Q. sahta- [þ] v. “to induce” (Category: to Compel)
- Q. sahta- [þ], v. “to induce” (Category: to Compel)
Reference ✧ VT43/23 ✧ sahta “induce”
- ᴺQ. sahta- “to split” vs. sahta- “to induce”
Element In
- ᴺQ. !etsahta- “to force out”
- ᴺQ. !sahtando “tempter”
- Q. sahtië “pressure or force (to do something against one’s will or conscience)”
- Q. úsahtië “inducement to do wrong, *temptation” ✧ VT43/23
√SAK “draw, pull” ✧ VT43/23 (saka)
✶thakta- “to pressure or force ([one] to do something against one’s will or conscience)”
Phonetic Developments
√saka > þahta > sahta |
[sakta-] > [saxta-]
✧ VT43/23 |