Middle Quenya Words
- #-a suf. “adjectival suffix”
- á¹ particle. “imperative particle”
- a¹ pron. “it, one, indefinite subject”
- á² interj. “Oh!”
- a² prep. “[unglossed]”
- aha n. “rage”
- ahto n. “wright, maker”
- ahtumat n. “supper”
- ai adv. “supposing, suppose, maybe”
- aia adj. “other, different”
- aia- pref. “other, different (of larger numbers)”
- aialli pron. “a different number”
- ai(a)na adj. and pron. “alien, strange, any other; anything else, some other matter, a different matter”
- aian(an) adv. “at another time, at some other time”
- aiane pron. “somebody (or something) else, another person [or thing]”
- aianima pron. “of other sort, of other kind”
- aiano n. “stranger, alien”
- aiárea pron. “of different ages”
- aika adj. “sharp”
- aikale n. “peak”
- aikasse n. “mountain peak”
- ailin n. “pool, lake”
- aina¹ adj. “holy”
- aina² adj. “something else”
- aine pron. “someone else, another (no personal forms)” see aiane
- Aini n. “holy one, angelic spirit (f.)”
- Ainu n. “holy one, angelic spirit”
- aiqa adj. “steep”
- aira adj. “red, copper-coloured, ruddy”
- aire n. “sea”
- airen n. “sea”
- aista- v. “to dread”
- aiwe n. “(small) bird”
- aksa n. “ravine, narrow path; edge”
- al- v. “to thrive”
- al(a)- pref. “not, negative prefix”
- ala- v. “to grow”
- ala n. “day”
- alako n. “rush, rushing flight, wild wind”
- alalme n. “elm-tree”
- alama n. “[unglossed]”
- alan n. “daytime”
- alande adv. “to no degree, in no way”
- alaninqitálima adj. “that cannot be made white (again)”
- alanwa adj. “fully grown, adult, mature”
- (a)láqa adj. and pron. “none”
- (a)láqainen adv. “by no means”
- (a)láqalde adv. “in no way, by no method, nohow”
- (a)láqan adv. “not (at all)”
- alaqande adv. “not in the least”
- (a)láqandon adv. “*like nothing”
- (a)larka adj. “swift, rapid”
- alaryas adv. “*at no day”
- alas adv. “nowhere” see lalasse
- alas(ka)- pref. “not different, no other”
- alasse n. “joy, merriment”
- alat- pref. “large, great in size” see alta
- alatwe pron. “neither”
- alda n. “tree”
- aldarwa adj. “having trees, tree-grown”
- Aldarya n. “*Tuesday”
- alfárima adj. “impossible to pursue”
- #alfírima adj. “immortal”
- Alfírimo n. “Immortal”
- -alima suf. “able to be done, -able, -ible” see -ima
- alistima adj. “unknowable, secret”
- alka n. “ray of light”
- alkar(e) n. “radiance, brilliance”
- alkárima adj. “impossible to make”
- alkarinqa adj. “radiant, glorious”
- alla¹ interj. “hail!”
- alla² adj. and pron. “nothing”
- allan adv. “never, at no time”
- allanan adv. “at no time” see lálan
- all(an)ar adv. “*at no day”
- allane pron. “nobody, nothing (no thing), no one”
- allanima pron. “of no sort, of no kind”
- allanna adv. “*to nowhere”
- allanome(s) adv. “*in no place”
- allaro adv. “*for no reason”
- allasse adv. “nowhere” see lalasse
- alle pron. “nobody, nothing (no thing), no one” see allane
- alli pron. “of another number, not so many”
- allina pron. see alli
- allo adv. “from no place” see lalallo
- allonomello adv. “from no place”
- allume adv. “at no date”
- alma n. “good fortune, weal, wealth, *well-being”
- almare n. “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss”
- almárea adj. “blessed”
- almie n. “blessedness, blessings, good fortune, bliss” see almare
- alómea adj. “voiceless”
- alqa n. “swan”
- alqettima adj. “unutterable”
- alta adj. “large, great in size”
- alta- v. “to (make) grow”
- altankanta- v. “to become unfixed”
- alwa adj. “well-grown”
- alwara adj. “useless, *worthless”
- alya adj. “rich, prosperous, abundant, blessed”
- am- pref. “up”
- ama adv. “up” see amba
- #amaldume n. “[unglossed]”
- aman n. “bond”
- amatikse n. “dot or point placed above the line of writing”
- amba adv. “up(wards)”
- ambal n. “shaped stone, flag [stone]”
- ambale n. “yellow bird, yellow hammer”
- am(ba)penda adj. “uphill”
- Ambar n. “Earth, World”
- ambar (ambart-) n. “fate” see umbar
- ambaróne n. “uprising, sunrise, Orient”
- ambo n. “hill”
- ambon n. “upward slope, hill-side”
- ambor n. “breast”
- amil n. “mother”
- ammale n. “yellow bird, ‘yellow hammer’” see ambale
- amme n. “mother”
- ampa n. “hook, crook”
- #ampana- v. “to build”
- ampano n. “building (especially of wood), wooden hall, construction, edifice”
- ampanóta- v. “to build, construct, erect a (large) building”
- ampanotalea adj. “architectural”
- ampanotaste n. “architecture”
- ampenda adj. “uphill” see am(ba)penda
- ampende n. “upward slope”
- an- pref. “intensive prefix”
- an(a) prep. “to, towards”
- ana- pref. “to, towards”
- ananta conj. “but yet, and yet”
- Anar (Anár-) n. “Sun”
- anaristya n. “[unglossed]”
- anaróre n. “sunrise”
- Anarya n. “Sunday, (lit.) Sun-day”
- anda adj. “long”
- andalúme adv. “for a long while”
- andamunda n. “elephant”
- andatehta n. “long mark”
- andatelko n. “long stem, long leg”
- andave adv. “*long”
- ando n. “gate, door”
- -ando suf. “agent (male)”
- ando² adv. “long”
- andólama n. “long consonant”
- andon (andond-) n. “great gate”
- andul n. “long pole”
- andúne n. “sunset”
- ane pron. “somebody, someone”
- anga n. “iron”
- angaina adj. “of iron”
- ango (angu-) n. “snake, dragon”
- angulóke n. “dragon”
- anka n. “jaw, row of teeth”
- anna n. “gift”
- an(ner) adv. “at hand”
- anqale n. “*death agony” see unqale
- anta n. “face”
- anta- v. “to give”
- antaro n. “high mountain, peak”
- ante n. “giver (f.)”
- anto¹ n. “mouth”
- anto² n. “giver (m.)”
- anwa adj. “true, real, actual”
- apsa- v. “to go away”
- apsa¹ n. “meat, cooked food”
- apsa² n. “juice”
- ar conj. “and; but”
- ar- pref. “outside, beside”
- ara prep. “outside, beside”
- ára n. “dawn, day”
- aran¹ n. “king”
- aran² (arn-) n. “child”
- aranaite adj. “*kingly, royal”
- araníe n. “kingship”
- (a)ranya adj. “free”
- aranyalle n. “*kingdom”
- arat (arak-) n. “weed”
- áratenkele n. “writing of A, (lit.) daywriting”
- arda n. “realm, region”
- are n. “day”
- -(á)re suf. “general action verbal suffix”
- arie n. “daytime”
- arin n. “morning”
- arinya adj. “morning, early”
- arka adj. “narrow”
- armar coll. “goods”
- arta n. “fort, fortress”
- artuile n. “dayspring, early morn”
- arwa adj. and suf. “possessing, having, in control of”
- arya n. “day (twelve hours)”
- aryon n. “heir”
- asea [þ] n. “*healing herb”
- asea aranaite [þ] n. “*kingsfoil”
- #askat- v. “to rend, break asunder”
- assa¹ n. “hole, perforation, opening, mouth”
- assa² pron. “[unglossed]”
- asse pron. “[unglossed]”
- asso pron. “[unglossed]”
- asto¹ n. “dust”
- #asto² (astu-) n. “bone”
- astula adj. “bony”
- at(a)- pref. “back, again, re-”
- ata adv. “again, *(lit.) a second time”
- atalta- v. “to collapse, fall in, fall down, slip down in ruin”
- ataltare n. “collapse”
- Atan n. “Man”
- ataqe n. “construction, building”
- atar n. “father”
- #atintila- v. “*to sparkle” see #tintila-
- atsa¹ n. “claw, catch, hook”
- atsa² n. “tassel, fryse, fringe”
- atta num. card. “two”
- atto n. “father (hypocoristic)”
- attul- v. “to come back, return”
- atwa adj. “double; either/or”
- atwe pron. “another (of two); one of the two”
- au- pref. “without” see ava-
- aule n. “invention”
- auta-¹ v. “to go away”
- auta-² v. “to invent, originate, devise”
- au(ve) adv. “might (have), would (have)”
- ava- pref. “without”
- ava adv. and adj. “outside, beyond; outer, exterior”
- avahaira adj. “*far beyond, very remote”
- (a)vaháya adv. “*far away” see vahai(y)a
- avanóte adj. “without number, numberless”
- avaqet- v. “to refuse, forbid”
- -dil suf. “-friend” see -(n)dil
- -dildo suf. “-friend” see -(n)dil
- -dur suf. “*servant” see -(n)dur
- e pron. “he, she, it”
- é interj. “indeed”
- Ea n. “all that is, the World”
- ea- v. “to be; to exist, have being, be found extant in the real world”
- ear n. “(open) sea; water”
- eare n. “(open) sea” see ear
- earen n. “sea”
- Earenya n. “Sea-day, *Thursday”
- earuile n. “seaweed”
- easte n. “being, essence”
- ef- v. “to emerge (especially from water)”
- ehta- v. “to stab”
- ehte (*ehti-) n. “spear”
- ehtele n. “spring, issue of water”
- ehtelu- v. “to well, bubble up”
- ehtyar n. “spearman”
- ekkaira adj. “?out-far”
- ekke pron. “you (emphatic familiar)”
- ekket pron. “you (emphatic familiar dual)”
- ekko n. “spine, thorn, point”
- (ek)koiru- v. “to come to life”
- ekkoita- v. “to awake”
- †él n. “star”
- -el suf. “friend”
- Elda n. “Elf”
- Eldalie n. “People of the Elves, Elf-folk”
- Eldarin adj. and n. “of the Elves, Elvish”
- éle n. “star-ray, beam, flashing of [?starry] light”
- elen n. “star”
- elena n. “star” see elen
- Elenya n. “Saturday, *Star-day”
- ella pron. “of you, for you”
- elle pron. “you (emphatic polite)”
- ellen n. “star” see elen
- ellet pron. “you (emphatic polite dual)”
- -ello suf. “ablative element” see -llo
- elloa n. “next year”
- elta pron. “his, *her, its (emphatic possessive)”
- elta- v. “to speed, send”
- elte pron. “he, *she, it (emphatic)”
- éma ? “[unglossed]” see engwa²
- emma pron. “*our (emphatic possessive exclusive)”
- emme pron. “we (emphatic exclusive)”
- emmet pron. “we (emphatic exclusive dual)”
- en (end-) pron. and adv. “there, yonder, far away; look yon(der); that; in that (future) case”
