ᴹQ. dative grammar.

ᴹQ. dative grammar.

Examples (dative)
a)na “indef.” [← ] ✧ PE23/77
“indef.” [← ] ✧ PE23/77
[ahtu]matten [← ahtumat] ✧ PE21/37
oiur [← oio] ✧ PE21/12
oiwen [← oio] ✧ PE21/12
[oi]wia [← oio] ✧ PE21/12
oiwen [← oio] ✧ PE21/12
[Ala]karwen [← Alakaru] ✧ PE21/41
Alaryen [← Alari] ✧ PE21/41
amanen [← aman] ✧ PE21/34
amboren [← ambor] ✧ PE21/33
andulen [← andul] ✧ PE21/34
araken [← arat] ✧ PE21/35
[Astul]ahten [← Astulat] ✧ PE21/37
[kalm]ar [← kalma] ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]en [← kalma] ✧ PE21/52
karen [← kas¹] ✧ PE21/22
kiryar [← kirya] ✧ PE21/4
kiryar [← kirya] ✧ PE21/46
kiryan [← kirya] ✧ PE21/53
kiryas [← kirya] ✧ VT28/8
[Earend]elen [← Earendel] ✧ PE21/34
endar [← en] ✧ VT36/8
enden [← en] ✧ VT36/8
er [← en] ✧ VT36/8
entar [← enta] ✧ VT36/8
ensir [← ente] ✧ VT36/8
entur [← ento] ✧ VT36/8
ettun “dual 3a” [← ettu] ✧ PE23/80
estun “dual 3b” [← estu] ✧ PE23/80
fassen [← fas] ✧ PE21/26
fileken [← filet] ✧ PE21/35
hahten [← hat] ✧ PE21/27
helemen [← helen] ✧ PE21/34
hōr [← ] ✧ PE21/38
homen [← hón] ✧ PE21/23
homen [← hón] ✧ PE21/52
hunen [← hún] ✧ PE21/24
than “to it (another)” [← tha] {nitha antas >> nitha antata >>} nithanantata ✧ PE23/74
a)tha “sg. 3 b. [other neuter]” [← tha] ✧ PE23/77
thá “sg. 3 b. [other neuter]” [← tha] ✧ PE23/77
tha “sg. 3 b. [neuter]” [← tha] ✧ PE23/77
thá “sg. 3 b. [neuter]” [← tha] ✧ PE23/77
·the “sg. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/75
·the “sg. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/75
·nti “Pl. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/75
·sti “Pl. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/75
·nti “Pl. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/75
·sti “Pl. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/75
a)the “sg. 3 a. [other]” [← †the] ✧ PE23/77
thén [← †the] ✧ PE23/77
thé “sg. 3 a. [other]” [← †the] ✧ PE23/77
the “sg. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/77
thé “sg. 3 b.” [← †the] ✧ PE23/77
thén “sg. 3b” [← †the] ✧ PE23/79
ildumar [← ilduma] ✧ PE21/4
ilūn [← ilu] ✧ PE23/105
issin “pl. 3a” [← intin] ✧ PE23/79
intin “pl. 3a” [← intin] ✧ PE23/79
intion “pl. 3a” [← intin] ✧ PE23/79
istin “pl. 3b” [← issin] ✧ PE23/79
issin “pl. 3b” [← issin] ✧ PE23/79
ission “pl. 3b” [← issin] ✧ PE23/79
istir [← istya] ✧ PE21/13
istyen [← istya] ✧ PE21/13
[kaima]samben [← kaimasan] ✧ PE21/37
kelulinder [← kelulinde] ✧ PE21/10
[kel]uten [← kelut] ✧ PE21/35
[kel]oten [← kelut] ✧ PE21/35
untamor [← untamo] ✧ PE21/5
lamnen [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
lamnar [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
lamor [← laman] ✧ PE21/28
lasser [← lasse] ✧ PE21/6
lasser [← lasse] ✧ PE21/47
lassen [← lasse] ✧ PE21/53
·le “sg. 2 b.” [← le¹] ✧ PE23/75
·le “sg. 2 b.” [← le¹] ✧ PE23/75
a)le “sg. 2 b.” [← le¹] ✧ PE23/77
lé{n} “sg. 2 b.” [← le¹] ✧ PE23/77
lén “sg. 2b” [← le¹] ✧ PE23/79
lestur [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
lestuen [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
[lest]uen [← lesto] ✧ PE21/12
lepsen [← let] ✧ PE21/26
linder [← linde²] ✧ PE21/10
