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Q. #quétima adj. “speakable, pronounceable, *able to be said” (Category: to Say)

Q. #quétima, adj. “speakable, pronounceable, [ᴹQ.] utterable, *able to be said” (Category: to Say)

Reference ✧ WJ/370 ✧ “speakable, pronounceable, *able to be said”


quet- “to say, speak, tell”
-ima “-able, possibility”

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ᴹQ. qettima adj. “utterable” (Category: to Say)

Reference ✧ PE22/111 ✧ “utterable”


qet- “to say, tell, mention”
-ima “able to be done, -able, -ible” ✧ PE22/111 (-imā)

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