- én adv. “then, next”
- enar n. “tomorrow”
- enatwa adj. “the second (of two)”
- ende n. “centre, middle, core”
- ender n. “bridegroom”
- enga prep. “save, *except”
- enge adv. “ago, once (in past), †it was”
- engwa pron. “*our (emphatic possessive inclusive)”
- engwa¹ adj. “sickly”
- engwa² ? “[unglossed]”
- engwe pron. “we (emphatic inclusive)”
- eñgwet pron. “we (emphatic inclusive dual)”
- enke n. “spear point”
- enna¹ n. “fact, (primary) thing [that exists]”
- enna² adj. “first”
- enne n. “thought, purpose”
- ennie n. “person (female), *being (female)”
- enno n. “person, *being”
- enqe num. card. “six”
- ensi pron. see ente
- enta pron. and adv. “that yonder, then (fut.), next”
- entallo adv. “*from there (more remote)”
- entallume adv. “*at that (future) time”
- entar adv. “the next day”
- entaryas adv. “the next day”
- entas(se) adv. “*there (more remote)”
- ente pron. “[unglossed]”
- ento pron. “[unglossed]”
- entu pron. see ento
- enwa adj. and n. “existent, real, true; fact”
- enya¹ adj. “middle”
- enya² adv. “at some distant time, that far away”
- enyallo adv. “*from there (more remote)”
- enyallume adv. “at that distant date”
- enyan(an) adv. “then, at some distant time”
- enyanna adv. “*to there (more remote)”
- enyanome adv. “*in that (remote) place”
- enyar adv. “*on some distant future day”
- enyáre adv. “in that day”
- enyasse adv. “there far away, far away over there”
- er adj. and adv. “one, alone”
- erde¹ n. “seed, germ”
- erde² n. “repose”
- ére n. “existing, existence”
- ereáma ? “[unglossed]”
- eresse n. “solitude, separation, isolation”
- eressea adj. “lonely”
- erka n. “prickle, spine”
- erka- v. “to prick”
- erkasse n. “holly”
- erke n. “holly”
- Erkoire n. “February, *First-stirring”
- Erlaire n. “June, *First-summer”
- erqáqa adj. “every/each single”
- erqáqe pron. “one and all, to each individually”
- erqáqima pron. “of each kind”
- Erqelle n. “September, *First-autumn”
- Erríve n. “November, *First-winter”
- Ertuilë n. “April, *First-spring”
- Eru n. “The One God”
- erume n. “desert”
- erya adj. “single, sole, only”
- es pron. and adv. “[unglossed]” see en
- eske n. “rustle, noise of leaves”
- esse¹ n. “name”
- esse² n. “beginning”
- esse³ n. “place”
- essea¹ adj. “?primary”
- essea² adj. “in place, local”
- -esta suf. “*close grouping” see -sta¹
- esta-¹ v. “to name”
- esta¹ pron. “*his, hes, its (emphatic possessive other)”
- esta-² v. “to place, set, plant”
- esta² adj. “first”
- esta-³ v. “to precede”
- estaina adj. “named”
- este pron. “he, she, it (emphatic other)”
- estu pron. “they (emphatic dual other)”
- et prep. “out of”
- et- pref. “forth, out”
- etse n. “outside, exterior”
- etsir n. “mouth of a river”
- etta pron. “his, *her, its (emphatic possessive)” see elta
- ette¹ adj. and adv. “outside”
- ette² pron. “he, *she, it (emphatic)” see ette²
- ettele n. “outer lands, foreign parts”
- ettelea adj. “foreign”
- ettu pron. “they (emphatic dual)”
- #ettul- v. “*to come forth, come out, issue”
- etwa pron. and conj. “the other (of two), second (in numerals); or else”
- etwan adv. “the second time”
- etwe pron. “the other (of two)”
- #etya¹ adj. “exiled”
- etya² pron. “*your (emphatic possessive familiar)”
- évea adj. “future”
- fafarra- v. “*to keep on hunting”
- faika adj. “contemptible, mean”
- faina- v. “to emit light”
- faire¹ n. “radiance”
- faire² n. “natural death (as act)”
- falasse n. “beach”
- falle n. “foam”
- falma n. “(crested) wave”
- falmar(in) (falmarind-) n. “sea-spirit, nymph”
- fána adj. and n. “cloud; white”
- fanga n. “beard”
- fanya n. and adj. “sky; white”
- fara- v. “to hunt”
- fára n. “beach, shore”
- farale n. “hunting”
- faraste n. “hunting, the chase”
- farastea adj. “of the chase (that it is proper to hunt), *of prey”
- fáre n. “sufficiency, plenitude, all that is wanted” see farme
- fárea adj. “enough, sufficient”
- faren adv. “enough”
- farina adj. “fugitive, hunted”
- farino n. “hunted man, outlaw, fugitive”
- farma n. “?carpet”
- farme n. “sufficiency, plenitude, all that is wanted”
- farna n. “quarry, prey”
- farne n. “foliage”
- farya- v. “to suffice”
- fas (fass-) n. “fringe, border”
- fasse n. “tangled hair, shaggy lock”
- fasta adj. “pleased”
- fasta-¹ v. “to tangle”
- fasta-² v. “to please”
- fauka adj. “thirsty, parched, (lit.) open-mouthed”
- fealóke n. “spark-dragon”
- felya n. “cave”
- fenda n. “threshold”
- feren (fern-) n. “beech-tree”
- ferinya adj. “beechen”
- ferna n. “mast, beechnuts”
- ferne n. “beech-tree” see feren
- feuya- v. “to feel disgust at, abhor”
- filet (filek-) n. “cobweb”
- filinke n. “*finch”
- filit (filik-) n. “small bird, sparrow”
- finde n. “tress, braid of hair”
- fine n. “larch”
- fion (fiond-) n. “?hawk or haste”
- *fir- v. “*to fade”
- fire n. “mortal man”
- Fírien n. “Winter”
- fírima adj. “mortal”
- fírimáre n. “mortality, the state of being mortal”
- firin adj. “dead (by natural cause)”
- firya adj. “human”
- formaite adj. “righthanded, dexterous”
- formen n. “north, right hand”
- formenya adj. “northern”
- forte (forti-) adj. “right or north”
- forya adj. “right (hand), dexter”
- †fuine n. “deep shadow” see huine
- ha pron. “it, abstract subject”
- hahta n. “heap, pile, (piled) mound”
- haie interj. “ that is (so), yes”
- haime n. “habit”
- haira adj. “remote, far”
- haiya adv. “far off, far away”
- hala n. “(small) fish”
- halatir(no) (halatirn-) n. “kingsfisher, (lit.) fish-watcher”
- halda¹ adj. “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
- halda² adj. “tall” see halla
- halla adj. “tall”
- halla² adj. “naked”
- halma n. “skin, fell”
- halya- v. “to veil, conceal, screen from light”
- ham- v. “to sit (down), be situated in ”
- hamma n. “chair”
- hamu- v. “to sit down, take a seat”
- hana n. “post”
- hanako n. “giant”
- handa¹ adj. “understanding, intelligent”
- handa² n. “chair”
- handasse n. “intelligence”
- hande n. “knowledge, understanding”
- handele n. “intellect”
- hando n. “agent (male)” see -ando
- hanu n. “male, man (of Men or Elves), male animal”
- hanuvoite adj. “*masculine”
- hanwa adj. “male”
- hanya- v. “to understand, know about, be skilled in dealing with”
- hap- pref. “the same, together, alike, closely associated, [of time] approach closely”
- hapalde adv. “*in about the same way”
- hapalka pron. “*of similar quantity”
- hapalli(ni) pron. “of similar number”
- hapallume adv. “at more or less the same time, during the same period”
- hapámen adv. “*aiming at about the same thing”
- hapan adv. “at the same [approximate] moment”
- hapa(na) adj. and pron. “of the same sort, associated, related; the same sort of thing”
- hapan(an) adv. “at the same time (of a number of people or events) together, at more or less the same time”
- hapande adv. “about as much (as)”
- hapandon adv. “in the same style”
- hapanima pron. “of related or similar kind”
- hapanna adv. “[to a place] together”
- hapanome adv. “*in about the same place”
- haparo adv. “*for about the same reason”
- hapar(yas) adv. “at the same day”
- hapas(se) adv. “*in about the same place”
- hapasse adv. “together in the same place (as far as the pair or group is concerned, and in distinction to others outside it)”
- har- v. “to dwell, abide, reside; to sit”
- haran n. “king, chieftain, lord or king of a specified region”
- harda n. “realm” see arda
- harma¹ n. “treasure, treasured thing”
- harma² n. “wolf, hound”
- harmen n. “south” see hyarmen
- harna- v. “to wound”
- harna¹ adj. “wounded”
- harna² n. “helmet”
- haro n. “hawk”
- harpa n. “helmet” see harna²
- harwe¹ n. “treasure, treasury”
- harwe² n. “wound”
- harya- v. “to possess”
- haryon n. “prince (heir)”
- hat (haht-) n. “ridge, comb, crest”
- hat-¹ v. “to break asunder”
- hat-² v. “through[?] down[?]”
- hauta- v. “to cease, take a rest, stop”
- háya adv. “far off, far away” see haiya
- he¹ pron. “they”
- he² pron. “him, her, it (yet another)”
- helda¹ adj. “naked, stripped bare”
- helda² adj. “friendly, having love (for)”
- helde n. “friend”
- heldo n. “friend”
- helen (helem-) n. “icicle”
- helka adj. “ice-cold”
- helke n. “ice”
- helkelimbe n. “*icicle, (lit.) ice-drop”
- helle¹ n. “sky”
- helle² n. “frost”
- helma n. “skin, fell”
- helme n. “friendship”
- helmo n. “friend”
- helor n. “frost”
- helwa adj. “(pale) blue”
- helyanwe n. “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge”
- hen (hend-) n. “eye”
- henulca adj. “*evil-eyed”
- héra adj. “chief, principal”
- heren n. “fortune, (lit.) governance”
- herenya adj. “fortunate, wealthy, blessed, rich”
- heri n. “lady”
- heru n. “lord, master”
- hesto n. “captain”
- hi pron. “here, now (for both you and me)”
- #hilde (hildi-) n. “heir”
- hilka pron. “*this much, this great (by us)”
- hillo adv. “*hence (by us)”
- hilya- v. “to follow”
- him- v. “to adhere”
- himba adj. “adhering, sticking”
- himíte (himíti-) adj. “clinging, able to stick on”
- himya- v. “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
- hina adj. and pron. “this (by us); this fact (by us)”
- hinde adv. “[now] is only found used of...”