lindien [← linde²] ✧ PE21/10
lindenen [← linde²] ✧ PE21/10
[Lung]uman [← Lunguma] ✧ PE21/41
mān [← má¹] ✧ PE21/40
mār [← †má³] ✧ PE21/38
malen [← mál] ✧ PE21/24
maller [← malle] ✧ PE21/44
malur [← malo²] ✧ PE21/12
malwen [← malo²] ✧ PE21/12
marden [← mar] ✧ PE21/27
·me “pl. 1 a.” [← me] ✧ PE23/75
·me “pl. 1 a.” [← me] ✧ PE23/75
a)me “pl. 1 a.” [← me] ✧ PE23/77
“pl. 1 a.” [← me] ✧ PE23/77
mén “pl. 1a” [← me] ✧ PE23/79
mettan “forever, for good, [lit.] to the end” [← metta] mettan Iluo ✧ PE23/110
mintyer [← mintye] ✧ PE21/44
miuir [← miue] ✧ PE21/13
miuyen [← miue] ✧ PE21/13
mulor [← mulo] ✧ PE21/11
mulwen [← mulo] ✧ PE21/11
yaken [← yat²] ✧ PE21/24
kanteler [← kantele] ✧ PE21/44
nēnen [← nén] ✧ PE21/23
ningen [← nin] ✧ PE21/26
neren [← nér] ✧ PE21/20
neren [← nér] ✧ PE21/52
nin “me” [← ni] Man táre antáva nin Ilúvatar, Ilúvatar? ✧ LR/72
nĭs “to me” [← ni] ✧ PE21/61
nilden [← nil] ✧ PE21/26
[nindar]íen [← nindari] ✧ PE21/14
nínqerùen [← ninqeru] ✧ PE21/15
nínqèruen [← ninqeru] ✧ PE21/15
[ninqer]úven [← ninqeru] ✧ PE21/15
Nuen [← ] ✧ PE21/38
nyen “to me” [← nye] antate nyen, anyen antate/antas ✧ PE23/73
·nye “sg. 1” [← nye] ✧ PE23/75
·nye “sg. 1” [← nye] ✧ PE23/75
nyen [← nye] ✧ PE23/75
ny’ “to me” [← nye] keny’antanet ✧ PE23/77
nyen “to me” [← nye] kenyen antanet ✧ PE23/77
a)nye “sg. 1” [← nye] ✧ PE23/77
nyé{n} “sg. 1” [← nye] ✧ PE23/77
nyén “sg. 1” [← nye] ✧ PE23/79
nyen [← nye] (a) antate nyen, anyen antat(e) ✧ PE23/90
nyen “to me” [← nye] anyenanta parma, eantanet nyen, enyenantanet ✧ PE23/95
then [← nye] ethen·anta he, ethen·antane, ye ethen·antas ✧ PE23/95
nyén “to me” [← nye] matwa e·antane sine nyén atwa tyén ✧ PE23/107
olaren [← olar] ✧ PE21/33
ondor [← ondo] ✧ PE21/5
Oromen [← Orome] ✧ PE21/41
orumen [← oron] ✧ PE21/34
oromen [← oron] ✧ PE21/34
parmas [← parma] ✧ PE21/61
parmas [← parma] ✧ PE22/46
parmas [← parma] ✧ PE22/63
pēr [← ] ✧ PE21/38
[pel]taksen [← peltas] ✧ PE21/37
pilenen [← pilen] ✧ PE21/34
pilenar [← pilen] ✧ PE21/34
pilinden [← pilin] ✧ PE21/36
[pil]inden [← pilin] ✧ PE21/52
[pil]indar [← pilin] ✧ PE21/52
polir [← pole] ✧ PE21/13
polyen [← pole] ✧ PE21/13
polyen [← pole] ✧ PE21/13
polis [← pole] ✧ VT28/8
[qel]eten [← qelet] ✧ PE21/35
qenden [← Qen] ✧ PE21/25
qendar [← Qen] ✧ PE21/25
qiliren [← qilir] ✧ PE21/34
rien [← ] ✧ PE21/38
ríen [← ] ✧ PE21/38
sán “[abstract] obj.” [← sa¹] ✧ PE23/80
sangar [← sanga] ✧ PE21/42
saryas [← sarya] ✧ VT28/8
sen [← se²] y’esen·antahe ✧ PE23/95
sirer [← síre] ✧ PE21/10
siryen [← síre] ✧ PE21/10
soronen [← soron] ✧ PE21/34
soronar [← soron] ✧ PE21/34
sūten [← sút] ✧ PE21/24
a)ta [← ta²] ✧ PE23/77
-ta “sg. 3 b. [neuter]” [← ta²] ✧ PE23/77
“sg. 3 b. [neuter]” [← ta²] ✧ PE23/77
tár [← ta²] ✧ PE23/77
ta “sg. 3 a. [neuter]” [← ta²] ✧ PE23/77
“sg. 3 a. [neuter]” [← ta²] ✧ PE23/77
talen [← tál] ✧ PE21/21
talaten [← talat] ✧ PE21/35
tambir [← tambe] ✧ PE21/13
tambien [← tambe] ✧ PE21/13
Tampion [← Tampio] ✧ PE21/41
tárien [← tári] ✧ PE21/14
·te “sg. 3 a.” [← te] ✧ PE23/75
·te “sg. 3 a.” [← te] ✧ PE23/75
-te “sg. 3 a.” [← te] ✧ PE23/77
te “sg. 3 a.” [← te] ✧ PE23/77
te “sg. 3 a.” [← te] ✧ PE23/77
“sg. 3 a.” [← te] ✧ PE23/77
