Q. Eru n. “The One, God” (Category: God)
- Q. Eru, n. “The One, God” (Category: God)
References ✧ Let/190, 194, 204, 387; LotRI/One; LRI; LT1I; MR/329-330; MRI; PE17/75; PE21/83; PE22/147, 158, 165; PMI; S/25; SA/er; SI;
SMI; UT/215, 305, 317; UTI; VT43/32; VT44/7, 17, 34; WJ/402; WJI
- ᴺQ. !aino “god” is “a god” as opposed to Eru “The One, God”
- Ilúvatar “Father of All” is a name for Eru “The One, God”
Element In
- ᴺQ. !Erutercáno “prophet, (lit.) God-herald”
- Q. Airë María Eruo ontaril “Holy Mary, Mother of God” ✧ VT43/28
- Q. alcar mi Tarmenel na Erun “glory [be] to God in the highest” ✧ VT44/32; VT44/32
- Q. Eruamillë “*Mother of God”
- Q. #Eruanna “[God’s] Grace”
- Q. Eruhantalë “Thanksgiving of Eru”
- Q. Eruhin “Child of Eru (God)”
- Q. Eruion “*Son of God”
- Q. Erulaitalë “Praise of Eru”
- Q. #Erulissë “[God’s] Grace”
- Q. #Eruman “Heaven”
- Q. Eruontarië “*Mother of God, (lit.) God-genetrix” ✧ VT44/7 (Eruontari)
- Q. Erusēn “Children of God”
- Q. Eruva “divine”
- Q. nai Eru tye mánata “God bless you” ✧ PE17/75
- S. Eruchîn “Children of Eru (God)” ✧ MR/330 (Eruhín)
- Q. a Aina Fairë, Eru órava (o)messë “God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us” ✧ VT44/12
- Q. a Aina Neldië Eru Er órava (o)messë “Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us” ✧ VT44/12
- Q. a Eruion Mardorunando, Eru órava (o)messë “God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us” ✧ VT44/12
- Q. ar i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa tennoio “and of the One who is above all thrones for ever” ✧ UT/305
- Q. Atar meneldëa Eru órava (o)messë “God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us” ✧ VT44/12
- Q. Eru fai, sî, euva “*Eru (was) before, (is) now, will be (after)” ✧ PE22/147
- Q. Eru-indonen “by the will of God” ✧ PE22/165
- Q. Erukyermë “Prayer of Eru” ✧ UT/215
- Q. Oiencarmë Eruo “The One’s perpetual production” ✧ MR/329
√ER “one, single, only, alone” ✧ SA/er
Phonetic Developments
√er > Eru |
[erū] > [eru]
✧ SA/er |
ᴱQ. Enu n. “God Almighty, Almighty Creator” (Category: God)
References ✧ LT2A/Ilúvatar; PE13/103; PE15/20, 23; PME/35, 43; QL/35
Phonetic Developments
ᴱ√ENU > Enu |
[enū] > [enu]
✧ QL/35 |