- hine pron. “this by you and me (not him)”
- hinima pron. “*of this sort (by us)”
- hinis(se) adv. “*here (by us)”
- hinna adv. “still; *hither (by us)”
- hir- v. “to find”
- his adv. “*here (by us)” see hisse
- híse (hísi-) [þ] n. “mist, fog”
- Hísime [þ] n. “November, *Misty-one”
- hisse adv. “*here (by us)”
- hiswa [þ] adj. “grey”
- hiswe [þ] n. “fog”
- hitwe pron. “*these (of two by us)”
- hiuta- v. “to hint”
- hlasta- v. “to hear” see lasta-
- hlik- v. “to creep”
- hó n. “shout”
- ho prep. “from”
- holme n. “odour”
- holmo adv. “from the middle”
- hón (hom-) n. “heart (physical)”
- #hondo adj. “*hearted”
- hont adv. “inwards”
- hópa n. “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
- hopasse n. “harbourage”
- hora- v. “to wait for”
- hóre n. “impulse”
- hórea adj. “impulsive”
- horme n. “urgency”
- horro interj. “ugh, alas!, ow!” see orro¹
- horta- v. “to send flying, speed, urge”
- hortale n. “speeding, urging”
- horya- v. “to have an impulse, be compelled to do something, set vigorously out to do”
- †hos (host-) n. “crowd, assembly” see hosto
- hosta n. “large number”
- hosta- v. “to collect”
- hosto n. “crowd, assembly”
- hrillume adv. “*a great many times”
- hrim- pref. “a great number, host, very many”
- hríma pron. “very numerous (great in number or quantity)”
- hrímallume adv. “*a great many times” see hrillume
- hríman(an) adv. “very often, on a great number of occasions”
- hrímani n. “many, very many, a great number”
- hrímaro adv. “*for a great many reasons”
- hrimi n. “many, very many, a great number, a great many (with genitive)”
- hrimilde adv. “in [a great] many ways”
- hrimin adv. “very often, on a great number of occasions” see hríman(an)
- hrímina pron. “of many kinds, of many sorts”
- hrimindon adv. “*like a great many”
- hrimínen adv. “*by a great many means”
- hriminna adv. “*to many places”
- hrimis(se) adv. “*in many places”
- hrimo(n)nome adv. “*in many places”
- hrín adv. “very often, on a great number of occasions” see hríman(an)
- hríve n. “winter”
- hu n. “howl”
- huan (hún-) n. “hound”
- huine n. “deep shadow, nightshade”
- †humpe adv. “in the middle”
- hún (hun-) n. “earth”
- húna- v. “to howl”
- huo n. “dog”
- hwan (hwand-) n. “sponge, fungus”
- hwarin adj. “crooked”
- hwarma n. “crossbar”
- hwesta n. “breeze, breath, puff of air”
- hwesta- v. “to puff”
- hwinde n. “eddy, whirlpool”
- hwinya- v. “to swirl, eddy, gyrate”
- hyalma n. “conch, shell, horn of Ulmo”
- hyanda n. “a throng, crowd”
- hyando n. “cleaver, hewer (sword)”
- hyanna adj. “compact, compressed” see hyarna
- hyapat n. “shoe”
- hyar- v. “to cleave”
- hyarmaite adj. “left-handed”
- hyarmen n. “south, left hand”
- hyarmenya adj. “southern”
- hyarna adj. “compact, compressed”
- hyarya adj. “left (hand)”
- hyatse n. “cleft, gash”
- hyelle n. “glass”
- hyelma ? “[unglossed]”
- hyóla n. “trump”
- í conj. “when, whenever, at the time mentioned (relative)”
- -i suf. “plural suffix”
- i¹ article. “the”
- i² pron. “that, what (relative pronoun)”
- ia adv. “ever”
- iale n. “everlasting age”
- -ie¹ suf. “abstract noun”
- -ie² suf. “gerund suffix”
- -ie³ suf. “perfect suffix”
- -ie⁴ suf. “stative suffix”
- -iel¹ suf. “daughter”
- -iel² suf. “-friend”
- -ien¹ suf. “daughter”
- #-ien² suf. “-land”
- ikkin pron. “you (emphatic plural familiar)”
- il- pref. “no, not”
- íl adv. “*like that (relative)” see ilde
- ilde conj. “*like that (relative)”
- ilduma n. “heaven”
- ilfirin adj. “immortal”
- ilin (*ilind-) adj. “pale blue”
- ilka pron. and conj. “*as much as, as great as”
- illi pron. and conj. “as many as”
- illin pron. “you (emphatic polite plural)”
- illume conj. “when, whenever, at the time that”
- ilqa n. “everything, all”
- ilqan(an) adv. “all the time, the whole time, continuously”
- ilq(an)ar adv. “all the day”
- ilqanna adj. “altogether, wholly, quite”
- ilqanome adv. “all over the place, throughout”
- ilqas(se) adv. “in the whole region”
- il(u)- pref. “all the, the whole, the entire; all, any”
- ilu n. “universe, world”
- ilúva adj. “universal”
- ilúve n. “universe, world; Heaven”
- ilya adj. “all, the whole”
- -ima suf. “able to be done, -able, -ible”
- íma pron. and conj. “such as”
- imbe¹ adv. “in(wards)”
- imbe² n. “dell, deep vale, ravine, glen”
- ímen adv. “*aiming at that (relative)”
- imma pron. “any, any at all (in the world/existence)”
- immainen adv. “*by any means”
- immal(de) adv. “anyhow”
- immalka pron. “*any quantity”
- immalli pron. “of any number”
- immallume adv. “*at any time”
- immámen adv. “*aiming at anything”
- immana adj. and pron. “any at all”
- imman(an) adv. “at any time, ever”
- imman(de) adv. “ever, at all, to any degree”
- immandon adv. “*like anything”
- immane pron. “anybody, anything, anyone”
- immanima pron. “of any kind”
- immanna adv. “*to anywhere”
- immanome adv. “*in any place”
- immanyas adv. “on any day”
- immar adv. “any day”
- immaro adv. “*for any reason”
- immas(se) adv. “*anywhere”
- immatwe pron. “either (when there is no choice)”
- in pron. “that” see i²
- -ina suf. “adjective suffix; passive participle”
- ina adj. and pron. “the one that; the fact (that)”
- inan adv. “(relative) at the time mentioned, at the same time”
- inárea pron. and conj. “as old as”
- in(de) conj. “as, as much as”
- indis (indiss-) n. “bride”
- indo n. “heart, mood”
- indon conj. “as”
- indyalme n. “clamour”
- indyo n. “grandchild, descendant, grandson”
- ine pron. “the one who, the one that”
- ínen adv. “*by means of that (relative)”
- inga adj. “first”
- †ingole n. “deep lore, magic”
- inie pron. “she, the woman referred to”
- inikka pron. and conj. “*as small as”
- inimeite adj. “*feminine”
- inka n. “idea”
- ino pron. “he, the man referred to”
- #-inqa suf. “*-ful, complete”
- inta pron. “*their (emphatic possessive)”
- intin pron. “they (emphatic)”
- intya n. “guess, supposition, idea, notion”
- intya- v. “to guess, suppose”
- intyale n. “imagination”
- inya¹ adj. “female”
- inya² pron. “my (emphatic possessive)”
- inye pron. “I (emphatic)”
- -ion suf. “-son”
- íqa conj. “when, whenever”
- íqallume adv. “when, whenever”
- íra adj. “eternal”
- íre¹ n. “desire, longing”
- íre² conj. “when”
- íre³ n. “eternal, eternity?”
- írima adj. “lovely, desirable”
- iro adv. “*for that reason (relative)”
- Isil [þ] n. “Moon, (lit.) Sheen”
- Isilya [þ] n. “*Monday, Moon-day”
- issa pron. “*their (emphatic possessive other)”
- isse conj. “where [relative]”
- issin pron. “they (emphatic other)”
- ista- v. “to know, learn”
- ista n. “knowledge” see istya
- istalima adj. “knowable, ascertainable”
- istare n. “knowledge”
- isti pron. “they (other)”
- istima adj. “having knowledge, wise, learned”
- isti(n) pron. “they (emphatic other)” see issin
- istya n. “knowledge”
- istyar n. “scholar, learned man, lore-master, wizard”
- -ite suf. “(verbal) adjective ending”
- kaila adj. “lying in bed, bedridden; sickness”
- kaima n. “bed”
- kaimasan (kaimasamb-) [þ] n. “bedchamber”
- kaimasse n. “lying in bed, sickness”
- kaimassea adj. “bedridden, sick”
- kainen num. card. “ten”
- kaita- v. “to lie”
- kakarra- v. “to keep on doing”
- kala n. “light”
- kalarin(a) adj. “*brilliant”
- #kalima adj. “*bright”
- kalina adj. “light”
- kallo n. “noble man, hero”
- kalma n. “light, lamp”
- kalmatéma n. “k-series”
- kalpa n. “water-vessel, bucket”
- kalpa- v. “to draw water, scoop out, bale out”
- kalta- v. “to (cause to) shine, light up, kindle (lamp etc.)”
- kaltua ? “[unglossed]”
- kalumet (kalumett-) n. “lamp”
- kalya- v. “to illuminate”
- kambe n. “hollow (of hand)”
- kamparu n. “?flea”
- #kanda n. “[unglossed]”
- káne n. “valour”
- káno n. “chief”
- kanta- v. “to shape”
- kanta¹ num. card. “four”
- kanta² n. and adj. “shape, frame; shaped”
- kantea adj. “shapely”
- kantele n. “music”
- kanya adj. “bold; wise”
- kap- v. “to leap”
- kapsa n. “case, vessel”
- kapta- v. “to make spring, scatter”
- kar- v. “to do, make, build”
- kár (kas-) n. “head”
- kar¹ (kard-) n. “building, house”
- kar² (kard-) n. “deed”
- karaite (karaiti-) adj. “able to make, handy, crafty, craftsmanlike, skilled”
- karakse n. “jagged hedge of spikes”
- karamaite adj. “able to make, handy, crafty, craftsmanlike, skilled” see karaite
- karanya- v. “to make red, redden”
- karaste n. “making, manufacture, construction”
- karie n. “making”
- kárima adj. “able to be made, feasible”
- karina adj. “made”
- karino- v. “to get finished/made”
- karka n. “tooth”
- karkane n. “row of teeth”
- karne (karni-) adj. “red”
- #karnie n. “*redness”
- karno n. “wright”
- †karnóze n. “wright [f.]”
- káro n. “doer, actor, agent”
- karpalimaite n. “[unglossed]”
- kas n. “head” see kár
- kas¹ n. “head”
- kas² adv. “upwards, towards the top”
- kas³ (kaps-) n. “case, vessel” see kapsa
- kassa n. “helmet”
- kata prep. “after”
- kato adv. “afterwards”
- #kav- v. “to be able”
- ke pron. “you (familiar)”
- kelma n. “channel”
- kelu- v. “to (begin to) flow, spring forth (of water)”
- kelulinde (kelulindi-) n. “spring”
- kelume n. “stream, flow”
- kelure n. “fountain”
- keluste n. “outflow”
- kelut n. “rivulet”
- kelya- v. “to rain; (lit.) to send running down”
- kemen n. “soil, earth; Great Lands”
- kemna adj. “of earth, earthen”
- kemnaro n. “potter”
- kén (kem-) n. “soil, earth” see kemen
- #ken- v. “to see”
- kénima adj. “visible, able to be seen”
- kentano n. “potter”
- kenya- v. “to see”
- Kermie n. “July”
- kesta- v. “to ask”
- khus- v. “to come up, emerge”
- kilya n. “cleft, pass between hills, gorge; chasm”
- kim- v. “to find”
- kin- pref. “a certain amount of (any amount larger than the (very) small)”
- kina adj. and pron. “a certain quantity, some, a certain amount, a little (when little is precise and not partitive)”
- kirisse n. “slash, gash”
- kirka n. “sickle”
- kirya n. “ship, boat”
- kiryahto n. “shipwright”
- kiryasta- v. “to sail”
- kiuka n. “thigh”
- ko adv. “reflexive”
- koire n. “Stirring”
- koita- v. “to live, be alive, have life”
- kolma n. “ring (?on finger)”
- kóma n. “*ball”
- korin n. “circular enclosure”
- korko n. “crow”
- korna adj. “round, globed”
- koromindo n. “cupola, dome”
- koron (corn-) n. “globe, ball”
- kosta- v. “to quarrel”
- kotumo n. “enemy”
- kotya adj. “hostile”
- ksara- v. “to yearn, long for”
- †ksenna n. “odour”
- kú n. “bow”
- kuile n. “life, being alive”
- kuina adj. “alive”
- kuive n. “awakening” see kuivie
- kuivea adj. “wakening”
- kuivie n. “awakening”
- kukua n. “dove”
- kukumba- v. “to nod repeatedly, (lit.) keep on bowing”
- kulda adj. “flame-coloured, golden-red”
- kulina adj. “flame-coloured, golden-red”
- †kullo n. “red gold”
- kulo n. “flame”
- kulu n. “gold (metal)”
- kuluina adj. “orange (coloured); of gold, golden”
- kuluma n. “orange [fruit]”
- kúma n. “void”
- #kumba adj. “*bellied”
- kumbe n. “mound, heap”
- kumna adj. “empty”
- †kundu n. “prince”
- kunduina adj. “of princes, princely”
- kurwe n. “craft”
- kuv- v. “to bow”
- kúvima adj. “flexible”
- kúvula adj. “flexible, pliant”
- la- pref. “no, none, not any”
- lá- v. “to not be”
- lá¹ adv. “no, not”
- lá³ interj. “(?please)”
- lah- v. “to kick”
- lai adv. “very”
- laika adj. “keen, sharp, acute”
- laike n. “acuteness, keenness of perception”
- laime n. “shadow (cast by an object or form), shade”
- laiqa adj. “green”
- laira adj. “shady”
- laire¹ n. “summer”
- laire² n. “poem”
- laita- v. “to praise; ?live”
- laite n. “colour”
- laive n. “ointment”
- laiwa adj. “sickly, sick, ill”
- lak- pref. “a large amount of (any amount less than the whole)”
- laka adj. and pron. “much (abundant), a great quantity”
- lala- v. “to deny”
- lalallo adv. “from no place”
- lalámen adv. “*aiming at nothing”
- lálan adv. “at no time”
- †lálane pron. “nobody, nothing (no thing), no one” see allane
- lalanna adv. “*to nowhere” see allanna
- lálar adv. “*at no day” see all(an)ar
- lalasse adv. “nowhere”
- lálima pron. “of no sort” see allanima
- lalme n. “elm-tree” see alalme
- lam- v. “to call [out to]”
- láma n. “ringing sound, echo; sound”
- laman (lamn-) n. “tame beast”
- lamba¹ n. “tongue”
- lamba² n. “hammer” see namba
- lambe n. “language, tongue”
- lámina adj. “echoing”
- lamma n. “sound”
- lamya- v. “to sound”
- lan adv. “not (at all)” see (a)láqan
- lanat n. “weft”
- landa¹ adj. “wide”
- landa² n. “plain”
- lango¹ n. “broad sword; prow of a ship”
- lango² n. “throat”
- lanko n. “throat”
- lanna n. “plain” see landa²
- lanne n. “tissue, cloth”
- lanta n. “fall”
- lanta- v. “to fall”
- lanwa n. “loom”
- lanya- v. “to weave”
- lapsa- v. “to lick (frequentative)”
- lapsa n. “licking up (food or drink), gluttonous eating”
- lapse n. “babe”
- laqalka pron. “*no quantity”
- láqallume adv. see allume
- láqana adj. and pron. “none at all”
- láqane pron. “nobody at all”
- laqe pron. “nobody”
- laqe[t]- v. “[unglossed]”
- lár n. “ear”
- lar n. “fat, riches [richness?]”
