n. “base, root, [ᴹQ.] root-word”
- Q. tal(da) adv. “to the bottom”
- ᴺQ. !taldëa adj. “bottom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talpa n. “support, prop, base, basis, pediment (column)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tulco “support, prop”
- Q. sundo “base, root, [ᴹQ.] root-word”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tauma n. “basis, foundation, ground floor”; see instead:
- Q. #talma¹ “basis, [ᴹQ.] foundation, base, ⚠️root; [ᴱQ.] end”
- Q. talan “flat space, platform; [ᴹQ.] floor, ⚠️ground”
- ᴹQ. tulco (*tulcu-) n. “support, prop”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulpo n. “buttress, prop”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tulco “support, prop”
12.35 End
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lappa n. “loose-end, end of rope, hem of robe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^tel (teld-) n. “end”
- Q. telma n. “conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair; [ᴹQ.] ending”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tyel (tyeld-) n. “end”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tel “end”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tyelma n. “ending”; see instead:
- Q. telma “conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair; [ᴹQ.] ending”
12.352 Point
- ⚠️Q. cendë n. “point”; see instead:
- Q. tillë “tip, point; [within compounds] finger, toe; [ᴱQ.] eyelash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cent n. “a sharp point”; see instead:
- Q. tildë “fine sharp point, [ᴹQ.] spike; (mountain) horn, [ᴱQ.] tip, peak”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. colmë n. “point, tip”; see instead:
- Q. tillë “tip, point; [within compounds] finger, toe; [ᴱQ.] eyelash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. colmecta adj. “pointed”; see instead:
- Q. *mixa “sharp-pointed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. colosildë n. “long thin point”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ecco “spine, thorn, point”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mentë n. “point, end; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] peak, tip”
- ᴹQ. nassë n. “spike, ⚠️thorn”
- ᴺQ. !nassëa¹ adj. “spiked, pointed, barbed”
- Q. ortil n. “up-point”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tildë n. “fine sharp point, [ᴹQ.] spike; (mountain) horn, [ᴱQ.] tip, peak”
- Q., ᴱQ. tillë n. “tip, point; [within compounds] finger, toe; [ᴱQ.] eyelash”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tinda n. “spike”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nassë “spike, ⚠️thorn”
- ᴹQ. tinda “glinting (silver)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tindë (tindi-) adj. “spiked, pointed, barbed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nassëa¹ “spiked, pointed, barbed”
- ᴹQ. tindë “glint”
12.353 Edge
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantë n. “edge”; see instead:
- Q. címa “edge of a cutting weapon/tool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cíla n. “edge, rim”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hríma “edge, hem, border”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cílëa adj. “edged”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !címëa “edged”
- Q. címa n. “edge of a cutting weapon/tool”
- Q. cimba n. “edge, brink”
- ᴺQ. !címëa adj. “edged”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hríma n. “edge, hem, border”
- Q. lanca n. “sharp edge (not of tools), sudden end”
- Q. lanë (lani-) n. “hem”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !maicëa adj. “edged”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !címëa “edged”
- Q., ᴱQ. pelma n. “border, fringe, edge, limiting device; [ᴱQ.] pen”
- ᴹQ. réna n. “edge, border, margin”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ríma n. “edge, hem, border”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hríma “edge, hem, border”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rimbë n. “edge, lip, brim”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hríma “edge, hem, border”
- Q. rimbë “host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tastë n. “fringe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telustë n. “extremity”
12.37 Middle
- Q. #endëa adj. “middle”
- ⚠️Q. entya adj. “central, middle”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enya¹ “*central, ⚠️middle”
- ᴹQ. enya¹ adj. “*central, ⚠️middle”
- Q., ᴹQ. holmo adv. “sincerely, heartily; *(lit.) from the heart; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] from the middle”
- ᴹQ. †humpë adv. “in the middle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mecilwa adj. “central”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enya¹ “*central, ⚠️middle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mequa adj. “middle”; see instead:
- Q. #endëa “middle”
12.371 Between
- Q. enel prep. “in the middle, between”
- Q., ᴹQ. imbë¹ prep. and adv. “between, among; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] in(wards)”
- Q. imíca prep. “among”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mitta prep. and adv. “[ᴹQ.] inwards, into, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] in; [Q.] between”
12.38 Center
- Q. enda n. “heart; centre, *interior”
- Q., ᴹQ. endë n. “centre, middle; [ᴹQ.] core”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mecta adj. “centre”; see instead:
- Q. endë “centre, middle; [ᴹQ.] core”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mectë n. “heart; centre”; see instead:
- Q. enda “heart; centre, *interior”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. metl (mecil-) n. “centre”; see instead:
- Q. endë “centre, middle; [ᴹQ.] core”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tólë¹ n. “centre”; see instead:
- Q. endë “centre, middle; [ᴹQ.] core”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tólëa adj. “central, middle”; see instead:
- Q. #endëa “middle”
12.391 In, Inside
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hir (hird-) n. “inwards, interior, inside, heart”; see instead:
- Q. enda “heart; centre, *interior”
- ᴹQ. hont adv. “inwards”
- ᴺQ. !(i)missë n. “inside”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. int adv. “inwards”; see instead:
- Q. mitta “[ᴹQ.] inwards, into, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] in; [Q.] between”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ir (ird-) n. “interior, centre, inwards, inner parts”; see instead:
- Q. enda “heart; centre, *interior”
- Q., ᴹQ. mi prep. “in, [ᴹQ.] within”
- Q. mina prep. and adv. “into, in, [ᴹQ.] to the inside”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. minna prep. and adv. “into, to the inside”; see instead:
- Q. mina “into, in, [ᴹQ.] to the inside”
- ᴹQ. mir prep. and adv. “to the inside, into”
- ᴺQ. !mitië n. “interior”
- ᴹQ. mitya adj. “interior”
- ᴹQ. to prep. “in”
12.392 Out, Outside
- Q., ᴹQ. #ava¹ adv. and adj. “[ᴹQ.] outside, beyond; outer, exterior”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ere-¹ pref. “out”; see instead:
- Q. #et(e)- “[ᴹQ.] forth, out”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eru¹ adv. “outward”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^esta “outwards”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. erúmëa adj. “outer, outermost”; see instead:
- Q. #ava¹ “[ᴹQ.] outside, beyond; outer, exterior”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. erus(ta) adj. and n. “outside”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ettë¹ “outside”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. es- pref. “*out”; see instead:
- Q. #et(e)- “[ᴹQ.] forth, out”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. est adj. “outwards”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^esta “outwards”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^esta adv. “outwards”
- Q., ᴹQ. et prep. “out (of)”
- Q., ᴹQ. #et(e)- pref. “[ᴹQ.] forth, out”
- ᴹQ. etsë n. “outside, exterior”
- ᴹQ. ettë¹ adj. and adv. “outside”
12.393 Across, Athwart
- ᴺQ. !anat prep. “against”
- ᴺQ. !anqua adj. and adv. “opposite, against”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arta prep. “across, athwart”; see instead:
- Q. lanna “athwart, (to a point) beyond, *across”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !essar- v. “to recross”; see instead:
- Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
- Q., ᴱQ. lahta- v. “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
- Q. langa n. “thing that crosses, ferry, ford, crossway, bridge, ⚠️cross-bar”
- Q. lanna adv. and prep. “athwart, (to a point) beyond, *across”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽o prep. “over, across, along”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sar-¹ [þ] v. “to cross”; see instead:
- Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tara- v. “to cross, go athwart, cross rivers”; see instead:
- Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tarna n. “passage, ford, crossing”; see instead:
- Q. langa “thing that crosses, ferry, ford, crossway, bridge, ⚠️cross-bar”
12.394 Up, Above, Over
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #am- pref. “up, [ᴱQ.] upwards”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. amba¹ adv. “up(wards)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. am(u)- pref. “up(wards)”; see instead:
- Q. #am- “up, [ᴱQ.] upwards”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. amu adv. “up(wards)”; see instead:
- Q. amba¹ “up(wards)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. amunta adj. “up, risen (of the sun)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !orina “risen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cassë prep. “above”
- Q., ᴱQ. or prep. “above, [ᴱQ.] upon; ⚠️on”
- Q. oro- pref. “up, aloft”
- ᴺQ. !orohalla adj. “superior”
- ᴺQ. !orsa [þ] adj. “upper, above”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orta prep. “above”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !orsa “upper, above”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (or)tandë adv. “above (of motion upwards)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ta² prep. “on, above; by, beside; than”; see instead:
- Q. pá “touching, against, on (above but touching); as regards, concerning, [ᴹQ.] about”
- Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
12.395 Down, Below, Beneath
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hant adv. “down, to the ground”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. taltë “down, at the bottom”
- ⚠️Q. ní prep. “beneath, not touching, under”; see instead:
- Q. nu “under, beneath”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nu prep. “under, beneath”
- ⚠️Q. núla² prep. “under [beyond]”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nún adv. “down below, underneath, [ᴱQ.] beneath”
- Q. nunna adv. “down”
- ᴹQ. tal adv. “downwards”
- ᴹQ. taltë adv. “down, at the bottom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ú prep. “beneath”; see instead:
- Q. nu “under, beneath”
- ᴺQ. !unda adj. “lower, beneath”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. undo adv. “down, low down”; see instead:
- Q. undu “down, under, [ᴹQ.] beneath”
- Q., ᴹQ. undu prep. and adv. “down, under, [ᴹQ.] beneath”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. úva adj. “the under”; see instead:
- Q. nu “under, beneath”
12.3955 In Front
- ᴺQ. !empatyellë n. “advancement, progress”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyámen n. “front”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !pentë “front”
- ᴺQ. !nev- v. “to face, turn toward, *confront”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nimba adj. “facing, confronting”; see instead:
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nimba- v. “to face, go forward”; see instead:
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nóva adj. “ahead, foremost, leading”
- Q. opo prep. “before, in front (of place); ⚠️after (of time)”
- ᴺQ. !pentë n. “front”
- Q. póna adv. “forward”
12.396 Behind, At the Rear
- ᴺQ. !cána adv. “backward”
- Q., ᴹQ. #ca(ta) prep. “behind, at back of place; [ᴹQ.] after”
- Q. nanda¹ adj. “?back”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. opto n. “back”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !catta “back”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pimpina adj. “trailing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pontë (ponti-) n. “back, rear”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tellë “rear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. potë (potsi-) adv. “after, behind (of place)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. potsina adj. “rearward, back, rear, hinder; next, following; second”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. neuna “second, *following, next”
- ᴹQ. tellë n. “rear”
12.397 Beyond
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ala³ prep. “beyond, after; before”
- Q. ambela adv. “further still beyond, far away beyond”
- ᴺQ. !ener(a) adv. “on, onward, further”
- Q. han prep. “beyond”
- Q. lá² prep. “beyond, over, across, athwart”
- ⚠️Q. olla prep. “over [beyond]”
- Q. palla prep. and adv. “far beyond”
- Q. pella prep. and adv. “beyond (boundary or limit)”
12.398 To, Towards
- ᴹQ. allanna adv. “*to nowhere”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. an(a) prep. “to, towards, to a point near, alongside; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] until”
- ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ana- pref. “to, towards”
- ᴹQ. enyanna adv. “*to there (more remote)”
- ᴹQ. hapanna adv. “[to a place] together”
- ᴹQ. hinna adv. “still; *hither (by us)”
- ᴹQ. hriminna adv. “*to many places”
- ᴹQ. immanna adv. “*to anywhere”
- ᴹQ. lilinna adv. “*to many places”
- ᴹQ. onanna adv. “*to the very same place”
- ᴹQ. quáquenna adv. “*to everywhere”
- Q., ᴹQ. #†-r² suf. “motion to or towards a point, *archaic allative”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -r² suf. “*allative”
- ᴹQ. sanna adv. “*thither (previously mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. semenna adv. “*to few places”
- ᴹQ. sinna adv. “*hither”
- Q. sir(a) adv. “hither”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tandë adv. “thither”
- Q., ᴹQ. tanna² adv. “thither”
- ᴹQ. tannomen(na) adv. “*to that place”
- Q., ᴹQ. tar(a) adv. “thither; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beyond”
- ᴹQ. tinna adv. “*thither (by you)”
- ᴹQ. umanna adv. “*to somewhere”
- ᴺQ. !yanna adv. “whither, whereto”
- ᴹQ. yanna adv. “*to there (remote)”
12.399 From, Away
- ᴹQ. allonomello adv. “from no place”
- Q. au- pref. “away (from)”
- Q., ᴱQ. au¹ adv. “away, off, not here (of position)”
- Q. avar adv. “away down”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. callo adv. and prep. “off, from off, from on top of, from on”
- ᴹQ. entallo adv. “*from there (more remote)”
- ᴹQ. enyallo adv. “*from there (more remote)”
- ᴹQ. hillo adv. “*hence (by us)”
- Q. hó- pref. “away, from, from among”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ho prep. “from”; see instead:
- Q. o “from”
- ᴹQ. lalallo adv. “from no place”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -llo suf. “(movement) from, [ᴱQ.] out of; [Q.] ablative suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ. ló prep. “(away) from; by agent [of]; [ᴹQ.] ablative element”
- Q., ᴱQ., ᴹQ. o prep. “from”
- Q. öa adv. “away (of movement)”
- Q. öar adv. “away from”
- ᴹQ. quáquello adv. “*from everywhere”
- ᴹQ. sallo adv. “*thence (previously mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. sillo adv. “*hence”
- Q. silo adv. “hence”
- ᴹQ. tallo adv. “*thence”
- Q. talo adv. “thence”
- ᴹQ. tillo adv. “*thence (by you)”
- ᴹQ. umallo adv. “*from somewhere”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. va prep. “(away) from, [ᴹQ.] away, [ᴱQ.] gone forth; ⚠️with”
- ᴹQ. vahai(y)a adv. “far away”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vandë¹ adv. “away, hence, forth”; see instead:
- Q. au¹ “away, off, not here (of position)”
- ⚠️Q. var adv. “*from, away to”
- ᴺQ. !yallo adv. “whence”
- ᴹQ. yallo adv. “*from there (remote)”
12.41 Right (vs. Left)
- Q. for- pref. “right-hand, north”
- Q. forma n. “right-hand”
- Q., ᴹQ. #formaitë adj. “righthanded, ⚠️dexterous”
- ᴹQ. fortë (forti-) adj. “right or north”
- ᴹQ. forya adj. “right (hand), dexter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. póya adj. “[unglossed]”
12.42 Left (vs. Right)
- Q. hyarma n. “left hand”
- ᴹQ. hyarmaitë adj. “left-handed”
- ᴹQ. hyarya adj. “left (hand)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malenca adj. “left handed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hyarmaitë “left-handed”
12.43 Near
- Q. am(be)na adv. “nearer to”
- ᴺQ. !amna adv. “almost”
- ᴹQ. an(ner) adv. “at hand”
- Q., ᴹQ. ar- pref. “by-, beside, near; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] outside”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ar² (as-) prep. “to, against, next, on (wall)”; see instead:
- Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
- Q. pá “touching, against, on (above but touching); as regards, concerning, [ᴹQ.] about”
- Q. ar “and; ⚠️[ᴱQ., ᴹQ.] but”
- Q., ᴹQ. ar(a) prep. “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^arë adv. “beside, along, near”
- ᴺQ. !arëa adj. “close, nearby”
- ᴺQ. !arëassë n. “proximity, vicinity, nearness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. har(ë) adv. “near”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^arë “beside, along, near”
- ᴺQ. !harivë adv. “closely, nearly”
- ⚠️Q. hí adv. “here”; see instead:
- Q. sissë “here”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hi pron. “here, now (for both you and me)”; see instead:
- Q. sissë “here”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyá adv. “here by us”; see instead:
- Q. sissë “here”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hya¹ pron. “this by us”; see instead:
- Q. si¹ “this”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hya² prep. “by”; see instead:
- Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ma¹ prep. “*by”; see instead:
- Q. lé² “with, [ᴹQ.] by, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] with (accompaniment)”
- ᴺQ. !menda adv. “approximately, circa, about, (orig.) towards the direction”
- ᴺQ. !pelas prep. “along, (lit.) by the boundary of”
- Q., ᴹQ. sinomë adv. “here, (lit.) in this place”
- Q., ᴹQ. sissë adv. “here”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tangë¹ adv. “close to, by”; see instead:
- Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tangë² (tangi-) adj. “close, near”; see instead:
- Q. ar(a) “beside, next [to], *by; ⚠️out, [ᴹQ.] outside”
12.44 Far
- ᴹQ. avahaira adj. “*far beyond, very remote”
- ᴹQ. eccaira adj. “?out-far”
- Q. haia adv. “in the distance”
- Q. haila adj. “far beyond”
- ᴺQ. !hailë n. “removal, distancing”
- ᴹQ. haira adj. “remote, far”
- ᴺQ. !hairië n. “distance, (lit.) farness”
- ᴹQ. haiya adv. “far off, far away”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hayassë n. “distance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hairië “distance, (lit.) farness”
- Q., ᴹQ. palan adj. and adv. “far, wide, afar, distant; [ᴹQ.] to a great extent, over a wide space, to a distance”
- Q., ᴹQ. palantír n. “far-gazer, far-seer, (lit.) that which looks far away”
- Q. tanomë adv. “there, (lit.) in the place (referred to)”
- ᴹQ. tanomë adv.
- Q., ᴹQ. tassë adv. “there”
12.45 East
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Ambalar n. “the East”; see instead:
- Q. Ambaróna “Eastern (Land)”
- Q., ᴹQ. (h)róna adj. “eastern, east”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oronto n. “East, rising (of the sun)”; see instead:
- Q. rómen “east, uprising, sunrise”
- Q. orróna adj. “eastern”
- Q. ro- pref. “uprising, sunrise, east”
- Q., ᴹQ. rómen n. “east, uprising, sunrise”
- ᴹQ. rómenya adj. “eastern”
12.46 West
- Q. andú- pref. “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- Q. andúna adj. “western”
- Q. nú- pref. “going down, setting (of sun), west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. númëa adj. “in the west, western”; see instead:
- Q. núna “western”
- Q., ᴹQ. númen n. “west, direction or region of the sunset, occident, (lit.) going down”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. numenda adj. “western”; see instead:
- Q. núna “western”
- ᴹQ. númenya adj. “western”
- Q. núna adj. “western”
12.47 North
- Q., ᴹQ. formen n. “north, [ᴹQ.] right-hand [direction]”
- ᴹQ. formenya adj. “northern”
- Q. forna adj. “northern”
- ᴺQ. !fornúmen n. and adj. “northwest”
- ᴺQ. !fornúna adj. “northwestern”
- ᴺQ. !forrómen n. and adj. “northeast”
- ᴺQ. !forróna adj. “northeastern”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pómë n. “north”; see instead:
- Q. formen “north, [ᴹQ.] right-hand [direction]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pómëa adj. “northern”; see instead:
- Q. forna “northern”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pómëar n. “northern man, norseman”
12.48 South
- Q. hyar- pref. “left-hand, south”
- Q., ᴹQ. hyarmen n. “south, (lit.) left-hand direction”
- ᴹQ. hyarmenya adj. “southern”
- Q. hyarna¹ adj. “southern”
- ᴺQ. !hyarnúmen n. “southwest”
- ᴺQ. !hyarnúna adj. “southwestern”
- ᴺQ. !hyarrómen n. “southeast”
- ᴺQ. !hyarróna adj. “southeastern”
12.51 Form, Shape
- ᴺQ. !cacátu- v. “to design, shape or fashion slowly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. canta- v. “to shape”; see instead:
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
- Q., ᴹQ. canta² n. “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
- ᴹQ. cantëa adj. “shapely”
- Q. #cantië n. “pattern”
- Q. cat- v. “to shape, fashion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !eccat- v. “to fashion, make”; see instead:
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
- ᴺQ. !nó n. “design”
- ᴺQ. !ocantië n. “pattern”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tan- v. “to make, fashion”; see instead:
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. táqua n. “form, shape”; see instead:
- Q. canta² “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽terenwa adj. “shapely, well tuned”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cantëa “shapely”
- Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. venië n. “shape, cut”; see instead:
- Q. canta² “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
- ᴹQ. rista “cut”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. venta- v. “to cut, shape”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rista- “to cut”
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
12.52 Size
- ᴺQ. !höassë n. “size”
12.53 to Grow
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^alalla- v. “*to keep on growing”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alta- v. “to (make) grow”; see instead:
- Q. ala-¹ “to grow (of plants) [intr. and trans.], plant; *to thrive, flourish (of other creatures)”
- ᴹQ. alwa adj. “well-grown”
- Q. lauya- v. “to flourish (green), grow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lotórëa adj. “flourishing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^olanwa adj. “fully grown, adult, mature”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^olasta n. “growth”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. olastë n. “growth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^olasta “growth”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. olinwa adj. “fully grown, adult”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^olanwa “fully grown, adult, mature”
- Q. olmië n. “growth”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ololla- v. “*to keep on growing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^alalla- “*to keep on growing”
12.54 to Measure
- ᴺQ. !cilometer n. “kilometer”
- ᴺQ. !etelesta- v. “to measure (out)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !húmeter n. “kilometre, km”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cilometer “kilometer”
- Q. lár n. “league; †stop, pause”
- ᴺQ. !larnelta n. “mile; *(lit.) league third”
- ᴹQ. #lesta n. “measure”
- ᴺQ. !lesta- v. “to measure”
- ᴺQ. !perranga n. “cubit”
- Q. ranga n. “yard, full pace”
- ᴹQ. rangwë n. “fathom”
- ᴺQ. !rangwië n. “fathom(ing), spatial reckoning/consideration”
- ᴺQ. !restandië n. “furlong”
- ᴺQ. !sentimeter n. “centimeter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talma¹ n. “weight, measure”; see instead:
- Q. massë² “portion, share; capacity, [ᴹQ.] measure; the personal measure or capacity of a man, a talent; [Q.] †handful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talmë n. “weight (abst.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lungumë “weight, heaviness”
12.55 Big, Large, Great
- ᴹQ. alta adj. “large, great in size”
- ⚠️Q. haura¹ adj. “huge”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
- Q. höa adj. “big, large”
- ⚠️Q. molda adj. “big, large”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alta “large, great in size”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. polda adj. “big; [ᴹQ.] strong, burly; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mighty, powerful”
- Q. túra adj. “great, ⚠️big”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. úra adj. “large”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alta “large, great in size”
- ⚠️Q. velca adj. “large, great, big”; see instead:
- Q. túra “great, ⚠️big”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. velicë (velici-) adj. “great, large”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alta “large, great in size”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. velixë adv. “greatly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yanta¹ adj. “large”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
12.56 Small, Little
- ᴺQ. !alapihta adj. “unshrunk”
- ⚠️Q. cinta adj. “small”; see instead:
- Q. níca “little, small”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inya adj. “tiny”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. titta “tiny, little”
- ᴹQ. inya¹ “female”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. micë adv. “little, a (little) bit; diminutive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nicë “little, a bit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minwa adj. “small”; see instead:
- Q. #nitya “little”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. mitsa adj. “small”; see instead:
- Q. #nitya “little”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mitya adj. “little (in quantity)”; see instead:
- Q. #nitya “little”
- ᴹQ. míwa adj. “small, tiny, frail”
- Q. níca adj. “little, small”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nicë adv. “little, a bit”
- ᴺQ. !nihta- v. “to reduce, make small”
- ᴺQ. !nihtana adj. “reduced, minor”
- Q. nípa adj. “small (usually with connotation of weakness)”
- Q. #nitya adj. “little”
- ⚠️Q. pia adj. “little”; see instead:
- Q. pitya “petty, little”
- Q. picina adj. “little”
- ᴺQ. !pihta- v. “to shrink”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pínëa adj. “small”; see instead:
- Q. pitya “petty, little”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pinilya adj. “small”; see instead:
- Q. pitya “petty, little”
- ᴺQ. !píta- v. “to reduce, decrease”
- Q. pitya adj. “petty, little”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. titta adj. “tiny, little”
12.565 Bit, Small Thing
- ᴺQ. !astaincë n. “particle”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atomë n. “atom”; see instead:
- Q. #únehta “*atom”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atomëa adj. “atomic”; see instead:
- Q. #únehta “*atom”
- ᴺQ. !hraitasta n. “detail”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mië² n. “bit, small piece”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nihta “piece, bit (of indeterminate size)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. min¹ (mind-) n. “bit, piece”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nihta “piece, bit (of indeterminate size)”
- ᴺQ. !mitsavëo n. “micro-organism”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mitta² n. “piece, bit (of indeterminate size)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nihta “piece, bit (of indeterminate size)”
- ᴺQ. !moleculë n. “molecule”
- ᴺQ. !nihta n. “piece, bit (of indeterminate size)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pí n. “speck, spot, dot, mote”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tixë “dot, tiny mark, point”
- Q. pí “small insect, fly, *mite, gnat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] speck, spot, dot, mote”
- ᴺQ. !poroton n. “proton”
- Q. #únehta n. “*atom”
12.57 Long
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. anda adj. “long, far”
- Q., ᴹQ. andavë adv. “long, at great length”
- ᴺQ. !andë n. “length”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ande(a) (andi-) adj. “long (of space)”; see instead:
- Q. anda “long, far”
- ᴹQ. ando² adv. “long”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -léni suf. “long”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. limbelu adv. “*long”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sóra² adj. “long, trailing”
12.58 Tall
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. aiqua adj. “steep, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tall; high, lofty, sublime; chief”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aiqualë n. “steepness, a steep [thing]”
- Q., ᴹQ. halla adj. “tall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oronta adj. “steep”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. aiqua “steep, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] tall; high, lofty, sublime; chief”
- ᴹQ. tunda adj. “tall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyulin adj. “tall”; see instead:
- Q. halla “tall”
12.59 Short
- Q. nauca adj. “stunted, shortened, dwarf(ed)”
- Q. senta [þ] adj. “short”
- ᴺQ. !senta- [þ] v. “to shorten”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sinta [þ] adj. “short”; see instead:
- Q. senta “short”
12.61 Wide, Broad
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †aica adj. “broad, vast”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. landa¹ adj. “wide, [ᴱQ.] broad”
- ⚠️Q. naira¹ [ñ-] adj. “vast, wide, empty”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
- Q. naira² “dreadful, horrible, unendurable, [ᴱQ.] dire, grievous”
- Q. palda adj. “wide, broad, *expansive”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. palla adj. “wide, expansive”; see instead:
- Q. palda “wide, broad, *expansive”
- Q. palla “far beyond”
- Q. yána adj. “wide, vast, huge”
- ⚠️Q. yanda adj. “wide”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
- ⚠️Q. yonda² adj. “wide, roomy, extensive”; see instead:
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
12.62 Narrow
- ᴺQ. !ahta- v. “to narrow (tr. and intr.); ⚠️to besiege [with os]”
- ᴺQ. !ahtassë n. “narrowing, ⚠️siege”
- ᴹQ. arca adj. “narrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. colwa adj. “narrow, thin”; see instead:
- Q. náha “narrow, *thin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fingil n. “narrows, straits, gulf”; see instead:
- Q. (a)nacca “narrows, defile, pass, cut”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fingwa adj. “narrow”; see instead:
- Q. náha “narrow, *thin”
- ᴹQ. arca “narrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lenuva adj. “tight, narrow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. arca “narrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lenwa adj. “long and thin, straight, narrow”; see instead:
- Q. náha “narrow, *thin”
- ᴹQ. téra “straight, right, *correct”
- Q. náha adj. “narrow, *thin”
12.63 Thick (in Dimension)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fambo n. “fat man”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fauca adj. “fat, large”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ᴺQ. !hlumba adj. “pudgy, rather fat”
- ⚠️Q. ?leluya adj. “thick (of a single thing)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palúna adj. “swollen”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuya- “to swell, grow fat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piute- v. “to flourish, batten, grow fat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuya- “to swell, grow fat”
- ᴹQ. piuta- “to spit”
- ᴺQ. !pulta- v. “to make swell, leaven”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pulu- v. “to swell (intr.)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuya- “to swell, grow fat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pyúva adj. “fat”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tiuca adj. “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ᴹQ. tiuya- v. “to swell, grow fat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyúca¹ adj. “thick”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
12.64 Thick (in Density)
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. hyarna² adj. “compact, [ᴹQ.] compressed”; see instead:
- Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
- Q. hyarna¹ “southern”
- Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
- ᴺQ. !nelca adj. “dense”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] nelya- v. “to thicken, congeal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sangwa adj. “tight, thick, dense, tough, hard”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nelca “dense”
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiura adj. “compact”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tiurë (tiuri-) adj. “compact”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tiura “compact”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tunga adj. “thick, dense”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ᴺQ. !nelca “dense”
- ᴹQ. tunga “taut, tight; resonant (of strings)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyúrë (tyúri-) adj. “stout, dense, compact”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nelca “dense”
- ᴺQ. tiura “compact”
12.65 Thin (in Dimension)
- Q. #fimbë (fimbi-) adj. “slender, *thin”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !linya adj. “lean, thin, meagre”; see instead:
- Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
- ᴹQ. linya “pool”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minya¹ adj. “fine, slender”; see instead:
- Q. lelya “delicate, beautiful and fine, slender, lovely”
- ᴹQ. nindë adj. “slender”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pinquë (pinqui-) adj. “slender, thin”; see instead:
- Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pinquisil(da) (pinquisild-) adj. “(slender and) tapering”; see instead:
- Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sild(r)a adj. “slender”; see instead:
- Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. teren adj. “slender; [ᴱQ.] lissom, lithe”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tereva adj. “fine, acute, *keen; [ᴱQ.] sharp, piercing, shrill [of sound]; acute (pain)”
12.66 Thin (in Density)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. filumë adj. “gossamer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. filwa adj. “fine, thin”; see instead:
- Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
- Q. finda² adj. “fine and delicately made”
- ᴺQ. !henca adj. “rare (as opposite of dense)”
- ᴺQ. !necermëa adj. “insubstantial, immaterial”
12.67 Deep
- ᴹQ. núra adj. “deep”
- ᴺQ. !núrië n. “depth (abstract)”
- Q. orda adj. “profound”
- Q. tumbalë n. “depth, deep valley”
12.71 Flat
- ᴺQ. !caimen n. “horizontal direction”
- ᴺQ. !caimenya adj. “horizontal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquë² (enqui-) n. “plane, level”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. palo “plane (surface), the flat, *level, flatness; ⚠️plain”
- Q. enquë “six”
- ᴺQ. !lára- v. “to flatten, level”
- ᴹQ. lára¹ adj. “flat”
- ᴹQ. palmë n. “surface”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] palo (palu-) n. “plane (surface), the flat, *level, flatness; ⚠️plain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. paluva adj. “even, flat, level”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. palwa “even, level, flat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] palwa adj. “even, level, flat”
12.72 Hollow, Concave
- Q. #náva¹ adj. “hollow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ronta adj. “hollow”; see instead:
- Q. #náva¹ “hollow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. róta n. “tube, hollow cylinder”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. rotsë “pipe, tube”
- ᴺQ. pirinumbë “cylinder (hollow)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rotsë n. “pipe, tube”
- ᴹQ. unca- v. “to hollow out”
- ᴹQ. unqua adj. “hollow”
- Q., ᴹQ. unquë n. “hollow, [ᴹQ.] cavity, hole”
12.73 Straight
- ᴺQ. !immenya adj. “parallel, (lit.) of the same direction”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tëa¹ adj. “straight”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. téra “straight, right, *correct”
- ᴹQ. tëa “straight line, ⚠️road”
- ᴹQ. téra adj. “straight, right, *correct”
- ᴺQ. !térata- v. “to straighten”
- ᴺQ. !tératië n. “correction, (lit.) straightening”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tína adj. “straight”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. téra “straight, right, *correct”
12.74 Crooked
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cauca adj. “crooked, bent, bowed, humped”; see instead:
- Q. raica “crooked, [ᴹQ.] bent, wrong”
- Q. numba “bent, humped”
- ᴹQ. hwarin adj. “crooked”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. perequa adj. “crooked”; see instead:
- Q. raica “crooked, [ᴹQ.] bent, wrong”
- Q., ᴹQ. raica adj. “crooked, [ᴹQ.] bent, wrong”
- ᴹQ. rempa adj. “crooked, hooked”
12.75 Hook, Crook
- Q., ᴹQ. ampa n. “hook, [ᴹQ.] crook”
- ᴹQ. atsa¹ n. “claw, catch, hook”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lempë² n. “crook, hook”; see instead:
- Q. ampa “hook, [ᴹQ.] crook”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lepta¹ adj. “hooked (as a tendril)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rempa “crooked, hooked”
- ᴺQ. !lingil n. “hanger, hook (for clothes)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. unqu-¹ v. “to hook into, catch (fish), catch in, etc.”
12.76 Angle, Corner
- Q. nehtë¹ n. “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nelqua adj. “cornered, *angled”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelt n. “corner (from outside)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^neltë “corner”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^neltë n. “corner”
- ᴹQ. neltil (neltild-) n. “triangle”
- Q. nexa adj. “sharp, angular”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vennassë n. “angle”; see instead:
- Q. nehtë¹ “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. winca n. “corner, nook”
12.77 Cross
- ᴹQ. hwarma n. “crossbar”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarwë n. “cross, crucifix”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarwesta- v. “to crucify”
12.78 Square
- ᴺQ. !cantil (cantild-) n. “quadrangle, *quadrilateral, rectangle, square”
- ᴺQ. !cantilya adj. “quadrangular”
- ᴺQ. !lincantilda adj. “checkered; (lit.) many-squared”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldenelqua n. “square, quadrilateral”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cantil “quadrangle, *quadrilateral, rectangle, square”
- ᴹQ. neltil “triangle”
12.81 Round
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cómëa adj. “globe-shaped, round”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. corna “round, globed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. corima adj. “round”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. corna “round, globed”
- ᴹQ. corna adj. “round, globed”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !coro prep. “around”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !os “around, about, ⚠️round”
- ᴺQ. !os prep. “around, about, ⚠️round”
- ᴺQ. !oscaita- v. “to surround, (lit.) around-lie”
- ᴺQ. !ossa adj. “surrounding”
- ᴺQ. !ossië n. “surroundings”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. pel- v. “to go round, encircle; [ᴱQ.] to surround, fence in, pen in; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to revolve, return”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rimni adv. “around, all around”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #rinci adj. “orbed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. corna “round, globed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. toloisë adj. “rounded, cylindrical”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. werin(a) adj. “round”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. corna “round, globed”
- ᴺQ. pirindëa “cylindrical”
12.82 Circle
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. corin n. “circular enclosure, [ᴱQ.] great circular hedge”
- Q. #corto n. “circle”
- ᴹQ. panda n. “enclosure”
- ᴺQ. !pepella- v. “to circulate, orbit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pirimbë n. “ring, circle”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rindë “circle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pirindëa adj. “cylindrical”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pirinumbë n. “cylinder (hollow)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rinco n. “disc, orb, circle”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rindë “circle”
- ᴹQ. rinda adj. “circular”
- ᴹQ. rindë n. “circle”
12.83 Sphere
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cóma n. “*ball”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. coron “globe, ball”
- ᴹQ. pamba “ball”
- ᴹQ. coron (corn-) n. “globe, ball”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cut (cupt-) n. “lump, ball”; see instead:
- Q. luppo “clumsy piece or lump”
- ᴹQ. pamba n. “ball”
- ᴺQ. !percoron n. “hemisphere”
- ᴺQ. !rempamba(lë) n. “basketball”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolupë (tolupi-) n. “roll, ball of wool”
12.84 Line
- ᴺQ. !nyarda n. “list, (lit.) product of recitation”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rimpë¹ (rimpi-) n. “stripe, strip”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rimpina adj. “striped”
- ᴺQ. !sár (sar-) n. “(incised) mark, notch, tally; (generalized) score (of game or contest)”
- ᴹQ. tëa n. “straight line, ⚠️road”
- Q., ᴹQ. téma n. “series, [ᴹQ.] row, line”
12.85 Hole
- ⚠️ᴱQ. apsa n. “hole, opening”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. assa¹ “hole, perforation, opening, mouth”
- ᴹQ. assa¹ n. “hole, perforation, opening, mouth”
- ᴺQ. !ecca n. “hole, *lair”
- ᴹQ. latta¹ n. “hole, pit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nolmo n. “pit”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. latta¹ “hole, pit”
- ⚠️Q. samna n. “delved hole, pit”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sapsa n. “pit, grave”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sapta n. “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sat (sap-) n. “pit, [ᴱQ.] hole”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sapta “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave”
- ᴹQ. terra n. “fine pierced hole”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tunda n. “hole”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tundo² (tundu-) n. “hole”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tundo¹ “hill, mound [isolated]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. uphto n. “pit”
12.91 Equal, Alike
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^arcólima adj. “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aryúlima adj. “equal, equivalent”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^arcólima “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
- Q. im- pref. “same, self”
- ᴺQ. !imbalandë n. “equality”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. iminqua adj. “exactly alike, identical”; see instead:
- Q. imya “same, identical, self-same”
- Q. imma pron. “same, self-same, same thing”
- Q. imya adj. “same, identical, self-same”
- ᴺQ. !imyalë n. “sameness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inqua adj. “same”; see instead:
- Q. imya “same, identical, self-same”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inquavíca adj. “exactly alike, identical”; see instead:
- Q. imya “same, identical, self-same”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inquilë n. “sameness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !imyalë “sameness”
- ᴺQ. !nwátengwë [ñ-] n. “irony, (lit.) disguise-token”
- ᴺQ. !(o)combëa adj. “collective, assembled, cooperative, concerted, corporate, consolidated”
- ᴹQ. ol(dë) adv. “*in that very same way”
- ᴹQ. olli pron. “of the same number”
- ᴹQ. on- pref. “the same (oneness, uniqueness), identical”
- ᴹQ. ona pron. “that identical fact”
- ᴹQ. onainen adv. “*by that very same means”
- ᴹQ. o(na)llumë adv. “*at that very same time”
- ᴹQ. onallumë adv. “at or during exactly the same time”
- ᴹQ. onan adv. “at the very identical moment, at one and the same time (in absolute unison)”
- ᴹQ. o(na)ndë adv. “to exactly the same degree”
- ᴹQ. onandon adv. “in identical fashion”
- ᴹQ. onanyas adv. “on one and the same day”
- ᴹQ. onar adv. “on one and the same day”
- ᴹQ. onaryas adv. “on one/the same day”
- ᴹQ. onas(së) adv. “*in the very same place”
- ᴹQ. ondaro adv. “*for the very same reason”
- ᴹQ. onë pron. “the same person”
- ᴹQ. onilca pron. “*the same quantity”
- ᴹQ. onima pron. “of identical kind”
- ᴹQ. onnomë adv. “*in the very same place”
- ᴹQ. onómen adv. “*aiming at the very same thing”
- ᴹQ. onossë adv. “the same place (not a different one from one already in mind, e.g. from one occupied by them at some other time)”
- ᴹQ. onya adj. and pron. “the same, the identical”
12.92 Like, Similar
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avíca adj. “very much alike”; see instead:
- Q. véla “*alike, having a likeness or similarity”
- ᴺQ. !epemma n. “example”
- ᴹQ. hap- pref. “the same, together, alike, closely associated, [of time] approach closely”
- ᴹQ. hapalca pron. “*of similar quantity”
- ᴹQ. hapaldë adv. “*in about the same way”
- ᴹQ. hapalli(ni) pron. “of similar number”
- ᴹQ. hapallumë adv. “at more or less the same time, during the same period”
- ᴹQ. hapámen adv. “*aiming at about the same thing”
- ᴹQ. hapan adv. “at the same [approximate] moment”
- ᴹQ. hapa(na) adj. and pron. “of the same sort, associated, related; the same sort of thing”
- ᴹQ. hapan(an) adv. “at the same time (of a number of people or events) together, at more or less the same time”
- ᴹQ. hapandë adv. “about as much (as)”
- ᴹQ. hapandon adv. “in the same style”
- ᴹQ. hapanima pron. “of related or similar kind”
- ᴹQ. hapanomë adv. “*in about the same place”
- ᴹQ. haparo adv. “*for about the same reason”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hapar(yas) adv. “at the same day”
- ᴹQ. hapas(së) adv. “*in about the same place”
- ᴹQ. hapassë adv. “together in the same place (as far as the pair or group is concerned, and in distinction to others outside it)”
- ᴺQ. !hócilmë n. “example, outtake, selection, representative item”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] *ovëa adj. “(con)similar, alike”
- ⚠️Q. ovéa adj. “(con)similar, alike”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. *ovëa “(con)similar, alike”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. senda adj. “like, something like, similar”; see instead:
- Q. véla “*alike, having a likeness or similarity”
- ᴹQ. senda “resting, at peace”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sesta- v. “to liken, compare, make like, model on, assimilate, imitate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !véta- “to compare, liken”
- ᴺQ. !ovëanta- “to imitate, make like”
- ᴺQ. !sesta- “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sestë n. “similarity”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vélamë “similarity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sestima adj. “comparable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vétaima “comparable”
- Q. sillë adv. “like this”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sovëa adj. “alike”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. *ovëa “(con)similar, alike”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vëasta n. “comparison, ⚠️resemblance”
- Q. véla adj. “*alike, having a likeness or similarity”
- ᴺQ. !vélamë n. “similarity”
- ᴺQ. !véta- v. “to compare, liken”
- ᴺQ. !vétaima adj. “comparable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vícana- v. “to compare”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !véta- “to compare, liken”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -vícë suf. “as”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vícë adj. “like”; see instead:
- Q. véla “*alike, having a likeness or similarity”
- Q. yosanwë n. “(pl.) congruence”
12.925 Different, Other
- ᴹQ. aia adj. “other, different”
- ᴹQ. aia- pref. “other, different (of larger numbers)”
- ᴹQ. aialli pron. “a different number”
- ᴹQ. ai(a)na adj. and pron. “alien, strange, any other; anything else, some other matter, a different matter”
- ᴹQ. aian(an) adv. “at another time, at some other time”
- ᴹQ. aianima pron. “of other sort, of other kind”
- ᴹQ. aiárëa pron. “of different ages”
- ᴹQ. aina² adj. “something else”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alas(ca)- pref. “not different, no other”
- ᴺQ. !alavéla adj. “different, various [pl.]”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alimya adj. “different, (lit.) not-same”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alavéla “different, various [pl.]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. etya adj. “other (of two)”; see instead:
- Q. hyana “other”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. etyo n. “other (of two)”; see instead:
- Q. hyë “other person, him (the other)”
- ⚠️Q. exa adj. “other”; see instead:
- Q. hyana “other”
- ᴺQ. !hyallë adv. “otherwise, another way, differently”
- Q. hyana adj. “other”
- ᴺQ. !hyanwë n. “difference”
- ᴺQ. !hyaqui conj. “or else, otherwise”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lavéla adj. “different, dissimilar”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alavéla “different, various [pl.]”
- ᴺQ. !lincantëa adj. “diverse, (lit.) many shaped”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyan(do) n. “another, other (of many)”; see instead:
- Q. hya² “other thing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyanya adj. “another, other (of many)”; see instead:
- Q. enta “another, one more; [ᴹQ.] that yonder, then (fut.), next; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] that there (emphatic)”
- Q. hyana “other”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vára adj. “other”; see instead:
- Q. hyana “other”
- ᴹQ. vára “soiled, dirty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varya adj. “different”
12.93 to Change
- Q. #ahya- v. “to change”
- ᴺQ. !alavistaima adj. “unchangeable”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alavistima adj. “unchangeable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alavistaima “unchangeable”
- ᴺQ. !lancanta- v. “to transform, turn into (trans.)”
