ᴹQ. malle n. “street, (made or stone) road” (Category: Street)
A word for “street” appearing in Tolkien’s writings of the 1910s-40s. ᴱQ. malle “street” first appeared [albiet marked with “?”] in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√MALA¹ “crush, squeeze, pulp” (QL/58), and in early names from this period such as ᴱQ. Olóre Malle “Path of Dreams” (LT1/18) and ᴱQ. Kúne Malle “Road of Arches” (PE13/105). ᴱQ. malle “street” reappeared in several charts of Qenya Declensions from the 1920s (PE16/112-115) and in contemporaneous Early Qenya Word-lists (PE16/143).
ᴹQ. malle was more fully defined as “made road, stone-road, street” in Declension of Nouns from the early 1930s (PE21/24) and also appeared in some contemporaneous declension charts (PE21/44-45). In The Etymologies from around 1397, ᴹQ. malle “street” was derived from the root ᴹ√MBAL (Ety/MBAL). This word also appeared with the gloss “road” in various iterations of the ᴹQ. Lament of Atalante from the 1930s and 40s, in the phrases ᴹQ. malle téna lende númenna “a road [once] went straight westward” and ᴹQ. ilya sí maller raikar “now all roads (are) bent” (LR/47, 56; SD/310). There is no sign of this word in the 1950s and 60s, but that could be a coincidence.
Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use this word for constructed roads, particularly those that are paved or are city streets.
References ✧ Ety/MBAL; LR/47, 56; PE21/24, 44-45; PE23/98; SD/310
mallende | ablative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallillon | ablative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
malle | accusative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
malli | accusative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
mallello | allative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallinden | allative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
mallello | comitative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallíle | comitative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
maller | dative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallir | dative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
malleo | genitive | ✧ PE21/44 | |
malleo | genitive | “of ... road” | ✧ PE23/98 |
mallion | genitive plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
mallenen | instrumental | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallínen | instrumental plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
mallesse | locative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallissen | locative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
mallen | nominative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallin | nominative plural | ✧ PE21/24; PE21/45 | |
†mallelin | nominative plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
malleka | partitive-plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
maller | plural; er-plural | “roads” | ✧ LR/47; LR/56; SD/310 |
malleva | possessive | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallíva | possessive plural | ✧ PE21/45 | |
mallendon | similative | ✧ PE21/44 | |
mallindon | similative plural | ✧ PE21/45 |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴹ√MBAL > malle | [mballe] > [malle] | ✧ Ety/MBAL |
ᴱQ. malle n. “street, road” (Category: Street)
References ✧ LT1A/Olórë Mallë; PE13/105; PE16/112-115, 143; QL/58, 90
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴱ√MALA¹ > ‽malle | [mallē] > [malle] | ✧ QL/58 |