Q. qui conj. “if” (Category: Guess, Suppose)
- Q. qui, conj. “if” (Category: Guess, Suppose)
- Q. ?it(ë) “if”
- ᴱQ. mai² “if; do?”
References ✧ PE22/140, 154, 158; VT42/34; VT49/19
- kwi “if” possibly older forms of extended √KWIS- “inquire, suppose” ✧ PE22/158
- ké “may be” appeared as a distinct form from qui “if” ✧ VT49/19
- quiquie “whenever” [is, per Patrick Wynne (VT49/35, note #29) probably an adverbial form of] qui “if” ✧ VT49/23
Element In
- ᴺQ. !equi “even if, even though, (lit.) indeed-if”
- ᴺQ. !hyaqui “or else, otherwise”
- ᴺQ. !naqui “although, even though, (lit.) if it is in fact”
- ᴺQ. !quima “whether”
- ᴺQ. !quitulma “scenario”
- ᴺQ. !vequi “as if, as though”
- Q. carë mára quí tyarë naxa “doing good may cause evil” ✧ PE22/154
- Q. laqui “unless” ✧ PE22/158
- Q. quīlas tūleste san inye tūle “*suppose he came (he did not), then I came” ✧ PE22/140
- Q. quíta céla tuldes, quíta ✧ PE22/158
- Q. quí(ta) la tuldes, nánë márië (nin) “[if he had not come], it was well to me (I was glad)” ✧ PE22/158
Phonetic Developments