- Q. valwistë [w] n. “change of mind”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varta n. “change”; see instead:
- Q. *vistë “change”
- ᴺQ. !virítë adj. “various, variable”
- Q. virya- v. “to change, alternate”
- ᴺQ. !viryaitë adj. “fickle, (lit.) apt to change”
- Q. vista- v. “to change (transitive)”
- Q. *vistë [w] n. “change”
- ⚠️Q. wirnë n. “change”; see instead:
- Q. *vistë “change”
12.94 Sign
- ⚠️ᴹQ. narwë n. “sign, token”; see instead:
- Q. tanna¹ “sign, token”
- Q. tanna¹ n. “sign, token”
Quantity and Number
- 13.11 Amount, Quantity
- 13.12 Number
- 13.13 Whole
- 13.14 All, Every
- 13.15 Much, Many
- 13.16 More
- 13.165 to Add, Increase
- 13.17 Few, Little
- 13.18 Enough
- 13.181 Sufficiency
- 13.182 to Suffice
- 13.19 Crowd, Multitude
- 13.192 Other Collective Words
- 13.21 Full
- 13.22 Empty
- 13.23 Part
- 13.24 Half
- 13.25 Fraction, Division
- 13.31 Numerals
- 13.32 One
- 13.33 Alone, Only
- 13.34 First
- 13.35 Last
- 13.36 Two
- 13.37 Second (ordinal)
- 13.38 Double, Twice
- 13.41 Three
- 13.42 Third (ordinal)
- 13.43 a Third (fraction)
- 13.44 Occurring Three Times
- 13.45 Threefold, Triple
- 13.54 Cardinal Number
- 13.55 Ordinal Number
- 13.99 Quantity and Number (other)
13.11 Amount, Quantity
- ᴺQ. [Q.] nonwë n. “calculation, sum, *total”
- Q. #nótië n. “*counting”
- ᴺQ. !(o)notasta n. “amount”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quotta n. “sum, number, account, total”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nótë “number”
- ᴺQ. nonwë “calculation, sum, *total”
- Q. únotë(a) adj. “not counted, uncounted”
- Q. únótima adj. “numberless, innumerable, countless, difficult/impossible to count”
13.12 Number
- ⚠️ᴹQ. avanótë adj. “without number, numberless”; see instead:
- Q. únótima “numberless, innumerable, countless, difficult/impossible to count”
- ᴹQ. hosta n. “large number”
- Q. lanotoitë (lanotoiti-) adj. “innumerable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. limbë n. “a number”; see instead:
- Q. rimbë “host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
- ᴹQ. nótë n. “number”
- Q. #notessë n. “numeral”
- ᴺQ. !notessëa adj. “numeral, digital”
- Q. nótima adj. “countable, limited in number (weight and measure); (colloquial) moderate in amount, some, few, several”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tanta n. “number”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nótë “number”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #tasinwa adj. “numbered”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -wen suf. “*number suffix”
13.13 Whole
- Q. aqua adv. “fully, completely, altogether, wholly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caina² adj. “whole”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caino n. “whole”
- ᴹQ. ilquanna adj. “altogether, wholly, quite”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !qua(na) adj. and pron. “all, complete, entire, full, the whole”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. quanna “entire, complete, whole”
- ᴹQ. quanna adj. “entire, complete, whole”
13.14 All, Every
- ᴹQ. erquáqua adj. “every/each single”
- ᴹQ. erquáquë pron. “one and all, to each individually”
- ᴹQ. erquáquima pron. “of each kind”
- Q., ᴹQ. #il- pref. “every, *all”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ilinomë n. “everywhere”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ildomë “everywhere”
- Q. illi n. “all”
- ᴹQ. ilqua n. “everything, all”
- ᴹQ. ilquan(an) adv. “all the time, the whole time, continuously”
- ᴹQ. ilqu(an)ar adv. “all the day”
- ᴹQ. ilquanomë adv. “all over the place, throughout”
- ᴹQ. ilquas(së) adv. “in the whole region”
- Q. ilquen pron. “everybody, *everyone”
- Q. ilyama n. “all [things]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. máca adj. “each, every”; see instead:
- Q. ilya “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oma n. “everywhere”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ildomë “everywhere”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. omarimni adv. “everywhere about”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ildomë “everywhere”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ompa adj. “each; all, every”; see instead:
- Q. ilya “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
- Q. ompa
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ompinasta n. “everyone”; see instead:
- Q. ilquen “everybody, *everyone”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. on(t) (om-) n. “everything”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ilqua “everything, all”
- ᴹQ. quá adv. “always, at all times, ever”
- ᴹQ. qualdë adv. “*in all ways”
- ᴹQ. quallumë adv. “*a few times”
- ᴹQ. quamma pron. “everyone/anyone”
- ᴹQ. qua(n)- pref. “all, all the (with plurals), every; each, every”
- ᴹQ. quanquë n. “always, at all times, ever”
- ᴹQ. quáqua adj. and pron. “every, each; everything, all facts”
- ᴹQ. quá(qua)men adv. “*aiming at all things”
- ᴹQ. quáquanar adv. “every day”
- ᴹQ. quáquárëa pron. “of all ages”
- ᴹQ. quáquaryas adv. “on every day”
- ᴹQ. quáquë pron. “all, everyone, every person/thing”
- ᴹQ. quáquen(an) adv. “on each occasion”
- ᴹQ. qua(que)ndë adv. “in all ways, to every extent”
- ᴹQ. quaquendon adv. “*like all”
- ᴹQ. quaquenomë adv. “*in all places”
- ᴹQ. quá(que)ro adv. “by all means, for every reason, on all accounts”
- ᴹQ. quáquessë adv. “everywhere”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. quáqui adv. “all”; see instead:
- Q. ilya “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
- ᴹQ. quáquilca pron. “of all sizes”
- ᴹQ. quáquilli pron. “all, all numbers of men (if referring to groups)”
- ᴹQ. quáquima pron. “of any kind, of all sorts”
- ᴹQ. quáquínen adv. “*by all means”
- ᴹQ. voron(an) adv. “steadfastly, steadily, unremittingly, unceasingly”
13.15 Much, Many
- ᴺQ. !amë adv. “much”
- ᴺQ. !amya adj. “much”
- ᴹQ. cin- pref. “a certain amount of (any amount larger than the (very) small)”
- ᴹQ. hrillumë adv. “*a great many times”
- ᴹQ. hrim- pref. “a great number, host, very many”
- ᴹQ. hríma pron. “very numerous (great in number or quantity)”
- ᴹQ. hríman(an) adv. “very often, on a great number of occasions”
- ᴹQ. hrímani n. “many, very many, a great number”
- ᴹQ. hrímaro adv. “*for a great many reasons”
- ᴹQ. hrimi n. “many, very many, a great number, a great many (with genitive)”
- ᴹQ. hrimildë adv. “in [a great] many ways”
- ᴹQ. hrímina pron. “of many kinds, of many sorts”
- ᴹQ. hrimindon adv. “*like a great many”
- ᴹQ. hrimínen adv. “*by a great many means”
- ᴹQ. hrimis(së) adv. “*in many places”
- ᴹQ. hrimo(n)nomë adv. “*in many places”
- ᴹQ. lauta- v. “to abound”
- ᴹQ. *-lca suf. “*quantity”
- ᴹQ. lia¹ adj. “(not) a few, several”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lia(r) adj. “many”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lia¹ “(not) a few, several”
- ᴹQ. lildë adv. “in many ways”
- ᴹQ. lilindon adv. “*like many”
- ᴹQ. (li)línen adv. “*by many means”
- ᴹQ. (li)lin(n)omë adv. “*in many places”
- ᴹQ. li(lí)ro adv. “*for many reasons”
- ᴹQ. lilis(së) adv. “*in many places”
- ᴺQ. !lillumë adv. “many times, often”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. limba adj. “many”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rimba “frequent, numerous”
- ᴹQ. hríma “very numerous (great in number or quantity)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #li(n)- pref. “many”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lina adj. “many”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lia¹ “(not) a few, several”
- ᴹQ. hríma “very numerous (great in number or quantity)”
- ᴹQ. li(na)llumë adv. “*several times”
- ᴹQ. li(n)an adv. “many a time, not seldom, several times, often, sometimes”
- ᴹQ. linárëa pron. “of many (different) ages”
- ᴹQ. lini n. “(pl.) a good few, several”
- ᴺQ. !linima adj. “of many kinds, manifold”
- ᴹQ. linima pron. “of several sorts, of several kinds”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. linímen adv. “*aiming at many things”
- ᴺQ. !linitë adj. “plural”
- ᴺQ. !lio adv. “much”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olli adj. “many”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hríma “very numerous (great in number or quantity)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olt pron. “much (subst.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lio “much”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olya adv. “much”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lio “much”
- ᴹQ. rimba adj. “frequent, numerous”
- Q. -úmë suf. “[large], of quantity”
13.16 More
- Q. amba² adj. and pron. “more”
- Q. ambë adv. “more”
- ᴺQ. !AQ v. “P.S., postscriptum, abbreviation of an quetta”
- Q. arta¹ adv. “etcetera”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. enta adj. “another, one more; [ᴹQ.] that yonder, then (fut.), next; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] that there (emphatic)”
- Q. entë¹ adv. “moreover, further(more), what is more; *next (of time or in a sequence)”
- Q. net(ë) n. “one more beyond (the middle)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olda adj. “more; much”; see instead:
- Q. amba² “more”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oldo(s) adv. “more”; see instead:
- Q. ambë “more”
13.165 to Add, Increase
- ᴺQ. !lita- v. “to multiply”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^meletya- v. “to magnify”
- Q. napan- v. “to add”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olto- v. “to increase, multiply”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. yanta-² “to add to, enlarge, increase, augment”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. velitya- v. “to magnify”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^meletya- “to magnify”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yanta-² v. “to add to, enlarge, increase, augment”
13.17 Few, Little
- ᴺQ. !ampícië adv. “less”
- ᴺQ. !annún adv. “at least”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manca adj. “few”
- ᴹQ. sem- pref. “few, little, not many, not much”
- ᴹQ. seman(an) adv. “seldom, on few occasions”
- ᴹQ. semanar adv. “*on few days”
- ᴹQ. semel(dë) adv. “in few ways, in few respects”
- ᴹQ. semellumë adv. “*a few times”
- ᴹQ. semendon adv. “*like few”
- ᴹQ. semen(n)omë adv. “*in few places”
- ᴹQ. semessë adv. “*in few places”
- ᴹQ. semmen adv. “*by few means”
- ᴹQ. sempa adj. and pron. “very little, few; a small amount, a small quantity”
- ᴹQ. semparo adv. “*for a few reasons”
- ᴹQ. semparyas adv. “*on few days”
- ᴹQ. sempi n. “few (with genitive)”
- ᴹQ. sempina pron. “of few sorts”
- ᴺQ. !undë adv. “less”
- ᴺQ. !undo adj. and pron. “less”
- ᴹQ. yuyallumë adv. “*both times”
- ᴹQ. yuyandon adv. “*like both”
- ᴹQ. yuyanomë adv. “*in both places”
- ᴹQ. yuyas(së) adv. “*in both places”
13.18 Enough
- ᴹQ. fárëa adj. “enough, sufficient”
- ᴹQ. faren adv. “enough”
- ᴹQ. ufárëa adj. “not enough”
- Q., ᴱQ. úmëa adj. “abundant, swarming, teeming; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] in very great number, very large, [ᴱQ.] large”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. úvëa adj. “abundant, in very great number, very large”; see instead:
- Q. úmëa “abundant, swarming, teeming; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] in very great number, very large, [ᴱQ.] large”
13.181 Sufficiency
- ᴺQ. !enet- adj. “spare, extra, more than needed”
- ᴺQ. !enetya adj. “spare, extra, more than needed”
- ᴹQ. farmë n. “sufficiency, plenitude, all that is wanted”
- ᴹQ. farya- v. “to suffice”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. úvë n. “abundance, great quantity”; see instead:
- Q. úmë “great collection or crowd of things of the same sort; [ᴹQ.] abundance, ⚠️great quantity; [Q.] throng”
13.182 to Suffice
- ᴺQ. !farta- v. “to sate, satisfy”
13.19 Crowd, Multitude
- ᴺQ. !comë (comi-) n. “group”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. horma n. “horde, host”; see instead:
- Q. rimbë “host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
- ᴹQ. hosto n. “crowd, assembly”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. hyanda n. “pressed mass, crowd, [ᴹQ.] throng”; see instead:
- Q. #hyando “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
- Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. illë (illi-) n. “throng, crowd”; see instead:
- Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. illia adj. “in multitudes”; see instead:
- Q. sanga “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
- ᴺQ. !lindóra adv. “millions of, many millions”
- Q. liyúmë n. “host”
- Q., ᴹQ. rimbë n. “host, great number, [ᴹQ.] crowd”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sanga [þ] n. “press, pressure; throng, [ᴹQ.] crowd, pack; [ᴱQ.] tight mass; [ᴹQ.] crowded, packed”
- Q. úma- v. “to teem”
13.192 Other Collective Words
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anquin n. “bunch”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cart (*carp-) n. “bunch, tuft”
- Q. heren n. “order, *association”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. imbilë n. “swarm, flock”; see instead:
- Q. umba “swarm”
- ᴺQ. lamnarë “flock, *herd”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lerendi n. “brotherhood, association, college”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. otornassë “brotherhood, *association”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lesta n. “gathering, assembly”; see instead:
- Q. (o)combë “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection, *congregation”
- Q. #lesta “*girdle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lielesta n. “folk moot”; see instead:
- Q. (o)combë “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection, *congregation”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. limna n. “sheaf”
- Q., ᴹQ. massë² n. “portion, share; capacity, [ᴹQ.] measure; the personal measure or capacity of a man, a talent; [Q.] †handful”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nostalë n. “species, kind, *type, sort; ⚠️nature”
- Q. (o)combë n. “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection, *congregation”
- Q. olië n. “company, people together”
- Q. ombari n. “company, dwellers together”
- ᴺQ. !otornië n. “company, association, alliance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. solestë n. “collection”; see instead:
- Q. (o)combë “gathering, assembly, assemblage, collection, *congregation”
- Q., ᴹQ. -sta¹ suf. “*part; [ᴹQ.] close grouping, ⚠️land”
- Q. umba n. “swarm”
- Q. úmë n. “great collection or crowd of things of the same sort; [ᴹQ.] abundance, ⚠️great quantity; [Q.] throng”
13.21 Full
- ᴺQ. !amaquat- v. “to fulfill, (lit.) up fill”
- ᴺQ. !anquantaina adj. “complete, thoroughly filled”
- Q. ataquanta- v. “*to refill, fill a second time, double fill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cunta adj. “full”; see instead:
- Q. quanta “full, filled; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] whole, all”
- Q. enquanta- v. “to refill”
- Q., ᴹQ. -inqua suf. “-ful, complete”
- Q. penquanta adj. “full to the brim, with mouth full”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. quanta adj. “full, filled; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] whole, all”
- Q., ᴱQ. quanta- v. “to fill [something], *(lit.) make full; [ᴱQ.] to complete, *fulfill”
- ᴺQ. !quantassë n. “fullness”
- Q. quat- v. “to fill, *be filled”
- ᴺQ. !tercara adj. “thorough, elaborate, comprehensive”
13.22 Empty
- ᴹQ. cúma n. “void”
- ᴹQ. cumna adj. “empty”
- ᴺQ. !cumya- v. “to empty”
- ᴹQ. lusta adj. “void, empty”
- ᴺQ. !lustavë adv. “in vain, emptily”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lustië adv. “in vain, emptily”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lustavë “in vain, emptily”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] munta n. “nothing, *zero”
- Q. undumë n. “abyss”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úqua pron. “nothing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. munta “nothing, *zero”
13.23 Part
- ᴺQ. !satta n. “part (of something)”
13.24 Half
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lempë³ fraction. “one half”; see instead:
- Q. peresta “one half”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lempëa² adj. “half”; see instead:
- Q. peresta “one half”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lenya adj. “half”; see instead:
- Q. peresta “one half”
- Q., ᴹQ. #per- pref. “half, [ᴹQ.] semi”
- Q. peresta fraction. “one half”
- Q. #Perian (Periand-) n. “Halfling”
- ᴺQ. !permë n. “half; side (of person or shape)”
13.25 Fraction, Division
- ⚠️Q. caista fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
- Q. ca(na)sta fraction. “one fourth, *quarter”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cantallumë adv. “four times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantasto fraction. “quarter, one fourth”; see instead:
- Q. ca(na)sta “one fourth, *quarter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantast(y)a fraction. “quarter, one fourth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cëallumë adv. “*ten times”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quëallumë “ten times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cesto fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cestya fraction. “one tenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quaista “one tenth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] enquellumë adv. “six times”
- Q. enquesta fraction. “one sixth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquesto fraction. “one sixth”; see instead:
- Q. enquesta “one sixth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquest(y)a adj. “one sixth”; see instead:
- Q. enquesta “one sixth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. huesto fraction. “one ninth”; see instead:
- Q. ne(re)sta “one ninth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. huest(y)a adj. “one ninth”; see instead:
- Q. ne(re)sta “one ninth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemindëa adj. “quintuple”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lempellumë “five times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. leminto fraction. “one fifth”; see instead:
- Q. lepesta “one fifth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemintya fraction. “one fifth”; see instead:
- Q. lepesta “one fifth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lempellumë adv. “five times”
- Q. lepesta fraction. “one fifth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maisinto fraction. “one thousandth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maisintya fraction. “one thousandth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mindórinto fraction. “one millionth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mindórintya fraction. “one millionth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] minquellumë adv. “eleven times”
- Q. minquesta fraction. “*one eleventh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minquesto fraction. “one eleventh”; see instead:
- Q. minquesta “*one eleventh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minquest(y)a fraction. “one eleventh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelce(a)llumë adv. “*thirteen times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelcesto fraction. “one thirteenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nelquesta “one thirteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelcestya fraction. “one thirteenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nelquesta “one thirteenth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nelquesta fraction. “one thirteenth”
- Q. ne(re)sta fraction. “one ninth”
- Q. o(to)sta fraction. “one seventh”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] otsollumë adv. “seven times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otsonto fraction. “one seventh”; see instead:
- Q. o(to)sta “one seventh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otsontya fraction. “one seventh”; see instead:
- Q. o(to)sta “one seventh”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^quaista fraction. “one tenth”
- ᴺQ. !quëallumë adv. “ten times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. *-sto suf. “fraction suffix”
- Q. to(lo)sta fraction. “one eighth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. toltosto fraction. “one eighth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. toltost(y)a fraction. “one eighth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxallumë adv. “*hundred times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxanto fraction. “one hundredth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxantya fraction. “one hundredth”
- ᴺQ. !tuxasta fraction. “one hundredth, *one percent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yucainellumë adv. “*twenty times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yucainento fraction. “one twentieth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yucainentya fraction. “one twentieth”
- Q. yunquesta fraction. “*one twelfth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yunquetto fraction. “one twelfth”; see instead:
- Q. yunquesta “*one twelfth”
13.31 Numerals
- ⚠️Q. caistanótië n. “decimal system”; see instead:
- Q. maquanotië “decimal system”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lempëa¹ adj. “decimal”; see instead:
- Q. maquanotië “decimal system”
- Q. maquanotië n. “decimal system”
13.32 One
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ellumë adv. “once, one time”
- ᴺQ. !erië n. “oneness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eru² adv. “once”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ellumë “once, one time”
- ᴺQ. !millumë adv. “once, one time”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. min num. card. “one, [ᴱQ.] one (in a series), the first”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mir num. card. “one”; see instead:
- Q. min “one, [ᴱQ.] one (in a series), the first”
- Q. néya adv. “once, at one time”
13.33 Alone, Only
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. er adj. and adv. “one, alone; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] only, a single”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. er² adv. and conj. “only, but, still”; see instead:
- Q. er “one, alone; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] only, a single”
- Q. mal “but”
- Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] erda adj. “solitary, deserted”
- Q. erdë n. “singularity”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #eressë n. “[ᴹQ.] solitude, separation, isolation; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] alone, by oneself, singly, only; once”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. eressëa adj. “lonely”
- Q. erinqua adj. “single, alone”
- ᴺQ. !eritë adj. “singular”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. erya adj. “single, sole, only”
- ᴺQ. !mindata- v. “to isolate, (lit.) make stand out”
- Q. rëa adj. “single”
- Q. rië² adv. “only”
13.34 First
- ⚠️ᴱQ. castëa adj. “of the head; head-, capital, chief”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celuva adj. “original”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. enna² adj. “first”; see instead:
- Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. essëa¹ adj. “?primary”; see instead:
- Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
- Q. eteminya adj. “prominent”
- ᴹQ. héra adj. “chief, principal, *main”
- ᴹQ. minda adj. “prominent, conspicuous”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. minya ordinal. and adj. “first; eminent, prominent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minyallumë adv. “firstly”
- Q. *tolya adj. “prominent”
- Q. #turco¹ n. “chief”
13.35 Last
- Q. métima adj. “last, ultimate, final”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oilima adj. “last”; see instead:
- Q. métima “last, ultimate, final”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oilimaitë adj. “final, ultimate, last”; see instead:
- Q. métima “last, ultimate, final”
- Q. telda adj. “last, final”
- ᴺQ. !teldavë adv. “finally”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^telima adj. “final”
- ᴹQ. tella adj. “hindmost, last”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^telmëa adj. “conclusive, ⚠️final, end, last; extreme”
- Q., ᴱQ. #telu adj. “last; ⚠️end (fate), close”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telúmëa adj. “final, conclusive, end; last; extreme”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^telmëa “conclusive, ⚠️final, end, last; extreme”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telusta adj. “outer, extreme, ultimate”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tyelima adj. “final”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^telima “final”
13.36 Two
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aqui adj. “a brace, a couple of, both”; see instead:
- Q. yúyo “both”
- Q., ᴹQ. atta num. card. “two”
- ᴺQ. !attië n. “group of two, couple, pair”
- ᴹQ. atwa adj. “double; either/or”
- ᴹQ. enatwa adj. “the second (of two)”
- ᴹQ. etwa pron. and conj. “the other (of two), second (in numerals); or else”
- ᴹQ. etwë pron. “the other (of two)”
- ᴹQ. immatwë pron. “either (when there is no choice)”
- Q. onóna adj. and n. “twin-born; one of a pair of twins”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. satta adj. “both”; see instead:
- Q. yúyo “both”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. satto adj. “both; the two”; see instead:
- Q. atta “two”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. yu- pref. “both, [ᴱQ.] twice”
- ᴹQ. yuima pron. “of both sorts”
- ᴺQ. !yuitë adj. “dual”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yunga n. “twin”; see instead:
- Q. onóna “twin-born; one of a pair of twins”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yúya adj. and pron. “both; both facts”; see instead:
- Q. yúyo “both”
- ᴹQ. yuyal(dë) adv. “in both ways”
- ᴹQ. yuyan(an) adv. “on both occasions”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yúyë pron. “both [persons or things]”; see instead:
- Q. yúyo “both”
- Q., ᴹQ. yúyo adj. “both”
13.37 Second (ordinal)
- Q. attëa num. ord. “second”
- ᴹQ. neuna adj. “second, *following, next”
- Q. †tatya num. ord. “second”
13.38 Double, Twice
- Q. atatya adj. “double”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. attala- v. “?double”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tatya- “to double, repeat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. potsinallumë adv. “a second time”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. yullumë “twice, two times”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tanta adj. “double”; see instead:
- Q. atatya “double”
- ᴹQ. tatya- v. “to double, repeat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. *ui adj. “*two”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yullumë adv. “twice, two times”
13.41 Three
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. neldë num. card. “three; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] four”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olë¹ num. card. “three”; see instead:
- Q. neldë “three; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] four”
13.42 Third (ordinal)
- Q. neldëa num. ord. “third”
- Q., ᴱQ. †nelya num. ord. “third”
13.43 a Third (fraction)
- Q. nel(d)esta fraction. “one third”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldesto fraction. “one third”; see instead:
- Q. nel(d)esta “one third”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldest(y)a adj. “one third”
13.44 Occurring Three Times
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nellumë adv. “thrice, three times”
13.45 Threefold, Triple
- ᴹQ. nel- pref. “tri-”
13.54 Cardinal Number
- ⚠️ᴱQ. atwen num. card. “twenty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuquain “twenty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cai num. card. “ten; (lit.) all fingers”; see instead:
- Q. quain “ten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. can adv. “four times”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquain num. card. “forty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !canquain “forty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. *canaquë num. card. “*fourteen”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. *canquë “*fourteen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquëan num. card. “forty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !canquain “forty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cancëa num. card. “fourteen”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. *canquë “*fourteen”
- ᴺQ. !canquain num. card. “forty”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] *canquë num. card. “*fourteen”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. canta¹ num. card. “four”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. can(ta)cainen num. card. “forty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantóra num. card. “*four million”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantórë num. card. “quadrillion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cëa num. card. “ten”; see instead:
- Q. cëa(n) “ten”
- ⚠️Q. cëa(n) num. card. “ten”; see instead:
- Q. quëan “ten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cëa tuxa num. card. “one hundred ten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cecainen num. card. “hundred (when not multiplied)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. endë num. card. “six”; see instead:
- Q. enquë “six”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eneccainen num. card. “sixty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. en(ec)cëa num. card. “sixteen”; see instead:
- Q. enenquë “sixteen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enenquain num. card. “sixty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
- Q. enenquë num. card. “sixteen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enenquëan num. card. “sixty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
- ᴺQ. !enquain num. card. “sixty”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. enquë num. card. “six”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquendóra num. card. “*six million”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquendórë num. card. “*sextillion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hualquë num. card. “eighteen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. húcëa num. card. “nineteen”; see instead:
- Q. neterquë “nineteen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. huë num. card. “nine”; see instead:
- Q. nertë “nine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. huecainen num. card. “ninety”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] húmë num. card. “thousand; †great number”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemin num. card. “five; (lit.) half the fingers”; see instead:
- Q. lempë “five”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemincainen num. card. “fifty; twenty three”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemindóra num. card. “*five million”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lependórë “quintillion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemindórë num. card. “*quintillion”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lependórë “quintillion”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lempë num. card. “five”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lempë¹ num. card. “ten”; see instead:
- Q. quain “ten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lempessëa adj. “tenfold”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !quëallumë “ten times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lencëa num. card. “fifteen”; see instead:
- Q. lepenquë “*fifteen”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lependórë num. card. “quintillion”
- ᴺQ. !lepenquain num. card. “fifty”
- Q. lepenquë num. card. “*fifteen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lepenquëan num. card. “fifty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lepenquain “fifty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maitë¹ (maisi-) num. card. “thousand”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. húmë “thousand; †great number”
- Q. maitë “handy, skillful, [ᴹQ.] skilled; [Q.] shapely, well-shaped; (as suffix) having a hand, handed”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mencë num. card. “thousand”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. húmë “thousand; †great number”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mindóra num. card. “million”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. mindórë “million”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mindórë num. card. “million”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. minquë num. card. “eleven”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minquecainen num. card. “one hundred ten”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minya yucainen num. card. “twenty one”
- ᴹQ. nahta² num. card. “eighteen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -(n)dóra suf. “million”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. -(n)dórë “-illion, *large number suffix”
- ᴺQ., ᴱQ. -(n)dórë suf. “-illion, *large number suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelcëa num. card. “thirteen”; see instead:
- Q. *nelquë “*thirteen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nel(de)cainen num. card. “thirty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelde tuxë num. card. “three hundred”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldóra num. card. “three million”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. neldórë num. card. “trillion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nelequain num. card. “thirty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nelquain “thirty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nelequëan num. card. “thirty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nelquain “thirty”
- ᴺQ. !nelquain num. card. “thirty”
- Q. *nelquë num. card. “*thirteen”
- Q., ᴹQ. nertë num. card. “nine”
- ᴺQ. !neterquain num. card. “ninety”
- Q. neterquë num. card. “nineteen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !neterquëan num. card. “ninety”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !neterquain “ninety”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. occëa num. card. “seventeen”; see instead:
- Q. otoquë “seventeen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olme(t) num. card. “nine”; see instead:
- Q. nertë “nine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olwen num. card. “thirty six”
- ᴺQ. !otoquain num. card. “seventy”
- Q. otoquë num. card. “seventeen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !otoquëan num. card. “seventy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !otoquain “seventy”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. otso num. card. “seven”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otsocainen num. card. “seventy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otsondóra num. card. “*seven million”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otsondórë num. card. “*septillion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽otwen num. card. “84”
- ⚠️Q. quaican num. card. “*fourteen”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. *canquë “*fourteen”
- ᴺQ. !quaihúmë num. card. “myriad, (lit.) ten thousand”
- Q. quainquë num. card. “*sixteen”
- Q. quëan num. card. “ten”
- ᴹQ. #-rasta suf. “twelve”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sóra³ num. card. “million; (vaguely) a very great number”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolcëa num. card. “eighteen”
- Q. toldo num. card. “eight”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !toloquain num. card. “eighty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tolquain “eighty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !toloquëan num. card. “eighty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tolquain “eighty”
- ᴺQ. !tolquain num. card. “eighty”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] *tolquë num. card. “eighteen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tol(to)cainen num. card. “eighty”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tuxa num. card. “hundred; ⚠️gross, 144”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxa cainen num. card. “thousand”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tuxainen “thousand”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tuxainen num. card. “thousand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxa pínëa n. “hundred”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. uiven num. card. “twenty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuquain “twenty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. umna num. card. “eight”; see instead:
- Q. toldo “eight”
- ⚠️Q., ᴱQ. yucainen num. card. “twenty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuquain “twenty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yucainen tuxa num. card. “one hundred twenty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuquain tuxa “one hundred twenty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yundóra num. card. “two million”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yundórë num. card. “billion”
- Q., ᴱQ. yunquë num. card. “twelve”
- Q. yunquentë num. card. “thirteen”
- ᴺQ. !yuquain num. card. “twenty”
- ᴺQ. !yuquain tuxa num. card. “one hundred twenty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yúquëan num. card. “twenty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yuquain “twenty”
- ᴹQ. yurasta num. card. “twenty four”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yúyo num. card. “two”; see instead:
- Q. atta “two”
- Q. yúyo “both”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yúyo húmi num. card. “two thousand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yúyo tuxa num. card. “two hundred”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yúyo yucainen num. card. “twenty two”
13.55 Ordinal Number
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caiya num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
- Q. quainëa “tenth”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquëa num. ord. “fourteenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !canquëa “fourteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cancaiya num. ord. “fourteenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !canquëa “fourteenth”
- ᴺQ. !canquëa num. ord. “fourteenth”
- Q. cantëa num. ord. “fourth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. canya num. ord. “fourth”; see instead:
- Q. cantëa “fourth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cëanya num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
- Q. quainëa “tenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eneccaiya num. ord. “sixteenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !enenquëa “sixteenth”
- ᴺQ. !enenquëa num. ord. “sixteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enetya num. ord. “sixth”; see instead:
- Q. enquëa “sixth”
- Q. enquëa num. ord. “sixth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hualtya num. ord. “eighteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hucaiya num. ord. “nineteenth”; see instead:
- Q. !neterquëa “nineteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. humetya num. ord. “*thousandth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. húya num. ord. “ninth”; see instead:
- Q. nertëa “ninth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lemincaiya num. ord. “fifteenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lepenquëa “fifteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. leminya num. ord. “fifth”; see instead:
- Q. lempëa “fifth”
- Q. lempëa num. ord. “fifth”
- ᴺQ. !lepenquëa num. ord. “fifteenth”
- Q. †lepenya num. ord. “fifth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maisinya num. ord. “thousandth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mindorinya num. ord. “millionth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minquenya num. ord. “eleventh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minya yucainen(ya) num. ord. “twenty first”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nelcaiya num. ord. “thirteenth”; see instead:
- Q. nelquëa “*thirteenth”
- Q. nelquëa num. ord. “*thirteenth”
- Q. nertëa num. ord. “ninth”
- Q. !neterquëa num. ord. “nineteenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. occaiya num. ord. “seventeenth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !otoquëa “seventeenth”
- ᴺQ. !otoquëa num. ord. “seventeenth”
- Q. otsëa num. ord. “seventh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otya num. ord. “seventh”; see instead:
- Q. otsëa “seventh”
- Q. quainëa num. ord. “tenth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolcaiya num. ord. “eighteenth”
- Q. toldëa num. ord. “eighth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolya num. ord. “eighth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tuxainenëa num. ord. “thousandth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxainenya num. ord. “thousandth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tuxainenëa “thousandth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuxanya num. ord. “hundredth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yucainenya num. ord. “twentieth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^yunquëa num. ord. “twelfth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yunquenya num. ord. “twelfth”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^yunquëa “twelfth”
13.99 Quantity and Number (other)
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -llumë suf. “time, [ᴱQ.] times”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -luxë suf. “-times”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. -llumë “time, [ᴱQ.] times”
- 14.11 Time (period)
- 14.12 Age
- 14.13 New
- 14.14 Young
- 14.15 Old
- 14.16 Early (adv)
- 14.17 Late (adv)
- 14.18 Now
- 14.19 Soon, Immediately
- 14.21 Fast, Swift, Quick
- 14.22 Slow
- 14.23 to Hurry, Hasten
- 14.24 to Delay
- 14.25 to Begin; Beginning
- 14.252 to Last
- 14.254 Patience, Endurance
- 14.26 End (n, temporal)
- 14.27 to Finish
- 14.28 to Cease
- 14.29 Ready
- 14.30 Eternity
- 14.302 Eternal
- 14.31 Always
- 14.33 Sometimes
- 14.34 Never
- 14.35 Again
- 14.355 Past, Ago
- 14.36 Before (temporal)
- 14.37 After
- 14.41 Day
- 14.412 Daily
- 14.42 Night
- 14.43 Dawn
- 14.44 Morning
- 14.45 Noon
- 14.46 Evening
- 14.462 Dusk
- 14.47 Today
- 14.48 Tomorrow
- 14.49 Yesterday
- 14.52 Minute, Second
- 14.53 Clock, Watch
- 14.61 Week
- 14.62 Sunday
- 14.63 Monday
- 14.64 Tuesday
- 14.65 Wednesday
- 14.66 Thursday
- 14.67 Friday
- 14.68 Saturday
- 14.71 Month
- 14.72 Names of the Months
- 14.73 Year
- 14.74 Winter
- 14.75 Spring
- 14.76 Summer
- 14.77 Autumn
- 14.78 Season
- 14.79 Festival, Holiday
- 14.81 History
- 14.99 Time (other)
14.11 Time (period)
- ᴺQ. !ailumë¹ adv. “anytime”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alda n. “tree, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] branch”
- ᴹQ. andalúmë adv. “for a long while”
- Q., ᴹQ. ilya adj. “every, each, all (of a particular group of things), [ᴹQ.] the whole”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laiqua adj. “green”; see instead:
- Q. laica “green”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lú n. “time, occasion; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] 24 hours, day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lucta n. “period”; see instead:
- Q. lúmë¹ “time, period of time, hour”
- Q. #luhta “*debt, trespass”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lúmë¹ n. “time, period of time, hour”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lúmëa adj. “pertaining to time, temporal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúmia adj. “pertaining to time, temporal”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lúmëa “pertaining to time, temporal”
- Q. lumincë adv. “a little while”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúta- v. “to have time pass”
- Q., ᴹQ. ola- v. “to become; [ᴹQ.] to grow (up)”
- Q., ᴹQ. tenna¹ prep. “until, up to, as far as, to the point, to reach”
- Q., ᴹQ. vinya adj. “young, new”
- Q. yá conj. “when”
14.12 Age
- Q. coimen (coimend-) n. “life-year”
- Q. olmen (olmend-) n. “growth-year”
- Q. ontavalië n. “puberty, *(lit.) able to beget”
- Q. quantolië n. “maturity”
- ᴹQ. randa n. “cycle, age (100 Valian Years)”
- ᴹQ. vëa¹ adj. “adult; vigorous, ⚠️manly”
- Q. vinimetta n. “end of youth, *reaching middle age”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vornë n. “an aeon”; see instead:
- Q. oi(o) “ever, everlastingly; an endless period, *aeon”
- Q. yárië n. “ages”
14.13 New
- Q. céva adj. “fresh, new, ⚠️renewed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loitë adj. “fresh”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. venya “green, yellow-green, fresh”
- ᴹQ. sinya adj. “new, *current”
- ᴺQ. !sinyar n. “news”
- ᴺQ. !vin(i)- pref. “neo-”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vinyar n. “news”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sinyar “news”
- ᴹQ. virya adj. “fresh”
14.14 Young
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cana adj. “young”; see instead:
- Q. vinya “young, new”
- ᴹQ. nessa “young”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laisi n. “youth, vigour, new life”; see instead:
- Q. vínë “youth, *childhood”
- ᴹQ. nésë [þ] n. “youth”
- ᴹQ. nessa adj. “young”
- ᴹQ. nessima adj. “youthful”
- Q. vínë n. “youth, *childhood”
- Q. vinyamo [w] n. “youngster”
- Q. vinyarë n. “youth, *young adulthood”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vírië n. “youth”; see instead:
- Q. vínë “youth, *childhood”
14.15 Old
- ⚠️ᴱQ. airë² adj. “old”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alanwa adj. “fully grown, adult, mature”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^olanwa “fully grown, adult, mature”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !amyára n. “elder”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !anyára “elder, *senior”
- ᴺQ. !anyára adj. “elder, *senior”
- Q. enwina adj. “old”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. haura adj. “old, aged, ancient”
- ᴹQ. linyenwa adj. “old, having many years”
- ᴹQ. yalúmëa adj. “olden”
- Q., ᴹQ. yára adj. “old, ancient, [ᴹQ.] belonging to or descending from former times”
- ᴹQ. yárë n. “former days”
- ᴹQ. yárëa adj. “olden”
- ᴺQ. !yarië n. “antiquity”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yeniquanta adj. “age (with no connotation of weakness)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. linyenwa “old, having many years”
- ᴹQ. yerna adj. “old, worn”
- ᴹQ. yerya- v. “to wear (out), get old”
14.16 Early (adv)
- ᴹQ. arinya adj. “morning, early”
14.17 Late (adv)
- ᴺQ. !antelwa adj. “later, (lit.) very late”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telwa adj. “late, ⚠️last”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !telwina adj. “later”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !antelwa “later, (lit.) very late”
14.18 Now
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquin adv. “*now”; see instead:
- Q. sí “now”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quí adv. “*now”
- ᴹQ. sillumë adv. “*at this time”
- Q. silumë adv. “now, at this time, *present”
- ᴺQ. !silúmëa adj. “current, contemporary, modern”
- ᴹQ. sinan adv. “now, at present”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyá adv. “now”
- ᴺQ. !vin adv. “just, just now, only just, already”
14.19 Soon, Immediately
- ᴺQ. !arrongo adv. “right away, promptly, very soon”
- Q., ᴹQ. en adv. “(then) soon, [ᴹQ.] in that (future) case; there, yonder; look yon(der); ⚠️far away; that, [ᴱQ.] that by you; thereupon”
- ᴹQ. hormë n. “urgency”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rato adv. “soon”
- Q. ró adv. “the[?] [?next]”
- Q. ron(go) adv. “soon”
- ᴺQ. !ú pusto adv. “immediately, at once, (lit.) without pause”
14.21 Fast, Swift, Quick
- ᴹQ. alaco n. “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
- ᴺQ. !alahta- v. “to rush”
- ᴹQ. (a)larca adj. “swift, rapid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (a)rauca adj. “swift, rushing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. (a)larca “swift, rapid”
- ᴺQ. !ascara adj. “violent, rushing, impetuous”
- ᴺQ. !ferya adj. “quick, ready, prompt”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. halis (haliss-) n. “rush”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. alaco “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hatsëa adj. “rushing, rapid”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. (a)larca “swift, rapid”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlit- v. “to speed swiftly, race, dash, hurtle”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #lhit- v. “to speed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hlit- “to speed swiftly, race, dash, hurtle”
- ⚠️Q. limbë (limbi-) adj. “quick, swift”; see instead:
- Q. linta “swift”
- Q. linta adj. “swift”
- Q. lintië n. and adv. “swiftness, speed; swiftly, *quickly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rauco adj. “ravening, rushing”
- ᴹQ. rimpa adj. “rushing, flying”
- ⚠️Q. #rindë adj. “swift”; see instead:
- Q. linta “swift”
- ᴺQ. !vercála adj. “sudden, violent”
14.22 Slow
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lenca adj. “slow, ⚠️dull, stiff; left (hand)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !taira adj. “slow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lenca “slow, ⚠️dull, stiff; left (hand)”
14.23 to Hurry, Hasten
- ᴹQ. horta- v. “to send flying, speed, urge”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hur- v. “to speed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. horta- “to send flying, speed, urge”
- ᴹQ. ormë n. “haste, violence, wrath, rushing”
- ᴹQ. orna adj. “hasty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orosta² n. “impetus, speed, haste, rash courage”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ormë “haste, violence, wrath, rushing”
- ᴺQ. !ronga- v. “to hasten, hurry”
- Q., ᴹQ. tyelca adj. “hasty; [ᴹQ.] agile, swift”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #vasa- v. “to rush (of both noise and speed, tr.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hyasta- “to rush, rustle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vasta- v. “to rush (of both noise and speed, intr.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hyasta- “to rush, rustle”
14.24 to Delay
- ᴺQ. !hapya- v. “to delay, retain, keep (temporarily)”
- ᴺQ. !vorotailë n. “procrastination, (lit.) ever-extension”
- ᴺQ. !vorotaita- v. “procrastinate, (lit.) ever-prolong”
14.25 to Begin; Beginning
- ⚠️ᴱQ. astuvu- v. “to begin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yesta- “to begin, *start”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avesta¹ n. “opening, beginning, overture”; see instead:
- Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. essë² n. “beginning”; see instead:
- Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
- Q. #fenta- v.
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !talma- v. “to found”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tulca- “to set up, establish, *found; ⚠️to fix, stick in, ”
- ᴺQ. !talmata- v. “to base (on), found”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tulca- v. “to set up, establish, *found; ⚠️to fix, stick in, ”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yessë n. “beginning”; see instead:
- Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
- Q. yesta n. “beginning, *start”
- ᴺQ. !yesta- v. “to begin, *start”
- ᴺQ. !yestië n. “beginning”
14.252 to Last
- ⚠️ᴱQ. perenwa adj. “continual, enduring, unceasing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. voronwa “enduring, long-lasting”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rúya adj. “unmoved, steadfast”; see instead:
- Q. voronda “faithful, steadfast (in allegiance, in keeping oath or promise)”
- Q. termar- v. “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
- ᴺQ. !vor- v. “to endure, survive”
- ᴹQ. vórë n. “lasting”
- ᴹQ. vórëa adj. and n. “continuous, enduring, lasting; continuant”
- ᴺQ. !vorimyalë n. “monotony”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vorinquilë n. “monotony”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vorimyalë “monotony”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vorocantelë n. “harping, vain or monotonous repetition”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. vorongandelë “continual repetition, (lit.) harping on one tune”
- ᴹQ. vorongandelë n. “continual repetition, (lit.) harping on one tune”
- ᴹQ. voronwa adj. “enduring, long-lasting”
14.254 Patience, Endurance
- ᴺQ. !andarestë n. “long-suffering, patience”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólë n. “passivity, endurance, patience; a passive individual”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólema n. “patience, endurance; hardship”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólemaina adj. “patient”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cólemainë n. “patience”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cólë “passivity, endurance, patience; a passive individual”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cóleva adj. “passive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pere- v. “to go through, pass, pierce; to endure, undergo, experience; to penetrate, get to understand; to last”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ter- “to pierce”
- Q. termar- “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. peren (perend-) adj. “enduring, patient, lasting”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cólemaina “patient”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. perendië n. “patience; endurance; an agelong period”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cólë “passivity, endurance, patience; a passive individual”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. perpere- v. “to endure to end, suffer great anguish”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cainu- “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)”
- ᴺQ. !restë n. “endurance”
- Q. #tav- v. “*to endure”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tercol- v. “to endure, carry through”; see instead:
- Q. termar- “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
- ᴹQ. voronwië n. “endurance, lasting quality”
14.26 End (n, temporal)
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etetulië n. “outcome”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !virda “outcome, result”
- Q., ᴹQ. metta n. “ending, end”
- Q. *mettë ? “*end”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telúmë n. “finish, conclusion, (the great) end”; see instead:
- Q. telma “conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair; [ᴹQ.] ending”
- ᴺQ. !virda n. “outcome, result”
14.27 to Finish
- ᴺQ. !aupenya adj. “complete, without lack”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. carino- v. “to get finished/made”
- Q. finta- v. “to make, finish off, decorate a thing with delicate work; to show skill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilcarna adj. “unfinished”; see instead:
- Q. lacarina “undone, *unfinished, incomplete”
- ᴹQ. metya- v. “to put an end to”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tal- v. “to end”; see instead:
- Q. #tel- “to end, finish (intr.)”
