Neo-Quenya Neologisms
Words in this section are neologisms (fan-invented words) for Neo-Quenya. These words are listed here to make it easier to
evaluate them independently of the words created by Tolkien. Many of these “neologisms” are actually Tolkien-invented words
(or adaptations of such words) that have been updated to be more consistent with the later forms of his languages. The language
of the original form is in brackets, for example: ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] occa “knee” is an adaptation of Early Qenya okka, updated to the spelling conventions of the later Quenya language. Words adapted from the earliest versions of the language
(Early Qenya or ᴱQ. from 1910-1930) are also treated as neologisms to more accurately reflect their degree of acceptance among
authors of Neo-Quenya.
There can be considerable disagreement among fans of Elvish about the “right” way to add words into Tolkien’s languages, and
different creators may use differing approaches. Where available, the creator of each word is listed next to the neologism,
as well as the community or site in which the word was introduced. Unmarked “neologisms” are simply early words from before
1930 adopted without any changes beyond simple orthographic updates. Those marked with a “^” are early words that have gone
through some minor changes from early forms to better fit the linguistic structures of Tolkien’s later languages. Those marked
with a “!” are pure inventions, though they are based in some way on Tolkien’s linguistic elements.
- ᴺQ. !(a)naxë n. “acid” ⇐ naxa [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !atandev- v. “to retry” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. nev- [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !cam- v. “to fit, suit, be agreeable” < √KAM [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !carcatangwa n. “zip fastener, zipper, (lit.) tooth-clasp” ⇐ Q. #hasta- + ᴹQ. tangwa [created by Etil Tolvo, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !carnicumbo n. “bullfinch, (lit.) red-belly” ⇐ Q. carnë + !cumbo [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !cava- v. “to contain, hold” < √KAB [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !cémë n. “clay” < ᴹ√KEM [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !cennomë n. “point of view, vista” ⇐ Q. cen- + Q. #nómë [created by Various]
- ᴺQ. !ciryacarmen n. “shipyard” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + Q. carmë + Q. men [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !cólolantë n. “relief, (lit.) fall of the burden” ⇐ Q. cólo + Q. lanta [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !etsahta- v. “to force out” ⇐ Q. et + Q. sahta- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !etwen n. “exit” ⇐ Q. et + Q. men [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !félula adj. “sensitive, (lit.) apt to feel” ⇐ !fel- + Q. *-ula [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !fincamo n. “trickster” ⇐ Q. finca¹ + Q. -mo [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !föapumpo n. “puffball mushroom, (lit.) puff-bubble” ⇐ Q. föa + ᴱQ. pumpo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hahtëa adj. “serrated, serrate” ⇐ ✶khagdā¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !haimesta n. “traditions, customs” ⇐ ᴹQ. haime + Q. -sta¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hastarya- v. “verschlimmbessern, to make something worse while trying to improve it” ⇐ Q. #hasta- + Q. arya- [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !hatwa n. “medicine, medication, drug” ⇐ √HATH + ✶-mā [created by Tamas Ferencz, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !haumë n. “layer, stratum” ⇐ ᴹ√KHAW [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hlarumir (hlarumír-) n. “(pair of) earrings” ⇐ Q. hlas (dual) + Q. mírë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hlixë n. “slug, snail, gastropod” ⇐ ᴹ√SLIK [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !hlumba adj. “pudgy, rather fat” ⇐ ✶slūbŭ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hondolauca adj. “warm-hearted” ⇐ Q. hondo + Q. lauca [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !hrapsë n. “bug, pest, parasite” ⇐ √SRAB [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !hwalda adj. “washed” ⇐ √SWAL [created by Gilruin]
- ᴺQ. !hwallë n. “washing, bathing” ⇐ √SWAL [created by Gilruin]
- ᴺQ. !hwalmë n. “bathing, bath” ⇐ √SWAL [created by Gilruin]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyapóto n. “forepaw, front paw” ⇐ √KHYĀ + !póto [created by Luinyelle]
- √KHY- “other”
- ᴺQ. !immenya adj. “parallel, (lit.) of the same direction” ⇐ Q. im- + Q. men [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ítaquanta- v. “to charge (an electrical device), (lit.) to fill with lightning” ⇐ Q. íta¹ + Q. mírë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lanaxa n. “shed (the gap between upper and lower yarns in weaving)” ⇐ ᴹ√LAN + ᴹQ. aksa [created by Almáriel]
- ᴺQ. !lap- v. “to fold, ⚠️bend” < √LAP [created by Arael, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lapa-¹ v. “to wrap, swathe, wind” < √LAP
- ᴺQ. !loirë v. “infusion, ⚠️tea” < √LOG [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lomya- n. “to blind” ⇐ lomba [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !lóta- v. “to infuse, soak” ⇐ √LOG + ✶-tā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lótecas (lótecaps-) n. “vase, (lit.) flower-vessel” ⇐ Q. lótë + ᴹQ. kapsa [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !míritan (míritam-) n. “jeweller, jewelsmith” ⇐ Q. mírë + Q. tamo¹ [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !mitwen n. “entrance” ⇐ Q. mitta + Q. men [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !morromba n. “black trumpet mushroom” ⇐ Q. morë + Q. romba [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !muinas (muinass-) n. “hideout” ⇐ ᴹQ. muina [created by Valerie, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !murmel (murmeld-) n. “plushie, (lit.) soft/slumber friend” ⇐ Q. mussë + Q. #meldo [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !naifélula adj. “sore, painfully sensitive” ⇐ √NAY¹ + !félula [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nancúna adj. “convex, (lit.) back-curved” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. cúna [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !narcu- v. “to snap” ⇐ ᴹ√NARAK [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !nasima [þ] adj. “kind, welcoming” < √NATH [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !nassiuta- n. “to discourage” ⇐ Q. nan- + !siuta- [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !nasyal- [þ] v. “to invite, (lit.) summon kindly” ⇐ √NATH + Q. yal- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nellarma n. “swimsuit” ⇐ Q. nén + Q. #larma [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nihtirya adj. “meticulous, (lit.) bit-watching” ⇐ !nihta + Q. cúna [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !nuhtasta n. “suspension, cessation” ⇐ Q. nuhta- [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !nyelexë n. “arthropod” ⇐ ᴺ√NYELEK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ohaimestië n. “civilisation, culture, (lit.) a shared set of customs” ⇐ Q. o- + !haimesta [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ohtëa adj. “elliptical, egg-like” ⇐ ohtë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !osírië n. “confluence” ⇐ Q. o- + √SIR [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !papóto n. “hindpaw” ⇐ √PĀ/APA + !póto [created by Luinyelle]
- √KHY- “other”
- ᴺQ. !parna- v. “to comprise, be put together from” < √PAR¹ [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !póto n. “paw” < ᴹ√POT [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !quettasta adj. “dictionary” ⇐ Q. quetta + Q. -sta¹ [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !ris- [þ] v. “to attend to, tend, care for, mind” < ᴱ√GṚÞṚ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !rísë [þ] n. “care, attention” ⇐ !ris- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ruima n. “magma” < √RUY [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ruscuromba n. “chanterelle (mushroom)” ⇐ Q. rusco + Q. romba [created by Valerie, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sallumëa [þ] adj. “regular, of fixed periods of time” ⇐ ᴹ√STAN + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !sárë n. “base (as opposed to acid), bitter thing” ⇐ Q. sára [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sentacenya [þ] adj. “short-sighted” ⇐ Q. senta + Q. #cenya
- ᴺQ. !serrafila adj. “uncanny, (lit.) peace-stealing” ⇐ sérë + Q. raf- (active-participle) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sirruima n. “lava” ⇐ √SIR + !ruima [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !siuta- n. “to encourage” < ᴹ√SIW [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !talasta n. “ruin, remains of a destroyed construction” ⇐ √TALAT + ✶-dā [created by Luinyelle, Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !tamala adv. “by the way, (lit.) beyond that matter” ⇐ Q. tama + Q. lá² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tammen n. “workshop, (lit.) manufacturing room” ⇐ √TAM + √MEN [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !ticin n. “beetle, (lit.) crawler” ⇐ !tixa- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tincostimë n. “alloy, (lit.) blend of metal(s)” ⇐ Q. tinco + Q. #ostimë [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !tixa- v. “to crawl” ⇐ ᴺ√KIT [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tuxatalya n. “centipede” ⇐ tuxa + Q. tál [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tyucu-sucu [þ] n. “chewing gum” ⇐ ᴺ√TYUK + ᴺ√^THUK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !úhwalda adj. “unwashed” ⇐ !hwalda [created by Gilruin]
- ᴺQ. !unco (uncu-) n. “jar” < ᴹ√UNUK [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !undávo n. “executioner, (lit) convictor” [created by Luinyelle]
- *√NAM “judge”
- ᴺQ. !uswen n. “emergency exit, fire exit” ⇐ Q. us- + Q. men [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !vehtecindo n. “biographer” ⇐ Q. vehtë + !tecindo [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !viryaitë adj. “fickle, (lit.) apt to change” ⇐ Q. virya- + Q. -itë [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !ailindo n. “loon [bird], (lit.) lake-singer” ⇐ Q. ailin + ᴹQ. lindo [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !aimë n. “surprise, thing/action that surprises” < √GAY(AR) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !alaxë n. “salmon” < √ALAK [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !almopocco n. “backpack” ⇐ almo + poco [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !amatengw(i)ë n. “supertitle(s)” ⇐ Q. #am- + Q. tengwë [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !andatya- v. “to plummet, drop swiftly” ⇐ √DAT + ✶-yă [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !andormen n. “landing pad, landing strip” ⇐ !andorya- + Q. men [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !camaitë (camaiti-) adj. “suitable, fitting” ⇐ √KAM + Q. -itë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !cáralannë n. “bandana, kerchief, (lit.) head-cloth” ⇐ Q. cas + ᴹQ. lanne [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !celumar n. “origin (esp. of people/languages), [German] urheimat, (lit.) source-home” ⇐ ^celu + Q. már [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ciryassëa adj. “*ship-board, on-board, [ᴱQ.] what is on board ship” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ (locative)
- ᴺQ. !ëandë n. “surprise, feeling of surprise” < √GAY(AR) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !elenta- v. “to impress, (lit.) make marvel” ⇐ ᴺ√^ELEM + ✶-tā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !elentaula adj. “impressive” ⇐ !elenta- + Q. *-ula [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !emnotosta n. “framerate, FPS (frames per second)” ⇐ Q. emma + Q. not- [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !etsonga- v. “to blurt out, (lit.) mouth out [something]” ⇐ Q. et + Q. songa [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !hilista n. “following (situation), succession, continuation” < √KHIL [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !hilistas adv. “in turn” ⇐ !hilista (s-case) [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !hímë n. “beer” [created by Yitzik]
- ᴺQ. !hwínë n. “giddiness, faintness” < ᴹ√SWIN [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !hyanwë n. “difference” ⇐ Q. hyana [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !icítë adj. “cute” ⇐ √KIT [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !impanwenen adv. “respectively, (lit.) by same arrangement” ⇐ Q. im- + !panwë + Q. -nen [created by Luinyelle, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !lihtyellesta n. “escalator, (lit.) gliding staircase” ⇐ √LIK + !tyellesta [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !lindië n. “euphony” ⇐ Q. linda [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !luntala n. “raft, floater” ⇐ √LUT [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !maldë n. “yolk” < √MAL [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !maraina adj. “native, of home” ⇐ Q. már [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] marcirya n. “ark” ⇐ Q. már + Q. cirya¹
- ᴺQ. !míritsettë n. “dragonfly, (lit.) jewel-fly” ⇐ Q. mírë + ᴹQ. †tsette [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !mustalan (mustalam-) n. “mattress, (lit.) soft flat space” ⇐ Q. mussë + Q. talan [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !náreluhtyuma n. “fire extinguisher” ⇐ Q. nár + !hauro + Q. -ma [created by Opahtielva]
- ᴺQ. !nautië n. “obligation, duty” ⇐ ᴹQ. nauta [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !nortasta n. “ride” ⇐ Q. norta- + Q. #-sta² [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nurya- v. “to complain” < *√NUR [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ostoher n. “castellan, (lit.) lord of the castle” ⇐ Q. osto + Q. heru [created by Valarie]
- ᴺQ. !oswen- v. “to circumvent, work around [something]” ⇐ !os + Q. men- [created by Luinyelle, Orondil, Delle]
- ᴺQ. !oswenië n. “workaround” ⇐ !oswen- [created by Luinyelle, Orondil, Delle]
- ᴺQ. !parmaxë n. “spine (of a book)” ⇐ Q. parma + Q. axë [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !piohimma n. “jam, (lit.) berry-sticky-substance” ⇐ pio + √KHIM + Q. -ma [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !pulungol n. “tick, (lit.) swelling spider” ⇐ ᴺ√PUL + *ungol [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !raiquë interj. “damn! (lit.) rage!” ⇐ ᴹQ. raiqa [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !rapta n. “loot, booty, stolen goods” ⇐ √RAPH + ✶-dā [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !rat- v. “to explore, find a way” < √RAT¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !ricci n. “wasp, (lit.) she of sudden moves” ⇐ √RIK² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ringihauro n. “refrigerator, (lit.) chill cupboard” ⇐ ᴹQ. ringe + !hauro [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sallë n. “font, writing style, (lit.) writing-manner” ⇐ √SAR + √LEÑ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !sínu- v. “to realise, (lit.) start to know” < √IS [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sirista- [þ] v. “to apply make-up to” ⇐ √*STIR + √SRIT + ✶-tā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sirma n. “liquid, (lit.) flowing substance” ⇐ √SIR + ✶-mā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !(sir)ritwa [þ] n. “make-up, (lit.) substance for adding finishing touches” ⇐ √*STIR + √SRIT + ✶-mā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sundë n. “element, ingredient, a basic component” < ᴹ√STUD [created by Lokyt]
- ᴺQ. !tatalta- v. “to totter, keep on slipping” ⇐ Q. talta- [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !tenwa n. “compass” ⇐ √TEN + ✶-mā [created by EruannoVG, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^terma n. “passage, aperture, ⚠️pass” ⇐ Q. ter + Q. ma¹ « ᴱQ. perma
- ᴺQ. !tulyaima adj. “bringable, able to be brought” ⇐ Q. tulya- + Q. -ima
- ᴺQ. !ulussë n. “monsoon, (lit.) rain-ness, rainy one” ⇐ Q. ulo + Q. #-ssë² [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !unutengw(i)ë n. “subtitle(s)” ⇐ Q. undu + Q. tengwë [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !urva- v. “to explode” < ^ᴺ√RUB [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !vas- [þ] v. “to consume” [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vëacirya n. “sea-ship, *ocean-going ship” ⇐ Q. váya + Q. cirya¹
- ᴺQ. !vilcirya n. “airplane” ⇐ ᴹQ. vil- + Q. cirya¹ [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !villuntë n. “airship, zeppelin, blimp” ⇐ ᴹQ. vil- + Q. luntë [created by Delle, Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !vilma n. “aircraft [general term]” ⇐ ᴹQ. vil- + Q. -ma [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !vilmen n. “airport, airfield, airdrome” ⇐ ᴹQ. vil- + Q. men [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !vilyalondë n. “(official) airport for passengers” ⇐ Q. vilya + Q. londë [created by Delle, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yeren n. “pig iron, *ore” < ^ᴺ√GYEREN
Version 0.8.10
- ᴺQ. !ahta- v. “to narrow (tr. and intr.); ⚠️to besiege [with os]” < ᴹ√AK [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !ahtassë n. “narrowing, ⚠️siege” ⇐ !ahta- [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !almaicata- v. “to blunt, make or become less sharp” ⇐ !maicata- [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !alpa n. “bat [instrument not animal], (lit.) beater” < ᴹ√PAL² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !amë adv. “much” < √AMA [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !amya adj. “much” < √AMA [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !andamba- v. “to smite” < ᴹ√(N)DAM [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !apárilë n. “afternoon” ⇐ Q. apa¹ + Q. árë + Q. -lë [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !AQ v. “P.S., postscriptum, abbreviation of an quetta” ⇐ Q. an + Q. quetta [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !arëassë n. “proximity, vicinity, nearness” ⇐ !arëa + Q. #-ssë² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !armen- v. “to accompany” ⇐ Q. ar- + Q. men- [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !cemellet (cemellept-) n. “asparagus, (lit.) earth-finger” ⇐ Q. cemen + ✶lepetā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !céta- v. “to offer, propose, suggest; (lit.) to make an opportunity” < √KE/EKE [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !comë (comi-) n. “group” < √KOM [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !enet- adj. “spare, extra, more than needed” < ᴺQ. !enetya [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !enetya adj. “spare, extra, more than needed” < √ENET [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !epta- v. “to offer, place at somebody’s disposal, (lit.) to [make be in] front” ⇐ Q. epë + Q. -ta [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !helcehtyar n. “narwhal, (lit.) ice-spearman” ⇐ ᴹQ. helke + ᴹQ. ehtyar [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !hlimba n. “sled” < ✶slimbi [created by Arael, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hlimbon n. “sleigh” ⇐ !hlimba [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hlondë n. “loud noise” < √SLON « ᴱQ. lon(de)
- ᴺQ. !hu- v. “to bark, bay” < ᴹ√KHUG [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hwat- v. “to spill” ⇐ √S- + √KWAT [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !imbalatëa adj. “conceited, (lit.) self-proud” ⇐ Q. im- + !valatëa [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !langwes- [þ] v. “to communicate, (lit.) report across” ⇐ √LAƷ + √GWETH [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !limivarma n. “chainmail, (lit.) link-armour” ⇐ Q. #limë + !varma [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !linca n. “ski” < √LIK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !linca- v. “to ski” ⇐ !linca [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lirda n. “stanza, verse, (lit.) a product of singing” ⇐ Q. #lir- + Q. -da [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !loipat- v. “to misstep” ⇐ Q. loi- + !pat- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lopeta- v. “to amble, ⚠️lop” ⇐ lop-
- ᴺQ. !maicahausta n. “truce, (lit.) blade-resting” ⇐ Q. maica² + ᴹ✶khaustā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !menda adv. “approximately, circa, about, (orig.) towards the direction” ⇐ √MEN + ✶-da [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !mínaitë adj. “straightforward, (lit.) apt to have some end in view” ⇐ Q. mína- + Q. -itë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !minatulië n. “introduction; (lit.) into-leading” ⇐ Q. mina + Q. tulya- [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !mindata- v. “to isolate, (lit.) make stand out” ⇐ ᴹQ. minda [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !narcarma n. “gun, firearm” ⇐ Q. nár + Q. carma² [created by Agonyz]
- ᴺQ. !níla adj. “devoted” < √N(D)IL [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !nílanta- v. “to become devoted, dedicated, or strongly attached” ⇐ !níla [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !nilya- v. “to befriend, devote oneself to” < √N(D)IL [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !nótengolmë n. “mathematics” ⇐ ᴹQ. nóte + Q. nolmë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nucupta- v. “to humble (someone), force to bow, vanquish” ⇐ !nucuv- [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !nucuv- v. “to humble oneself, submit, pay homage, genuflect” ⇐ Q. nu + ᴹQ. kuv- [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !ofelmenca adj. “tactless, indelicate, (lit.) without together-feeling” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. felmë + Q. -enca [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ortië n. “lifting up, raising” ⇐ Q. orta-¹ + Q. -ië² « ᴹQ. ortare
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ortima adj. “able to be raised” ⇐ Q. orta-¹ + Q. -ima « ᴹQ. ortalima
- ᴺQ. !ostampë n. “siege” ⇐ !ostap- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ostap- v. “to besiege, (lit.) around-block” ⇐ !os + ᴹQ. tap- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !parda n. “bark (of a tree)” < √PAR² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !pitsa n. “pizza” [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !putil n. “brake (pedal), the element of a vehicle used to activate the braking mechanism” < √PUT [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !rama n. “legal case, cause, (lit.) a matter on someone’s behalf” ⇐ Q. rá² + Q. -ma [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ráya- v. “to devote, dedicate, (lit.) to make something be on somebody’s behalf” ⇐ Q. rá² + ✶-yā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sahtë n. “scar” ⇐ Q. sahta [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sauta- [þ-] v. “to stink” < √THAW
- ᴺQ. !selmandur n. “fanatic, (lit.) servant of a fixed idea” ⇐ Q. selma + Q. -(n)dur [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !sunca [þ] n. “cone (of a tree, as in pine cone)” < ^ᴺ√THUK [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !talatya- v. “refute, (lit.) make (it) collapse” < √TALAT [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !talhotsë n. “infantry; (lit.) foot-troop” ⇐ Q. tál + ^hotsë [created by Agonyz]
- ᴺQ. !talquen n. “foot-soldier; (lit.) foot-person” ⇐ Q. tál + Q. quén [created by Agonyz]
- ᴺQ. !tarastar n. “highlands” ⇐ Q. tára¹ + Q. -sta¹ [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !tellúmë n. “deadline, (lit.) finish-time” ⇐ Q. #tel- + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tihtë n. “glimpse” ⇐ Q. tihta- [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !tírelë n. “watchfulness, anxiety” < √TIR [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !tírelëa adj. “anxious” ⇐ !tírelë [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !tuntë n. “sense (one of the five)” ⇐ ᴺ√^TUNTU [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !tútyalië n. “sport, (lit.) strength play” < ᴹ✶tū [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !ulva n. “eclipse, darkening” < √LUB¹ [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !umberóma n. “alarm, siren, (lit.) threat-trumpeting” ⇐ Q. umbë + ^hotsë [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !undë adv. “less” ⇐ !undo [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !valasta- v. “to deserve, (lit.) be worthy” < ^ᴺ√BALAD [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !vanwírë n. “nostalgia, (lit.) past-longing” < Q. vanwa [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !yaita- v. “to mock, scorn” < ᴹ√YAY [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !aivë adv. “anyway, anyhow, in any way” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. ve¹ [created by Lokyt, Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !aldomë pron. “nowhere” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. #nómë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !ampollië n. “great effort, struggle” ⇐ Q. an- + Q. pol- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !anahtai conj. “although, even though, (lit.) against-that-which” ⇐ ✶anak + ✶ta + Q. i² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !asahanyë [þ] adv. “understandably, of course, (lit.) easily understood” ⇐ Q. as(a)- + ᴹQ. hanya- [created by Tamas Ferencz, Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !astai conj. “whereas, (lit.) beside-that-which” ⇐ √AS² + ✶ta + Q. i² [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !aurehen (aurehend-) n. “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye” ⇐ Q. aurë + Q. #hen [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !carpalos [þ] n. “tulip, (lit.) hat-flower” ⇐ !carpë + √LOT(H) [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !(cirya)talan (ciryatalam-) n. “deck (of a ship), main deck” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + Q. talan [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !elanar n. “pimpernel, (lit.) sun-star” ⇐ Q. †él + Q. Anar [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !elenitsë n. “firefly, (lit.) star-fly” ⇐ Q. elen + itsë [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !emba- v. “to paint, draw (something)” < √EM¹ [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !embë n. “painting, drawing” < √EM¹ [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !equi conj. “even if, even though, (lit.) indeed-if” ⇐ ᴹQ. é + Q. qui [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hlónemma n. “phoneme” ⇐ Q. hlón(a) + Q. emma [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hondacil n. “belladonna, (lit.) heartsbane” ⇐ Q. hón + Q. #-ndacil [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !hornië n. “roughness; rudeness” ⇐ !horna¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hritya- v. “to achieve, accomplish” ⇐ √SRIT + ✶-yă [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hyarehtë n. “halberd” ⇐ √SYAD + ᴹQ. ehte [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ildomë pron. “everywhere” ⇐ Q. #il- + Q. #nómë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !linwa n. “musical instrument, device for making music” ⇐ √LIN² + ✶-mā [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !liscornë n. “any sweet fried bread, doughnut” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + cornë [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !lissimbas (lissimbass-) n. “(sweet) cake (eaten as dessert)” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + Q. #massa [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lyéta- v. “to address somebody formally using lye” ⇐ Q. lye [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !macilindil n. “gladiolus, (lit.) sword lily” ⇐ Q. macil + Q. indil [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !mailengaitë adj. “well-mannered” ⇐ Q. mai + lenga- + Q. -itë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !maltalos [þ] n. “buttercup (lit.) flower of gold” ⇐ Q. aurë + √LOT(H) [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !möa v. “must (impersonal)” < ᴹ√MBAW [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !naqui conj. “although, even though, (lit.) if it is in fact” ⇐ Q. ná- + Q. qui [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nó- v. “to be born, ⚠️become” < √NŌ/ONO
- ᴺQ. !nurunyel (nurunyell-) [ñ-] n. “foxglove, (lit.) death-bell” ⇐ ᴹQ. nuru + Q. nyellë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nutta n. “comma, (lit.) that what ties or binds (together)” < √STEN [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !onda n. “creation, work” ⇐ √NŌ/ONO + ✶-dā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ondosercë n. “stonecrop, plant with red flowers, (lit.) blood of stone” ⇐ Q. ondo + Q. sercë [created by Parmandil, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ongolmë n. “geology” ⇐ Q. ondo + Q. nolmë [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !ongolmo n. “geologist” ⇐ !ongolmë + Q. -mo [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !parco n. “towel” < ᴹ√PARAK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !parmasan (parmasamb-) [þ] n. “library [room]” ⇐ Q. parma + ᴹQ. sambe [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !quaran (quarán-) n. “full-moon” ⇐ √KWA + Q. Rána [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !quennasta n. “syntax” ⇐ Q. quenna [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !quettapano n. “morpheme, (lit.) word-element” ⇐ Q. quetta + ᴹQ. pano [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !rácumbar n. “aconitum, wolfsbane, (lit.) wolf-doom” ⇐ ᴹQ. ráka + Q. umbar [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !rundië n. “smoothness; politeness” ⇐ Q. runda [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !saulengaitë adj. “ill-mannered” ⇐ Q. sau- + lenga- + Q. -itë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !senda [þ] n. “bracket, (lit.) that what cramps, confines” < √STEN [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !seruinon (seruinond-) n. “sedimentary rock, (lit.) settled-rock” ⇐ ᴹQ. seru- + Q. ondo [created by Echuidor]
