ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ripta- v. “to cut in strips, tear up; to stripe, mark in parallel lines; to flay, flog” (Category: to Flay, Skin)
ᴱQ. ripta- v. “to cut in strips, tear up; to stripe, mark in parallel lines; to flay, flog” (Category: to Flay, Skin)
A verb appearing as ᴱQ. ripta- with glosses “to cut in strips, tear up - stripe, mark in parallel lines - flay, flog” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s derived from the early root ᴱ√RIPI (QL/80).
Neo-Quenya: Since I retain the Neo-Root ᴺ√RIP with the sense “strip, stripe”, I would also retain ᴺQ. ripta- with all of its early meanings.
References ✧ QL/80
rīpe | past | ✧ QL/80 |
Phonetic Developments
ᴱ√RIPI > ripta- | [ripta-] | ✧ QL/80 |