- Q. #tel- v. “to end, finish (intr.)”
- ᴺQ. !tellúmë n. “deadline, (lit.) finish-time”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telu- v. “to finish, end, close, complete; to cover, roof”; see instead:
- Q. #tel- “to end, finish (intr.)”
- Q. #untup- “to cover (over or up), (lit.) to cover down”
- ᴹQ. tópa- “to roof”
- Q. telya- v. “to finish, wind up, conclude (trans.)”
14.28 to Cease
- ᴹQ. hauta- v. “to cease, take a rest, stop”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. luxima adj. “fleeting, fading, temporary”
- ᴹQ. pusta n. “stop, *halt, pause; ⚠️full stop (in punctuation), ”
- ᴹQ. pusta- v. “to stop, put a stop to, cease”
- ᴹQ. ser- v. “to rest, repose; to stay, tarry, stop, be for a while, at the moment”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tyel- v. “to end, cease”; see instead:
- Q. #tel- “to end, finish (intr.)”
14.29 Ready
- Q. enwa adv. “yet”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !epello adv. “already”; see instead:
- Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- Q. férima adj. “ready to hand, (quickly) available”
- Q. ferya- v. “to make ready (promptly), *prepare”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manwa adj. “ready”; see instead:
- Q. férima “ready to hand, (quickly) available”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manwa- v. “to prepare”; see instead:
- Q. ferya- “to make ready (promptly), *prepare”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mar- v. “to get ripe, come to ripeness, get ready, grow up, get mellow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. marin(a) adj. “ripe, mature”
- Q. mína adj. “desiring to start, eager to go”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nollo adv. “already”; see instead:
- Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- Q. tensi adv. “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- Q. tenta adv. “still, yet [past], *up until then”
14.30 Eternity
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ialë n. “everlasting age”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. oirë “everlasting age”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. írë³ n. “eternal, eternity?”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. oirë “everlasting age”
- Q., ᴹQ. oialë n. and adv. “forever; everlastingly, eternally, in eternity; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] everlasting age”
- ᴹQ. oirë n. “everlasting age”
14.302 Eternal
- ⚠️ᴹQ. íra adj. “eternal”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. oira “eternal”
- Q., ᴹQ. oia(la) adj. “everlasting, unceasing, without end, for ever”
- Q. oialëa adj. “eternal”
- Q., ᴹQ. oi(o) adv. and n. “ever, everlastingly; an endless period, *aeon”
- ᴹQ. oira adj. “eternal”
- Q. tennoio adv. “forever[more]”
- ᴺQ. !úlanwa n. and adj. “infinity, infinite”
- ᴹQ. vor(o)- pref. “continual repetition”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] voruva adj. “age long”
14.31 Always
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ia adv. “ever”; see instead:
- Q. oi(o) “ever, everlastingly; an endless period, *aeon”
- Q. illumë adv. “*always”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ullumë adv. “for ever”; see instead:
- Q. oialë “forever; everlastingly, eternally, in eternity; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] everlasting age”
- Q. úlumë “ever, at all times (in a series or period)”
- Q. úlumë adv. “ever, at all times (in a series or period)”
- ⚠️Q. vorë adv. “*always”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. voro adv. “ever, continually, [ᴱQ.] always”
14.33 Sometimes
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ailumë² adv. “sometimes, at times”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ᴺQ. !ailumë¹ “anytime”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lúmelissen adv. “sometimes, at times”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !malumë² adv. “sometimes, at times”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ᴺQ. !malumë¹ “when”
- ᴺQ. !nalumë adv. “sometime(s)”
14.34 Never
- Q. aluvallë adv. “never again”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úoio adv. “never”; see instead:
- Q. aluvar “never”
14.35 Again
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #an- pref. “re-”; see instead:
- Q. en- “re-, again”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. at(a)- pref. “double, [repeat a] second time; [ᴱQ.] bi-, twi-; [ᴹQ.] back, again, re-”
- ᴹQ. ata adv. “again, *(lit.) a second time”
- Q. en- pref. “re-, again”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ento adv. “next”; see instead:
- Q. entë¹ “moreover, further(more), what is more; *next (of time or in a sequence)”
- ᴹQ. etwan adv. “the second time”
- Q. han- pref. “*back as an answer or return by another agent”
- Q., ᴹQ. nan- pref. “back (again); [ᴹQ.] backwards”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tolta- v. “to repeat”; see instead:
- Q. enquet- “to repeat, say again”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. toltë n. “*repetition”; see instead:
- Q. enquet- “to repeat, say again”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tot adv. “often, over and over again”; see instead:
- Q. en- “re-, again”
14.355 Past, Ago
- Q. andanéya adv. “long ago, once upon a time”
- Q. #andavanwa adj.
- ⚠️Q. auta adv. “ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- Q. autas (*autass-) n. “a former occur[rence]”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. engë adv. “ago, in the past, [ᴹQ.] once (in past), †it was”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ie adv. “ago, †long ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ielúmë adv. “long ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. luin adv. “ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. luina adj. “ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- Q., ᴹQ. né adv. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. penwa adj. “over, passed, past”; see instead:
- Q. vanwa “gone, lost, departed, vanished, past, over, no longer to be had, passed away, dead, [ᴹQ.] gone for good; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] on the
- ᴹQ. san(an) adv. “then, at that time mentioned, at that same time”
- ᴹQ. sanar adv. “*on that (mentioned) day”
- ᴹQ. sanaryas adv. “*on that (mentioned) day”
- ᴹQ. tá adv. “then, at that time (past now)”
- ᴹQ. tallumë adv. “at that date/time”
- ᴹQ. tanan adv. “then, at that time (past now)”
- ᴹQ. tanar(yas) adv. “*on that (past) day”
- ᴹQ. vanwië n. “the past, past time”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yá adv. “formerly, ago, at that (distant) time, then (long ago)”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ᴹQ. yalúmë n. “former times”
- ᴹQ. yanan adv. “at that (distant) time, then (long ago)”
- ᴹQ. yanar adv. “*on that (distant) day”
- ᴹQ. yanaryas adv. “*on that (distant) day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yú- pref. “ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yúyë adv. “long ago”; see instead:
- Q. né “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”
14.36 Before (temporal)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. encen adv. “then”; see instead:
- Q. tá “then”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. entan adv. “then”; see instead:
- Q. tá “then”
- Q. epeni adv. “before”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. esta-³ v. “to precede”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nópata- “to precede, (lit.) to walk before”
- Q. fai adv. “*before of time”
- ᴺQ. !lanéya adv. “recently, not long ago”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nó¹ prep. and conj. “before (of time); at back (of place); [ᴹQ.] yester-; [ᴱQ.] after (of place), behind; ⚠️after (only of time); than”
- ᴺQ. !nópata- v. “to precede, (lit.) to walk before”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nóvo adv. “*before”
- Q. tá adv. “then”
- Q. talumë adv. “at that time”
- ᴹQ. tárë adv. “*that day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyen adv. “then”; see instead:
- Q. tá “then”
- ᴹQ. uman adv. “at one time”
- ᴺQ. !vanwírë n. “nostalgia, (lit.) past-longing”
14.37 After
- Q. apa¹ prep. “after (of time)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !apalúmë n. “future, (lit.) after-time”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tulurya “future, coming”
- ᴹQ. cato adv. “afterwards”
- ᴹQ. én adv. “then, next”
- ᴹQ. entallumë adv. “*at that (future) time”
- ᴹQ. enya² adv. “at some distant time, that far away”
- ᴹQ. enyallumë adv. “at that distant date”
- ᴹQ. enyan(an) adv. “then, at some distant time”
- ᴹQ. enyar adv. “*on some distant future day”
- ᴹQ. enyárë adv. “in that day”
- Q. epë prep. “after (of time), following; before (in all relations but time)”
- ᴹQ. évëa adj. “future”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. no¹ adv. “then, next (of time); upon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. potsi adv. “afterwards”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cato “afterwards”
- ᴹQ. tulurya adj. “future, coming”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulya adj. “coming, approaching, future”; see instead:
- Q. tulya- “*to lead; to fetch; [ᴱQ.] to bring, ⚠️send”
- Q. †uv- v. “*to be going to”
14.41 Day
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ala n. “day”; see instead:
- Q. árë “sunlight, warmth (especially of the sun); *noontide; ⚠️day”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alan n. “daytime”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. arië “daytime”
- ᴹQ. arië n. “daytime”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. arya n. “day (twelve hours)”; see instead:
- Q. aurë “day (as opposed to night), daylight, morning; ⚠️sunlight, [ᴱQ.] sunshine, gold light, warmth”
- Q., ᴱQ. aurë n. “day (as opposed to night), daylight, morning; ⚠️sunlight, [ᴱQ.] sunshine, gold light, warmth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calë n. “day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lá² n. “day”
- Q. ré n. “day (period from sunset to sunset)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sana n. “day (24 hours)”; see instead:
- Q. aurë “day (as opposed to night), daylight, morning; ⚠️sunlight, [ᴱQ.] sunshine, gold light, warmth”
14.412 Daily
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calenda adj. “of the day, opposite to night; daily”; see instead:
- Q. ilaurëa “*daily”
- Q. ilaurëa adj. “*daily”
- ⚠️Q. ilyarëa adj. “*daily”; see instead:
- Q. ilaurëa “*daily”
14.42 Night
- ᴺQ. !illómëa adj. “nightly”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ló² n. “night, a night”; see instead:
- Q. lómë “night, dimness, twilight, dusk, darkness, [ᴹQ.] night-time, shades of night, ⚠️gloom; [ᴱQ.] shadow, cloud”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lómë n. “night, dimness, twilight, dusk, darkness, [ᴹQ.] night-time, shades of night, ⚠️gloom; [ᴱQ.] shadow, cloud”
- ᴺQ. !lómivehtë n. “night life”
- ᴺQ. !morendë n. “midnight”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mórilanta n. “nightfall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. morinda adj. “of the night, nightly”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !illómëa “nightly”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] móriva adj. “nocturnal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. morquilëa adj. “of the hue of night”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #núrë n. “night”
- ᴺQ. !silomë n. and adv. “tonight”
14.43 Dawn
- Q., ᴹQ. ambarónë n. “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. amuntë n. “sun-rise, (lit.) lifting”; see instead:
- Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
- ᴹQ. anarórë n. “sunrise”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ára n. “dawn, day”; see instead:
- Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. artuilë n. “dayspring, early morn”; see instead:
- Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. candóra n. “bright dawn, red sky in morning”; see instead:
- Q. ambarónë “dawn; [ᴹQ.] uprising, sunrise, Orient”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. órëa adj. “of the dawn, Eastern”; see instead:
- Q. (h)róna “eastern, east”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orontë n. “sun-rise”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. anarórë “sunrise”
- Q., ᴹQ. tindómë n. “(starry) twilight, time near dawn, [ᴹQ.] starlit dusk”
14.44 Morning
- Q. *amaurë n. “dawn, early day, morning”
- Q. †amaurëa adj. “dawn, early day, morning”
- ᴹQ. arin n. “morning”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cálë n. “morning”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. arin “morning”
14.45 Noon
- ᴺQ. !apárilë n. “afternoon”
- ᴺQ. !endaurë n. “noon, (lit.) mid-day”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !oranar n. “noon, (lit.) above Sun”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !endaurë “noon, (lit.) mid-day”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !táranar n. “noon, (lit.) high-sun”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !endaurë “noon, (lit.) mid-day”
14.46 Evening
- ᴹQ. sinyë [þ] n. “evening”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vinyë n. “evening”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sinyë “evening”
14.462 Dusk
- Q., ᴹQ. andúnë n. “sunset, evening, (orig.) going down; west”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. masca adj. “dusky, misty”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hísëa “misty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mascë n. “dusk”; see instead:
- Q. lómë “night, dimness, twilight, dusk, darkness, [ᴹQ.] night-time, shades of night, ⚠️gloom; [ᴱQ.] shadow, cloud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sunquelainë n. “sunset”; see instead:
- Q. andúnë “sunset, evening, (orig.) going down; west”
- Q. undómë n. “twilight, time near evening”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yúcalë n. “twilight”; see instead:
- Q. yúyal “twilight”
- Q. yúyal n. “twilight”
14.47 Today
- ⚠️ᴱQ. et(t)amínë n. “today”; see instead:
- Q. síra “*today, this day”
- ⚠️Q. hyárë n. and adv. “*today, this day”; see instead:
- Q. síra “*today, this day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ínë adv. “to-day”; see instead:
- Q. síra “*today, this day”
- ⚠️Q. siar(ë) n. and adv. “*today, this day”; see instead:
- Q. síra “*today, this day”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. sinar n. and adv. “today, [ᴹQ.] nowadays, this morning”; see instead:
- Q. síra “*today, this day”
- ᴹQ. sinaryas adv. “today, this very day”
- Q. síra n. and adv. “*today, this day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tamínë n. and adv. “today”; see instead:
- Q. síra “*today, this day”
14.48 Tomorrow
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eccala n. “tomorrow morning”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ᴹQ. ellöa n. “next year”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] enar n. “tomorrow”
- ⚠️Q. entan n. “tomorrow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ᴹQ. entar adv. “the next day”
- ᴹQ. entaryas adv. “the next day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enwa n. “tomorrow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ᴹQ. enwa “existent, real, true; fact”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ettui n. “tomorrow night”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nond(in)a adj. “tomorrow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nuo n. “tomorrow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nuononda n. “day after tomorrow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. núora adj. “tomorrow’s, to be; future”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tulurya “future, coming”
14.49 Yesterday
- ⚠️ᴱQ. dië n. “yesterday”; see instead:
- Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. dienda n. “day before yesterday, (lit.) yesterday’s yesterday”; see instead:
- Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. diéra adj. “yesterday’s; (mostly in sense) bygone, over, passed”; see instead:
- Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
- Q. vanwa “gone, lost, departed, vanished, past, over, no longer to be had, passed away, dead, [ᴹQ.] gone for good; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] on the
- Q. nöa adj. and n. “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
- ᴹQ. nólöa n. “yesteryear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yenda adj. “yesterday’s”; see instead:
- Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yendiéra n. “day before yesterday, (lit.) yesterday’s yesterday”; see instead:
- Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
- ᴹQ. yenya n. “last year”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yenye(n) n. “yesterday”; see instead:
- Q. nöa “yesterday; former, *previous; ⚠️tomorrow”
14.52 Minute, Second
- ᴺQ. !lúmincë n. “minute, moment”
- ᴺQ. !senwa [þ] n. “moment, instant”
14.53 Clock, Watch
- ᴺQ. !cuitar n. “alarm, device to waken somebody”
- ᴺQ. !lúma n. “clock”
14.61 Week
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cainendan n. “fortnight”; see instead:
- Q. enquië “Elvish week of six days”
- ᴺQ. otsola “(seven-day) week”
- Q. enquië n. “Elvish week of six days”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lemnar n. “(Valarin five-day) week”; see instead:
- Q. enquië “Elvish week of six days”
- ᴺQ. otsola “(seven-day) week”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] otsola n. “(seven-day) week”
- ᴺQ. !otsolametta n. “weekend”
14.62 Sunday
- Q., ᴹQ. Anarya n. “Sunday, (lit.) Sun-day”
14.63 Monday
- Q., ᴹQ. Isilya [þ] n. “*Monday, Moon-day”
14.64 Tuesday
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Aldarya n. “*Tuesday”; see instead:
- Q. Aldúya “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”
- Q. Aldëa n. “*Tuesday, Tree-day (Númenórean)”
- Q. Aldúya n. “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”
14.65 Wednesday
- Q., ᴹQ. Menelya n. “*Wednesday, Heavens-day”
14.66 Thursday
- Q., ᴹQ. Eärenya n. “Sea-day, *Thursday”
14.67 Friday
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Tárinar n. “*alternate name of Valanya”; see instead:
- Q. Tárion “alternate name of the last day of the Eldarin six-day week”
- Q. Tárion n. “alternate name of the last day of the Eldarin six-day week”
- Q. Valanya n. “*Friday, Vala-day”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Valarya n. “*Friday, Vala-day”; see instead:
- Q. Valanya “*Friday, Vala-day”
14.68 Saturday
- Q., ᴹQ. Elenya n. “Saturday, *Star-day”
- ᴺQ. !sendarë n. “sabbath, day of rest”
14.71 Month
- Q. asta n. “month; division, part (esp. one of other equal parts)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lundë n. “(lunar) month; (lit.) period”; see instead:
- Q. ránasta “lunar month”
- Q. ránasta n. “lunar month”
14.72 Names of the Months
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Amillion n. “February”; see instead:
- Q. Nénimë “February, *Wet-ness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Avestalis (Avestaliss-) n. “January”; see instead:
- Q. Narvinyë “January, *New-fire”
- Q., ᴹQ. Cermië n. “July”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Ercoirë n. “February, *First-stirring”; see instead:
- Q. Nénimë “February, *Wet-ness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Erlairë n. “June, *First-summer”; see instead:
- Q. Nárië “June, *Fire-ness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Erquellë n. “September, *First-autumn”; see instead:
- Q. Yavannië “September, *Yavanna-ness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Errívë n. “November, *First-winter”; see instead:
- Q. Hísimë “November, *Misty-one”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Ertuilë n. “April, *First-spring”; see instead:
- Q. Víressë “April, *Freshness”
- Q., ᴹQ. Hísimë [þ] n. “November, *Misty-one”
- Q., ᴹQ. Lótessë n. “May, *(lit.) Flower-ness”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. Mettelairë n. “August, *(lit.) End-summer”; see instead:
- Q. Úrimë “August, *Hot-one”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. Metterrívë n. “January, *(lit.) End-winter”; see instead:
- Q. Narvinyë “January, *New-fire”
- Q., ᴹQ. Nárië n. “June, *Fire-ness”
- Q., ᴹQ. Narquelië n. “October, Sun-fading”
- Q., ᴹQ. Narvinyë n. “January, *New-fire”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Nendessë n. “February, *Wet-ness”; see instead:
- Q. Nénimë “February, *Wet-ness”
- Q. Nénimë n. “February, *Wet-ness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Nócoirë n. “March, *After-stirring”; see instead:
- Q. Súlimë “March, *Windy-one”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Nólairë n. “July, *After-summer”; see instead:
- Q. Cermië “July”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Nóquellë n. “October, *After-autumn”; see instead:
- Q. Narquelië “October, Sun-fading”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Norrívë n. “December, *After-winter”; see instead:
- Q. Ringarë “December, *Coldness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Nótuilë n. “May, *After-spring”; see instead:
- Q. Lótessë “May, *(lit.) Flower-ness”
- Q., ᴹQ. Ringarë n. “December, *Coldness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Sovalwaris (Solvalwarist-) n. “February”; see instead:
- Q. Nénimë “February, *Wet-ness”
- Q., ᴹQ. Súlimë [þ] n. “March, *Windy-one”
- Q., ᴹQ. Úrimë n. “August, *Hot-one”
- Q., ᴹQ. Víressë n. “April, *Freshness”
- Q., ᴹQ. Yavannië n. “September, *Yavanna-ness”
14.73 Year
- ᴺQ. !atyenárë n. “anniversary”
- Q. coranar (coranár-) n. “(solar) year, (lit.) sun-round”
- Q. haranyë n. “century (100 years)”
- ᴺQ. !illöa(va) adj. and adv. “annual, yearly, per annum (year as item)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽latta n. “year”; see instead:
- Q. yén “Elvish long year (144 solar years)”
- Q. löa “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
- Q., ᴹQ. löa n. “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúmen n. “year, period”; see instead:
- Q. yén “Elvish long year (144 solar years)”
- Q. löa “(seasonal) year, (lit.) (time of) growth, blooming”
- ᴺQ. !quainyë n. “decade”
- ᴺQ. !qualöa(va) adj. and adv. “annual, yearly, perennial (year as whole)”
- ᴹQ. quantien n. “century, (lit.) full year”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rin¹ (rind-) n. “year, circle”; see instead:
- Q. coranar “(solar) year, (lit.) sun-round”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rincalenda n. “anniversary”
- Q., ᴹQ. yén n. “Elvish long year (144 solar years)”
14.74 Winter
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Fírien n. “Winter”; see instead:
- Q. hrívë “winter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hesin n. “winter”; see instead:
- Q. hrívë “winter”
- Q., ᴹQ. hrívë n. “winter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yelin n. “winter”; see instead:
- Q. hrívë “winter”
14.75 Spring
- Q., ᴹQ. coirë n. “stirring, early spring; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] life”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tuilë n. “spring, [ᴹQ.] spring-time, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (lit.) a budding; buds, new shoots, fresh green”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. Tuilëar n. “Springdays”; see instead:
- Q. tuilérë “*spring-day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuilenda adj. “spring-like; fresh, sprouting, green”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. venya “green, yellow-green, fresh”
- Q. tuilérë n. “*spring-day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Tuilérë n. “Spring”; see instead:
- Q. tuilë “spring, [ᴹQ.] spring-time, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (lit.) a budding; buds, new shoots, fresh green”
- Q. tuilérë “*spring-day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. welwë n. “spring”; see instead:
- Q. ehtelë “spring, issue of water”
14.76 Summer
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aurindë n. “summer, pleasant warmth”; see instead:
- Q. lairë “summer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. austa n. “(high) summer”; see instead:
- Q. lairë “summer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. austalendë n. “mid-summer’s day”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. avesta² n. “summer”; see instead:
- Q. lairë “summer”
- Q. lairë n. “summer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saiwali n. “summer”; see instead:
- Q. lairë “summer”
14.77 Autumn
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lasselanta n. “(late) autumn, (lit.) leaf-fall; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] October”
- Q. lassewinta n. “leaf fall, autumn, *(lit.) leaf blowing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lintuilindórëa adj. “of autumn; when many swallows congregate and sing at dawn”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Narquelion n. “Fire-fading, Autumn”; see instead:
- Q. quellë “late autumn and early winter, (lit.) fading”
- Q. Narquelië “October, Sun-fading”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. paptaquelasta n. “fall, *leaf dying”; see instead:
- Q. lasselanta “(late) autumn, (lit.) leaf-fall; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] October”
- Q., ᴹQ. quellë n. “late autumn and early winter, (lit.) fading”
- Q. yáviérë n. “*autumn-day”
14.78 Season
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !löacasta n. “season, (lit.) year-quarter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !löasta “season, (lit.) year-part”
- ᴺQ. !löasta n. “season, (lit.) year-part”
14.79 Festival, Holiday
- Q. asar [þ] n. “fixed time, festival”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calendë n. “festival, a special day”; see instead:
- Q. asar “fixed time, festival”
- ᴹQ. meren(dë) “feast, festival”
- ᴺQ. !lahtalë n. “passover”
- Q. loëndë n. “mid-year (Númenórean calendar), *(lit.) year-middle”
- ᴹQ. meren(dë) (merend-) n. “feast, festival”
- ᴺQ. !merenya- v. “to be festive, celebrate”
- ᴹQ. merya adj. “festive”
- ᴹQ. meryalë n. “holiday”
14.81 History
- ᴹQ. lumenyárë n. “*history”
- ᴹQ. lúmequenta n. “history, chronological account”
- ᴹQ. lúmequentalë n. “history”
- Q., ᴹQ. lúmequentalëa adj. “historical”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #lúmië n. “annals”; see instead:
- Q. yénië “annals”
- ᴹQ. quentassë n. “history”
- Q. quentasta n. “historical account”
- Q., ᴹQ. yénië n. “annals”
14.99 Time (other)
- ⚠️Q. en(a) adv. “still”; see instead:
- Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- Q. tenta “still, yet [past], *up until then”
- ᴺQ. !Endëranda n. “Middle-Ages”
- ᴺQ. !Ennosta n. “Renaissance”
- ᴹQ. illumë conj. “when, whenever, at the time that”
- ᴹQ. íquallumë adv. “when, whenever”
- ᴺQ. !mélacárië n. “pastime, hobby”
- ᴹQ. oi- v. “to live, pass one’s days”
- Q. quiquië adv. “whenever”
- ᴺQ. !sallumëa [þ] adj. “regular, of fixed periods of time”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !xéya- v. “to pass (of time, intransitive)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lúta- “to have time pass”
- Q. xiétë (xiéti-) adj. “passing, impermanent”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !xíta- v. “to pass, spend (time, transitive)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. oi- “to live, pass one’s days”
- Q., ᴹQ. yallumë adv. “in times when”
Sense Perception
- 15.11 to Sense, Perceive; Sense
- 15.21 to Smell (subj)
- 15.23 Smell (n, subj)
- 15.24 Smell (n, obj)
- 15.25 Fragrant, Good Smelling
- 15.26 Stinking, Bad Smelling
- 15.31 to Taste (subj)
- 15.33 Taste (n, subj)
- 15.34 Taste (n, obj)
- 15.35 Sweet
- 15.37 Bitter
- 15.38 Sour, Acidic
- 15.41 to Hear
- 15.42 to Listen, Harken
- 15.43 Hearing
- 15.44 Sound
- 15.441 Echo
- 15.442 Phonetic
- 15.51 to See
- 15.52 to Look
- 15.53 Sight (subj)
- 15.54 Sight (obj), Look (obj), Appearance
- 15.55 to Show
- 15.56 to Shine, Glisten
- 15.562 Blinking
- 15.57 Bright
- 15.61 Color
- 15.62 Light in Color
- 15.63 Dark in Color
- 15.64 White
- 15.65 Black
- 15.66 Red
- 15.67 Blue
- 15.68 Green
- 15.69 Yellow
- 15.70 Grey
- 15.71 to Touch
- 15.72 to Feel of
- 15.73 Touch
- 15.74 Hard
- 15.75 Soft
- 15.76 Rough
- 15.77 Smooth
- 15.78 Sharp
- 15.79 Dull, Blunt
- 15.81 Heavy, Weighty
- 15.82 Light, Nimble
- 15.83 Wet, Damp
- 15.84 Dry, Arid
- 15.85 Hot, Warm
- 15.855 to Heat, Be Hot
- 15.86 Cold, Frigid
- 15.87 Pure, Clean
- 15.88 Dirty, Soiled
- 15.89 Sticky; Gum
15.11 to Sense, Perceive; Sense
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. laica adj. “keen, sharp, acute”
- ᴹQ. laicë n. “acuteness, keenness of perception”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sengë adj. “keen of sight, observant, sagacious”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. laica “keen, sharp, acute”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tentima adj. “sensitive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cityalëa “ticklish, susceptible, sensitive”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tunta- v. “to notice, perceive, ⚠️see”
- ᴺQ. !tuntë n. “sense (one of the five)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tunto n. “notice, regard, perception; quickness of perception, wit”
15.21 to Smell (subj)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fausta- v. “to get smell of”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nusta- “to smell [something]”
- ᴹQ. nusta- v. “to smell [something]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nuvu- v. “to smell, sniff at”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nusta- “to smell [something]”
15.23 Smell (n, subj)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nuptë n. “a sniff”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nustë n. “sense of smell”
15.24 Smell (n, obj)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fausta n. “*smell”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. olmë “odour”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. faustima adj. “*odorous, able to be smelled”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nustaima “odorous, (lit.) able to be smelled”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fustúma adj. “*able to be smelled”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nustaima “odorous, (lit.) able to be smelled”
- ᴹQ. holmë n. “odour, *scent, smell [not necessarily bad]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nus (nust-) n. “smell”
- ᴺQ. !nustaima adj. “odorous, (lit.) able to be smelled”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †xenna n. “odour”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. holmë “odour, *scent, smell [not necessarily bad]”
15.25 Fragrant, Good Smelling
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nar (nard-) n. “an odour, fragrance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nisilë “fragrance, perfume”
- Q. nár “fire (as an element); ⚠️[ᴹQ.] flame”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narda- v. “to smell sweetly”; see instead:
- Q. #nis- “*to smell sweetly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nardilë n. “fragrance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nisilë “fragrance, perfume”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nardilëa adj. “perfumed”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nisilëa “perfumed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narwa adj. “fragrant”; see instead:
- Q. #nísima “fragrant”
- Q. #nis- [þ] v. “*to smell sweetly”
- ᴺQ. !nisilë [þ] n. “fragrance, perfume”
- ᴺQ. !nisilëa [þ] adj. “perfumed”
- Q. #nísima [þ] adj. “fragrant”
- ᴺQ. !nista- v. “to perfume”
15.26 Stinking, Bad Smelling
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olwëa adj. “stinking”; see instead:
- Q. saura “stinking, foul, [ᴹQ.] evil-smelling, putrid; [Q.] cruel, evil, vile; ⚠️[Q.] bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”
- Q., ᴹQ. saura [þ] adj. “stinking, foul, [ᴹQ.] evil-smelling, putrid; [Q.] cruel, evil, vile; ⚠️[Q.] bad, unhealthy, ill, wretched”
- ᴺQ. !sauta- [þ-] v. “to stink”
- ᴺQ. !sávë [þ] n. “stench, stink, reek, foul odor”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !susta- [þ-] v. “to stink”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sauta- “to stink”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yolmë n. “stench, stink”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. olmë “odour”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yolo- v. “to stink”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sauta- “to stink”
15.31 to Taste (subj)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyastava- v. “to taste (at)”; see instead:
- Q. tyav- “to taste; [ᴱQ.] (impersonal) to taste of, reminds one of”
- ᴹQ. tyatyamba- v. “*to keep on tasting”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tyav- v. “to taste; [ᴱQ.] (impersonal) to taste of, reminds one of”
15.33 Taste (n, subj)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyavasta n. “sense of taste”
- Q. tyávë n. “*taste”
15.34 Taste (n, obj)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyausta n. “savour, flavour”
15.35 Sweet
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lísë adj. “sweet”; see instead:
- Q. lissë¹ “sweet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. líselë n. “sweetness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lisselë “sweetness”
- Q. lissë¹ (lissi-) adj. “sweet”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lisselë n. “sweetness”
- ᴺQ. !lista- v. “to sweeten, make sweet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sutya- v. “to sweeten, soothe”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lista- “to sweeten, make sweet”
- ᴺQ. linta- “to soothe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sutya adj. “sweet”; see instead:
- Q. lissë¹ “sweet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. suxa adj. “sweet”; see instead:
- Q. lissë¹ “sweet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wórë (wóri-) adj. “sweet (to taste only)”; see instead:
- Q. lissë¹ “sweet”
15.37 Bitter
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nartë (narti-) adj. “bitter”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sára “bitter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. píqua adj. “bitter”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sára “bitter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. píquelë n. “bitterness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sáralë “bitterness”
- Q., ᴹQ. sára adj. “[ᴹQ.] bitter”
- ᴺQ. !sáralë n. “bitterness”
15.38 Sour, Acidic
- ᴺQ. !(a)naxë n. “acid”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] naxa adj. “sour”
- ᴺQ. !sárë n. “base (as opposed to acid), bitter thing”
15.41 to Hear
- Q. #hlar- v. “to hear”
- ᴺQ. !hlaraitë adj. “able to hear”
- ᴺQ. !hlarindo n. “hearer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #ten- v. “to hear”; see instead:
- Q. #hlar- “to hear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tunqu- v. “to hear”; see instead:
- Q. #hlar- “to hear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tunqua adj. “able to hear”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hlaraitë “able to hear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tunquelë n. “hearing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hlarië “hearing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †unqu-² v. “to hear”; see instead:
- Q. #hlar- “to hear”
15.42 to Listen, Harken
- Q. larmo n. “listener (spy or scout)”
- ᴹQ. las interj. “mark you, I tell you, if you can believe me”
- Q., ᴹQ. lasta- v. “to listen; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to hear”
15.43 Hearing
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hlárerya n. “hearing (ability)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hlarië “hearing”
- ᴺQ. !hlarië n. “hearing”
- ᴹQ. lasta n. “listening, hearing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. unquië n. “hearing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hlarië “hearing”
15.44 Sound
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyal- v. “to ring, resound”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyalmë n. “loud ringing noise”
- Q., ᴹQ. láma n. “sound; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] ringing sound, echo”
- Q. lámatyávë n. “*sound-taste”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lamma n. “sound”; see instead:
- Q. láma “sound; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] ringing sound, echo”
- ᴹQ. lamya- v. “to sound”
- ᴺQ. !omya- v. “to resonate (of longer sounds)”
- ᴺQ. !romya adj. “loud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salamba adj. “twanging, throbbing, resounding, echoing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tingë “twang”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salambë n. “twanging echo”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nalláma “echo”
- ᴹQ. #sunduláma n. “fundamental sound”
- ᴺQ. !tomya- v. “to resonate (of shorter sounds)”
15.441 Echo
- ᴹQ. lámina adj. “echoing”
- Q. lamma- v. “?to echo”
- ᴹQ. nalláma n. “echo”
- ᴺQ. !nallamya- v. “to echo, sound back, reverberate”
15.442 Phonetic
- ᴺQ. !atapengëa adj. “bilabial (of consonants)”
- Q., ᴹQ. calmatéma n. “k-series”
- Q. hlonitë adj. “phonetic”
- ⚠️Q. lambelë n. “phonetics”; see instead:
- Q. hlonitë “phonetic”
- Q. #lambetengwë n. “consonant”
- ᴹQ. #na-súrima n. “aspirate”
- Q. #náva-tengwë [ñ-] n. “consonant”
- Q. #návëa [ñ-] n. and adj. “consonant, *consonantal”
- ᴹQ. nengwetanwa adj. “nasal-infixed”
- ᴹQ. nengwetehta n. “nasal sign”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ocamna n. “diphthong”; see instead:
- Q. ohlon “diphthong”
- Q. ohlon n. “diphthong”
- Q., ᴹQ. #ólama n. “consonant”
- Q., ᴹQ. #ólamaitë adj. “consonantal”
- ᴹQ. #ómaitë n. “voiced [stop]”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. óman (omand-) n. “vowel”
- ᴹQ. #ómanda adj. “vocalic”
- Q., ᴹQ. ómatailë n. “vowel lengthening”
- Q., ᴹQ. ómataima n. “vocalic extension”
- Q., ᴹQ. #ómëa n. and adj. “vowel; [ᴹQ.] voiced”
- Q., ᴹQ. parmatéma n. “p-series”
- Q. #pataca n. “consonant”
- Q. #pávatengwë n. “consonant”
- ᴺQ. !pengëa adj. “labial, of the lips”
- ᴹQ. #perómanda adj. and n. “semivocalic, *semi-vowel”
- ᴺQ. !persa- v. “to affect [sounds], ⚠️disturb, alter”
- ᴺQ. !persana adj. “affected”
- ᴺQ. !persanië n. “affection”
- ᴹQ. punta n. “stopped consonant”
- Q., ᴹQ. quessetéma n. “kw-series”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #samna² n. “diphthong”; see instead:
- Q. ohlon “diphthong”
- Q., ᴹQ. sundóma [þ] n. “determinant vowel, root-vowel, [ᴹQ.] vocalic determinant”
- ᴹQ. surya n. “spirant consonant”
- Q., ᴹQ. tincotéma n. “t-series”
- Q. tyelpetéma n. “palatal series”
15.51 to See
- ᴺQ. !alacénima adj. “invisible”
- Q., ᴹQ. cen- v. “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
- Q., ᴹQ. cénima adj. “visible, [ᴹQ.] able to be seen”
- Q. #cenya adj. “*seeing”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cenya- v. “to see”; see instead:
- Q. cen- “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cili- v. “to see, heed”; see instead:
- Q. cen- “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] fantercenya adj. “perspicacious, penetrating of sight or understanding”
- Q. hententa- v. “to spot with eye”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sehta- v. “to see”; see instead:
- Q. cen- “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. véla v. “to see”; see instead:
- Q. cen- “to see, behold, look, *perceive”
- Q. véla “*alike, having a likeness or similarity”
15.52 to Look
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ala¹ interj. “behold, look”; see instead:
- Q. ela “behold!”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ciminqua adj. “attentive, heedful”; see instead:
- Q. tirítë “watchful, vigilant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enë interj. “look (at what you have)!”; see instead:
- Q. ela “behold!”
