Q. rómen n. “east, uprising, sunrise” (Category: East)
The Quenya word for “east”, cognate of S. rhûn (LotR/1123). In inflected or compounds forms, the final n was usually dropped as was generally the case with Quenya direction words, for example in the ablative from Rómello “from the East” (LotR/377). It was ultimately derived from the root √RŌ/ORO “rise” (PE17/63, Ety/RŌ). It originally meant “rising direction”, that is ro- + men, and was thus connected to the rising sun.
Conceptual Development: In the earliest Lost Tales the word for “East” was ᴱQ. oronto (LT1/85), a word that also appeared in the Qenya Lexicon from the 1910s, with the gloss “rising (of the sun)” (QL/70). On the same page Tolkien gave the word ᴱQ. óre “the dawn, Sunrise, East” (QL/70), so the connection between “East” and “sunrise” was a very early idea.
The word ᴹQ. rómen “east” appeared in The Etymologies from the 1930s along with N. rhûn, both derived from ᴹ√RŌ (Ety/RŌ). At the time, there were no problems with this equivalence, since initial [r] was unvoiced in Noldorin. Tolkien went on to use both these forms in The Lord of the Rings.
Unfortunately, Tolkien later abandoned the unvoicing of initial r in Sindarin, making these two forms problematic. Tolkien considered modifying the Sindarin form to rûn (PE17/88) or the Quenya form to hrómen (PE17/18). The latter was probably derived from an s-strengthened form of the root ᴹ√SRŌ (PE22/127), where the initial sr- would become voiceless [r] in both Quenya and Sindarin. Ultimately, though, he left both forms alone. Perhaps he decided the s-strengthening of the root was a Sindarin-only variant.
References ✧ LotR/377, 1044, 1123; PE17/18, 59, 63, 74, 88, 125, 135; PM/385; RGEO/58-59; SA/men, rómen
Róme-llo | ablative | “from the East” | ✧ PE17/135 |
Rómello | ablative | “(to those) from the East” | ✧ LotR/377 |
Rómello | ablative | ✧ PE17/59 | |
Rómello | ablative | “from the East” | ✧ PE17/63; PE17/74 |
Rōmello | ablative | “(to one) from the East” | ✧ RGEO/59 |
Rṑméllo | ablative | “(to those) from the East” | ✧ RGEO/58 |
rómen | dative | ✧ PE17/59 | |
rómena | dative; long-dative | ✧ PE17/59 | |
romendo | genitive | ✧ PE17/59 | |
rómeno | genitive | ✧ PE17/59 | |
rómeo | genitive | ✧ PE17/59 | |
romeva | possessive | ✧ PE17/59 | |
rómenwa | possessive | ✧ PE17/59 |
ro- | “uprising, sunrise, east” | ✧ PE17/18 (hrō-) | |
men | “way” | ✧ SA/men | |
√RŌ/ORO | “up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount” | ✧ PE17/63 (RŌ) |
Element In
ᴹQ. rómen n. “east” (Category: East)
References ✧ Ety/MEN, RŌ; LR/47, 56; PE22/23, 50; SD/310; SMI/Rómen
rómenna | allative | “eastward” | ✧ LR/56 |
rōmenna | allative | “eastward” | ✧ LR/47; SD/310 |
ᴹ√MEN | “go, proceed; purpose, aim (at), intend; [rejected] place, spot” | ✧ Ety/MEN; Ety/RŌ |
ᴹ√RŌ/ORO | “rise, up, high” | ✧ Ety/RŌ (RŌ) |
Element In
ᴱQ. oronto n. “East, rising (of the sun)” (Category: East)
References ✧ LT1/85; LT1A/Oromë, Oronto; QL/70-71
Phonetic Developments
ᴱ√OŘO > oronto | [ōðontō] > [ōðonto] > [ōzonto] > [ōronto] | ✧ QL/70 |