- ᴺQ. !tëangolmë n. “semantics” ⇐ √TEÑ + Q. nolmë [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !tyallas (tyalass-) n. “(playing) card” ⇐ Q. tyal- + Q. lassë [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !tyéta- v. “to address somebody informally using tye” ⇐ Q. tye [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !únomë pron. “nowhere” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. #nómë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !alahta- v. “to rush” < √ALAK [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !alermaitë (alermaiti-) adj. “abstract, non-concrete” ⇐ !ermaitë [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !amboraxosta n. “rib cage” ⇐ ^ambos + !axosta [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !ambostulco n. “bra, (lit.) breast-support” ⇐ ^ambos + ᴹQ. tulko [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !andarestë n. “long-suffering, patience” ⇐ Q. anda + !restë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !andavië n. “struggle, strong effort” < √NDAB¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ampollië “great effort, struggle”
- ᴺQ. !andorië n. “landing (place), dock” ⇐ Q. an(a) + Q. nór + Q. -ië¹ [created by Parmandil, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !andorya- v. “to land, dock” ⇐ !andorië [created by Parmandil, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !arátië n. “nobility” ⇐ Q. arata [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !aromundo n. “auroch, kine of Araw” ⇐ Val. Arǭmēz + Q. mundo [created by Parmandil, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !atahenta- v. “to revise, (lit.) re-examine” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. henta- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !atapengëa adj. “bilabial (of consonants)” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + !pengëa [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !axanwë n. “logic, (orig.) law of thought” ⇐ Q. axan + Q. sanwë [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !axanwëa adj. “logical” ⇐ !axanwë [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !axosta n. “skeleton” ⇐ Q. axo¹ + Q. -sta¹ [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !caimen n. “horizontal direction” ⇐ √KAY + √MEN [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !caimenya adj. “horizontal” ⇐ !caimen [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !carranta n. “strategy, (lit.) action-course” ⇐ √KAR + ranta [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !coilemma n. “fossil, biological artifact/relic” ⇐ √KOY + !lemma [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !cortangwa n. “button, (lit.) circle-fastener” ⇐ √KOR + ᴹQ. tangwa [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !cotwë n. “struggle, wrestling” < √KOT [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuiru- v. “to stir (to wakefullness)” < √KUY [created by Röandil, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !eccuinu- “to awake, wake up”
- ᴺQ. !elhísë [þ] n. “nebula, star cloud” ⇐ Q. †él + Q. #hísë [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !endemat (endematt-) n. “lunch, (lit.) mid-meal” ⇐ Q. endë + ᴹQ. mat [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !epemat (epematt-) n. “dessert, (lit.) after-meal” ⇐ Q. epë + ᴹQ. mat [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ermaitë (ermaiti-) adj. “concrete, material” ⇐ Q. erma + Q. -itë [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !falwa adj. “turquoise, (lit.) pale surf colour” < √PHAL [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !farta- v. “to sate, satisfy” < ᴹ√PHAR [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !fornúna adj. “northwestern” ⇐ Q. for- + Q. núna [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !forróna adj. “northeastern” ⇐ Q. for- + Q. (h)róna [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hando n. “big brother, ‘big bro’ (intimate)” < √KHAN¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hassë (hass-) n. “little brother, ‘lil bro’ (intimate)” < √KHAN¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hauro n. “wardrobe, cupboard, piece of furniture used for storing” < √KHAWAD [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hecima adj. “special (negative)” < √HEK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hehtar n. “renegade” ⇐ Q. hehta- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hencúnë n. “eyebrow, (lit.) eye-arch” ⇐ Q. #hen + cúnë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !héramat (héramatt-) n. “main course, (lit.) chief meal” ⇐ ᴹQ. héra + ᴹQ. mat [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hlapil n. “flag” [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !hlappo n. “dress, (lit.) flying cloth” [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlit- v. “to speed swiftly, race, dash, hurtle” < ᴹ√(S)LIT « ᴹQ. #lhit- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !höahan (höahán-) n. “big brother (informal/familiar)” ⇐ Q. höa + Q. háno [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !höanet (höanéþ-) n. “big sister (informal/familiar)” ⇐ Q. höa + Q. nésa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !horna¹ adj. “uneven, rough; rude” < √SKOR [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hrambundo n. “bison, gaur, wisent, buffalo (lit. wild ox)” ⇐ √SRAB + Q. mundo [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !hwarrissë n. “blizzard, (lit.) blowing fall of snow” ⇐ Q. hwarwa + Q. hrissë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hyallë adv. “otherwise, another way, differently” ⇐ Q. hyana [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hyapallë n. “slipper, (lit.) little shoe” ⇐ ᴹQ. hyapat [created by Luinyelle, Valerie, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !hyaqui conj. “or else, otherwise” ⇐ Q. hya¹ + Q. qui [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hyarnúmen n. “southwest” ⇐ Q. hyar- + Q. númen [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hyarnúna adj. “southwestern” ⇐ Q. hyar- + Q. núna [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hyarrómen n. “southeast” ⇐ Q. hyar- + Q. rómen [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hyarróna adj. “southeastern” ⇐ Q. hyar- + Q. (h)róna [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !inwirya- v. “to change one’s mind, reconsider” ⇐ Q. indo + Q. virya- [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !inwista- v. “to persuade, convince” ⇐ Q. indo + Q. vista- [created by Röandil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ívë n. “to cliff, sheer descent, precipice” < √IBI [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. aico “cliff”
- ᴺQ. !lanquit- v. “to darn a knitted garment, (lit.) cross/over-knit” ⇐ √LAƷ + ^quit- [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !laparotsë n. “sleeve, trouser leg, (lit.) wrap-tube” ⇐ lapa-¹ + rotsë [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !lattasta n. “harness, (lit.) collection of straps” ⇐ ᴹQ. latta² + Q. -sta¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !latter- v. “to darn a sewn garment, (lit.) cross/over-sew” ⇐ √LAƷ + Q. #ser- [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !lávehentar n. “ticket inspector, (lit.) permission examiner” ⇐ ᴹQ. lav-² + Q. henta- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lelyalávë n. “ticket, (lit.) travel-permission” ⇐ Q. lelya-¹ + ᴹQ. lav-² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lemma n. “artifact, relic, residue” < ᴹ√LEM [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !lemmë n. “remnant(s), remains, remainders” < ᴹ√LEM [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !lincantilda adj. “checkered; (lit.) many-squared” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + !cantil [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !linipsinwa adj. “complex, complicated, convoluted; (lit.) many-threaded” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + Q. ipsin [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !linipsinwië n. “complexity, complication, complicatedness; (lit.) many-threadedness” ⇐ !linipsinwa [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lissimat (lissimatt-) n. “dessert, (lit.) sweet-meal” ⇐ Q. lissë¹ + ᴹQ. mat [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lissimatta n. “sweet, piece of confectionary” ⇐ Q. lissë¹ + Q. matta [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !lustindo n. “ennui” ⇐ ᴹQ. lusta + Q. indo [created by Fëastorno]
- ᴺQ. !mainenta- v. “to brag, (lit.) make seem excellent” ⇐ √MAY + !nenta- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !mandanië n. “struggle, wrestling, (lit.) hand-resistance” ⇐ Q. má + !nanya- (gerund) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !marrum- v. “to move = change residence” ⇐ Q. már + Q. rum- [created by Delle, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !minassëa adj. “inherent, innate, intrinsic” ⇐ Q. mi + Q. nassë [created by Ránatar]
- ᴺQ. !minima adj. “special (positive)” < √MIN [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nanya- v. “to struggle, oppose, resist” < √(N)DAN [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nanyalë n. “resistance, opposition” ⇐ !nanya- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nasarta- v. “to entrust” ⇐ √NA/ANA + √SAT(AR) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nastyapsul (nastyapsulc-) n. “turnip, (lit.) prickly/stingy/sharp tasting root” ⇐ ᴹ√NAS + ᴹ√KYAB + ᴹQ. sulka [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !nelecco n. “fork, (lit.) three-thorn” ⇐ ᴹQ. nel- + ᴹQ. ekko [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nenta- v. “to pretend, (lit.) make seem” ⇐ ᴹQ. nem- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nesya [þ] adj. “gay, lively, girlish” < √NETH [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !netsë (netsi-) n. “little sister, ‘lil sis’ (intimate)” < √KHAN¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !netto n. “big sister, ‘big sis’ (intimate)” < √KHAN¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !nityahan (nityahán-) n. “little brother (informal/familiar)” ⇐ Q. #nitya + Q. háno [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !nityanet (nityanéþ-) n. “little sister (informal/familiar)” ⇐ Q. #nitya + Q. nésa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !núrula adj. “grumpy, (lit.) likely to growl/grumble” ⇐ √*NUR + Q. *-ula [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nyarda n. “list, (lit.) product of recitation” < ᴹ√NYAR [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !nyasta n. “snack” < ᴹ√NYAD [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !ossa adj. “surrounding” < ᴹ√OS [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ossië n. “surroundings” ⇐ !ossa [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !palda n. “plate, dish, platter” < √PAL [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^patacë n. “clatter” « ᴱQ. patake
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^patahta- v. “to clatter; *to clap (+ instrumental of hands)” ⇐ ^patacë « ᴱQ. patakta-
- ᴺQ. !pengëa adj. “labial, of the lips” < √PEÑ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !perwaima n. “skirt, (lit.) half-robe” ⇐ Q. #per- + vaima [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !popólu- v. “to practice, (lit.) slowly gain ability” ⇐ Q. pol- [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !quessamin (quessamind-) n. “velvet, (lit.) downy silk” ⇐ Q. quessë + samin [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !quessehonda adj. “frivolous; (lit.) feather-hearted” ⇐ Q. quessë + Q. #honda [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !rahtë n. “extent, reach, scope; ⚠️region, sphere, district” < ᴹ√RAK [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ranqua n. “armful” ⇐ ᴹQ. ranko [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !res- [þ] v. “to remain in same place” < √RETH [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !restë n. “endurance” < √RETH [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !ricítë adj. “diligent” ⇐ √RIK¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ringë (ringi-) adj. “chill, cool” < ✶ringi [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- Q. ringa “cold, [ᴱQ.] chilly; ⚠️damp”
- ᴹQ. ringë “cold, *chill”
- ᴺQ. !ronga- v. “to hasten, hurry” ⇐ Q. ron(go) [created by Elaran, Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !rot- v. “to delve, excavate, dig” < √ROT [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !rotsenca n. “waistcoat, vest” ⇐ rotsë + Q. -enca [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !sambesta [þ] n. “flat, apartment” ⇐ ᴹQ. sambe + Q. -sta¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sérenca adj. “uneasy, unpeaceful” ⇐ sérë + Q. -enca [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !sitwa [þ] n. “pan, fryer” < ^ᴺ√THITH [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sónanwa n. “water basin” ⇐ ᴺ√^SOW + Q. nanwa² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sor- v. “to provide, equip, furnish” [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !soroncë [þ] n. “kite, (lit.) little eagle” ⇐ Q. soron [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !súlendil n. “kite, (lit.) friend of the wind” ⇐ Q. súlë + Q. -(n)dil [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !sumbanwa n. “sink (for washing)” ⇐ ᴺ√SUB + Q. nanwa² [created by Arael]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !taira adj. “slow” < √TAY [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. lenca “slow, ⚠️dull, stiff; left (hand)”
- ᴺQ. !tarmen n. “vertical direction” ⇐ √TAR + √MEN [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tarmenya adj. “vertical” ⇐ !tarmen [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !taryalangwa adj. “obstinate, stiff-necked” ⇐ ᴹQ. tarya + Q. lango [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !telcohan (telcohamp-) n. “trousers, pants, (lit.) leg-clothing” ⇐ Q. telco + !hampë [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !tótal n. “sock, (lit.) wool-foot” ⇐ ᴹQ. tó + Q. tál [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !totonna- v. “to type (on computer/phone)” ⇐ ᴹQ. ton- (frequentative) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tullu- v. “to occur, happen (i.e. come in time)” < √TUL [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !tuorva n. “peach, (lit.) wool-apple” ⇐ ᴹQ. tó + orva [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !turutyalmë n. “contest, competition” ⇐ Q. turu- + !tyalmë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !urpalda n. “stove plate” ⇐ √UR + !palda [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !urruxa adj. “livid, furious, enraged, incensed, (lit.) hot-wroth” ⇐ √UR + Q. ruxa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !útulma n. “accident, (lit.) bad-event” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴹQ. tulma [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !varasta- v. “to tower up, loom” < √BARAS [created by Parmandil]
- ᴺQ. !vératanna n. “signature, (lit.) personal token” ⇐ Q. véra + Q. tanna¹ [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !vinyahan (vinyahán-) n. “younger brother” ⇐ Q. vinya + Q. háno [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !vinyanet (vinyanéþ-) n. “younger sister” ⇐ Q. vinya + Q. nésa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !voruhta- v. “to shun, (lit.) ever-avoid” ⇐ ᴹQ. voro + Q. uhta- [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !yárahan (yárahán-) n. “older brother” ⇐ Q. yára + Q. háno [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !yáranet (yáranéþ-) n. “older sister” ⇐ Q. yára + Q. nésa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !(y)otulma n. “coincidence, concurrence, simultaneity, synchronicity” ⇐ Q. #yo- + ᴹQ. tulma [created by Röandil]
Version 0.8.09
- ᴺQ. !eldë pron. “you (plural emphatic)” ⇐ Q. -ldë¹
- ᴺQ. !ettë pron. “they (two)” ⇐ Q. -ttë¹
Version 0.8.08
- ᴺQ. !aralussë n. “aorist, (lit.) beside-tense” ⇐ Q. ar(a) + !lussë [created by Luinyelle, Orondil, Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^eldafindë n. “maidenhair fern, (lit.) elf tress” ⇐ Q. Elda + Q. findë « ᴱQ. eldasilqe
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] filquë n. “fern”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^helillos [þ] n. “wisteria, (lit.) purple cluster” ⇐ helin + Q. lós « ᴱQ. helilokte
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helin n. “pansy” < ᴹ√ƷEL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinillë n. “violet [flower]” ⇐ helin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinillëa adj. “*violet [colour]” ⇐ helinillë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinquila n. “mauve” ⇐ helin + quilëa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] helinwa n. “of pansies; (of colour) a blue-violet” ⇐ helin
- ᴺQ. !hlintë (hlinty-) adj. “fluff, down, soft stuff” ⇐ ᴹ√SLIN [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !(i)missë n. “inside” ⇐ √MI/IMI + ✶-ssē/-ssā [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lacárima adj. “not feasible, impossible” ⇐ Q. la- + Q. cárima
- ᴺQ. !lengesta n. “character (of a person), set of characteristic traits” ⇐ lenga- + Q. #-sta² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liantassë n. “vine” < ᴹ√SLIG
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lindelos (lindelós-) [þ] n. “laburnum, (lit.) singing cluster” ⇐ Q. #lindë + Q. lós « ᴱQ. lindelokte [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lótelas (lótelass-) n. “petal, (lit.) flower-leaf” ⇐ Q. lótë + Q. lassë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lóya- v. “to leave (from something: a place, a thing)” ⇐ ✶lō¹ [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !lussë n. “(verb) tense” ⇐ ᴹ√LU + ✶-ssē/-ssā [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !mailitya adj. “(greedily) wealthy, avaricious” ⇐ ✶mailiki [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mapalin n. “plane tree [Platinus], sycamore, (lit.) hand-flat” ⇐ Q. má + √PAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] marto n. “fortune, fate, lot, luck” ⇐ ᴹQ. marta¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mavaina n. “maple, (lit.) hand-clad” ⇐ Q. má + vaina² « ᴱQ. maite²
- ᴺQ. !†nessë n. “past tense, (lit.) nē-ness” ⇐ ✶-nē + ✶-ssē/-ssā [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !nyarmë n. “storytelling (general/abstract)” ⇐ ᴹ√NYAR + Q. #-më [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !öapsar- v. “to wipe away” ⇐ Q. öa + Q. †psar- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !ocar- v. “to cooperate, work together, participate” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. car- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !olmos (olmoss-) n. “chestnut tree, *chestnut” [created by Paul Strack]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !onya- v. “to be born, be begotten” ⇐ √NŌ/ONO [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. nó- “to be born, ⚠️become”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ori n. “grain, ⚠️seed” ⇐ Q. o- + ᴹ√RIY « ᴱQ. ore
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] polondë n. “alder”
- ᴺQ. !qualussë n. “perfect tense, (lit.) full tense” ⇐ √KWA + !lussë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ringincë adj. “cool, coldish” ⇐ ᴹQ. ringe + Q. #-incë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !roccotsë n. “cavalry” ⇐ ✶rokkō + ᴹ✶khotsē [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !silussë n. “present tense, (lit.) here-and-now-tense” ⇐ Q. sí + !lussë [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^súnë n. “bath, small pool” < ^ᴺ√SOW « ᴱQ. saune
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tambina adj. “of bronze, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] of copper” ⇐ tambë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tamuril n. “yew”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^terendel n. “lathe” « ᴱQ. terendl
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tesar n. “brick, tile” « ᴱQ. telar
- ᴺQ. !tincoina adj. “metallic” ⇐ Q. tinco [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !tulussë n. “future tense, (lit.) coming tense” ⇐ Q. tul- + !lussë [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !†uvassë n. “future tense, (lit.) uva-ness” ⇐ ✶-ubā + ✶-ssē/-ssā [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !vanwalussë n. “past tense” ⇐ Q. vanwa + !lussë [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
Version 0.8.07
- ᴺQ. !andarma- v. “to crash” ⇐ ᴱ√DARA(MA) [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !angamendar (angamendár-) n. “train station, (lit.) iron way-stop” ⇐ Q. anga + !mendar [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !apanaina- v. “to regret, (lit.) after-lament” ⇐ Q. apa¹ + ᴹQ. naina- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !aryë adv. “also, as well, besides, too” ⇐ √AS² + ✶-(i)yē [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !aulerya- v. “to rid, free somebody of something” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. lerya- [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !avatup- v. “to uncover, expose” ⇐ √WĀ/AWA + √TUP [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !cacanna- v. “to announce repeatedly, herald, propagate, advertise” < √KAN [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !cacannalë n. “advertisement” ⇐ !cacanna- [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !cöacolindo n. “snail, (lit.) house-bearer” ⇐ Q. cöa + Q. #colindo [created by Lokyt]
- ᴺQ. !(e)mecima adj. “accurate, always aiming at the mark” ⇐ ᴺ√MEK + Q. -ima [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !emmata- v. “to draw/create (a picture); to photograph” ⇐ Q. emma [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !etanta- v. “to publish, (lit.) out-give” ⇐ Q. et + Q. anta- [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !hasiendë [þ] n. “therapy, a process of treating medically” ⇐ Q. hasa- [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !herulatsë n. “estate, domain” ⇐ √KHER + !latsë [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !himítië n. “compliance” ⇐ ᴹQ. himíte [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !hrúfinta- v. “to cheat” ⇐ Q. hru- + Q. finta- [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !hwinquetë n. “confused talk, nonsense” ⇐ ᴹ√SWIN + √KWET [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !linvainëa n. “onion, (lit.) many-sheathed” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + vainë [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !lunwa n. “fin, (lit.) swim-thing” ⇐ √LUT + ✶-mā [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !luttalan (luttalam-) n. “raft, (lit.) floating platform” ⇐ √LUT + Q. talan [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mardo n. “dweller” ⇐ Q. mar(da)
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] maryë adv. “at home, *indoors”
- ᴺQ. !nairenyanna adv. “unfortunately, (lit.) to my sadness” ⇐ ᴹQ. naire (1st-sg-poss allative) [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !omolmessë n. “corporation” ⇐ !omolmë + Q. #-ssë² [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !parandë n. “(school) lesson” ⇐ Q. par- + ᴹQ. -nde [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !pententa- v. “to mention, (lit.) indicate by mouth” ⇐ √PEÑ + Q. tenta- [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !pententalë n. “mention” ⇐ !pententa- [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !pímótar n. “ant, (lit.) insect-worker” ⇐ Q. pí + !mótaro [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !quilma n. “paint” ⇐ ᴺ√KWIL + ✶-mā [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !rimpira (rimpiráv-) n. “tiger, (lit.) stripe-lion” ⇐ rimpë¹ + Q. †rá¹ [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !ruihandë n. “genius, blazing intellect” ⇐ √RUY + ᴹQ. hande [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !sandanasto [þ] n. “turtle, (lit.) shield-being” ⇐ Q. #sanda + ᴹQ. nasto [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !sinanwa adj. “present, in a particular place, existing or occurring now” ⇐ ✶sī + Q. nanwa¹ [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !sinanwië n. “presence” ⇐ !sinanwa [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !tixipi n. “ladybug, (lit.) insect of [many] dots” ⇐ ᴹQ. tikse + Q. pí [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !vanwiémar (vanwiemard-) n. “museum, (lit.) hall of the past” ⇐ ᴹQ. vanwie + Q. mar(da) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !vortalë n. “preservation, maintenance” ⇐ !vorta- [created by Tamas Ferencz, NotD]
Version 0.8.06
- ᴺQ. !carcaran n. “crocodile, (lit.) toothed-beam” ⇐ carcara + ᴹQ. ran [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !carmen (carmend-) n. “recipe” ⇐ √KAR + √MEN [created by Orondil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !cuitar n. “alarm, device to waken somebody” ⇐ cuita- + Q. #-r(o) [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ëarel n. “starfish, (lit.) sea-star” ⇐ Q. ëar + Q. †él [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^fassalë n. “(tasseled) fringe” ⇐ ᴹQ. fas « ᴱQ. fatsale
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^fassitë adj. “tasseled” ⇐ ᴹQ. fas « ᴱQ. fatsevoite
- ᴺQ. !hatta n. “missile” < ᴹ√KHAT [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !havarcë n. “cookie” ⇐ Q. havar [created by Raccoon, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hríma n. “edge, hem, border” < ᴹ√(S)RI « ᴹQ. ríma
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hrundav- v. “to condemn” ⇐ Q. hru- + √NDAB² [created by Arael, NotD]
- *√NAM “judge”
- ᴺQ. !illangiéla adv. “nevertheless, (lit.) all-having-been-bypassed” ⇐ Q. #il- + Q. langa [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !imbalandë n. “equality” ⇐ √*IM + ᴺ√^BALAD [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^indya n. “device, machine, engine” < √IN(ID) « ᴱQ. enya
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^indyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon” ⇐ ^indya « ᴱQ. enyarin
- ᴺQ. !(lu)lútië n. “cruise, (lit.) floating/sailing about” ⇐ √LUT [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mantal n. “glove” < √MAH « ᴱQ. mantl
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mantelë n. “gauntlet”
- ᴺQ. !mirmairë n. “jewelry, (lit.) jewel-art” ⇐ √MIR + Q. mairë [created by Raccoon, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !nenungol n. “octopus, (lit.) water-spider” ⇐ Q. nén + *ungol [created by Delle]
- ᴺQ. !nupattal n. “horseshoe” ⇐ Q. nu + !pattal [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !nwátengwë [ñ-] n. “irony, (lit.) disguise-token” ⇐ √ÑGAW + Q. tengwë [created by Arael, Raccoon, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !(o)combëa adj. “collective, assembled, cooperative, concerted, corporate, consolidated” ⇐ Q. (o)combë [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !ólav- v. “to compromise” ⇐ √WO + ᴹ√DAB [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !ólavië n. “compromise” ⇐ !ólav- [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !omírë n. “jewelry (collectively)” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. mírë [created by Raccoon, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !pattal n. “hoof” ⇐ √*PAT + √TAL [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^pehtë n. “cox-comb, *crest (of birds), ⚠️plume” < ᴺ√PEK(W) « ᴱQ. pekte
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pimpilin n. “tassel, hanging tail” ⇐ ^pimpë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinquenna n. “Solomon’s-seal” ⇐ quinqua
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quir- v. “to stir, make spin” < ᴺ√KWIR
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^rel- v. “to sow” < ᴹ√RED
- ᴹQ. #rer- “to sow”
- ᴺQ. !rempamba(lë) n. “basketball” ⇐ Q. rembë + ᴹQ. pamba [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] samin (samind-) n. “silk”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saminda adj. “silken” ⇐ samin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tanca n. “fastening, rivet”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tanta- v. “to bounce, bound, rebound” < ^ᴺ√TANTA
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tantal n. “shuttle” < ^ᴺ√TANTA « ᴱQ. tantl
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tantara adj. “bouncing, resilient” ⇐ tanta-
- ᴺQ. !tupattal n. “horse-boot” ⇐ Q. tup- + !pattal [created by Fëastorno]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !undav- v. “to condemn, damn, convict” < √NDAB² [created by Röandil, NotD]
- *√NAM “judge”
Version 0.8.05
- ᴺQ. !aitë adj. “of some sort, of any sort” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. -itë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !artanwa n. “award” ⇐ √RĀ/ARA + ✶tanma [created by Raccoon, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^caras (caras-) n. “lettuce” « ᴱQ. kalar [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cornë n. “loaf” < √KOR
