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ᴱQ. tanta-² v. “to dance (tr.), dandle, wave” (Category: to Dance)

⚠️ᴱQ. tanta-², v. “to dance (tr.), dandle, wave” (Category: to Dance)
Q. lilta- “to dance”

A verb in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “dance (tr.), dandle, wave”, derived from the early root ᴱ√TṆTṆ having to do with bouncing things (QL/94). In the same entry there was a separate verb tanta- “bounce, bound, rebound” (QL/93). The two verbs had distinct past forms: tante “bounced” vs. tantane “dandled”, and seem to be intransitive and transitive respectively. In the English-Qenya Dictionary of the 1920s it was given as a verb meaning “dance” (PE15/71).

References ✧ PE15/71; QL/94




tantane past ✧ QL/94
tantye past ✧ PE15/71

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√TṆTṆ > tanta- [tṇta-] > [tanta-] ✧ QL/94