Q. ëa- v. (irregular-verb) “to be, exist” (Category: Be)
One of two Quenya verbs for “to be”, along with ná-. The verb ëa- is derived from the root √EÑ (PE22/147; VT49/28) and so has an unusual past form enge (VT49/29; PE22/147). Strictly speaking, this verb is used only in statements asserting the actual existence of a thing within the world, so “to exist” is a better translation than “to be”:
Verb nā- is used to assert qualities etc. of separate things in the Universe, verb eŋa (ëa) to assert their actual real existence extra-mentally (PE22/166 note #113).
As such, the verb ëa- is generally not followed by another assertion:
Stem of verb “exist” (have being in primary world of history) was √EŊE, distinct from √NA joining adjs./nouns/pronouns in statements (or wishes) asserting (or desiring) a thing to have a certain quality, or to be the same as another. eŋe is not followed by any adj. or noun but only by a[n] adverb (or negated adverb) mainly[?] of time (PE22/147).
Thus one might say Aracorno enge “Aragorn existed” or Aracorno enge andanéya “Aragorn existed long ago”, but to say “Aragorn was tall” or “Aragorn was a Man” you would need to use the verb ná-: Aracorno náne halla, Aracorno náne Atan. See the entry on the copula for a further discussion of how “to be” statements are expressed in Quenya.
Conceptual Development: The verb ᴱQ. ná- “be” dates all the way back to the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s (QL/64), but Tolkien often had a second “be” verb, sometimes coexisting with ná and sometimes replacing it. The earliest of these alternate “be” verbs was ᴱQ. ō- “am” under the early root ᴱ√Ō “be, exist” (QL/69), a document that also contained ᴱ√NĀ “be, exist” (QL/64). In the Early Qenya Grammar of the 1920s, the main “to be” verb was ᴱQ. e- (PE14/57).
By the time of The Etymologies of the 1930s, ᴹQ. ná- “be” was restored (Ety/NĀ²), but Tolkien mentioned another root ᴹ√YĒ for “to be” (EtyAC/YĒ), which in the 1930s was the basis for the so-called “stative suffix” ᴹQ. -ie seen in Fíriel’s Song from this period (LR/72). By the 1940s, ᴹQ. ye- seems to have become the ordinary verb for “to be”, most notably in the original layer of composition for the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) from 1948 (PE22/123 note #130).
In QVS Tolkien revised the verb for “to be” to ëa-, derived from a root ᴹ√Ē or more properly eʒe or eñe (PE22/122). In the revisions to QVS, ëa was used for all “to be” statements, both for existence and for equating to adjectives or other nouns, such as in parka ëa nyé “I am thirsty” (PE22/122). But Tolkien eventually restored ná- “be” again, perhaps in the Namárië poem (LotR/378) where namárië “farewell” = na + márië “be well” (PE17/59, 162).
Tolkien retained ëa-, most notably as the basis for the name of the universe Eä “the World That Is” (S/20; Let/286; MR/39; NM/231). It is not clear when Tolkien decided that ëa- was used for statements of existence only. Its root √EÑ was still glossed “be” in the Outline of Phonology (OP2) from the early 1950s (PE19/96), and its past form enge was used for “was” in the Alcar i Ataren prayer from later in the 1950s (VT43/36). However, its limitation to existence only was well established by the late 1960s, as described above (PE22/147; VT49/28).