tén “sg. 3a” [← te] ✧ PE23/79
·si “Pl. 3 a.” [← he¹] ✧ PE23/75
·si “Pl. 3 a.” [← he¹] ✧ PE23/75
·zi[?] “Pl. 3 a.” [← he¹] ✧ PE23/75
hín “pl. 3a” [← he¹] ✧ PE23/79
telkur [← telko] ✧ PE21/12
telquen [← telko] ✧ PE21/12
telkon [← telko] ✧ PE21/53
pelkor [← pelko] ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]os [← pelko] ✧ VT28/8
telumetten [← telumet] ✧ PE21/37
·thu “dual 3 b.” [← thu] ✧ PE23/75
·thu “dual 3 b.” [← thu] ✧ PE23/75
a)ttu [← thu] ✧ PE23/77
a)ttu [← thu] ✧ PE23/77
a)stu “dual 3 b.” [← thu] ✧ PE23/77
a)stu “dual 3 b.” [← thu] ✧ PE23/77
thú “dual 3 b.” [← thu] ✧ PE23/77
thún “dual 3b” [← thu] ✧ PE23/80
tēn [← tie] ✧ PE21/40
tón [← ] ✧ PE21/40
·tu “dual 3 a.” [← tu] ✧ PE23/75
·tu “dual 3 a.” [← tu] ✧ PE23/75
a)stu [← tu] ✧ PE23/77
a)stu [← tu] ✧ PE23/77
thú [← tu] ✧ PE23/77
a)ttu “dual 3 a.” [← tu] ✧ PE23/77
a)ttu “dual 3 a.” [← tu] ✧ PE23/77
“dual 3 a.” [← tu] ✧ PE23/77
tún “dual 3a” [← tu] ✧ PE23/80
tundor [← tundo²] ✧ PE21/11
tunduen [← tundo²] ✧ PE21/11
tyalier [← tyalie] ✧ PE21/44
·tye “sg. 2 a.” [← tye] ✧ PE23/75
·tye “sg. 2 a.” [← tye] ✧ PE23/75
tyen “for you” [← tye] ⇒ †akárate·tyen, atyen·akáras, ni·tyen·akárat ✧ PE23/75
a)tye “sg. 2 a.” [← tye] ✧ PE23/77
tyé{n} “sg. 2 a.” [← tye] ✧ PE23/77
tyen “for you” [← tye] ni·tyen akára té, ni·tyen·akárate ✧ PE23/79
tyén “for yóu” [← tye] tyén ni·akára i kiryā, tyén ni·akárate ✧ PE23/79
tyé “for you” [← tye] ni·akárate tyé ✧ PE23/79
tyén “sg. 2a” [← tye] ✧ PE23/79
tyén “to you” [← tye] matwa e·antane sine nyén atwa tyén ✧ PE23/107
[Vali]nóren [← Valinor] ✧ PE21/36
·we “pl. 1 b.” [← nwe] ✧ PE23/75
·we “pl. 1 b.” [← nwe] ✧ PE23/75
a)qe “pl. 1 b.” [← nwe] ✧ PE23/77
“pl. 1 b.” [← nwe] ✧ PE23/77
ñwén “pl. 1b” [← nwe] ✧ PE23/79
veruen [← veru¹] ✧ PE21/15
a)yo “refl.” [← ko] ✧ PE23/77
“refl.” [← ko] ✧ PE23/77
·za “abstract” [← -za] ✧ PE23/75
omentiemman “upon our meeting” [← omentie] 1st-pl-exclusive-poss elen sile omentiemman ✧ PE17/14
omentienwan “of our meeting” [← omentie] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ PE17/14
omentielwan “of our meeting” [← omentie] 1st-pl-inclusive-poss ✧ PE17/14
talanyan [← tál] 1st-sg-poss ✧ PE23/81
assor [← assa²] dual ✧ VT36/8
assur [← assa²] dual ✧ VT36/8
assir [← asse] dual ✧ VT36/8
assur [← asso] dual ✧ VT36/8
[kalm]atar [← kalma] dual ✧ PE21/52
kiryau [← kirya] dual ✧ PE21/4
kiryatar [← kirya] dual ✧ PE21/46
kiryauno [← kirya] dual ✧ PE21/54
[kiry]atos [← kirya] dual ✧ VT28/8
endur [← en] dual ✧ VT36/8
hentar [← hen] dual ✧ PE21/52
kent “dual 2a” [← ke] dual ✧ PE23/80
lamnu [← laman] dual ✧ PE21/28
lassu [← lasse] dual ✧ PE21/6
lassetar [← lasse] dual ✧ PE21/48
lassúno [← lasse] dual ✧ PE21/54
lent “dual 2b” [← le¹] dual ✧ PE23/80
lepsu [← let] dual ✧ PE21/26
[lind]iu [← linde²] dual ✧ PE21/10
mau [← má¹] dual ✧ PE21/40
mau [← †má³] dual ✧ PE21/38
[mal]u [← malo²] dual ✧ PE21/12
ment “dual 1a” [← me] dual ✧ PE23/80
neru [← nér] dual ✧ PE21/20
ner(a)tar [← nér] dual ✧ PE21/52
[← ] dual ✧ PE21/38
ondu [← ondo] dual ✧ PE21/5
peu [← ] dual ✧ PE21/38
[pol]yu [← pole] dual ✧ PE21/13
qendu [← Qen] dual ✧ PE21/25
riu [← ] dual ✧ PE21/38