- ᴺQ. !ettir- v. “to watch out, spy on”
- ᴺQ. !ettirno n. “spy”
- ⚠️Q. nattir- v. “to look back”
- ᴺQ. !nihtirya adj. “meticulous, (lit.) bit-watching”
- Q. #palantir- v. “to watch/look afar”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tir- v. “to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to keep, preserve”
- Q. tirila adj. “watching (something)”
- Q. tírima adj. “able to be watched, observable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirinwa adj. “vigilant”; see instead:
- Q. tirítë “watchful, vigilant”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiris (tiriss-) n. “watch, vigil, ward”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^tirista n. “*watch, guard”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #tiristë n. “*watch, guard”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tirista “*watch, guard”
- Q. tirítë (tiríti-) adj. “watchful, vigilant”
- Q. #tirmo n. “watcher”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yéta- v. “to look at”; see instead:
- Q. tir- “to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to keep, preserve”
15.53 Sight (subj)
- ᴺQ. !calarwa adj. “optical”
- Q. #cen n. “sight, *sense of sight”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cénë n. “sight”; see instead:
- Q. #cen “sight, *sense of sight”
- Q. cenítë adj. “seeing, *able to see”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lasta n. “sight”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lasta “listening, hearing”
- Q. #cen “sight, *sense of sight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lastalaicë adj. “sharpsighted”; see instead:
- Q. hendumaica “sharp-eye[d]”
- ᴺQ. !sentacenya [þ] adj. “short-sighted”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sië n. “sight, sense of sight, eyesight; pupil of eye”; see instead:
- Q. #cen “sight, *sense of sight”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sintacénëa [þ] adj. “short-sighted”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sentacenya “short-sighted”
- Q. tercen n. “insight, *(lit.) through-sight”
- Q. #tercenya adj. “of insight, *perceptive”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tirmë n. “steadfast regard, stare, *gaze”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirnë n. “steadfast regard, stare”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tirmë “steadfast regard, stare, *gaze”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yesta n. “glance, gaze”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tirmë “steadfast regard, stare, *gaze”
- Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
15.54 Sight (obj), Look (obj), Appearance
- ᴺQ. !ehten n. “outlook, sight, view, spectacle”
- ᴺQ. !ettanië n. “spectacle, (lit.) showing forth”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilcë n. “appearance”; see instead:
- Q. nemesta “appearance, seeming”
- Q. nemesta n. “appearance, seeming”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nemestë n. “appearance”; see instead:
- Q. nemesta “appearance, seeming”
- ᴹQ. nemestëa adj. “apparent, *obvious”
15.55 to Show
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] apanta- v. “to open, reveal, show, display”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] apantië n. “display, *revealing, ⚠️revelation”
- ᴺQ. !iltana- v. “to prove, demonstrate”
- Q. leptenta- v. “*to point to, indicate with finger”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanhalya- v. “to unveil, reveal”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. apanta- “to open, reveal, show, display”
- Q. tana- v. “to show, indicate”
- ᴺQ. !tanar n. “indicator, [linguistics] demonstrative”
- ᴺQ. !tanastë n. “presentation”
- Q. tëa- v. “to indicate”
- Q. tenta- v. “to point (to/out), indicate; to direct toward, be directed toward; to go forth towards (with object)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyapta- v. “to prove”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !iltana- “to prove, demonstrate”
15.56 to Shine, Glisten
- ᴺQ. !accal- v. “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alcana- v. “to blaze”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !accal- “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alcanta- v. “to make shine”
- Q., ᴱQ. #cal- v. “to shine”
- ᴹQ. faina- v. “to emit light”
- Q. ilca- v. “to gleam (white)”
- Q. nalta [ñ-] n. “radiance, glittering reflection”
- ᴺQ. !nancal- v. “to reflect, (lit.) shine back”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ninqua- v. “to shine white”; see instead:
- Q. #ninquita- “to whiten, grow white, [ᴹQ.] make white; to shine white”
- Q., ᴹQ. sil- v. “to shine (white)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silda adj. “gleaming”; see instead:
- Q. ilca- “to gleam (white)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sili- v. “to gleam, glint”; see instead:
- Q. ilca- “to gleam (white)”
- Q. tin- “to spark, glitter, [ᴹQ.] glint, [ᴱQ.] gleam, shine as a star”
- Q. sil- “to shine (white)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silína adj. “shimmering”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sint (sinty-) n. “a gleam, spark, glister, drop of dew, etc.”; see instead:
- Q. tinwë “spark, [apparent] star”
- ᴺQ. titinwë “small star, sparkle of dew, *small sparkling thing”
- Q. sisíla- v. “to shine (frequentative)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tilu- v. “to shine (blue)”; see instead:
- Q. sil- “to shine (white)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †tilwin n. “shining light, bright light”; see instead:
- Q. tinwë “spark, [apparent] star”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †tilwínëa adj. “shining”; see instead:
- Q. silma “crystal (white); [ᴹQ.] silver, shining white”
15.562 Blinking
- Q. ita- v. “to sparkle”
- ⚠️Q. itara adj. “gleaming”
- ⚠️Q. itila adj. “twinkling, glinting”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tintilië “sparkling, twinkling”
- ⚠️Q. miriéla adj. “?sparkling”
- ᴹQ. mirilya- v. “to glitter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #pic- v. “to blink”
- ᴹQ. rilma n. “glittering light”
- ᴹQ. rilya adj. “glittering”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silte- v. “to filter (of light), flicker”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^silta- “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sintilis (sintiliss-) n. “sparkling as of crystal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinty- v. “to sparkle”; see instead:
- Q. tintila- “to twinkle, sparkle, glitter, give tremulous light, †tremble”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sisilla- v. “to glitter (white)”; see instead:
- Q. sisíla- “to shine (frequentative)”
- Q. tihta- v. “to blink, peer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tilwë n. “glimmer”; see instead:
- Q. tinwë “spark, [apparent] star”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tin- v. “to spark, glitter, [ᴹQ.] glint, [ᴱQ.] gleam, shine as a star”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tint n. “(silver) spark”; see instead:
- Q. tinwë “spark, [apparent] star”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tintelë n. “sparkling, twinkling (as of frosty stars)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tintilië “sparkling, twinkling”
- Q., ᴹQ. tintila- v. “to twinkle, sparkle, glitter, give tremulous light, †tremble”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tintilië n. “sparkling, twinkling”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tintina- v. “to sparkle”; see instead:
- Q. tintila- “to twinkle, sparkle, glitter, give tremulous light, †tremble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tintya- v. “to sparkle, etc.”; see instead:
- Q. tintila- “to twinkle, sparkle, glitter, give tremulous light, †tremble”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †tithilla- v. “to twinkle”; see instead:
- Q. sisíla- “to shine (frequentative)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wimpelë n. “a twinkling”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tintilië “sparkling, twinkling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wintelë n. “*twinkling”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tintilië “sparkling, twinkling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. winwinoitë adj. “glittering”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. rilya “glittering”
15.57 Bright
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alcara adj. “brilliant, bright, shining”; see instead:
- Q. alcarin(qua) “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. calarin(a) adj. “*brilliant”; see instead:
- Q. alcarin(qua) “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calassë n. “brilliance, clarity”; see instead:
- Q. alcar “glory, splendour, radiance, brilliance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calcë (calci-) adj. “brilliant”; see instead:
- Q. alcarin(qua) “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
- Q., ᴹQ. calima adj. “bright, luminous”
- Q., ᴹQ. calina adj. “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. canwa¹ adj. “lurid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^calwa “lurid”
- ᴹQ. ?rillë n. “brilliance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. selca adj. “bright”; see instead:
- Q. calima “bright, luminous”
15.61 Color
- ⚠️ᴹQ. laitë n. “colour”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. quilë “colour, color, hue”
- ᴺQ. !linquilëa adj. “having many colours”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. quilë n. “colour, color, hue”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -quil(e)a suf. “-hued”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilëa adj. “coloured, colored, -hued”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -quilna suf. “-pied”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilya- v. “to colour, color, embellish, *paint, ⚠️adorn”
15.62 Light in Color
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^calwa adj. “lurid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. iscanë n. “pallor”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ninquelë “pallor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laiwa adj. “pale”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. luina adj. “pale”
- ᴺQ. !ninquelë n. “pallor”
- ᴹQ. ninquinta- v. “to grow pale”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #níva adj. “pale”
15.63 Dark in Color
- ᴺQ. !nurno adj. “dark, deep (of hue)”
15.64 White
- ᴹQ. alaninquitálima adj. “that cannot be made white (again)”
- Q., ᴹQ. fána adj. “white; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] cloud”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. isca adj. “pale white”; see instead:
- Q. ninquë “white; chill, cold; pallid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #lossa adj. “white”; see instead:
- Q. lossëa “snowy, (snow) white”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ninquë (ninqui-) adj. “white; chill, cold; pallid”
- ᴹQ. ninqueri n. “*white (female thing or personification)”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ninqueru n. “white man, white male swan, white ship, white (male thing or personification)”
- ᴹQ. ninquissë n. “whiteness”
- Q., ᴹQ. #ninquita- v. “to whiten, grow white, [ᴹQ.] make white; to shine white”
- ᴹQ. ninquitárë n. “whitening, whitewashing”
15.65 Black
- ᴹQ. mordo n. “[dark] stain, smear; obscurity, dimness, shadow”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. morna adj. “black, dark; black of hair; [ᴹQ.] sombre, ⚠️gloomy”
15.66 Red
- ⚠️ᴹQ. aira adj. “red, copper-coloured, ruddy”; see instead:
- Q. carnë “red, scarlet”
- Q. aira “holy, sanctified, [ᴱQ.] worshipful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. canwa² adj. “dark red”; see instead:
- Q. carnë “red, scarlet”
- ᴹQ. caranya- v. “to make red, redden”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carmalin(da) n. “russet, orange-red”; see instead:
- Q. *varnë “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. carnë (carni-) adj. “red, scarlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carnëambara adj. “*red-breasted”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
- ᴹQ. #carnië n. “*redness”
- ᴹQ. culda adj. “flame-coloured, golden-red”
- ᴹQ. culina adj. “flame-coloured, golden-red”
- ᴹQ. †cullo n. “red gold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culmarinda adj. “orange-coloured”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. culuina “orange (coloured); ⚠️of gold, golden”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. culuina adj. “orange (coloured); ⚠️of gold, golden”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. culurinda adj. “orange-coloured”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. culuina “orange (coloured); ⚠️of gold, golden”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mirucarnë (mirucarni-) adj. “wine-red”
- ⚠️Q. narwa adj. “ruddy, red of hair”; see instead:
- Q. russa “red-haired”
- ᴹQ. roina “ruddy”
- ᴹQ. roina adj. “ruddy”
- Q. runya adj. “fiery red”
- ⚠️Q. rusca¹ adj. “red-brown”
- Q. russa adj. “red-haired”
- Q. russë n. “head or pelt of red hair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saquila adj. “fire-red, scarlet”; see instead:
- Q. runya “fiery red”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. senna adj. “red, brown, red-brown”; see instead:
- Q. *varnë “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
- Q. **úcarnë adj. “not red”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. *varnë (varni-) adj. “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wal(i)na adj. “brown”; see instead:
- Q. *varnë “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
15.67 Blue
- ᴺQ. !falwa adj. “turquoise, (lit.) pale surf colour”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinquila n. “mauve”
- ᴹQ. helwa adj. “(pale) blue”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hyúnë adj. “deep blue”; see instead:
- Q. luinë “blue”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ilin (*ilind-) adj. “pale blue”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helwa “(pale) blue”
- ᴺQ. !luicarnë adj. “purple”
- Q. luinë (luini-) adj. “blue”
- Q. #luinincë (luininci-) adj. “bluish”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lúnë (lúni-) adj. “blue, [ᴱQ.] deep blue”; see instead:
- Q. luinë “blue”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúnelinquë adj. “flowing; *blue-water”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nin (nind-) n. “blue (colour), blueness, blue green”; see instead:
- Q. luinë “blue”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ninwa adj. “blue”; see instead:
- Q. luinë “blue”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vindë adj. “pale blue”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helwa “(pale) blue”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vinya² adj. “pale blue”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. helwa “(pale) blue”
15.68 Green
- Q., ᴱQ. laica adj. “green”
- Q. laicalassë adj. “green-leaf, green as leaves”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laiquassë n. “greenness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sinë n. and adj. “pale (bluish) green”; see instead:
- Q. laica “green”
- ᴹQ. vén [w] n. “greenness, freshness; ⚠️youth”
- ᴹQ. venya [w] adj. “green, yellow-green, fresh”
15.69 Yellow
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. malina adj. “yellow, of golden colour”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. malwa adj. “fallow, pale, [ᴱQ.] yellowish, *wan”
- ᴹQ. marya adj. “pale, fallow, fawn [light yellowish tan colour]”
15.70 Grey
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. hiswa [þ] adj. “grey [of weather], *foggy, overcast; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dim, fading”
- Q. mísë (*mísi-) [þ] adj. “(light) grey”
- Q. mista adj. “grey”
- Q. sinda [þ] adj. “grey”
- Q., ᴹQ. sindë (sindi-) [þ] adj. “grey, pale or silvery grey, [ᴹQ.] pale”
- Q. sindië [þ] n. “greyness”
15.71 to Touch
- Q. appa- v. “to touch”
- ᴺQ. !appalë n. “sense of touch, sensation, feeling [physical]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] citya- v. “to tickle”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cityalë n. “tickling”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cityalëa adj. “ticklish, susceptible, sensitive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tenya- v. “to feel, touch”; see instead:
- Q. appa- “to touch”
15.72 to Feel of
- Q. lepta- v. “to pick (up/out); to finger, feel with the fingertips”
- Q. palta- v. “to feel with the hand, stroke”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tatya- v. “to feel for (like tentacles etc.)”; see instead:
- Q. lepta- “to pick (up/out); to finger, feel with the fingertips”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tentl n. “a feeler”
15.73 Touch
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tendë (tendi-) n. “sense of touch, sense, sensation, feeling”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !appalë “sense of touch, sensation, feeling [physical]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tócelë n. “handling”; see instead:
- Q. mahtië “management, *handling”
15.74 Hard
- Q. anastorna adj. “*extremely hard”
- Q. norna adj. “tough, stiff; hard, firm, resistant; thrawn, obdurate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. omba adj. “hard (*as stone)”; see instead:
- Q. sarda “hard (*as stone)”
- Q. ronda adj. “solid, firm”
- ᴺQ. !ronwa n. “block, solid piece”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽rungwa adj. “stiff, solid”; see instead:
- Q. ronda “solid, firm”
- Q. sarda adj. “hard (*as stone)”
- Q. tancarya- v. “*to become firm”
- ᴹQ. tarya adj. “tough, stiff”
- Q. #torna adj. “hard”
15.75 Soft
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (a)malda adj. “tender, soft, kind, gentle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. moica “soft, gentle”
- ᴹQ. milya “soft, gentle, weak”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cúvima adj. “flexible”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cúvula “flexible, pliant”
- ᴹQ. cúvula adj. “flexible, pliant”
- ᴺQ. !hlintë (hlinty-) adj. “fluff, down, soft stuff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hohyë n. “fluff”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lint (linty-) n. “fluff, down, soft stuff”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hlintë “fluff, down, soft stuff”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malaqua adj. “soft, yielding, tender (of meat, substances, etc.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malasta adj. “tender”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. malaqua “soft, yielding, tender (of meat, substances, etc.)”
- ᴹQ. maxa adj. “soft, pliant”
- ᴹQ. milya adj. “soft, gentle, weak”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] moica adj. “soft, gentle”
- Q. mussë adj. “soft”
15.76 Rough
- ᴺQ. !horna¹ adj. “uneven, rough; rude”
- ᴺQ. !hornië n. “roughness; rudeness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ráqua adj. “rough”
15.77 Smooth
- Q. hlimbë adj. “sliding, gliding, slippery, sleek”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lalta- v. “to smooth out; stroke”; see instead:
- Q. pasta- “to smooth, iron”
- Q. mahta- “to handle, wield, use, make use of; to manage, deal with, treat, control; [ᴹQ.] to stroke, feel; to wield a weapon, fight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. latsina adj. “level, smooth”; see instead:
- Q. latina “free (of movement), not encumbered with obstacles, [ᴹQ.] open, cleared (of land)”
- ᴺQ. palwa “even, level, flat”
- Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. latwa adj. “smooth, glossy”; see instead:
- Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lëa adj. “smooth, slippery”; see instead:
- Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
- Q. nalda [ñ-] adj. “bright, polished (of metal)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oiwa adj. “glossy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oiwië n. “gloss, glossiness”
- Q. pas- [þ] v. “to smooth”
- Q., ᴹQ. pasta adj. “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
- Q. pasta- v. “to smooth, iron”
- Q. †patta adj. “smoothed, sleek”
- Q. runda adj. “smooth, polished; *polite”
- ᴺQ. !rundië n. “smoothness; politeness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saina adj. “smooth”; see instead:
- Q. pasta “smooth(ed), sleek, glabrous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. silwa adj. “glossy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. oiwa “glossy”
15.78 Sharp
- Q., ᴹQ. aica adj. “fell, terrible, dire; [ᴹQ.] sharp”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cenyeva adj. “sharp (of points)”; see instead:
- Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fenqua adj. “keen, cutting”; see instead:
- Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !laiceta- v. “to sharpen”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !maicata- “to sharpen”
- Q. maica¹ adj. “sharp, piercing”
- ᴺQ. !maicata- v. “to sharpen”
- Q. *mixa adj. “sharp-pointed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valcëa adj. “cutting, sharp”; see instead:
- Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
15.79 Dull, Blunt
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^alaica adj. “blunt”
- ᴺQ. !almaicata- v. “to blunt, make or become less sharp”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. il(l)aica adj. “blunt”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^alaica “blunt”
15.81 Heavy, Weighty
- Q. cólo n. “burden”
- ᴺQ. !colonda adj. “burdened, weighed down, sad”
- ᴺQ. !colta- v. “to lade, burden, weigh down”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cumba adj. “burdened, laden”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !colonda “burdened, weighed down, sad”
- ᴹQ. #cumba “*bellied”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cúmë n. “pile, heap; load, burden”; see instead:
- Q. hamna “pile, (artificial) mound, [ᴹQ.] heap”
- Q. cólo “burden”
- ᴹQ. lu- v. “to be heavy, be sad”
- ᴹQ. lumna adj. “lying heavy, burdensome, oppressive, ominous”
- ᴹQ. lumna- v. “to lie heavy, be heavy”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lunga adj. “heavy; fraught”; see instead:
- Q. #lungo “heavy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lunga(na)- v. “to sag, bend (down), hang heavy, lean”
- ᴺQ. !lungië n. “heaviness, gravity”
- Q., ᴱQ. #lungo (lungu-) adj. “heavy”
- Q. lungumaitë adj. “heavy-handed”
- ᴺQ. !lungumë n. “weight, heaviness”
- ᴺQ. !lunguntë n. “scales”
- ᴺQ. !lungwë n. “pound”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pulwa adj. “fat, bulky”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tiuca “thick, fat; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] dense, solid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talacúmë n. “huge burden, pile”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talan (taland-) n. “burden”; see instead:
- Q. cólo “burden”
- Q. talan “flat space, platform; [ᴹQ.] floor, ⚠️ground”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talanda adj. “burdened, weighed down, sad”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !colonda “burdened, weighed down, sad”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talantë n. “scales”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lunguntë “scales”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talca² adj. “heavy”; see instead:
- Q. #lungo “heavy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. talta- v. “to lade, burden, load charge; to enjoin; to oppress, weigh down”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !colta- “to lade, burden, weigh down”
- Q. talta- “to slip, slide down, collapse, fall, [ᴹQ.] slip down, ⚠️slope”
15.82 Light, Nimble
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alalunga adj. “light, unheavy”; see instead:
- Q. cólima “bearable, light (of burdens and things comparable, troubles, labors, afflications)”
- Q. cólima adj. “bearable, light (of burdens and things comparable, troubles, labors, afflications)”
- Q. fínë n. “dexterity”
- Q. fínëa adj. “dexterous”
- Q., ᴱQ. finwa adj. “dexterous, clever; fine, delicate; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] acute, sagacious”
- Q. leptafinya adj. “clever-fingered”
- ᴺQ. !maitilë n. “skill, handicraft; legerdemain, sleight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maqualë n. “legerdemain, sleight”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !maitilë “skill, handicraft; legerdemain, sleight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tectamaqua adj. “having a good ‘hand’”
15.83 Wet, Damp
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. linquë (linqui-) adj. “wet, [ᴱQ.] ⚠️flowing; water, stream”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. liquin(a) adj. “wet”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. linquë “wet, [ᴱQ.] ⚠️flowing; water, stream”
- ᴺQ. !loirë v. “infusion, ⚠️tea”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lóna adj. “soaked, drenched”; see instead:
- Q. lóna “(deep) pool, mere, river-feeding well”
- ᴺQ. !lóta- v. “to infuse, soak”
- ᴹQ. mixa adj. “wet, *damp”
- Q., ᴱQ. nenda adj. “wet”
- ᴹQ. nítë (*níti-) adj. “moist, dewy, *damp (of weather)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nos n. “wetness, damp”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. noswa adj. “damp (of weather)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nítë “moist, dewy, *damp (of weather)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. notso n. “damp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. mixa “wet, *damp”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sihta adj. “moist, wet”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nítë “moist, dewy, *damp (of weather)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. úqua adj. “wet”; see instead:
- Q. nenda “wet”
15.84 Dry, Arid
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arqua adj. “arid, parched, dry”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. parca “dry; ⚠️thirsty”
- ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. loima adj. “parched, dry”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. fauca “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
- ᴹQ. parca “dry; ⚠️thirsty”
- Q. loima “mistake”
- ᴺQ. !parahta- v. “to dry”
- ᴹQ. parca adj. “dry; ⚠️thirsty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !parcata- v. “to dry something, dry up”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !parahta- “to dry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sisin [þ-] adj. “parched, scorched”
15.85 Hot, Warm
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aurin adj. “warm”; see instead:
- Q. lauca “[ᴹQ.] warm”
- Q., ᴹQ. lauca adj. “[ᴹQ.] warm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lúsina adj. “warm, glowing (of things); affectionate, hearty (of people)”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lauca “warm”
- Q. méla “loving, affectionate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. murë (mury-) n. “heat, close weather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. murya adj. “close, muggy”
- ᴺQ. !pellauca adj. “lukewarm”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saiwa adj. “hot”; see instead:
- Q. úra² “torrid, sultry, unpleasantly hot”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. torqua adj. “blazing hot”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. úrin “(blazing) hot”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. torquelë n. “tropic heat”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. torwa adj. “baked, dark brown”; see instead:
- Q. *varnë “brown, russet; [ᴹQ.] swart, dark brown”
- Q. úra² adj. “torrid, sultry, unpleasantly hot”
- Q. úrë n. “heat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] úrin adj. “(blazing) hot”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. waliemba adj. “tropical”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yulmë n. “red (?heat), smouldering heat”; see instead:
- Q. úrë “heat”
- Q. yulmë “drinking, carousal”
15.855 to Heat, Be Hot
- Q. asta- v. “to heat, bake (by exposure to sun)”
- ᴺQ. !laucata- v. “to heat up, warm”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lauta- v. “to warm”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laucata- “to heat up, warm”
- ᴹQ. lauta- “to abound”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sahta-¹ v. “it is hot”; see instead:
- Q. urya- “to be hot; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to blaze, [ᴱQ.] burn (intransitive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. saiwa- v. “?to be hot”; see instead:
- Q. urya- “to be hot; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to blaze, [ᴱQ.] burn (intransitive)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiqu- v. “to melt, thaw”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiquilë n. “melting, thawing, thaw”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiquilindëa adj. “thawing, slushy”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. urya- v. “to be hot; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to blaze, [ᴱQ.] burn (intransitive)”
15.86 Cold, Frigid
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. helca adj. “icy, ice-cold”
- Q., ᴹQ. niquë n. “cold; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] snow”
- ᴹQ. ringë (ringi-) n. “cold, *chill”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ringë (ringi-) adj. “chill, cool”; see instead:
- Q. ringa “cold, [ᴱQ.] chilly; ⚠️damp”
- ᴹQ. ringë “cold, *chill”
- ᴺQ. !ringincë adj. “cool, coldish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yel (yeld-) n. “cold, the cold”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ringë “cold, *chill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yelwa adj. “cold”; see instead:
- Q. ringa “cold, [ᴱQ.] chilly; ⚠️damp”
15.87 Pure, Clean
- ᴺQ. !alafasta adj. “tidy, orderly”
- ᴺQ. !alahastaima adj. “incorruptable”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alahastima adj. “incorruptable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alahastaima “incorruptable”
- ᴺQ. !alavahtaina adj. “undefiled”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alluva adj. “clean”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. poica “clean, pure, [ᴱQ.] tidy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nicte- v. “to whiten, cleanse”; see instead:
- Q. #ninquita- “to whiten, grow white, [ᴹQ.] make white; to shine white”
- ᴺQ. poita- “to cleanse, *clean”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. poica adj. “clean, pure, [ᴱQ.] tidy”
- ᴹQ. poinessë n. “?cleanliness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sauna adj. “clean”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. poica “clean, pure, [ᴱQ.] tidy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soilë n. “cleansing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !poitië “(act of) cleaning, cleansing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. soina adj. “clean”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. poica “clean, pure, [ᴱQ.] tidy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sovalda- v. “to cleanse, purify”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sovallu- v. “to cleanse, purify”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. poita- “to cleanse, *clean”
- ᴺQ. ^sovalda- “to cleanse, purify”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sovalna- v. “to cleanse, purify”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sovalda- “to cleanse, purify”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sovalwa adj. “cleansing, *purifying”
15.88 Dirty, Soiled
- ᴺQ. !auhanta n. “refuse, trash, garbage, (lit.) thing thrown away”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] muqua adj. “filthy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mut (muc-) n. “dirt, filth”
- Q. söa n. “filth”
- ᴺQ. !úpoica adj. “unclean”
- ᴹQ. vahta- v. “to soil, stain”
- ᴹQ. vára adj. “soiled, dirty”
- ᴹQ. vaxë n. “stain”
15.89 Sticky; Gum
- ᴹQ. him- v. “to adhere”
- ᴺQ. !híma adj. “sticky, viscous”
- ᴹQ. himba adj. “adhering, sticking”
- ᴺQ., ᴹQ. !himítë (himíti-) adj. “clinging, sticking, (lit.) able to stick on; persistent, chronic”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !himta- v. “to make stick, attach”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. himya- “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
- ᴹQ. himya- v. “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lutl n. “gum, paste, sticky matter”; see instead:
- Q. maxo “mire, [ᴹQ.] sticky substance”
- ᴺQ. ^suhtë “resin, gum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. suctë (suxi-) n. “resin, gum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^suhtë “resin, gum”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^suhtë (suhti-) n. “resin, gum”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^suhtina adj. “resinous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽sulca adj. “sticky, viscous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !híma “sticky, viscous”
- ᴹQ. sulca “root (especially as edible)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sutl n. “sticky matter, slime, gum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sucul “sticky matter, slime, ⚠️gum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. suxina adj. “resinous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^suhtina “resinous”
- ᴺQ. !tyucu-sucu [þ] n. “chewing gum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. victë n. “gum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^suhtë “resin, gum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vitë (vitsi-) n. “sap, juice”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pirya “juice, syrup, *sap”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vitevísë n. “*resin, gum, (lit.) sap-blood”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^suhtë “resin, gum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vixa adj. “sticky”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !híma “sticky, viscous”
- 16.11 Soul, Spirit
- 16.12 Feeling, Emotion
- 16.13 Passion
- 16.14 Care
- 16.15 Wonder, Astonishment
- 16.17 Fortune (Good or Bad)
- 16.18 Good Fortune
- 16.19 Misfortune
- 16.21 to Please
- 16.212 Please in Polite Phrases
- 16.24 Happy; Happiness
- 16.25 to Laugh
- 16.255 Smile
- 16.26 to Play
- 16.27 to Love; Love
- 16.272 Friendship
- 16.28 Dear
- 16.29 to Kiss
- 16.31 Pain, Suffering
- 16.315 Torture, Torment
- 16.32 Grief, Sorrow
- 16.33 Anxiety
- 16.34 to Regret, Repent
- 16.35 Pity
- 16.36 Sad
- 16.37 to Cry, Weep
- 16.38 Tear
- 16.39 to Groan
- 16.41 Hate
- 16.42 Anger
- 16.43 Rage, Fury
- 16.44 Envy, Jealousy
- 16.45 Shame
- 16.46 Honor
- 16.47 Fame, Glory
- 16.48 Proud
- 16.51 to Dare
- 16.52 Brave, Courageous
- 16.53 Fear, Fright
- 16.54 Peril, Danger
- 16.55 Timid, Cowardly
- 16.61 to Will, Wish
- 16.62 to Desire
- 16.622 Desire
- 16.63 Hope
- 16.64 Thanks
- 16.65 Faithful
- 16.66 True
- 16.67 Lie, Falsehood
- 16.68 Deceit
- 16.69 to Forgive
- 16.71 Good
- 16.72 Bad
- 16.73 Right
- 16.74 Wrong
- 16.75 Sin, Impiety
- 16.76 Fault, Guilt
- 16.77 Error, Mistake
- 16.79 Praise
- 16.81 Beautiful
- 16.82 Ugly
- 16.99 Emotion (other)
16.11 Soul, Spirit
- Q. cöacalina n. “light of the house, indwelling spirit”
- Q. fëa n. “(indwelling or incarnate) spirit, soul”
- Q. fëafelmë n. “*spirit-impulse”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manimo n. “holy soul”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. manu “departed spirit”
- Q. fëa “(indwelling or incarnate) spirit, soul”
- ᴹQ. manu n. “departed spirit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olmë² (olmi-) n. “emanation; apparition, spirit”; see instead:
- Q. ausa “dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
- Q. indemma “mind-picture (of apparition in dream)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vilissë n. “spirit”; see instead:
- Q. súlë “breath; (movement of) spirit, emission of power (of will or desire)”
16.12 Feeling, Emotion
- ᴺQ. !fel- v. “to feel (emotions)”
- Q. felmë n. “*emotion, impulse”
- ᴺQ. !félula adj. “sensitive, (lit.) apt to feel”
- ᴹQ. hórë n. “impulse”
- ᴹQ. hórëa adj. “impulsive”
- Q. hröafelmë n. “*body-impulse”
- Q. inwalmë n. “mood of mind”
- Q. inwis (inwist-) n. “change of mind/mood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tendilë n. “feeling, sentiment”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tendilëa adj. “feeling; sentimental”
16.13 Passion
- Q. avalda [w] adj. “move[d], stirred, excited”
- ᴺQ. !felminqua adj. “passionate, full of feeling”
- Q. valda [w] adj. “excited, wild”
- Q. valmë [w] n. “excitement, emotion”
- Q. valta- [w] v. “to excite, rouse, stir up”
- Q. valya- [w] v. “to be excited (moved)”
16.14 Care
- Q. #ap- v. “to touch one, concern, affect”
- ᴺQ. !cimba- v. “to care”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] linta- v. “to soothe”
- ᴺQ. !ris- [þ] v. “to attend to, tend, care for, mind”
- ᴺQ. !rísë [þ] n. “care, attention”
- ᴹQ. súta- v. “to be the matter with”
16.15 Wonder, Astonishment
- ᴺQ. !aimë n. “surprise, thing/action that surprises”
- ᴺQ. !aita-² v. “to astound, surprise, shock, (orig.) make aghast”
- ᴺQ. !ëandë n. “surprise, feeling of surprise”
- ᴺQ. !elenta- v. “to impress, (lit.) make marvel”
- ᴺQ. !elentaula adj. “impressive”
- ᴺQ. !elma n. “wonder, miracle”
- ᴺQ. !elma- v. “to marvel at, admire”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] elmenda n. “wonder, wonderment”
- ᴺQ. !elmendëa adj. “wonderful”
- ᴹQ. #mírinda- v. “*to admire”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tatalla- v. “to admire, wonder at (the excellence of), marvel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !elma- “to marvel at, admire”
16.17 Fortune (Good or Bad)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ambarta adj. “fated”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. marta¹ “fated, fey; ⚠️fate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. engetor n. “fate, hap, luck”; see instead:
- Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lanqu- v. “to get by lot or luck, find”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lanqua n. “piece of fortune, lot, luck, happen, hap”; see instead:
- Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
- ᴹQ. maranwë n. “destiny”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mart n. “a piece of luck”; see instead:
- Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
- Q., ᴱQ. marta- v. “to define, decree, destine; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to happen (impers.), chance”
- ᴹQ. marta¹ adj. and n. “fated, fey; ⚠️fate”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] marto n. “fortune, fate, lot, luck”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. martya- v. “to destine”; see instead:
- Q. marta- “to define, decree, destine; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to happen (impers.), chance”
- ᴹQ. tulumaitë adj. “likely to come, probable (of future events)”
- ᴺQ. !tulumaitië adv. “probably”
- ᴺQ. !umbarwa adj. “fateful”
16.18 Good Fortune
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alma n. “good fortune, weal, wealth, *well-being”; see instead:
- Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
- ᴹQ. almarë n. “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss”
- ᴹQ. almárëa adj. “blessed”
- Q. almë n. “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
- ᴺQ. !almien interj. “cheers, (lit.) to good fortune”
- Q., ᴹQ. alya adj. “[ᴹQ.] rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed; ⚠️[Q.] fair, good”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #val (vald-) n. “good fortune, blessedness, happiness”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. almarë “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valto n. “the luck of the Valar”; see instead:
- Q. almë “good (or blessed) thing, blessing, piece of good fortune”
16.19 Misfortune
- ᴺQ. !morumbar adj. “dark-fated”
- ᴺQ. !nairenyanna adv. “unfortunately, (lit.) to my sadness”
- Q., ᴹQ. umbar (umbart-) n. “fate, doom, curse”
16.21 to Please
- ᴹQ. fasta adj. “pleased”
- ᴹQ. fasta-² v. “to please”
16.212 Please in Polite Phrases
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lá³ interj. “(?please)”; see instead:
- Q. mecin “please”
- Q. mecin adv. “please”
- Q., ᴹQ. namárië interj. “farewell, (lit.) be well, let it be well (to you)”
- Q. -tar suf. “honorific”
- Q. tar n. “honorific, sir, madam”
16.24 Happy; Happiness
- ⚠️Q. al(a)-² pref. “well, happily”; see instead:
- Q. mai-¹ “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
- Q. alaquenta adj. “well (happily) said”
- ᴺQ. !alarya- v. “to be happy or merry, rejoice”
- Q., ᴹQ. alassë n. “happiness, [ᴹQ.] joy, merriment”
- ᴺQ. !alassëa adj. “joyful, happy, *merry”
- ᴺQ. !alasta-¹ v. “to make happy, cheer (up)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alasta-² v. “to be merry, rejoice”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alarya- “to be happy or merry, rejoice”
- ⚠️Q. ama- pref. “*well, happily”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tyalië n. “mirth, [ᴹQ.] play, game, sport”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valin (valim-) adj. “happy”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alassëa “joyful, happy, *merry”
16.25 to Laugh
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caca- v. “to laugh”; see instead:
- Q. lala- “to laugh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cancalë n. “laughter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalië “laughter, laughing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. catl n. “chuckle”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalil “chuckle”
- Q. lala- v. “to laugh”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lalasta n. “laughter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalië “laughter, laughing”
- ᴺQ. !lalda n. “laugh”
- ᴺQ. !lalië n. “laughter, laughing”
- ᴺQ. !lalil n. “chuckle”
- ᴺQ. !lalta- v. “to make laugh”
- ᴺQ. !laltaula adj. “funny, (lit.) apt to make laugh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #mírien n. “mirth”; see instead:
- Q. tyalië “mirth, [ᴹQ.] play, game, sport”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirmilë n. “ripple of laughter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalië “laughter, laughing”
16.255 Smile
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirë n. “smile”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rëo “smile”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mírëa adj. “smiling”; see instead:
- Q. raina² “smiling, gracious, sweet-faced”
- Q. mírëa “jewelled, *gemmed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. miri- v. “to smile”; see instead:
- Q. raita-² “to smile”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirilla n. “faint smile”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rëo “smile”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirt (mirty-) n. “grin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rëo “smile”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mirtya- v. “to grin”; see instead:
- Q. raita-² “to smile”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raila n. “smile”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !rëo “smile”
- Q. raina² adj. “smiling, gracious, sweet-faced”
- Q. raita-² v. “to smile”
- ᴺQ. !rëo n. “smile”
16.26 to Play
- ᴺQ. !murmel (murmeld-) n. “plushie, (lit.) soft/slumber friend”
- ᴺQ. !rantië¹ n. “party”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] toli n. “doll, puppet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolipin (tolipind-) n. “mannikin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tolipincë “little doll”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tolipincë n. “little doll”
- ᴺQ. !turutyalmë n. “contest, competition”
- ᴺQ. !tútyalië n. “sport, (lit.) strength play”
- Q., ᴹQ. tyal- v. “to play”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyalien (tyaliend-) n. “sport, play; jest, mockery”; see instead:
- Q. tyalië “mirth, [ᴹQ.] play, game, sport”
- ᴺQ. !tyalindo n. “player”
- ᴺQ. !tyalma n. “toy, plaything”
- ᴺQ. !tyalmë n. “game”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyalu- v. “to play”; see instead:
- Q. tyal- “to play”
16.27 to Love; Love
- Q. emel n. “love [abstract]”
- Q. lamélima adj. “unlovable”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #mel- v. “to love”
- Q. méla adj. “loving, affectionate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. meles(së) (meless-) n. “love”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. melmë “love”
- Q., ᴱQ. #mélië n. “*love, loving”
- Q., ᴹQ. melima adj. “[ᴹQ.] loveable, ⚠️fair; [Q.] loving, very affectionate”
- ᴹQ. melindo n. “lover (m.)”
- ᴹQ. melissë n. “lover (f.)”
- Q., ᴹQ. melmë n. “love (a particular case [between two people])”
- ᴺQ. !melta- v. “to enamour”
- ᴺQ. !melu- v. “to fall in love”
- Q. melya- v. “*to be in love”
- Q. #nil- v. “to love, *have special concern/care/interest for”
- Q. nilmë n. “love, concern for things other than self for their own sakes”
- ᴹQ. tyaz- v. “to like”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yelmë² n. “[unglossed]”
16.272 Friendship
- ⚠️ᴹQ. helda² adj. “friendly, having love (for)”; see instead:
- Q. melda “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. helmë n. “friendship”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nilmë “friendship”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. -iel² suf. “-friend”; see instead:
- Q. -(n)dil “-friend, -lover; devotion, disinterested love”
- Q. -iel “-daughter; feminine suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ. -(n)dil suf. “-friend, -lover; devotion, disinterested love”
- ᴹQ. nilda adj. “friendly, loving (towards)”
- Q. nílë (níli-) n. “a special concern with or love for”
- ᴹQ. nilmë n. “friendship”
- Q. oholima adj. “confidential”
16.28 Dear
- Q., ᴹQ. melda adj. “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. melin adj. “dear, [ᴱQ.] beloved”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. melitsa adj. “beloved, favourite”; see instead:
- Q. melda “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. melitsë n. “darling, sweetheart”; see instead:
- Q. vanimelda “beautiful and beloved, elven-fair”
- ᴹQ. moina adj. “familiar, dear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. santa adj. “dear, beloved”; see instead:
- Q. melda “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sonda adj. “dear, fond”; see instead:
- Q. melda “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yelda adj. “friendly, dear as friend”; see instead:
- Q. melda “beloved, dear, [ᴹQ.] sweet”
16.29 to Kiss
- Q., ᴱQ. miqu- v. “to kiss”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] miquë n. “kiss”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] miquelë n. “kissing”
- Q. miquelis (miqueliss-) n. “(soft, sweet) kiss”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. miquilis n. “kiss”; see instead:
- Q. miquelis “(soft, sweet) kiss”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. miquilitsë n. “little or tender kiss”; see instead:
- Q. miquelis “(soft, sweet) kiss”
16.31 Pain, Suffering
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cuo n. “a pain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nwalma “pain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itisin [þ] adj. “itching”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itisya- [þ] v. “to itch, irritate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malca adj. “giving pain, hurtful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maldor n. “agony”; see instead:
- Q. unqualë “death agony, torment, [ᴹQ.] agony, death”
- Q. naica adj. “bitterly painful or grievous”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. naicë n. “sharp pain”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. naicelë n. “[ᴱQ.] anguish”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. naicelëa adj. “painful, [ᴱQ.] agonizing”
- ᴺQ. !naifélula adj. “sore, painfully sensitive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naiqua adj. “painful”; see instead:
- Q. naica “bitterly painful or grievous”
- Q., ᴱQ. naira² adj. “dreadful, horrible, unendurable, [ᴱQ.] dire, grievous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narwë² n. “pain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nwalma “pain”
- ᴺQ. !nwal- [ñ-] v. “to suffer, feel (great) pain”
- ᴹQ. nwalma [ñ-] n. “pain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ongo- v. “it pains me (imp.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ongwë n. “pain”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nwalma “pain”
- Q. ongwë “crime”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sút n. “pain, (esp.) death-throe”; see instead:
- Q. unqualë “death agony, torment, [ᴹQ.] agony, death”
16.315 Torture, Torment
- ⚠️ᴱQ. angaisin(i)ë n. “torment”; see instead:
- Q. nwalmë “torment”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. angaitya- v. “to torment”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nwalya- “to pain, torment”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malcanë n. “torture”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ungwalë “torture”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naista- v. “to oppress, cause great grief to”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^naita- “to oppress, cause great grief to”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^naita- v. “to oppress, cause great grief to”
- Q., ᴹQ. nwalmë [ñ-] n. “torment”
- ᴹQ. nwalya- [ñ-] v. “to pain, torment”
- ᴹQ. ungwalë n. “torture”
- Q., ᴹQ. unqualë n. “death agony, torment, [ᴹQ.] agony, death”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valcanë¹ n. “torture”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ungwalë “torture”
16.32 Grief, Sorrow
- ⚠️ᴱQ. angayanda adj. “miserable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. angayassë n. “misery”
- ᴺQ. !luitë adj. “melancholic, (lit.) habitually being sad”
- ᴹQ. naina- v. “to lament, *mourn”
- ᴺQ. !nainaima adj. “lamentable”
- ᴺQ. !nainala adj. “lamenting”
- Q. nainië n. “lament, *lamentation”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nainima adj. “lamentable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nainaima “lamentable”
- ᴹQ. nairë n. “sorrow, *sadness, ⚠️lament”
- ᴹQ. nairëa adj. “sorrowful, *sad”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naya- v. “it grieves (impers.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyéna- v. “to lament”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. naina- “to lament, *mourn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyenyelë n. “lament, lamentation, weeping”; see instead:
- Q. nainië “lament, *lamentation”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyérë n. “grief”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. otocë n. “wailing, beating of breasts”; see instead:
- Q. yaimë “wailing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. piquis(së) n. “grief”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. nyérë “grief”
16.33 Anxiety
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nur (nurr-) n. “complaint, ⚠️growl”
- ᴺQ. !nurya- v. “to complain”
- Q. penga- v. “to pout”
- ᴺQ. !peresta- v. “to disturb”
- ᴺQ. !perestië n. “disturbance”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quárelë n. “watchfulness, anxiety”
- ᴺQ. !tírelë n. “watchfulness, anxiety”
- ᴺQ. !tírelëa adj. “anxious”
16.34 to Regret, Repent
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oista- v. “to bereave”; see instead:
- Q. nehta- “to deprive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oito- v. “to lack”; see instead:
- Q. pen- “not to have, *to lack”
16.35 Pity
- ⚠️Q. ócama- v. “*to have mercy”
- ᴺQ. !ofelmë n. “sympathy, compassion, pity, *(lit.) together-feeling”
- Q. órava- v. “*to have mercy”
16.36 Sad
- ᴺQ. !apanaina- v. “to regret, (lit.) after-lament”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lemba adj. “sad”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nairëa “sorrowful, *sad”
- ᴹQ. lemba “left behind”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nimbë n. “gloom, sadness”; see instead:
- Q. huinë “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
- ᴹQ. nairë “sorrow, *sadness, ⚠️lament”
16.37 to Cry, Weep
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maulë n. “crying, weeping”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. miulë “whining, mewing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mauya- v. “to cry”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^miuya- “to cry, whine”
- ᴹQ. mauya- “to compel”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^miuya- v. “to cry, whine”
- ᴺQ. !níta- v. “to weep, cry [tears]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyenyë n. “weeping”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #quaina adj. “wailing”; see instead:
