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ᴺQ. !loire v. “infusion, ⚠️tea” (Category: Wet, Damp)

ᴺQ. !loirë, v. “infusion, ⚠️tea” [created by Luinyelle] (Category: Wet, Damp)

A neologism for “infusion” coined by Luinyelle posted on 2024-09-21 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), based on ᴺQ. lóta- “infuse” < √LOG; compare Q. oloirë “flood”, also based on √LOG. Luinyelle also suggested this word could be used for “tea”, but for that purpose I recommend Tamas Ferencz’s neologism ᴺQ. yullas (compare G. suithlas “tea = drink-leaf”) or Tolkien’s own (Early Qenya) loan word ᴱQ. tyé.