- lár- v. “to happen”
- lára¹ adj. “flat”
- lára² n. “grave”
- lárea adj. “fat, rich”
- larka adj. “swift, rapid” see (a)larka
- larma n. “(?pig-)fat, flesh”
- las interj. “mark you, I tell you, if you can believe me”
- lasse n. “leaf”
- lassekanta adj. “leaf-shaped”
- lasselanta n. “leaf-fall, autumn; October”
- lasta n. “listening, hearing”
- lasta- v. “to listen; to hear”
- lat- v. “to be extended, stretch; to be situated (of an area), lie (of lands or regions)”
- latimbe n. “glen”
- latina adj. “open, free, cleared (of land)”
- latta¹ n. “hole, pit”
- latta² n. “strap”
- lauka adj. “warm”
- lau(me) adv. “no, no indeed not, on the contrary”
- laure n. “gold”
- laurea adj. “*golden”
- lauta- v. “to abound”
- lau(w)e ? “[unglossed]”
- lav-¹ v. “to lick”
- lav-² v. “to yield, allow, grant”
- #lavar n. “*(golden) blossom”
- lavaralda n. “tree with long green leaves with golden undersides and pale flowers with a yellow flush”
- -le suf. “abstract noun”
- le¹ pron. “you”
- le² prep. “with, by”
- lehta- v. “to loose, slacken”
- lemba adj. “left behind”
- lemnar n. “(Valarin five-day) week”
- lempe num. card. “five”
- lemya- v. “to remain, tarry”
- lenda- v. “to linger”
- lenka- v. “to loose, slacken” see lehta-
- lenna- v. “to go, depart; to come”
- leo n. “shade, shadow cast by any object”
- lepse n. “finger”
- #lepta suf. “*fingered”
- lesta- v. “to leave”
- #lesta n. “measure”
- lesto (lestu-) n. “journey”
- let (leps-) n. “finger”
- #lhit- v. “to speed”
- -li suf. “plural (suffix)”
- lia¹ adj. “(not) a few, several”
- lia² n. “fine thread, spider filament”
- liante n. “spider”
- lie n. “people, folk”
- *lihlikka- v. “to sneak about”
- lilde adv. “in many ways”
- lilindon adv. “*like many”
- (li)línen adv. “*by many means”
- lilinna adv. “*to many places”
- (li)lin(n)ome adv. “*in many places”
- li(lí)ro adv. “*for many reasons”
- lilis(se) adv. “*in many places”
- lilótime adj. “*many-flowered”
- lilta- v. “to dance”
- limba n. “drop”
- limpe n. “wine, drink of the Valar”
- li(n)- pref. “many”
- lin- v. “to sing”
- lína- v. “to be silent”
- li(na)llume adv. “*several times”
- li(n)an adv. “many a time, not seldom, several times, often, sometimes”
- linárea pron. “of many (different) ages”
- linda adj. “fair, beautiful (of sound)”
- lindale n. “music”
- linde¹ n. “air, tune”
- linde² n. “pool”
- lindo n. “singer, singing bird”
- lindornea adj. “having many oaks”
- líne n. “cobweb”
- linga-¹ v. “to hang, dangle”
- linga-² v. “to ring, twang”
- lingwe (lingwi-) n. “fish”
- lingwilóke n. “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
- lini n. “(pl.) a good few, several”
- linima pron. “of several sorts, of several kinds”
- linímen adv. “*aiming at many things”
- linin- pref. “many” see li(n)-
- linqe (linqi-) adj. “wet”
- lintyulussea adj. “having many poplars”
- #linwe n. “short lay”
- linya n. “pool”
- linyenwa adj. “old, having many years”
- lipsa n. “soap”
- #lir- v. “to sing, chant”
- liri n. “finch”
- liru- v. “to sing (gaily)”
- liruima adj. “able to be sung”
- lirule n. “merry song”
- liruste n. “singing, chant”
- lirustea adj. “fit for singing, to be sung”
- lis (liss-) n. “honey”
- liske n. “reed”
- lisse adv. “*in many places” see lilis(se)
- litse n. “sand”
- líve n. “sickness”
- *-lka suf. “*quantity”
- -lla suf. “*your (polite)”
- -llo suf. “from; ablative element”
- -llume suf. “time”
- ló¹ prep. “ablative element”
- ló² n. “night, a night”
- #loa n. “year”
- lóke (lóki-) n. “dragon”
- lokse n. “hair”
- lóme (lómi-) n. “night, night-time, shades of night, gloom”
- lómelinde n. “nightingale”
- lóna¹ n. “island, remote land difficult to reach”
- lóna² adj. “dark”
- londe n. “road (in sea), fairway, entrance to harbour; gulf”
- lopo n. “rabbit”
- lopotun n. “rabbithole” see lopotundo
- lopotundo (lopotundu-) n. “rabbithole”
- #lor- v. “to sleep”
- -lóra suf. “without, less”
- lóre n. “slumber”
- lorna adj. “asleep”
- losse n. “(white) blossom, flower”
- lóte n. “(large single) flower”
- Lótesse n. “May, *(lit.) Flower-ness”
- -lta suf. “*his, her, its”
- lu- v. “to be heavy, be sad”
- lú n. “time, occasion”
- luhta- v. “to enchant”
- luina adj. “pale”
- lúke n. “enchantment”
- lumba adj. “weary”
- lumbe n. “gloom, shadow”
- lúme n. “time, hour”
- lumenyáre n. “*history”
- lúmeqenta n. “history, chronological account”
- lúmeqentale n. “history”
- lúmeqentalea adj. “historical”
- #lúmie n. “annals”
- lumna adj. “lying heavy, burdensome, oppressive, ominous”
- lumna- v. “to lie heavy, be heavy”
- lúne (lúni-) adj. “blue”
- lunga adj. “heavy; fraught”
- lungu n. “dragon”
- lunte n. “boat”
- lúpe n. “plume”
- luppo (luppu-) n. “clumsy piece or lump”
- lussa- v. “to whisper”
- lusse n. “whispering sound”
- lusta adj. “void, empty”
- -lya¹ suf. “*your (polite)” see -lla
- -lya² suf. “imperfect participle”
- -ma suf. “instrumental”
- ma adv. “interrogative particle”
- má¹ n. “hand”
- má² pron. and adv. “what; when”
- †má³ n. “land, region”
- mahta- v. “to handle, wield; to deal with, treat; to stroke, feel; to wield a weapon, fight”
- mahtar n. “warrior”
- mahtya ? “[unglossed]”
- maile n. “lust”
- mailea adj. “lustful”
- maire n. “*rose”
- -maite suf. see -ite
- maite (maisi-) adj. “handy, skilled”
- maiwe n. “gull”
- mai(y)a n. “[unglossed]”
- makal n. “sword” see makil
- makar n. “tradesman”
- makil n. “sword”
- maksa adj. “soft, pliant”
- makse¹ n. “dough”
- makse² n. “meat”
- makso n. “sticky substance, mire”
- mál n. “grit”
- malda n. “gold (as metal)” see malta
- mal(de) adv. “how, in what manner”
- maldo n. “[unglossed]”
- malina adj. “yellow”
- malka adj. “how great”
- malle n. “street, (made or stone) road”
- mallini adj. and pron. “how many”
- mallo adv. “whence”
- mallume adv. “at what time/date”
- mallúmea adj. “how old, of what age”
- málo n. “friend”
- malo¹ (malu-) n. “pollen, yellow powder”
- malo² (malu-) n. “rust”
- malta n. “gold (as metal)”
- malwa adj. “fallow, pale”
- mámen adv. “why, for what reason”
- mammata- v. “to gobble up, devour, gorge”
- man pron. “what”
- mana pron. “who, what, which”
- mána adj. “blessed”
- m(an)ainen adv. “by what means”
- manan adv. “when”
- manandon adv. “after what fashion, like what”
- manar n. “doom, final end, fate, fortune; final bliss”
- manárea adj. and pron. “how old, how long lasting, (lit.) lasting or living how many days”
- manar(yas) adv. “on what day”
- manas(se) adv. “where”
- #manda n. “prison, *duress”
- mande n. “doom, final end, fate, fortune; final bliss” see manar
- man(de) adv. “how (to what degree, extent), how great, how far”
- mandos n. “doomsman, judge”
- mandu n. “lord”
- mane pron. “who”
- manikka adj. and pron. “how small”
- manima adj. “of what kind, of what sort, what kind of”
- manka- v. “to trade”
- mankale n. “commerce”
- manna adv. “whither”
- mannomen adv. “*to what place”
- manomello adv. “*from what place”
- manome(s) adv. “in what place”
- manu n. “departed spirit”
- mapa- v. “to grasp, seize”
- mar- v. “to abide”
- mar (mar(d)-) n. “home, dwelling, house, habitation; earth”
- mára adj. “good (of things), useful, fit”
- maranwe n. “destiny”
- mar(dar) adv. “homewards”
- maril n. “glass, crystal”
- maro adv. “why, for what reason”
- marre adv. “at home”
- marta¹ adj. and n. “fated, fey; fate”
- marta² adv. “home”
- martya- v. “to destine”
- marya adj. “pale, fallow, fawn [light yellowish tan colour]”
- marye adv. “at home” see marre
- masse¹ adv. “where”
- masse² n. “handful, share, just portion (in distribution), measure or capacity (of a person)”
- masta n. “bread”
- masta- v. “to bake”
- mat (matt-) n. “food, meal”
- mat- v. “to eat”
- #matie n. “eating”
- mattima adj. “edible”
- matwa adj. and pron. “whether, which of two”
- matwe adj. see matwa
- maure n. “need”
- mausta n. “compulsion”
- mauya- v. “to compel”
- #-me suf. “abstract noun”
- me pron. “we, us”
- mel- v. “to love (as friend)”
- melda adj. “beloved, dear, sweet”
- meldo n. “(friend), lover”
- melima adj. “loveable, fair”
- melin adj. “dear”
- melindo n. “lover (m.)”
- melisse n. “lover (f.)”