- Q. yaimëa “wailing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siqu- v. “to sigh”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siquilë n. “sighing, ⚠️lament”
- Q. yaimë n. “wailing”
- Q. yaimëa adj. “wailing”
- ᴺQ. !yaiya- v. “to wail, cry in pain, cry grievously”
16.38 Tear
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nië n. “tear”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nienaitë adj. “tearful”
16.39 to Groan
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #carca- v. “to snarl”; see instead:
- Q. yarra- “to growl, snarl”
- Q. nurru- v. “to murmur, grumble, mumble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nurru n. “growl”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yarra “growl, snarl”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. núru- v. “to growl (of dogs), grumble, carp”; see instead:
- Q. nurru- “to murmur, grumble, mumble”
- Q. yarra- “to growl, snarl”
- ᴺQ. !núrula adj. “grumpy, (lit.) likely to growl/grumble”
- ᴺQ. !yarra n. “growl, snarl”
- Q. yarra- v. “to growl, snarl”
16.41 Hate
- ⚠️ᴱQ. atempa n. “(strong) dislike”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tevië “hatred, dislike”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hari- v. “to hate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tev- “to hate, dislike”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. moc- v. “to hate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tev- “to hate, dislike”
- ᴹQ. mun- v. “to dislike, to not like”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nasa- v. “to mislike, taste nasty (impers.); to dislike”; see instead:
- Q. uhta- “to dislike, feel disgust with, avoid as painful or nasty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. násë n. “loathing”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yelmë¹ “loathing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. násëa adj. “loathsome”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yelwa “loathsome”
- Q. nattira- v. “to despise”
- ᴺQ. !nattírima adj. “despicable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sanca² n. “hate, fierce hatred”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tevië “hatred, dislike”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sancë adj. “hateful”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tevinqua “hateful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tempë n. “hate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tevië “hatred, dislike”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tev- v. “to hate, dislike”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tevië n. “hatred, dislike”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tevin adj. “hated”
- ᴺQ. !tevinqua adj. “hateful”
- Q. uhta- v. “to dislike, feel disgust with, avoid as painful or nasty”
- ᴹQ. yelmë¹ n. “loathing”
- ᴹQ. yelta- v. “to loathe, abhor”
- ᴹQ. yelwa adj. “loathsome”
16.42 Anger
- Q. hráva adj. and n. “wild (beast), savage, [ᴹQ.] untamed”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. merca adj. “wild, untamed”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. verca “wild”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] narca adj. “snappy, ill-tempered”
- ᴹQ. raiqua adj. “angry”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ráva¹ adj. and n. “wild, untamed”; see instead:
- Q. hráva “wild (beast), savage, [ᴹQ.] untamed”
- Q. ráva “free, unfettered, uncontrolled, lawless”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ravin adj. “fierce, savage (of beasts)”; see instead:
- Q. hráva “wild (beast), savage, [ᴹQ.] untamed”
- Q. valca [w] adj. “fierce, ferocious”
- ᴹQ. verca adj. “wild”
16.43 Rage, Fury
- Q., ᴹQ. aha n. “rage”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calimbarië n. “barbarity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calimbo n. “a savage, uncivilized man, barbarian; monster, giant, troll, goblin”
- Q. rúsë [þ] n. “wrath”
- Q. rúsëa [þ] adj. “wrathful”
- Q. ruxa adj. “wroth”
- ᴺQ. !urruxa adj. “livid, furious, enraged, incensed, (lit.) hot-wroth”
- Q. ursa [þ] n. “rage”
- Q. ursa- [þ] v. “to rage”
16.44 Envy, Jealousy
- ᴺQ. !hrúcen n. “envy, (lit.) evil-sight”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. navillo n. “whisper, hint, suspicion, rumour, malicious comment, innuendo”
16.45 Shame
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] naitya- v. “to put to shame, abuse, *rebuke; ⚠️to damage, hurt”
- ᴺQ. !naityalë n. “shame”
- ᴺQ. !naityana adj. “shamed, ashamed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nanquetë n. “speaking down the nose”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nenquet- “to condescend, (orig.) speak down the nose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. narc n. “spiteful remark, snap of a dog”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^narcë “*rend, tear; [ᴱQ.] snap of a dog; spiteful remark”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nenquet- v. “to condescend, (orig.) speak down the nose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pëa n. “scorn”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yaiwë “mocking, scorn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. retima adj. “despicable, contemptible”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nattírima “despicable”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulcarpa- v. “to rebuke”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. naitya- “to put to shame, abuse, *rebuke; ⚠️to damage, hurt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulcarpië n. “rebuke”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. naitya- “to put to shame, abuse, *rebuke; ⚠️to damage, hurt”
- ᴺQ. !úlaita- v. “to dishonour”
- ᴺQ. !úlaitima adj. “disgraceful, dishonourable”
- ᴺQ. !váravalmë n. “scandal”
- ᴺQ. !voruhta- v. “to shun, (lit.) ever-avoid”
- ᴺQ. !yaita- v. “to mock, scorn”
- ᴹQ. yaiwë n. “mocking, scorn”
16.46 Honor
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aista n. “honour, reverence”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
- ᴺQ. !alcarvalda adj. “honourable”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carda- v. “to admire, have affection or respect for”
- ᴺQ. !failassë n. “justice, fair-mindedness”
- ᴺQ. !lengesta n. “character (of a person), set of characteristic traits”
- ᴺQ. !ráya- v. “to devote, dedicate, (lit.) to make something be on somebody’s behalf”
16.47 Fame, Glory
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. alcar n. “glory, splendour, radiance, brilliance”
- Q., ᴹQ. alcarin(qua) adj. “glorious, brilliant, [ᴹQ.] radiant”
- ᴺQ. !alcarya- v. “to glorify”
- ᴺQ. !maisinwa adj. “well-known, notable, famous”
- ᴺQ. !quettalcar n. “renown, (lit.) word-glory”
16.48 Proud
- ᴺQ. !imbalatëa adj. “conceited, (lit.) self-proud”
- ᴺQ. !immoquanta adj. “full of him/herself, egotistic, narcissistic”
- ᴺQ. !indosatië n. “resolution”
- ᴹQ. nucumna adj. “humbled”
- ᴺQ. !nucuv- v. “to humble oneself, submit, pay homage, genuflect”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !taryalanca adj. “stiff-necked, obstinate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !taryalangova “stiff-necked, obstinate”
- ᴺQ. !taryalangova adj. “stiff-necked, obstinate”
- ᴺQ. !taryalangwa adj. “obstinate, stiff-necked”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turquima adj. “haughty”
- ᴺQ. !valatë n. “pride”
- ᴺQ. !valatëa adj. “proud”
16.51 to Dare
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nolo- v. “to dare”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. verya- “to dare”
- ᴹQ. verya- v. “to dare”
16.52 Brave, Courageous
- ᴺQ. !astal n. “valour”
- ᴺQ. !caira adj. “eager [to do]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cánë n. “valour”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. verië “boldness, *daring”
- ᴺQ. !astal “valour”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. canya adj. “bold; wise”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. verya “bold, *brave”
- ᴺQ. astalda “*valiant; ⚠️strong”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nerëainë n. “stoutness of heart”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nolmë n. “audacity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nolmenoitë adj. “audacious”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. noloitë adj. “daring”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. verië “boldness, *daring”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nolwa adj. “bold, brave”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. verya “bold, *brave”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !salyon(do) [þ] n. “hero, dauntless man”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. callo “noble man, hero”
- ᴹQ. verië n. “boldness, *daring”
- ᴹQ. verya adj. “bold, *brave”
- ᴺQ. !veryandë n. “adventure, undertaking”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vica adj. “valiant”; see instead:
- Q. astalda “strong, *valiant”
16.53 Fear, Fright
- ᴹQ. aista- v. “to dread”
- Q. áya n. “awe”
- ᴺQ. !feuna adj. “abhorred, aghast”
- ᴹQ. feuya- v. “to feel disgust at, abhor”
- ⚠️Q. nor-² [ñ-] pref. “fear”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sossë “fear”
- ᴹQ. norto “horror”
- ᴹQ. norta [ñ-] adj. “horrible”
- ᴹQ. norto [ñ-] n. “horror”
- ᴹQ. ossë n. “terror”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oswë² n. “terror, horror; (evil) phantom, ghost”
- Q. #ruc- v. “to feel fear or horror; *to flee (to)”
- Q. rúcima adj. “terrible”
- Q. ruhta- v. “to terrify”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^sorya- [þ-] v. “to dread, feel fear”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^sossë [þ-] n. “fear”
- ᴺQ. !sossëa [þ-] adj. “fearful, afraid”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^sosta- [þ-] v. “to put to fright, terrify”
- ⚠️Q. †þorya- v. “to dread, feel fear”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sorya- “to dread, feel fear”
- ⚠️Q. †þossë n. “fear”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sossë “fear”
- ⚠️Q. †þosta- v. “to put to fright, terrify”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sosta- “to put to fright, terrify”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varca n. “fear, dread”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sossë “fear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #varca- v. “to bode (impersonal); to dread, fear”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sorya- “to dread, feel fear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varcima adj. “dreadful”; see instead:
- Q. naira² “dreadful, horrible, unendurable, [ᴱQ.] dire, grievous”
- Q. rúcima “terrible”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varqua adj. “in fear, afraid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sossëa “fearful, afraid”
16.54 Peril, Danger
- Q. #raxë n. “*danger”
- ᴺQ. !raxëa adj. “dangerous”
- ᴺQ. !tarasta- v. “to harass, trouble”
- ᴺQ. !tarastië n. “trouble”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tarci- v. “to trouble”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tassa n. “(a) trouble, troublesome event/thing/circumstance”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tarastië “trouble”
- Q. tassa “index finger”
- ᴹQ. úmahta(lë) n. “nuisance”
16.55 Timid, Cowardly
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caurë n. “timidity, fear”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !numbë “timidity”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caurëa adj. “timid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !numbëa “timid”
- ᴺQ. !numbë n. “timidity”
- ᴺQ. !numbëa adj. “timid”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyenya adj. “querulous, tearful, plaintive”
16.61 to Will, Wish
- Q. avanir n. “unwill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. irya n. “wish”
- ⚠️Q. lélë n. “will”; see instead:
- Q. níra “will (as a potential or faculty), individual will (in potential)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. men- v. “to aim at; to wish, mean, intend”; see instead:
- Q. mína- “to desire to go in some direction, wish to go to a place, make for it; to have some end in view, *intend”
- Q. men- “to go, proceed, move (in some direction); to come [when moving to a destination], arrive [+ locative]”
- Q., ᴹQ. #mendë n. “*will”
- ᴺQ. !mermë n. “wish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naicë² adv. “would [that]”; see instead:
- Q. nai “maybe; be it that, may it be that; perhaps, it may be, there is a chance or possibility; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] remoter possibility”
- Q. níra n. “will (as a potential or faculty), individual will (in potential)”
- Q. nirmë n. “act of will, exercise of will”
- ᴺQ. !nirmunqua adj. “willful”
16.62 to Desire
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maivoita- v. “to long exceedingly after”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. milya- “to long for”
- ᴹQ. milya- v. “to long for”
- ᴹQ. xara- v. “to yearn, long for”
16.622 Desire
- Q., ᴹQ. #írë n. “desire, [ᴹQ.] longing”
- Q., ᴹQ. írima adj. “desirable, lovely, beautiful”
- ⚠️Q. lengwë n. “yearning, desire for what is lost or absent”; see instead:
- Q. #írë “desire, [ᴹQ.] longing”
- ᴹQ. mailë n. “lust”
- ᴹQ. mailëa adj. “lustful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maivoinë n. “great longing”; see instead:
- Q. #írë “desire, [ᴹQ.] longing”
- ᴹQ. milca adj. “greedy”
- ᴹQ. milmë n. “desire, greed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. voinë n. “desire, wish”
- ᴹQ. yesta- v. “to desire”
16.63 Hope
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !amatírë n. “hope”; see instead:
- Q. estel “hope, trust, *faith”
- Q. estel n. “hope, trust, *faith”
- ᴺQ. !estelenca adj. “hopeless, despairing, desperate”
- ᴺQ. !estelya- v. “to hope”
- Q., ᴹQ. mer- v. “to hope, [ᴹQ.] wish, desire, want”
- ᴺQ. !necestel n. “hopelessness, despair, desperation”
- ᴺQ. !santenta- v. “to concentrate, focus (the mind)”
16.64 Thanks
- ᴺQ. !hanta- v. “to thank, give thanks”
- Q. #hantalë n. “thanksgiving”
16.65 Faithful
- Q. astar n. “faith, loyalty”
- ᴺQ. !nasarta- v. “to entrust”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rú² n. “steadfastness, faith, trustiness”; see instead:
- Q. voronwë “steadfastness, loyalty, faith(fulness)”
- ᴹQ. sanda [þ] adj. “firm, true, abiding”
- Q. sarta adj. “steadfast, trusty, loyal”
- Q. sorna [þ] adj. “steadfast”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !talya adj. “stalwart, steady, firm”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sanda “firm, true, abiding”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tulca adj. “firm, immovable, steadfast; strong”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulunca adj. “steady, firm”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tulca “firm, immovable, steadfast; strong”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vórima adj. “faithful, *(lit.) able to endure; [ᴹQ.] continuous, enduring, repeated; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] everlasting”
- Q., ᴱQ. voronda adj. “faithful, steadfast (in allegiance, in keeping oath or promise)”
- Q. voronwë n. “steadfastness, loyalty, faith(fulness)”
16.66 True
- ⚠️Q. (a)lá interj. “yes”; see instead:
- Q. ná “yes, it is so, it is a fact”
- Q. sá “very good, all right, I will, I agree of course, of course I do”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. anwa adj. “true, real, actual”; see instead:
- Q. nanwa¹ “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !anwavë adv. “surely, certainly”; see instead:
- Q. naitië “indeed, truly, *really”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. caina¹ adj. “done, actual, real”; see instead:
- Q. nanwa¹ “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
- Q. carina “done, [ᴹQ.] made, [ᴱQ.] finished”
- ᴹQ. enna¹ n. “fact, (primary) thing [that exists]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. enwa adj. and n. “existent, real, true; fact”; see instead:
- Q. nanwa¹ “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
- Q. naitë “true”
- ᴹQ. enna¹ “fact, (primary) thing [that exists]”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enwavë adv. “actually”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nanwavë “truly, actually”
- ᴹQ. haië interj. “ that is (so), yes”
- Q., ᴱQ. ná interj. “yes, it is so, it is a fact”
- Q., ᴹQ. naitë adj. “true”
- Q. naitië adv. “indeed, truly, *really”
- Q., ᴱQ. nanwa¹ adj. “existing, actual (true), *real; ⚠️[️ᴱQ.] being”
- ᴺQ. !nanwavë adv. “truly, actually”
- ᴺQ. !nanwië n. “reality”
- ᴺQ. !nassëa² adj. “natural”
- Q. náto interj. “it is that; *yes (emphatic)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nëa adv. “it is, yes”
- Q. sá [þ] interj. and adv. “very good, all right, I will, I agree of course, of course I do”
16.67 Lie, Falsehood
- ᴺQ. !cupta n. “deception, lie”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enwacuvindo n. “liar, cheater”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuptamo “liar, deceiver”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. furu n. “lie”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cupta “deception, lie”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hurindo n. “liar”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuptamo “liar, deceiver”
- ᴺQ. !laitë adj. “false”
- ᴺQ. !laitelë n. “falsehood”
- ᴺQ. !laitita- v. “to falsify”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !naumë [ñ-] n. “falsehood”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laitelë “falsehood”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nauna [ñ-] adj. “false”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laitë “false”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !naunië [ñ-] n. “falsehood”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laitelë “falsehood”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nauta-¹ [ñ-] v. “to falsify”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !laitita- “to falsify”
- ᴺQ. !raica- v. “to falsify”
16.68 Deceit
- ᴺQ. !cupta- v. “to deceive, lie”
- ᴺQ. !cuptalë n. “deception, deceit”
- ᴺQ. !cuptamo n. “liar, deceiver”
- ᴺQ. !etyanetië n. “hypocrisy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fint n. “a trick, notion”; see instead:
- Q. #fintalë “trick”
- Q. #fintalë n. “trick”
- ᴺQ. !hehtar n. “renegade”
- ᴺQ. !hrúfinta- v. “to cheat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hurulë n. “deception”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuptalë “deception, deceit”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hurumo n. “imposter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cupta- “to deceive, lie”
- ᴺQ. !imnetyala adj. “hypocritical, (lit.) self-adorning”
- ᴺQ. !imnetyalë n. “hypocrisy, (lit.) self-adornment”
- ᴺQ. !imnetyando n. “hypocrite”
- ᴺQ. !mainenta- v. “to brag, (lit.) make seem excellent”
- ᴺQ. !nenta- v. “to pretend, (lit.) make seem”
- ᴺQ. !útulya- v. “to mislead”
- ᴺQ. !útulyando n. “deceiver, (lit.) mis-leader”
16.69 to Forgive
- Q. #apsen- v. “to remit, release, forgive”
- Q. #avatyar- v. “*to forgive, (lit.) do away with”
16.71 Good
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ais (aist-) n. “good name”
- ⚠️Q. alacarna adj. “well-done, well-made”
- Q. alamen n. “good omen on departure”
- Q. alima adj. “fair, good”
- ⚠️Q. amya-¹ pref. “excellent, admirable”; see instead:
- Q. mai-¹ “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
- Q. arya adj. “excelling, *better, *best [with definite article + genitive]; [ᴺQ.] *prefer [with dative]”
- Q. arya- v. “to excel”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ausi- pref. “well”; see instead:
- Q. mai-¹ “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
- Q. ilvan(y)a adj. “perfect”
- Q., ᴱQ. mai adv. “well; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] too much”
- Q. mai-¹ pref. “excellent, admirable; *well, happily”
- Q. maira adj. “admirable, excellent, precious, splendid, sublime”
- ᴺQ. !mairië n. “excellence, splendor, sublimity, ‘perfection’”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mal adv. “better, best”; see instead:
- Q. arya “excelling, *better, *best [with definite article + genitive]; [ᴺQ.] *prefer [with dative]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malda¹ adj. “better, best”; see instead:
- Q. arya “excelling, *better, *best [with definite article + genitive]; [ᴺQ.] *prefer [with dative]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mandë adv. “well”; see instead:
- Q. mai “well; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] too much”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mára adj. “good, proper; [ᴹQ.] useful, fit, good (of things), [ᴱQ.] excellent; ⚠️mighty, power, doughty”
- Q. máralë n. “goodness”
- Q. márië adv. and n. “well, happily; goodness, good estate, being well, happiness”
- ᴺQ. !niétë adj. “oozing, dripping, exuding”
- Q. ráta- v. “to excel, surpass”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vandë² adv. “well”; see instead:
- Q. mai “well; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] too much”
16.72 Bad
- ᴺQ. !alamára adj. “no-good”
- ᴹQ. alwara adj. “useless, *worthless”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. faica² adj. “bad, worthless, useless”; see instead:
- Q. urra “bad”
- Q. úmara “bad, ill-used, evil, sinister”
- ᴹQ. alwara “useless, *worthless”
- ᴹQ. faica “contemptible, mean”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fel adv. “worse, worst”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. felda adj. “worse, worst”
- Q. nai- pref. “ill, grievously, abominably”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naswa adj. “nasty”; see instead:
- Q. úra¹ “nasty”
- ᴺQ. !nunya adj. “lower (as in quality, rank or value)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quarca adj. “perverse, naughty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quarda adj. “bad”; see instead:
- Q. urra “bad”
- Q. úmara adj. “bad, ill-used, evil, sinister”
- Q. úra¹ adj. “nasty”
- Q. urra adj. “bad”
16.73 Right
- ᴺQ. !(e)mecima adj. “accurate, always aiming at the mark”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] manë adj. “good (moral, not evil)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. manya² adj. “good (not evil)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. manë “good (moral, not evil)”
- Q. manya- “to bless”
- ᴺQ. !márë n. “(moral) good, goodness”
- ᴺQ. !ulculóra adj. “without evil”
16.74 Wrong
- Q. hru- pref. “evil-”
- Q. hrúcarë n. “evil-doing”
- Q. hrú(y)a adj. “evil, wicked”
- ⚠️Q. naxa² adj. and n. “evil”; see instead:
- Q. ulco “evil”
- Q. olca adj. “bad, wicked”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. perqua adj. “wrong”; see instead:
- Q. raica “crooked, [ᴹQ.] bent, wrong”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raicë n. “wrong”; see instead:
- Q. uxarë “doing wrong, *misdeed”
- Q. sau- pref. “very badly”
- Q. saucarë n. “doing or making a thing very badly”
- Q. saucarya adj. “evil-doing”
- Q., ᴱQ. ulca adj. “evil; dark, gloomy, sinister; [ᴱQ.] bad, wicked, wrong”
- ᴺQ. !ulcarindo n. “evil-doer”
- Q. ulco (ulcu-) n. “evil”
- Q. úmárë n. “not good = evil”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. úmëa adj. “evil”; see instead:
- Q. ulca “evil; dark, gloomy, sinister; [ᴱQ.] bad, wicked, wrong”
- Q. úmëa “abundant, swarming, teeming; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] in very great number, very large, [ᴱQ.] large”
- Q. úro n. “*evil, nastiness”
- Q. us- [þ] pref. “[wrong] with a bad sense; unsuitable, bad, improper, useless, wrong”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. uvana adj. “wicked”
- Q. uxarë n. “doing wrong, *misdeed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vilcin adj. “bitter, evil”; see instead:
- Q. ulca “evil; dark, gloomy, sinister; [ᴱQ.] bad, wicked, wrong”
16.75 Sin, Impiety
- ⚠️ᴱQ. curdu n. “sin, wickedness, evil”; see instead:
- Q. #úcarë “*sin, debt, trespass”
- Q. ulco “evil”
- Q. hruo n. “*wickedness”
- ⚠️Q. #insangarë n. “*temptation”; see instead:
- Q. úsahtië “inducement to do wrong, *temptation”
- ⚠️Q. #naicando n. “*sinner”; see instead:
- Q. #úcarindo “*sinner”
- ⚠️Q. #naico n. “*sinner”; see instead:
- Q. #úcarindo “*sinner”
- ⚠️Q. #naiqua- v. “*to sin”; see instead:
- Q. #úcar- “*to trespass, do wrong, sin”
- Q. #rohtalië n. “*those who trespass, (lit.) trespass-people”
- ⚠️Q. terfantië n. “*temptation”; see instead:
- Q. úsahtië “inducement to do wrong, *temptation”
- ⚠️Q. #terpellië n. “*temptation”; see instead:
- Q. úsahtië “inducement to do wrong, *temptation”
- Q. #úcar- v. “*to trespass, do wrong, sin”
- Q. #úcarë n. “*sin, debt, trespass”
- ᴺQ. !úcarindë n. “sinner (f.)”
- Q. #úcarindo n. “*sinner”
- ᴺQ. !úcarunqua adj. “sinful”
- ᴺQ. !úfailië n. “unrighteousness”
- ⚠️Q. #ulcarindo n. “*sinner”; see instead:
- Q. #úcarindo “*sinner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulcarma n. “misdeed”; see instead:
- Q. uxarë “doing wrong, *misdeed”
- ᴺQ. !úsahtando [þ] n. “tempter”
- Q. úsahtië [þ] n. “inducement to do wrong, *temptation”
16.76 Fault, Guilt
- ᴺQ. !ahtarulas(së) n. “responsibility, (lit.) aptitude to react”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cáma n. “guilt, responsibility”
16.77 Error, Mistake
- ᴺQ. !alaloitala adj. “unfailing”
- Q. loi- pref. “mistaken, mistake in ...”
- Q. loica adj. “failing, short, inadequate”
- Q. loicarë n. “mistaken action”
- Q. loima n. “mistake”
- Q. loiparë n. “mistake in writing”
- ᴺQ. !loipat- v. “to misstep”
- Q. loiquetë n. “mistake in speech”
- Q. loita- v. “to miss, fail, fall short of (transitive)”
- ᴹQ. var- [w] v. “to err”
16.79 Praise
- ᴺQ. !artanwa n. “award”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cawa- v. “to bow, make obeisance”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cuv- “to bow [the body]”
- ᴺQ. !immolaitië n. “self-praise”
- Q., ᴹQ. laita- v. “to praise, bless”
- Q. #laitalë n. “praise”
- ᴺQ. !laitië n. “praising, honour”
- ᴺQ. !laitima adj. “honourable, praiseworthy”
- ᴺQ. !meluquetya n. “sweet-speaking person, flatterer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. olta-¹ v. “to magnify, extol, praise”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^meletya- “to magnify”
- Q. laita- “to praise, bless”
- ᴹQ. orhal- v. “to exalt”
- ᴺQ. !súna- [þ] v. “to be spiritually affected, inspired”
- ᴺQ. !súnalë [þ] n. “inspiration”
16.81 Beautiful
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calwa adj. “fair, beautiful”; see instead:
- Q. vanya “fair, beautiful, unmarred; ⚠️fair-haired (yellow to golden); [ᴱQ.] good (not evil), holy”
- ᴺQ. !icítë adj. “cute”
- Q. lelya adj. “delicate, beautiful and fine, slender, lovely”
- Q. lelya-² v. “to appear (of beautiful things); to attract, enchant (with dative)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. linda adj. “beautiful (of sound), sweet, melodious; soft, gentle, light, [ᴱQ.] kind; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] fair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mailina adj. “beautiful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. melwa adj. “lovely, fair”; see instead:
- Q. vanima¹ “beautiful, fair, *handsome; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] proper, right, as it should be, fair”
- Q. mimírima adj. “very beautiful”
- Q. mirya adj. “beautiful, lovely (of works of art only)”
- Q. netya adj. “pretty, dainty”
- ᴺQ. !sirista- [þ] v. “to apply make-up to”
- ᴺQ. !(sir)ritwa [þ] n. “make-up, (lit.) substance for adding finishing touches”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telya adj. “attractive; importunate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. telyantalya “alluring, attractive”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telyanta- v. “to allure, *attract”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telyantalya adj. “alluring, attractive”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telyantassë n. “allurement, attraction”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. teta- v. “to attract (physical and figurative)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. telyanta- “to allure, *attract”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. texë n. “attraction”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. telyantassë “allurement, attraction”
- Q., ᴱQ. †vanë (vani-) adj. “fair, [ᴱQ.] lovely”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vanéni n. “beauty”; see instead:
- Q. vanessë “beauty”
- Q., ᴱQ. vanessë n. “beauty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vanest(e)a adj. “beauteous”; see instead:
- Q. vanima¹ “beautiful, fair, *handsome; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] proper, right, as it should be, fair”
- Q. vanië n. “beauty”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vanima¹ adj. “beautiful, fair, *handsome; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] proper, right, as it should be, fair”
- Q. vanima² n. “beautiful one, fair one”
- ⚠️Q. vanimalda adj. “thou beautiful; ⚠️most beautiful, exceeding fair”; see instead:
- Q. vanimelda “beautiful and beloved, elven-fair”
- Q. vanimelda adj. “beautiful and beloved, elven-fair”
- ᴹQ. Vanimo n. “The Beautiful; Fair Folk”
- ᴺQ. !vanita- v. “to grow/become fair; to beautify, make fair/beautiful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vanta adj. “?beautiful”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. vanya adj. “fair, beautiful, unmarred; ⚠️fair-haired (yellow to golden); [ᴱQ.] good (not evil), holy”
- ⚠️Q. wenya adj. “fair, beautiful”; see instead:
- Q. vanya “fair, beautiful, unmarred; ⚠️fair-haired (yellow to golden); [ᴱQ.] good (not evil), holy”
- ᴹQ. venya “green, yellow-green, fresh”
16.82 Ugly
- Q. úvanë(a) adj. “without beauty”
- Q. úvanima adj. “not fair, ugly; hard to call beautiful, hideous”
16.99 Emotion (other)
- ᴺQ. !cam- v. “to fit, suit, be agreeable”
- ᴺQ. !cólolantë n. “relief, (lit.) fall of the burden”
- ᴹQ. faica adj. “contemptible, mean”
- Q. faila adj. “fair-minded, just, generous”
- ᴺQ. !harnalassë n. “schadenfreude, malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune, (lit.) wound-joy”
- ᴺQ. !hecima adj. “special (negative)”
- ᴺQ. !lustindo n. “ennui”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maica adj. “cruel”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. naicëa “cruel”
- Q. maica¹ “sharp, piercing”
- ᴺQ. !minima adj. “special (positive)”
- ᴹQ. naicëa adj. “cruel”
- ᴹQ. nwalca [ñ-] adj. “cruel”
- ᴺQ. !ofelmenca adj. “tactless, indelicate, (lit.) without together-feeling”
- Q. ondórëa adj. “hard-hearted, pitiless”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimenë n. “vindictiveness, vengefulness, cruelty”
- ᴺQ. !quessehonda adj. “frivolous; (lit.) feather-hearted”
- ᴺQ. !sanwelunga adj. “serious, (lit.) thought-heavy”
- ᴺQ. !sanwelungië n. “seriousness”
- Q. sercilixa adj. “blood-thirsty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulird(e)a adj. “pitiless, cruel, (lit.) without bowels”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valca¹ adj. “cruel, bitter”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. naicëa “cruel”
Mind and Thought
- 17.11 Mind
- 17.12 Reason, Intelligence
- 17.13 to Think, Reflect
- 17.14 to Think, be of the Opinion
- 17.15 to Believe
- 17.151 Guess, Suppose
- 17.16 to Understand
- 17.17 to Know
- 17.171 Knowledge, Science
- 17.172 Omniscient
- 17.18 to Seem
- 17.19 Idea, Notion
- 17.20 Imagination
- 17.21 Wise
- 17.22 Stupid, Foolish
- 17.23 Mad, Crazy, Insane
- 17.24 to Learn
- 17.242 to Study
- 17.25 to Teach
- 17.26 Pupil
- 17.27 Teacher
- 17.28 School
- 17.31 to Remember
- 17.32 to Forget
- 17.33 Meaning
- 17.34 Clear, Plain (to the Mind)
- 17.35 Obscure
- 17.36 Secret
- 17.37 Sure, Certain
- 17.38 to Explain
- 17.39 to Solve
- 17.41 Purpose, Intention
- 17.42 Cause, Reason
- 17.43 Doubt
- 17.99 Mind and Thought (other)
17.11 Mind
- ⚠️ᴱQ. â n. “mind, inner thought”; see instead:
- Q. sanar “mind, thinker, reflector”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. áma n. “mind, heart, thought”; see instead:
- Q. indo “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
- ᴺQ. !immotuntië n. “conscience, (lit.) self-perceiving”
- Q., ᴹQ. indo n. “(state of) mind, (inner) thought, mood; will, resolve; [ᴹQ.] heart”
- Q. órë n. “heart (inner mind), *conscience; warning, caution, (pre)monition”
- ⚠️Q. sáma n. “mind”; see instead:
- Q. sanar “mind, thinker, reflector”
- Q. sanar n. “mind, thinker, reflector”
17.12 Reason, Intelligence
- ᴺQ. !axanwë n. “logic, (orig.) law of thought”
- ᴺQ. !axanwëa adj. “logical”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. carpalima adj. “tricky, clever, willy”; see instead:
- Q. finca¹ “clever (in petty ways), *tricky”
- ᴺQ. !curwa adj. “cunning, skillful”
- Q. finca¹ adj. “clever (in petty ways), *tricky”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] finië n. “cunning”
- Q. finya adj. “clever”
- ᴺQ. !finyalë n. “cleverness”
- ᴹQ. handa¹ adj. “understanding, intelligent”
- ᴹQ. handassë n. “intelligence”
- ᴹQ. handelë n. “intellect”
- ᴺQ. !immoturië n. “self-control”
- Q. incánu n. “mind master”
- Q. incánussë n. “mind mastership”
- Q. indómë n. “settled character; will of Eru”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. isqualë n. “cleverness”; see instead:
- Q. finya “clever”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. isqualëa adj. “clever”; see instead:
- Q. finya “clever”
- ᴺQ. !ruihandë n. “genius, blazing intellect”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tuncë (tunci-) adj. “bright, witty, smart”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tuntaitë “bright, witty, smart; *perceptive”
- ᴺQ. !tuntaitë adj. “bright, witty, smart; *perceptive”
17.13 to Think, Reflect
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enye- v. “to think out, plan, devise”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. auta-² “to invent, originate, devise”
- ᴺQ. !inwirya- v. “to change one’s mind, reconsider”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nauta-² v. “to conceive”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nauta “bound, obliged”
- ᴺQ. !nauya- “to conceive [of an idea]”
- ᴺQ. !nauya- v. “to conceive [of an idea]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nov- v. “?to think, form idea, imagine”; see instead:
- Q. #sana- “*to think, reflect”
- Q. palanyantië n. “telepathy”
- Q. #sana- v. “*to think, reflect”
- ᴺQ. !sanasta n. “thinking, reflection, pondering”
- ᴺQ. !sanastëa adj. “mindful, cognizant, aware of, conscious of”
- Q. sanwecenda n. “thought-inspection, thought-reading”
- Q. sanwë-latya n. “thought-opening”
- Q. sanwementa n. “thought-sending, mental message”
- Q., ᴹQ. úvië n. “pondering, consideration, [ᴹQ.] considering a matter (with a view to decision)”
17.14 to Think, be of the Opinion
- ᴺQ. !eccan- v. “to proclaim, assert, (lit.) forth-call out”
- ᴺQ. !nyaira n. “claim”
17.15 to Believe
- Q. #sav- v. “to believe”
- ᴺQ. !savielóra adj. “unbelieving, belief-less”
- ᴺQ. !savindo n. “believer”
17.151 Guess, Suppose
- Q., ᴹQ. ai² adv. “supposing, suppose, maybe; *any”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !apacíta- v. “to assume, make premature judgements”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nóquista- “to assume, make premature judgements”
- Q. au² adv. “if only”
- ᴹQ. au(vë) adv. “might (have), would (have)”
- Q. cé¹ adv. “may (be)”
- ⚠️Q. cé² conj. “if”; see instead:
- Q. qui “if”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] céla adv. “maybe not”
- Q. cenai conj. “if it be that”
- Q. cenasta adv. “if it be so, may be, perhaps”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ci particle. “may; particle of uncertainty”
- ⚠️Q. cíta- v. “to suppose”; see instead:
- Q. quista- “to suppose”
- ᴹQ. intya n. “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. intya ? “[unglossed]”
- ᴹQ. intya- v. “to guess, suppose”
- ⚠️Q. ?it(ë) adv. “if”; see instead:
- Q. qui “if”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mai² adv. “if; do?”; see instead:
- Q. qui “if”
- Q. ma² “interrogative particle”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nai adv. “maybe; be it that, may it be that; perhaps, it may be, there is a chance or possibility; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] remoter possibility”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naus (naust-) n. “suspicion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nauta- v. “to guess”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. intya- “to guess, suppose”
- ᴺQ. !nóquista- v. “to assume, make premature judgements”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. quë conj. “if”; see instead:
- Q. qui “if”
- Q. qui conj. “if”
- Q. quista- v. “to suppose”
17.16 to Understand
- ᴺQ. !asahanyë [þ] adv. “understandably, of course, (lit.) easily understood”
- ᴹQ. hanya- v. “to understand, know about, be skilled in dealing with”
17.17 to Know
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ista- v. “to know, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] learn”
- ᴹQ. nilaistama n. “something/body or other”
- ᴺQ. !sínu- v. “to realise, (lit.) start to know”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tenge- v. “to know, understand, grasp, think”; see instead:
- Q. ista- “to know, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] learn”
- ᴹQ. hanya- “to understand, know about, be skilled in dealing with”
17.171 Knowledge, Science
- ᴺQ. !cemië n. “chemistry”
- ᴺQ. !cemievëa adj. “chemical”
- ᴺQ. !coingolmë n. “biology”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuingolmë n. “biology”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !coingolmë “biology”
- ᴺQ. !elecetomacnetëa adj. “electromagnetic”
- ᴺQ. !ermangolmë n. “study of matter, physics, [possibly also] chemistry”
- ᴺQ. !fisica n. “physics”
- ᴹQ. handë n. “knowledge, understanding”
- Q., ᴹQ. ingolë n. “lore, science, philosophy; [ᴹQ.] deep lore, magic”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. issë n. “knowledge, lore”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. istya “knowledge”
- ᴺQ. !istalë n. “information”
- ᴹQ. istalima adj. “knowable, ascertainable”
- ᴹQ. istarë n. “knowledge”
- ᴹQ. istya n. “knowledge”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !masematica [þ] n. “mathematics”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nótengolmë “mathematics”
- ᴺQ. !melinólë n. “philosophy”
- Q., ᴹQ. nólë [ñ-] n. “lore, knowledge, long study; [ᴹQ.] wisdom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nólemë n. “deep lore, wisdom”; see instead:
- Q. nolmë “knowledge, philosophy (including science), department of wisdom (science, etc.)”
- ᴹQ. nolwë “wisdom, (secret) lore”
- Q. nolmë [ñ-] n. “knowledge, philosophy (including science), department of wisdom (science, etc.)”
- ᴹQ. nolwë [ñ-] n. “wisdom, (secret) lore”
- ᴺQ. !nótengolmë n. “mathematics”
- ᴺQ. !olorië n. “theory”
- ᴺQ. !ongolmë n. “geology”
- ᴺQ. !ongolmo n. “geologist”
- Q. sívë³ n. “knowing, knowledge”
17.172 Omniscient
- ᴺQ. !iluasta n. “omnipresence”
- Q. ilucara adj. “omnificent”
- Q. iluisa adj. “omniscient”
- Q. ilúvala adj. “omnipotent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. omanastë n. “omnipresence”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !iluasta “omnipresence”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. omo- pref. “omni-”; see instead:
- Q. ilu “everything, all, the whole; [ᴹQ.] universe, ⚠️world; [ᴱQ.] ether”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. omohérë n. and adj. “omnipotence; almighty”; see instead:
- Q. ilúvala “omnipotent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. omotengwë n. “omniscience”; see instead:
- Q. iluisa “omniscient”
17.18 to Seem
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] avëalta- v. “to resemble closely”
- Q. fana n. “raiment, veil; (bright) shape or figure; bodily form of an angelic spirit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilc- v. “to seem”; see instead:
- Q. nem-² “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inye- v. “to imitate, make like”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ovëanta- “to imitate, make like”
- Q. nácë interj. “it may be seeming, *qualified yes”
- Q., ᴹQ. nem-² v. “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”
- ᴺQ. !nemba adj. “seeming, evident, probably but not necessarily so”
- ᴺQ. !nembalë n. “evidence”
- ᴹQ. nenemma- v. “to keep on (re-)appearing”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nim- v. “to seem, appear”; see instead:
- Q. nem-² “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”
- ᴺQ. !ovëanta- v. “to imitate, make like”
- ᴺQ. !ovëantainë n. “imitation”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ovëassë n. “resemblance; likelihood”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sestainë n. “assimilation, imitation, etc.”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ovëantainë “imitation”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !séya- [þ] v. “to seem”; see instead:
- Q. nem-² “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sovëassë n. “resemblance; likelihood”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ovëassë “resemblance; likelihood”
- Q., ᴱQ. vëa¹ adj. “seeming, apparent; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] similar, like”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vëalta- v. “to resemble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vícelë n. “resemblance, comparison”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^ovëassë “resemblance; likelihood”
- ᴺQ. vëasta “comparison, ⚠️resemblance”
17.19 Idea, Notion
- ⚠️ᴱQ. acta n. “notion”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. intya “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ent n. “notion, plan, idea”; see instead:
- Q. tenna³ “thought, notion, idea”
- ᴹQ. intya “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
- ᴹQ. inca n. “idea”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nó² (nów-) n. “conception, idea, thought”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. inca “idea”
- Q. sanwë n. “thought, an act of thinking”
- Q. selma [þ] n. “fixed idea, will”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tengwet(ta) n. “idea, notion”; see instead:
- Q. tenna³ “thought, notion, idea”
- Q. tenna³ n. “thought, notion, idea”
17.20 Imagination
- ᴹQ. aulë n. “invention”
- ᴹQ. auta-² v. “to invent, originate, devise”
- ᴺQ. !intyaitë adj. “fantastic, fantasy”
- ᴹQ. intyalë n. “imagination”
- ᴹQ. nausë [þ] n. “imagination”
- Q. síma n. “imagination, mind”
17.21 Wise
- ⚠️ᴱQ. isqua adj. “wise”; see instead:
- Q. saila “wise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. istaléra adj. “*knowledgeable, wise”; see instead:
- Q. istima “wise (in sense knowing very much), knowledgeable, very well informed, learned”
- Q., ᴹQ. istima adj. “wise (in sense knowing very much), knowledgeable, very well informed, learned”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. návë n. “shrewdness, sagacity, perspicacity”
- ᴹQ. nóla² [ñ-] adj. “wise, learned”
- Q. saila adj. “wise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sailë n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
- Q. saila “wise”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. saira adj. “wise”; see instead:
- Q. saila “wise”
- ⚠️Q. tára² adj. “wise”; see instead:
- Q. saila “wise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tengenwa adj. “wise, knowing, understanding; sensible”; see instead:
- Q. istima “wise (in sense knowing very much), knowledgeable, very well informed, learned”
17.22 Stupid, Foolish
- Q. alasaila adj. “unwise”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. auc n. “fool, clumsy fellow”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aut “fool, clumsy fellow”
- ᴺQ. !auca adj. “foolish”
- ᴺQ. !aucië n. “foolishness”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aut (auc-) n. “fool, clumsy fellow”
- ᴺQ. !handelóra adj. “witless”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hwinima adj. “confusing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hwintaila “confusing”
- ᴺQ. !hwintaila adj. “confusing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !istyalóra adj. “ignorant”; see instead:
- Q. laistila “ignorant”
- Q. laista n. “ignorance, (lit.) not-knowing”
- Q. laistila adj. “ignorant”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lamanwa adj. “animal-like, beastly, stupid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laminya adj. “animal-like, beastly, stupid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lamanwa “animal-like, beastly, stupid”
- ᴺQ. !sávula adj. “credulous, gullible”
- ᴺQ. !úhandë n. “unreason, incomprehension”
- ᴺQ. !úhandëa adj. “witless”
17.23 Mad, Crazy, Insane
- ᴺQ. !hwinda adj. “mad, crazy”
- ᴺQ. !hwinquetë n. “confused talk, nonsense”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sámalórië n. “madness”; see instead:
- Q. sanar “mind, thinker, reflector”
- ᴺQ. !selmandur n. “fanatic, (lit.) servant of a fixed idea”
17.24 to Learn
- Q. par- v. “to learn”
- ᴺQ. !parandë n. “(school) lesson”
- ᴺQ. !popólu- v. “to practice, (lit.) slowly gain ability”
17.242 to Study
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cenya- v. “to study”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nolya- “to study, ⚠️learn”
- Q. henta- “to eye, examine, read, scan”
- ᴺQ. !nolya- [ñ-] v. “to study, ⚠️learn”
17.25 to Teach
- ᴺQ. !nolta- [ñ-] v. “to teach, *educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable”
- ᴹQ. #nolya- [ñ] v. “to teach”
- ᴺQ. !saita- v. “to teach, *train, (lit.) make wise”
- ᴺQ. !saitalë n. “education”
17.26 Pupil
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nólemo [ñ-] n. “student”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !parmo “student, (lit.) learner”
- ᴺQ. !parmo n. “student, (lit.) learner”
17.27 Teacher
- Q. ingolmo n. “loremaster, wizard, one with very great knowledge, *scientist”
- ᴹQ. istyar n. “scholar, learned man, lore-master, wizard”
- Q. nolmo [ñ-] n. “wise person”
- ᴺQ. !noltar [ñ-] n. “teacher”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !pëantar n. “teacher”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !noltar “teacher”
- ᴺQ. !sailiendil n. “philosopher”
- ᴺQ. !saitar n. “teacher”
17.28 School
- ᴺQ. !istanómë n. “school, academy”
- ᴺQ. !nólecöa [ñ-] n. “school, (lit.) house of lore”
- ᴺQ. !nolmar [ñ-] n. “school, university, (lit.) wisdom-house”
- ᴺQ. !oroparmen n. “high school, university”
- ᴺQ. !parmen n. “school, place of study”
17.31 to Remember
- ᴺQ. !atsinta- v. “to recognize”
- Q. #enyal- v. “to recall, *remember”
- ᴺQ. !enyálëa adj. “memorial”
- Q. #enyalië n. “memory, (lit.) recalling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. minti n. “memory, remembrance, mindfulness”; see instead:
- Q. #enyalië “memory, (lit.) recalling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mintya adj. “reminding, ‘memoryful’”; see instead:
- Q. #enyalië “memory, (lit.) recalling”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mintya- v. “to remind; ⚠️(impers.) it reminds me = I remember”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !renta- “to remind”
- ᴺQ. !ren- v. “to remember”
- ᴺQ. !rénë n. “memory”
- ᴺQ. !renta- v. “to remind”
17.32 to Forget
- ᴺQ. !cuilórëa adj. “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy”
- ᴺQ. !etsen- v. “to let loose, release, forget”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fanórëa adj. “absent-minded”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuilórëa “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fanóriva adj. “absent-minded”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cuilórëa “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy”
17.33 Meaning
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] panin adj. “definite, planned, concerted, deliberate, prepense, meant”
- ᴺQ. !tëalë n. “meaning”
17.34 Clear, Plain (to the Mind)
- ᴺQ. !hiuma n. “hint, clue”
- ᴹQ. hiuta- v. “to hint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. liquilta adj. “pellucid”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. liquistëa “transparent, *clear”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liquis (liquist-) n. “clarity, transparence, limpidity”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liquistëa adj. “transparent, *clear”
- ᴺQ. !mínaitë adj. “straightforward, (lit.) apt to have some end in view”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nauma n. “hint, clue”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hiuma “hint, clue”
- ᴺQ. !óripanta adj. “sincere, honest, open, (lit.) open-hearted”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tercénima adj. “transparent”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. liquistëa “transparent, *clear”
17.35 Obscure
- ⚠️ᴱQ. morwa adj. “unclear, secret”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. muina “hidden, secret”
- Q. néca adj. “pale, vague, faint, dim to see”
- ᴹQ. nulla adj. “dark, dusky, obscure; hidden, secret”
- Q. púrëa adj. “smeared, discoloured, bleared”
- ᴺQ. !uruhanyaima adj. “complicated, enigmatic, cryptic, hard to understand”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. valcanë² adj. “vague”
17.36 Secret
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alistima adj. “unknowable, secret”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^laistima “unknowable, secret”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fólë n. “stealth, a secret, secrecy”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. muilë “secrecy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fólima adj. “secretive”; see instead:
- Q. cuvoitë “hiding, secretive; treacherous”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^laistima adj. “unknowable, secret”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lomba adj. “secret”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nulla “dark, dusky, obscure; hidden, secret”
- ᴹQ. muilë n. “secrecy”
- ᴹQ. muina adj. “hidden, secret”
- ᴺQ. !ñulma n. “mystery”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pilucca adj. “stealthy, ⚠️secret”
17.37 Sure, Certain
- ᴹQ. altancanta- v. “to become unfixed”
- ᴺQ. !latanca adj. “unsure, insecure”
- Q. sinwa adj. “known, certain, ascertained”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tanca adj. “firm, fixed, sure, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fast; steady, (stead)fast”
- Q., ᴹQ. tancata- v. “to make firm, fix, confirm”
- ᴺQ. !tancavë adv. “certainly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tanco adv. “firmly”
17.38 to Explain
- ᴺQ. !sapta- v. “to convince, (lit.) make believe”
17.39 to Solve
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sintë (sinti-) n. “esteem; estimate, computation”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tasta- v. “to reckon”; see instead:
- Q. not- “to count, [ᴹQ.] reckon”
- ᴹQ. onot- “to count up”
17.41 Purpose, Intention
- ᴺQ. !carranta n. “strategy, (lit.) action-course”
- ᴹQ. ennë n. “thought, purpose”
- Q. indu- v. “to will, do on purpose”
- Q. induinen n. “purpose”
- ⚠️Q. lelya-⁴ v. “to will with conscious purpose, immediate or remote”; see instead:
- Q. indu- “to will, do on purpose”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mecte- v. “to aim at”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mehta- “to aim at”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mehta- v. “to aim at”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mehtë n. “mark, aim, object”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. menestë n. “intention”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mínasta “intention, *goal”
- ⚠️Q. menta-² v. “have as object[ive], (in)tend, proceed, make for, go towards”; see instead:
- Q. mína- “to desire to go in some direction, wish to go to a place, make for it; to have some end in view, *intend”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. met (mect-) n. “mark, aim, object”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mehtë “mark, aim, object”
- Q. mína- v. “to desire to go in some direction, wish to go to a place, make for it; to have some end in view, *intend”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^mínasta n. “intention, *goal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #núsima adj. “*inclined”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !panyalë n. “meaning, intention”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^mínasta “intention, *goal”
- ᴺQ. !tëalë “meaning”
- ᴺQ. !sel- [þ] v. “to intend, mean, plan”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !selya- [þ] v. “to intend, mean, purpose, resolve”; see instead:
- Q. mína- “to desire to go in some direction, wish to go to a place, make for it; to have some end in view, *intend”
- ᴹQ. talta-² v. “to mean”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tel- v. “to intend, mean”; see instead:
- Q. mína- “to desire to go in some direction, wish to go to a place, make for it; to have some end in view, *intend”
- Q. #tel- “to end, finish (intr.)”