- ᴺQ. !illië n. “public” ⇐ Q. #il- + Q. lië [created by Delle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !illöa(va) adj. and adv. “annual, yearly, per annum (year as item)” ⇐ Q. #il- + Q. löa + Q. -va [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !lattinsan (lattinsam-) [þ] n. “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier” ⇐ lattin + !san [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lupsë (lupsi-) n. “nugget, (small) chunk, clump, tidbit” ⇐ √*LUB³ + ✶-i(n)ki [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !mahtéma n. “tournament, tourney, (lit.) battle-series” ⇐ ᴹQ. mahta- + Q. téma [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !malda n. “pulp, paste, mash, mush” ⇐ ᴹ√MBAL + ✶-dā [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !manda- v. “to imprison” < ᴹ√(M)BAD [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !mandano n. “prisoner, (lit.) imprisoned-one” ⇐ !manda- [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !mellaman (mellamn-) n. “pet, (lit.) love-animal” ⇐ Q. #mel- + Q. laman [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] melpo n. “gooseberry”
- ᴺQ. !mendar (mendár-) n. “station, (lit.) way-stop” ⇐ √MEN + ᴹ√DAR [created by Arael, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mildë (mildi-) n. “pea” « ᴱQ. mildi
- ᴺQ. !minul(da) n. “ingot” ⇐ √MI/IMI + √UL [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !mulessë n. “porridge” ⇐ Q. mulë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nestië n. “(act of) feeding” ⇐ nesta-¹ (gerund)
- ᴺQ. !(n)ungwar- v. “to undermine, weaken, hinder, sabotage, sap, (lit.) to under/down-fret” ⇐ Q. nu + ✶ñgwar- [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !ohérë n. “government” ⇐ Q. o- + √KHER [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !ohéressë n. “politics” ⇐ !ohérë [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !ohéressëa adj. “political” ⇐ !ohéressë [created by Luinyelle, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !omolmë n. “company, business, enterprise, firm” ⇐ Q. o- + ᴹQ. mólome [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pampinë n. “tremor, [minor] earthquake” < ᴺ√PAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] piopin n. “haws, fruit of hawthorns”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^piuca n. “blackberry” « ᴱQ. piukka
- ᴺQ. !qualöa(va) adj. and adv. “annual, yearly, perennial (year as whole)” ⇐ √KWA + Q. löa + Q. -va [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !sama- [þ] v. “to bar, exclude” < ✶stama- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !san (sam-) [þ] n. “bar, barrier” < ✶stama- [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !sartë (sarti-) n. “note, jot, scribbling, (lit.) a little writing” ⇐ sar-² [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !tyaraitë (tyaraiti-) adj. “effective, productive, effectual, efficacious” ⇐ Q. #tyar- + Q. -itë [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. !váravalmë n. “scandal” ⇐ ᴹQ. vára + Q. valmë [created by Röandil, NotD]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^vel-¹ v. “to boil, bubble” < ^ᴺ√WEL « ᴱQ. wele-
- ᴺQ. !vendelis (vendeliss-) n. “nun” ⇐ Q. vendë + Q. lissë² [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !vendesta n. “convent” ⇐ Q. vendë + Q. -sta¹ [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !venwa [w] n. “lime (fruit)” ⇐ ᴹ√GWEN + ✶-mā [created by Yitzik]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^vesta- [w] v. “to swear (to do something), contract, make a compact” « ᴹQ. vesta-² [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. !amboremma n. “bust, (lit.) breast-picture” ⇐ ^ambos + Q. emma [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !apacendo n. “seer, prophet” ⇐ Q. #apacen [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !cesyarëa [þ] adj. “interesting” ⇐ !cesyarë [created by Paul Strack]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !curya adj. “potent, powerful, strong (as function of craft or cunning)” < √KUR [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. turwa “powerful [in a general sense]”
- ᴺQ. !ëarra (ëarráv-) n. “seal, sea lion” ⇐ Q. ëar + Q. †rá¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !hanta- v. “to thank, give thanks” < √HAN
- ᴺQ. !hlarma n. “earpiece, receiver” ⇐ Q. hlas + Q. -ma [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !hyano adv. “rather” ⇐ Q. hyana [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !ir- v. “to shudder” < ᴹ√GIR [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lancanta- v. “to transform, turn into (trans.)” ⇐ √LAƷ + ᴹQ. kanta- [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lattinsámo [þ] n. “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier” ⇐ lattin + !sámo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lattinsan “shutter, (lit.) window-barrier”
- ᴺQ. !lic- v. “to glide, slip, slide, ⚠️drip” < √LIK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !litsëa adj. “sandy; granular, gritty” ⇐ ᴹQ. litse [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !loc- v. “to loop, curl, ⚠️bend” < √LOK [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !luitë adj. “melancholic, (lit.) habitually being sad” ⇐ ᴹQ. lu- + Q. -itë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !máfastië n. “hand-pleasure, writing for pleasure of hand and eye” ⇐ Q. má + ᴹQ. fasta-² [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^mahar n. “tradesman, trader, merchant” < ᴹ√MBAKH « ᴹQ. makar [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !mairië n. “excellence, splendor, sublimity, ‘perfection’” ⇐ Q. maira [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !mec- v. “to plead” [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !mirta- v. “to value, esteem, treasure, cherish” ⇐ √MIR + ✶-tā [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !morendë n. “midnight” ⇐ Q. morë + Q. endë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !morumbar adj. “dark-fated” ⇐ Q. morë + Q. umbar [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nainalindë n. “dirge, (lit.) lament-song” ⇐ ᴹQ. naina- + Q. #lindë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !niétë adj. “oozing, dripping, exuding” < √NEG [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !nista- v. “to perfume” ⇐ √*NITH + ✶-tā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nitwa n. “censer” ⇐ √*NITH + ✶-mā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !-non (-nóm(e)-) suf. “-place, -spot (forms place-names, area nouns)” ⇐ Q. #nómë [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ñulma n. “mystery” ⇐ √ÑGUL + ✶-mā [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !otolmië n. “keyboard” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. tolma + Q. -ië¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !rincuma n. “task, charge, mission” ⇐ √RIK¹ + ✶-mā [created by Röandil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sámo [þ] n. “bar, barrier” < ✶stama- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !san “bar, barrier”
- Q. *sámo “helper”
- ᴺQ. !sampan- v. “to combine” ⇐ √SAM¹ + √PAN [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !santa n. “garden, field, yard; apportioned/designated space” ⇐ √SAT [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. tarwa “garden, enclosure”
- ᴺQ. !satta n. “part (of something)” < √SAT [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !sávë [þ] n. “stench, stink, reek, foul odor” < √THAW [created by Röandil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tassa n. “(a) trouble, troublesome event/thing/circumstance” < ᴹ√TARAS [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !tarastië “trouble”
- Q. tassa “index finger”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulya adj. “coming, approaching, future” < √TUL [created by Röandil]
- Q. tulya- “*to lead; to fetch; [ᴱQ.] to bring, ⚠️send”
- ᴺQ. !vanita- v. “to grow/become fair; to beautify, make fair/beautiful” < √BAN [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^arë adv. “beside, along, near” ⇐ Q. ar- « ᴱQ. are¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyal- v. “to ring, resound” < ᴹ√SYAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyalta- v. “to strike, make ring; [with dative] make a phone call to, ring” < ᴹ√SYAL
- ᴺQ. !í- pref. “e-, a prefix for electronic things like e-book” [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ítacelmë n. “electricity” ⇐ Q. íta¹ + √KEL [created by Orondil, Luinyelle, Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !ítacelmëa n. “electrical” ⇐ !ítacelmë [created by Orondil, Luinyelle, Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !ítacelmítë n. “electronic” ⇐ !ítacelmë [created by Orondil, Luinyelle, Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !linima adj. “of many kinds, manifold” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + Q. -ima [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lita- v. “to multiply” ⇐ √LI + ✶-tā [created by Ránatar]
- ᴺQ. !mancaro n. “tradesman, trader, merchant” ⇐ ᴹQ. manka- + Q. #-r(o) [created by Luinyelle, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !notil n. “calculator” < √NOT [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !nótar “computer, calculator”
- ᴺQ. !pelas prep. “along, (lit.) by the boundary of” ⇐ √PEL + √AS² [created by Luinyelle, Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !rattaraxa n. “tram, (lit.) track-wagon” ⇐ Q. ratta + Q. raxa [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raxasta n. “train” ⇐ Q. raxa + Q. -sta¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !angaraxa “train”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lenca adj. “slow, ⚠️dull, stiff; left (hand)”
- ᴺQ. !löasta n. “season, (lit.) year-part” ⇐ Q. löa + Q. -sta¹ [created by Paul Strack]
Version 0.8.04
- ᴺQ. !aita-² v. “to astound, surprise, shock, (orig.) make aghast” < √GAY(AR) [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !alarya- v. “to be happy or merry, rejoice” < ᴹ√GALAS [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !alasta-¹ v. “to make happy, cheer (up)” < ᴹ√GALAS [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !arëa adj. “close, nearby” < √AS² [created by Orondil, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !arosto n. “suburb(s), suburbia, outskirts (of city, town)” ⇐ Q. ar- + Q. osto [created by Eruanwa, Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !attië n. “group of two, couple, pair” ⇐ Q. atta [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !can- v. “to claim, demand (when applied to things)” < √KAN [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] candóla n. “crown of head” ⇐ Q. cas + ᴹQ. nóla¹
- ᴺQ. !castëa adj. “top (with added sense of prominent, chief)” ⇐ Q. cas(ta) [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !catta n. “back” ⇐ Q. #ca(ta) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !coivenqua adj. “lively, vibrant, vivacious, (lit.) full of life” ⇐ Q. coivië + Q. -inqua [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !curwa adj. “cunning, skillful” < √KUR [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !eccan- v. “to proclaim, assert, (lit.) forth-call out” ⇐ √ET + √KAN [created by Röandil, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !elma n. “wonder, miracle” < ^ᴺ√ELEM
- ᴺQ. !ener(a) adv. “on, onward, further” ⇐ Q. en + ✶-da [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !etserca- v. “to bleed out, exsanguinate” ⇐ Q. et + !serca- [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hapta- v. “to eject, ejaculate” < ᴹ√KAP
- ᴺQ. !harnalë n. “harm, damage” ⇐ ᴹQ. harna- [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !hasarë [þ] n. “medicine (as a practice)” ⇐ Q. hasa- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !hatar n. “thrower (of spears and darts)” ⇐ hat- + Q. #-r(o) [created by Quentandil]
- ᴺQ. !helcelmë n. “glacier; (lit.) frozen flow” ⇐ √KHEL + Q. celumë [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !helquir (helquirm-) n. “ice cream” ⇐ ᴹQ. helke + quirmë [created by Christopher Gilson]
- ᴺQ. !hirdë n. “entrails, bowels” < ᴱ✶ʒirdǝ [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !hontompa n. “heartbeat” ⇐ Q. hón + tompa [created by Luinyelle, Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !hröava adj. “corporeal, bodily” ⇐ Q. hröa
- ᴺQ. !hwandasar (hwandasarn-) n. “pumice, (lit.) sponge-stone” ⇐ ᴹQ. hwan + Q. #sar [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyan- v. “to injure”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyanda n. “harm, damage”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyuxo n. “hiccup”
- ᴺQ. !ingëa adj. “top” ⇐ Q. inga [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !laicelumir (laicelumír-) n. “malachite (lit.) green-flowing-jewel” ⇐ Q. laica + Q. celumë + Q. mírë [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !lailinquë n. “beryllium, (lit.) fresh-liquid light” ⇐ √LAY + Q. linquë² [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !lalta- v. “to make laugh” < √LAL [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !laltaula adj. “funny, (lit.) apt to make laugh” ⇐ !lalta- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lana adj. and pron. “no, not any, not (a); none” < √LA [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulesta- v. “to lead a life, gain a living”
- ᴺQ. !lieraxa n. “a bus, coach, (lit.) people wagon” ⇐ Q. lië + Q. raxa [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !lingil n. “hanger, hook (for clothes)” < ᴹ√(G)LINGI [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !lornata- v. “to put to sleep” ⇐ ᴹQ. lorna
- ᴺQ. !maitilë n. “skill, handicraft; legerdemain, sleight” ⇐ Q. maitë
- ᴺQ. !melta- v. “to enamour” < √MEL [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !melu- v. “to fall in love” < √MEL [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mén (mem-) n. “beak, ⚠️nose” « ᴱQ. men¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^miltë (milti-) n. “semen” « ᴱQ. milt
- ᴺQ. !minquetyar- v. “to accentuate, (lit.) pronounce prominently” ⇐ √MIN + !quetyar- [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mis (mist-) n. “urine” < ᴹ√MIS²
- ᴺQ. !nahtalë n. “slaughter” ⇐ Q. nahta-¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] natto (nattu-) n. “affair, matter, ⚠️thing” ⇐ Q. nat
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nen (neng-) n. “nostril” < ᴹ√NEÑ
- ᴺQ. !nunya adj. “lower (as in quality, rank or value)” < √NŪ/UNU [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !núrië n. “depth (abstract)” ⇐ ᴹQ. núra [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nyel- v. “to chime, to ring (like a bell)” < √ÑYEL [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. hyal- “to ring, resound”
- ᴺQ. !olopsë n. “broom” < √OLOB [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !omya- v. “to resonate (of longer sounds)” < √OM [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !orolanda n. “upland, plateau” ⇐ Q. or + ᴹQ. landa² [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !orsa [þ] adj. “upper, above” < √RŌ/ORO [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !osáma adj. “common, joint, (lit.) together-having” ⇐ Q. #sam- [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !quermen n. “a turning, turn, corner (of a street)” ⇐ √KWER + Q. men [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !quetyar- v. “to pronounce, (lit.) cause vocal speech” ⇐ √KWE + ᴹQ. tyar- [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !quetyarmë n. “pronunciation” ⇐ !quetyar- [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !rimpion (rimpiond-) n. “gneiss, (lit.) stripe-rock” ⇐ rimpë¹ + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] sac- v. “to hurt”
- ᴺQ. !sancon (sancond-) [þ] n. “schist, (lit.) split-rock” ⇐ ᴹQ. sanka + Q. ondo [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !senta- [þ] v. “to shorten” < √STEN [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !serca- v. “to bleed” < √SEREK [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !serciril (sercirill-) n. “ruby, (lit.) blood-glitter” ⇐ Q. sercë + √RIL [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !sérinqua adj. “peaceful, full of peace” ⇐ sérë + Q. -inqua [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !súna- [þ] v. “to be spiritually affected, inspired” < √THŪ [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !súnalë [þ] n. “inspiration” ⇐ !súna- [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !taldëa adj. “bottom” ⇐ Q. tal(da) [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !tarmon (tarmond-) n. “basalt, (lit.) pillar-rock” ⇐ Q. tarma + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] timbarë n. “forehead”
- ᴺQ. !tiucata- v. “to fatten, to feed up” ⇐ ᴹQ. tiuka [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !tollesta n. “archipelago” ⇐ Q. tollë¹ + Q. -sta¹ [created by Ñarmondil]
- ᴺQ. !tomya- v. “to resonate (of shorter sounds)” < √TOM [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ui(y)a adj. and pron. “no, not any, not (a); none” < √Ū [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !lana “no, not any, not (a); none”
- ᴺQ. !unda adj. “lower, beneath” < √NŪ/UNU [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !válë n. “divine power/authority” < √BAL [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] valma adj. “[divinely or righteously] powerful” < √BAL
- ᴺQ. !valmë n. “authority” < √BAL [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !yestanyatsë n. “prefixion” [created by Arael]
Version 0.8.03
- ᴺQ. !alon (alond-) n. “limestone, (lit.) grow-stone” ⇐ Q. ala-¹ + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ambalasar (ambalasarn-) n. “stalagmite, (lit.) up-growing stone” ⇐ Q. amba¹ + Q. ala-¹ + Q. #sar [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ambos (ambor-) n. “breast, *chest” « ᴹQ. ambor
- ᴺQ. !angatië n. “railway line, railroad track, (lit.) iron-road” ⇐ Q. anga + Q. tië [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !arasso n. “hart, stag, (male) deer” < ✶aras(sō) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !canton (cantond-) n. “soapstone, (lit.) sculpted rock” ⇐ Q. canta² + Q. ondo [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !celvacir n. “butcher” ⇐ Q. #celva + √KIR [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !celvamatta n. “animal food” ⇐ Q. #celva + Q. matta
- ᴺQ. !celvamatya adj. “carnivorous, (lit.) animal-eating” ⇐ Q. #celva + Q. #-matya [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !cumya- v. “to empty” < ᴹ√KUM [created by Orondil, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !ëarsil n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen” ⇐ Q. ëar + √SIL [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !eccalda n. “cactus, (lit.) spine tree” ⇐ ᴹQ. ekko + Q. alda [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !failassë n. “justice, fair-mindedness” ⇐ Q. faila + Q. #-ssë² [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !falmaril n. “aquamarine, (lit.) wave-crystal” ⇐ Q. falma + ᴹQ. maril [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huar n. “wild dog, jackal” ⇐ ᴹ√KHUG « ᴱQ. savar
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huarda n. “pack (of dogs, wolves)” ⇐ ^huar « ᴱQ. savarda
- ᴺQ. !ilcaxo n. “ivory, (lit.) gleam bone” ⇐ Q. ilca- + Q. axo¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ilinomë n. “everywhere” ⇐ Q. #il- + Q. #nómë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !ildomë “everywhere”
- ᴺQ. !inwissar (inwissarn-) n. “opal, (lit.) mood-change stone” ⇐ Q. inwis + Q. #sar [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lamnarë n. “flock, *herd” ⇐ Q. laman [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !langandë n. “stringed instrument with a neck (lute, guitar, etc.)” ⇐ Q. lango + ᴹQ. nande [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !lindista n. “music album” ⇐ Q. #lindë + Q. -sta¹ [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !liptasar (liptasarn-) n. “dripstone” ⇐ ^lipta- + Q. #sar [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !litsëon (litsëond-) n. “sandstone” ⇐ ᴹQ. litse + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle, Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !luinion (luiniond-) n. “lapis lazuli, (lit.) blue-rock” ⇐ Q. luinë + Q. ondo [created by Orondil, Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malo n. “moth” < ᴹ√MBAL
- ᴺQ. !maxon (maxond-) n. “mudstone” ⇐ Q. maxo + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mirumírë n. “amethyst, (lit.) wine-jewel” ⇐ miru + Q. mírë [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !helissar “amethyst”
- ᴺQ. !moricalca n. “obsidian, (lit.) black glass” ⇐ Q. morë + Q. calca [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !morteccon (morteccond-) n. “graphite, (lit.) black writing rock” ⇐ Q. morë + ᴹQ. tek- + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nellon (nellond-) n. “granite, (lit.) tri-rock” ⇐ ᴹQ. nel- + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle, Arael]
- ᴺQ. !nendalaurë n. “golden water-flower, yellow iris” ⇐ Q. nenda + Q. laurë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nieres (nieress-) n. “hive” ⇐ nier « ᴱQ. nierwes
- ᴺQ. !ninteccon (ninteccond-) n. “chalk, (lit.) white writing rock” ⇐ Q. ninquë + ᴹQ. tek- + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !nyatso n. “magpie, (lit.) chatterer” ⇐ ᴺ√NYAT + ✶-ro [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ortosta n. “mountain range” ⇐ Q. orto + Q. -sta¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !quaccas (quaccar-) n. “tadpole, (lit.) frog head” ⇐ Q. quácë + Q. cas [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !quettacarmë n. “(art of) word-making” ⇐ Q. quetta + Q. carmë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !quettalcar n. “renown, (lit.) word-glory” ⇐ Q. quetta + Q. alcar [created by Ellanto]
- ᴺQ. !racon (racond-) n. “cobblestone, (lit.) broken stone” ⇐ Q. rac- + Q. ondo [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !restassë n. “countryside, the country” ⇐ Q. resta + Q. #-ssë² [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !roccë n. “mare” < ✶rokkē [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !rúcinon (rúcinond-) n. “breccia, (lit.) ruined stone” ⇐ Q. rúcina + Q. ondo [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !runyaril (runyarill-) n. “garnet, (lit.) fiery red radiance” ⇐ Q. runya + ᴹQ. ?rille [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !sár (sar-) n. “(incised) mark, notch, tally; (generalized) score (of game or contest)” < √SAR [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sar-² v. “to mark (i.e. by incision), notch, score; (by later extension) †to write [on]” < √SAR [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !sardanar (sardanár-) n. “corundum, (lit.) hard sun” ⇐ Q. sarda + Q. Anar [created by Valerie]
- ᴺQ. !sundon (sundond-) n. “bedrock, (lit.) base-rock” ⇐ Q. sundo + Q. ondo [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !töasta n. “grove” ⇐ Q. töa + Q. -sta¹ [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ulumpembë n. “caterpillar, (lit.) camel worm” ⇐ ulumpë + ^vembë « ᴱQ. ulumpingwe
- ᴺQ. !ulutelmë n. “umbrella, rainshade” ⇐ Q. ulo + ᴹQ. telme [created by Shihali, Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !undalasar (undalasarn-) n. “stalactite, (lit.) down-growing stone” ⇐ Q. undu + Q. ala-¹ + Q. #sar [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. *ungol n. “(monstrous) spider” < √UÑG [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !ur(u)ma n. “coal, charcoal” ⇐ √UR + ✶-mā [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !vequi conj. “as if, as though” ⇐ Q. ve¹ + Q. qui
- ᴺQ. !vin adv. “just, just now, only just, already” < √WIN [created by Luinyelle]
Version 0.8.02
- ᴺQ. !airemma n. “icon, (lit.) holy image” ⇐ Q. airë¹ + Q. emma [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !celvë n. “hind, deer, doe” < ✶kel(e)bē [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov, Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !ciryasta n. “fleet (of ships)” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + Q. -sta¹ [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !em- v. “to depict, portray” < √EM¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !estelenca adj. “hopeless, despairing, desperate” ⇐ Q. estel + Q. -enca
- ᴺQ. !ferya adj. “quick, ready, prompt” < ✶pheryā [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. !Foralcar n. “aurora, (lit.) northern radiance” ⇐ ᴹ√PHOR + Q. alcar [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hes (hest-) n. “*sibling” < ^ᴺ√KHETH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hesta(lë) n. “the nearest consanguinity” < ^ᴺ√KHETH
- ᴺQ. !hilië n. “following (act of)” ⇐ ᴹQ. hilya- (gerund) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hilmë¹ n. “offspring, *descendant” < √KHIL « ᴱQ. hilmi
- ᴺQ. !Hyaralcar n. “aurora, (lit.) southern radiance” ⇐ Q. hyar- + Q. alcar [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !lilíva- v. “to (continuously) drip, drip-drop” < ᴹ√LIB¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !lómaril n. “jade” ⇐ !lóma + ᴹQ. maril [created by Valarie]
- ᴺQ. !márë n. “(moral) good, goodness” < √MAN
- ᴺQ. !marya- v. “to found, establish, settle (as dwelling)” < √MBAR [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^melesellë [þ] n. “love-sister” « Q. #meletheldë
- ᴺQ. !minaxanwa adj. “enchained, bound, fettered” ⇐ Q. mi + Q. naxa¹ + Q. -nwa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !nap- v. “to take (hold), pick up, grasp (with fingers)” < √NAP [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !necestel n. “hopelessness, despair, desperation” ⇐ Q. nec- + Q. estel
- ᴺQ. !nurno adj. “dark, deep (of hue)” < ✶durnu [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ontar n. “parent (gender neutral)” ⇐ ᴹQ. ontaro
- ᴺQ. !pat- v. “to step, take a (single) step” < *√PAT [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !patu- v. “to step to it, start off, start walking” < *√PAT [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !permë n. “half; side (of person or shape)” < √PER [created by Röandil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !qua(na) adj. and pron. “all, complete, entire, full, the whole” < √KWA [created by Raccoon, Lokyt, Röandil]
- ᴹQ. quanna “entire, complete, whole”
- ᴺQ. !rangwië n. “fathom(ing), spatial reckoning/consideration” ⇐ ᴹQ. rangwe [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ruical(a) n. “firelight” ⇐ √RUY + Q. cala [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !santenta- v. “to concentrate, focus (the mind)” ⇐ √SAN + Q. tenta- [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !satarya- v. “to trust, rely on (a person)” < √SAT(AR) [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !súyel n. “niece” ⇐ √YE(L)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] súyon n. “nephew, ⚠️daughter’s son” ⇐ √YON¹
- ᴺQ. !tanar n. “indicator, [linguistics] demonstrative” ⇐ Q. tana- + Q. #-r(o) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !undo adj. and pron. “less” < √NŪ/UNU [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !var- v. “to yield, give way, surrender” < ᴹ√WAR [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !verinu coll. “married pair” ⇐ verin
- ᴺQ. !verrendo n. “brother in law, kinsman by marriage” ⇐ ᴺ√BES + rendo [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !verressë n. “sister in law, kinswoman by marriage” ⇐ ᴺ√BES + ressë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !vesquen n. “spouse (gender neutral)” ⇐ ᴺ√BES + Q. quén [created by Arael]
- ᴺQ. !yáraquetta n. “archaism, archaic word” ⇐ Q. yára + Q. quetta
Version 0.8.01
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aico (aicu-) n. “cliff” ⇐ ᴹQ. aiqa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^alaica adj. “blunt” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + ᴹQ. aika « ᴱQ. il(l)aika [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !aranisquë n. “frankincense” ⇐ Q. ar(a)- + !nisquë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !ermangolmë n. “study of matter, physics, [possibly also] chemistry” ⇐ Q. erma + Q. nolmë [created by Ambardil]
- ᴺQ. !helina adj. “frozen” ⇐ ^hel- (passive-participle)
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hisquë n. “smog” ⇐ √KHITH + √USUK [created by Orondil, Röandil]
- ᴺQ. quonda “choking smog, smoke”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hlonda- v. “to boom, bang, make (loud) noise” ⇐ ^hlondë « ᴱQ. londa- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] huiva adj. “murky, *(nearly) lightless” < √PHUY
- ᴺQ. !hundo n. “thunder” ⇐ ^hundu- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lahlaraitë adj. “deaf, (lit.) unable to hear” ⇐ Q. la- + Q. #hlar- + Q. -itë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lambelanga n. “translation” ⇐ Q. lambë + Q. langa [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lambelanga- v. “to translate (generally, between languages)” ⇐ !lambelanga [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lambengolmë n. “linguistics” ⇐ Q. lambë + Q. nolmë [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúrë n. “dark weather, bad weather” < √LUB¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúrëa adj. “overcast, dark [of weather]” ⇐ lúrë
- ᴺQ. !nartaima adj. “inflammable” ⇐ ᴹQ. narta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nendo n. “water mead, *watered plain” < √NEN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nes (nest-) n. “food, feed, fodder” < ᴺ√NES
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nesselë n. “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage” < ᴺ√NES
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nesta-¹ v. “to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed” < ᴺ√NES
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nolpa n. “mole” < ᴹ√NDOL
