ᴹQ. las interj. “mark you, I tell you, if you can believe me” (Category: to Listen, Harken)
- ᴹQ. las, interj. “mark you, I tell you, if you can believe me” (Category: to Listen, Harken)
Reference ✧ PE23/104 ✧ “mark you, I tell you, if you can believe me”
- las “mark you, I tell you, if you can believe me” [is] an abbreviation of lasta “hear!” ✧ PE23/104
Element In
- ᴹQ. há las “(introduce[s] a remarkable or incredible statement or reason)” ✧ PE23/104
- ᴹQ. sá las “(introduce[s] a remarkable or incredible statement or reason)” ✧ PE23/104