Q. orta-¹ v. (ta-causative) “to raise, lift (up), (lit.) cause to rise” (Category: to Lift, Raise)
A well-attested verb for “to raise, lift (up)”. It was one of Tolkien’s favorite example for causative verbs, as a combination of √OR “rise, up” with the causative suffix ✶-tā, so more literally “cause to rise” (PE17/70). Tolkien used it as an example of the conjugation of this class of verbs in several places (PE17/77; PE22/117, 157, 159, 164), consistently with a weak past ortane as in the Namárië poem (LotR/377).
Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had a similar verb ᴱQ. orto- “raise” under the early root ᴱ√ORO¹, but in that document its past form was oronte (QL/70). At various points in Tolkien’s later writings, he indicated orta- “raise” was blended with an intransitive ta-causative verb orta-² “rise”, which had a half-strong past oronte “arose” (Ety/ORO; PE22/159, 164).
Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I prefer to use the more distinctive verb orya- for intransitive “rise”, and use orta- only for transitive “raise”. However, using orta- for both “raise” and “rise” is popular among many Neo-Quenya writers. See the entry on orta-² “rise” for discussion.
References ✧ Let/426; LotR/377; PE17/63, 70, 77; PE22/156-157, 159, 164; RGEO/58-60
orta | aorist | ✧ PE17/77; PE22/159 | |
orta | aorist | “raise” | ✧ PE22/159 |
ortan | aorist 1st-sg | ✧ PE22/164 | |
ortauva | future | ✧ PE22/159; PE22/164 | |
ortúva | future | ✧ PE22/159 | |
ortane | past | ✧ PE17/63; PE17/70; PE17/77; PE22/157; PE22/159; PE22/159; PE22/164 | |
ortane | past | “lifted” | ✧ PE17/70: used for “has lifted” since it is defined by sī “now” |
ortane | past | “raised” | ✧ PE17/70 |
ortane | past | “lifted up” | ✧ RGEO/59 |
ortane | past | “has uplifted” | ✧ RGEO/60: is a past tense |
ortani | past | “raised” | ✧ Let/426: [probably a misprint of ortanë from the Namárië poem (LotR/377)] |
ortanë | past | “has uplifted” | ✧ LotR/377 |
ortāne | past | ✧ PE22/157 | |
órtanè | past | “has uplifted” | ✧ RGEO/58 |
ortante | past-imperfect | ✧ PE22/157 | |
[orort]ie | perfect | ✧ PE22/159 | |
orortaye | perfect | ✧ PE22/164 | |
orortie | perfect | ✧ PE22/157; PE22/159 | |
orort{anie} | perfect; weak-perfect | ✧ PE22/157 | |
orotaye | perfect | ✧ PE22/164 | |
ortanie | perfect; augmentless weak-perfect | ✧ PE17/77 | |
ortea | present | ✧ PE17/77; PE22/157; PE22/159; PE22/159 | |
orotan | present 1st-sg | ✧ PE22/164 | |
ortean | present 1st-sg | ✧ PE22/164 |
-ta | “causative verb suffix” |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
√OR/RO > ortani | [ortane] | ✧ Let/426 |
√OR/ORO > ortā- | [orta-] | ✧ PE17/63 |
√OR > ortā | [orta-] | ✧ PE22/156 |
✶orortā̆iyē > oro[r]taye > [orort]eë > [orort]ie | [orortaijē] ? [orortajē] > [orortie] | ✧ PE22/159 |
ᴹQ. orta-¹ v. (ta-causative) “to raise, lift” (Category: to Lift, Raise)
References ✧ Ety/ORO; PE22/104-109, 114-115, 117; PE23/76
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴹ√ORO > orta- | [orta-] | ✧ Ety/ORO |
ᴱQ. orto- v. “to raise” (Category: to Lift, Raise)
References ✧ LT1A/Kalormë; QL/70
oronte | past | ✧ QL/70 |
Phonetic Developments
ᴱ√ORO¹ > orto- | [orto-] | ✧ QL/70 |