- ᴺQ. !nyarrincë n. “mouse” ⇐ ᴹQ. nyarro + Q. #-incë [created by Eruanwa]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oryat (oryap-) n. “badger”
- ᴺQ. !pahtalanga n. “interpretation” ⇐ Q. pahta² + Q. langa [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !pahtalanga- v. “to translate (speech), interpret” ⇐ !pahtalanga [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^poru n. “kernel” < ᴹ√POR « ᴱQ. ‽polu
- ᴺQ. !quihta n. “shot, projectile (from a bow or a crossbow)” ⇐ ᴹ√KWIG + ✶-dā [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ríanta- v. “to crown, coronate” ⇐ Q. ría + Q. anta- [created by Luinyelle, Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !rínata- “to crown, coronate”
- ᴺQ. !rínata- v. “to crown, coronate” ⇐ Q. rína [created by Elaran, Lokyt]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sucul [þ] n. “sticky matter, slime, ⚠️gum” < ^ᴺ√THUK « ᴱQ. sutl [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !tengwelanga n. “transcription” ⇐ Q. tengwë + Q. langa [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !tengwelanga- v. “to transcribe” ⇐ !tengwelanga [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^urta- v. “to burn” < √UR « ᴱQ. hus- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vílë n. “gentle breeze” < ᴹ√WIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^yol- v. “to smoulder” < ^ᴺ√YOL/YUL « ᴹQ. yul-
Version 0.8.00
- ᴺQ. !aima pron. “anything, whatever” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. ma¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aiquassë n. “precipice” ⇐ ᴹQ. aiqa
- ᴺQ. !ataquer n. “bike, bicycle” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + √KWER [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !cacáva n. “cocoa” [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !cána adv. “backward” ⇐ √KĀ + ✶-na [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !carmatan (carmatam-) n. “toolsmith” ⇐ Q. carma² + Q. tamo¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !corpë n. “skull” < √KOR [created by Röandil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuimacir n. “butcher” ⇐ Q. #cuima + √KIR [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !celvacir “butcher”
- ᴺQ. !culvelyávë n. “pumpkin” ⇐ √KUL + !velyávë [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ëassar (ëassarn-) n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-pebble/stone” ⇐ Q. ëar + Q. #sar [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !ëarsil “pearl, (lit.) sea-sheen”
- ᴺQ. !eccol- v. “to export” ⇐ Q. et + Q. #col- [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !elma- v. “to marvel at, admire” < ^ᴺ√ELEM
- ᴺQ. !empatyellë n. “advancement, progress” ⇐ Q. epë + Q. tyellë [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !illómëa adj. “nightly” ⇐ Q. lómë
- ᴺQ. !laitita- v. “to falsify” ⇐ !laitë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !laivelyávë n. “(water)melon” ⇐ √LAY + !velyávë [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !lanquinga n. “crossbow” ⇐ √LAƷ + ᴹQ. qinga [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !lantanna n. “banner, standard” ⇐ ᴹQ. lanne + Q. tanna¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] latucenda adj. “of tin” ⇐ latúcen
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lep- v. “to take [with fingers], *pick, pluck” < √LEP
- ᴺQ. !maca- v. “to forge” < √MAK [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !maicatan (maicatam-) n. “weaponsmith” ⇐ Q. maica² + Q. tamo¹ [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !malma² n. “pulp, paste, mash, mush; dough, grume” ⇐ ᴹ√MBAL + Q. ma¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !malda “pulp, paste, mash, mush”
- ᴹQ. maxë¹ “dough”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] manya n. “butter” < ^ᴺ√MANGYA
- ᴺQ. !micol- v. “to import” ⇐ Q. mi + Q. #col- [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] móro n. “ink”
- ᴺQ. !nev- v. “to face, turn toward, *confront” < √NEB [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nonóra- v. “to run on, run smoothly and hum, *keep on running (especially of machines)” « ᴱQ. nornoro- [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !noremmatan (noremmatam-) n. “cartographer” ⇐ !noremma + Q. tamo¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !ómen n. “crossroads” ⇐ √WO + √MEN [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ondomillo (ondomillu-) n. “petrol, petroleum, gasoline, gas” ⇐ Q. ondo + millo [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !ondopelet (ondopelecc-) n. “pickaxe” ⇐ Q. ondo + pelecco [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !palusta n. “shelf, bookshelf” ⇐ palo + Q. -sta¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !panwë n. “arrangement, plan; structure, ordering; (musical) theme” < √PAN [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !pilintan n. “fletcher” ⇐ ᴹQ. pilin + Q. tamo¹ [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !polëa adj. “able” ⇐ Q. pol- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !quiltaina adj. “girdled, girt” ⇐ ^quilta- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !quitulma n. “scenario” ⇐ Q. qui + ᴹQ. tulma [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !rassulca n. “carrot” ⇐ √RAS + ᴹQ. sulka [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !rav- v. “to roar” ⇐ ᴹ√RAW [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^saramor (saramór-) n. “*writing-ink” ⇐ Q. sarat + móro « ᴱQ. saramór
- ᴺQ. !sinyarna n. “novel” ⇐ ᴹQ. sinya + Q. #nyarna [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^solta- v. “to wave, heave, surge (up and down)” < ᴹ√SOL « ᴱQ. solto- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !sono [þ] n. “pine” < ✶thŏno
- ᴺQ. !sononel (sononelm-) [þ] n. “pine-needle” ⇐ !sono + nelma
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tavas (tavast-) n. “woodland” < √TAW
- ᴺQ. !tentaparma n. “recipe book, instruction book” ⇐ Q. tenta- + Q. parma [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !ticuta- v. “to smelt, (orig.) make melt” ⇐ ᴺ√TIKW + ✶-tā [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !tuxasta fraction. “one hundredth, *one percent” ⇐ tuxa + Q. -sta¹ [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !tyocolat n. “chocolate” [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !ustat- v. “to misappropriate, supplant, usurp” ⇐ √UTHU + √SAT [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !vanwë n. “loss (abstract/general)” ⇐ Q. vanwa [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !velyávë n. “gourd, Cucurbitaceae, the gourd family” ⇐ ᴺ√^WEL + Q. yávë [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !vin(i)- pref. “neo-” ⇐ Q. vinya [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !vinquetta n. “neologism” ⇐ Q. vinya + Q. quetta [created by Röandil]
Version 0.7.9
- ᴺQ. [Q.] astalda adj. “*valiant; ⚠️strong”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calaina adj. “serene” ⇐ calainë
- ᴺQ. !calcata- v. “to glaze” ⇐ Q. calca
- ᴺQ. !calcëa adj. “glassy, of glass” ⇐ Q. calca
- ᴺQ. !coingolmë n. “biology” ⇐ √KOY + Q. nolmë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] etil n. “ivy” < √ET
- ᴺQ. !ettalan n. “balcony” ⇐ Q. et + Q. talan [created by Verilme]
- ᴺQ. !hlunco (hluncu-) n. “pharynx, gullet” < ᴹ√SLUK [created by Paul Strack, Ygrain]
- ᴺQ. !lalammamo n. “babbler” ⇐ !lalamma- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] latúcen n. “tin [metal]”
- ᴺQ. !leppa n. “thimble” ⇐ √LEP + ✶-mā [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !lóma n. “moss” ⇐ √LOG + ✶-mā [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !maltaina adj. “of gold” ⇐ Q. malta [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !maura- v. “to need, require” ⇐ ᴹQ. maure [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !nóquista- v. “to assume, make premature judgements” ⇐ Q. nó¹ + Q. quista- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nwal- [ñ-] v. “to suffer, feel (great) pain” < √(Ñ)GWAL [created by Raccoon]
- ᴺQ. !óricuva n. “traitor” < ✶gōr(i)kubā [created by Jack Harrison]
- ᴺQ. !ramma n. “lever” ⇐ ᴹ√RAS + ✶-mā [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !rimpeccuvo n. “chipmunk” ⇐ ᴱQ. rimpe + Q. peccuvo [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !ronwa n. “block, solid piece” ⇐ √RON² + ✶-mā [created by Orondil]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sin (sint-) [þ] n. “tin (metal)” < √THIN [created by Steve - Ríon]
- ᴺQ. latúcen “tin [metal]”
- ᴺQ. !taucolca n. “(wooden) chest” ⇐ √TAW + colca [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !tirma n. “spyglass” ⇐ √TIR + ✶-mā [created by Orondil]
- ᴺQ. !uruhanyaima adj. “complicated, enigmatic, cryptic, hard to understand” ⇐ Q. ur(u)- + ᴹQ. hanya- [created by Jack Harrison]
- ᴺQ. !varma n. “armour, armor” ⇐ ᴹ√BAR + ✶-mā [created by Röandil]
- ᴺQ. !virittë n. “gravel” ⇐ S. brith < ᴹ✶b’rittē [created by Röandil]
Version 0.7.8
- ᴺQ. !ásë [þ] n. “aid, benefit” < √THĀ/ATHA [created by Elaran]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !molië n. “labour, work” ⇐ Q. mol- + Q. -ië¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. mólë “labour, *work”
- ᴺQ. !mólië “slavery, thralldom”
Version 0.7.7
- ᴺQ. !alquen pron. “nobody, no one” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. quén
- ⚠️ᴺQ. *canaquë num. card. “*fourteen” < ✶kanakwe
- ᴺQ. *canquë “*fourteen”
- ᴺQ. !canquain num. card. “forty” ⇐ Q. canta¹ + Q. quëan [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] *canquë num. card. “*fourteen” < ✶kanakwe
- ᴺQ. !canquëa num. ord. “fourteenth” ⇐ *canquë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] céla adv. “maybe not”
- ᴺQ. !hendelúpëa cecet n. “peafowl, (lit.) eye-plumed pheasant” ⇐ Q. #hen + ᴹQ. lúpe + ᴱQ. keket [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !horina adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled” ⇐ ᴹQ. horya- (passive-participle) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lempellumë adv. “five times” ⇐ ✶lepene + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lependórë num. card. “quintillion” ⇐ ✶lepene + -(n)dórë « ᴱQ. lemindóre
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mencë num. card. “thousand”
- ᴺQ. húmë “thousand; †great number”
- ᴺQ. !nelquain num. card. “thirty” ⇐ Q. neldë + Q. quëan
- ᴺQ. [Q.] *ovëa adj. “(con)similar, alike” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. vëa¹
- ᴺQ. !romya adj. “loud” < √ROM [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !tolquain num. card. “eighty” ⇐ Q. toldo + Q. quëan [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] *tolquë num. card. “eighteen” < ✶tolokwe
- ᴺQ. !-tta suf. “their (dual)”
Version 0.7.6
- ᴺQ. !ailumë¹ adv. “anytime” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. lúmë¹
- ᴺQ. !ainomë adv. “anyplace, anywhere” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. #nómë
- ᴺQ. !carpë n. “hat” < ᴹ√KARPA [created by Verilme]
- ᴺQ. !hapya- v. “to delay, retain, keep (temporarily)” < √KHAP [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !littë n. “ash” < ᴹ√LIT [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !maitulië n. “welcome thing, happy arrival” ⇐ Q. mai + Q. tul- (gerund) [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !maitulya adj. “welcome” ⇐ Q. mai + Q. tul- [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !manotë adv. “how many, (lit.) what number” ⇐ Q. ma² + ᴹQ. nóte
- ᴺQ. !nalumë adv. “sometime(s)” ⇐ Q. ná- + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Lokyt]
- ᴺQ. !nanomë adv. “someplace, somewhere” ⇐ Q. ná- + Q. #nómë [created by Lokyt]
Version 0.7.4
- ᴺQ. !eritë adj. “singular” ⇐ Q. er
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hundu- v. “to thunder” « ᴺQ. fundu- [created by Paul Strack]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lina adj. “many” < √LI [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴹQ. lia¹ “(not) a few, several”
- ᴹQ. hríma “very numerous (great in number or quantity)”
- ᴺQ. !linitë adj. “plural” ⇐ Q. #li(n)-
- ᴺQ. !rostaurë n. “rainforest” ⇐ Q. #rossë + Q. taurë [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tyustyuhta- v. “to chew the cud; to reflect, reminisce” ⇐ ^tyuxë + tyuc- « ᴱQ. tyustyukta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yanta-² v. “to add to, enlarge, increase, augment” < ^ᴺ√GYANTA
- ᴺQ. !yuitë adj. “dual” ⇐ Q. yu-
- ᴺQ. !yullas (yullass-) n. “tea” ⇐ Q. yul- + Q. lassë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
Version 0.7.3
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] axë (axi-) n. “steel” < *ᴺ√GAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] axína adj. “(of) steel, *like steel” ⇐ axë
- ᴺQ. !laitë adj. “false” ⇐ Q. lá- + Q. -itë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !laitelë n. “falsehood” ⇐ !laitë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !merillë n. “rose” < ᴹ√M(B)ER [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nemba adj. “seeming, evident, probably but not necessarily so” < √NEM [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !nembalë n. “evidence” ⇐ !nemba [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] quildë n. “quiet, rest, hush” < ^ᴺ√KWILID
- ᴺQ. !ralya- v. “to return (transitive)” < √RAD [created by Shihali]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sasta- v. “to put, place” < √SAT [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sincë (sinci-) n. “mineral [as in any solid inorganic substance], ⚠️gem, metal” < ✶sinki « ᴱQ. sink [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tittë n. “breast [of a woman], ⚠️teat”
- ᴺQ. !yola adv. “neither, nor” ⇐ Q. yo + Q. lá¹ [created by Paul Strack]
Version 0.7.2
- ᴺQ. !andalango n. “giraffe, (lit.) long-neck” ⇐ Q. anda + Q. lango [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !andanyarro n. “weasel, ferret, mink, stoat, polecat, (lit.) long-rat” ⇐ Q. anda + ᴹQ. nyarro [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !callië n. “heroism” ⇐ ᴹQ. kallo [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. !callovëa adj. “heroic, hero-like” ⇐ ᴹQ. kallo + Q. vëa¹ [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. !canguru n. “kangaroo” [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !carastanyarro n. “beaver, (lit.) build-rat” ⇐ Q. carasta- + ᴹQ. nyarro [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !castor n. “beaver” [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !ehtipolca n. “porcupine, (lit.) spike-pig” ⇐ ᴹQ. ehte + polca [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !filiculumpë n. “ostrich, (lit.) sparrow-camel” ⇐ ᴹQ. filit + ulumpë [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !harnalassë n. “schadenfreude, malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune, (lit.) wound-joy” ⇐ ᴹQ. harna¹ + Q. alassë [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !maimun n. “monkey, ape” [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !mórolingwë n. “squid, (lit.) ink-fish” ⇐ móro + Q. #lingwë [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !nengarmo n. “otter, (lit.) water-wolf” ⇐ Q. nén + ᴹQ. narmo [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !nihta- v. “to reduce, make small” < √NIK [created by Steve - Ríon]
- ᴺQ. !nihtana adj. “reduced, minor” ⇐ !nihta- [created by Steve - Ríon]
- ᴺQ. !nuinerocco n. “hippopotamus, (lit.) river-horse” ⇐ Q. nuinë + Q. rocco [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !poco(lle)nyarro n. “opossum, (lit.) pouch-rat” ⇐ !pocollë + ᴹQ. nyarro [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !polta- v. “to (physically) enable” ⇐ Q. pol- [created by Steve - Ríon]
- ᴺQ. !rassemunda n. “rhinoceros, (lit.) horn-snout” ⇐ Q. rassë + ᴹQ. mundo [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !rimperocco n. “zebra, (lit.) stripe-horse” ⇐ ᴱQ. rimpe + Q. rocco [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !sanasta n. “thinking, reflection, pondering” ⇐ Q. #sana- + Q. #-sta² [created by Stephen St. John]
- ᴺQ. !sanastëa adj. “mindful, cognizant, aware of, conscious of” ⇐ !sanasta [created by Stephen St. John]
- ᴺQ. !sauroryat [þ] n. “skunk, (lit.) stink-badger” ⇐ Q. saura + oryat [created by Dírheron]
- ᴺQ. !sótë n. “refuge” < √SOT [created by Stephen St. John]
- ᴺQ. !sovamorco n. “raccoon, (lit.) wash-bear” ⇐ ᴺ√^SOW + ᴹQ. morko [created by Dírheron]
Version 0.7.1
- ᴺQ. !attindo n. “doubt, (lit.) two mind” ⇐ Q. atta + Q. indo [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nicë adv. “little, a bit” « ᴱQ. mike
- ᴺQ. !nolmar [ñ-] n. “school, university, (lit.) wisdom-house” ⇐ √ÑGOL¹ + √MBAR [created by Elaran]
Version 0.7.0
- ᴺQ. !accamátala adj. “over-eating” ⇐ ᴱQ. akka + Q. mat- (active-participle) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !accamatië n. “over-eating” ⇐ ᴱQ. akka + Q. mat- (gerund) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !accasúcala adj. “over-drinking” ⇐ ᴱQ. akka + ᴹQ. suk- (active-participle) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !accasucië n. “over-drinking” ⇐ ᴱQ. akka + ᴹQ. suk- (gerund) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ainocimië n. “reverence, piety, godliness” ⇐ !aino + ᴱQ. kim- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^aitalë “reverence, worship, religion”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ainocimya adj. “reverent, pious” ⇐ !aino + ᴱQ. kim- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
- ᴺQ. !ainolóra adj. “godless” ⇐ !aino + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ainolórië n. “godlessness” ⇐ !aino + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !airasëa [þ] n. “hyssop” ⇐ Q. aira + Q. asëa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !airilírë n. “hymn” ⇐ Q. airë¹ + Q. lírë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !airimo n. “priest” ⇐ Q. airë¹ + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !airimossë n. “priesthood” ⇐ !airimo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aitamo n. “worshiper” ⇐ !aita-¹
- ᴺQ. !alacénima adj. “invisible” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. cénima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alacestaima adj. “unsearchable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. cesta-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alacestima adj. “unsearchable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. cesta-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alacestaima “unsearchable”
- ᴺQ. !alahastaima adj. “incorruptable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. #hasta-
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alahastima adj. “incorruptable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. #hasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alahastaima “incorruptable”
- ᴺQ. !alahírima adj. “unfindable, impossible to find” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. hir- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alairë adj. “unholy” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. airë¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alaloitala adj. “unfailing” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. loita- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alalunga adj. “light, unheavy” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. #lungo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. cólima “bearable, light (of burdens and things comparable, troubles, labors, afflications)”
- ᴺQ. !alamára adj. “no-good” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. mára [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alamo n. “cultivator, grower” ⇐ Q. ala-¹ + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alanancárima adj. “indestructible” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. #nancar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alapálima adj. “unshakable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + ᴱQ. pal- + Q. -ima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. quas- “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle”
- ᴺQ. !alapihta adj. “unshrunk” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + !pihta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alapulúna adj. “unleavened, unfermented” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + ᴱQ. pulu- (passive-participle) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alasóvina adj. “unwashed” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úhwalda “unwashed”
- ᴺQ. !alavahtaina adj. “undefiled” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + ᴹQ. vahta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alavéla adj. “different, various [pl.]” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. véla [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alavistaima adj. “unchangeable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. vista-
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alavistima adj. “unchangeable” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. vista- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !alavistaima “unchangeable”
- ᴺQ. !alcarvalda adj. “honourable” ⇐ Q. alcar + valda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alu n. “(dressed) leather”
- ᴺQ. !alumo n. “leather-worker” ⇐ alu + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !amacarastië n. “upbuilding” ⇐ Q. #am- + Q. carasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !amaquat- v. “to fulfill, (lit.) up fill” ⇐ Q. #am- + Q. quat- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !amyára n. “elder” ⇐ Q. an- + Q. yára [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !anyára “elder, *senior”
- ᴺQ. !Anahristo n. “Antichrist” ⇐ ✶anak + Q. Hristo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !andosan (andosamb-) [þ] n. “vestibule, (lit.) gate room” ⇐ Q. ando + ᴹQ. sambe [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !antolatta n. “bridle, (lit.) mouth-strap” ⇐ Q. anto + ᴹQ. latta² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pérappa “bridle, (lit.) lip-rope”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aptaina adj. “cooked, broiled” < ᴹ√AP [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. apta- “to refuse, deny, say nay”
- ᴺQ. maxa- “to cook”
- ᴺQ. !aramallë n. “side-street” ⇐ Q. ar(a) + ᴹQ. malle [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aranta- v. “to turn over, (lit.) give by” ⇐ Q. ar- + Q. anta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !arinwat n. “breakfast, (lit.) morning-meal” ⇐ ᴹQ. arin + ᴹQ. mat [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquetië n. “conversation” ⇐ √THAR¹ + √KWET [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
- ᴺQ. !aryonië n. “inheritance” ⇐ ᴹQ. aryon [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !asa [þ] n. “guest” < √THĀ/ATHA [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !asalsambë [þ] n. “guest-room” ⇐ !asa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
- ᴺQ. !ascarë [þ] adj. “easily done” ⇐ Q. as(a)- + Q. car- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ascárima [þ] adj. “easy [to do]” ⇐ Q. as(a)- + Q. cárima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !asquétima [þ] adj. “easy to say” ⇐ Q. as(a)- + Q. quet- + Q. -ima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !atannahtar n. “man-slayer” ⇐ Q. Atan + !nahtar [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atanta- v. “to give back” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. anta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nananta- “to give back, *return [something]”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atartur n. “patriarch, (lit.) master-father” ⇐ Q. atar¹ + Q. -tur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nossetur “patriarch, family head”
- ᴺQ. !atsinta- v. “to recognize” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + √IS [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !auca adj. “foolish” ⇐ ^aut [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aucelië n. “sewer, (lit.) away-flowing” ⇐ Q. au- + √KEL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aucië n. “foolishness” ⇐ !auca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !auhanta n. “refuse, trash, garbage, (lit.) thing thrown away” ⇐ Q. au- + hat- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aumapando n. “abductor, (lit.) away-seizer” ⇐ Q. au- + ᴹQ. mapa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aumenta- v. “to dismiss, divorce, (lit.) away-send” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. menta-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aumentalë n. “dismissal, divorce” ⇐ !aumenta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aupsar- v. “to wipe away” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. †psar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !öapsar- “to wipe away”
- ᴺQ. !auquer- v. “to reject, (lit.) turn away” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. quer- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !autulya- v. “to deport, (lit.) bring away” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. tulya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !autulyalë n. “deportation” ⇐ !autulya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !avamat- v. “to fast, (lit.) refuse to eat” ⇐ Q. ava-² + Q. mat- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !avanut- v. “to untie” ⇐ Q. ava-² + ᴹQ. #nut- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !únut- “to untie”
- ᴺQ. !axendë n. “marrow” ⇐ Q. axo¹ + Q. endë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cacar- v. “to continue, *keep on doing” ⇐ Q. car- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴹQ. cacarra- “to keep on doing, *continue”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cacarpa- v. “to chatter” ⇐ Q. carpa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lalamma- “to chatter, babble”
- ᴺQ. !caira adj. “eager [to do]” < √KAR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !calmatarma n. “lampstand” ⇐ Q. calma + Q. tarma [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cámalóra adj. “innocent” ⇐ cáma + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cámayanca n. “guilt-offering” ⇐ cáma + !yanca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !camma n. “receptacle” < √KAM [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquain num. card. “forty” ⇐ Q. canta¹ + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !canquain “forty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquëan num. card. “forty” ⇐ Q. canta¹ + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !canquain “forty”
- ᴺQ. !cantalya adj. and n. “four-legged, quadruped, (lit.) four-footed” ⇐ Q. canta¹ + Q. tál + Q. -ya¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canwacimië n. “obedience” ⇐ !canwacimya [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !canwahimië “obedience”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canwacimya adj. “obedient” ⇐ Q. canwa¹ + ᴱQ. kim- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !canwahimya “obedient”
- ᴺQ. !canwahimië n. “obedience” ⇐ !canwahimya
- ᴺQ. !canwahimya adj. “obedient” ⇐ Q. canwa¹ + ᴹQ. him-
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !caraxo n. “skull, *(lit.) head-bone” ⇐ Q. cas + Q. axo¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !corpë “skull”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !carpando n. “orator” ⇐ Q. carpa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pahtando “orator”
- ᴺQ. !celvavëa adj. “animal-like” ⇐ Q. #celva + Q. vëa¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cemendur n. “farmer” ⇐ Q. cemen + Q. -(n)dur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cemenquasië [þ] n. “earthquake” ⇐ Q. cemen + quas-
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cempalië n. “earthquake” ⇐ Q. cemen + ᴱQ. pal- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cemenquasië “earthquake”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cénë n. “sight” ⇐ Q. cen- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. #cen “sight, *sense of sight”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cénelóra adj. “blind” ⇐ Q. cen- + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cerihtando n. “reaper” ⇐ ᴹ✶k’rikta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cirihtor “reaper”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cetta- v. “to witness” < √KETH [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vetta- “to witness”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cílëa adj. “edged” < ᴱ√KILI [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !címëa “edged”
- ᴺQ. !ciltië n. “division, separation” ⇐ !cilta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cimba- v. “to care” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !címëa adj. “edged” ⇐ Q. címa
- ᴺQ. !cirihtor n. “reaper” ⇐ !cirihta-
- ᴺQ. !ciryampa n. “anchor, (lit.) boat-hook” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + Q. ampa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cöantur n. “householder, master of the house” ⇐ Q. cöa + Q. -tur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colca n. “box” < √KOL
- ᴺQ. !colcallë n. “phylactery, (lit.) little box” ⇐ colca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !colma n. “stretcher” ⇐ √KOL + ✶-mā [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cucuollë n. “turtledove” ⇐ ᴹQ. kukua [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !culmírë n. “sardius, carneol [carnelian], (lit.) orange-jewel” ⇐ √KUL + Q. mírë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cumbo n. “belly” ⇐ ᴹQ. #kumba [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cuptalë n. “deception, deceit” ⇐ !cupta-
- ᴺQ. !elmendëa adj. “wonderful” ⇐ elmenda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enenquain num. card. “sixty” ⇐ Q. enquë + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enenquëan num. card. “sixty” ⇐ Q. enquë + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !enquain “sixty”
