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Q. mar- v. (basic-verb) “to abide, be settled or fixed, dwell” (Category: to Live, Dwell)

Q. mar-, v. (basic-verb) “to dwell, abide, be settled or fixed, [ᴱQ.] live [in a place]” (Category: to Live, Dwell)
ᴱQ. manda- “to dwell, remain”
ᴱQ. sorto- “to set, settle”
ᴱQ. wasta- “to dwell”

A verb meaning “abide, be settled or fixed” used in Elendil’s Oath (LotR/967; UT/317), clearly derived from the root √MBAR “settle, dwell”. This verb appeared as far back as the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, where ᴱQ. mara- “dwell, live” was derived from the early root ᴱ√MBARA (QL/63). For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use it only intransitively, mostly in the sense “dwell, live (in a place)”.

References ✧ CPT/1296; LotR/967; PE17/103; PE22/147; UT/317




maruvan future 1st-sg “I will abide” ✧ LotR/967; PE17/103
maruvan future 1st-sg   ✧ PE22/147
marnie past “dwelt” ✧ CPT/1296

Element In



ᴹQ. mar- v. (basic-verb) “to abide” (Category: to Live, Dwell)

See Q. mar- for discussion.

References ✧ SD/56


maruvan future 1st-sg “I will abide” ✧ SD/56
nimaruva future 1st-sg; pronoun-prefix “will abide” ✧ SD/56

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ᴱQ. mara-¹ v. “to dwell, live” (Category: to Live, Dwell)

See Q. mar- for discussion.

Reference ✧ QL/63 ✧ mara-² “dwell, live”
