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Q. elen n. “star” (Category: Star)

Q. elen, n. “star” (Category: Star)

The most common Quenya word for “star”, mentioned very frequently, derived from an extended form ✶elen of the root √EL “behold” (PE17/67; WJ/360, 362). Its usual plural form is eleni, but it has an archaic plural †eldi sometimes used in verse, the result of the Ancient Quenya sound whereby [ln] became [ld] after the ancient plural underwent the Quenya syncope, ✶elenī > AQ. elni; its normal modern plural form eleni was actually a reformation from the singular (PE17/57, 151; WJ/362).

Conceptual Development: This word first appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s, though in the original entry for the root ᴹ√EL Tolkien said it was poetical and gave variants ellen and elena (Ety/EL).

References ✧ Let/265, 385; LotR/81, 377, 720, 915; MC/222; PE17/12, 24-25, 56-57, 67, 90-91, 101, 127, 151; PE19/96; PE23/128, 133, 142; PM/340; RGEO/58-59, 65; SA/êl; UT/213; VT49/39, 44-45; WJ/362, 367






elenillor ablative plural “[from] the stars” ✧ MC/222
Elem assimilated “star” ✧ PE19/96
Elenion genitive plural “of Stars” ✧ Let/385
Elenion genitive plural   ✧ LotR/720
elenion genitive plural   ✧ LotR/915; PE17/101
elenion genitive plural “of the ... stars” ✧ PE17/56
elenion genitive plural “among the stars” ✧ PE17/57
elenion genitive plural “among stars” ✧ PE17/90
elenion genitive plural “of stars” ✧ PE17/91; VT49/45
elelli partitive-plural   ✧ PE17/25
elelli partitive-plural   ✧ PE17/127
elli partitive-plural   ✧ PE17/24
eldi plural   ✧ PE17/25
eldi plural   ✧ PE17/67: plural [probably archaic]
eldi plural   ✧ PE17/151
eldi plural   ✧ WJ/362: pl., occasionally in verse
eleni plural “stars” ✧ LotR/377; PE17/56; PE17/91; PE23/133; PE23/133; RGEO/59; VT49/45
eleni plural   ✧ PE17/12; PE17/24; PE17/127; PE17/151; RGEO/65
eleni plural “stars” ✧ PE17/67: analogical plural
eleni plural   ✧ WJ/362: pl., without syncope, reformed from the singular
élenì plural “stars” ✧ RGEO/58

Element In



Phonetic Developments

elen > elen [elen] ✧ PE17/67
elni > †eldi [eleni] > [elni] > [eldi] ✧ PE17/151

ᴹQ. elen n. “star” (Category: Star)

See Q. elen for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/EL; PE17/14; RS/324; VT28/11; WR/223




Elenion genitive plural   ✧ WR/223
Eleni plural “stars” ✧ RS/324
eleni plural   ✧ VT28/11
elli plural   ✧ VT28/11
elli plural   ✧ VT28/11

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√EL > elen [elen] ✧ Ety/EL
ᴹ√EL > †elen [elen] ✧ Ety/EL
ᴹ√EL > ellen [ellen] ✧ Ety/EL