sangatar [← sanga] dual ✧ PE21/43
táriu [← tári] dual ✧ PE21/14
telkúno [← telko] dual ✧ PE21/54
pelkotar [← pelko] dual ✧ PE21/49
tëa [← tie] dual ✧ PE21/40
ñwent “dual 1b” [← nwe] dual ✧ PE23/80
veru [← veru¹] dual ✧ PE21/15
ildumátar [← ilduma] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/43
ildumátar [← ilduma] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
untamótar [← untamo] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/49
tyaliétar [← tyalie] dual prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
thien [← †the] fem ✧ PE23/86
sin [← se¹] fem ✧ PE23/86
tien [← te] fem ✧ PE23/86
tín [← te] fem plural ✧ PE23/86
tien [← te] fem plural ✧ PE23/86
thuon [← †the] masc ✧ PE23/86
suoin [← se¹] masc ✧ PE23/86
tuon [← te] masc ✧ PE23/86
thuoin [← †the] masc plural ✧ PE23/86
tuoin [← te] masc plural ✧ PE23/86
[kalm]ir [← kalma] plural ✧ PE21/52
[kalm]eren [← kalma] plural ✧ PE21/52
kiryalir [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/4
kiryer [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/8
kiryaire(n) [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/46
[kiry]alir [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/46
kiryaino [← kirya] plural ✧ PE21/53
kiryais [← kirya] plural ✧ VT28/8
kiryaisi [← kirya] plural ✧ VT28/8
kiryalis [← kirya] plural ✧ VT28/8
[Earend]illir [← Earendel] plural ✧ PE21/34
eldain “for Elves” [← Elda] plural Ilu Ilúvatar en káre eldain a fírimoin ✧ LR/72
Eldain “for Elves” [← Elda] plural Eldain en kárier Isil, nan hildin Úr-anar. Toi írimar. ✧ LR/72
eldain “for Elves” [← Elda] plural En kárielto eldain Isil, hildin Úr-anar. Toi írimar. ✧ LR/72
Eldain [← Elda] plural ✧ LRI/Eldar
filiken [← filet] plural ✧ PE21/35
fírimoin “for ... Mortals” [← #Fírimo] plural Ilu Ilúvatar en káre eldain a fírimoin ✧ LR/72
hildin “for Men” [← Hildi] plural Eldain en kárier Isil, nan hildin Úr-anar. Toi írimar. ✧ LR/72
hildin “for Men” [← Hildi] plural En kárielto eldain Isil, hildin Úr-anar. Toi írimar. ✧ LR/72
·thi “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/75
·isti “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/75
·thi “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/75
·isti “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/75
a)thi(n) [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
thí(n) [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
thér [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
thí “pl. 3 a. [other]” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
·lthi “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
·lthi “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
thí “pl. 3 b.” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/77
thín “pl. 3b” [← †the] plural ✧ PE23/79
ildumaire [← ilduma] plural ✧ PE21/43
Ilqainen “To all” [← ilqa] plural Ilqainen antar annar lestanen Ilúvatáren ✧ LR/72
Ilyain “to all” [← ilya] plural Ilyain antalto annar lestanen Ilúvatáren ✧ LR/72
untamoire(n) [← untamo] plural ✧ PE21/48
lamnir [← laman] plural ✧ PE21/28
lassir [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/6
lasselir [← lasse] plural ✧ PE21/6
