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ᴱQ. tyustyukta- v. “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce” (Category: to Eat)

⚠️ᴱQ. tyustyucta-, v. “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce” (Category: to Eat)
ᴺQ. ^tyustyuhta- “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce”

A verb appearing as ᴱQ. tyustyukta- “chew the cud, reflect, reminisce” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s as combination of ᴱQ. tyus “cud” and ᴱQ. tyukta- “chew” (QL/50).

Neo-Quenya: I’d retain this verb as ᴺQ. tyustyuhta- for purposes of Neo-Quenya since I retain both its elements as ᴺQ. tyuxë “cud” and tyuc- “chew”.

References ✧ QL/50




tyustyūke past ✧ QL/50


tyus “cud” ✧ QL/50
tyuku- “to chew” ✧ QL/50 (tyukta-)