- melme n. “love”
- men n. “place, spot”
- men- v. “to aim at; to wish, mean, intend”
- mena- v. “to be making for, be on way to”
- ména n. “region”
- mende n. “will”
- menel n. “the heavens, firmament, sky”
- Menelya n. “*Wednesday, Heavens-day”
- meneste n. “intention”
- mennai conj. “until”
- mente n. “point, end”
- mer- v. “to wish, desire, want”
- meren(de) (merend-) n. “feast, festival”
- merka adj. “wild, untamed”
- merya adj. “festive”
- meryale n. “holiday”
- mestanyatse n. “suffixion”
- Metelaire n. “August, *(lit.) End-summer”
- Meterríve n. “January, *(lit.) End-winter”
- metta n. “ending, end”
- metya- v. “to put an end to”
- mi prep. “in, within”
- mí n. “small fly”
- miksa adj. “wet”
- milka adj. “greedy”
- milme n. “desire, greed”
- milya adj. “soft, gentle, weak”
- milya- v. “to long for”
- min num. card. “one”
- minda adj. “prominent, conspicuous”
- mindo n. “(isolated) tower” see #mindon
- #mindon n. “(isolated) tower”
- mine num. card. “one” see min
- minna prep. and adv. “into, to the inside”
- minqe num. card. “eleven”
- minqetyarme n. “accentuation”
- minta prep. and adv. “inwards, (?into)” see mitta
- mintye n. “peak”
- minya num. ord. “first”
- miqilis n. “kiss”
- mir prep. and adv. “to the inside, into”
- míre n. “jewel, precious thing, treasure”
- miril (mirill-) n. “shining jewel”
- mirilya- v. “to glitter”
- mirima adj. “free”
- #mírinda- v. “*to admire”
- mista- v. “to stray about”
- miste n. “fine rain”
- mitsa adj. “small”
- mitta prep. and adv. “inwards, (?into)”
- mitta- v. “to insert; to come in”
- mittande n. “infixion, insertion”
- mitya adj. “interior”
- miue (miuy-) n. “cat”
- miule n. “whining, mewing”
- míwa adj. “small, tiny, frail”
- -mma suf. “*our (exclusive)”
- #-mo suf. “agental suffix”
- moina adj. “familiar, dear”
- mól n. “slave, thrall”
- #móla adj. “enslaved”
- mólome n. “hard work, burden”
- mordo n. “[dark] stain, smear; obscurity, dimness, shadow”
- more (mori-) adj. “black, dark”
- móre (móri-) n. “blackness, dark, night”
- morilinde n. “nightingale”
- morimaite adj. “*black-handed”
- morko n. “bear”
- morna adj. “gloomy, sombre”
- móta- v. “to labour, toil”
- motto n. “blot”
- muile n. “secrecy”
- muina adj. “hidden, secret”
- mulo (mulu-) n. “dust”
- mun- v. “to dislike, to not like”
- mundo (mundu-) n. “snout, nose; cape [of land]”
- -n¹ suf. “genitive suffix”
- -n² suf. “dative suffix”
- na prep. “to, towards” see an(a)
- ná- v. “to be”
- naham- v. “to summon”
- naháme n. “summons”
- nahamna adj. “summoned”
- nahta- v. “to slay”
- nahta¹ n. “bite”
- nahta² num. card. “eighteen”
- nai interj. “alas”
- nai² adv. “*may it be”
- naike n. “sharp pain”
- naikea adj. “cruel”
- naikele n. “*anguish”
- naikelea adj. “painful”
- naina- v. “to lament”
- (nai)naina- v. “to lament” see naina-
- naire n. “lament, sorrow”
- nairea adj. “sorrowful”
- naite adj. “*true or thingly”
- nak-¹ v. “to kill, slay; to hate”
- nak-² v. “to bite”
- nalláma n. “echo”
- namárie interj. “farewell”
- namba n. “hammer”
- namba- v. “to hammer”
- nan conj. and adv. “but, on the contrary, on the other hand; again”
- ná(n) conj. and adv. “but, on the contrary, on the other hand” see nan
- nan-¹ pref. “backwards”
- #nan-² v. “to go back”
- nanda n. “water-mead, watered plain”
- nanda- [ñ-] v. “to harp”
- nandakka- v. “[unglossed]”
- nandaro [ñ-] n. “harper”
- nande [ñ-] n. “harp”
- nandele n. “harping, *repetition”
- nandelle [ñ-] n. “little harp”
- nangwa n. “jaw”
- #napanna n. “additional letter”
- naraka adj. “harsh, rending, violent of (?sounds)”
- narda n. “knot”
- nár(e) n. “flame”
- Nárie n. “June, *Fire-ness”
- narka- v. “to rend”
- narmo [ñ-] n. “wolf”
- Narqelie n. “October”
- Narqelion n. “Fire-fading, Autumn”
- narta- v. “to kindle”
- Narvinye n. “January, *New-fire”
- narwe n. “sign, token”
- nasse n. “thorn, spike”
- nasta- v. “to prick, sting”
- nasta n. “spear-head, spear-point, gore, triangle”
- nasto n. “animal, beast”
- #na-súrima n. “aspirate”
- nat n. “thing, object”
- natse n. “web, net”
- nau prep. “*under” see nu
- nauko n. “dwarf”
- naule [ñ-] n. “wolfhowl”
- nauro [ñ-] n. “werewolf”
- nause [þ] n. “imagination”
- nauta adj. “bound, obliged”
- -nde suf. “general action verbal suffix”
- -(n)dil suf. “-friend”
- #-ndo suf. “*agent (male)”
- -ndon suf. “like, as”
- -ndor suf. “-land”
- -(n)dur suf. “*servant”
- né adv. “ago”
- nehte n. “honeycomb”
- nel- pref. “tri-”
- nelde num. card. “three”
- nele (nelk-) n. “tooth” see nelke
- nelet (nelk-) n. “tooth”
- nelke n. “tooth” see nelet
- nelle n. “brook”
- neltil (neltild-) n. “triangle”
- nem- v. “to seem, appear”
- néme n. “leave, *permission”
- nemeste n. “appearance”
- nemestea adj. “apparent”
- nén (nen-) n. “water”
- nende n. “pool”
- Nendesse n. “February, *Wet-ness”
- nenemma- v. “to keep on (re-)appearing”
- nengwe (nengwi-) n. “nose”
- nengwea adj. “nasal”
- nengwetanwa adj. “nasal-infixed”
- nengwetehta n. “nasal sign”
- nér (ner-) n. “man, adult male (of any kindred: elf, human or dwarf)”
- neríte adj. “manly”
- nerno ? “[unglossed]”
- nerte num. card. “nine”
- nése [þ] n. “youth”
- nessa adj. “young”
- nesse n. “youth” see nése
- nessima adj. “youthful”
- neuma n. “snare”
- neuna adj. “second”
- neuro n. “follower, successor”
- ngolfine n. see nolfine
- -ngwa suf. “*our (inclusive)”
- ni pron. “I, me”
- †ní n. “woman, female”
- -nie suf. “female”
- nie n. “tear”
- nieninqe n. “snowdrop, (lit.) white tear”
- nikse n. “minnow, little fish”
- -nil suf. “-friend” see -(n)dil
- nil (nild-) n. “blue-bell, harebell”
- nilaistama n. “something/body or other”
- nilda adj. “friendly, loving (towards)”
- nilde n. “friend (f.)”
- -nildo suf. “-friend” see -(n)dil
- nildo n. “friend [m.]”
- nilme n. “friendship”
- nilmo n. “friend”
- nim- v. “to seem, appear”
- nin (ning-) n. “nose, beak”
- nindari n. “river-maid, nymph”
- ninde adj. “slender”
- ninqe (ninqi-) adj. “white”
- ninqeri n. “*white (female thing or personification)”
- ninqeru n. “white man, white male swan, white ship, white (male thing or personification)”
- ninqinta- v. “to grow pale”
- ninqisse n. “whiteness”
- ninqita- v. “to whiten, make white; to shine white”
- ninqitáre n. “whitening, whitewashing”
- ninya pron. “my (emphatic possessive)”
- niqe n. “snow”
- níre n. see nie
- #niríte adj. “womanly”
- nirwa n. “bolster, cushion”
- nirwa² adj. “scarred”
- nirwe n. “scar”
- nis (niss-) n. “woman (of any kindred: elf, human or dwarf)”
- nis² (niks-) n. “minnow, ‘little fish’” see nikse
- nissa n. “lady”
- nisse n. “woman” see nis
- níte (*níti-) adj. “moist, dewy”
- niule ? “[unglossed]”
- -nna suf. “to, towards; allative suffix”
- -no suf. “male”
- no prep. “under” see nu
- #nó¹ prep. “yester-, *after”
- nó² (nów-) n. “conception, idea, thought”
- noa¹ n. “conception, idea” see nó²
- noa² n. “thigh”
- noa³ n. and adj. “male (of any kind)”
- noite adj. “male, masculine”
- noito n. “male (of any kind)”
- Nókoire n. “March, *After-stirring”
- nóla¹ n. “round head, knoll, round hilltop; summit”
- nóla² [ñ-] adj. “wise, learned”
- Nólairë n. “July, *After-summer”
- nóle [ñ-] n. “wisdom”
- nolfine [ñ-] n. “magical skill”
- nóloa n. “yesteryear”
- nolwe [ñ-] n. “wisdom, (secret) lore”
- #nolya- [ñ] v. “to teach”
- #nome n. “place”
- ñón n. “growl, groan” see hu
- ñóna- v. “to groan” see húna-
- Nóqelle n. “October, *After-autumn”
- nóre n. “land, country, region where certain people live; clan, race, folk, kindred”
- #nornea adj. “*of oak”
- norno n. “oak”
- Norríve n. “December, *After-winter”
- norsa [þ] n. “giant”
- norta [ñ-] adj. “horrible”
- norto [ñ-] n. “horror”
- nosse n. “clan, family, ‘house’”
- not- v. “to reckon”
- nóte n. “number”
- Nótuile n. “May, *After-spring”
- nov- v. “?to think, form idea, imagine”
- -nta¹ suf. “*their”
- -nta² suf. “to become or be made”
- nu prep. “under”
- nui n. “lament” see ON. nui
- nukumna adj. “humbled”
- nulda adj. “secret” see nulla
- nulla adj. “dark, dusky, obscure; hidden, secret”
- numbe n. “root, foundation”
- núme n. “west” see númen
- númen n. “west”
- númenya adj. “western”
- nún adv. “down below, underneath”
- nuqerna adj. “inverted”
- nur- v. “to grow/be dark”
- núra adj. “deep”
- #núre n. “night”
- núro n. “servant”
- nuru [ñ-] n. “death”
- nusta- v. “to smell [something]”
- #nut- v. “to tie”
- núta- v. “to set, sink (of Sun or Moon)”
- núte n. “bond, knot”
- -nwa suf. “perfective adjective”
- nwalka [ñ-] adj. “cruel”
- nwalma [ñ-] n. “pain”
- nwalme [ñ-] n. “torment”
- nwalya- [ñ-] v. “to pain, torment”
- nwara- [ñ-] v. “to gnaw, erode, wear away”
- nwe [ñ] pron. “*we (inclusive)”
- -nya suf. “*my”
- nyar(a)- v. “to relate, tell, recite (in sing-song voice), talk”
- nyáre n. “tale, saga, history”
- #nyarie n. “talking”
- nyarna n. “tale, saga”
- nyarro n. “rat”
- nyárula adj. “apt to talk”
- -nye suf. “I”
- nye pron. “me, I”
- nyelle n. “bell”
- nyello n. “singer”
- ‽nyûna adj. “second” see neuna
- -o suf. “*genitive ending”
- o prep. “*from” see ho
- o- pref. “together”
- ohta n. “war”
- ohtakáro n. “warrior”
- ohtatyaro n. “warrior”
- oi- v. “to live, pass one’s days”
- oi adv. “ever”
- oia adj. and adv. “everlasting”
- oiale n. “everlasting age”
- oio (oiw-) n. “bird”
- oira adj. “eternal”
- oire n. “everlasting (?age)”
- okamna n. “diphthong”
- ol- v. “to become”
- ola- v. “to grow [up]”
- #ólama n. “consonant”
- #ólamaite adj. “consonantal”
- olar n. “dream”
- olaste n. “growth”
- ol(de) adv. “*in that very same way”
- olinwa adj. “fully grown, adult”
- olka pron. see onilka
- olli pron. “of the same number”
- ollume adv. “at or during exactly the same time” see onallume
- olme n. “odour” see holme
- ololla- v. “*to keep on growing”
- olombo n. “horse”
- olor n. “dream”
- †olos(se) n. “snow, fallen snow”
- olta- v. “[unglossed]”
- olwa n. “branch”
- óma n. “voice”
- #ómaite n. “voiced [stop]”
- ómalóra adj. “voiceless”
- óman (omand-) n. “vowel”
- #ómanda adj. “vocalic”
- ómataile n. “vowel-lengthening”
- ómataima n. “vocalic extension”
- #ómatehta n. “vowel-sign”
- #ómea adj. “voiced”
- omentie n. “meeting”
- on- pref. “the same (oneness, uniqueness), identical”
- -on¹ suf. “masculine suffix”
- #-on² suf. “great”
- ona pron. “that identical fact”
- onainen adv. “*by that very same means”
- onal(de) adv. “*in that very same way” see ol(de)
- o(na)llume adv. “*at that very same time”
- onallume adv. “at or during exactly the same time”
- onan adv. “at the very identical moment, at one and the same time (in absolute unison)”
- o(na)nde adv. “to exactly the same degree”
- onandon adv. “in identical fashion”
- onanna adv. “*to the very same place”
- onanyas adv. “on one and the same day”
- onar adv. “on one and the same day”
- onaryas adv. “on one/the same day”
- onas(se) adv. “*in the very same place”
- ondaro adv. “*for the very same reason”
- ondo n. “stone (as a material)”
- one pron. “the same person”
- onilka pron. “*the same quantity”
- onima pron. “of identical kind”
- onna n. “creature”
- onnome adv. “*in the very same place”
- onómen adv. “*aiming at the very same thing”
- onóne n. “kinswoman; sister”
- onóro n. “kinsman; brother”
- onosse adv. “the same place (not a different one from one already in mind, e.g. from one occupied by them at some other time)”
- onot- v. “to count up”
- onta- v. “to beget, create”
- ontale n. “descent”
- ontare n. “begetter, parent (f.)”