[lest]uïr [← lesto] plural ✧ PE21/12
lepsir [← let] plural ✧ PE21/26
[lind]ir [← linde²] plural ✧ PE21/10
mair [← má¹] plural ✧ PE21/40
main/maina [← ma] plural ✧ PE23/112
málir [← †má³] plural ✧ PE21/38
mair [← †má³] plural ✧ PE21/38
mallir [← malle] plural ✧ PE21/45
[mal]wir [← malo²] plural ✧ PE21/12
[mul]wir [← mulo] plural ✧ PE21/11
nerir [← nér] plural ✧ PE21/20
nerir [← nér] plural ✧ PE21/52
[ner]íre [← nér] plural ✧ PE21/52
ondolir [← ondo] plural ✧ PE21/5
ondoi [← ondo] plural ✧ PE21/8
poldóreain “for the strong-bodied” [← poldórea] plural mólome mára poldóreain ✧ PE22/123
[pol]ir [← pole] plural ✧ PE21/13
polis [← pole] plural ✧ VT28/8
[pol]ísi [← pole] plural ✧ VT28/8
qendir [← Qen] plural ✧ PE21/25
sangalir [← sanga] plural ✧ PE21/42
sangaren [← sanga] plural ✧ PE21/43
sangaire [← sanga] plural ✧ PE21/43
[sang]airen [← sanga] plural ✧ PE21/43
tai(n) [← ta²] plural ✧ PE23/77
inti “pl. 3 b. [neuter]” [← ta²] plural ✧ PE23/77
“pl. 3 b. [other neuter]” [← ta²] plural ✧ PE23/77
talir [← tál] plural ✧ PE21/21
tárir [← tári] plural ✧ PE21/14
·ti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
·inti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
·ti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
·inti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
·nti “Pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
·nte “Pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
·nti “Pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/75
a)nti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/77
inti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/77
·nti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/77
·nti “pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/77
“pl. 3 a.” [← te] plural ✧ PE23/77
telkoino [← telko] plural ✧ PE21/53
pelkoire(n) [← pelko] plural ✧ PE21/48
[pelk]ois(i) [← pelko] plural ✧ VT28/8
telumir [← telume] plural ✧ PE21/7
[tund]uïr [← tundo²] plural ✧ PE21/11
tyaliaire(n) [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE21/47
veruïr [← veru¹] plural ✧ PE21/15
{a...}yo “refl. pl. only with expressed subject” [← ko] plural ✧ PE23/77
yo(n) “refl. pl. only with expressed subject” [← ko] plural ✧ PE23/77
yair [← yé²] plural ✧ PE21/40
[kalm]íre [← kalma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/52
[kiry]alíre [← kirya] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/46
ildumálir [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/4
ildumálir [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/42
ildumáren [← ilduma] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/43
untamólir [← untamo] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/5
[unta]móren [← untamo] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/48
lassíre(n) [← lasse] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
lassíno [← lasse] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/53
tárílir [← tári] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/14
telumélir [← telume] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/7
tyaliéren [← tyalie] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/47
