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ᴹQ. kiryasta- v. “to sail” (Category: to Sail)

ᴹQ. ciryasta-, v. “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go” (Category: to Sail)
ᴺQ. !ramya- “to fly, sail; to wander”

A verb for “to sail” appearing in the phrase ᴹQ. qe e·kárie i kirya aldaryas, ni kauva kiryasta menelyas “if he finishes the boat by Monday, I shall be able to sail on Wednesday”, from the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) of 1948 (PE22/121). It is a verb form of kirya [cirya] “ship”, so more exactly appears to mean “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go”.

Conceptual Development: The English-Qenya Dictionary of the 1920s had ᴱQ. salta- “sail, used of any smooth steady progression” (PE15/77), while the slightly later Early Qenya Word-list had ᴱQ. lut- “float, sail” (PE16/134).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would ciryasta- only for the act of making a ship go: i hesto ciryasta i cirya “the captain sails the ship”. For the movement of the ship itself, I would us lut- “float, [ᴱQ.] sail”: i cirya lute i earessë “the ship sails on the sea”.

Reference ✧ PE22/121 ✧ kiryasta “to sail”


kirya “ship, boat”

Element In

ᴱQ. salta- v. “to sail” (Category: to Sail)

See ᴹQ. kiryasta- for discussion.

References ✧ PE15/77




salle past ✧ PE15/77