- ontaro n. “begetter, parent”
- onya adj. and pron. “the same, the identical”
- opele n. “walled house or village, town”
- opto n. “back”
- óre n. “rising”
- orhal- v. “to exalt”
- ork n. see orko
- orko (orcu-) n. “goblin”
- orme n. “haste, violence, wrath, rushing”
- orna adj. “hasty”
- orne n. “(high isolated) tree”
- oron (oront-) n. “mountain”
- ororia- v. “to keep on rising (and falling)”
- orro- v. “to rise (from ground)”
- orro¹ interj. “ugh, alas!, ow!”
- orro² adv. “up in the air, on high”
- orta-¹ v. “to raise, lift”
- orta-² v. “to rise”
- ortalima adj. “able to be raised”
- ortare n. “lifting up”
- orto n. “mountain-top”
- orya- v. “to rise”
- oselle [þ] n. “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
- osse n. “terror”
- ostirion n. “fort”
- osto n. “city, town with wall round, fort”
- otornasse n. “brotherhood”
- otorno n. “sworn brother, associate [m.]”
- otso num. card. “seven”
- ovesta n. “contract, compact, treaty”
- pa prep. “about”
- pak- v. “to ask, enquire”
- palan adj. and adv. “far, distant, wide, to a great extent, over a wide space, to a distance”
- palantir n. “far-seer”
- palar n. “flat field, ‘wang’, plain”
- palka- v. “to beat flat”
- palla adj. “wide, expansive”
- palme n. “surface”
- palpa- v. “to beat, batter; *to clap, applaud (with palms)”
- palu- v. “to open wide, spread, expand, extend” see palya-
- palúre n. “surface, bosom, bosom of Earth, (Old English) folde”
- palya- v. “to open wide, spread, expand, extend”
- pamba n. “ball”
- panda n. “enclosure”
- pano n. “piece of shaped wood”
- panta adj. “open”
- panta- v. “to unfurl, spread out, open”
- panya- v. “to fix, set”
- parka adj. “dry; thirsty”
- parma n. “book”
- parmaina adj. “of books, literary”
- parmatéma n. “p-series”
- pasta [þ] adj. “smooth”
- pé n. “mouth”
- pel- v. “to go round, revolve, return”
- peler n. “fenced field”
- pelko n. “leg”
- peltas (peltaks-) n. “pivot”
- penda adj. “sloping down, inclined”
- pende n. “slope, downslope, declivity”
- #per- pref. “half, semi”
- #perómanda adj. and n. “semivocalic, *semi-vowel”
- perya- v. “to divide in middle, halve”
- pilen n. “feather”
- pilin (pilind-) n. “arrow”
- pirya n. “juice, syrup”
- pis- [þ] v. “to spit”
- pite n. “juice”
- piuta- v. “to spit”
- poika adj. “clean, pure”
- poinesse n. “?cleanliness”
- polda adj. “strong, burly”
- poldore n. “*physical strength”
- poldórea adj. “strong, strong-bodied”
- pole (poli-) n. “meal, flour”
- pore (pori-) n. “flour, meal”
- †psar- v. “to rub, fret”
- †psára n. “peel”
- punta n. “stopped consonant”
- pupso n. “blow fly”
- pusta n. “stop, in punctuation full stop”
- pusta- v. “to stop, put a stop to, cease”
- putta n. “stop (in punctuation)”
- qá adv. “always, at all times, ever”
- qalde adv. “*in all ways”
- qalin adj. “dead”
- qallo adv. “*from everywhere” see qáqello
- qallume adv. “*a few times”
- qalme n. “(process of) death, (death) agony”
- qáme n. “sickness”
- qamma pron. “everyone/anyone”
- qa(n)- pref. “all, all the (with plurals), every; each, every”
- qan(an) adv. “always, at all times, ever” see qá
- qanna adj. “entire, complete, whole”
- qanqe n. “always, at all times, ever”
- qanta adj. “full”
- qanta-tenkele n. “full writing”
- qantien n. “century, (lit.) full year”
- qáqa adj. and pron. “every, each; everything, all facts”
- qá(qa)men adv. “*aiming at all things”
- qáqanar adv. “every day”
- qáqanima pron. see qáqima
- qáqárea pron. “of all ages”
- qáqaryas adv. “on every day”
- qáqe pron. “all, everyone, every person/thing”
- qáqello adv. “*from everywhere”
- qáqen(an) adv. “on each occasion”
- qa(qe)nde adv. “in all ways, to every extent”
- qaqendon adv. “*like all”
- qáqenna adv. “*to everywhere”
- qaqenome adv. “*in all places”
- qá(qe)ro adv. “by all means, for every reason, on all accounts”
- qáqesse adv. “everywhere”
- qáqi adv. “all”
- qaqil(de) adv. “*in all ways” see qalde
- qáqilka pron. “of all sizes”
- qáqilli pron. “all, all numbers of men (if referring to groups)”
- qáqillume adv. “*a few times” see qallume
- qáqima pron. “of any kind, of all sorts”
- qáqínen adv. “*by all means”
- qár(e) n. “fist, hand”
- qasse adv. “everywhere” see qáqesse
- qe conj. “if”
- #qel- v. “†to fail”
- qelesta n. “dying, fading”
- qelet (qelett-) n. “corpse”
- #qelie n. “*fading”
- qelle n. “Autumn”
- Qen (Qend-) n. “Elf”
- Qende n. “Elf”
- Qenderin adj. and n. “Quendian”
- †Qendya n. “Elvish” see Qenya
- qéne n. “petrel”
- qenso n. “minstrel”
- qenta n. “tale, story, account, history”
- qentale n. “account, history”
- qentare n. “minstrel [f.]”
- qentaro n. “narrator, reciter, minstrel”
- qentasse n. “history”
- Qenya n. “Elvish (Tongue), Elfspeech, Elf-latin; belonging to the Qendi, Quendian”
- qeqetta- v. “to repeat, keep on saying”
- qesse n. “feather”
- qesset (*qessek-) n. “pillow”
- qessetéma n. “q-series”
- #qesta n. “speech, language”
- qet- v. “to say, tell, mention”
- qetil n. “tongue, language, talk”
- qettima adj. “utterable”
- qilir n. “quiet”
- qinga n. “bow (for shooting)”
- qingatelko adj. “*bow-legged”
- -r¹ suf. “plural suffix”
- #†-r² suf. “*archaic allative”
- rá (ráv-) n. “lion”
- raf- v. “to snatch, seize”
- raika adj. “crooked, bent, wrong”
- raiqa adj. “angry”
- ráka n. “wolf”
- #rakka n. “*claw”
- rakkalepta adj. “*claw-fingered”
- ráma n. “wing”
- rámalóke n. “winged dragon”
- ramba¹ n. “wall”
- ramba² n. “beam of wood” see ran
- rampa ? “[unglossed]”
- ran (ramb-) n. “beam of wood”
- Rana n. “Moon, (lit.) Wayward”
- randa n. “cycle, age (100 Valian Years)”
- ráne n. “straying, wandering”
- ránen adj. “errant”
- rangwe n. “fathom”
- ranko (ranku-) n. “arm”
- ranta n. “course”
- ranya adj. “free” see (a)ranya
- ranya- v. “to stray, *wander”
- rasko n. “horn” see rasse
- rasse n. “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
- #-rasta suf. “twelve”
- rauko n. “demon”
- rauta n. “metal”
- ráva¹ adj. and n. “wild, untamed”
- ráva² n. “bank (especially of a river)”
- ráva³ n. “lion” see rá
- ravanda n. “wilderness”
- -re suf. “gerund”
- rea n. and adj. “female (of any kind)”
- rempa adj. “crooked, hooked”
- réna n. “edge, border, margin”
- #rer- v. “to sow”
- resta n. “‘sown’, sown field, acre”
- rí n. “reed, grass-stem”
- ríe n. “crown”
- rihta- v. “to jerk, give quick twist or move, twitch”
- ?rille n. “brilliance”
- rilma n. “glittering light”
- rilya adj. “glittering”
- ríma n. “edge, hem, border”
- rimba adj. “frequent, numerous”
- rimbe n. “crowd, host”
- rimpa adj. “rushing, flying”
- #-rin suf. “-ian, racial-adjective, language”
- rína adj. “crowned”
- rinda adj. “circular”
- rinde n. “circle”
- Ringare n. “December, *Coldness”
- ringe (ringi-) n. “cold”
- ringwe n. “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”
- rinka n. “twitch, jerk, trick, sudden move”
- rinke (rinki-) n. “flourish, quick stroke, hook”
- #rip- v. “to hurl”
- rista n. “cut”
- rista- v. “to cut”
- ríte¹ adj. “female, fem[inine]”
- ríte² n. “female (of any kind)”
- #-ro suf. “agental suffix”
- rohta- v. “?to run on foot”
- roime n. “hunt, hunting”
- roina adj. “ruddy”
- roita- v. “to pursue”
- rokko n. “(swift) horse”
- róma n. “loud sound, trumpet-sound”
- romba n. “horn, trumpet”
- rómen n. “east”
- rómenya adj. “eastern”
- róminya adj. “*eastern” see rómenya
- róna adj. “east”
- rondo n. “roof; cave, cavern”
- ronyo n. “‘chaser’, hound of chase, *hunting dog”
- rosse n. “fine rain, dew”
- rotto n. “cave, tunnel”
- rov- v. “to lose”
- rú n. “lion” see rá
- ruk- v. “to pluck”
- runda n. “rough piece of wood”
- runya n. “slot, footprint”
- russe n. “corruscation, †sword-blade”
- -rya suf. “imperfect participle” see -lya²
- sa¹ pron. “it (abstract object), that”
- sa² pron. “they (3rd pl. inanimate)”
- sahte n. “[unglossed]”
- saima pron. see sanima
- sainen adv. “*by that (mentioned) means”
- saira adj. “wise”
- sairon n. “wizard”
- sak- v. “to hurt”
- #sakkat- v. “to rend, break asunder” see #askat-
- sal(de) adv. “*in that (mentioned) way”
- sallo adv. “*thence (previously mentioned)”
- sallume adv. “at that [mentioned] time”
- salpa- v. “to lick up, sup, sip”
- salqe n. “grass”
- sambe [þ] n. “room, chamber”
- sámen adv. “*aiming for that (previously mentioned)”
- samna¹ [þ] n. “wooden post”
- #samna² n. “diphthong”
- samno [þ] n. “carpenter, wright, builder”
- #sampane n. “combination”
- san conj. and adv. “*then”
- sana adj. and pron. “that (previously mentioned)”
- san(an) adv. “then, at that time mentioned, at that same time”
- san(an)de adv. “to the very degree”
- sanar adv. “*on that (mentioned) day”
- sanaryas adv. “*on that (mentioned) day”
- sanas(se) adv. “*there (previously mentioned)”
- sanda [þ] adj. “firm, true, abiding”
- sandon adv. “*like that (mentioned)”
- sane pron. “that (anaphoric)”
- sanga [þ] n. and adj. “crowd, throng, press, pack; crowded, packed”
- sanga- [þ] v. “*to press”
- sanguma [þ] n. “press, *thing that presses”
- sangwa n. “poison”
- sanima pron. “such, *of that sort (previously mentioned)”
- sanka [þ] adj. “cleft, split”
- sanna adv. “*thither (previously mentioned)”
- sanome(s) adv. “*in that place (previously mentioned)”
- santa n. “mode”
- sanya [þ] adj. “regular, law-abiding, normal”
- sanye [þ] n. “rule, law”
- sapsarra- v. “to keep on rubbing, fray away”
- sar (sard-) n. “stone (small)”
- sara [þ] n. “stiff dry grass, bent”
- sára adj. “bitter”
- sa-rinke (sa-rinki-) n. “s-hook, hooked stroke in tengwa”
- sarna adj. “of stone”
- sarne n. “stony place”
- saro adv. “therefore, for that reason named, and so”
- #sáro [þ] n. “saviour”
- sarya n. “[unglossed]”
- sasse pron. “*there (previously mentioned)”
- sat (sap-) n. “pit”
- satwe pron. “the same one (of two), the one (of two) mentioned”
- saura [þ] adj. “foul, evil-smelling, putrid”
- saurikumba [þ] adj. “*foul-bellied”
- ?sauta- v. “to dislike”
- sáva n. “juice”
- se¹ pron. “they”
- se² [þ] pron. “he, she, it, they (other)”
- selda n. and adj. “child [n.]”