verúlir [← veru¹] plural prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/15
[ahtu]máten [← ahtumat] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/37
veanéren [← veaner²] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
[Koivi]enénen [← Kuiviénen] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
[Koivi]enénar [← Kuiviénen] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
[falmar]ínen [← Falmarin] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/36
filíken [← filit] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/52
[Tinúvi]élen [← Tinúviel] prosodic-lengthening ✧ PE21/35

References ✧ PE21/3, 10, 50-51, 61

Element In

ᴱQ. dative grammar.

Examples (dative)
ambar “morning” [← amba] oilim’ ambar {ie >>} ien {oilima >>} oilin ✧ PE16/62
kalmar ← kalma ✧ PE14/43
kalmar ← kalma ✧ PE14/73
kalmar [← kalma] ✧ PE16/111
karen [← kas] ✧ PE16/112
karen [← kas] ✧ PE16/113
karde [← kas] ✧ PE16/113
kiryar [← kirya] ✧ PE16/112
kiryar [← kirya] ✧ PE16/113
kiryaien [← kirya] ✧ PE16/113
kiryain [← kirya] ✧ PE16/113
kiryare [← kirya] ✧ PE16/113
har [← ha] ✧ PE14/53
ar [← ha] ✧ PE14/53
hir [← hi] ✧ PE14/53
er [← hi] ✧ PE14/53
hur [← hu] ✧ PE14/53
or [← hu] ✧ PE14/53
melmur [← melmo] ✧ PE14/53
melmur [← melmo] ya qensie melmur ne {hwa >>} iksa telpe rautanēma ✧ PE14/54
nímur [← nímo] ✧ PE14/53
nímor [← nímo] ✧ PE14/53
ker [← ke¹] ✧ PE14/53
ter [← ke¹] ✧ PE14/53
kulu(v)e [← kulu] ✧ PE14/71
lamar ← lama ✧ PE14/44
lamne ← lama ✧ PE14/44
lamar ← lama ✧ PE14/74
lamne ← lama ✧ PE14/74
ler [← le¹] ✧ PE14/53
maller [← malle] ✧ PE16/112
maller [← malle] ✧ PE16/113
mallere [← malle] ✧ PE16/113
malor ← malo ✧ PE14/44
malor ← malo ✧ PE14/74
malwe ← malo ✧ PE14/74
malwe [← malo²] ✧ PE16/111
maluve [← malo²] ✧ PE16/111
mer [← me¹] ✧ PE14/53
mer “to us” [← me¹] tule mer ✧ PE14/85
muntar ← munta malda muntar ✧ PE14/48
muntar “than nothing” ← munta malda muntar ✧ PE14/81
kanteler [← kantele] ✧ PE16/111
nengen [← nen²] ✧ PE16/112
nengar [← nen²] ✧ PE16/113
nende [← nen²] ✧ PE16/113
nengare [← nen²] ✧ PE16/113
nere [← ner] ✧ PE16/111
neren [← ner] ✧ PE16/113
nerde [← ner] ✧ PE16/113
nir [← ni¹] an nir ✧ PE14/53
ondor ← ondo ✧ PE14/44
ondor ← ondo ✧ PE14/73
ondor [← ondo] ✧ PE16/111
ondor [← ondo] ✧ PE16/113
peltakse ← peltas ✧ PE14/44
pilinde ← pilin ✧ PE14/73
pilinden [← pilin] ✧ PE16/112
pilindar [← pilin] ✧ PE16/112
pilindar [← pilin] ✧ PE16/113
pilinden [← pilin] ✧ PE16/113
pilind(ar)e [← pilin] ✧ PE16/113
poler ← pole ✧ PE14/75
polye ← pole ✧ PE14/75
polye [← pole] ✧ PE16/111
[pund]uve [← pundo] ✧ PE16/111
sinqer ← sinqe ✧ PE14/44
sinqer ← sinqe ✧ PE14/74
sinqie ← sinqe ✧ PE14/74
sinqie [← sinqe] ✧ PE16/111
sinqir [← sinqe] ✧ PE16/111
tantarel ← tantare ✧ PE14/44
tantarel ← tantare ✧ PE14/73
sir [← si¹] ✧ PE14/53
tar [← ta¹] ✧ PE14/53
tur [← tu¹] ✧ PE14/53
telkor [← telko] ✧ PE16/112
tyalier [← tyalie] ✧ PE16/112
qer [← qe¹] ✧ PE14/53
yar “to whom” [← ya] yar i vilya anta miqilis ✧ MC/215
[har]ie [← hari] ✧ PE14/71
andar ← anda adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
andar ← anda adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
