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ᴱQ. paláva adj. “wandering” (Category: to Wander, Stray)

⚠️ᴱQ. paláva, adj. “wandering” (Category: to Wander, Stray)
ᴺQ. !ranyaila “wandering”

An adjective appearing as ᴱQ. palāva “wandering” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s based on ᴱQ. palava- “to stray, wander” (QL/71).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would update this to ᴺQ. ranyaila “wandering”, the active participle of the 1930s verb [ᴹQ.] ranya- “stray, *wander”.

Reference ✧ QL/71 ✧ palāva “wandering”


palava- “to stray, wander” ✧ QL/71

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