- ᴺQ. !ennóna adj. “born again” ⇐ Q. en- + Q. #nóna [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enontië n. “rebirth, resurrection” ⇐ Q. en- + Q. onta- (gerund) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !enortalë “resurrection”
- ᴺQ. !enortalë n. “resurrection” ⇐ Q. en- + Q. orta-² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !epemma n. “example” ⇐ Q. epë + Q. emma [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !erië n. “oneness” ⇐ Q. er [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ernóna adj. “only-born, only-begotten” ⇐ Q. er + Q. #nóna [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !Erutercáno n. “prophet, (lit.) God-herald” ⇐ Q. Eru + Q. tercáno [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !essámalë n. “agreement, (lit.) one-mindedness” ⇐ Q. er + Q. sáma [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sáquetië “agreement”
- ᴺQ. !estolië n. “camp” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etehat- v. “to throw out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + hat- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etelehto n. “deliverer” ⇐ Q. etelehta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etelesta- v. “to measure (out)” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + ᴹQ. #lesta [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etemen- v. “to go out, go forth” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. men- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etepanya- v. “to put out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + ᴹQ. panya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. caita-² “*to lay (transitive); [ᴱQ.] to place, ⚠️lie down”
- ᴺQ. !etequet- v. “to confess, speak out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. quet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !eterahta- v. “to reach out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + ^rahta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etevatta- v. “to trample out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + !vatta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ettanië n. “spectacle, (lit.) showing forth” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. tana- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ettir- v. “to watch out, spy on” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. tir- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etulya- v. “to pour forth, pour out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + ᴹQ. ulya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !etyanetië n. “hypocrisy” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^evandil n. “[Christian] missionary” « ᴱQ. evandl
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] evandilyon n. “gospel” ⇐ ^evandil
- ᴺQ. !failanta adj. “justified” ⇐ !failata- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !failata- v. “to justify” ⇐ Q. faila [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !failatië n. “justification” ⇐ !failata- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !falampa n. “whip” ⇐ !falpa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !falpa- v. “to flog” < ᴹ√PALAP [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !fanorcarnë n. “sardonyx” ⇐ ? + Q. carnë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !fennatir n. “door-watcher” ⇐ Q. fendë + Q. tir- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !fillannë n. “sack-cloth” ⇐ ᴹQ. lanne [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !findori n. “barley” ⇐ Q. findë + ^ori [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !handelóra adj. “witless” ⇐ ᴹQ. hande + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !harivë adv. “closely, nearly” ⇐ ᴱQ. har(e) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] haru n. “grandfather”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] haruni n. “grandmother”
- ᴺQ. !hastalë n. “corruption” ⇐ Q. #hasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hastima adj. “corruptible” ⇐ Q. #hasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hausta n. “nest” < ᴹ✶khaustā [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !helexë n. “hail” < √KHELEK [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !helissar n. “amethyst” ⇐ ᴱQ. helin + Q. #sar [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !helmolpë n. “wine-skin, (lit.) skin-bottle” ⇐ ᴹQ. helma + olpë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !helmunquë n. “wrinkle, (lit.) skin-hollow” ⇐ ᴹQ. helma + Q. unquë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hlárelóra adj. “deaf, (lit.) hearing-less” ⇐ Q. #hlar- + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lahlaraitë “deaf, (lit.) unable to hear”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hlárerya n. “hearing (ability)” ⇐ Q. #hlar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hlarië “hearing”
- ᴺQ. !hlarindo n. “hearer” ⇐ Q. #hlar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hluc- v. “to swallow” < ᴹ√SLUK [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !homanca- v. “to buy” ⇐ Q. hó- + ᴹQ. manka- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !Hristondur n. “Christian, (lit.) Servant of Christ” ⇐ Q. Hristo + Q. -(n)dur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hröaloica n. “cripple” ⇐ Q. hröa + Q. loica [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hrúcen n. “envy, (lit.) evil-sight” ⇐ Q. hru- + Q. #cen [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hruhirdië n. “dysentery” ⇐ Q. hru- + !hirdë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhta- v. “to fornicate” ⇐ Q. hru- + ^puhta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhtië n. “fornication” ⇐ !hrupuhta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhto n. “fornicator” ⇐ !hrupuhta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hurulë n. “deception” ⇐ ᴱQ. furu [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cuptalë “deception, deceit”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hurumo n. “imposter” ⇐ ᴱQ. furu [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cupta- “to deceive, lie”
- ᴺQ. !hyólamo n. “trumpeter” ⇐ ᴹQ. hyóla + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyulma n. “coal” < ^ᴺ√YOL/YUL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ur(u)ma “coal, charcoal”
- ᴺQ. !imbacindë n. “harlot” ⇐ Q. im- + ᴹ√MBAKH + Q. -ndë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !immolaitië n. “self-praise” ⇐ Q. immo + Q. laita- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !immotuntië n. “conscience, (lit.) self-perceiving” ⇐ Q. immo + tunta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !immoturië n. “self-control” ⇐ Q. immo + Q. tur- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !imnetyala adj. “hypocritical, (lit.) self-adorning” ⇐ Q. im- + Q. netya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !imnetyalë n. “hypocrisy, (lit.) self-adornment” ⇐ Q. im- + Q. netya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !imnetyando n. “hypocrite” ⇐ Q. im- + Q. netya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !intu pron. “themselves (dual)” ⇐ Q. im- + Q. tu [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !iquindo n. “beggar” ⇐ iqu- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !istyalóra adj. “ignorant” ⇐ ᴹQ. istya + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. laistila “ignorant”
- ᴺQ. !lahtalë n. “passover” ⇐ Q. lahta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laimaril n. “emerald” ⇐ Q. laica + ᴹQ. maril [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laiquelis (laiqueliss-) n. “rue (plant)” ⇐ Q. laiquë + Q. lissë² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laitië n. “praising, honour” ⇐ Q. laita- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laitima adj. “honourable, praiseworthy” ⇐ Q. laita- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lalevítë adj. “lame” ⇐ Q. la- + lev- + Q. -itë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lancöa n. “tent, (lit.) cloth shelter” ⇐ ᴹQ. lanne + Q. cöa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lapsarwa adj. “pregnant, (lit.) baby-having” ⇐ ᴹQ. lapse + ᴹQ. arwa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lapselunga “pregnant, (lit.) baby-heavy”
- ᴺQ. !larnelta n. “mile; *(lit.) league third” ⇐ Q. lár + √NEL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !latil n. “key” < √LAT¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lávima adj. “permissible” ⇐ ᴹQ. lav-² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lelelya- v. “to go on travelling, keep travelling” ⇐ Q. lelya-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lenya pron. “yours (plural)” ⇐ Q. le [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lepenquain num. card. “fifty” ⇐ Q. lempë + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lepenquëan num. card. “fifty” ⇐ Q. lempë + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lepenquain “fifty”
- ᴺQ. !lerca- v. “to flee” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lercië n. “flight, fleeing” ⇐ !lerca- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lesta- v. “to measure” ⇐ ᴹQ. #lesta [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lihta n. “seal” ⇐ Q. líco [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lihta- v. “to seal” ⇐ Q. líco [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lihtaina adj. “sealed” ⇐ !lihta- (passive-participle) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lilma n. “patch” ⇐ ᴹ√DIL + ✶-mā [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !limpevorma n. “wine-press” ⇐ ᴹQ. limpe + √WOR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !limpunqua adj. “drunken” ⇐ ᴹQ. limpe + Q. -inqua [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !limpunquië n. “drunkenness” ⇐ !limpunqua [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lincantëa adj. “diverse, (lit.) many shaped” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + Q. canta² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lingwimo n. “fisherman” ⇐ Q. #lingwë + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !linquemir n. “hyacinth [jewel]” ⇐ Q. linquë¹ + Q. mírë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !liv- v. “to anoint” < ᴹ√(G)LIB [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lornatála adj. “sleep-inducing” ⇐ !lornata- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !luhtya- v. “extinguish, *quench” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !luicarnë adj. “purple” ⇐ Q. luinë + Q. carnë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lúmincë n. “minute, moment” ⇐ Q. lúmë¹ + Q. #-incë [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !lungwë n. “pound” < ᴹ√LUG¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lurwë n. “threat” < ᴱ√LURU [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lyenya pron. “yours (polite)” ⇐ Q. lye [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !maicámima adj. “acceptable, (lit.) well-receivable” ⇐ Q. mai + Q. #cam- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cávima “acceptable”
- ᴺQ. !maicarindo n. “benefactor” ⇐ Q. mai + Q. car- + Q. -ndo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !maicëa adj. “edged” ⇐ Q. maica² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !címëa “edged”
- ᴺQ. !malatsar (malatsarn-) n. “chrysolite” ⇐ Q. malta + Q. #sar [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !málëa adj. “healthy, healthful” ⇐ Q. málë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mánacestië n. “intercession, (lit.) boon-seeking” ⇐ Q. mána + Q. cesta-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mancanómë n. “market, market-place” ⇐ ᴹQ. manka- + Q. #nómë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mandontur n. “jailer” ⇐ Q. mando + Q. -tur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !milpialda n. “olive tree” ⇐ !milpio + Q. alda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !milpio n. “olive, (lit.) oily-berry” ⇐ millo + pio [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !minatec- v. “to record, (lit.) into-write” ⇐ Q. mina + ᴹQ. tek- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mirquet- v. “to persuade, (lit.) into-talk” ⇐ ᴹQ. mir + Q. quet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mirquétala adj. “persuasive” ⇐ !mirquet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mirupio n. “grape, (lit.) wine-berry” ⇐ miru + pio
- ᴺQ. !mólië n. “slavery, thralldom” ⇐ Q. mól [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !molindo n. “worker” ⇐ Q. mol- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mótaro “worker”
- ᴺQ. !mortavar n. “ebony, ⚠️ivory” ⇐ √MOR + ᴹQ. tavar [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mulmanen n. “mill” ⇐ mulma + ᴹQ. men [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. mulmin “mill”
- ᴺQ. !mulondo n. “millstone” ⇐ mul- + Q. ondo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mundollë n. “calf” ⇐ Q. mundo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nahtar n. “slayer, murderer” ⇐ Q. nahta-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !naico n. “goat” < ✶nayakō [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nainaima adj. “lamentable” ⇐ ᴹQ. naina-
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nainima adj. “lamentable” ⇐ ᴹQ. naina- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nainaima “lamentable”
- ᴺQ. !naiquéto n. “blasphemer” ⇐ Q. naiquet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] naitya- v. “to put to shame, abuse, *rebuke; ⚠️to damage, hurt” < √NAY¹
- ᴺQ. !naityalë n. “shame” ⇐ naitya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !naityana adj. “shamed, ashamed” ⇐ naitya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nambírë n. “jasper” ⇐ Q. mírë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !námima adj. “culpable, (lit.) judgeable” ⇐ Q. nam- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !námocombë n. “tribunal” ⇐ Q. nam- + Q. (o)combë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !námondur n. “court-attendant, (lit.) judge-servants” ⇐ Q. námo² + Q. -(n)dur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nampaitya- v. “to pay back” ⇐ Q. nan- + paitya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nampaityalë n. “paying back, *restitution” ⇐ !nampaitya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nananta- v. “to give back, *return [something]” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. anta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nancam- v. “to receive back” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. #cam- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. #cav- “to receive, *accept, ⚠️require, cost”
- ᴺQ. !nancárima adj. “destructible” ⇐ Q. #nancar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nancarindo n. “destroyer” ⇐ Q. #nancar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nancáro n. “destroyer” ⇐ Q. #nancar- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nancarpa- v. “to talk back” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. carpa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^pahta- “to speak, talk (intransitive)”
- ᴺQ. !nanhanquet- v. “to answer back” ⇐ Q. nan- + !hanquet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nanquer- v. “to turn back, turn around” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. quer- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nanquet-¹ v. “to talk back, speak against” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. quet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nantar- v. “to stand back” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. #tar-² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nanwenta- v. “to send back” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. menta-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanwerë n. “ransom” ⇐ Q. nan- + ᴹ✶wedā [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nanwera “ransom”
- ᴺQ. !narrundo n. “torch” ⇐ Q. nár + ᴹQ. runda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nasal [þ] n. “guest” < ✶nathlo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nastalaima n. “thistle, (lit.) spear plant” ⇐ ᴹQ. nasta + Q. laima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë “thistle, (lit.) needle-stalk”
- ᴺQ. !nastaro n. “scorpion” ⇐ ᴹQ. nasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nattírima adj. “despicable” ⇐ Q. nattira- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !naumë [ñ-] n. “falsehood” < √ÑGAW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laitelë “falsehood”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nauna [ñ-] adj. “false” < √ÑGAW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laitë “false”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !naunië [ñ-] n. “falsehood” ⇐ !nauna [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laitelë “falsehood”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nauta-¹ [ñ-] v. “to falsify” < √ÑGAW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !laitita- “to falsify”
- ᴺQ. !nauya- v. “to conceive [of an idea]” < ᴹ√NOW [created by Paul Strack]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nelequain num. card. “thirty” ⇐ Q. neldë + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !nelquain “thirty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nelequëan num. card. “thirty” ⇐ Q. neldë + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nelquain “thirty”
- ᴺQ. !nelmasirpë [þ] n. “thistle, (lit.) needle-stalk” ⇐ nelma + sirpë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nesta-² v. “to heal” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. hasa- “to treat (medically), (help to) cure; to treat kindly, make easy”
- Q. #envinyata- “to renew, heal, *restore”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nestando n. “healer, physician” ⇐ !nesta-² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. asarta “doctor, leech”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] net- [ñ-] v. “to get, *obtain” < ^ᴺ√Ñ(G)ET [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !neterquain num. card. “ninety” ⇐ Q. nertë + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !neterquëan num. card. “ninety” ⇐ Q. nertë + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !neterquain “ninety”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nindornë n. “palm-tree” ⇐ ᴹQ. ninde + Q. ornë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^paltalda “palm tree”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ninquima n. “frankincense” ⇐ Q. ninquë + Q. ma¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aranisquë “frankincense”
- ᴺQ. !nirmunqua adj. “willful” ⇐ Q. nirmë + Q. -inqua [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !níta- v. “to weep, cry [tears]” < ᴹ√NEY [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nólaimë n. “foreshadowing” ⇐ Q. nó¹ + ᴹQ. laime [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !apaquet- “to forebode, foretell, predict”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nollo adv. “already” ⇐ Q. nó¹ + Q. -llo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- ᴺQ. !nónarë n. “generation” ⇐ Q. #nóna + Q. #-rë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nónië n. “birth” ⇐ Q. #nóna [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. nosta “birth, ⚠️birthday”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nórecáno n. “governer, (lit.) country-leader” ⇐ Q. nórë + Q. cáno [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nóretur “governer, (lit.) country-ruler”
- ᴺQ. !nóretur n. “governer, (lit.) country-ruler” ⇐ Q. nórë + Q. -tur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nossetur n. “patriarch, family head” ⇐ Q. nos(së) + Q. -tur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nostarenca adj. “orphaned, (lit.) parent-less” ⇐ Q. #nostar + Q. -enca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nur- v. “to serve” ⇐ √(N)DUR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !veuya- “to serve”
- ᴹQ. nur- “to grow/be dark”
- ᴺQ. !núrë n. “maid servant, servant-woman” ⇐ ᴹQ. núro [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !núromolië n. “ministry, (lit.) servant-labour” ⇐ ᴹQ. núro + mólë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nurrulë n. “murmuring” ⇐ Q. nurru- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nyarda- v. “to preach” < ᴹ√NYAR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !nyardar n. “preacher” ⇐ !nyarda- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !öatarië n. “apostasy, (lit.) away-standing” ⇐ Q. öa + Q. #tar-² (gerund) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ofelmë n. “sympathy, compassion, pity, *(lit.) together-feeling” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. felmë [created by David Kiltz, PPQ, Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] olpë n. “bottle”
- ᴺQ. !ongwemo n. “criminal, transgressor” ⇐ Q. ongwë + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !orda- v. “to threaten” < √GOR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ortirmo n. “overseer” ⇐ Q. or + Q. #tirmo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ortur- v. “to overpower, conquer, prevail” ⇐ Q. or + Q. tur- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !orvamir n. “chrysoprase, (lit.) apple-jewel” ⇐ orva + Q. mírë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !oscaita- v. “to surround, (lit.) around-lie” ⇐ !os + Q. caita-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !oscir- v. “to circumcise, (lit.) around-cut” ⇐ !os + Q. #cir- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ospor n. “chaff” ⇐ ᴹ√OS + ᴹ√POR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ostimmir n. “agate, (lit.) blend-jewel” ⇐ Q. #ostimë + Q. mírë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !otarmië n. “colonnade” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. tarma [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !otoquain num. card. “seventy” ⇐ Q. otso + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !otoquëan num. card. “seventy” ⇐ Q. otso + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !otoquain “seventy”
- ᴺQ. !pahtando n. “orator” ⇐ ^pahta-
- ᴺQ. !pairë n. “vengeance, revenge” < ᴺ√PAY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pairemo n. “avenger” ⇐ !pairë
- ᴺQ. !paireta- v. “to avenge, take vengance” < ᴺ√PAY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paitya- v. “to repay, requite” < ᴺ√PAY
- ᴺQ. !paityalë n. “reward, payment” ⇐ paitya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palasta- v. “to splash, sprinkle” < ᴱ√PALAS [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^falarya- “to splash, ⚠️foam”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palastië n. “splashing” ⇐ !palasta- (gerund) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !falarië “splashing, splash”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palma² n. “tablet” < √PAL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !paluhtincë “tablet”
- ᴺQ. !paluhtincë n. “tablet” ⇐ ^paluhta [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palúna adj. “swollen” ⇐ ᴱQ. pulu- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴹQ. tiuya- “to swell, grow fat”
- ᴺQ. !parahta- v. “to dry” < ᴹ√PARAK [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !parta- v. “to arrange, compose, order” < √PAR¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !partalë n. “order, orderliness, organization” ⇐ !parta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !partië n. “arrangement, composition” ⇐ !parta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pásë [þ] n. “linen” < √PATH [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !páselannë [þ] n. “linen-cloth” ⇐ !pásë + ᴹQ. lanne [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !páselarma [þ] n. “linen-raiment” ⇐ !pásë + Q. #larma [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pat n. “step” < *√PAT [created by Paul Strack]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !pëantar n. “teacher” ⇐ pëanta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !noltar “teacher”
- ᴺQ. !pellauca adj. “lukewarm” ⇐ Q. #per- + Q. lauca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pellopë n. “donkey, ass” ⇐ Q. #per- + ᴹ√LOP [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pérappa n. “bridle, (lit.) lip-rope” ⇐ Q. pé + !rappa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !peresta- v. “to disturb” < ᴹ√PERES [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !perestië n. “disturbance” ⇐ !peresta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !perranga n. “cubit” ⇐ Q. #per- + Q. ranga [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !picara n. “leopard” ⇐ ᴹ√PIK + Q. †rá¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !piemillo n. “olive oil” ⇐ pio + millo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pihta- v. “to shrink” < ᴹ√PIK [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pocollë n. “pouch” ⇐ poco [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pulmaxë n. “leaven(ing), *yeast” ⇐ ᴺ√PUL + ᴹQ. makse¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !pulta- v. “to make swell, leaven” < ᴺ√PUL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !quaihúmë num. card. “myriad, (lit.) ten thousand” ⇐ Q. quëan + húmë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !quaptando n. “money-changer, (lit.) exchanger” ⇐ quapta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !quequer- v. “to wag” ⇐ Q. quer- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !quernamo n. “proselyte, convert” ⇐ Q. #querna + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !quiltalannë n. “apron” ⇐ quilta + ᴹQ. lanne [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raitando n. “gospel” ⇐ Q. raita-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. evandilyon “gospel”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raito n. “fisher” ⇐ Q. raita-¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !lingwimo “fisherman”
- ᴺQ. !rantarwa n. “partner” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !rantië¹ n. “party” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !rantië² n. “tribute” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rapa- v. “to snatch” < ᴱ√RAPA [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. raf- “[ᴹQ.] to snatch, seize; ⚠️to wave, brandish”
- ᴺQ. !ráquen n. “representative, ambassador” ⇐ Q. rá² + Q. quén [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !raucëa adj. “demonic” ⇐ Q. rauca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !rehto n. “savior” ⇐ Q. #rehta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !relyávalda n. “fig-tree” ⇐ !relyávë + Q. alda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !relyávë n. “fig” ⇐ ᴹ√RED + Q. yávë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ren- v. “to remember” < √REN [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !rénë n. “memory” < √REN [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !renta- v. “to remind” < √REN [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !rerindo n. “sower” ⇐ ᴹQ. #rer- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !restandië n. “furlong” ⇐ ᴹQ. resta + Q. anda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ret- v. “to climb” < √RET [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rinqua adj. “revolving, returning, recurrent; ⚠️round, circular” < ᴹ√RIN
- ᴺQ. !rocollë n. “colt” < ᴹ√ROK [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sahtando [þ] n. “tempter” ⇐ Q. sahta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úsahtando “tempter”
- ᴺQ. !sailiendil n. “philosopher” ⇐ Q. saila + Q. -(n)dil [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sála n. “gall, bile” < ᴹ√SAG [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !salquecápo n. “grasshopper” ⇐ ᴹQ. salqe + ᴹQ. kap- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !salquecolca n. “manger, (lit.) grass-box” ⇐ ᴹQ. salqe + colca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !salta- v. “to strain, winnow” < ᴱ√SḶTḶ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^silta- “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !saltama n. “winnowing-fork” ⇐ !salta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. ^silta- “to sift, sort out, winnow”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sámalórië n. “madness” ⇐ Q. sáma + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. sanar “mind, thinker, reflector”
- ᴺQ. !santa- [þ] v. “to decide” < ᴹ√STAN [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !santië [þ] n. “decision” ⇐ !santa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sanwelunga adj. “serious, (lit.) thought-heavy” ⇐ Q. sanwë + ᴹQ. lunga [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sanwelungië n. “seriousness” ⇐ !sanwelunga [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sányelóra [þ] adj. “lawless” ⇐ ᴹQ. sanye + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sanyelórië [þ] n. “lawlessness” ⇐ !sányelóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sanyengolmo [þ] n. “lawyer” ⇐ ᴹQ. sanye + Q. ingolmo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sapta- v. “to convince, (lit.) make believe” < √SAB [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !sáquetië n. “agreement” ⇐ Q. sáquet-