- Q. turindo n. “purposeful mind, strong will”
17.42 Cause, Reason
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ca- pref. “cause”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cahta n. “cause, motive, reason”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. casta n. “cause, motive, ultimate reason”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^cahta “cause, motive, reason”
- Q. cas(ta) “to(wards) the top, upwards”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celu n. “source, origin”
- ᴺQ. !celumar n. “origin (esp. of people/languages), [German] urheimat, (lit.) source-home”
- ᴺQ. !failanta adj. “justified”
- ᴺQ. !failata- v. “to justify”
- ᴺQ. !failatië n. “justification”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelumë n. “source, origin”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^celu “source, origin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. queluva adj. “original”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^celuva “original”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #talma¹ n. “basis, [ᴹQ.] foundation, base, ⚠️root; [ᴱQ.] end”
- Q., ᴹQ. #tyar- v. “to cause”
- ᴺQ. !tyarda n. “result, *effect”
- ᴺQ. !tyarwë n. “reason”
17.43 Doubt
- ᴺQ. !attindo n. “doubt, (lit.) two mind”
- ᴺQ. !útancië n. “uncertainty”
17.99 Mind and Thought (other)
- ᴺQ. !cesula [þ] adj. “inquisitive, curious”
- Q. cesya- [þ] v. “to cause interest, interest (oneself), (lit.) to cause one to enquire”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cesyalima [þ] adj. “interesting”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cesyarëa “interesting”
- ᴺQ. !cesyarë [þ] n. “interest”
- ᴺQ. !cesyarëa [þ] adj. “interesting”
Language and Music
- 18.11 Voice
- 18.12 to Sing
- 18.13 to Shout, Cry Out
- 18.14 Various Cries
- 18.15 Gesture-code
- 18.21 to Speak, Talk
- 18.22 to Say
- 18.23 to be Silent
- 18.24 Language
- 18.25 Dialect
- 18.26 Word
- 18.27 Glossary, Dictionary
- 18.28 Name
- 18.31 to Question, Inquire
- 18.32 to Answer
- 18.33 to Admit, Confess
- 18.34 to Deny
- 18.35 to Ask, Request
- 18.37 to Refuse
- 18.38 to Forbid
- 18.41 to Call, Summon
- 18.42 to Call, Name
- 18.44 to Threaten
- 18.51 to Write
- 18.52 to Read
- 18.53 Letter of the Alphabet
- 18.54 Letter, Epistle
- 18.55 Tablet
- 18.56 Paper
- 18.57 Pen
- 18.58 Ink
- 18.61 Book
- 18.62 Page
- 18.65 Literature
- 18.66 Author, Writer
- 18.67 Poet
- 18.68 Tale, Story
- 18.69 Music
- 18.70 Instrument
- 18.71 Pipe, Flute
- 18.72 Harp, Lute
- 18.73 Bell, Ringing
- 18.74 Drum
18.11 Voice
- ᴹQ. alómëa adj. “voiceless”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. óma n. “voice, resonance of the vocal chords, vowel”
- ᴹQ. ómalóra adj. “voiceless”
18.12 to Sing
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lin- v. “to sing”; see instead:
- Q. #lir- “to sing, [ᴹQ.] chant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #linda² adj. “singing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lindëa “like music, *musical, ⚠️singing”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #lindë (lindi-) n. “singing, song, musical sound; [ᴹQ.] air, tune”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lindo n. “singer, singing bird”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lindórëa adj. “singing at dawn (esp. of birds)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #lir- v. “to sing, [ᴹQ.] chant”
- Q. liralë n. “merry singing”
- Q. lírë (líri-) n. “song”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lirilla n. “lay, song”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. #linwë “short lay”
- Q. lírë “song”
- Q., ᴹQ. liru- v. “to sing (gaily)”
- ᴹQ. liruima adj. “able to be sung”
- ᴹQ. lirulë n. “merry song”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^lirusta n. “singing, chant”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lirustë n. “singing, chant”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lirusta “singing, chant”
- ᴹQ. lirustëa adj. “fit for singing, to be sung”
- ᴺQ. !nainalindë n. “dirge, (lit.) lament-song”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nala- v. “to sing or ring”; see instead:
- Q. #lir- “to sing, [ᴹQ.] chant”
- ᴹQ. nyello n. “singer”
18.13 to Shout, Cry Out
- ᴺQ. !cacanna- v. “to announce repeatedly, herald, propagate, advertise”
- ᴺQ. !cacannalë n. “advertisement”
- ᴺQ. !etsonga- v. “to blurt out, (lit.) mouth out [something]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hó n. “shout”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hollë “shout”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.], ᴱQ. hollë n. “shout”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^holtu- v. “to call out, *shout”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. holtȯ- v. “to call out”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^holtu- “to call out, *shout”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. húta- v. “to whoop”; see instead:
- Q. húta- “to curse”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lam- v. “to call [out to]”; see instead:
- Q. yal- “to summon, *call (out to)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ohta- v. “to shout”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^holtu- “to call out, *shout”
- Q. ohta “war”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rama- v. “to shout, sound loud, bray, blare”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^holtu- “to call out, *shout”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rambë¹ n. “shout, blare”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hollë “shout”
- Q. róma “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yama- v. “to shout, call”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^holtu- “to call out, *shout”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yáma n. “shout; call; name”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hollë “shout”
- Q. essë¹ “name”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yambo n. “cheer, shout of triumph”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. yello “call, shout, cry of triumph”
- ᴹQ. yello n. “call, shout, cry of triumph”
18.14 Various Cries
- Q., ᴹQ. a¹ interj. “O, Oh”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ai interj. “o!, ha!”; see instead:
- Q. a¹ “O, Oh”
- Q. ai¹ “ah, alas”
- Q. ai¹ interj. “ah, alas”
- Q. aiya interj. “hail; behold, lo”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alayambo interj. “hurrah!”
- Q., ᴹQ. alla interj. “welcome, hail”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. áyë interj. “hail”; see instead:
- Q. aiya “hail; behold, lo”
- ᴹQ. é interj. “indeed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ëa interj. “a cry of pain or woe”; see instead:
- Q. ai¹ “ah, alas”
- Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
- Q. ela interj. “behold!”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ici interj. “look! (what I have)”; see instead:
- Q. ela “behold!”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mesta n. “bye”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nai interj. “alas”; see instead:
- Q. ai¹ “ah, alas”
- Q. nai “maybe; be it that, may it be that; perhaps, it may be, there is a chance or possibility; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] remoter possibility”
- ᴹQ. orro¹ interj. “ugh, alas!, ow!”
- ᴺQ. !raiquë interj. “damn! (lit.) rage!”
- Q., ᴹQ. yé interj. “lo!, what a ..., what is more”
18.15 Gesture-code
- Q. hwermë n. “gesture-code”
- Q. mátengwië n. “language of the hands”
18.21 to Speak, Talk
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquet- v. “to converse, debate”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lanquet- “to converse, debate, *discuss”
- ᴹQ. costa- “to quarrel, [ᴱQ.] debate, dispute, *argue”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquetië n. “conversation”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquetta n. “debate, discussion”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cacarpa- v. “to chatter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalamma- “to chatter, babble”
- ⚠️Q. carpa- v. “to talk, speak, use tongue”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^pahta- “to speak, talk (intransitive)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !carpando n. “orator”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !pahtando “orator”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^costaima adj. “debatable”
- ᴺQ. !eneques n. “rumor, (lit.) re-saying”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hulálë n. “babble, chatter, conversation”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lala- v. “to chatter, babble”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalamma- “to chatter, babble”
- Q. lala- “to laugh”
- ᴺQ. !lalamma- v. “to chatter, babble”
- ᴺQ. !lalammamo n. “babbler”
- ᴺQ. !lalammië n. “babble”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lalar (lalard-) n. “babbler”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lalammamo “babbler”
- ᴺQ. !langwes- [þ] v. “to communicate, (lit.) report across”
- ᴺQ. !lanquet- v. “to converse, debate, *discuss”
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta n. “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nancarpa- v. “to talk back”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^pahta- “to speak, talk (intransitive)”
- ᴺQ. !nanquet-¹ v. “to talk back, speak against”
- ᴹQ. #nyarië n. “talking”
- ᴹQ. nyárula adj. “apt to talk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyat- v. “to talk idly, *gossip, chat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nyatil n. “idle talk, gossip”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyatl n. “idle talk, gossip”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^nyatil “idle talk, gossip”
- ᴺQ. !ósana- v. “to counsel, think together”
- Q. ósanwë n. “communication of thought, interchange of thought; (lit.) thinking together (dual)”
- ⚠️Q. †pacta- v. “to speak, talk (intransitive)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^pahta- “to speak, talk (intransitive)”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^pahta- v. “to speak, talk (intransitive)”
- Q. pahta² n. “speech”
- ᴺQ. !pahtando n. “orator”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. paiyan n. “oration”
18.22 to Say
- ⚠️ᴹQ. alquettima adj. “unutterable”; see instead:
- Q. úquétima “unspeakable, impossible to say or put into words, unpronounceable”
- ⚠️Q. ataquetië n. “saying again, repetition”
- ᴺQ. !atesta- v. “to mention”
- Q. enquet- v. “to repeat, say again”
- Q. equë v. “say, says, said”
- Q. eques (equess-) n. “saying, (current or proverbial) dictum, quotation from someone’s uttered words, *quote, statement”
- ᴺQ. !hórista n. “citation, quotation, (lit.) something cut out”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nyar- v. “to relate, recite, [ᴹQ.] tell, ⚠️talk”
- ᴺQ. !ostec- v. “to describe”
- ᴺQ. !pententa- v. “to mention, (lit.) indicate by mouth”
- ᴺQ. !pententalë n. “mention”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] quenna n. “saying, proverb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quentëa adj. “verbal”
- ᴹQ. quequetta- v. “to repeat, keep on saying”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. quet- v. “to say, speak, tell, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] mention, [ᴱQ.] talk”
- Q. #quétima adj. “speakable, pronounceable, [ᴹQ.] utterable, *able to be said”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quetítë adj. “having speech, able to talk, good at expression, glib”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quets(im)a adj. “having speech, able to talk, good at expression, glib”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quetítë “having speech, able to talk, good at expression, glib”
- Q. #quétima “speakable, pronounceable, [ᴹQ.] utterable, *able to be said”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. quettima adj. “utterable”; see instead:
- Q. #quétima “speakable, pronounceable, [ᴹQ.] utterable, *able to be said”
- Q. úquétima adj. “unspeakable, impossible to say or put into words, unpronounceable”
18.23 to be Silent
- Q. óricuvoitë adj. “uncommunicative, keeping one’s own counsel (not necessarily sinister)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tá² interj. “hush, be silent”
18.24 Language
- Q. #antorya- v. “to strengthen [of sound]”
- Q. antoryamë n. “strengthening”
- ⚠️Q. carpassë n. “mouth-system; full organized language, including system, vocabulary, metre, etc.”; see instead:
- Q. lambelë “phonetics”
- ᴺQ. !hlónemma n. “phoneme”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -issa suf. “language”; see instead:
- Q. #-rin “-ian, racial-adjective, language”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lambë n. “language, tongue, dialect”
- ᴺQ. !lambelanga n. “translation”
- ᴺQ. !lambelanga- v. “to translate (generally, between languages)”
- ᴺQ. !lambengolmë n. “linguistics”
- Q. lambina adj. “of tongue, spoken with tongue”
- ᴺQ. !minquetyar- v. “to accentuate, (lit.) pronounce prominently”
- Q., ᴹQ. minquetyarmë n. “accentuation”
- ᴺQ. !pahtalanga n. “interpretation”
- ᴺQ. !pahtalanga- v. “to translate (speech), interpret”
- ᴺQ. !quennasta n. “syntax”
- Q., ᴹQ. #questa n. “speech, language”
- ᴹQ. quetil n. “tongue, language, talk”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quetl n. “speech, talk”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. quetil “tongue, language, talk”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -quet(së) suf. “language”; see instead:
- Q. #-rin “-ian, racial-adjective, language”
- ᴺQ. !quettapano n. “morpheme, (lit.) word-element”
- ᴺQ. !quetyar- v. “to pronounce, (lit.) cause vocal speech”
- ᴺQ. !quetyarmë n. “pronunciation”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-rin suf. “-ian, racial-adjective, language”
- ᴺQ. !tëangolmë n. “semantics”
- ᴺQ. !tengwelanga n. “transcription”
- ᴺQ. !tengwelanga- v. “to transcribe”
- Q., ᴱQ. tengwelë n. “language (general term); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] sense”
- Q. tengwestië n. “language [as a concept]”
18.25 Dialect
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eldaquet n. “language of the Eldar”; see instead:
- Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eldaquetsë adv. “in the language of the Eldar”; see instead:
- Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Eldarin adj. and n. “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Eldarissa n. “Language of the Eldar”; see instead:
- Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eldarissë adv. “in the language of the Eldar”; see instead:
- Q. Eldarin “of the Eldar; Elvish (language)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Noldorissa n. “Language of the Noldoli”; see instead:
- Q. Sindarin “Grey-elven”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Quenya n. “Elvish, High-elven, Elf-latin, †speech; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] belonging to the Qendi, Quendian”
- Q., ᴱQ. Quenyarin adj. “*of Quenya”
- Q. Sindarin [þ] n. “Grey-elven”
18.26 Word
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quent n. “word”; see instead:
- Q. quetta “word”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quentelë n. “sentence; wording, expression, phrase”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quettalë “sentence; wording, expression, phrase”
- Q. quetië n. “words, *(lit.) saying”
- Q., ᴱQ. quetta n. “word”
- ᴺQ. !quettacarmë n. “(art of) word-making”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quettalë n. “sentence; wording, expression, phrase”
- ᴺQ. !satarya- v. “to trust, rely on (a person)”
- ᴺQ. !vinquetta n. “neologism”
- ᴺQ. !yáraquetta n. “archaism, archaic word”
18.27 Glossary, Dictionary
- ᴺQ. !quettaparma n. “wordlist, wordbook”
- ᴺQ. !quettasta adj. “dictionary”
18.28 Name
- Q. #amilessë n. “mother-name”
- Q. anessë n. “given (or added) name, nickname, surname”
- Q. #cilmessë n. “self-name”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. en(wë) (emb-) n. “name”; see instead:
- Q. essë¹ “name”
- Q. epessë n. “after-name”
- Q., ᴹQ. essë¹ n. “name”
- ᴹQ. estaina adj. “named, *called”
- ᴺQ. !tengessë n. “address, (lit.) indication-name”
- ᴺQ. !vératanna n. “signature, (lit.) personal token”
18.31 to Question, Inquire
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ma² adv. “interrogative particle”
- ᴹQ. má² pron. and adv. “what; when”
- ᴹQ. malca adj. “how great”
- ᴹQ. mal(dë) adv. “how, in what manner”
- ᴹQ. mallini adj. and pron. “how many”
- ᴹQ. mallo adv. “whence”
- ᴹQ. mallumë adv. “at what time/date”
- ᴹQ. mallúmëa adj. “how old, of what age”
- ᴺQ. !malumë¹ adv. “when”
- ᴹQ. mámen adv. “why, for what reason”
- Q. mamo pron. “who, what person”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. man pron. “who; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] what”
- Q., ᴹQ. mana pron. “what; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] who”
- ᴹQ. m(an)ainen adv. “by what means”
- ᴺQ. !manan adv. “why”
- ᴹQ. manan adv. “when”
- ᴹQ. manandon adv. “after what fashion, like what”
- ᴹQ. manar n. “doom, final end, fate, fortune; final bliss”
- ᴹQ. manárëa adj. and pron. “how old, how long lasting, (lit.) lasting or living how many days”
- ᴹQ. manar(yas) adv. “on what day”
- ᴹQ. manas(së) adv. “where”
- ᴹQ. man(dë) adv. “how (to what degree, extent), how great, how far”
- ᴹQ. manë pron. “who”
- Q. manen adv. “how”
- ᴹQ. manicca adj. and pron. “how small”
- ᴹQ. manima adj. “of what kind, of what sort, what kind of”
- ᴹQ. manna adv. “whither”
- ᴹQ. mannomen adv. “*to what place”
- ᴹQ. manomello adv. “*from what place”
- ᴹQ. manome(s) adv. “in what place”
- ᴺQ. !manotë adv. “how many, (lit.) what number”
- ᴺQ. !manwa adj. “whose”
- Q. #maquet- v. “*to question, ⚠️ask”
- ᴺQ. !maquetta n. “question”
- ᴹQ. maro adv. “why, for what reason”
- ᴹQ. massë¹ adv. “where”
- ᴹQ. matwa adj. and pron. “whether, which of two”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mava adv. “whose”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !manwa “whose”
- Q. minasurië [þ] n. “enquiry, *research”
- ᴺQ. !minasurindo [þ] n. “researcher”
18.32 to Answer
- ⚠️Q. aquet- v. “to answer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
- ⚠️Q. endaquet- v. “to answer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
- Q. enquet- “to repeat, say again”
- Q. hanquenta n. “answer, *response”
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- v. “to answer, *respond”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nangwesa n. “answer”; see instead:
- Q. hanquenta “answer, *response”
- ᴺQ. !nanhanquet- v. “to answer back”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanquet-² v. “to answer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
- ᴺQ. !nanquet-¹ “to talk back, speak against”
- Q. náquet- v. “to assent, agree (on fact); (lit.) to say ‘it is’”
- ⚠️Q. tóquet- v. “to answer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
18.33 to Admit, Confess
- Q. asa- [þ] v. “to be willing, agree”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !essámalë n. “agreement, (lit.) one-mindedness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !sáquetië “agreement”
- ᴺQ. !etequet- v. “to confess, speak out”
- Q. sáquet- [þ] v. “I will, to agree (to do); (lit.) to say ‘yes’”
- ᴺQ. !sáquetië n. “agreement”
18.34 to Deny
- Q. ala-² v. “to deny”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lala- v. “to deny”; see instead:
- Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
- Q. láquet- “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’”
- Q. lala- “to laugh”
- Q., ᴹQ. láquet- v. “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’”
18.35 to Ask, Request
- ᴺQ. !can- v. “to claim, demand (when applied to things)”
- Q., ᴹQ. cesta-² v. “to ask”
- ᴺQ. !inwista- v. “to persuade, convince”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^iquirya- v. “to ask for, request”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iquista n. “request; ⚠️if you please, please”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. iquisya- v. “to ask for, request”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^iquirya- “to ask for, request”
- ᴺQ. !mec- v. “to plead”
- ᴺQ. !mirquet- v. “to persuade, (lit.) into-talk”
- ᴺQ. !mirquétala adj. “persuasive”
- ᴹQ. pac- v. “to ask, enquire”
18.37 to Refuse
- Q. apta- v. “to refuse, deny, say nay”
- ᴺQ. !auquer- v. “to reject, (lit.) turn away”
- Q. ava-¹ v. “to refuse, forbid”
- Q. ava-² pref. “negation (refusing or forbidden)”
- ᴺQ. !avanev- v. “to avoid, (lit.) refuse to face”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. avaquet- v. “to refuse, forbid”; see instead:
- Q. váquet- “to refuse, forbid, prohibit; (lit.) to say no, to say ‘I will not or do not’”
- ᴺQ. !oswen- v. “to circumvent, work around [something]”
- ᴺQ. !oswenië n. “workaround”
- ᴺQ. !úcim- v. “disregard”
18.38 to Forbid
- Q. avanwa adj. “refused, forbidden, banned”
- Q. avanyárima adj. “unspeakable, what one must not tell, not to be told or related”
- Q. avaquétima adj. “not to be said, that must not be said”
- Q. váquet- v. “to refuse, forbid, prohibit; (lit.) to say no, to say ‘I will not or do not’”
18.41 to Call, Summon
- ᴹQ. naham- v. “to summon”
- ᴹQ. nahámë n. “summons”
- ᴹQ. nahamna adj. “summoned”
- Q., ᴹQ. tulta- v. “to send (from point of view of receiver), [ᴹQ.] to send for, send hither, fetch, summon, (lit.) cause to come”
- Q. tultaima adj. “*fetchable, summonable”
- Q. yal- v. “to summon, *call (out to)”
18.42 to Call, Name
- ⚠️ᴱQ. en- v. “to be called”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. esta-¹ “to name”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enna adj. “by name, named, called”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. estaina “named, *called”
- ᴹQ. esta-¹ v. “to name”
18.44 to Threaten
- ᴺQ. !lurwë n. “threat”
- ᴺQ. !orda- v. “to threaten”
18.51 to Write
- ᴺQ. !amatengw(i)ë n. “supertitle(s)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. áratencelë n. “writing of A, (lit.) daywriting”
- ᴺQ. !atahenta- v. “to revise, (lit.) re-examine”
- ᴺQ. !máfastië n. “hand-pleasure, writing for pleasure of hand and eye”
- ᴺQ. !minatec- v. “to record, (lit.) into-write”
- ᴺQ. !sallë n. “font, writing style, (lit.) writing-manner”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sar-² v. “to mark (i.e. by incision), notch, score; (by later extension) †to write [on]”
- Q. sarmë n. “writing”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tec- v. “to write, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] write on; to mark”
- ᴹQ. tecco n. “stroke (of pen or brush), accent [´]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tecta- v. “to write”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tec- “to write, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] write on; to mark”
- ᴹQ. tencelë n. “writing (system), spelling”
- Q. tengwacilmë n. “spelling”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tengwë n. “sign, token, indication; writing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] knowledge, understanding; idea, notion, thought”
- ᴺQ. !totonna- v. “to type (on computer/phone)”
- ᴺQ. !unutengw(i)ë n. “subtitle(s)”
18.52 to Read
- Q. #cenda n. “inspection, reading”
- Q. cenda- v. “to watch (intensively), observe (for some time); to read”
- ⚠️Q. cenwa n. “?reading”; see instead:
- Q. #cenda “inspection, reading”
- Q. ethenta- v. “to read aloud”
- Q. henta- v. “to eye, examine, read, scan”
- Q. hentië n. “reading”
- Q. parmahenta- v. “*to read”
- Q. parmahentië n. “(book) reading”
- Q. tengwa- v. “to read written matter”
- ᴺQ. !tengwalóra adj. “unlettered”
- Q. #tengwië n. “reading; language (*signing)”
18.53 Letter of the Alphabet
- ᴹQ. amatixë n. “dot or point placed above the line of writing”
- Q., ᴹQ. andatehta n. “long-mark”
- ᴹQ. andatelco n. “long stem, long leg”
- ᴹQ. andólama n. “long consonant”
- Q. árë nuquerna n. “árë-reversed”
- Q. certa n. “rune”
- Q. hwesta sindarinwa [hwesta þindarinwa] n. “Grey-elven hw”
- ᴹQ. #napanna n. “additional letter”
- Q. nútil (nútill-) n. “under-point”
- ᴺQ. !nutta n. “comma, (lit.) that what ties or binds (together)”
- Q., ᴹQ. #ómatehta n. “vowel-sign”
- Q. #óma-tengwë n. “vowel-sign”
- ᴹQ. putta n. “stop (in punctuation)”
- ᴹQ. quanta-tencelë n. “full writing”
- ᴹQ. rincë (rinci-) n. “flourish, quick stroke, hook”
- Q. sarat n. “letter (of the Rúmilian alphabet)”
- ᴹQ. sa-rincë (sa-rinci-) n. “s-hook, hooked stroke in tengwa”
- Q. silmë nuquerna n. “s-reversed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tecet (tecett-) n. “letter”; see instead:
- Q. tengwa “(written) letter; sign, token, indicator; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] writing, grammar”
- ᴺQ. ^tenca “letter (epistola)”
- Q., ᴹQ. tehta n. “(written) mark, sign, symbol, [ᴹQ.] diacritic, [Q.] †written letter”
- Q., ᴹQ. tengwa n. “(written) letter; sign, token, indicator; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] writing, grammar”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. tengwanda n. “alphabet”; see instead:
- Q. tengwassë “alphabet”
- Q. tengwassë n. “alphabet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tet (tect-) n. “spot, mark”; see instead:
- Q. tehta “(written) mark, sign, symbol, [ᴹQ.] diacritic, [Q.] †written letter”
- ᴹQ. tixë n. “dot, tiny mark, point”
- ᴹQ. unutixë n. “dot or point placed below the line of writing”
18.54 Letter, Epistle
- Q. centa n. “enquiry, *essay”
- ᴺQ. !sartë (sarti-) n. “note, jot, scribbling, (lit.) a little writing”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^tenca n. “letter (epistola)”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. tenna² n. “letter (epistola)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tenca “letter (epistola)”
18.55 Tablet
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palma² n. “tablet”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !paluhtincë “tablet”
- ᴺQ. !paluhtincë n. “tablet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulma n. “bier, tray”
18.56 Paper
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyalin n. “paper”
- ᴺQ. !teccelma n. “scroll, parchment, (lit.) writing-skin”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !toluparma n. “scroll, (lit.) roll-book”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !teccelma “scroll, parchment, (lit.) writing-skin”
- ᴺQ. !tyallas (tyalass-) n. “(playing) card”
18.57 Pen
- ⚠️ᴱQ. necca n. “pen”; see instead:
- Q. tecil “pen”
- Q., ᴹQ. tecil n. “pen”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tenca n. “pen”; see instead:
- Q. tecil “pen”
18.58 Ink
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] móro n. “ink”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^saramor (saramór-) n. “*writing-ink”
18.61 Book
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. parma n. “book, writing, composition, written document of some size; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] skin, bark; parchment”
- ᴺQ. !parmacas (parmacaps-) n. “bookcase”
- Q. #parma-resta n. “*book-fair”
- ᴺQ. !parmaxë n. “spine (of a book)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tecca n. “book”; see instead:
- Q. parma “book, writing, composition, written document of some size; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] skin, bark; parchment”
- ᴹQ. tecco “stroke (of pen or brush), accent [´]”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tectë (texi-) n. “book”; see instead:
- Q. parma “book, writing, composition, written document of some size; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] skin, bark; parchment”
- ᴺQ. !tentaparma n. “recipe book, instruction book”
18.62 Page
- ᴺQ. !parmalas(së) n. “page, (lit.) leaf of book”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. patl n. “leaf (esp. of book)”
18.65 Literature
- ᴺQ. !etanta- v. “to publish, (lit.) out-give”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lerië n. “issue, release, edition”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !leryalë “release”
- ᴺQ. !lérië “freedom”
- ᴹQ. parmaina adj. “of books, literary”
- ᴺQ. !parmasan (parmasamb-) [þ] n. “library [room]”
- ᴺQ. !parmassë n. “literature, ⚠️library”
- ᴺQ. !parmasson (parmassond-) n. “librarian”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tectelë n. “art of writing, script; writings, documents, papers, scriptures”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tehtalë “art of writing, script; writings, documents, papers, scriptures”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tehtalë n. “art of writing, script; writings, documents, papers, scriptures”
18.66 Author, Writer
- Q. nyarnamaitar n. “storyteller, composer of long epic tales, *author”
- ᴺQ. !parmahto n. “author”
- Q., ᴹQ. †quenso n. “minstrel, reciter”
- ᴺQ. !tecindo n. “writer”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tectar n. “writer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tecindo “writer”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tengwo n. “writer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tecindo “writer”
- ᴺQ. !vehtecindo n. “biographer”
18.67 Poet
- ᴹQ. lairë² n. “poem”
- ᴺQ. !lairemo n. “poet”
- ᴺQ. !lairesta n. “poetry”
- ᴹQ. #linwë n. “short lay”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !linwelë n. “poetry”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lairesta “poetry”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lirit(ta) n. “poem, lay, written poem”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. lairë² “poem”
- ᴹQ. quentarë n. “minstrel [f.]”
- Q., ᴹQ. quentaro n. “speaker, reciter; [ᴹQ.] narrator, minstrel”
18.68 Tale, Story
- ⚠️ᴱQ. eldanyanda n. “*fairy tale”
- ᴺQ. !emino n. “character (in a story)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyanda n. “nursery story or rhyme”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyar (nyard-) n. “tale, saying”; see instead:
- Q. nyárë “history, account, [ᴹQ.] tale, saga”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyara n. “tale”; see instead:
- Q. #nyarna “(long epic) tale, story, legend, [ᴹQ.] saga”
- Q., ᴹQ. nyárë n. “history, account, [ᴹQ.] tale, saga”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nyarië n. “fable, story, legend”; see instead:
- Q. nyárë “history, account, [ᴹQ.] tale, saga”
- ᴺQ. !nyarmë n. “storytelling (general/abstract)”
- Q., ᴹQ. #nyarna n. “(long epic) tale, story, legend, [ᴹQ.] saga”
- ᴺQ. !nyarvë n. “fiction”
- ᴺQ. !nyarvëa adj. “fictional”
- Q., ᴹQ. quenta n. “story, narrative, account, history, [ᴹQ.] tale”
- Q., ᴹQ. quentalë n. “history, narration, [ᴹQ.] account”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quentima n. “*tale”; see instead:
- Q. quenta “story, narrative, account, history, [ᴹQ.] tale”
- ᴺQ. !quitulma n. “scenario”
- ᴺQ. !sinyarna n. “novel”
- Q. únyárima adj. “impossible to recount”
18.69 Music
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cantelë n. “music; [ᴱQ.] harping; repetition”; see instead:
- Q. lindalë “music”
- ᴹQ. nandelë “harping, *repetition”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lin¹ (lind-) n. “melody, air, tune, musical voice”; see instead:
- Q. #lindë “singing, song, musical sound; [ᴹQ.] air, tune”
- Q. #linda- v. “*to sing, make music”
- Q., ᴹQ. lindalë n. “music”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lindalëa adj. “melodious”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lindëa adj. “like music, *musical, ⚠️singing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lindelë n. “music, song”; see instead:
- Q. lindalë “music”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lindelëa adj. “melodious”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^lindalëa “melodious”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lindelin n. “melody, tune”
- ᴺQ. !lindië n. “euphony”
- Q. lindimaitar n. “composer, musician”
- ᴺQ. !lindista n. “music album”
- Q. lingë n. “musical sound”
- Q. lingëa adj. “with a musical sound”
- ᴺQ. !lirda n. “stanza, verse, (lit.) a product of singing”
- ᴺQ. !olindë n. “harmony”
- ᴺQ. !olirië n. “concert”
18.70 Instrument
- ᴺQ. !linwa n. “musical instrument, device for making music”
18.71 Pipe, Flute
- ⚠️ᴱQ. polisimpë n. “shepherd’s pipe, Pan-pipes”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] simpa [þ] n. “pipe, flute, flageolet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. simpeta- v. “*to pipe”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] simpetar [þ] n. “piper, *fluter”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] simpisë [þ] n. “piping, whistling”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sip- [þ] v. “to pipe”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. timpinen (timpinend-) n. “fluter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. simpetar “piper, *fluter”
18.72 Harp, Lute
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantala- v. “?to harp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nanda- “to harp”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cantl n. “(large) harp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nandë “harp”
- ᴺQ. !cungandë n. “violin, (lit.) bow-harp”
- ᴺQ. !langandë n. “stringed instrument with a neck (lute, guitar, etc.)”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. linga-² v. “to twang, [ᴱQ.] hum like the string of a harp, *resonate; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] ring”
- ᴹQ. nanda- [ñ-] v. “to harp”
- ᴹQ. nandaro [ñ-] n. “harper”
- ᴹQ. nandë [ñ-] n. “harp”
- ᴹQ. nandelë n. “harping, *repetition”
- ᴹQ. nandellë [ñ-] n. “little harp, *lyre”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quinga- v. “to twang, thrum (of strings, harps, etc.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quingi- v. “to twang, thrum (of strings, harps, etc.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^quinga- “to twang, thrum (of strings, harps, etc.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quintl n. “lyre”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salaquínë n. “violin, (lit.) thrumsqueak-er”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !cungandë “violin, (lit.) bow-harp”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salma n. “lyre, small harp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nandellë “little harp, *lyre”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salmë n. “harp-playing, music of lyres”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nandelë “harping, *repetition”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salquin n. “viola”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salumbë n. “harping, music”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nandelë “harping, *repetition”
- ⚠️Q. tanta- v. “to play a harp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nanda- “to harp”
- ⚠️Q. tant(il)a n. “harp”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nandë “harp”
- ᴹQ. tinga- v. “to twang”
- ᴹQ. tingë n. “twang”
- ᴹQ. tunga adj. “taut, tight; resonant (of strings)”
- ᴹQ. tyalangan (*tyalangand-) n. “harp-player”
18.73 Bell, Ringing
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calon (calong-) n. “(large) bell”; see instead:
- Q. nyellë “[ᴹQ.] bell, ⚠️[Q.] small bell”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calongalan (calongaland-) n. “ringing or jangling of (large) bells”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calonya- v. “to ring, peal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilin n. “bell”; see instead:
- Q. nyellë “[ᴹQ.] bell, ⚠️[Q.] small bell”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilincë n. “small bell”; see instead:
- Q. indyel “small bell”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilincelë n. “jingling of (small) bells”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cilintya- v. “to ring, tinkle”
- Q. indyel n. “small bell”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nalië n. “playing of tunes, ringing of bells”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nyel- v. “to chime, to ring (like a bell)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hyal- “to ring, resound”
- Q., ᴹQ. nyellë n. “[ᴹQ.] bell, ⚠️[Q.] small bell”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yallë n. “a hollow ring”; see instead:
- Q. yallë “as, in the same way as, like”
18.74 Drum
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lapumba n. “drum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palampa n. “drum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rambil n. “drum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rambil(lë) n. “(small) drum”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️Q. tomba n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tombo “gong”
- ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴱQ. tombo n. “gong”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tompa n. “(small) drum”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tompa- v. “to bang, *drum”
- ⚠️Q. tompë n. “*pulse, beat”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tompo- v. “to bang”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tompa- “to bang, *drum”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tontilla n. “cymbal, *tambourine”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tontl n. “cymbal, tambourine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. tontilla “cymbal, *tambourine”
Social Relations
- 19.11 Country, Nation
- 19.13 Country (vs. Town)
- 19.14 Region, Territory
- 19.15 Town, City
- 19.16 Village
- 19.17 Boundary
- 19.21 People, Populace
- 19.22 a People, Nation
- 19.23 Tribe, Clan, Family
- 19.31 to Rule, Govern
- 19.32 King
- 19.33 Queen
- 19.34 Emperor
- 19.35 Prince
- 19.352 Other Titles of Nobility
- 19.36 Noble, Nobleman
- 19.37 Citizen
- 19.41 Master
- 19.412 Lady
- 19.42 Slave
- 19.43 Servant
- 19.44 Free
- 19.45 to Order, Command
- 19.46 to Obey
- 19.47 to Let, Permit
- 19.48 to Compel
- 19.51 Friend
- 19.52 Foe, Enemy
- 19.53 Companion
- 19.54 Neighbor
- 19.55 Stranger
- 19.56 Guest
- 19.57 Host
- 19.58 to Help, Aid
- 19.59 to Hinder, Prevent
- 19.61 Custom, Usage
- 19.62 Strife, Quarrel
- 19.63 Plot, Conspiracy
- 19.64 Common
- 19.65 to Meet
- 19.71 Members of a Trade or Profession
- 19.72 Whore, Prostitute
- 19.99 Social (Other)
19.11 Country, Nation
- ᴺQ. !Américárin adj. “American”
- ᴺQ. !Asiya n. “Asia”
- ᴺQ. !Cimrinórin n. “Welsh”
- ᴺQ. !Faranconórë n. “France”
- ᴺQ. !Foinicer n. “Phoenicians”
- ᴺQ. !Hellenórë n. “Greece, Greek people”
- ᴺQ. !Italinórë n. “Italy”
- ᴺQ. !Portucalëo n. “Portuguese”
- ᴺQ. !Romënórin n. “Roman”
- ᴺQ. !Tyena n. “China”
19.13 Country (vs. Town)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arëan (arëand-) n. “wilderness, deserted place”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ravanda “wilderness”
- ᴺQ. !arosto n. “suburb(s), suburbia, outskirts (of city, town)”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hravanda n. “wilderness”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ravanda n. “wilderness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hravanda “wilderness”
- ᴺQ. !restassë n. “countryside, the country”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rimu n. “outskirts”
19.14 Region, Territory
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. arda n. “region, realm, particular land or region; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] place, spot”
- Q., ᴹQ. #-ien² suf. “-land”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lar n. “region, place”; see instead:
- Q. yondë “region, any fairly extensive region with well-marked natural bounds”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. †má³ n. “land, region”; see instead:
- Q. yondë “region, any fairly extensive region with well-marked natural bounds”
- ᴹQ. ména n. “region”
- Q., ᴹQ. -ndor suf. “land, country”
- ᴺQ. !rahtë n. “extent, reach, scope; ⚠️region, sphere, district”
- ᴺQ. !taranna n. “shire, county”
- Q. turmen n. “realm”
- Q. yondë n. “region, any fairly extensive region with well-marked natural bounds”
19.15 Town, City
- ᴺQ. !amilosto n. “metropolis”
- ᴺQ. !hérosto n. “capital city”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. irin n. “town”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ostar n. “township”; see instead:
- Q. osto “fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
- ᴹQ. ostirion n. “fort”
- Q., ᴹQ. osto n. “fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pellë n. “town”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirios (tiriost-) n. “town or city with walls and towers, burg”; see instead:
- Q. tirion “watch-tower, tower, [ᴱQ.] (great or mighty) tower; ⚠️city on a hill”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -uran(do) suf. “town”
19.16 Village
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hos(t) (host-) n. “dwelling, hamlet”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. masto n. “village”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ᴹQ. opelë n. “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rú¹ n. “dwelling, village, hamlet”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ruella n. “village”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. wasto n. “village”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. opelë “walled house, *manor; village, town, *hamlet”
19.17 Boundary
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ettelë n. “outer fence, encircling fence”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ettelë “outer lands, foreign parts”
- Q. hahta n. “fence, hedge”
- Q. landa² n. “boundary”
- Q. lantalca n. “boundary post or mark”
- Q. lanwa adj. “within bounds, limited, finite, (well-)defined”
- Q. lanya-¹ v. “to bound, enclose, separate from, mark the limit of”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pelin adj. “fenced in, pent”
- Q. pelo n. “boundary (fence)”
- Q. peltas (peltax-) n. “fence of fixed stakes, a ‘pale’”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rípë n. “line, margin, bank of stream, edging of grass, border”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. réna “edge, border, margin”
- ᴹQ. ráva² “bank (especially of a river)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tanda¹ n. “hedge, fence, enclosure; border, rim”; see instead:
- Q. yonwa “fence, border, boundary”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tar (tár-) n. “hedge, fence”; see instead:
- Q. hahta “fence, hedge”
- Q. yonda¹ adj. “enclosed”
- Q. yonwa n. “fence, border, boundary”
- Q. yor- v. “to enclose, set bounds to/about; *to include, contain”
19.21 People, Populace
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hos(së) (host-) n. “folk, people, tribe”; see instead:
- Q. nos(së) “kindred, family, [ᴹQ.] clan, ‘house’, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] folk, kin, people”
- ᴺQ. !illië n. “public”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. laulemuinë n. “people of the neighborhood, population”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. lië n. “people, folk”
- ᴺQ. !liendina adj. “popular”
- ᴺQ. !ostar n. “community”
- ᴺQ. !tyaraitë (tyaraiti-) adj. “effective, productive, effectual, efficacious”
- ᴺQ. !uomë n. “community”
19.22 a People, Nation
- Q. #aranië n. “kingdom”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. aranyallë n. “*kingdom”; see instead:
- Q. #aranië “kingdom”
- ᴺQ. !haimesta n. “traditions, customs”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nórë n. “land, country, [ᴹQ.] region where certain people live, [ᴱQ.] nation; [Q.] †people, race, tribe, [ᴹQ.] folk, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] family”
- ᴺQ. !nórëa adj. “national”
- ᴺQ. !ohaimestië n. “civilisation, culture, (lit.) a shared set of customs”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ólëo n. “society, (lit.) together-people”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ólië “society, (lit.) together-people”
- ᴺQ. !ólië n. “society, (lit.) together-people”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túrin n. “king(dom)”; see instead:
- Q. #aranië “kingdom”
- ⚠️Q. #túrinasta n. “*kingdom”; see instead:
- Q. #aranië “kingdom”
- ⚠️Q. #túrindië n. “*kingdom”; see instead:
- Q. #aranië “kingdom”
19.23 Tribe, Clan, Family
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ettelë n. “family, kindred (in the wide sense)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !orendë “(nuclear) family”
- Q. nos(së) “kindred, family, [ᴹQ.] clan, ‘house’, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] folk, kin, people”
- ᴹQ. ettelë “outer lands, foreign parts”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hostar¹ n. “tribe”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. hosto “crowd, assembly”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. nos(së) n. “kindred, family, [ᴹQ.] clan, ‘house’, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] folk, kin, people”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] renda adj. “related, of the same kin or clan”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^rendë n. “kinship, kin, kindred, clan”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rendi n. “*kinship, kin, kindred, clan”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^rendë “kinship, kin, kindred, clan”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. resta n. “support; kinship, kin, kindred, clan”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^rendë “kinship, kin, kindred, clan”
- Q. resta “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sura n. “a clan”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vihta n. “*folk”
19.31 to Rule, Govern
- ᴺQ. !artatúrë n. “government”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] cunya- v. “to rule, *govern, reign over”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] heru- v. “to lord it over, be master of, own, [ᴱQ.] rule”
- ᴺQ. !liëarda n. “republic”
- ᴺQ. !liëmelehtëa adj. “democratic”
- ᴺQ. !lietúrië n. “democracy”
- ᴺQ. !mahtando n. “manager”
- ᴺQ. !mahtasta n. “management”
- Q. mahtië n. “management, *handling”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malcasta n. “lordship, province”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hérë “lordship”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maxilistëa adj. “powerful, having possession of or authority over”; see instead:
- Q. túrëa “mighty, masterful, *having political power”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maxima adj. “powerful, having possession of or authority over”; see instead:
- Q. túrëa “mighty, masterful, *having political power”
- ᴺQ. !ohérë n. “government”
- ᴺQ. !ohéressë n. “politics”
- ᴺQ. !ohéressëa adj. “political”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !turëa adj. “influential”; see instead:
- Q. túrëa “mighty, masterful, *having political power”
- Q., ᴱQ. túrëa adj. “mighty, masterful, *having political power”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turinya- v. “to rule over, reign over”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cunya- “to rule, *govern, reign over”
- ᴺQ. !turmë n. “governing power, strength”
- ᴺQ. !útúrima adj. “unruly”
- ᴺQ. !valmë n. “authority”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vard- v. “to rule, govern”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cunya- “to rule, *govern, reign over”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. warda- v. “to rule”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. cunya- “to rule, *govern, reign over”
19.32 King
- Q., ᴹQ. aran n. “king”
- ᴹQ. aranaitë adj. “*kingly, royal”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. araníë n. “kingship”; see instead:
- Q. aranus(së) “kingship”
- ᴺQ. !arantyalmë n. “chess, (lit.) king-game”
- Q. aranus(së) n. “kingship”
- Q. aranya adj. “*royal”
- ᴺQ. !artapano n. “chessboard”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. haran n. “king, chieftain, lord or king of a specified region”; see instead:
- Q. aran “king”
- Q. ingaran n. “high-king”
- ᴹQ. †tár n. “king, lord”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tur (tûr-) n. “king”; see instead:
- Q. aran “king”
- ᴹQ. †tár “king, lord”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túranu n. “king”; see instead:
- Q. aran “king”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turinda adj. “royal, of the ruling dynasty; in power”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turinwa adj. “kingly, royal”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. aranaitë “*kingly, royal”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vardar n. “king”; see instead:
- Q. aran “king”
19.33 Queen
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rianna n. “queen”; see instead:
- Q. tári “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tári n. “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
- Q. táris(së) n. “queenship”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túrani n. “queen”; see instead:
- Q. tári “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turinqui n. “queen”; see instead:
- Q. tári “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turinquia adj. “royal, Queenly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turquin (turquim-) n. “queen”; see instead:
- Q. tári “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varni n. “queen”; see instead:
- Q. tári “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
19.34 Emperor
- ᴺQ. !altarnië n. “empire”
- ᴺQ. !tararan n. “emperor, (lit.) high-king”
19.35 Prince
- Q. aranel n. “princess”
- Q., ᴹQ. cundo (cundu-) n. “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
- ᴹQ. cunduina adj. “of princes, princely”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. haryon n. “prince (heir)”; see instead:
- Q. cundo “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
- ᴹQ. aryon “heir”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turillo n. “prince”; see instead:
- Q. cundo “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. turwen n. “princess”; see instead:
- Q. aranel “princess”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vardo n. “prince”; see instead:
- Q. cundo “lord, guardian, [ᴹQ.] prince”
19.352 Other Titles of Nobility
- ᴺQ. !epeharmo n. “president”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hérë n. “lordship”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. heritsë n. “an Inwe”; see instead:
- Q. heru “lord, master”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nórecáno n. “governer, (lit.) country-leader”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nóretur “governer, (lit.) country-ruler”
- ᴺQ. !nóretur n. “governer, (lit.) country-ruler”
- ᴺQ. !nóriecáno n. “president”
- ᴺQ. !ráquen n. “representative, ambassador”
19.36 Noble, Nobleman
- Q. ar(a)- pref. “noble, high”
- Q. arandil n. “king’s friend, royalist”
- Q. arandur n. “minister, steward, (lit.) king’s servant”
- Q. arata adj. “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
- ᴺQ. !arátië n. “nobility”
- Q. aráto n. “champion, eminent man, noble, lord, ⚠️king”
- Q. arquen n. “noble, knight”
- ᴺQ. !arquenië n. “nobility”
- ᴺQ. !callië n. “heroism”
- ᴹQ. callo n. “noble man, hero”
- ᴺQ. !callovëa adj. “heroic, hero-like”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !herwa adj. “lordly”; see instead:
- Q. arata “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malcuvoitë adj. “lordly, noble”; see instead:
- Q. arata “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
19.37 Citizen
- ᴺQ. !léramo n. “freeman”
- ᴺQ. !ostomo n. “citizen”
19.41 Master
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. heru n. “lord, master”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malco (malcu-) n. “lord, sir”; see instead:
- Q. heru “lord, master”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. mandu n. “lord”; see instead:
- Q. heru “lord, master”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maxilis (maxilist-) n. “lordship”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. hérë “lordship”
- Q. #ortírië n. “*patronage, (lit.) watching over (from above)”
- ᴺQ. !ortirmo n. “overseer”
- ᴺQ. !ostoher n. “castellan, (lit.) lord of the castle”
- Q., ᴹQ. -tur suf. “master, lord, ruler, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] victor”
- Q. túrin n. “lord”
- ᴹQ. turo n. “master, victor, lord”
19.412 Lady
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #heri n. “lady”
- Q. hérincë n. “*little lady”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. heruni n. “lady”; see instead:
- Q. #heri “lady”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nissa n. “lady”; see instead:
- Q. #heri “lady”
19.42 Slave
- Q., ᴹQ. mól n. “slave, [ᴹQ.] thrall”
- ᴹQ. #móla adj. “enslaved”
- ᴺQ. !mólië n. “slavery, thralldom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. norca n. “slave, thrall, servant”; see instead:
- Q. mól “slave, [ᴹQ.] thrall”
19.43 Servant
- Q., ᴹQ. -(n)dur suf. “servant; ⚠️to serve”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nur- v. “to serve”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !veuya- “to serve”
- ᴹQ. nur- “to grow/be dark”
- ᴺQ. !núrë n. “maid servant, servant-woman”
- ᴺQ. !nurmë n. “subordination”
- ᴺQ. !nurmëa adj. “subordinate, lesser”
- ᴹQ. núro n. “servant”
- Q. tercáno n. “herald”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vartyanë n. “service”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë “service”
- ᴺQ. !veuma n. “server”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !veumë n. “service”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë “service”
- ᴺQ. !veuya- v. “to serve”
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë n. “service”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vev- v. “to serve”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !veuya- “to serve”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vevië n. “service”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë “service”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. virt (virty-) n. “servant, slave”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. núro “servant”
- Q. mól “slave, [ᴹQ.] thrall”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. virti- v. “to serve”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !veuya- “to serve”
19.44 Free
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anarië n. “liberality”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. (a)ranya adj. “free”; see instead:
- Q. ráva “free, unfettered, uncontrolled, lawless”
- Q. ranya “erratic wandering; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] free”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. faica¹ adj. “free”; see instead:
- Q. lerina “free (of things)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. faino n. “freeman”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !léramo “freeman”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fairë (fairi-) adj. “free”; see instead:
- Q. léra “free (of persons)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fairië n. “freedom”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lérië “freedom”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. faldi adj. “free, open, wide”; see instead:
- Q. latina “free (of movement), not encumbered with obstacles, [ᴹQ.] open, cleared (of land)”
- Q., ᴹQ. latina adj. “free (of movement), not encumbered with obstacles, [ᴹQ.] open, cleared (of land)”
- Q. lehta adj. “free, released”
- Q. #lenta adj. “free”
- Q. léra adj. “free (of persons)”
- ᴺQ. !lérië n. “freedom”
- Q. lerina adj. “free (of things)”
- Q. lerta- v. “to be free to do”
- ᴹQ. mirima adj. “free”
- Q. ráva adj. “free, unfettered, uncontrolled, lawless”
19.45 to Order, Command
- ⚠️Q. canta- v. “?”; see instead:
- Q. canta² “shape, framework, [ᴹQ.] frame; shaped”
- Q. canwa¹ n. “announcement, order”
- Q. canya- v. “?to command”
- ᴺQ. !parta- v. “to arrange, compose, order”
- ᴺQ. !partalë n. “order, orderliness, organization”
- ᴺQ. !partië n. “arrangement, composition”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pëanta- v. “to give instructions to, enjoin, ⚠️give into one’s hands, *teach”
19.46 to Obey
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canwacimië n. “obedience”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !canwahimië “obedience”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canwacimya adj. “obedient”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !canwahimya “obedient”
- ᴺQ. !canwahimië n. “obedience”
- ᴺQ. !canwahimya adj. “obedient”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cim- v. “to heed”
- ᴺQ. !himítië n. “compliance”
19.47 to Let, Permit
- ᴹQ. lav-² v. “to yield, allow, grant”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lávë n. “permission”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. némë “leave, *permission”
- ᴺQ. !lávima adj. “permissible”
- ᴹQ. némë n. “leave, *permission”
- ᴺQ. !ólav- v. “to compromise”
- ᴺQ. !ólavië n. “compromise”
19.48 to Compel
- ᴺQ. !horina adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !horna² adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !horina “driven under compulsion, impelled”
- ᴹQ. hortalë n. “speeding, urging”
- ᴹQ. horya- v. “to have an impulse, be compelled to do something, set vigorously out to do”
- ᴹQ. mausta n. “compulsion”
- ᴹQ. mauya- v. “to compel”
- ᴺQ. !nassiuta- n. “to discourage”
- Q. or- v. “to warn, urge, feel an urge/wish/desire”
- Q. ora- v. “to warn, urge, feel an urge/wish/desire”
- Q. sahta- [þ] v. “to induce”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sahtaitë adj. “oppressive, tyrannical”; see instead:
- Q. sahta- “to induce”
- ᴺQ. !sangarëa “oppressive, tyrannical”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sahtando [þ] n. “tempter”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !úsahtando “tempter”
- Q. sahtië [þ] n. “pressure or force (to do something against one’s will or conscience)”
- ᴺQ. !sangarë n. “oppression”
- ᴺQ. !sangarëa adj. “oppressive, tyrannical”
- ᴹQ. siulë n. “incitement”
- ᴺQ. !siuta- n. “to encourage”
19.51 Friend
- Q. asumo [þ] n. “friend at need, friend with shared interests, colleague”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. -el suf. “friend”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. heldë n. “friend”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nildë “friend (f.)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. heldo n. “friend”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nildo “friend [m.]”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. helmo n. “friend”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nilmo “friend”
- Q., ᴹQ. málo n. “friend, comrade”
- Q. #meldë n. “*friend (f.)”