sattor ← satto adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
[satt]ur ← satto adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
melinde ← melin adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
melinde ← melin adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
ninqer ← ninqe adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
ninqer ← ninqe adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
karur [← kas] dual ✧ PE16/114
kiryur [← kirya] dual ✧ PE16/114
mallur [← malle] dual ✧ PE16/114
nengur [← nen²] dual ✧ PE16/114
nerur [← ner] dual ✧ PE16/114
ondovi [← ondo] dual ✧ PE16/111
ondur [← ondo] dual ✧ PE16/114
pilindur [← pilin] dual ✧ PE16/112
pilindur [← pilin] dual ✧ PE16/114
telku [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/112
telkon [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/112
telkon [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/112
telkur [← telko] dual ✧ PE16/114
tyaliur [← tyalie] dual ✧ PE16/114
kalmalir ← kalma plural ✧ PE14/43
kalmalir ← kalma plural ✧ PE14/73
karir [← kas] plural ✧ PE16/112
kiryalir [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/112
kiryalir [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/115
kiryair [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/115
lamnir ← lama plural ✧ PE14/44
lamnir ← lama plural ✧ PE14/74
mallir [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/112
[mall]elir [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/112
mallir [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/115
mallelir [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/115
malwir ← malo plural ✧ PE14/44
malwir ← malo plural ✧ PE14/74
malwir [← malo²] plural ✧ PE16/111
maluir [← malo²] plural ✧ PE16/111
nengir [← nen²] plural ✧ PE16/112
nerir [← ner] plural ✧ PE16/111
ondolir ← ondo plural ✧ PE14/73
ondolir [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/111
ondolir [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/115
ondoir(en) [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/115
peltaksir ← peltas plural ✧ PE14/44
pilindir ← pilin plural ✧ PE14/73
pilindir [← pilin] plural ✧ PE16/112
pilindir [← pilin] plural ✧ PE16/115
polir [← pole] plural ✧ PE16/111
[pund]uir [← pundo] plural ✧ PE16/111
sinqir ← sinqe plural ✧ PE14/44
sinqir ← sinqe plural ✧ PE14/74
sinqir [← sinqe] plural ✧ PE16/111
tantarélir ← tantare plural ✧ PE14/73
telkolir [← telko] plural ✧ PE16/112
tyaliélir [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE16/112
tyaliélir [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE16/115
-lkor [← -kto] plural ✧ PE14/56
-ktor “reflexive dative” [← -kto] plural ✧ PE14/56
ander ← anda plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
ander ← anda plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
melindir ← melin plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
melindir ← melin plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77
ninqir ← ninqe plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/45
ninqir ← ninqe plural adj-agreement ✧ PE14/77

References ✧ PE16/113


Element In