- ᴺQ. !sarnomo n. “banker” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sarnunta [þ] n. “diadem” ⇐ Q. #sar [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sarya- v. “to stone” < ᴹ√SAR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !savielóra adj. “unbelieving, belief-less” ⇐ Q. #sav- + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !savindo n. “believer” ⇐ Q. #sav- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !sávula adj. “credulous, gullible” ⇐ Q. #sav- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !sendarë n. “sabbath, day of rest” ⇐ ᴹQ. senda + Q. ré [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sendassë n. “inn, guest-house” ⇐ ᴹQ. senda [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sinapio n. “mustard” ⇐ pio [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sinilë n. “topaz” ⇐ ^sincë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sintacénëa [þ] adj. “short-sighted” ⇐ ᴹQ. sinta + Q. #cen [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sentacenya “short-sighted”
- ᴺQ. !sinyemat [þ] n. “dinner, evening meal” ⇐ ᴹQ. sinye + ᴹQ. mat [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sorastarwa adj. “furnished, equipped” ⇐ ᴹQ. sorasta [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !sortöa [þ] n. “aloe, (lit.) eaglewood” ⇐ ᴹ√THOR(ON) + Q. töa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sumbando n. “baptizer” ⇐ sumba- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tumyando “baptizer”
- ᴺQ. !talmondo n. “foundation stone” ⇐ Q. #talma¹ + Q. ondo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tarastië n. “trouble” ⇐ !tarasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tarwandur n. “gardener” ⇐ tarwa + Q. -(n)dur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tëalë n. “meaning” ⇐ Q. tëa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !teccelma n. “scroll, parchment, (lit.) writing-skin” ⇐ ᴹQ. tek- + ᴹQ. helma
- ᴺQ. !telpetan n. “silversmith” ⇐ Q. telpë + Q. tamo¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !telpevistando n. “money-changer” ⇐ Q. telpë + Q. vista- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tengwalóra adj. “unlettered” ⇐ Q. tengwa + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !térala adj. “piercing” ⇐ ter- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴱQ. ter- “*to pierce”
- ᴺQ. !térata- v. “to straighten” ⇐ ᴹQ. téra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tératië n. “correction, (lit.) straightening” ⇐ !térata- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tercénima adj. “transparent” ⇐ Q. ter + Q. cénima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. liquistëa “transparent, *clear”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tercol- v. “to endure, carry through” ⇐ Q. ter + Q. #col- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. termar- “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
- ᴺQ. !tirmen n. “theater” ⇐ Q. tir- + ᴹQ. men [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tiuma n. “grape” < ᴹ√TIW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mirupio “grape, (lit.) wine-berry”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !toloquain num. card. “eighty” ⇐ Q. toldo + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !tolquain “eighty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !toloquëan num. card. “eighty” ⇐ Q. toldo + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tolquain “eighty”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !toluparma n. “scroll, (lit.) roll-book” ⇐ ᴱQ. tolu- + Q. parma [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !teccelma “scroll, parchment, (lit.) writing-skin”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !torya- v. “to strengthen” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴹQ. turya- “to strengthen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulcarpa- v. “to rebuke” ⇐ Q. carpa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. naitya- “to put to shame, abuse, *rebuke; ⚠️to damage, hurt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulcarpië n. “rebuke” ⇐ !tulcarpa- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. naitya- “to put to shame, abuse, *rebuke; ⚠️to damage, hurt”
- ᴺQ. !tulla n. “rudder” < √TUR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tumya- v. “to dip, baptize” < ᴱ√TUM(B)U [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tumyando n. “baptizer” ⇐ !tumya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tungwemen n. “tax-office” ⇐ !tungwë + ᴹQ. men [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tungwemo n. “tax-collector” ⇐ !tungwë + Q. -mo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] túrion (túriond-) n. “palace” < √TUR
- ᴺQ. !tuxantur n. “centurion” ⇐ tuxa + Q. -tur [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tyastaima adj. “testable” ⇐ tyasta-
- ᴺQ. !tyávelassë n. “spice, (lit.) taste-leaf” ⇐ Q. tyávë + Q. lassë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tyenya n. “yours (familiar)” ⇐ Q. tye [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyer- v. “to worship” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aita-¹ “to revere, worship”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyerindo n. “worshiper” ⇐ !tyer- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !aitamo “worshiper”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyestima adj. “testable” ⇐ tyasta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !tyastaima “testable”
- ᴺQ. !úcarindë n. “sinner (f.)” ⇐ Q. #úcarindo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úcarunqua adj. “sinful” ⇐ Q. #úcarë + Q. -inqua [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úcim- v. “disregard” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴱQ. kim- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úfailië n. “unrighteousness” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. faila [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úhandë n. “unreason, incomprehension” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴹQ. hande [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úhandëa adj. “witless” ⇐ !úhandë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úhep- v. “to lose, (lit.) to un-keep” ⇐ Q. ú- + !hep- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !penta- “to lose”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úhepië n. “loss” ⇐ !úhep- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !penta- “to lose”
- ᴺQ. !úlaita- v. “to dishonour” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. laita- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úlaitima adj. “disgraceful, dishonourable” ⇐ !úlaita- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ulcarindo n. “evil-doer” ⇐ Q. ulca + Q. car- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ulculóra adj. “without evil” ⇐ Q. ulco + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úlévima adj. “paralyzed, ⚠️lame” ⇐ Q. ú- + lev- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ulma n. “flagon, *pitcher” ⇐ √UL + ✶-mā
- ᴺQ. !ulquet- v. “to accuse” ⇐ Q. ulca + Q. quet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ulquetië n. “accusation” ⇐ !ulquet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !ulquéto n. “accuser” ⇐ !ulquet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !únet- v. “to lose, (lit.) to un-get” ⇐ Q. ú- + net- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !penta- “to lose”
- ᴺQ. !únut- v. “to untie” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴹQ. #nut-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] uo adv. “together”
- ᴺQ. !uomë n. “community” ⇐ uo [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úpartalë n. “unorder, *disorder” ⇐ !partalë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úpoica adj. “unclean” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴹQ. poika [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úpuhta- v. “to fornicate” ⇐ Q. ú- + ^puhta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhta- “to fornicate”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úpuhtalë n. “fornication” ⇐ !úpuhta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !hrupuhtië “fornication”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úpuhtië n. “adultery” ⇐ !úpuhta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vestaracië “adultery, (lit.) marriage-breaking”
- ᴺQ. !urulanya n. “wick, (lit.) fire-thread” ⇐ ᴹQ. úr + Q. #lanya [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !urustamitta n. “copper-piece” ⇐ !urusta + ᴱQ. mitta² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !urustan (urustam-) n. “copper-smith” ⇐ Q. urus + Q. tamo¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !úsahtando [þ] n. “tempter” ⇐ Q. úsahtië
- ᴺQ. !ussar (ussard-) n. “sulphur, (lit.) fire-stone” ⇐ ᴹQ. úr + Q. #sar [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !útancië n. “uncertainty” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴹQ. tanka [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !útulya- v. “to mislead” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. tulya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !útulyando n. “deceiver, (lit.) mis-leader” ⇐ !útulya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !útúrima adj. “unruly” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. tur- + Q. -ima [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !valatë n. “pride” < √BAL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !valatëa adj. “proud” ⇐ !valatë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vartando n. “betrayer” ⇐ !varta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !varto “betrayer”
- ᴺQ. !vartië n. “betrayal” ⇐ !varta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !venya pron. “ours (inclusive)” ⇐ Q. ve² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !verulóra adj. and n. “widowed; widow” ⇐ Q. veru + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vestaracië n. “adultery, (lit.) marriage-breaking” ⇐ ᴹQ. vesta¹ + Q. rac- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vetta- v. “to witness” < √GWETH [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vettë n. “(act of) witnessing” ⇐ !vetta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vettëa adj. “witnessing” ⇐ !vettë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vetto n. “witness” ⇐ !vetta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !veumë n. “service” < ᴹ√BEW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë “service”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vev- v. “to serve” < ᴹ√BEW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !veuya- “to serve”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vevië n. “service” < ᴹ√BEW [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë “service”
- ᴺQ. !vielóra n. “eunuch” ⇐ ᴱQ. vie + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vinyanóna adj. “new-born” ⇐ Q. vinya + Q. #nóna [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vircolca n. “basket, (lit.) woven-box” ⇐ √WIR + colca [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vírina adj. “woven” ⇐ √WIR [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !vorotailë n. “procrastination, (lit.) ever-extension” ⇐ ᴹQ. vor(o)- + Q. #tailë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !vorotaita- v. “procrastinate, (lit.) ever-prolong” ⇐ ᴹQ. vor(o)- + ᴹQ. taita- [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !yac- v. “to offer, sacrifice” < ᴱ✶dı̯ag- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yacië n. “offering, [act of] sacrificing” ⇐ !yac- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yácina adj. “sacrificed” ⇐ !yac- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yanca n. “sacrifice” ⇐ !yac- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yangwa n. “altar” ⇐ !yac- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yávelóra adj. “fruitless” ⇐ Q. yávë + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yestië n. “beginning” ⇐ !yesta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yomencöa n. “synagogue, (lit.) meeting-house” ⇐ Q. yomenië + Q. cöa [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yonávë n. “company, *companionship, camaraderie” ⇐ Q. #yo- + Q. ná- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yúquëan num. card. “twenty” ⇐ Q. yu- + Q. quëan [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !yuquain “twenty”
- ᴺQ. !yutya- v. “to lend, loan” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
Version 0.6.9
- ᴺQ. !ahtarulas(së) n. “responsibility, (lit.) aptitude to react” ⇐ ahtar- + Q. *-ula [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !aia adj. “strange, unusual” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ailumë² adv. “sometimes, at times” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ᴺQ. !ailumë¹ “anytime”
- ᴺQ. !aimanen adv. “however” ⇐ Q. ai² + Q. manen [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ainima pron. “any kind of” ⇐ Q. ai² [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- Q. ainima “blessed, holy (of things)”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aiqua pron. “anything, whatever” ⇐ Q. ai² + ᴹ√KWA [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !aima “anything, whatever”
- ᴺQ. !airalindë n. “hymn, (lit.) holy song” ⇐ Q. airë¹ + Q. #lindë [created by Damien Bador]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !airelinna n. “hymn, (lit.) holy song” ⇐ Q. airë¹ + √LIN² [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !airalindë “hymn, (lit.) holy song”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !aiwestë n. “bird’s nest” ⇐ Q. aiwë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !hausta “nest”
- ᴺQ. !alafasta adj. “tidy, orderly” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + ᴹQ. fasta-¹ [created by Sami Paldanius, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !alamirwa adj. “cheap, not precious, not expensive” ⇐ Q. mirwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alaquen pron. “nobody, no one” ⇐ Q. al(a)-¹ + Q. quén [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !alquen “nobody, no one”
- ᴺQ. !alasatya [þ] adj. “common, general, *communal, (lit.) not private” ⇐ Q. satya [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alasta-² v. “to be merry, rejoice” < ᴹ√GALAS [created by Tamas Ferencz, Helge Fauskanger, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !alarya- “to be happy or merry, rejoice”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alatya- v. “to shield, ward off, ⚠️protect” < √ALAK
- ᴺQ. !alcarya- v. “to glorify” ⇐ Q. alcar [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !alimya adj. “different, (lit.) not-same” ⇐ Q. imya [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !alavéla “different, various [pl.]”
- ᴺQ. !almien interj. “cheers, (lit.) to good fortune” ⇐ ᴹQ. alma [created by Mellonath Daeron, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !altarnië n. “empire” ⇐ ᴹQ. alta + Q. #aranië [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !amatírë n. “hope” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. estel “hope, trust, *faith”
- ᴺQ. !amavil- v. “to fly up, soar” ⇐ Q. #am- + ᴹQ. vil- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !ambahep- v. “to maintain, (lit.) upkeep” ⇐ Q. amba¹ + !hep- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !ambarya adj. “worldwide, world-wide, international, global” ⇐ Q. Ambar [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !Américárin adj. “American” [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !amilosto n. “metropolis” ⇐ Q. amil(lë) + Q. osto [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !amna adv. “almost” ⇐ Q. am(be)na [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !ampícië adv. “less” ⇐ Q. #pic- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !analelya- v. “to approach” ⇐ ana- + Q. lelya-¹ [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !anasirë n. “tributary” ⇐ ana- + Q. sír(ë) [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !andë n. “length” ⇐ Q. anda [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !angaraxa n. “train” ⇐ Q. anga + Q. raxa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !angulóceluntë n. “dragon boat” ⇐ ᴹQ. angulóke + Q. luntë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !angwenda n. “chain” < ᴹ√WED [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. limil “chain”
- ᴺQ. !annún adv. “at least” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !anquantaina adj. “complete, thoroughly filled” ⇐ Q. quanta- [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !antac- v. “to apply” < √TAK [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !antelwa adj. “later, (lit.) very late” ⇐ telwa
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !anwavë adv. “surely, certainly” ⇐ ᴹQ. anwa + Q. -vë [created by ABNW]
- Q. naitië “indeed, truly, *really”
- ᴺQ. !anyaitië n. “range, reach, distance of capability” ⇐ Q. anya- + Q. -itë [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !anyára adj. “elder, *senior” ⇐ Q. an- + Q. yára [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !apacíta- v. “to assume, make premature judgements” ⇐ Q. apa¹ + Q. cíta- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !nóquista- “to assume, make premature judgements”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !apalúmë n. “future, (lit.) after-time” ⇐ Q. apa¹ + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. tulurya “future, coming”
- ᴺQ. !apterya- v. “to repair, fix” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. ferya- [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !arantyalmë n. “chess, (lit.) king-game” ⇐ Q. aran + !tyalmë [created by Lucas Novak, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !arassë n. “deer, hart, stag” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !arasso “hart, stag, (male) deer”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !arcöa n. “palace, (lit.) noble-house” ⇐ Q. ar(a)- + Q. cöa [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. túrion “palace”
- ᴺQ. !ardahyalma n. “[planetary] crust” ⇐ Q. Arda + ᴹQ. hyalma [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !árinqua adj. “sunny, (lit.) sunlight-full” ⇐ Q. árë + Q. -inqua [created by ABNW]
- Q. calina “light, bright, sunny, (lit.) illumined”
- ᴺQ. !arquenië n. “nobility” ⇐ Q. arquen [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !artapano n. “chessboard” ⇐ Q. arata + ᴹQ. pano [created by Tamas Ferencz, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquet- v. “to converse, debate” ⇐ √THAR¹ + √KWET [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !lanquet- “to converse, debate, *discuss”
- ᴹQ. costa- “to quarrel, [ᴱQ.] debate, dispute, *argue”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !artaquetta n. “debate, discussion” ⇐ !artaquet- [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
- ᴺQ. !artatúrë n. “government” ⇐ Q. arata + Q. #túrë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !aryata- v. “to improve” ⇐ Q. arya [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !asamahtë [þ] adj. “simple, (lit.) easily handled” ⇐ Q. as(a)- + Q. mahta- [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
- ᴺQ. !ascara adj. “violent, rushing, impetuous” < ᴹ✶askarā [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !ascénië [þ] adv. “obviously, *(lit.) easily seen” ⇐ Q. as(a)- + Q. cen- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !Asiya n. “Asia” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !astaincë n. “particle” ⇐ Q. asta + Q. #-incë [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !astal n. “valour” < √STAL [created by David Salo, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !astamo n. “member” ⇐ Q. asta + Q. -mo [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !asyar [þ] n. “assistant” ⇐ Q. asya- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !at- v. “to catch, capture” < ᴹ√GAT [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atacar- v. “to revenge, (lit.) back-make” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. car- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !paireta- “to avenge, take vengance”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atacarmë n. “vengeance, reaction” ⇐ Q. carmë [created by Ales Bican, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !ahtarië “reaction; ⚠️vengeance”
- ᴺQ. !pairë “vengeance, revenge”
- ᴺQ. !atamenta- v. “to transmit” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. menta-¹ [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !atamentië n. “transmission” ⇐ !atamenta- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !atesta- v. “to mention” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + ᴹQ. esta-¹ [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atomë n. “atom” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- Q. #únehta “*atom”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !atomëa adj. “atomic” ⇐ !atomë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- Q. #únehta “*atom”
- ᴺQ. !atyenárë n. “anniversary” ⇐ Q. at(a)- + Q. yén + Q. ré [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !aucol- v. “to remove, (lit.) bear away” ⇐ Q. #col- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !auma n. “machine” < ᴹ√GAW [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. ^indya “device, machine, engine”
- ᴺQ. !aumanca- v. “to sell, (lit.) trade away” ⇐ Q. au- + ᴹQ. manka- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !aupenya adj. “complete, without lack” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. penya [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] auqua adj. “awkward, clumsy ⚠️(of things), difficult” < ^ᴺ✶GAWAK
- ᴺQ. !ausatië adv. “especially, (lit.) setting aside” ⇐ Q. au- + Q. sat- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aut (auc-) n. “fool, clumsy fellow” < ^ᴺ✶GAWAK « ᴱQ. auk [created by Damien Bador]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !autamar (autamard-) n. “museum, (lit.) hall of the past” ⇐ Q. auta-¹ + Q. mar(da) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !vanwiémar “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
- ᴺQ. !avamarwa adj. “homeless” ⇐ ᴹQ. ava- + Q. már [created by Greta Rudolph, Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !avanev- v. “to avoid, (lit.) refuse to face” ⇐ Q. ava-¹ + √NEB [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !avarta- v. “to abandon” < ᴹ√WAR [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !cacátu- v. “to design, shape or fashion slowly” ⇐ √KAT [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cahta n. “cause, motive, reason” < ᴺ√KAH « ᴱQ. kasta
- ᴺQ. !calampa n. “spoon” < ᴹ√KALPA [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !calarwa adj. “optical” ⇐ Q. calar [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !calatengwë n. “photograph, (lit.) light-writing” ⇐ Q. cala + Q. tengwë [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !calta n. “picture, photography” < √KAL [created by ABNW]
- Q. emma “picture, *image”
- Q. #calta- “to kindle, [ᴹQ.] (cause to) shine, light up, [ᴱQ.] set light to”
- ᴺQ. !cambië n. “profit, gain, intake, income” < √KAB [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !camtanë n. “adaptation” ⇐ ✶kamta- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ✶camta- “to (make) fit, suit, accomodate, adapt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !camya- v. “to contain, hold” < √KAM [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !cava- “to contain, hold”
- ᴺQ. !cantemma n. “shaped image, sculpture” ⇐ Q. canta² + Q. emma [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cantilya adj. “quadrangular” ⇐ !cantil [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !car n. “act, an action” < √KAR [created by Helge Fauskanger, VQP]
- Q. carda “deed, *action”
- ᴺQ. !cariendë n. “production, process of manufacture” < ✶kariyendi [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cariquetta n. “verb” ⇐ Q. car- + Q. quetta [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !carpo n. “frog” < ᴹ√KAP [created by Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]
- Q. quácë “frog”
- ᴺQ. !catamen n. “background, milieu” ⇐ Q. #ca(ta) + ᴹQ. men [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !catassa n. “anus, arsehole, (lit.) behind-hole” ⇐ Q. #ca(ta) + ᴹQ. assa¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cecenna- v. “to visit” < √KEN [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cellóra adj. “blind, sightless” ⇐ Q. #cen + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
- ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
- ᴺQ. !celvatarwa n. “zoo, (lit.) life-garden” ⇐ Q. #celva + tarwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !celwë n. “spring, source” < √KEL [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. ^celu “source, origin”
- ᴺQ. !cemië n. “chemistry” < ᴹ√KEM [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !cemievëa adj. “chemical” ⇐ !cemië [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cemma n. “picture, (lit.) something seen” < √KEN [created by ABNW]
- Q. emma “picture, *image”
- ᴺQ. !cemorva n. “potato, (lit.) earth-apple” ⇐ ᴹ√KEM + orva [created by Yitzik]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cenenca adj. “blind, sightless” ⇐ Q. #cen + Q. -enca [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
- ᴺQ. lacenítë “unseeing, blind”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ceniril(lë) n. “mirror” [created by ABNW]
- Q. cilintilla “looking-glass, *mirror”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cennassë n. “pottery, ceramic vessel” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !centánië n. “ceramics, pottery-craft” ⇐ ᴹQ. kentano [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë “earthenware, pottery”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cenya- v. “to study” < √KEN [created by Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nolya- “to study, ⚠️learn”
- Q. henta- “to eye, examine, read, scan”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cer- v. “reap” [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !cirihta- “to reap, harvest”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cermië n. “harvest” ⇐ !cer- [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. yávië “autumn, harvest [time or act]”
- ᴺQ. !cesula [þ] adj. “inquisitive, curious” ⇐ Q. cesya- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cesyalima [þ] adj. “interesting” ⇐ Q. cesya- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cesyarëa “interesting”
- ᴺQ. !cesyarë [þ] n. “interest” ⇐ Q. cesya- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cilometer n. “kilometer” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !cilta- v. “to divide, separate” < √KIL [created by ABNW, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ciminqua adj. “attentive, heedful” ⇐ ᴱQ. kim- [created by Kevin B Walsh, VQP]
- Q. tirítë “watchful, vigilant”
- ᴺQ. !Cimrinórin n. “Welsh” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ciryapanda n. “haven, (lit.) ship-enclosure” ⇐ Q. cirya¹ + ᴹQ. panda [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. londë “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] road (in sea), fairway, entrance to harbour; gulf”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !combemen n. “museum” ⇐ Q. combë + ᴹQ. men [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !vanwiémar “museum, (lit.) hall of the past”
- ᴺQ. !cómë n. “file” < √KOM [created by Yitzik]
- ᴺQ. !cordamo n. “cleric” ⇐ corda + Q. -mo [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !coro prep. “around” < √KOR [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !os “around, about, ⚠️round”
- ᴺQ. !costula adj. “quarrelsome, belligerent” ⇐ ᴹQ. kosta- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuina- v. “to live, be alive” < √KUY [created by ABNW]
- Q. #coita- “[ᴹQ.] to live, be alive, have life”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuingolmë n. “biology” ⇐ √KUY + Q. nolmë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !coingolmë “biology”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !cuiva- v. “to awake” < √KUY [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. cuita- “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live”
- ᴺQ. !cuptamo n. “liar, deceiver” ⇐ !cupta-
- ᴺQ. !curwesta n. “technology” ⇐ Q. curwë + Q. -sta¹ [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !ëarina adj. “of the sea” ⇐ Q. ëar [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ëavëa adj. “universal, natural” ⇐ Q. Eä [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴹQ. ilúva “universal”
- ᴺQ. !nassëa² “natural”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ecar conj. “or” [created by ABNW]
- Q. hya¹ “or”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !eccat- v. “to fashion, make” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
- ᴺQ. !ecesta n. “opportunity, chance” < √KE/EKE [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !ehten n. “outlook, sight, view, spectacle” ⇐ √ET + √KEN [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !elecetomacnetëa adj. “electromagnetic” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !elengolmë n. “astronomy” ⇐ Q. elen + Q. nolmë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !élicombë n. “galaxy, collection of stars” ⇐ Q. †él (plural) + Q. (o)combë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !emerro n. “shepherd, herdsman” ⇐ Q. #emer- [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !emino n. “character (in a story)” < √EM¹ [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !endaurë n. “noon, (lit.) mid-day” ⇐ Q. enda + Q. aurë [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !Endëranda n. “Middle-Ages” ⇐ Q. endë + ᴹQ. randa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !eneques n. “rumor, (lit.) re-saying” ⇐ Q. en- + Q. eques [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !Ennosta n. “Renaissance” ⇐ Q. en- + nosta [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enwacuvindo n. “liar, cheater” ⇐ ᴹQ. enwa + Q. #cuv- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cuptamo “liar, deceiver”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !enwavë adv. “actually” ⇐ ᴹQ. enwa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nanwavë “truly, actually”