- selde n. “child [f.]”
- seldo n. “child”
- seler (sell-) [þ] n. “sister”
- sem- pref. “few, little, not many, not much”
- seman(an) adv. “seldom, on few occasions”
- semanar adv. “*on few days”
- semel(de) adv. “in few ways, in few respects”
- semellume adv. “*a few times”
- semendon adv. “*like few”
- semenna adv. “*to few places”
- semen(n)ome adv. “*in few places”
- semesse adv. “*in few places”
- semmen adv. “*by few means”
- †semna adv. “*to few places” see semenna
- sempa adj. and pron. “very little, few; a small amount, a small quantity”
- sempallume adv. “*a few times” see semellume
- sempanen adv. “*by few means” see semmen
- sempanome adv. “*in few places” see semen(n)ome
- semparo adv. “*for a few reasons”
- semparyas adv. “*on few days”
- sempasse adv. “*in few places” see semesse
- sempi n. “few (with genitive)”
- sempina pron. “of few sorts”
- sen pron. “them”
- senda adj. “resting, at peace”
- †sennome adv. “*in few places” see semen(n)ome
- -ser suf. “friend”
- ser- v. “to rest, repose; to stay, tarry, stop, be for a while, at the moment”
- séra [þ] ? “[unglossed]”
- sére n. “rest, repose, peace”
- serme n. “friend (f.)”
- sermo n. “friend”
- seron n. “friend”
- seru- v. “to settle on, sit or lie down, come to rest on”
- sí adv. “now, here”
- si pron. “this”
- sie pron. “here”
- sikil n. “dagger, knife”
- sil- v. “to shine”
- sil(de) adv. “so, in this way, like this”
- silka pron. “*this much, this great”
- sillini pron. “so many”
- sillo adv. “*hence”
- sillume adv. “*at this time”
- silma adj. “silver, shining white”
- silme n. “moonlight, light of Silpion, †silver”
- síma pron. see sinima
- símane adv. “here” see sinome
- símen¹ adv. “here”
- símen² adv. “*aiming at this”
- sin adv. “now” see sí
- sina adj. and pron. “this; this fact (stated by me)”
- sinan adv. “now, at present”
- sinar n. and adv. “today, nowadays, this morning”
- sinárea pron. “*this old, this long lasting”
- sinaryas adv. “today, this very day”
- sinde (sindi-) [þ] adj. “grey, pale”
- sin(de) adv. “so, so much”
- sindon adv. “like this”
- sine pron. “this (by me)”
- sínen adv. “*by this means”
- sinima pron. “*of this sort”
- sinis(se) adv. “*here”
- sinna adv. “*hither”
- sinní pron. “I here”
- sinome adv. “here”
- sinta [þ] adj. “short”
- sinta- [þ] v. “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
- sinya adj. “new”
- sinye [þ] n. “evening”
- sir- v. “to flow”
- síre (síri-) n. “river”
- sirea adj. “flowing, liquid”
- siril n. “rivulet”
- siro adv. “*for this reason”
- sirya- v. “to flow [smoothly]”
- sisilla- v. “to glitter (white)”
- sisíria- v. “[unglossed]”
- sisse pron. “here”
- sitwe pron. “*these (of two)”
- siule n. “incitement”
- sóla ? “[unglossed]”
- solor n. “surf”
- sonda adj. “dear, fond”
- sondo n. “friend”
- sorasta n. “equipment”
- sorne [þ] n. “eagle” see soron
- soron (sorn-) [þ] n. “eagle”
- -ssa¹ suf. “*their (other)” see -sta⁴
- -ssa² suf. “*their” see -nta¹
- -sse¹ suf. “in, at, on; locative”
- #-sse² suf. “abstract noun”
- -sta¹ suf. “close grouping”
- #-sta² suf. “*noun suffix”
- -sta³ suf. “*his, her, its (other)”
- -sta⁴ suf. “*their (other)”
- -ste suf. “general action verbal suffix”
- suhto n. “draught”
- suk- v. “to drink”
- súle [þ] n. “breath; spirit”
- Súlime [þ] n. “March”
- sulka n. “root (especially as edible)”
- súlo (*súlu-) n. “goblet”
- sulpa- v. “to lap up, drink greedily”
- sumba- v. “to submerge”
- sundo [þ] n. “base, root, root-word”
- sundóma [þ] n. “determinant vowel, vocalic determinant”
- #sunduláma n. “fundamental sound”
- sungwa n. “drinking-vessel”
- surya n. “spirant consonant”
- sút n. “pain, (esp.) death-throe”
- súta- v. “to be the matter with”
- #suv- v. “to sink (esp. in water)”
- súya- [þ] v. “to breathe”
- -t suf. “dual ending”
- -ta suf. “causative”
- tá adv. “then, at that time (past now)”
- ta¹ pron. “that, it”
- ta² pron. “it (3rd sg. inanimate)”
- taile n. “lengthening, extension”
- #taima n. “extension”
- taima² pron. see tanima
- taina adj. “lengthened, extended, prolonged”
- tainen adv. “by that means”
- taita- v. “to prolong”
- tak- v. “to fasten”
- takse n. “nail”
- tal adv. “downwards”
- tál (tal-) n. “foot; bottom”
- talan (talam-) n. “floor, ground”
- talat n. “sheet”
- tal(de) adv. “so, thus, like that”
- talka pron. “*that much, that great”
- tallini pron. “that many”
- tallo adv. “*thence”
- tallume adv. “at that date/time”
- tallune n. “sole of foot”
- talma n. “base, foundation, root”
- talta- v. “to slope, slip (down), slide down, fall”
- talta¹ adj. “sloping, tilted, leaning”
- talta-² v. “to mean”
- talta² n. “incline”
- talte adv. “down, at the bottom”
- tam- v. “to tap”
- tama pron. “thing”
- tamba- v. “to knock, keep on knocking”
- tambaro n. “woodpecker, (lit.) knocker”
- tambe (tambi-) n. “pot”
- támen adv. “*aiming at that”
- tampa n. “stopper”
- tana adj. and pron. “that”
- tanalka adj. and pron. “*that much, that great” see talka
- tanan adv. “then, at that time (past now)”
- tanárea pron. “*that old, that long lasting”
- tanar(yas) adv. “*on that (past) day”
- tanas(se) adv. “*there”
- tan(de) adv. “that much, so”
- tandon adv. “like that”
- tane pron. “that”
- tanga- v. “to twang” see tinga-
- tango n. “twang” see tinge
- tangwa n. “hasp, clasp”
- tanikka pron. “*that small”
- tanima pron. “*of that sort”
- tanka adj. “firm, fixed, sure”
- tankal(a) n. “clasp, brooch, fastener” see tankil
- tankata- v. “to make fixed or firm, confirm”
- tankil n. “brooch, clasp, pin; fastener”
- tanna adv. “thither”
- tannomen(na) adv. “*to that place”
- tano n. “craftsman, smith”
- tanome adv. “*in that place”
- tanomë adv.
- tanta adj. “double”
- tante n. “[unglossed]”
- tanwe n. “craft, thing made, device, construction”
- tap- v. “to stop, block”
- †tár n. “king, lord”
- tar- affix. “high; king or queen (in compounds)”
- tar adv. “thither, beyond”
- tára adj. “lofty, high”
- taras (tarass-) n. “mount, hill”
- táre adv. “*that day”
- tári n. “queen”
- Tárinar n. “*alternate name of Valanya”
- tarka n. “horn [of animals]”
- tarki- v. “to trouble”
- taro adv. “*for that reason”
- tarya adj. “tough, stiff”
- tasar(e) [þ] n. “willow-tree”
- tasse adv. “there”
- tatalla- v. “to admire, wonder at (the excellence of), marvel”
- tatalta- v. “[unglossed]”
- tatwa adj. “*that (of two)”
- tatwe pron. “that other one (pointing)”
- tatya- v. “to double, repeat”
- taura adj. “mighty”
- taure n. “great wood, forest”
- taurina adj. “of wood”
- tavar n. “wood (material)”
- tavaril n. “dryad, spirit of woods (f.)”
- tavaron n. “dryad, spirit of woods (m.)”
- te pron. “him, her, it”
- té n. “path” see tie
- tea n. “straight line, road”
- tehta n. “mark (in writing), sign, diacritic”
- tek- v. “to write”
- tekil n. “pen”
- tekko n. “stroke (of pen or brush), accent [´]”
- tel- v. “to intend, mean”
- telemna adj. “*of silver”
- telepsa adj. “of silver”
- telko n. “leg, stem”
- tella adj. “hindmost, last”
- telle n. “rear”
- telme n. “hood, covering”
- telpe n. “silver”
- telpina adj. “of silver”
- telta- v. “to canopy, overshadow, screen”
- telume n. “vault, dome (of heaven)”
- telumet (telumett-) n. “canopy”
- téma n. “row, series, line”
- ten conj. “for”
- téna adj. “straight, right” see téra
- tengwa n. “letter; writing, grammar”
- tengwanda n. “alphabet”
- tengwe n. “writing”
- tengwesta n. “grammar; collection of writing”
- tenkele n. “writing (system), spelling”
- tenna¹ prep. “until”
- tenna² n. “a letter”
- ter prep. “through”
- ter² pron. see tí
- téra adj. “straight, right”
- tere prep. “through” see ter
- teren adj. “slender”
- terene adj. “slender” see teren
- tereva adj. “fine, acute”
- terhat- v. “to break apart”
- terra n. “fine pierced hole”
- tet(ta) n. “baby”
- teuka ? “[unglossed]”
- tha pron. “*it (other)”
- †thar-¹ v. “[unglossed]”
- #thar-² v. “to stand”
- †the pron. “him, her, it (other)”
- thu pron. “them (dual other)”
- ti pron. “*there by you”
- tí pron. “them”
- tie n. “path, course, line, direction, way”
- tikse n. “dot, tiny mark, point”
- til(de) adv. “like [that by] you”
- tilde n. “spike, horn”
- tillo adv. “*thence (by you)”
- timpana n. “[unglossed]”
- #tin- v. “to glint”
- tina adj. and pron. “this (of yours); this fact (by you)”
- tinda adj. “glinting (silver)”
- tinde n. “glint”
- tindóme n. “(starry) twilight, starlit dusk”
- tine pron. “that by you”
- tínen adv. “*by this means”
- #tinga n. “*flint”
- tinga- v. “to twang”
- tingahondo adj. “flint-hearted”
- tinge n. “twang”
- tingilinde n. “twinkling star” see tingilya
- tingilya n. “twinkling star”
- tinko n. “metal”
- tinkotéma n. “t-series”
- tinna adv. “*thither (by you)”
- tinta- v. “to kindle, make to spark”
- #tintila- v. “*to sparkle”
- tintina- v. “to sparkle”
- tinwe n. “spark (star)”
- #tir- v. “to watch”
- tirion n. “watch-tower, tower”
- #tiriste n. “*watch, guard”
- tis n. “kitten” see titse
- †tithilla- v. “to twinkle”
- titse (tits-) n. “kitten”
- titta adj. “little, tiny”
- tiuka adj. “thick, fat”
- tiuko n. “thigh”
- tiuya- v. “to swell, grow fat”
- to prep. “in”
- tó n. “wool”
- toa adj. “of wool, woollen”
- toi pron. “they”
- toina adj. “[unglossed]”
- #tol- v. “to stand”
- tol (toll-) n. “island”
- tolta- v. “to repeat”
- tolte n. “*repetition”
- tolto num. card. “eight”
- tolu- v. “to stand up, get up, leave one’s seat”
- ton- v. “to tap, knock”
- top- v. “to cover”
- tópa n. “roof”
- tópa- v. “to roof”
- tormen n. “north” see formen
- toróma n. “[unglossed]”
- toron (torn-) n. “brother”
- tot adv. “often, over and over again”
- †tsette n. “fly”
- -tta suf. “close grouping” see -sta¹
- tu pron. “dual 3a”
- tuia- v. “to sprout, spring”
- tuile n. “spring, spring-time”
- Tuilear n. “Springdays”
- tuilindo n. “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
- tuilu- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
- tuima n. “sprout, bud”
- tuk- v. “to draw, *pull (toward)”
- tul- v. “to come”
- túlima adj. “*able to come”
- tulka adj. “firm, immovable, steadfast; strong”
- tulko (*tulku-) n. “support, prop”
- tulma n. “event”
- tulta- v. “to send for, fetch, summon, send hither, (lit.) cause to come”
- tulumaite adj. “likely to come, probable (of future events)”
- tulurya adj. “future, coming”
- tuluste n. “arrival”
- tumba adj. “deep, lowlying”
- tumba- v. “to cast down (into a pit[?])”
