Q. men- v. (basic-verb) “to go, proceed, move (generally); to come, arrive” (Category: to Go)
The basic Quenya word for “go”, appearing with this meaning in notes from the late 1950s where it was inspired by omentië “meeting” (PE17/13). It appeared regularly in Tolkien’s writing thereafter. In Definitive Linguistic Notes (DLN) from 1959 Tolkien specified that its root √MEN meant “go, move, proceed in any direction (irrespective of speaker’s position, or assumed point of thought)” (PE17/165), and in notes associated with the Osanwe-kenta essay from this same period Tolkien said the root meant “move, proceed (in a direction intended by a person)” (VT41/6). As such, a more accurate translation would be “move (in a direction)”, somewhat more general than English “go”, which often (but not always) has the implication “move (away)”.
Indeed, Tolkien sometimes translated this verb as “come” (PE22/162) or “arrive” (VT49/24). In Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969, when discussing the phrases vá ménanyë “I am not coming” and vá meninyë ó le “I won’t come with you”, Tolkien said:
E[nglish] says “come” in such cases where there is a question of accompanying others. Q. uses “go” [men-] of movement to or towards any point other than the “here” of the speaker, actual or reported within a narrative (PE22/162).
In notes from around 1968 Tolkien had {√ten >>} √men in various expressions for “arrive”, saying “chiefly in past {tenne >>} menne ‘arrived, reached’, which is usually used with locative not allative: {tennen >>} mennen sís ‘I arrive[d] here’ (VT49/23-24)”. I would interpret this to mean men- + locative (“go at”) could have the sense “arrive”, but (a) this notion could be remnants of the rejected root √TEN and (b) the examples in this note used “arrive” regardless of whether or not the locative was present.
In any case, it seems Q. men- could be translated by a variety of English verbs (“move, go, come, arrive”) depending on the relative positions of the speaker, the mover, and the destination.
Conceptual Development: In The Etymologies of the 1930s the root ᴹ√MEN was unglossed but does not seem to be verbal in sense, since in that document there was no verb form and ᴹQ. men was translated “place, spot” (Ety/MEN). XXX PE23. In the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) from 1948, the root did have a verbal sense, and Tolkien originally used the verb ᴹQ. men- in the sense “mean, intend, wish”, but then transferred the senses “mean, intend” to ᴹQ. tel- and the sense “wish” to ᴹQ. mer- (PE22/99 note #1, 118 note #106 and #107). In QVS Tolkien first gave the root ᴹ√MEN the translation “aim at, intend, purpose”, indicating that with the allative it meant “make for, proceed towards”, but in red ink he revised the root’s gloss to “go, proceed” (PE22/103 and note #24).
Throughout the 1950s and 60s, Tolkien vacillated on the meaning of the root √MEN switching between “place”, “intend” and “go”, but starting in 1959 he mostly used the verb men- in the sense “go, move (in a direction)”, as described above.
In earlier writings, Tolkien used a variety of different Qenya words for “go”. In the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, he had ᴱQ. inta- as the cognate of G. intha² “go (indefinite), fare, proceed” (GL/51). In Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s he had ᴱQ. ere “goes” and ᴱQ. tie- “go”, but both were rejected without replacement (PE16/133)
Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use men- only in the sense “move (in a direction)”, mostly translatable “go” or “come” depending on context. In combination with the locative I would translate men- as “arrive” as in mennen Tirionessë “I arrived at Tirion, (lit.) I went at Tirion”, but I would use anya- as the more usual verb for “reach, arrive at”. I have seen some Neo-Quenya writers use men- for the more general sense “move (not necessarily in some direction)”, as in ᴺQ. menemma “motion picture”. However, I think it is better to have a separate verb for this, so I use [ᴱQ.] lev- “move (intr.)” for this purposes: ᴺQ. levemma “motion picture”.
References ✧ PE17/13, 16, 94; PE22/162; VT47/11; VT49/24
mene | aorist | “proceed” | ✧ PE17/94 |
mene | aorist | “goes” | ✧ VT47/11 |
mene | aorist | “comes, arrives, is with us” | ✧ VT49/24 |
menin | aorist 1st-sg | “I arrive at/come to/get to” | ✧ VT49/24: is indefinite in time |
meninye | aorist 1st-sg | “I ... come” | ✧ PE22/162 |
menuva | future | “will arrive” | ✧ VT49/24 |
ammēnie | intensive gerund | “with more determination” | ✧ PE17/94 |
menne | past | “arrived, reached” | ✧ VT49/24 |
mennen | past 1st-sg | “I arrive[d]” | ✧ VT49/24 |
emēnie | perfect | “has just arrived” | ✧ VT49/24 |
mēna- | present | “is on point of arrival, is just coming to the end” | ✧ VT49/24: pres. |
ménanye | present 1st-sg | “I am ... coming” | ✧ PE22/162 |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
√men- > mēna- | [mēna-] | ✧ VT49/24 |
ᴹQ. men- v. (basic-verb) “to aim at; to wish, mean, intend” (Category: to Will, Wish)
References ✧ PE22/99, 103, 118, 127; PE23/102, 112
mene | aorist | “mean, intend” | ✧ PE22/99 |
mene | aorist | “wish” | ✧ PE22/118 |
mene | aorist | “want” | ✧ PE23/102 |
menir | aorist plural | “wish” | ✧ PE22/118 |
menilti | aorist plural with-pl-object | ✧ PE22/118 | |
menilte | aorist plural with-sg-object | “wish him” | ✧ PE22/118 |
menite | aorist with-sg-object | “wish him” | ✧ PE22/118 |
menuvar | future plural | “will wish” | ✧ PE22/118 |
mene | infinitive | “aiming at” | ✧ PE23/112 |
mende | past | “wished” | ✧ PE22/118 |
mene | past | “wish” | ✧ PE22/118 |
menne | past | ✧ PE22/103 | |
mender | past plural | “wished” | ✧ PE22/118 |
Element In
Phonetic Developments
ᴹ√MEN > menne | [menne] | ✧ PE22/103 |
ᴱQ. ere-² v. “to go” (Category: to Go)
A deleted verb in Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s with present form ere “goes” and past tense erne “went”, perhaps based on the early root ᴱ√ERE [EÐE] “out” as suggested by the editors (PE16/133).
References ✧ PE16/133
erne | past | “went” | ✧ PE16/133 |