- ᴺQ. !enyálëa adj. “memorial” ⇐ Q. #enyalië [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !epeharmo n. “president” ⇐ Q. epë + Q. har- + Q. -mo [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !epello adv. “already” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. tensi “already, still, up to now/here; yet [from present]”
- ᴺQ. !eretildo n. “unicorn” ⇐ Q. er + Q. tildë [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !erta- v. “to unite” < √ER [created by David Salo, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !ertië n. “union” ⇐ !erta- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !essar- v. “to recross” < √THAR¹ [created by ABNW]
- Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
- ᴺQ. !estelya- v. “to hope” ⇐ Q. estel [created by Fayanzār]
- ᴺQ. !etelelya- v. “to go into exile, go out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. lelya-¹ [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etelenda adj. “exiled” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- < √LED [created by Boris Shapiro, Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. #etya “exiled”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etelerro n. “exile” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- < √LED [created by Boris Shapiro, Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. #etya “exiled”
- ᴺQ. !etementa- v. “to banish, send out, (lit.) out-send” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. menta-¹ [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !etetulië n. “outcome” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. tul- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !virda “outcome, result”
- ᴺQ. !etsatië adv. “especially” ⇐ Q. et + √SAT [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !etsen- v. “to let loose, release, forget” ⇐ Q. et + Q. sen- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ettelë n. “outer fence, encircling fence” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. ettelë “outer lands, foreign parts”
- ᴺQ. !ettirno n. “spy” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + Q. tir- [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !ettuc- v. “to draw out” ⇐ Q. #et(e)- + ᴹQ. tuk- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !exanen adv. “otherwise, in an other way” ⇐ Q. exa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !falassëa adj. “coastal” ⇐ Q. falassë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !Faranconórë n. “France” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !felminqua adj. “passionate, full of feeling” ⇐ Q. felmë + Q. -inqua [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !fendassë n. “doorway, gateway” ⇐ ᴹQ. fenda [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !feuna adj. “abhorred, aghast” ⇐ ᴹQ. feuya- [created by Matt Dinse, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !findimaitar n. “barber, hairdresser” ⇐ Q. findë + Q. maitar [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !fintemótalë n. “industry, (lit.) making toil” ⇐ Q. finta- + ᴹQ. móta- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !firta- v. “to kill” < √PHIR [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !qualta- “to kill, murder”
- ᴺQ. !fisica n. “physics” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !Foinicer n. “Phoenicians” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !fornúmen n. and adj. “northwest” ⇐ ᴹ√PHOR + Q. númen [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !forrómen n. and adj. “northeast” ⇐ ᴹ√PHOR + Q. rómen [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] fundu- v. “to thunder” [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. ^hundu- “to thunder”
- ᴺQ. !hailë n. “removal, distancing” < ᴹ√KHAY [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !haimëa adj. “habitual, ⚠️cultural” ⇐ ᴹQ. haime [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !haimelë n. “culture” ⇐ ᴹQ. haime [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !haimelëa adj. “cultural” ⇐ !haimelë
- ᴺQ. !hairië n. “distance, (lit.) farness” ⇐ ᴹQ. haira [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !haita- v. “to remove, (lit.) make distant” < ᴹ√KHAY [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hampë n. “clothing, garment” < ᴹ√KHAP [created by Ales Bican, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hap-¹ v. “to bind, restrain; ⚠️to retain, keep, detain” < √KHAP [created by Paul Strack; NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hap-² v. “to clothe, enfold” < ᴹ√KHAP [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. vaita- “to enfold, [ᴱQ.] wrap”
- ᴺQ. vaimata- “to [en]robe, *clothe; to get dressed, put on clothing”
- ᴺQ. !harno n. “possessor” ⇐ Q. #harya- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !hasaino [þ] n. “patient, (lit.) medically treated one” ⇐ Q. hasa- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !hasarëa [þ] adj. “medical” ⇐ !hasarë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hayassë n. “distance” < ᴹ√KHAY [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hairië “distance, (lit.) farness”
- ᴺQ. !heconna n. “child born out of wedlock, bastard” ⇐ √HEK + Q. onna [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !heldassë n. “nakedness” ⇐ ᴹQ. helda¹ [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !helet (helets-) n. “fur, fur-coat” < ᴹ√SKEL [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !Hellenórë n. “Greece, Greek people” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !henca adj. “rare (as opposite of dense)” < √HEK [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !hencalcat n. “eye-glasses, spectacles” ⇐ Q. #hen + Q. calca [created by Yitzik, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hendelë n. “window” ⇐ Q. #hen [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. lattin “window”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !henet (henets-) n. “window” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. lattin “window”
- ᴺQ. !hentópa n. “eyelid” ⇐ Q. #hen + ᴹQ. tópa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !herca conj. “or” < √HEK [created by ABNW]
- Q. hya¹ “or”
- ᴺQ. !hérosto n. “capital city” ⇐ Q. heru + Q. osto [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !herwa adj. “lordly” ⇐ Q. heru [created by ABNW]
- Q. arata “high, noble, exalted, lofty”
- ᴺQ. !hexan (hexamb-) n. “toilet, lavatory” ⇐ Q. heca + ᴹQ. sambe [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hilmë² n. “following (act of)” < √KHIL [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hilië “following (act of)”
- ᴺQ. !hilyalë n. “succession, dynasty” ⇐ ᴹQ. hilya- [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !himta- v. “to make stick, attach” < ᴹ√KHIM [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴹQ. himya- “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
- ᴺQ. !himyalë n. “connection” ⇐ ᴹQ. himya- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- v. “to adopt” < √KHIN [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !hlaimar (hlaimard-) n. “hospital” ⇐ ^hlaiwa + Q. mar(da) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !höassë n. “size” ⇐ Q. höa [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !hócilmë n. “example, outtake, selection, representative item” ⇐ Q. hó- + Q. cilmë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !hollo n. “cock, cockerel, rooster” < ✶khollō̆ [created by Gábor Lőrinczi, VQP]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^holtu- v. “to call out, *shout” < √KHOL² « ᴱQ. holtȯ- [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !holyë n. “hen” < ✶kholyē [created by Gábor Lőrinczi, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !hórista n. “citation, quotation, (lit.) something cut out” ⇐ Q. hó- + ᴹQ. rista [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !horna² adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !horina “driven under compulsion, impelled”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hótocië n. “tax” ⇐ Q. hó- + toc- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !tungwë “tax”
- ᴺQ. !hraitasta n. “detail” ⇐ √SRIT + √SAT [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !hrangwë n. “problem, difficulty” ⇐ Q. hranga [created by Tamas Ferencz, 1000W]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !húmeter n. “kilometre, km” ⇐ húmë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !cilometer “kilometer”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hurindo n. “liar” ⇐ ᴱQ. furin [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cuptamo “liar, deceiver”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hwestalauca n. “vapour” ⇐ Q. hwesta + Q. lauca [created by NQ-Wiki]
- Q. fanwë “vapour, steam”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hwestalaucata- v. “to vapourize” ⇐ !hwestalauca [created by NQ-Wiki]
- Q. fanwë “vapour, steam”
- ᴺQ. !hwinda adj. “mad, crazy” ⇐ ᴹQ. hwinde [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hwinima adj. “confusing” < ᴹ√SWIN [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !hwintaila “confusing”
- ᴺQ. !hwinta- v. “to mix, stir; to confuse” < ᴹ√SWIN [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !hwintaila adj. “confusing” ⇐ !hwinta-
- ᴺQ. !hwinwaiwa n. “whirlwind” ⇐ ᴹ√SWIN + ᴹQ. vaiwa [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyámen n. “front” < √KHYĀ [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !pentë “front”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !hyasta-² v. “to hack through” < ᴹ√SYAD¹ [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. hyar- “to cleave; [ᴱQ.] to plough”
- ᴺQ. hyasta- “to rush, rustle”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [Q.] ^hyermë n. “prayer” [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !hyamië “prayer”
- ᴺQ. !iasintë n. “hyacinth” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !iltana- v. “to prove, demonstrate” ⇐ Q. #il- + Q. tana-
- ᴺQ. !imbenatsë n. “internet” ⇐ Q. imbë¹ + ᴹQ. natse [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !imberaima n. “internet” ⇐ Q. imbë¹ + Q. raima [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !imbenatsë “internet”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !imirë n. “crystal” [created by ABNW]
- ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !imirin adj. “of crystal” ⇐ !imirë [created by ABNW]
- ᴹQ. maril “crystal, ⚠️glass”
- ᴺQ. !immenwa n. “automobile” ⇐ Q. im- + √MEN [created by Tamas Ferencz, Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !immoquanta adj. “full of him/herself, egotistic, narcissistic” ⇐ Q. immo + Q. quanta [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !indosatië n. “resolution” ⇐ Q. indo + Q. sat- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !intyaitë adj. “fantastic, fantasy” ⇐ ᴹQ. intya [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !inyenna adv. “have, (lit.) [added] to me” [created by David Kiltz, PPQ]
- Q. #sam- “to have”
- ᴺQ. !istalë n. “information” ⇐ Q. ista- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !istanómë n. “school, academy” ⇐ Q. ista- + Q. #nómë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !Italinórë n. “Italy” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !italo conj. “since” ⇐ Q. ita [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. pan “*since, because”
- ᴺQ. !itan conj. “so that, in order to” ⇐ Q. ita [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] lai adv. “very” < √LAƷ
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !laiceta- v. “to sharpen” ⇐ ᴹQ. laika [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !maicata- “to sharpen”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !laiquaril n. “emerald” ⇐ Q. laiqua + √RIL [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !laimaril “emerald”
- ᴺQ. !lairemírë n. “daisy, (lit.) meadow-jewel *(or summer-jewel)” ⇐ ᴱQ. laire + Q. mírë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lairemo n. “poet” ⇐ ᴹQ. laire² [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !lairesta n. “poetry” ⇐ ᴹQ. laire² [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lalasta n. “laughter” < √LAL [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !lalië “laughter, laughing”
- ᴺQ. !lanéya adv. “recently, not long ago” ⇐ Q. la- + Q. néya [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lanquet- v. “to converse, debate, *discuss” ⇐ √LAƷ + Q. quet- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta n. “conversation, debate, interchange of words” ⇐ √LAƷ + Q. quet- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lapa-² v. “to hop” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !lapselunga adj. “pregnant, (lit.) baby-heavy” ⇐ ᴹQ. lapse + ᴹQ. lunga [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !lára- v. “to flatten, level” ⇐ ᴹQ. lára¹ [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !larta- v. “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure” < ᴹ√DAR [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- Q. termar- “to stand, *endure, last, (lit.) through-abide”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lat (latt-) n. “flap, small hinged door, lid” < √LAT¹
- ᴺQ. !látacar (látacard-) n. “pub, public house, (lit.) open-house” ⇐ Q. láta + ᴹQ. kar¹ [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !latanca adj. “unsure, insecure” ⇐ Q. la- + ᴹQ. tanka [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !latsë n. “area, space, room” < √LAT¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lattin n. “window” < √LAT¹
- ᴺQ. !laucata- v. “to heat up, warm” ⇐ Q. lauca [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !laucehtelë n. “hot spring” ⇐ Q. lauca + Q. ehtelë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lauta- v. “to warm” < ᴹ√LAW [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !laucata- “to heat up, warm”
- ᴹQ. lauta- “to abound”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lávë n. “permission” < ᴹ√DAB [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. némë “leave, *permission”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lavéla adj. “different, dissimilar” ⇐ Q. la- + Q. véla [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !alavéla “different, various [pl.]”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lemba adj. “sad” < ᴹ√DEM [created by Terry Dock, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. nairëa “sorrowful, *sad”
- ᴹQ. lemba “left behind”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lendë n. “journey” < √LED [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
- Q. lenda “journey, *travel, trip”
- ᴺQ. !lendië n. “tourism, *traveling” ⇐ Q. lenda [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !lengalë n. “behavior” ⇐ lenga- [created by Robert Reynolds, 1000W]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lerië n. “issue, release, edition” < √LER [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !leryalë “release”
- ᴺQ. !lérië “freedom”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lev- v. “to move”
- ᴺQ. !levë n. “movement, motion” ⇐ lev- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !levemma n. “movie, motion picture” ⇐ !levë + Q. emma [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !lialóra adj. “cordless, wireless” ⇐ ᴹQ. lia² + ᴹQ. -lóra [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !liëarda n. “republic” ⇐ Q. lië + Q. arda [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !liëmelehtëa adj. “democratic” ⇐ Q. lië + melehtë [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !liendina adj. “popular” ⇐ Q. lië [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !lietarwa n. “park, (lit.) people-garden” ⇐ Q. lië + tarwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !lietúrië n. “democracy” ⇐ Q. lië + Q. #túrë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !lillumë adv. “many times, often” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !limya- v. “to link, join” < √LIM [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lindóra adv. “millions of, many millions” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + -(n)dórë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lingwiremnë n. “fishing” ⇐ Q. #lingwë + √REM [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !linquilëa adj. “having many colours” ⇐ Q. #li(n)- + quilëa [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !linwelë n. “poetry” ⇐ ᴹQ. #linwe [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !lairesta “poetry”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !linya adj. “lean, thin, meagre” < ᴹ√SLIN [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. #fimbë “slender, *thin”
- ᴹQ. linya “pool”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !löacasta n. “season, (lit.) year-quarter” ⇐ Q. löa + Q. ca(na)sta [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !löasta “season, (lit.) year-part”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !locco n. “ringlet” < ᴹ√LOKH [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. lócë¹ “bight, bend, curl of hair”
- ᴺQ. !lolóca- v. “to crawl” < √LOK [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !lómivehtë n. “night life” ⇐ Q. lómë + Q. vehtë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lóna adj. “soaked, drenched” < ✶logna [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- Q. lóna “(deep) pool, mere, river-feeding well”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^loxor n. “swamp, bog” ⇐ ^loxo « ᴱQ. luksor [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !lúcëarwa adj. “enchanting, attractive” ⇐ ᴹQ. lúke + ᴹQ. arwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !luinyellë n. “bluebell” ⇐ Q. luinë + Q. nyellë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lúma n. “clock” ⇐ Q. lúmë¹ [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lúmelissen adv. “sometimes, at times” ⇐ Q. lúmë¹ (instrumental partitive-plural) [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ᴺQ. !lungië n. “heaviness, gravity” ⇐ Q. #lungo [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !lustavë adv. “in vain, emptily” ⇐ ᴹQ. lusta
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !lustië adv. “in vain, emptily” ⇐ ᴹQ. lusta [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !lustavë “in vain, emptily”
- ᴺQ. !macca n. “article (for exchange), ware, thing” < ᴹ√MBAKH [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !máhis n. “maize, either sweet corn or field corn” [created by VQP]
- ᴺQ. !mahtalë n. “fighting, battle” ⇐ Q. mahta- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !mahtando n. “manager” ⇐ Q. mahta- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !mahtasta n. “management” ⇐ Q. mahta- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !maicata- v. “to sharpen” ⇐ Q. maica¹
- ᴺQ. !maisinwa adj. “well-known, notable, famous” ⇐ Q. mai + Q. sinwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !malma¹ n. “lemon” ⇐ √MAL + Q. ma¹ [created by Yitzik]
- ᴺQ. !malumë¹ adv. “when” ⇐ Q. ma² + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Paul Strack]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !malumë² adv. “sometimes, at times” ⇐ Q. ma² + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nalumë “sometime(s)”
- ᴺQ. !malumë¹ “when”
- ᴺQ. !mámalin n. “sheepfold” ⇐ Q. máma [created by Damien Bador]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mancamen n. “market, (lit.) trade-place” ⇐ ᴹQ. manka- + ᴹQ. men [created by NQ-Wiki, Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !mancanómë “market, market-place”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mangwa n. “article for trading, goods” < ᴹ√MBAKH [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴹQ. armar “goods”
- ᴺQ. !manwa adj. “whose” ⇐ Q. man [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maptalë n. “seizure; robbery by violence; rape, ravishment, forcible seizure and carrying off”
- ᴺQ. !maquetta n. “question” ⇐ Q. #maquet- [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !marindo n. “settler” < √MBAR [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !martandë n. “decision” ⇐ Q. marta- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !masematica [þ] n. “mathematics” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nótengolmë “mathematics”
- ᴺQ. !mastasan (mastasamb-) [þ] n. “kitchen” ⇐ ᴹQ. masta- + ᴹQ. sambe [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !matimar (matimard-) n. “restaurant, (lit.) eating hall” ⇐ Q. mat- + Q. mar(da) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !mava adv. “whose” ⇐ Q. ma² (possessive) [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !manwa “whose”
- ᴺQ. !maxarma n. “software” ⇐ ᴹQ. maksa + ᴹQ. armar [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !maxata- v. “to knead” < ᴹ√MASAG [created by Petri Tikka, Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !mélacárië n. “pastime, hobby” ⇐ Q. méla + Q. carië [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] melehtë n. “might, power (inherent)”
- ᴺQ. !melinólë n. “philosophy” ⇐ Q. #mel- + Q. nólë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !meluquetya n. “sweet-speaking person, flatterer” ⇐ Q. #melu + Q. quet- [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !menelwa adj. “heavenly” ⇐ Q. menel [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !menemma n. “movie, motion picture” ⇐ Q. men- + Q. emma [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !levemma “movie, motion picture”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !menessë adv. “instead, (lit.) in place” ⇐ ᴹQ. men (locative) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !minomë “instead, in place of, in exchange of”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !menesta n. “motion, movement” < √MEN [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !levë “movement, motion”
- ᴺQ. !merenya- v. “to be festive, celebrate” ⇐ ᴹQ. meren(de) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !mermë n. “wish” ⇐ Q. mer- [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !millumë adv. “once, one time” ⇐ Q. min + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^mínasta n. “intention, *goal” ⇐ Q. mína- + Q. #-sta² « ᴹQ. meneste
- ᴺQ. !minasurindo [þ] n. “researcher” ⇐ Q. minasurië [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mindórë num. card. “million” ⇐ Q. min + -(n)dórë
- ᴺQ. !minomë adv. “instead, in place of, in exchange of” ⇐ Q. mi + Q. #nómë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mintya- v. “to remind; ⚠️(impers.) it reminds me = I remember” « ᴱQ. minty- [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !renta- “to remind”
- ᴺQ. !mirma n. “value, *price” < √MIR [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !mistana adj. “stray” ⇐ ᴹQ. mista- [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !mitië n. “interior” ⇐ ᴹQ. mitya [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !mitsavëo n. “micro-organism” ⇐ ᴹQ. mitsa + Q. vëo [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !miura n. “cat” < ᴹ√MIW¹ [created by Terry Dock, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !miurë n. “cat” < ᴹ√MIW¹ [created by Terry Dock, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !miuro n. “cat” < ᴹ√MIW¹ [created by Terry Dock, PPQ, Yitzik]
- ᴹQ. miuë “cat”
- ᴺQ. !moleculë n. “molecule” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !móletyeller n. “career, (lit.) work-steps” ⇐ mólë + Q. tyellë [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
- ᴺQ. !morilúpë n. “blackbird, (lit.) black plume” ⇐ Q. morë + ᴹQ. lúpe [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !moritöa n. “ebony wood” ⇐ Q. morë + Q. töa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !mótamen n. “office” ⇐ ᴹQ. móta- + ᴹQ. men [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !mótaro n. “worker” ⇐ ᴹQ. móta- + Q. #-r(o) [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
- ᴺQ. !nacil n. “victor” < √NDAK [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nainala adj. “lamenting” ⇐ ᴹQ. naina- [created by Terry Dock, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nairë [ñ-] n. “space (as a physical dimension)” ⇐ Q. naira¹ [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nalanta- v. “to attack, (lit.) fall upon” ⇐ √NA/ANA + Q. lanta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nallamya- v. “to echo, sound back, reverberate” ⇐ Q. nan- + ᴹQ. lamya- [created by Valeria Barouch, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nalma [ñ-] n. “reflector, mirror” < √Ñ(G)AL [created by ABNW]
- Q. angal “mirror, *reflective surface”
- ᴺQ. !nammar (nammard-) n. “court, courthouse, (lit.) judgment-house” ⇐ Q. nam- + Q. mar(da) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !namnasta n. “regulations” ⇐ Q. namna [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !namoia- v. “to work (hard) for; to earn” ⇐ Q. na-¹ + Q. moia- [created by Fayanzār]
- ᴺQ. !nancal- v. “to reflect, (lit.) shine back” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. #cal- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nangwë n. “victory” < √NDAK [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPQ]
- Q. #túrë “[ᴹQ.] mastery, victory; [ᴱQ.] might, strength, power”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nangwesa n. “answer” ⇐ Q. nan- + √GWETH [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. hanquenta “answer, *response”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanhalya- v. “to unveil, reveal” ⇐ Q. nan- + ᴹQ. halya- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. apanta- “to open, reveal, show, display”
- ᴺQ. !nanhat- v. “to cast back, reflect” ⇐ Q. nan- + hat- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nannem- v. “to disappear” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. nem-² [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanquet-² v. “to answer” ⇐ Q. nan- + Q. quet- [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
- ᴺQ. !nanquet-¹ “to talk back, speak against”
- ᴺQ. !nanwavë adv. “truly, actually” ⇐ Q. nanwa¹
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nanwenda n. “ransom” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nanwera “ransom”
- ᴺQ. !nanwera n. “ransom” ⇐ Q. nan- + ᴹ✶wedā [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !nanwië n. “reality” ⇐ Q. nanwa¹ [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !narassë n. “pasture” < √NAD [created by Boris Shapiro]
- ᴺQ. nesselë “pasture, mead[ow]; pasturage”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !narasta- v. “to pasture, *graze, give to feed” < √NAD [created by Boris Shapiro]
- ᴺQ. nesta-¹ “to graze, pasture, give to feed, feed”
- ᴺQ. !nartanwë n. “firework” ⇐ Q. nár + ᴹQ. tanwe [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nas- [þ] v. “to welcome, ⚠️accept” < √NATH [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nassëa² adj. “natural” ⇐ Q. nassë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, Robert Reynolds]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nasumo [þ] n. “guest, visitor” < √NATH [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nasal “guest”
- ᴺQ. !natsemen n. “website, (lit.) web-spot” ⇐ ᴹQ. natse + ᴹQ. men [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nauta-² v. “to conceive” < ᴹ√NOW [created by ABNW]
- ᴹQ. nauta “bound, obliged”
- ᴺQ. !nauya- “to conceive [of an idea]”
- ᴺQ. -(n)dórë suf. “-illion, *large number suffix”
- ᴺQ. !necermëa adj. “insubstantial, immaterial” ⇐ Q. nec- + Q. erma [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nessornë n. “sapling” ⇐ ᴹQ. nessa + Q. ornë [created by Petri Tikka, Ales Bican, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nevië n. “experiment” ⇐ Q. nev- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nimba adj. “facing, confronting” < ᴹ√NIB [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nimba- v. “to face, go forward” < ᴹ√NIB [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. cendelë “face, *visage”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nimbë n. “gloom, sadness” < *ᴺ√DIM [created by Nicholas D. Kontovas, PPQ]
- Q. huinë “gloom, (unrelieved) darkness, deep shadow, ⚠️night shade; dark (as a substance)”
- ᴹQ. nairë “sorrow, *sadness, ⚠️lament”
- ᴺQ. !nirya- v. “to lean against” < ᴹ√NID¹ [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nisquë n. “incense, *(lit.) sweet smoke” ⇐ Q. #nis- + Q. usquë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nívë n. “face” < ᴹ√NIB [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. anta “[ᴹQ.] face, *front of the head, [ᴱQ.] cheek; ⚠️[Q.] jaw”
- ᴺQ. !nó n. “design” < √NŌ/ONO [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nólecöa [ñ-] n. “school, (lit.) house of lore” ⇐ Q. nólë + Q. cöa [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nólemo [ñ-] n. “student” ⇐ Q. nólë + Q. -mo [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !parmo “student, (lit.) learner”
- ᴺQ. !nolta- [ñ-] v. “to teach, *educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable” < √ÑGOL¹ [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !noltar [ñ-] n. “teacher” ⇐ !nolta- [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !nolya- [ñ-] v. “to study, ⚠️learn” < √ÑGOL¹ [created by Robert Reynolds, Tamas Ferencz, Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nómessëa adj. “local” ⇐ Q. #nómë [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !nómëa “local”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nonwa n. “computer, (lit.) implement for reckoning” ⇐ √NOT + ✶-mā [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !nótar “computer, calculator”