- tumbo (tumbu-) n. “deep valley (under or among hills, with high sides)”
- tumna adj. “lowlying, deep, low”
- tumpo n. “hump, lump”
- tunda adj. “tall”
- tundo¹ (tundu-) n. “hill, mound”
- tundo² (tundu-) n. “hole”
- tunga adj. “taut, tight; resonant (of strings)”
- tunt (tump-) n. “lump” see tumpo
- tuo n. “muscle, sinew; vigour, physical strength”
- tupse n. “thatch”
- -tur suf. “master, victor, lord”
- tur- v. “to wield, control, govern”
- túre n. “mastery, victory”
- turma n. “shield”
- turo n. “master, victor, lord”
- turut (turuk-) n. “tree-stem”
- turya- v. “to strengthen”
- turyande n. “fortification, strengthening”
- turyanwa adj. “fortified”
- tussa n. “bush”
- tutulla- v. “to keep on coming (and going)”
- #tuv- v. “to find”
- tuvu- v. “to take”
- -tya suf. “*your (familiar)”
- #tyal- v. “to play”
- tyalangan (*tyalangand-) n. “harp-player”
- tyalie n. “play, game, sport”
- tyar- v. “to cause”
- tyaro n. “doer, actor, agent”
- tyatyamba- v. “*to keep on tasting”
- tyav- v. “to taste”
- tyaz- v. “to like”
- tye pron. “thee, you (familiar)”
- tyel (tyeld-) n. “end”
- tyel- v. “to end, cease”
- tyelima adj. “final”
- tyelka adj. “swift, agile”
- tyelma n. “ending”
- tyelpe n. “silver” see telpe
- tyue n. “[unglossed]”
- tyúka n. “thigh”
- tyulma n. “mast”
- tyulusse n. “poplar-tree”
- -u suf. “dual ending”
- ú- pref. “not, un-, in-”
- ufárea adj. “not enough”
- uile n. “long trailing plant”
- -ula suf. “verbal adjective (likelihood, aptitude), apt to, likely to do so”
- úlea adj. “pouring, flooding, flowing”
- ullume adv. “for ever”
- ululla- v. “to keep on pouring”
- ulunde n. “flood”
- ulundo n. “monster, deformed and hideous creature”
- ulya- v. “to pour, flow”
- um- v. “to not be, to not do”
- -(u)ma suf. “some, a, a certain”
- uma adj. and pron. “some (when the identity is unknown); something or other”
- uma- pref. “some, a, a certain”
- úmahta(le) n. “nuisance”
- umainen adv. “*by some means”
- umalde adv. “somehow”
- umalka pron. “*an unknown quanity”
- umallo adv. “*from somewhere”
- umallume adv. “some time”
- umámen adv. “*aiming at something”
- uman adv. “at one time”
- uman(an) adv. “sometime, at some time”
- umanar adv. “some day”
- um(an)aryas adv. “in a certain day”
- uman(de) adv. “somewhat”
- umandon adv. “*like something”
- #umane pron. “someone, somebody”
- umanima pron. “of some kind”
- umanna adv. “*to somewhere”
- umanome adv. “*in some place”
- umaro adv. “*for some reason”
- umas(se) adv. “*somewhere”
- umbar (umbart-) n. “fate, doom”
- umbas [þ] n. “shield”
- úmea adj. “evil”
- umma pron. “any, any at all (in the world/existence)” see imma
- †-umne suf. “future-past”
- umpano n. “build[ing]” see ampano
- un-/um- pref. “intensive prefix with evil sense”
- unda- v. “to sink”
- undo adv. “down, low down”
- undu prep. and adv. “down, under, beneath”
- ungo n. “cloud, dark shadow”
- ungwale n. “torture”
- ungwe n. “gloom”
- unka- v. “to hollow out”
- unqa adj. “hollow”
- unqale n. “death agony, agony, death”
- unqe n. “hollow, cavity, hole”
- unta- v. “to come down, descend”
- untamo n. “enemy”
- unutikse n. “dot or point placed below the line of writing”
- uphto n. “pit”
- úr n. “fire, heat”
- úra adj. “large”
- Úrime n. “August, *Hot-one”
- uruite adj. “fiery”
- urulóke n. “fire-dragon”
- úruva adj. “fiery”
- urya- v. “to blaze”
- usqe n. “reek; dusk, twilight”
- -(u)va suf. “future suffix”
- uvana adj. “wicked”
- úvanimo n. “monster”
- úve n. “abundance, great quantity”
- úvea adj. “abundant, in very great number, very large”
- úvie n. “considering a matter (with a view to decision)”
- -va suf. “adjectival”
- #va prep. “away”
- vahai(y)a adv. “far away”
- vaháya adv. “far away” see vahai(y)a
- vahta- v. “to soil, stain”
- †vainar n. “sailor”
- vaita- v. “to enfold”
- vaiwa n. “wind”
- vai(y)a n. “envelope”
- vakse n. “stain”
- Vala n. “Power, God”
- valaina adj. “of or belonging to the Valar, divine”
- Valarya n. “*Friday, Vala-day”
- valasse n. “divinity”
- valya- v. “can”
- valya adj. “having (divine) authority or power”
- ván n. “goose”
- vanima adj. “fair”
- Vanimo n. “The Beautiful; Fair Folk”
- vanta n. “walk”
- vanta- v. “to walk”
- vanwa adj. “gone (for good), departed, vanished, lost, past, over, dead”
- vanwie n. “the past, past time”
- vanya adj. “beautiful, fair”
- vanya- v. “to go, depart, disappear”
- var- [w] v. “to err”
- vára adj. “soiled, dirty”
- varile n. “protection”
- varinye n. “[unglossed]”
- varna adj. “safe, protected, secure”
- varnasse n. “security”
- varne (varni-) adj. “brown, swart, dark brown”
- varya- v. “to protect”
- ve prep. “with”
- vea¹ adj. “adult, manly, vigorous”
- vea² n. “sea”
- veaner¹ n. “(adult) man”
- veaner² (veanér-) n. “sailor”
- veasse n. “vigour”
- vén [w] n. “greenness, freshness; youth”
- vende [w] n. “maiden, maid”
- véne n. “girl”
- venesse n. “virginity”
- venno n. “husband”
- venya- v. “to heal”
- venya [w] adj. “green, yellow-green, fresh”
- †veo n. “man”
- vére n. “bond, troth, compact, oath”
- verie n. “boldness”
- verka adj. “wild”
- veru¹ n. “husband”
- veru² coll. “husband and wife, married pair”
- verya adj. “bold”
- verya- v. “to dare”
- vesse n. “wife”
- vesta-¹ v. “to wed”
- vesta¹ n. “matrimony”
- vesta-² v. “to swear (to do something), contract, make a compact”
- vesta² n. “contract”
- vestale n. “wedding”
- vestale² n. “oath”
- vie n. “manhood, vigour”
- vil- [w] v. “to fly”
- vinda- v. “to fade”
- vinde adj. “pale blue”
- vinya¹ adj. “young, new”
- vinya² adj. “pale blue”
- vinye n. “evening”
- Víresse n. “April, *Freshness”
- vírie n. “youth”
- virya adj. “fresh”
- vista n. “air as substance”
- #-voite suf. “adjective suffix”
- vóre n. “lasting”
- vórea adj. and n. “continuous, enduring, lasting; continuant”
- vórima adj. “continuous, enduring, repeated”
- vor(o)- pref. “continual repetition”
- voro adv. “ever, continually”
- voron(an) adv. “steadfastly, steadily, unremittingly, unceasingly”
- vorongandele n. “continual repetition, (lit.) harping on one tune”
- voronna adv. “for a long time”
- voronwa adj. “enduring, long-lasting”
- voronwie n. “endurance, lasting quality”
- vorosanya [þ] adj. “*ever-law-abiding”
- wa- pref. “together” see o-
- war- v. “to err” see var-
- waryallume adv. “*at a different time”
- †wé n. “man, warrior”
- -we¹ suf. “masculine suffix”
- -we² suf. “abstract suffix”
- †wén [w] n. “greenness, freshness; youth” see vén
- wenda adj. “female”
- †wende n. “maiden, maid” see vende
- †wenya adj. “green, yellow-green, fresh” see venya
- †wil- v. “to fly” see vil-
- wilma n. “inner or lower air”
- wilwa n. “lower air” see wilma
- wilwarin (wilwarind-) n. “butterfly”
- winge n. “foam, crest of wave, crest”
- wingi n. “mermaid, foam-maid” see wingil
- wingil (wingild-) n. “nymph, mermaid, foam-maid”
- ya pron. “relative pronoun”
- yá adv. “formerly, ago, at that (distant) time, then (long ago)”
- #-ya¹ suf. “adjective suffix”
- -ya² suf. “aorist active participle, general verbal adjective”
- yaiwe n. “mocking, scorn”
- yallo adv. “*from there (remote)”
- yallume adv. “at that (far distant) time, at last”
- yalme n. “clamour” see indyalme
- yalúme n. “former times”
- yalúmea adj. “olden”
- yan adv. “at (that) far distant time, at that time already past with reference to some other point already in mind or discussed”
- yána n. “holy place, fane, sanctuary”
- yana pron. “yonder; that (the former)”
- yanan adv. “at that (distant) time, then (long ago)”
- yanar adv. “*on that (distant) day”
- yanaryas adv. “*on that (distant) day”
- yanas(se) adv. “*there (remote)”
- yane pron. “that yonder”
- yanga- v. “to yawn”
- yanna adv. “*to there (remote)”
- yanta¹ n. “bridge”
- yanta² n. “yoke”
- yanwe n. “bridge, joining, isthmus”
- yár (yar-) n. “blood”
- yára adj. “old, ancient, belonging to or descending from former times”
- yáre n. “former days”
- yárea adj. “olden”
- yas adv. “there [remote]” see yasse
- yasse adv. “there [remote]; once upon a time”
- yat¹ (yaht-) n. “neck”
- yat² (yak-) n. “goat”
- yatta n. “narrow neck, isthmus”
- Yavannie n. “September, *Yavanna-ness”
- yáve n. “fruit”
- yáwe n. “ravine, cleft, gully”
- ye- v. “to be”
- ye¹ prep. “at”
- yé¹ interj. “*lo!”
- yé² n. “eye”
- ye² conj. “and” see yo
- yelda adj. “friendly, dear as friend”
- yelde n. “daughter”
- yelka n. “sword?”
- yello n. “call, shout, cry of triumph”
- yelme¹ n. “loathing”
- yelme² n. “[unglossed]”
- yelta- v. “to loathe, abhor”
- yelwa adj. “loathsome”
- yén n. “year”
- yen(de) n. “daughter”
- yénie n. “annals”
- yenya n. “last year”
- yére n. “*sexual desire”
- yerna adj. “old, worn”
- yerya- v. “to wear (out), get old”
- yesta- v. “to desire”
- yeste n. “being, existence”
- yo conj. “and”
- yonda adj. “manly, masculine”
- yondo n. “son”
- yór n. “blood” see yár
- yu conj. “and” see yo
- yú- pref. “both”
- yú adv. “too”
- yuale n. “twilight” see yúkale
- yuima pron. “of both sorts”
- yúkale n. “twilight”
- yul- v. “to smoulder”
- yúla n. “ember, smouldering wood”
- yulma n. “brand”
- yulme n. “red (?heat), smouldering heat”
- yurasta num. card. “twenty four”
- yúya adj. and pron. “both; both facts”
- yuyal(de) adv. “in both ways”
- yuyallume adv. “*both times”
- yuyan(an) adv. “on both occasions”
- yuyandon adv. “*like both”
- yuyanome adv. “*in both places”
- yuyas(se) adv. “*in both places”
- yúye pron. “both [persons or things]”
- yúyo adj. “both”
- -za pron. “abstract object”