ᴹQ. ten sí ye tyelma, yéva tyel ar i narqelion “for here is ending, and there will be an end and the Fading”

ᴹQ. ten sí ye tyelma, yéva tyel ar i narquelion “for here is ending, and there will be an end and the Fading”

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Reference ✧ LR/72 ✧ “for here is ending, and there will be an end and the Fading”


ten “for” ✧ LR/72
“now, here” ✧ LR/72
ye- “to be” aorist ✧ LR/72
tyelma “ending” ✧ LR/72
ye- “to be” future ✧ LR/72 (yéva)
tyel “end” ✧ LR/72
ar “and; but” ✧ LR/72
“the” ✧ LR/72
Narqelion “Fire-fading, Autumn” ✧ LR/72

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