- Q., ᴹQ. #meldo n. “friend, lover”
- ᴺQ. !níla adj. “devoted”
- ᴺQ. !nílanta- v. “to become devoted, dedicated, or strongly attached”
- ᴹQ. nildë n. “friend (f.)”
- ᴹQ. nildo n. “friend [m.]”
- ᴹQ. nilmo n. “friend”
- ᴺQ. !nilya- v. “to befriend, devote oneself to”
- ᴹQ. -ser suf. “friend”
- ᴹQ. sermë n. “friend (f.)”
- ᴹQ. sermo n. “friend”
- ᴹQ. seron n. “friend”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. sondo n. “friend”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. nilmo “friend”
19.52 Foe, Enemy
- Q. #cotto n. “*enemy”
- ᴹQ. cotumo n. “enemy”
- ᴹQ. cotya adj. “hostile”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. untamo n. “enemy”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. cotumo “enemy”
19.53 Companion
- ᴺQ. !rantarwa n. “partner”
- Q. satar n. “trusty follower, loyal companion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !veuro n. “follower, vassal”; see instead:
- Q. satar “trusty follower, loyal companion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !voron(do) n. “trusty man, faithful vassal”; see instead:
- Q. satar “trusty follower, loyal companion”
- ᴺQ. !yonávë n. “company, *companionship, camaraderie”
19.54 Neighbor
- Q. armaro n. “*neighbor”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rim- v. “to border on, lie at edge, neighbour”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rímenoitë adj. “neighboring, bordering”
19.55 Stranger
- ᴺQ. !aia adj. “strange, unusual”
- ᴹQ. aiano n. “stranger, alien”
- ᴹQ. ettelë n. “outer lands, foreign parts”
- ᴹQ. ettelëa adj. “foreign”
- ᴺQ. !ettemo n. “foreigner”
- ᴺQ. !serrafila adj. “uncanny, (lit.) peace-stealing”
- ᴹQ. sinní pron. “I here”
- ᴹQ. uma- pref. “some, a, a certain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varimo n. “foreigner”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ettemo “foreigner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varitsi n. “foreigner (fem.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ettemo “foreigner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varivoitë adj. “foreign”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ettelëa “foreign”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varnë¹ n. “strangeness, estrangement”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varyani n. “foreigner (fem.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ettemo “foreigner”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varyanu n. “foreigner”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ettemo “foreigner”
19.56 Guest
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !asa [þ] n. “guest”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !asalsambë [þ] n. “guest-room”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
- ᴺQ. !cecenna- v. “to visit”
- ᴺQ. !nasal [þ] n. “guest”
- ᴺQ. !nasima [þ] adj. “kind, welcoming”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nasumo [þ] n. “guest, visitor”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
- ᴺQ. !nasyal- [þ] v. “to invite, (lit.) summon kindly”
- ᴺQ. !suila- v. “to greet”
- ᴺQ. !suilanta- v. “to give greeting”
- ᴺQ. !suilië n. “greeting”
19.57 Host
- ⚠️Q. alatúlië n. “welcome”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !maitulië “welcome thing, happy arrival”
- ⚠️Q. alatulya adj. “welcome”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !maitulya “welcome”
- ᴺQ. !maitulië n. “welcome thing, happy arrival”
- ᴺQ. !maitulya adj. “welcome”
- ᴺQ. !nas- [þ] v. “to welcome, ⚠️accept”
- ᴺQ. !sendassë n. “inn, guest-house”
19.58 to Help, Aid
- Q. alya- v. “to cause to prosper, bless (a work), help one”
- ᴺQ. !ásë [þ] n. “aid, benefit”
- Q. asië [þ] n. “ease, comfort”
- Q. asya- [þ] v. “to ease, assist, comfort”
- ᴺQ. !asyar [þ] n. “assistant”
- ᴺQ. !ocar- v. “to cooperate, work together, participate”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. penanwa adj. “present, standing by, supporting, backing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. penasta n. “being near at hand, support, backing”; see instead:
- Q. astarindo “bystander; supporter”
- Q. *sámo [þ] n. “helper”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sulta- v. “to support”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tuluhta- “to support, prop (up), uphold”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tiusima adj. “comforting, consoling, easing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^tiutaila “comforting, consoling, easing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiuta- v. “to corroborate, confirm; to comfort, console, *(orig.) to make firm; ⚠️to strengthen”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tiutaila adj. “comforting, consoling, easing”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiutalë n. “confirmation; comfort, consolation, easement; ⚠️strengthening, reinforcement”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulpië n. “supporting, toleration”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tulpu- v. “to uphold, support; to aid; to endure, tolerate; to bear (with); to prop”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tuluhta- “to support, prop (up), uphold”
- Q. #col- “to bear, *carry, wear”
- ᴺQ. !tuluhta- v. “to support, prop (up), uphold”
19.59 to Hinder, Prevent
- Q. hranga- v. “to thwart”
- Q. nuhta- v. “to stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue”
- ᴺQ. !nuhtasta n. “suspension, cessation”
- ᴺQ. !nuqua n. “obstacle”
- ᴺQ. !óricuva n. “traitor”
- ᴺQ. !sama- [þ] v. “to bar, exclude”
- ᴹQ. tampa n. “stopper”
- ᴹQ. tap- v. “to stop, block”
- Q. tapta adj. “impeded”
- ᴺQ. !varta- v. “to betray”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vartando n. “betrayer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !varto “betrayer”
- ᴺQ. !vartië n. “betrayal”
- ᴺQ. !varto n. “betrayer”
19.61 Custom, Usage
- ᴺQ. !catamen n. “background, milieu”
- ᴹQ. haimë n. “habit”
- ᴺQ. !haimëa adj. “habitual, ⚠️cultural”
- ᴺQ. !haimelë n. “culture”
- ᴺQ. !haimelëa adj. “cultural”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sitina adj. “habitual, customary, accustomed, usual, ordinary, common”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sito (situ-) n. “custom, habit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sitsina adj. “habitual, customary, accustomed, usual, ordinary, common”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^sitina “habitual, customary, accustomed, usual, ordinary, common”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sitta- v. “I am used to, I do habitually”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] situ- v. “to be accustomed [to]”
19.62 Strife, Quarrel
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cos (cost-) n. “quarrel, dispute, the matter disputed, legal action”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^costë “quarrel, dispute; legal action”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cosima adj. “debatable”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^costaima “debatable”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. costa- v. “to quarrel, [ᴱQ.] debate, dispute, *argue”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^costë n. “quarrel, dispute; legal action”
- ᴺQ. !costula adj. “quarrelsome, belligerent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nara n. “strife”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nara- v. “to snap, quarrel”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. costa- “to quarrel, [ᴱQ.] debate, dispute, *argue”
- ᴺQ. !talatya- v. “refute, (lit.) make (it) collapse”
19.63 Plot, Conspiracy
- ᴺQ. !ustat- v. “to misappropriate, supplant, usurp”
19.64 Common
- ᴺQ. !alasatya [þ] adj. “common, general, *communal, (lit.) not private”
- Q. aquapahtië n. “privacy, *(lit.) full-closedness”
- Q. ilquárëa adj. “general”
- ᴺQ. !osáma adj. “common, joint, (lit.) together-having”
- Q. senwa adj. “usual”
- Q. senya¹ adj. “usual, *common, typical”
- ᴺQ. !senyavë adv. “usually”
19.65 to Meet
- ᴺQ. !armen- v. “to accompany”
- ᴺQ. !minatulië n. “introduction; (lit.) into-leading”
- Q. *omen- v. “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !oment- v. “to meet”; see instead:
- Q. *omen- “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- Q., ᴹQ. omentië n. “meeting (of pathways), (lit.) coming together of journey-path, meeting or junction of the directions of two people”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ovanta- v. “to meet”; see instead:
- Q. *omen- “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vel-² v. “to meet”; see instead:
- Q. *omen- “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- Q. yomenië n. “meeting, gathering, *congress”
19.71 Members of a Trade or Profession
- ᴺQ. !astamo n. “member”
19.72 Whore, Prostitute
- ᴺQ. !imbacindë n. “harlot”
19.99 Social (Other)
- ᴺQ. !lantanna n. “banner, standard”
Warfare and Hunting
20.11 to Fight
- ᴺQ. !cotwë n. “struggle, wrestling”
- ᴺQ. !mandanië n. “struggle, wrestling, (lit.) hand-resistance”
- ᴺQ. !nanya- v. “to struggle, oppose, resist”
- ᴺQ. !nanyalë n. “resistance, opposition”
20.12 Battle
- ᴺQ. !mahtalë n. “fighting, battle”
- ᴺQ. !mahtéma n. “tournament, tourney, (lit.) battle-series”
20.13 War
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cor (cos-) n. “war”; see instead:
- Q. ohta “war”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ohta n. “war”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ohta·caro n. “warlike deed, hostile unfriendly act(ion)”
- ᴺQ. !ohtarië n. “martial ardour”
20.14 Peace
- ᴺQ. !maicahausta n. “truce, (lit.) blade-resting”
- Q. rainë n. “*peace, good will”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ruin n. “peace”; see instead:
- Q. rainë “*peace, good will”
- ᴹQ. senda adj. “resting, at peace”
- ᴺQ. [Q.], ᴹQ. sérë n. “peace, [ᴹQ.] rest, repose”
- ᴺQ. !sérenca adj. “uneasy, unpeaceful”
- ᴺQ. !sérinqua adj. “peaceful, full of peace”
- ⚠️Q. sívë² n. “peace”; see instead:
- Q. rainë “*peace, good will”
20.15 Army
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hossë¹ n. “army, band, troop”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hotsë “army, band, troop”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hotsë n. “army, band, troop”
- ᴺQ. !talhotsë n. “infantry; (lit.) foot-troop”
20.17 Soldier
- ⚠️ᴱQ. condor n. “warrior”; see instead:
- Q. ohtar “warrior”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. condorië n. “martial ardour”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ohtarië “martial ardour”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cosar (cosard-) n. “soldier”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. mahtar “warrior, [ᴱQ.] soldier”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mahtar n. “warrior, [ᴱQ.] soldier”
- ⚠️Q. #mehtar n. “warrior”; see instead:
- Q. ohtar “warrior”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mordo n. “warrior, hero”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. callo “noble man, hero”
- ᴹQ. mordo “[dark] stain, smear; obscurity, dimness, shadow”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ohtacáro n. “warrior”; see instead:
- Q. ohtar “warrior”
- Q., ᴱQ. ohtar n. “warrior”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ohtatyaro n. “warrior”; see instead:
- Q. ohtar “warrior”
- ᴺQ. !talquen n. “foot-soldier; (lit.) foot-person”
- ᴺQ. !tuxantur n. “centurion”
20.20 Captain
- Q., ᴹQ. cáno n. “commander, chief(tain), ruler, governor; †crier, herald”
- ᴹQ. hesto n. “captain”
20.21 Arms, Weapons
- ᴺQ. !falampa n. “whip”
20.22 Club
- ᴺQ. !alpa n. “bat [instrument not animal], (lit.) beater”
20.23 Sling
- ⚠️ᴱQ. toloimë n. “sling”
20.24 Bow
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. cú n. “bow; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] crescent moon”
- ⚠️Q. cúma n. “[unglossed]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cúnë n. “crescent, arch, ⚠️bow”
- ᴺQ. !lanquinga n. “crossbow”
- ᴺQ. !quihta n. “shot, projectile (from a bow or a crossbow)”
- ᴺQ. !quihta- v. “to shoot”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. quinga n. “bow (for shooting)”
20.25 Arrow
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. pilin (pilind-) n. “arrow; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] feather”
- ᴺQ. !pilintan n. “fletcher”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. pilna n. “arrow”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pilin “arrow; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] feather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quasil n. “arrow, arrow-feather”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. pilin “arrow; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] feather”
- Q. quessë “feather”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vainolë n. “quiver”
20.26 Spear
- ᴹQ. ehtë (*ehti-) n. “spear”
- ᴹQ. ehtyar n. “spearman”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. elc n. “spear”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ehtë “spear”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. encë n. “spear point”; see instead:
- Q. nehtë¹ “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. esca n. “spear, spike”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ehtë “spear”
- Q. hatal n. “spear, *javelin”
- ᴺQ. !hyarehtë n. “halberd”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. nasta n. “spear-head, spear-point, gore, triangle”; see instead:
- Q. nehtë¹ “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
- Q. nernehta n. “man-spearhead”
20.27 Sword
- Q. #andamacil n. “long sword”
- Q. ecet n. “short stabbing sword”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ectar¹ (ectard-) n. “swordsman”; see instead:
- Q. macar “swordsman; †forger”
- ᴹQ. ehtyar “spearman”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ectë (exi-) n. “sword”; see instead:
- Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
- Q. ecet “short stabbing sword”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ehta² n. “sword-point”; see instead:
- Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
- Q. ecet “short stabbing sword”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ehtar (ehtard-) n. “swordsman, warrior; sword”; see instead:
- Q. macar “swordsman; †forger”
- Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
- ᴹQ. ehtyar “spearman”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. exiquilta n. “swordbelt”; see instead:
- ᴱQ. ^macilquilta “swordbelt”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. falquan n. “large sword”; see instead:
- Q. #andamacil “long sword”
- Q., ᴹQ. #hyando n. “cleaver, [ᴹQ.] hewer (sword)”
- ᴹQ. lango¹ n. “broad sword; prow of a ship”
- Q. macar n. “swordsman; †forger”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. macil n. “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. macillar (macillard-) n. “swordsman”; see instead:
- Q. macar “swordsman; †forger”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ^macilquilta n. “swordbelt”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naiquë n. “?sword”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. russë n. “corruscation, †sword-blade”; see instead:
- Q. russë “head or pelt of red hair”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yelca n. “sword?”; see instead:
- Q. macil “sword, forged sword blade, cutting sword, [ᴱQ.] broadsword”
20.28 Gun, Cannon
- ᴺQ. !narcarma n. “gun, firearm”
20.31 Armor
- ᴺQ. !limivarma n. “chainmail, (lit.) link-armour”
- ᴺQ. !varma n. “armour, armor”
20.32 Corslet, Breastplate
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ambassë n. “breast-plate, hauberk, byrne, cuirass”
20.33 Helmet
- Q. ambalotsë n. “uprising-flower”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calla n. “helmet”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- ⚠️Q. carma¹ n. “helm”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. casien (casiend-) n. “helmet”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. casientulë adj. “with helm on”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. casquar(in) n. “helmet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. cassa n. “helmet”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- Q. castol(o) n. “helmet”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. harna² n. “helmet”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- ⚠️Q. sól [þ] n. “?helmet, ?top”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tolma n. “helm”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
- ⚠️Q. †þolon n. “helmet”; see instead:
- Q. castol(o) “helmet”
20.34 Shield
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alcar² n. “shield”; see instead:
- Q. #sanda “shield”
- Q. #sanda [þ] n. “shield”
- Q. sandastan (sandastam-) [þ] n. “shield-barrier”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tolmen (tolment-) n. “boss (of shield), isolated round hill”
- ᴹQ. turma n. “shield”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. umbas [þ] n. “shield”; see instead:
- Q. #sanda “shield”
20.35 Fortress
- ᴹQ. arta n. “fort, fortress”
- Q. carassë n. “built fort or dwelling surrounded by bulwarks”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. malcor n. “castle”; see instead:
- Q. taras “great towering building (fort/city/castle), tower; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] mount, hill”
- Q. minassë n. “fort, city (with a citadel and central watch tower)”
- Q. turco² n. “*stronghold”
20.36 Tower
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hosta¹ n. “walled tower”; see instead:
- Q. osto “fortress, stronghold, strong place; [ᴹQ.] city, town with wall round”
- Q. marto n. “tower”
- Q. mindë n. “turret”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. mindon n. “(lofty or isolated) tower; [ᴱQ.] turret”
- Q. taras n. “great towering building (fort/city/castle), tower; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] mount, hill”
- Q. tarminas n. “great towering building (fort/city/castle), tower”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tirin (tirind-) n. “tall tower, turret, minaret”; see instead:
- Q. tirion “watch-tower, tower, [ᴱQ.] (great or mighty) tower; ⚠️city on a hill”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tirion n. “watch-tower, tower, [ᴱQ.] (great or mighty) tower; ⚠️city on a hill”
- ᴺQ. !varasta- v. “to tower up, loom”
20.41 Victory
- ⚠️ᴱQ. apaica adj. “conquering”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. apairë n. “victory, conquest, reduction”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. túrë “mastery, victory”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. apaitya- v. “to conquer”; see instead:
- Q. tur- “to master, conquer, dominate, win; [ᴹQ.] to control, govern, *rule; ⚠️to wield; [ᴱQ.] can, to be able”
- ᴺQ. !nacil n. “victor”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nangwë n. “victory”; see instead:
- Q. #túrë “[ᴹQ.] mastery, victory; [ᴱQ.] might, strength, power”
- Q. #-ndacil suf. “-victor, -slayer”
- ᴺQ. !ortur- v. “to overpower, conquer, prevail”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tur- v. “to master, conquer, dominate, win; [ᴹQ.] to control, govern, *rule; ⚠️to wield; [ᴱQ.] can, to be able”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #túrë n. “[ᴹQ.] mastery, victory; [ᴱQ.] might, strength, power”
- Q. turu- v. “to defeat, have victory over, master”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vaqua- v. “vanquish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vaquasta n. “a victory”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. vaqui(ë) n. “victory”
20.42 Defeat
- ᴺQ. !nucupta- v. “to humble (someone), force to bow, vanquish”
- ᴺQ. !var- v. “to yield, give way, surrender”
20.43 Attack
- ᴺQ. !nalanta- v. “to attack, (lit.) fall upon”
- ᴺQ. !ostampë n. “siege”
- ᴺQ. !ostap- v. “to besiege, (lit.) around-block”
20.44 Defense
- ᴺQ. !varyalë n. “defense”
20.45 Retreat
- ᴹQ. #nan-² v. “to go back, [ᴺQ.] *retreat, give way, revert, ebb, (lit.) move backwards”
20.48 Spoils, Booty
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rambë² n. “prey, booty”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. farna “quarry, prey”
- ᴺQ. !rantië² n. “tribute”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. rauna n. “prey, booty”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. farna “quarry, prey”
Law and Judgment
21.11 Special Law
- Q. axan n. “commandment, [divine] law or rule”
- Q. namna n. “statute, *law”
21.12 General Law
- ᴺQ. !namnasta n. “regulations”
- ᴹQ. sanya [þ] adj. “regular, law-abiding, normal”
- ᴹQ. sanyë [þ] n. “rule, law”
- ᴺQ. !sanyesta [þ-] n. “law [as a scholarly discipline]”
- ᴹQ. vorosanya [þ] adj. “*ever-law-abiding”
21.13 Lawsuit
- ᴺQ. !rama n. “legal case, cause, (lit.) a matter on someone’s behalf”
21.14 Lawyer
- ᴺQ. !sanyengolmo [þ] n. “lawyer”
21.15 Court
- ᴺQ. !nammar (nammard-) n. “court, courthouse, (lit.) judgment-house”
- ᴺQ. !námocombë n. “tribunal”
21.16 to Judge
- ⚠️Q. #ham- v. “to judge”; see instead:
- Q. nam- “to judge, *think (have as an opinion)”
- Q. nam- v. “to judge, *think (have as an opinion)”
- Q. náma¹ n. “judgment or desire”
- ⚠️Q. nav-¹ v. “to judge, think [have as an opinion]”; see instead:
- Q. nam- “to judge, *think (have as an opinion)”
- ⚠️Q. nem-¹ v. “to judge”; see instead:
- Q. nam- “to judge, *think (have as an opinion)”
21.162 to Decide
- ᴺQ. !cil- v. “to choose, select”
- Q. cilmë n. “choice, choosing, *selection”
- ᴺQ. !martandë n. “decision”
- ᴺQ. !santa- [þ] v. “to decide”
- ᴺQ. !santië [þ] n. “decision”
21.17 Judgment
- Q. námië n. “single judgment or desire”
21.18 Judge
- Q. enelmo n. “go-between, intervener, intermediary, mediator”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. mandos n. “doomsman, judge”
- Q. námo² n. “judge”
- ᴺQ. !námondur n. “court-attendant, (lit.) judge-servants”
21.23 Witness
- Q. astarindo n. “bystander; supporter”
- Q. astarmo n. “bystander; witness”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cetta- v. “to witness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vetta- “to witness”
- ᴺQ. !vetta- v. “to witness”
- ᴺQ. !vettë n. “(act of) witnessing”
- ᴺQ. !vettëa adj. “witnessing”
- ᴺQ. !vetto n. “witness”
21.24 to Swear
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^vesta- [w] v. “to swear (to do something), contract, make a compact”
21.25 Oath
- Q. vanda n. “oath, pledge, solemn promise”
- ᴹQ. vérë n. “bond, troth, compact, oath”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. vestalë² n. “oath”
21.31 to Accuse
- ᴺQ. !ulquet- v. “to accuse”
- ᴺQ. !ulquetië n. “accusation”
- ᴺQ. !ulquéto n. “accuser”
21.32 to Condemn
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hrundav- v. “to condemn”; see instead:
- *√NAM “judge”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !undav- v. “to condemn, damn, convict”; see instead:
- *√NAM “judge”
21.35 Guilty
- ᴺQ. !námima adj. “culpable, (lit.) judgeable”
21.36 Innocent
- ᴺQ. !cámalóra adj. “innocent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. naustaviltë v. “free from suspicion, *innocent”; see instead:
- Q. atta “two”
21.37 Penalty, Punishment
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atacar- v. “to revenge, (lit.) back-make”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !paireta- “to avenge, take vengance”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atacarmë n. “vengeance, reaction”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ahtarië “reaction; ⚠️vengeance”
- ᴺQ. !pairë “vengeance, revenge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimë n. “vengeance taken, punishment, penalty, infliction”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimesta n. “chastisement”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimeta- v. “to exact or inflict a penalty, punish”
- ᴺQ. !pairë n. “vengeance, revenge”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pairemo n. “avenger”
- ᴺQ. !paireta- v. “to avenge, take vengance”
21.38 Fine, Settlement
- ᴺQ. !cámayanca n. “guilt-offering”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanwenda n. “ransom”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nanwera “ransom”
- ᴺQ. !nanwera n. “ransom”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanwerë n. “ransom”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !nanwera “ransom”
21.39 Jail, Prison
- Q. avalerya- v. “to restrain, to deprive of liberty”
- ᴺQ. !manda- v. “to imprison”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. #manda n. “prison, *duress”; see instead:
- Q. mando “custody, safe keeping; prison, duress”
- ᴺQ. !mandano n. “prisoner, (lit.) imprisoned-one”
- Q. mando n. “custody, safe keeping; prison, duress”
- ᴺQ. !mandontur n. “jailer”
- Q. nahta-² v. “to confine, oppress”
- Q. nasquë n. “bondage, durance”
21.395 Exile, Outlaw
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etelenda adj. “exiled”; see instead:
- Q. #etya “exiled”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etelerro n. “exile”; see instead:
- Q. #etya “exiled”
- Q., ᴹQ. #etya adj. “exiled”
- ᴹQ. farino n. “hunted man, outlaw, fugitive”
- Q. hecil n. “one lost or forsaken by friends, waif, outcast, outlaw”
- Q. hecilë n. “one lost or forsaken by friends, waif, outcast, outlaw (f.)”
- Q. hecilo n. “one lost or forsaken by friends, waif, outcast, outlaw (m.)”
- Q. nehtano n. “one deprived, exile whose rights and goods have been confiscated”
21.41 Crime, Misdeed
- Q. ongwë n. “crime”
- ᴺQ. !ongwemo n. “criminal, transgressor”
- ᴺQ. !sányelóra [þ] adj. “lawless”
- ᴺQ. !sanyelórië [þ] n. “lawlessness”
21.43 Adultery
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úpuhtië n. “adultery”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vestaracië “adultery, (lit.) marriage-breaking”
- ᴺQ. !vestaracië n. “adultery, (lit.) marriage-breaking”
21.44 Rape, Violation
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] amapta- v. “to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mapta n. “ravishment, seizure, (usually =) rape”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. maptalë “seizure; robbery by violence; rape, ravishment, forcible seizure and carrying off”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maptalë n. “seizure; robbery by violence; rape, ravishment, forcible seizure and carrying off”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maptalessë n. “rapine”
21.45 Theft
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maptale-lehesta n. “(robbing) raid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nac (naqu-) n. “anything stolen, a theft, a trick”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. pilwë “robbery, theft”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pilwë n. “robbery, theft”
Religion and Beliefs
- 22.11 Religion
- 22.12 God
- 22.13 Temple
- 22.14 Altar
- 22.15 Sacrifice, Offering
- 22.16 to Worship
- 22.17 to Pray
- 22.18 Priest
- 22.182 Parson, Minister, Clergyman etc.
- 22.183 Monk
- 22.184 Nun
- 22.19 Holy, Sacred
- 22.22 to Preach
- 22.23 to Bless
- 22.24 to Curse
- 22.25 to Baptize
- 22.26 to Fast
- 22.31 Heaven
- 22.32 Hell
- 22.33 Angel
- 22.34 Devil
- 22.35 Demon, Evil Spirit
- 22.37 Idol
- 22.42 Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery
- 22.43 Witch, Sorceress
- 22.431 Sorcerer, Wizard
- 22.44 Elf, Fairy
- 22.441 Dryad, Nymph
- 22.442 Dwarf
- 22.445 Goblin, Monster
- 22.446 Orc, Goblin
- 22.447 Dragon
- 22.45 Ghost, Specter, Phantom
- 22.46 Guardian Spirit
- 22.47 Omen
- 22.99 Religion and Belief (other)
22.11 Religion
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ainocimië n. “reverence, piety, godliness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ainocimya adj. “reverent, pious”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aitalë n. “reverence, worship, religion”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aitalëa adj. “reverent, worshipful, religious”
22.12 God
- ᴺQ. !aino n. “god”
- ᴺQ. !ainolóra adj. “godless”
- ᴺQ. !ainolórië n. “godlessness”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Enu n. “God Almighty, Almighty Creator”; see instead:
- Q. Eru “The One, God”
- Q., ᴹQ. Eru n. “The One, God”
- Q. Eruva adj. “divine”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Vala n. “(Angelic) Power, Authority, ⚠️God”
- Q. vala- v. “to have [divine] power”
- ᴹQ. valaina adj. “of or belonging to the Valar, divine”
- ᴹQ. valassë n. “divinity”
- ᴺQ. !válë n. “divine power/authority”
- Q. Valië n. “Female Vala”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Valis n. “female god”; see instead:
- Q. Valië “Female Vala”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] valma adj. “[divinely or righteously] powerful”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Valon n. “male god”; see instead:
- Q. Vala “(Angelic) Power, Authority, ⚠️God”
- ᴹQ. valya adj. “having (divine) authority or power, *authorized, official”
22.13 Temple
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ainar (ainast-) n. “temple [body part]”
- Q. ainas (*ainass-) n. “hallow, fane, *shrine, holy place, sanctuary”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. alcar(in) n. “temple, shrine”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. corda “temple”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] corda n. “temple”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. yána n. “holy place, fane, sanctuary”; see instead:
- Q. ainas “hallow, fane, *shrine, holy place, sanctuary”
- Q. yána “wide, vast, huge”
- ᴺQ. !yomencöa n. “synagogue, (lit.) meeting-house”
22.14 Altar
- ᴺQ. !yangwa n. “altar”
22.15 Sacrifice, Offering
- ᴺQ. !céta- v. “to offer, propose, suggest; (lit.) to make an opportunity”
- ᴺQ. !epta- v. “to offer, place at somebody’s disposal, (lit.) to [make be in] front”
- ᴺQ. !yac- v. “to offer, sacrifice”
- ᴺQ. !yacië n. “offering, [act of] sacrificing”
- ᴺQ. !yácina adj. “sacrificed”
- ᴺQ. !yanca n. “sacrifice”
22.16 to Worship
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aistalë n. “worship”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aistalëa adj. “worshipful”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
- ᴺQ. !aita-¹ v. “to revere, worship”
- ᴺQ. !aitamo n. “worshiper”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyer- v. “to worship”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !aita-¹ “to revere, worship”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyerindo n. “worshiper”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !aitamo “worshiper”
22.17 to Pray
- Q. arca- v. “*to petition, ⚠️pray”
- Q. #arcandë n. “*petition”
- ⚠️Q. #cyermë n. “prayer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hyamië “prayer”
- Q. #hyam- v. “*to pray”
- ᴺQ. !hyamië n. “prayer”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [Q.] ^hyermë n. “prayer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hyamië “prayer”
- ⚠️Q. násan interj. “*amen, (lit.) may it be so”; see instead:
- Q. násië “*amen, (lit.) may it be so”
- Q. násië interj. “*amen, (lit.) may it be so”
22.18 Priest
- ᴺQ. !airimo n. “priest”
- ᴺQ. !airimossë n. “priesthood”
- ᴺQ. !cordamo n. “cleric”
22.182 Parson, Minister, Clergyman etc.
- ᴺQ. !Erutercáno n. “prophet, (lit.) God-herald”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^evandil n. “[Christian] missionary”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. evandl n. “Christian missionary”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^evandil “[Christian] missionary”
- ᴺQ. !núromolië n. “ministry, (lit.) servant-labour”
- ᴺQ. !nyardar n. “preacher”
22.183 Monk
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aimo n. “saint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anusta n. “monastery”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hanusta “monastery”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. anustar n. “monk”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^hanustar “monk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanusta n. “monastery”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanustar n. “monk”
22.184 Nun
- ⚠️ᴱQ. airë¹ n. “saint (f.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. aimo “saint”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quindelis n. “nun”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vendelis “nun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quindesta n. “convent”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vendesta “convent”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quindestin n. “nun”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !vendelis “nun”
- ᴺQ. !vendelis (vendeliss-) n. “nun”
- ᴺQ. !vendesta n. “convent”
22.19 Holy, Sacred
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. aina adj. “holy, revered, numinous, *divine, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] worshipful”
- Q. ainima adj. “blessed, holy (of things)”
- Q., ᴱQ. aira adj. “holy, sanctified, [ᴱQ.] worshipful”
- ᴺQ. !airalindë n. “hymn, (lit.) holy song”
- Q. airë¹ (airi-) adj. and n. “holy; sanctity, holiness”
- Q. airëa adj. “holy (applied to persons)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !airelinna n. “hymn, (lit.) holy song”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !airalindë “hymn, (lit.) holy song”
- ᴺQ. !airilírë n. “hymn”
- Q. #airita- v. “to hallow”
- ⚠️Q. aista adj. “*holy”; see instead:
- Q. aira “holy, sanctified, [ᴱQ.] worshipful”
- ᴺQ. !alairë adj. “unholy”
- Q. varanda adj. “sublime”
22.22 to Preach
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] evandilyon n. “gospel”
- ᴺQ. !nyarda- v. “to preach”
- ᴺQ. !quernamo n. “proselyte, convert”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raitando n. “gospel”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. evandilyon “gospel”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] velupantië n. “revelation”
22.23 to Bless
- Q. aina- v. “to hallow, bless, treat as holy”
- ⚠️Q. aistana adj. “*blessed”; see instead:
- Q. amanya “*blessed”
- Q. amanya adj. “*blessed”
- ⚠️Q. amatúlië n. “blessed arrival”
- ⚠️Q. amatulya adj. “welcome (of something blessed)”
- Q. calambar adj. “*light-fated”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lis (list-) n. “grace, blessing”; see instead:
- Q. lissë² “grace”
- Q. lissë² n. “grace”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. listëa adj. “full of grace, blessed”; see instead:
- Q. manaitë “*blessed, having grace”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. listevoitë adj. “full of grace, blessed”; see instead:
- Q. manaitë “*blessed, having grace”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. listya- v. “to bless”; see instead:
- Q. manya- “to bless”
- Q., ᴹQ. mána n. “blessing, good thing; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] blessed”
- ᴺQ. !mánacestië n. “intercession, (lit.) boon-seeking”
- Q. manaitë adj. “*blessed, having grace”
- ⚠️Q. manaquenta adj. “*blessed”; see instead:
- Q. amanya “*blessed”
- ⚠️Q. manna adj. “*blessed”; see instead:
- Q. amanya “*blessed”
- Q. #manta- v. “to bless”
- Q. manya- v. “to bless”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salistina adj. “blessed”; see instead:
- Q. amanya “*blessed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. salistya- v. “to bless”; see instead:
- Q. manya- “to bless”
22.24 to Curse
- Q. húna adj. “cursed, accursed”
- Q. húta- v. “to curse”
- Q. naiquet- v. “to curse or blaspheme”
- ᴺQ. !naiquéto n. “blasphemer”
- ᴺQ. !öatarië n. “apostasy, (lit.) away-standing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rac- v. “to curse”; see instead:
- Q. húta- “to curse”
- Q. rac- “to break”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !racco n. “curse”; see instead:
- Q. húta- “to curse”
22.25 to Baptize
- ᴺQ. !oscir- v. “to circumcise, (lit.) around-cut”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sumbando n. “baptizer”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !tumyando “baptizer”
- ᴺQ. !tumya- v. “to dip, baptize”
- ᴺQ. !tumyando n. “baptizer”
22.26 to Fast
- ᴺQ. !avamat- v. “to fast, (lit.) refuse to eat”
- Q. lamatë n. “fasting, a fast”
22.31 Heaven
- ᴹQ. ilduma n. “heaven”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. iluin(do) (iluind-) n. “dwelling beyond the stars for the blessed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilumar (ilumas-) n. “dwelling beyond the stars for the blessed”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. †valmandui n. “heaven and hell”
22.32 Hell
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mandu n. “hell; abyss”; see instead:
- Q. mando “custody, safe keeping; prison, duress”
22.33 Angel
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Aini n. “holy one, angelic spirit (f.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (pagan) goddess”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Ainu n. “holy one, angelic spirit (m.); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] (pagan) god”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. calmar (calmarn-) n. “child of light”
- Q., ᴹQ. Maia n. “(angelic) spirit, the Beautiful”
22.34 Devil
- ᴺQ. !Anahristo n. “Antichrist”
22.35 Demon, Evil Spirit
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (a)raucë n. “demon, fiend”; see instead:
- Q. rauco “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
- ᴺQ. !raucëa adj. “demonic”
- Q., ᴹQ. rauco n. “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úmaia n. “demon, devil”; see instead:
- Q. rauco “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
22.37 Idol
- Q. aian n. “holy thing or object or place”
- ᴺQ. !airemma n. “icon, (lit.) holy image”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cordon n. “idol”
22.42 Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery
- ⚠️ᴱQ. felu n. “bad magic”; see instead:
- Q. núlë “black arts, sorcery”
- ᴹQ. lúcë n. “enchantment”
- ᴺQ. !lúcëarwa adj. “enchanting, attractive”
- ᴹQ. luhta- v. “to enchant”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] luhtu n. “magic, spell”
- ᴹQ. nolfinë [ñ-] n. “magical skill”
- Q. núla¹ [ñ-] adj. “dark, occult, mysterious”
- Q. núlë [ñ-] n. “black arts, sorcery”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sairina adj. “magic, *magical”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽sairu adj. “magical”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. sairina “magic, *magical”
- Q. saila “wise”
22.43 Witch, Sorceress
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] curuni n. “witch, *sorceress, female magician (not necessarily evil)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. felusi n. “witch”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. curuni “witch, *sorceress, female magician (not necessarily evil)”
- ᴺQ. !núlemo “(evil) sorceror, black magician”
22.431 Sorcerer, Wizard
- ⚠️ᴱQ. curuvar (curuvard-) n. “wizard”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. sairon “wizard”
- ᴺQ. !núlemo [ñ-] n. “(evil) sorceror, black magician”
- ᴹQ. sairon n. “wizard”
22.44 Elf, Fairy
- Q. aleldarin adj. “unelvish”
- ⚠️Q. aleldarinwa adj. “unElvish”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Elda n. “Elf, (lit.) one of the Star-folk”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Eldalië n. “People of the Eldar, Elven-folk, [ᴹQ.] Elf-folk”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. inwilitsë n. “little fairy”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. Noldorinwa adj. “Goblin; Gnomish”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. noldova adj. “belonging to gnomes”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. noldovicë adj. “like a gnome, after the gnomes’ way”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Qen (Qend-) n. “Elf”; see instead:
- Q. Quendë “Elf, (lit.) One That Speaks”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. Quendë n. “Elf, (lit.) One That Speaks”
- Q., ᴹQ. Quenderin adj. and n. “Quendian, of the Quendi, belonging to the Elves as a whole”
- Q. Sindel (Sindeld-) [þ] n. “Grey-elf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telella adj. “elfin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telerëa adj. “elfin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telestë (telesti-) n. “(f.) little elf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. telesto (telestu-) n. “(m.) little elf”
22.441 Dryad, Nymph
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. falmar(in) (falmarind-) n. “sea-spirit, nymph, [ᴱQ.] sea-fay (male), spirit of the sea foam”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nandin n. “dryad”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tavaril “dryad, spirit of woods (f.)”