References ✧ PE17/74; PE22/147, 152, 166; S/20; UT/305, 317; VT39/6-7; VT43/13-14, 38; VT49/28-30
ëa | aorist | “exists” | ✧ PE17/74; VT39/7 |
ëa | aorist | “is” | ✧ UT/305; UT/317 |
ëa | aorist | “it is” | ✧ VT39/6 |
ëa | aorist | ✧ VT43/13; VT43/14 | |
(e)uva | future | ✧ PE22/147 | |
euva | future | ✧ VT49/29 | |
Eä | imperative | “Let these things Be” | ✧ S/20 |
eane | past | ✧ VT49/30 | |
enge | past | ✧ PE22/147 | |
enge | past; strong-past | “*was” | ✧ VT43/38 |
enge | past; strong-past | ✧ VT49/29 | |
engne | past | ✧ PE22/152 | |
enne | past | ✧ PE22/152 | |
engie | perfect | ✧ VT49/29: analogical | |
†éye | perfect | ✧ VT49/29: rare | |
ëa | present | “it exists” | ✧ VT49/28: present continuous |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
√EŊE > eä | [eŋa] > [eɣa] > [ea] | ✧ PE22/147 |
✶eŋa > ëa | [eŋa] > [eɣa] > [ea] | ✧ PE22/166 |
√eŋe > ëa | [eŋa] > [eɣa] > [ea] | ✧ VT49/28 |
✶eŋe > ea | [eŋa] > [eɣa] > [ea] | ✧ VT49/29 |
✶e-ēŋiı̯ē > ēŋie > ēiı̯ē > †éye | [ēŋijē] > [ēɣijē] > [ēijē] ? [ējē] > [ēje] | ✧ VT49/29 |
ᴹQ. ea- v. (irregular-verb) “to be; to exist, have being, be found extant in the real world” (Category: Be)
References ✧ PE19/48; PE22/119, 122-124; PE23/92
ëa | aorist | “there is, there exists” | ✧ PE22/124 |
ëa | aorist | “(there) is” | ✧ PE22/124 |
ëat | aorist dual | ✧ PE22/122 | |
ëar | aorist plural | ✧ PE22/122 | |
ëan | aorist with-1st-sg-object | “there is to me” | ✧ PE22/122 |
ëanye | aorist with-1st-sg-object | “there is to me” | ✧ PE22/122 |
euva | future | “will exist” | ✧ PE22/123 |
vā | future | ✧ PE22/123 | |
éva | future | ✧ PE22/124 | |
ëava | future | “will exist” | ✧ PE22/123: late classical and TQ form |
ēva | future | “will exist” | ✧ PE22/123 |
ŭva | future | ✧ PE22/123 | |
vár | future plural | “shall be” | ✧ PE22/124 |
ie | gerund | “existing” | ✧ PE22/122 |
ie | gerund | “existence” | ✧ PE22/124 |
ére | gerund | “existing” | ✧ PE22/122 |
ëa | imperfect-participle | “existing” | ✧ PE22/122 |
eane | past | ✧ PE23/92 | |
†eñge | past | ✧ PE22/122; PE22/122 | |
ne | past | “was” | ✧ PE22/119 |
né | past | ✧ PE19/48: from a different stem | |
né | past | “was” | ✧ PE22/124 |
nē | past | “was” | ✧ PE22/123 |
ëane | past | “existed” | ✧ PE22/123 |
ëane | past | ✧ PE22/124 | |
ēne | perfect | ✧ PE22/123 | |
nea | perfect-participle | “existed” | ✧ PE22/123 |
†énea | perfect-participle | ✧ PE22/124 | |
†ēnea | perfect-participle | “existed” | ✧ PE22/123 |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴹ√EƷ > ea | [eɣa] > [ea] | ✧ PE19/48 |
ᴹ✶e-ñ-ʒe > †eñge | [eŋɣe] > [eŋge] | ✧ PE22/122 |
ᴹ✶ē̆ʒā > ëa | [eɣa] > [ea] | ✧ PE22/122 |
ᴹ✶eʒyā > ëa | [eɣja] > [eja] > [ea] | ✧ PE22/122 |
ᴹQ. ye- v. (irregular-verb) “to be” (Category: Be)
References ✧ LR/72; PE22/11, 107, 115, 117, 119-120, 123; PE23/104
ye | aorist | “is” | ✧ LR/72; LR/72; PE22/11; PE22/117; PE22/119; PE23/104 |
ye | aorist | “is” | ✧ PE22/107 |
ye | aorist | ✧ PE22/115 | |
ye | aorist | “it is” | ✧ PE22/120 |
yér | aorist plural | ✧ PE22/123 | |
vá | future | ✧ PE22/123 | |
yéva | future | “there will be” | ✧ LR/72 |
yéva | future | “is” | ✧ LR/72 |
yéva | future | ✧ PE22/123 | |
váya | future-participle | ✧ PE22/123 | |
yevalya | future-participle | ✧ PE22/123 | |
ie | gerund | ✧ PE22/123 | |
yē | gerund | ✧ PE22/123 | |
yea | imperfect-participle | ✧ PE22/123 | |
†yelya | imperfect-participle | ✧ PE22/123 | |
úye | negated | “[is] not” | ✧ LR/72 |
né | past | ✧ PE22/123 | |
yene | past | ✧ PE22/123 | |
ener | past plural | ✧ PE22/123 | |
nér | past plural | ✧ PE22/123 | |
enie | perfect | ✧ PE22/123 | |
yénie | perfect; augmentless | ✧ PE22/123 | |
enea | perfect-participle | ✧ PE22/123 | |
†enelya | perfect-participle | ✧ PE22/123 | |
nea | perfect-participle | ✧ PE22/123 |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴹ√YE > yē | [jē] | ✧ PE22/123 |
ᴱQ. e-² v. “to be” (Category: Be)
References ✧ PE14/51, 54, 57; PE16/62, 66, 140-141, 143
Element In