- ᴹQ. tavaron “dryad, spirit of woods (m.)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nermi n. “field spirit, fay of the meads”
- ᴹQ. nindari n. “river-maid, nymph”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. öar (öarn-) n. “child of the sea, merchild”; see instead:
- Q. #vingil “[ᴹQ.] nymph, mermaid, foam-maid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. öaris (öarits-) n. “mermaid, merchild”; see instead:
- Q. #vingil “[ᴹQ.] nymph, mermaid, foam-maid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. öarwen n. “mermaid, merchild”; see instead:
- Q. #vingil “[ᴹQ.] nymph, mermaid, foam-maid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #oroman n. “wood-spirit”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ówen n. “merchild, mermaid”; see instead:
- Q. #vingil “[ᴹQ.] nymph, mermaid, foam-maid”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tavar (tavarn-) n. “dale-sprite, fay of the woods; forest”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. tavaril “dryad, spirit of woods (f.)”
- ᴹQ. tavaron “dryad, spirit of woods (m.)”
- ᴹQ. tavaril n. “dryad, spirit of woods (f.)”
- ᴹQ. tavaron n. “dryad, spirit of woods (m.)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #vingil (vingild-) [w] n. “[ᴹQ.] nymph, mermaid, foam-maid”
22.442 Dwarf
- Q. Casar n. “Dwarf”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nauca n. “dwarf”; see instead:
- Q. nauco “dwarf”
- Q., ᴹQ. nauco n. “dwarf”
- Q. Norno n. “Dwarf”
- Q. nuxo n. “Petty dwarf”
22.445 Goblin, Monster
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fandelu n. “monster”; see instead:
- Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fandelúva adj. “monstrous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ulunda “monstrous”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fandelúvië n. “monstrosity, immoderation, violence, barbarity, grossness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ulundië “monstrosity”
- ᴹQ. ormë “haste, violence, wrath, rushing”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fandor (fandos-) n. “monster”; see instead:
- Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hanaco n. “giant”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. norsa “giant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nauva n. “giant”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. norsa “giant”
- ᴹQ. norsa [þ] n. “giant”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulban (ulband-) n. “monster, giant”; see instead:
- Q. úvanimo “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ulbanima adj. “monstrous”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !ulunda “monstrous”
- ᴺQ. !ulunda adj. “monstrous”
- ᴺQ. !ulundië n. “monstrosity”
- ᴹQ. ulundo n. “monster, deformed and hideous creature”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. úvanimo n. “monster, corrupt or evil creature”
22.446 Orc, Goblin
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orc n. “ogre, monster, demon, giant”
- Q. orco n. “Orc”
- ᴹQ. orco (orcu-) n. “goblin”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. orquin(di) n. “ogress”
- ᴺQ. !Torco n. “Troll”
- Q. urco (urcu-) n. “bogey, orc”
22.447 Dragon
- ᴹQ. angulócë n. “dragon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. condassë n. “dragon’s lair”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. condo n. “dragon”; see instead:
- Q. urulócë “fire-serpent, fire-drake, [ᴹQ.] fire-dragon”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. fëalócë n. “spark-dragon”; see instead:
- Q. föalócë “*breath-dragon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fent n. “serpent, dragon”; see instead:
- Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fenumë n. “dragon”; see instead:
- Q. urulócë “fire-serpent, fire-drake, [ᴹQ.] fire-dragon”
- Q., ᴱQ. föalócë n. “*breath-dragon”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. lungu n. “dragon”; see instead:
- Q. hlócë “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [ᴹQ.] dragon”
- ᴹQ. rámalócë n. “winged dragon”
- Q., ᴹQ. urulócë n. “fire-serpent, fire-drake, [ᴹQ.] fire-dragon”
22.45 Ghost, Specter, Phantom
- Q. ausa [þ] n. “dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
- ⚠️Q. ëala n. “spirit (not incarnate), being”; see instead:
- Q. fairë “spirit (disembodied), phantom; †radiance”
- Q., ᴹQ. fairë n. “spirit (disembodied), phantom; †radiance”
- Q. nimulë n. “phantom, a seeming”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #químar n. “phantom”; see instead:
- Q. fairë “spirit (disembodied), phantom; †radiance”
22.46 Guardian Spirit
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mánë n. “spirit of the air”
22.47 Omen
- Q. #apacen n. “foresight, *(lit.) after-sight”
- ᴺQ. !apacendo n. “seer, prophet”
- Q. #apacenya adj. “of foresight”
- ᴺQ. !apaquet- v. “to forebode, foretell, predict”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. fando n. “portent, omen”; see instead:
- Q. órë “heart (inner mind), *conscience; warning, caution, (pre)monition”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nólaimë n. “foreshadowing”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !apaquet- “to forebode, foretell, predict”
- Q. umbë n. “imminence, threat; premonition, fear, unwelcome expectation”
22.99 Religion and Belief (other)
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aimactu n. “martyr (m.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aimahto n. “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aimaxin (aimaxi-) n. “martyr (f.)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] (ana)tarwesta n. “crucifix(ion)”
- ᴺQ. !Hristondur n. “Christian, (lit.) Servant of Christ”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nwalmastarmo [ñ-] n. “martyr, (lit.) torment-witness”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
23.1 Article
- ⚠️Q. a² article. “accusative definite article”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. i¹ article. “the”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -wë suf. “a, an”
23.2 Negation
- Q. ála particle. “do not”
- Q., ᴹQ. al(a)-¹ pref. “in-, un-, not; †-less, without”
- ᴹQ. alandë adv. “to no degree, in no way”
- ᴹQ. (a)láqua adj. and pron. “none”
- ᴹQ. (a)láquainen adv. “by no means”
- ᴹQ. (a)láqualdë adv. “in no way, by no method, nohow”
- ᴹQ. (a)láquan adv. “not (at all)”
- ᴹQ. alaquandë adv. “not in the least”
- ᴹQ. (a)láquandon adv. “*like nothing”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alaquen pron. “nobody, no one”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alquen “nobody, no one”
- ᴹQ. alaryas adv. “*at no day”
- ᴹQ. alatwë pron. “neither”
- ᴺQ. !aldomë pron. “nowhere”
- ᴹQ. alla² adj. and pron. “nothing”
- ᴹQ. allan adv. “never, at no time”
- ᴹQ. all(an)ar adv. “*at no day”
- ᴹQ. allanë pron. “nobody, nothing (no thing), no one”
- ᴹQ. allanima pron. “of no sort, of no kind”
- ᴹQ. allanome(s) adv. “*in no place”
- ᴹQ. allaro adv. “*for no reason”
- ᴹQ. alli pron. “of another number, not so many”
- ᴹQ. allumë adv. “at no date”
- ᴺQ. !alquen pron. “nobody, no one”
- ᴹQ. ava- pref. “without”
- Q. áva particle. “don’t, negative imperative”
- Q. -enca suf. “without, -less”
- Q. fó interj. “nay, no”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. il- pref. “no, not”; see instead:
- Q. #il- “every, *all”
- Q. al(a)-¹ “in-, un-, not; †-less, without”
- ᴺQ. !ildomë pron. “everywhere”
- Q., ᴹQ. la- pref. “not, in-, un-; [ᴹQ.] none, not any”
- Q., ᴹQ. lá- v. “to not be”
- Q., ᴹQ. lá¹ adv. “no, not”
- ᴹQ. lalámen adv. “*aiming at nothing”
- ᴹQ. lálan adv. “at no time”
- ᴹQ. lalassë adv. “nowhere”
- ᴺQ. !lana adj. and pron. “no, not any, not (a); none”
- ᴹQ. laqualca pron. “*no quantity”
- ᴹQ. láquana adj. and pron. “none at all”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. laquë pron. “nobody”
- Q. las adv. “it is/was not so”
- ⚠️Q. lasir conj. “rather the reverse”; see instead:
- Q. úsië “on the contrary”
- ᴹQ. lau(më) adv. “no, no indeed not, on the contrary”
- ᴹQ. -lóra suf. “without, less”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. múna prep. “?without”; see instead:
- Q. ú¹ “without, destitute of”
- Q. nec- pref. “without”
- ⚠️Q. pen prep. “without, not having”; see instead:
- Q. ú¹ “without, destitute of”
- Q. pen- v. “not to have, *to lack”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ú- pref. “no, not, un-, in-; hard, difficult, bad, uneasy; hardly, with difficulty, ‘badly’”
- Q. ú¹ prep. and adv. “without, destitute of”
- Q. ú² particle. “not”
- ⚠️Q. ua- v. “to not be, to not do”; see instead:
- Q. ui- “to not be, to not do”
- Q. ui interj. “no, it is n[ot]”
- Q. ui- v. “to not be, to not do”
- Q. uito interj. “it is not that”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ui(y)a adj. and pron. “no, not any, not (a); none”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !lana “no, not any, not (a); none”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ul- pref. “negative prefix; mis-”; see instead:
- Q. la- “not, in-, un-; [ᴹQ.] none, not any”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. um- v. “to not be, to not do”; see instead:
- Q. ui- “to not be, to not do”
- Q. úna¹ adj. “deprived of, destitute, forlorn”
- Q. úna² ? “*it is not”
- Q. únat n. “thing impossible to be or to be done”
- ᴺQ. !únomë pron. “nowhere”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úquen pron. “nobody, no one”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !alquen “nobody, no one”
- Q. úsië conj. “on the contrary”
- ⚠️Q. úsir conj. “on the contrary”; see instead:
- Q. úsië “on the contrary”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. úya- v. “is not”; see instead:
- Q. ui- “to not be, to not do”
- Q. vá interj. and adv. “will not, do not, shall not”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -viltë (-vilti-) suf. “-less”; see instead:
- Q. -enca “without, -less”
23.3 Preposition
- ⚠️ᴹQ. a² prep. “[unglossed]”
- ⚠️Q. atar² prep. “*for”; see instead:
- Q. rá² “*for, on behalf of”
- ᴹQ. enga prep. “save, *except”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enquë¹ prep. “without”; see instead:
- Q. ú¹ “without, destitute of”
- Q. enquë “six”
- Q. ier prep. “*as”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lactu prep. “among”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. me² prep. “?with, in(to), on”
- ⚠️Q. meter prep. “*for (the purpose of), towards the end”; see instead:
- Q. rá² “*for, on behalf of”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. na prep. “for”; see instead:
- Q. an “for, but, then, or; moreover, furthermore”
- Q., ᴹQ. pá prep. “touching, against, on (above but touching); as regards, concerning, [ᴹQ.] about”
- Q. rá² prep. “*for, on behalf of”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. se prep. “as, like, in manner of”; see instead:
- Q. ve¹ “as, like, similar, after the manner [of]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] with”
- Q. se² prep. “at, in”
- Q. sívë¹ prep. “*as”
- Q. tambë prep. “*as, so”
- ᴹQ. ten conj. “for”
- Q. tier prep. “*so”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ve¹ prep. “as, like, similar, after the manner [of]; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] with”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ye¹ prep. “at”; see instead:
- Q. se² “at, in”
23.4 Pronoun
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. a¹ pron. “it, one, indefinite subject”; see instead:
- Q. mo “one, anyone, someone, somebody”
- Q. ma¹ “something, a thing; ⚠️anything”
- ᴹQ. aianë pron. “somebody (or something) else, another person [or thing]”
- ᴺQ. !aima pron. “anything, whatever”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ainima pron. “any kind of”; see instead:
- Q. ainima “blessed, holy (of things)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aiqua pron. “anything, whatever”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !aima “anything, whatever”
- Q. aiquen pron. “if anybody, whoever, [ᴺQ.] anybody”
- ᴺQ. !aitë adj. “of some sort, of any sort”
- ᴹQ. anë pron. “somebody, someone”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. atta² pron. “they (emphatic); 3rd sg. neut. pronoun”
- ᴹQ. atwë pron. “another (of two); one of the two”
- Q. †-cca suf. “your (dual)”
- Q. †-ccë suf. “you (dual)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ce pron. “you (familiar)”; see instead:
- Q. tye “you (familiar), thee”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. céto pron. “you (emphatic)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cetya pron. “*your (emphatic possessive)”
- ᴹQ. cina adj. and pron. “a certain quantity, some, a certain amount, a little (when little is precise and not partitive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. cu pron. “dual 1(b)”
- ⚠️Q. e pron. “one, (neuter) it; [ᴹQ.] he, she”; see instead:
- Q. mo “one, anyone, someone, somebody”
- Q. ma¹ “something, a thing; ⚠️anything”
- ᴹQ. e pron. “he, she, it”
- ᴹQ. eccë pron. “you (emphatic familiar)”
- ᴹQ. eccet pron. “you (emphatic familiar dual)”
- ᴺQ. !eldë pron. “you (plural emphatic)”
- ᴹQ. ella pron. “of you, for you”
- ᴹQ. ellë pron. “you (emphatic polite)”
- ᴹQ. ellet pron. “you (emphatic polite dual)”
- ⚠️Q. ?elmë pron. “we (emphatic inclusive), *we (emphatic exclusive)”
- ᴹQ. elta pron. “his, *her, its (emphatic possessive)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. eltë pron. “he, *she, it (emphatic)”; see instead:
- Q. issë “he, *she, it (emphatic)”
- ᴺQ. !ettë “they (two)”
- Q. elvë pron. “we (emphatic inclusive)”
- Q. elyë pron. “you (emphatic polite)”
- ᴹQ. emma pron. “*our (emphatic possessive exclusive)”
- ᴹQ. emmë pron. “we (emphatic exclusive)”
- Q. emmë¹ pron. “*we (emphatic exclusive dual), ⚠️we (emphatic exclusive)”
- ᴹQ. emmet pron. “we (emphatic exclusive dual)”
- ⚠️Q. emmo pron. “we (emphatic exclusive dual)”; see instead:
- Q. emmë¹ “*we (emphatic exclusive dual), ⚠️we (emphatic exclusive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ena pron. “that by you”; see instead:
- Q. ta¹ “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. encë pron. “that by you (emphatic)”; see instead:
- Q. ta¹ “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
- ᴹQ. engwa pron. “*our (emphatic possessive inclusive)”
- ᴹQ. engwë pron. “we (emphatic inclusive)”
- ᴹQ. eñgwet pron. “we (emphatic inclusive dual)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. enqui pron. “this (emphatic)”; see instead:
- Q. si¹ “this”
- ᴹQ. entas(së) adv. “*there (more remote)”
- ᴹQ. enyanomë adv. “*in that (remote) place”
- ᴹQ. enyassë adv. “there far away, far away over there”
- Q. †eo pron. “person, somebody (unnamed)”
- ᴹQ. esta¹ pron. “*his, hes, its (emphatic possessive other)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. esta² adj. “first”; see instead:
- Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
- ᴹQ. estë pron. “he, she, it (emphatic other)”
- Q. esto pron. “they (emphatic dual)”
- ᴹQ. estu pron. “they (emphatic dual other)”
- ᴺQ. !ettë pron. “they (two)”
- ᴹQ. ettu pron. “they (emphatic dual)”
- ᴹQ. etya² pron. “*your (emphatic possessive familiar)”
- ⚠️Q. exë n. “the other”; see instead:
- Q. hyë “other person, him (the other)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ha pron. “it; 3rd sg. neut. pronoun”
- ᴹQ. ha pron. “it, abstract subject”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ha- pref. “*its; 3rd sg. neut. possessive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (h)áva pron. “*its (emphatic possessive)”
- ᴹQ. he¹ pron. “they”
- ᴹQ. he² pron. “him, her, it (yet another)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hëa pron. “it (emphatic); 3rd sg. neut. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hi pron. “she; 3rd sg. fem. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hië pron. “she (emphatic); 3rd sg. fem. pronoun”
- ᴹQ. hilca pron. “*this much, this great (by us)”
- ᴹQ. hina adj. and pron. “this (by us); this fact (by us)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. hindë adv. “[now] is only found used of...”
- ᴹQ. hinë pron. “this by you and me (not him)”
- ᴹQ. hinima pron. “*of this sort (by us)”
- ᴹQ. hinis(së) adv. “*here (by us)”
- ᴹQ. hissë adv. “*here (by us)”
- ᴹQ. hitwë pron. “*these (of two by us)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (h)íva pron. “*her (emphatic possessive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hu pron. “he; 3rd sg. masc. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. (h)úva pron. “*his (emphatic possessive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. húyo pron. “he (emphatic); 3rd sg. masc. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hwa- pref. “his; 3rd sg. masc. possessive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. hya-¹ pref. “*her; 3rd sg. fem. possessive”
- Q. hya² pron. “other thing”
- Q. hyë pron. “other person, him (the other)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. i² pron. “who, what, which, that (relative pronoun)”
- ᴹQ. iccin pron. “you (emphatic plural familiar)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. icë (ici-) adj. “this”; see instead:
- Q. si¹ “this”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilca adj. “reflexive 3rd sg. pl. adj.”
- ᴹQ. ilca pron. and conj. “*as much as, as great as”
- ⚠️Q. ilcë pron. “you (emphatic plural familiar)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !eldë “you (plural emphatic)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ilco pron. “reflexive 3rd sg. pl.”
- Q. -ilco suf. “you (dual)”
- ᴹQ. ildë conj. “*like that (relative)”
- ᴹQ. illi pron. and conj. “as many as”
- ᴹQ. illin pron. “you (emphatic polite plural)”
- Q. ilmë pron. “we (emphatic inclusive)”
- ᴹQ. íma pron. and conj. “such as”
- ᴹQ. ímen adv. “*aiming at that (relative)”
- Q. imlë pron. “yourself (polite)”
- ᴹQ. imma pron. “any, any at all (in the world/existence)”
- ᴹQ. immainen adv. “*by any means”
- ᴹQ. immalca pron. “*any quantity”
- ᴹQ. immal(dë) adv. “anyhow”
- ᴹQ. immalli pron. “of any number”
- ᴹQ. immallumë adv. “*at any time”
- ᴹQ. immámen adv. “*aiming at anything”
- ᴹQ. immana adj. and pron. “any at all”
- ᴹQ. imman(an) adv. “at any time, ever”
- ᴹQ. imman(dë) adv. “ever, at all, to any degree”
- ᴹQ. immandon adv. “*like anything”
- ᴹQ. immanë pron. “anybody, anything, anyone”
- ᴹQ. immanima pron. “of any kind”
- ᴹQ. immanomë adv. “*in any place”
- ᴹQ. immanyas adv. “on any day”
- ᴹQ. immar adv. “any day”
- ᴹQ. immaro adv. “*for any reason”
- ᴹQ. immas(së) adv. “*anywhere”
- Q. immë¹ pron. “ourselves (exclusive)”
- ⚠️Q. immë² pron. “ourselves (emphatic dual)”
- Q. immo pron. “same one (person), self”
- Q. imni pron. “myself”
- Q., ᴹQ. ina adj. and pron. “the one that; the fact (that)”
- ᴹQ. inárëa pron. and conj. “as old as”
- ᴹQ. in(dë) conj. “as, as much as”
- Q. indë pron. “yourselves”
- ᴹQ. indon conj. “as”
- ᴹQ. inë pron. “the one who, the one that”
- ᴹQ. ínen adv. “*by means of that (relative)”
- ᴹQ. inicca pron. and conj. “*as small as”
- ᴹQ. inië pron. “she, the woman referred to”
- ᴹQ. ino pron. “he, the man referred to”
- Q. inquë pron. “we, thou-and-I (emphatic inclusive dual)”
- Q. insa pron. “itself”
- Q. insë pron. “himself, herself”
- ᴹQ. inta pron. “*their (emphatic possessive)”
- Q. intë¹ pron. “themselves”
- Q. intë² pron. “they (emphatic)”
- ᴹQ. intin pron. “they (emphatic)”
- ᴺQ. !intu pron. “themselves (dual)”
- Q. intyë pron. “yourself (familiar)”
- Q. inwë pron. “ourselves (inclusive)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. inya² pron. “my”; see instead:
- ᴹQ. ninya “my [independent possessive]; [ᴺQ.] mine”
- Q. inyë pron. “I (emphatic)”
- ᴹQ. inyë pron. “I (emphatic)”
- ᴹQ. iro adv. “*for that reason (relative)”
- ᴹQ. issa pron. “*their (emphatic possessive other)”
- ᴹQ. issë conj. “where [relative]”
- Q. issë pron. “he, *she, it (emphatic)”
- ᴹQ. issin pron. “they (emphatic other)”
- ᴹQ. isti pron. “they (other)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ixa adj. “reflexive 3rd sg. adj.”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ixo pron. “reflexive 3rd sg.”
- ᴹQ. laca adj. and pron. “much (abundant), a great quantity”
- ᴹQ. láquanë pron. “nobody at all”
- Q. -lda¹ suf. “your (plural)”
- ⚠️Q. -lda² suf. “your (dual)”; see instead:
- Q. -sta³ “your (dual)”
- Q. -ldë¹ suf. “you (plural)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. le pron. “you (plural)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lëa- pref. “*your; 2nd pl. possessive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lelco pron. “you (emphatic plural familiar)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lelya pron. “*your (emphatic possessive plural)”
- ᴺQ. !lenya pron. “yours (plural)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. -lla suf. “*your (polite)”; see instead:
- Q. -lya¹ “your (polite)”
- Q. -lla¹ suf. “your (plural polite)”
- Q. -llë² suf. “you (plural)”
- Q. -lma¹ suf. “our (exclusive)”
- ⚠️Q. -lma² suf. “our (inclusive)”; see instead:
- Q. -lva “our (inclusive)”
- Q. -lma³ suf. “our (inclusive dual)”
- Q. -lmë¹ suf. “we (exclusive)”
- ⚠️Q. -lmë² suf. “we (inclusive)”; see instead:
- Q. -lvë “we (inclusive)”
- Q. -lta suf. “their”
- ᴹQ. -lta suf. “*his, her, its”
- Q. -ltë suf. “they”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. lu pron. “dual 2”
- Q. -lva suf. “our (inclusive)”
- Q. -lvë suf. “we (inclusive)”
- Q., ᴹQ. -lya¹ suf. “your (polite)”
- Q. -l(yë) suf. “you (polite)”
- Q. lye pron. “you (polite)”
- ᴺQ. !lyenya pron. “yours (polite)”
- ᴺQ. !lyéta- v. “to address somebody formally using lye”
- Q. ma¹ pron. “something, a thing; ⚠️anything”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. me pron. “us (exclusive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mëa- pref. “*our; 1st pl. exclusive possessive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. melmo pron. “we (emphatic); 1st pl. exclusive pronoun”
- Q., ᴱQ. menya pron. “our (exclusive); [ᴺQ.] ours”
- Q. -mma¹ suf. “our (exclusive dual)”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. -mma² suf. “our (exclusive)”; see instead:
- Q. -lma¹ “our (exclusive)”
- Q. -mmë¹ suf. “we (exclusive dual)”
- ⚠️Q. -mmë² suf. “we (exclusive)”; see instead:
- Q. -lmë¹ “we (exclusive)”
- ⚠️Q. -mmo suf. “we (exclusive dual)”; see instead:
- Q. -mmë¹ “we (exclusive dual)”
- Q. mo pron. “one, anyone, someone, somebody”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mu pron. “dual 1(a)”; see instead:
- Q. -mmë¹ “we (exclusive dual)”
- Q. námo¹ n. “person, somebody (unnamed)”
- Q. †-nca suf. “your (plural familiar)”
- Q. †-ncë suf. “you (plural familiar)”
- Q. -ngo suf. “we (inclusive dual)”
- ᴹQ. -ngwa suf. “*our (inclusive)”
- Q. -ngwa suf. “our (inclusive dual)”
- Q. -ngwë suf. “we (inclusive dual)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ni pron. “me, I”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nímo pron. “I (emphatic); 1st sg. pronoun”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ninya pron. “my [independent possessive]; [ᴺQ.] mine”
- Q. -nquë suf. “thou-and-I (dual)”
- Q., ᴹQ. -nta¹ suf. “their”
- Q. -nta² suf. “they (neuter)”
- Q. -ntë suf. “they”
- ⚠️Q. -ntyë suf. “you (plural familiar)”
- ᴹQ. nwë [ñ] pron. “*we (inclusive)”
- Q. -nya suf. “my”
- ᴹQ. -nya suf. “*my”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. nya- pref. “*my; 1st sg. possessive”
- Q., ᴹQ. -n(yë) suf. “I”
- ᴹQ. nye pron. “me, I”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quë¹ pron. “we (inclusive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quë² pron. “any”; see instead:
- Q. ai² “supposing, suppose, maybe; *any”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quëa- pref. “*our; 1st pl. inclusive possessive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quelmo pron. “we (emphatic); 1st pl. inclusive pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quenya pron. “*our (emphatic possessive inclusive)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. qui adj. “this”; see instead:
- Q. si¹ “this”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quinda adj. “this”; see instead:
- Q. sina “this”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. quinquë n. “this”; see instead:
- Q. si¹ “this”
- Q. -rya¹ suf. “his, her, its”
- Q. -rya² suf. “their (colloquial)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. sa¹ pron. and conj. “it (inanimate); that”
- ᴹQ. sa² pron. “they (3rd pl. inanimate)”
- ᴹQ. sainen adv. “*by that (mentioned) means”
- ᴹQ. sal(dë) adv. “*in that (mentioned) way”
- ᴹQ. sallumë adv. “at that [mentioned] time”
- ᴹQ. sámen adv. “*aiming for that (previously mentioned)”
- Q., ᴹQ. sana adj. “that (previously mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. san(an)dë adv. “to the very degree”
- ᴹQ. sanas(së) adv. “*there (previously mentioned)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sanda adj. “that”; see instead:
- Q. sana “that (previously mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. sandon adv. “*like that (mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. sanë pron. “that (anaphoric)”
- ᴹQ. sanima pron. “such, *of that sort (previously mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. sanome(s) adv. “*in that place (previously mentioned)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. santo pron. “that”
- ᴹQ. saro adv. “therefore, for that reason named, and so”
- ᴹQ. sassë pron. “*there (previously mentioned)”
- ᴹQ. satwë pron. “the same one (of two), the one (of two) mentioned”
- Q. se¹ pron. “he, she, it (animate)”
- ᴹQ. se¹ pron. “they”
- ᴹQ. se² [þ] pron. “he, she, it, they (other)”
- ᴹQ. sen pron. “them”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. si¹ pron. “this”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. si¹ pron. “they; 3rd pl. fem. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sia- pref. “*their; 3rd pl. fem. possessive”
- ᴹQ. sië pron. “here”
- ᴹQ. silca pron. “*this much, this great”
- ᴹQ. sil(dë) adv. “so, in this way, like this”
- ᴹQ. sillini pron. “so many”
- ᴹQ. símen¹ adv. “here”
- ᴹQ. símen² adv. “*aiming at this”
- Q. simo pron. “*this person”
- Q., ᴹQ. sina adj. and pron. “this”
- ᴹQ. sinárëa pron. “*this old, this long lasting”
- ᴹQ. sin(dë) adv. “so, so much”
- ᴹQ. sindon adv. “like this”
- ᴹQ. sinë pron. “this (by me)”
- ᴹQ. sínen adv. “*by this means”
- ᴹQ. sinima pron. “*of this sort”
- ᴹQ. sinis(së) adv. “*here”
- ᴹQ. siro adv. “*for this reason”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sísë pron. “they (emphatic); 3rd sg. fem. pronoun”
- Q. sítë adj. “of this sort”
- ᴹQ. sitwë pron. “*these (of two)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. síva pron. “*their (emphatic possessive fem.)”
- Q. -s(sa) suf. “3rd person singular neuter”
- Q. -s(së) suf. “he, she, it; him, her, it”
- ⚠️Q. -ssë³ suf. “himself, *herself, itself”; see instead:
- Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
- ᴹQ. -sta³ suf. “*his, her, its (other)”
- Q. -sta³ suf. “your (dual)”
- ᴹQ. -sta⁴ suf. “*their (other)”
- ⚠️Q. -sta⁴ suf. “their (dual)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !-tta “their (dual)”
- ⚠️Q. -s(të) suf. “3rd person singular animate”; see instead:
- Q. -s(së) “he, she, it; him, her, it”
- Q. -stë¹ suf. “you (dual)”
- Q. -t² suf. “they (object suffix)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ta- pref. “*their; 3rd pl. neut. possessive”
- Q., ᴹQ. ta¹ pron. “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ta¹ pron. “they; 3rd pl. neut. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. ta² pron. “it (3rd sg. inanimate)”
- Q. tai¹ pron. “them (inanimate)”
- ᴹQ. tainen adv. “by that means”
- Q. taitë adj. “of that sort”
- ᴹQ. talca pron. “*that much, that great”
- ᴹQ. tal(dë) adv. “so, thus, like that”
- Q. tallë adv. “like that”
- ᴹQ. tallini pron. “that many”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. táma adj. “this”; see instead:
- Q. sina “this”
- ᴹQ. támen adv. “*aiming at that”
- Q. tamo² pron. “*that person”
- Q., ᴹQ. tana adj. and pron. “that”
- ᴹQ. tanárëa pron. “*that old, that long lasting”
- ᴹQ. tanas(së) adv. “*there”
- ᴹQ. tan(dë) adv. “that much, so”
- ᴹQ. tandon adv. “like that”
- ᴹQ. tanë pron. “that”
- Q. tanen adv. “in that way”
- ᴹQ. tanicca pron. “*that small”
- ᴹQ. tanima pron. “*of that sort”
- ᴹQ. tanomë adv. “*in that place”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tanya adj. “that”
- ᴹQ. taro adv. “*for that reason”
- ᴹQ. tatwa adj. “*that (of two)”
- ᴹQ. tatwë pron. “that other one (pointing)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. táva pron. “*their (emphatic possessive neut.)”
- ᴹQ. te pron. “him, her, it”
- Q. te pron. “them”
- ᴹQ. tha pron. “*it (other)”
- ᴹQ. †thë pron. “him, her, it (other)”
- ᴹQ. thu pron. “them (dual other)”
- ᴹQ. ti pron. “*there by you”
- ᴹQ. tí pron. “them”
- ᴹQ. til(dë) adv. “like [that by] you”
- ᴹQ. tina adj. and pron. “this (of yours); this fact (by you)”
- ᴹQ. tinë pron. “that by you”
- ᴹQ. tínen adv. “*by this means”
- ᴹQ. toi pron. “they”
- ᴺQ. !-tta suf. “their (dual)”
- Q. -ttë¹ suf. “they (dual)”
- ⚠️Q. -ttë² suf. “themselves”; see instead:
- Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
- Q., ᴹQ. tu pron. “them (dual)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tu¹ pron. “they; 3rd pl. masc. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tu² pron. “he”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tua- pref. “*their; 3rd pl. masc. possessive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túto pron. “they (emphatic); 3rd sg. masc. pronoun”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. túva pron. “*their (emphatic possessive masc.)”
- ⚠️Q. -twa suf. “their (dual)”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !-tta “their (dual)”
- ᴹQ. -tya suf. “*your (familiar)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tya- pref. “*your; 2nd sg. possessive”
- Q. -tya¹ suf. “your (familiar)”
- Q. -tyë suf. “you (familiar)”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. tye pron. “you (familiar), thee”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyë¹ pron. “that by you”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyenda adj. “that (of yours)”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. tyent(y)ë n. “that (of yours)”
- ᴺQ. !tyenya n. “yours (familiar)”
- ᴺQ. !tyéta- v. “to address somebody informally using tye”
- ᴹQ. uma adj. and pron. “some (when the identity is unknown); something or other”
- ᴹQ. umainen adv. “*by some means”
- ᴹQ. umalca pron. “*an unknown quanity”
- ᴹQ. umaldë adv. “somehow”
- ᴹQ. umallumë adv. “some time”
- ᴹQ. umámen adv. “*aiming at something”
- ᴹQ. uman(an) adv. “sometime, at some time”
- ᴹQ. umanar adv. “some day”
- ᴹQ. um(an)aryas adv. “in a certain day”
- ᴹQ. uman(dë) adv. “somewhat”
- ᴹQ. umandon adv. “*like something”
- ᴹQ. #umanë pron. “someone, somebody”
- ᴹQ. umanima pron. “of some kind”
- ᴹQ. umanomë adv. “*in some place”
- ᴹQ. umaro adv. “*for some reason”
- ᴹQ. umas(së) adv. “*somewhere”
- Q. ve² pron. “us (inclusive)”
- ᴺQ. !venya pron. “ours (inclusive)”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. waryallumë adv. “*at a different time”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. ya pron. “which, that (relative pronoun)”
- Q. -ya³ suf. “his, her, its (colloquial)”
- Q. yallë adv. “as, in the same way as, like”
- ᴹQ. yana pron. “yonder; that (the former)”
- ᴹQ. yanas(së) adv. “*there (remote)”
- ᴹQ. yanë pron. “that yonder”
- ᴹQ. yassë adv. “there [remote, relative]; ⚠️once upon a time”
- ᴺQ. !yava adj. “whose, of which”
- Q. ye pron. “who”
- ᴹQ. -za pron. “abstract object”
23.5 Noun Inflection
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -i¹ suf. “general plural for nouns”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -ica suf. “partitive”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ië¹ suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -inen suf. “of, out of; partitive suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -l¹ suf. “dative suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -lë suf. “abstract noun, ⚠️adverb”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -li suf. “partitive plural (suffix); many, some, a lot of”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-lis suf. “noun suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-më suf. “abstract noun”
- ⚠️ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -n¹ suf. “genitive suffix”; see instead:
- Q. -n² “dative suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ. -n² suf. “dative suffix”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ndon suf. “-like, -ily”
- Q. -nen suf. “instrumental”
- Q. -nna suf. “(movement) to, towards, onto, at (arriving at a point); allative suffix”
- ᴹQ. -nna suf. “to, towards; allative suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -nta suf. “to, at, towards; allative suffix”; see instead:
- Q. -nna “(movement) to, towards, onto, at (arriving at a point); allative suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -o suf. “of; genitive ending”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -r¹ suf. “plural suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-rë suf. “abstract noun”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ssë¹ suf. “locative ending”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-ssë² suf. “abstract noun”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -t¹ suf. “dual ending”
- Q., ᴹQ. -u suf. “dual ending”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -va suf. “possessive or adjectival ending”
23.6 Verb Inflection
- Q. #a- pref. “infinitive prefix”
- Q., ᴹQ. á particle. “imperative particle”
- ᴺQ. !aralussë n. “aorist, (lit.) beside-tense”
- ᴹQ. -(á)rë suf. “general action verbal suffix”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. co adv. “reflexive”; see instead:
- Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ‽-co suf. “reflexive suffix”; see instead:
- Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -cto suf. “reflexive”; see instead:
- Q. -xë¹ “reflexive verbal inflection”
- Q. -ëa¹ suf. “continuative present”
- Q. -i² suf. “simplest aorist infinitive”
- Q., ᴹQ. -ië² suf. “gerund suffix, -ing”
- Q., ᴹQ. -ië³ suf. “perfect suffix”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. -ië⁴ suf. “stative suffix”; see instead:
- Q. ëa- “to be, exist, [ᴹQ.] have being, be found extant in the real world”
- Q. -(i)la suf. “active participle”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ina suf. “adjective suffix; passive participle”
- Q. -ita suf. “particular infinitive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -l² suf. “plural [verb]”
- ᴺQ. !lussë n. “(verb) tense”
- ⚠️Q., ᴹQ. -lya² suf. “imperfect participle”; see instead:
- Q. -(i)la “active participle”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -ma² suf. “passive participle”
- Q. -mië suf. “*noun ending”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -n² (-nd-) suf. “active participle”
- ᴹQ. -ndë suf. “general action verbal suffix”
- ᴺQ. !†nessë n. “past tense, (lit.) nē-ness”
- Q., ᴹQ. -nwa suf. “passive suffix; active participle (intransitive verbs); [ᴹQ.] perfective participle”
- ᴺQ. !qualussë n. “perfect tense, (lit.) full tense”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -r³ suf. “impersonal [verb]”
- ᴺQ. !silussë n. “present tense, (lit.) here-and-now-tense”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-sta² suf. “verbal noun suffix”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. -stë suf. “general action verbal suffix”; see instead:
- Q. #-sta² “verbal noun suffix”
- ᴺQ. !tulussë n. “future tense, (lit.) coming tense”
- Q., ᴹQ. *-ula suf. “likelihood or aptitude”
- ᴹQ. †-umnë suf. “future-past”
- Q., ᴹQ. -uva suf. “future tense suffix”
- ᴺQ. !†uvassë n. “future tense, (lit.) uva-ness”
- ᴺQ. !vanwalussë n. “past tense”
- Q. -xë¹ suf. “reflexive verbal inflection”
- ᴹQ. -ya² suf. “aorist active participle, general verbal adjective”
23.7 Comparative, Intensive
- ⚠️ᴱQ. a-² pref. “*intensive prefix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aca adv. “very, intensive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lai “very”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aca- pref. “intensive”; see instead:
- Q. an- “intensive prefix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. acca adv. “too”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. aci adj. “extreme, vehement, excessive”
- Q., ᴹQ. an- pref. “intensive prefix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. arë² adv. “very, intensive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lai “very”
- Q., ᴱQ. ar(i)- pref. “superlative prefix; ⚠️good; [ᴱQ.] intensive”
- ᴺQ. !aryata- v. “to improve”
- Q., ᴱQ. #-incë suf. “diminutive ending”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -íne(a) suf. “diminutive”; see instead:
- Q. #-incë “diminutive ending”
- ⚠️Q. íta² adv. “very, extremely; (lit.) multiplied, increased”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lai “very”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -itsë (-itsi) suf. “diminutive”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] lai adv. “very”
- Q. langë adv. “surpassingly, superlatively, extremely”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -lda suf. “augmentative”
- ⚠️Q. -lda³ suf. “a comparative suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-lla suf. “diminutive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. maira adj. “excessive, strong”; see instead:
- Q. maira “admirable, excellent, precious, splendid, sublime”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. mice- pref. “diminutive”; see instead:
- Q. #-incë “diminutive ending”
- Q. na-¹ pref. “plu-”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oldë adv. “very, much, intensive”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. lai “very”
- ᴺQ. !lio “much”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. oli- pref. “intensive”; see instead:
- Q. an- “intensive prefix”
- Q., ᴹQ. #-on² suf. “augmentative, great”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -pin(cë) suf. “diminutive”; see instead:
- Q. #-incë “diminutive ending”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. sa- pref. “intensive”; see instead:
- Q. an- “intensive prefix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -tsa suf. “diminutive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -tya¹ suf. “comparative”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -úmë suf. “augmentative”
- ᴹQ. un-/um- pref. “intensive prefix with evil sense”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -(w)intë suf. “diminutive”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -(y)ando adj. “augmentative”
23.8 Conjunction
- ᴺQ. !aimanen adv. “however”
- ᴺQ. !aivë adv. “anyway, anyhow, in any way”
- Q. an conj. and adv. “for, but, then, or; moreover, furthermore”
- ᴺQ. !anahtai conj. “although, even though, (lit.) against-that-which”
- ᴹQ. ananta conj. “but yet, and yet”
- Q. apa³ conj. “but”
- ᴺQ. !astai conj. “whereas, (lit.) beside-that-which”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ecar conj. “or”; see instead:
- Q. hya¹ “or”
- ᴺQ. !equi conj. “even if, even though, (lit.) indeed-if”
- ᴺQ. !exanen adv. “otherwise, in an other way”
- ⚠️Q. hela conj. “*other than”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !herca conj. “or”; see instead:
- Q. hya¹ “or”
- Q. hya¹ conj. “or”
- ᴺQ. !hyano adv. “rather”
- ᴹQ. í conj. “when, whenever, at the time mentioned (relative)”
- ᴺQ. !illangiéla adv. “nevertheless, (lit.) all-having-been-bypassed”
- ᴹQ. inan adv. “(relative) at the time mentioned, at the same time”
- ᴹQ. íqua conj. “when, whenever”
- ⚠️ᴹQ. írë² conj. “when”; see instead:
- Q. yá “when”
- Q. ita conj. “that which, what”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !italo conj. “since”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. pan “*since, because”
- ᴺQ. !itan conj. “so that, in order to”
- Q. itas adv. “in that case”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. la prep. “before; than”
- Q. lan conj. “*while”
- ᴺQ. !lap- v. “to fold, ⚠️bend”
- Q. laqui conj. “unless”
- Q. mal conj. “but”
- ᴹQ. mennai conj. “until”
- ᴹQ. nan conj. and adv. “but, on the contrary, on the other hand; ⚠️again”
- ᴺQ. !naqui conj. “although, even though, (lit.) if it is in fact”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ne conj. “that”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. ómu adv. “*although”
- ⚠️Q. ono conj. “but”; see instead:
- Q. mal “but”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] pan conj. “*since, because”
- ᴺQ. !quima conj. “whether”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. san conj. and adv. “*then, so, thus”
- Q. sinen adv. “by this means, so”
- Q. ta³ adv. and conj. “so, like that, also; and also, then; etcetera”
- ᴺQ. !tamala adv. “by the way, (lit.) beyond that matter”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. var conj. “or”; see instead:
- Q. hya¹ “or”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. váro adv. “*rather”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !hyano “rather”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. varúsë adv. “*in other manner [than]”
- ᴺQ. !vequi conj. “as if, as though”
- ⚠️Q. yan conj. and adv. “*as”; see instead:
- Q. san “*then, so, thus”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. yan conj. “when”; see instead:
- Q. yá “when”
- ᴺQ. !yanen adv. “whereby”
- ᴺQ. !yola adv. “neither, nor”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yúla adv. “neither, nor”; see instead:
- ᴺQ. !yola “neither, nor”
- ᴹQ. yúla “ember, smouldering wood”
23.9 Affix
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-a suf. “adjectival suffix”
- Q. -arya suf. “*inceptive”
- Q. -da suf. “product of an action”
- Q. -e suf. “plural of adjectives”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. e-¹ pref. “that by you”; see instead:
- Q. ta¹ “that, there, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] it”
- Q. -ëa² suf. “ordinal suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -ilqua suf. “-ly or -like”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-inë suf. “noun suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -inya¹ suf. “worthy to be -”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-itë suf. “adjective ending”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -lta suf. “?causative”
- Q., ᴹQ. -ma suf. “instrumental”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -mas (-mast-) suf. “-ton, -by”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-noina suf. “adjective suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-noitë suf. “adjective suffix”
- ᴹQ. -nta² suf. “to become or be made”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-nto suf. “fraction suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-ra suf. “adjectival suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. #-së suf. “adjective suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ. -ta suf. “causative verb suffix”
- ⚠️Q. -tië suf. “verbal suffix”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -tulë (tuli-) suf. “bearing, etc.”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -tya² suf. “causative”
- ⚠️ᴱQ. -u suf. “adverb suffix”
- Q. -vë suf. “abstract noun, adverb”
- ᴹQ., ᴱQ. #-voitë suf. “adjective suffix”
- Q., ᴹQ., ᴱQ. -ya¹ suf. “adjective suffix”
- Q. -ya² suf. “suffix of endearment”
- Q. -ya⁴ suf. “verbal suffix”
23.99 Grammar (other)
- ᴺQ. !cariquetta n. “verb”
- Q., ᴹQ. mestanyatsë n. “suffixion”
- Q., ᴹQ. mittandë n. “infixion, intrusion, [ᴹQ.] insertion”
- Q., ᴹQ. tengwesta n. “grammar, morphology, system or code of signs, collection of matter concerning writing, *language structure”
- ᴺQ. !yestanyatsë n. “prefixion”