- ᴺQ. !nórarwa n. “economy, (lit.) country-wealth” ⇐ Q. nórë + ᴹQ. arwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nórëa adj. “national” ⇐ Q. nórë [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !noremma n. “map” ⇐ Q. nórë + Q. emma [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !nóriecáno n. “president” ⇐ Q. nórë + Q. cáno [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nórihalmë n. “map” ⇐ Q. nórë + ᴱQ. #halme [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !noremma “map”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !norta- v. “to stay” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. har- “to sit, stay, [ᴱQ.] remain; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] to dwell, abide, reside”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nostalë n. “species, kind, *type, sort; ⚠️nature” ⇐ Q. nosta-
- ᴺQ. !nótar n. “computer, calculator” < √NOT [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !notessëa adj. “numeral, digital” ⇐ Q. #notessë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nuqua n. “obstacle” ⇐ √NUK + ✶-mā [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nurda n. “cord, rope” < ᴹ√SNUR [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. !rappa “rope”
- ᴺQ. !nurmë n. “subordination” < √(N)DUR [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !nurmëa adj. “subordinate, lesser” ⇐ !nurmë [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !nutanwë n. “infrastructure” ⇐ Q. nu + ᴹQ. tanwe [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !nwalmastarmo [ñ-] n. “martyr, (lit.) torment-witness” ⇐ Q. nwalmë + Q. astarmo [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. ^aimahto “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain”
- ᴺQ. !nyaira n. “claim” < ᴹ√NYAR [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !nyanda- v. “to gnaw” < ᴹ√NYAD [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !nyarvë n. “fiction” < ᴹ√NYAR [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !nyarvëa adj. “fictional” ⇐ !nyarvë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !öamo n. “owner” ⇐ Q. öa- [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !ocantië n. “pattern” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. canta² [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !ocaraitië n. “program, a set of activities” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. caraitië [created by Sami Paldanius, 1000W]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ólëo n. “society, (lit.) together-people” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. lië [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !ólië “society, (lit.) together-people”
- ᴺQ. !ólië n. “society, (lit.) together-people” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. lië
- ᴺQ. !olindë n. “harmony” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. #lindë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !olirië n. “concert” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. #lir- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !olorië n. “theory” ⇐ Q. olor [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !olotsë n. “collection of flowers” < √(G)LOS [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. olos¹ “inflorescence, mass of flowers”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !oment- v. “to meet” < √MEN [created by NQ-Wiki]
- Q. *omen- “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- ᴺQ. !(o)notasta n. “amount” < √NOT [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !oranar n. “noon, (lit.) above Sun” ⇐ Q. or + Q. Anar [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !endaurë “noon, (lit.) mid-day”
- ᴺQ. !óripanta adj. “sincere, honest, open, (lit.) open-hearted” ⇐ Q. órë + ᴹQ. panta [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !orohalla adj. “superior” ⇐ Q. halla [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !oroparmen n. “high school, university” ⇐ √RŌ/ORO + !parmen [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !orpano n. “ridgepole” ⇐ √RŌ/ORO + ᴹQ. pano [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] orva n. “apple”
- ᴺQ. !os prep. “around, about, ⚠️round” < ᴹ√OS [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !ósana- v. “to counsel, think together” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. #sana- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !ósat- v. “to share” ⇐ Q. o- + Q. sat- [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !osquetië n. “context” ⇐ ᴹ√OS + √KWET [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !ostar n. “community” ⇐ Q. osto [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !ostec- v. “to describe” ⇐ ᴹ√OS + √TEK [created by Eli Bar-Yahalom, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !ostomo n. “citizen” ⇐ Q. osto + Q. -mo [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !otornië n. “company, association, alliance” < ᴹ√TOR [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !otsolametta n. “weekend” ⇐ otsola + Q. metta [created by Yitzik, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ovanta- v. “to meet” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. *omen- “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- ᴺQ. !palallon n. “telephone, (lit.) far-sound” ⇐ Q. palan + Q. hlón(a) [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palampa n. “drum” < ᴹ√PALAP [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ᴺQ. !palancen n. “television, (lit.) far-sight” ⇐ Q. palan + Q. #cen [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !palancenta n. “telecommunication” ⇐ !palancen [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !palanóma n. “phone” ⇐ Q. palan + Q. óma [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !palallon “telephone, (lit.) far-sound”
- ᴺQ. !palantilla n. “telescope” ⇐ Q. palan + ✶tirlā [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !palma¹ n. “oar, [orig.] flat tool, flat plank” ⇐ √PAL + ✶-mā [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] palwa adj. “even, level, flat” < √PAL [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] pan conj. “*since, because” ⇐ Q. pá [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !panyalë n. “meaning, intention” ⇐ ᴹQ. panya- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. ^mínasta “intention, *goal”
- ᴺQ. !tëalë “meaning”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !parcata- v. “to dry something, dry up” ⇐ ᴹQ. parka [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !parahta- “to dry”
- ᴺQ. !parmacas (parmacaps-) n. “bookcase” ⇐ Q. parma + ᴹQ. kapsa [created by Yitzik]
- ᴺQ. !parmahto n. “author” ⇐ Q. parma + ᴹQ. ahto [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !parmalas(së) n. “page, (lit.) leaf of book” ⇐ Q. parma + Q. lassë [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !parmassë n. “literature, ⚠️library” ⇐ Q. parma + Q. #-ssë² [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !parmasson (parmassond-) n. “librarian” ⇐ !parmassë [created by David Salo, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !parmen n. “school, place of study” ⇐ Q. par- + ᴹQ. men [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !parmo n. “student, (lit.) learner” ⇐ Q. par- + Q. -mo [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !paswa n. “sward” < ᴹ✶pathmā [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. palis “sward, green, lawn”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !patil n. “key” < ᴹ√PAT [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !latil “key”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pëanta- v. “to give instructions to, enjoin, ⚠️give into one’s hands, *teach”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !pelë n. “revolution” < √PEL [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !querë “revolution (around a point)”
- ᴺQ. !pelta- v. “to roll” < √PEL [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !penno n. “poor man” < √PEN [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !penta- v. “to lose” < √PEN [created by Yitzik]
- ᴺQ. !pentë n. “front” < ✶epe [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !pepella- v. “to circulate, orbit” < √PEL [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !percoron n. “hemisphere” ⇐ Q. #per- + ᴹQ. koron [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !persa- v. “to affect [sounds], ⚠️disturb, alter” < ᴹ√PERES [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !persana adj. “affected” ⇐ !persa- [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !persanië n. “affection” ⇐ !persa- [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !pertol (pertoll-) n. “peninsula” ⇐ Q. #per- + Q. tollë¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !píta- v. “to reduce, decrease” < √PEY [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !poldavë adv. “strongly” < Q. polda [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !polië n. “ability” ⇐ Q. pol- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !pollië adv. “hard, strongly” < √POL [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !poldavë “strongly”
- ᴺQ. !pollo n. “ram” < ✶pollō [created by Gábor Lőrinczi, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !porisalquë n. “corn, (lit.) flour-grass” ⇐ ᴹQ. pore + ᴹQ. salqe [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] porocë n. “hen, barn fowl, *chicken” < ✶porokē
- ᴺQ. !poroton n. “proton” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !Portucalëo n. “Portuguese” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !pucco (puccu-) n. “cunnus, vagina” < ^ᴺ√PUK [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. !puhtëa adj. “sexual” ⇐ puhta [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !quainyë n. “decade” ⇐ Q. quainëa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !qualta- v. “to kill, murder” < √KWAL [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !quantassë n. “fullness” ⇐ Q. quanta [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !querda n. “turn (e.g. in a game)” ⇐ Q. quer- [created by Matt Dinse, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !querë n. “revolution (around a point)” < √KWER [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !quettaparma n. “wordlist, wordbook” ⇐ Q. quetta + Q. parma [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !quihta- v. “to shoot” ⇐ ᴹ√KWIG + ✶-tā [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !quima conj. “whether” ⇐ Q. qui + Q. ma² [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rac- v. “to curse” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. húta- “to curse”
- Q. rac- “to break”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !racco n. “curse” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. húta- “to curse”
- ᴺQ. !raica- v. “to falsify” ⇐ Q. raica [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raicë n. “wrong” < ᴹ√RAYAK [created by Greta Rudolph, PPQ]
- Q. uxarë “doing wrong, *misdeed”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rambil n. “drum” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rambil(lë) n. “(small) drum” < ᴹ√DARAM [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. tompa “(small) drum”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ramna n. “wing (horn)” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. ráma “wing; ⚠️[ᴱQ.] arm”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ramya- v. “to fly, sail; to wander” < ᴹ✶ramya- [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. vil- “to fly, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] float, sail”
- ᴹQ. ciryasta- “to sail [a ship], *make a ship go”
- ᴹQ. ranya- “to stray, *wander”
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ranta n. “course” < ✶rantā
- ᴺQ. !ranyar n. “wanderer” ⇐ ᴹQ. ranya- [created by David Salo, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rata n. “path, track” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. ratta “track”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rata- v. “to make a way, find a way” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. ráta- “to excel, surpass”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ratta n. “street; course, river-bed” < ᴹ√RAT [created by Boris Shapiro, Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. ratta “track”
- ᴹQ. mallë “street, (made or stone) road”
- ᴺQ. !raxëa adj. “dangerous” ⇐ Q. #raxë [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. !rëo n. “smile” < √RAY² [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !rerestë n. “scattering, diaspora” < √RED [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rianna n. “queen” < √RIG [created by ABNW]
- Q. tári “queen, ⚠️[ᴱQ.] mistress, lady”
- ᴺQ. !rihta n. “effort” < √RIK¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz, 1000W]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rimpë² n. “scratch” < ᴹ√SRIP [created by Boris Shapiro, Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. nyas “scratch, score, line, mark”
- ᴺQ. rimpë¹ “stripe, strip”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rip- v. “to scratch” < ᴹ√SRIP [created by Boris Shapiro, Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. nyas- “to scratch”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !riquë n. “experiment” < √RIK¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !nevië “experiment”
- ᴺQ. !Romënórin n. “Roman” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !rosta- v. “to hollow out, excavate” < ᴹ√ROD [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. felehta- “*to excavate, tunnel, mine”
- ᴺQ. !rotta- v. “to bore (a hole or tunnel)” < √ROT [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !russambos n. “robin” ⇐ Q. russa + ᴱQ. ambos [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. ^carniambos “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sacillë [þ] n. “splinter” < ᴹ√STAK [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. ^cirda “splinter, wood shaving”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sahtaitë adj. “oppressive, tyrannical” < √THAG [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- Q. sahta- “to induce”
- ᴺQ. !sangarëa “oppressive, tyrannical”
- ᴺQ. !saita- v. “to teach, *train, (lit.) make wise” < ᴹ√SAY [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !saitalë n. “education” ⇐ !saita- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !saitar n. “teacher” ⇐ !saita- [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !salpa n. “broth” < ᴹ√SALAP [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !salyon(do) [þ] n. “hero, dauntless man” < ᴹ√STALAG [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. callo “noble man, hero”
- ᴺQ. !sámë [þ] n. “salvation, saving, help” < √THĀ/ATHA [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !sangarë n. “oppression” ⇐ Q. sanga [created by PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !sangarëa adj. “oppressive, tyrannical” ⇐ !sangarë
- ᴺQ. !sanyesta [þ-] n. “law [as a scholarly discipline]” ⇐ ᴹQ. sanye [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !sapsarrima adj. “boring, tedious” ⇐ ᴹQ. sapsarra- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sar-¹ [þ] v. “to cross” < √THAR¹ [created by ABNW]
- Q. lahta- “to cross, pass over, go over; to surpass, excel”
- ᴺQ. !sarassë [þ] n. “hassock, footstool” < ᴹ√STAR [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !satyasambë [þ] n. “privy, lavatory” ⇐ Q. satya + ᴹQ. sambe [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !hexan “toilet, lavatory”
- ᴺQ. !sauluppo (sauluppu-) n. “cancer (disease) ” ⇐ Q. sau- + Q. luppo [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !sel- [þ] v. “to intend, mean, plan” < √STEL [created by VQP]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !selya- [þ] v. “to intend, mean, purpose, resolve” < √STEL [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. mína- “to desire to go in some direction, wish to go to a place, make for it; to have some end in view, *intend”
- ᴺQ. !sentimeter n. “centimeter” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !senwa [þ] n. “moment, instant” < √STEN [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !senyavë adv. “usually” ⇐ Q. senya¹ [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !séya- [þ] v. “to seem” < ᴹ√THĒ [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. nem-² “[ᴹQ.] to seem, appear”
- ᴺQ. !silomë n. and adv. “tonight” ⇐ Q. sí + Q. lómë [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !silúmëa adj. “current, contemporary, modern” ⇐ Q. si¹ + Q. lúmë¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz, Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !sinyar n. “news” ⇐ ᴹQ. sinya [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !sónë [þ] n. “pine tree” < ᴹ√THON [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !sono “pine”
- ᴺQ. !suhta- v. “to drain” < √SOK [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !suila- v. “to greet” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !suilanta- v. “to give greeting” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !suilië n. “greeting” ⇐ !suila- [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !sundoharmar n. “capital [funds], (lit.) base treasures” ⇐ Q. sundo + Q. harma [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !súriellë n. “windflower, anemone” ⇐ Q. súrë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !talma- v. “to found” < √TALAM [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. tulca- “to set up, establish, *found; ⚠️to fix, stick in, ”
- ᴺQ. !talmacasta adj. “upside down, *topsy-turvy, head over foot” ⇐ Q. #talma¹ + Q. cas(ta) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !talmata- v. “to base (on), found” ⇐ Q. #talma¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !talya adj. “stalwart, steady, firm” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. sanda “firm, true, abiding”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tambë (tambi-) n. “bronze, ⚠️copper” < √TAM
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tan- v. “to make, fashion” < √TAN¹ [created by ABNW]
- Q. cat- “to shape, fashion”
- ᴺQ. !tanastë n. “presentation” ⇐ Q. tana- [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !tancavë adv. “certainly” ⇐ ᴹQ. tanka [created by Mellonath Daeron, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !táranar n. “noon, (lit.) high-sun” ⇐ Q. tára¹ + Q. Anar [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !endaurë “noon, (lit.) mid-day”
- ᴺQ. !taranna n. “shire, county” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !tararan n. “emperor, (lit.) high-king” ⇐ Q. tára¹ + Q. aran [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tarassë n. “labour” < ᴹ√TARAS [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. mólë “labour, *work”
- ᴺQ. !tassa “(a) trouble, troublesome event/thing/circumstance”
- ᴺQ. !tarasta- v. “to harass, trouble” < ᴹ√TARAS [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !tarmë n. “state, status, condition” < √TAR [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !tarolwen n. “sceptre, (lit.) royal branch” ⇐ Q. tar-¹ + ᴱQ. olwe(n) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !taryalanca adj. “stiff-necked, obstinate” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !taryalangova “stiff-necked, obstinate”
- ᴺQ. !taryalangova adj. “stiff-necked, obstinate” ⇐ ᴹQ. tarya + Q. lango
- ᴺQ. !taryassë n. “stiffness, toughness, difficulty” ⇐ ᴹQ. tarya [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tauron (taurond-) n. “forester” < √TAW [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. ornendur “tree-keep, forester, woodsman”
- ᴺQ. !tecemma n. “drawn image, drawing, painting” ⇐ ᴹQ. tek- + Q. emma [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !tecindo n. “writer” < √TEK [created by Mans Bjorkman, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !teldavë adv. “finally” ⇐ Q. telda [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !telwina adj. “later” ⇐ telwa [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !antelwa “later, (lit.) very late”
- ᴺQ. !tengessë n. “address, (lit.) indication-name” ⇐ √TEÑ + Q. essë¹ [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tengwo n. “writer” < √TEK [created by Eddin Najetovic, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !tecindo “writer”
- ᴺQ. !tercara adj. “thorough, elaborate, comprehensive” ⇐ Q. ter + Q. car- [created by Tamas Ferencz, Alexander Zapragajev, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !tervanta- v. “to traverse” ⇐ Q. ter + ᴹQ. vanta- [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !tinwerúmë n. “starling, (lit.) abundance of stars” ⇐ Q. tinwë + Q. -úmë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !tinwírë n. “diamond, (lit.) sparkling gem” ⇐ √TIN + Q. mírë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !tolloquen n. “islander” ⇐ ᴹ✶tollo + Q. quén [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !Torco n. “Troll” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !tulumaitië adv. “probably” ⇐ ᴹQ. tulumaite [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tulyando n. “leader” ⇐ Q. tulya- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT, NQ-Wiki]
- Q. cáno “commander, chief(tain), ruler, governor; †crier, herald”
- ᴺQ. !tungwë n. “tax” < ᴺ√TOK [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !turëa adj. “influential” ⇐ Q. #túrë [created by NQ-Wiki]
- Q. túrëa “mighty, masterful, *having political power”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !túrëautocië n. “tax” ⇐ Q. #túrë + toc- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !tungwë “tax”
- ᴺQ. !turmë n. “governing power, strength” < √TUR [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !tyalindo n. “player” ⇐ Q. tyal- [created by Sami Paldanius]
- ᴺQ. !tyalma n. “toy, plaything” ⇐ Q. tyal- + ✶-mā [created by Valeria Barouch, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !tyalmë n. “game” < ᴹ√TYAL [created by Lucas Novak, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyapta- v. “to prove” < ᴹ√KYAB [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !iltana- “to prove, demonstrate”
- ᴺQ. !tyarda n. “result, *effect” < ᴹ√KYAR [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !tyarwë n. “reason” < ᴹ√KYAR [created by Didier Willis, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !tyellesta n. “staircase, ⚠️ladder” ⇐ Q. tyellë [created by Luinyelle]
- ᴺQ. !Tyena n. “China” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyul- v. “to stand” < ᴹ√TYUL [created by Alex Grigny de Castro, PPQ]
- Q. #tar-² “to stand”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !tyulya- v. “to stand (intr.), rise” < ᴹ√TYUL [created by Alex Grigny de Castro, PPQ]
- Q. orya-¹ “to rise”
- ᴺQ. !úcénima adj. “invisible” ⇐ Q. cénima [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !úlanwa n. and adj. “infinity, infinite” ⇐ Q. lanwa [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úmaia n. “demon, devil” ⇐ Q. Maia [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. rauco “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
- ᴺQ. !umbarwa adj. “fateful” ⇐ Q. umbar [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úoio adv. “never” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. oi(o) [created by Robert Reynolds]
- Q. aluvar “never”
- ᴺQ. !úperima adj. “indivisible” ⇐ ᴹQ. #per- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úqua pron. “nothing” ⇐ Q. ú- + ᴹ√KWA [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. munta “nothing, *zero”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !úquen pron. “nobody, no one” ⇐ Q. ú- + Q. quén [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !alquen “nobody, no one”
- ᴺQ. !uscil(lë) n. “cigarette” < ᴹ√USUK [created by Terry Dock, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !ussa n. “incense” < √USUK [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !nisquë “incense, *(lit.) sweet smoke”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. ^vandil n. “staff” [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. vanga “staff”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vanga n. “staff”
- ᴺQ. !varno n. “protector, guard” < #√BAR [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !varta- v. “to betray” < ᴹ√WAR [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !varto n. “betrayer” < ᴹ√WAR [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !varyalë n. “defense” ⇐ ᴹQ. varya- [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !varyando n. “protector” ⇐ ᴹQ. varya- [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !vata n. “beaten track, pathway” < ᴹ√BAT [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !vatta- v. “to trample” < ᴹ√BAT [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vennassë n. “angle” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- Q. nehtë¹ “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
- ᴺQ. !vercála adj. “sudden, violent” < ᴹ✶berékā [created by Fayanzār]
- ᴺQ. !veryandë n. “adventure, undertaking” ⇐ ᴹQ. verya [created by Sami Paldanius, VQP, Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !veuma n. “server” < ᴹ√BEW [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !veuro n. “follower, vassal” < ᴹ✶beurō [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. satar “trusty follower, loyal companion”
- ᴺQ. !vilwis(të) n. “weather, (lit.) turn of air” ⇐ Q. vilya + Q. *vistë [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vinyar n. “news” ⇐ Q. vinya [created by Robert Reynolds]
- ᴺQ. !sinyar “news”
- ᴺQ. !virda n. “outcome, result” < √WIS [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !virítë adj. “various, variable” < √WIS [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !volta n. “volt” [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !voltië n. “voltage” ⇐ !volta [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !vor- v. “to endure, survive” < ᴹ√BOR(ON) [created by Robert B Wilson, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !voron(do) n. “trusty man, faithful vassal” < ᴹ√BOR(ON) [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- Q. satar “trusty follower, loyal companion”
- ᴺQ. !vorta- v. “to preserve, make lasting” < ᴹ√BOR(ON) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !yaiya- v. “to wail, cry in pain, cry grievously” [created by Tamas Ferencz, VQP]
- ᴺQ. !yallo adv. “whence” ⇐ Q. ya [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yanen adv. “whereby” ⇐ Q. ya [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yanna adv. “whither, whereto” ⇐ Q. ya [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yarië n. “antiquity” ⇐ Q. yára [created by NQ-Wiki]
- ᴺQ. !yava adj. “whose, of which” ⇐ Q. ya [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yávinqua adj. “fruitful” ⇐ Q. yávë + Q. -inqua [created by ABNW]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yeniquanta adj. “age (with no connotation of weakness)” [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴹQ. linyenwa “old, having many years”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yenta- v. “to adopt (a daughter)” < ᴹ√YEN² [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yentarë n. “adoptive mother (for a daughter)” ⇐ !yenta- [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yentaro n. “adoptive father (for a daughter)” ⇐ !yenta- [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yessë n. “beginning” < *√YESET [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- Q. yesta “beginning, *start”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yocar- v. “to assemble, compose, construct” ⇐ Q. #yo- + Q. car- [created by Tamas Ferencz, PPQ]
- Q. carasta- “to build, construct”
- Q. maita- “to make with art, design, compose”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yonta- v. “to adopt (a son)” < √YON¹ [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yontarë n. “adoptive mother (for a son)” ⇐ !yonta- [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yontaro n. “adoptive father (for a son)” ⇐ !yonta- [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !hinta- “to adopt”
- ᴺQ. !yuhta- v. “to use, employ” < ᴹ√YUK [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë n. “usefulness” ⇐ !yuhta-
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaina adj. “used” ⇐ !yuhta- (passive-participle)
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yúla adv. “neither, nor” ⇐ ᴹQ. yú + Q. lá¹ [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !yola “neither, nor”
- ᴹQ. yúla “ember, smouldering wood”
- ᴺQ. !yulmo n. “drinker” ⇐ Q. yul- + Q. -mo [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yulmon n. “chalice” ⇐ Q. yulma + Q. #-on² [created by Elaran]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yunca adj. “used” < ᴹ√YUK [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaina “used”
- ᴺQ. !yungwa n. “appliance” ⇐ ᴹ√YUK + ✶-mā [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yungwë n. “usefulness” < ᴹ√YUK [created by Petri Tikka, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !yuhtaimalë “usefulness”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yuqua n. “appliance” < ᴹ√YUK [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !yungwa “appliance”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !yur- v. “to run” < ᴹ√YUR [created by ABNW]
- Q. nor-¹ “to run (of animals or men); ⚠️to leap”
Version 0.6.8
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aiqualë n. “steepness, a steep [thing]” ⇐ ᴹQ. aiqa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] (ana)tarwesta n. “crucifix(ion)” ⇐ tarwesta-
- ᴺQ. !appalë n. “sense of touch, sensation, feeling [physical]”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] avëalta- v. “to resemble closely” ⇐ vëalta-
- ᴺQ. !cávima adj. “acceptable” ⇐ Q. #cav-
- ᴺQ. !colonda adj. “burdened, weighed down, sad” ⇐ Q. cólo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colosta n. “cucumber”
- ᴺQ. !colta- v. “to lade, burden, weigh down” < √KOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] colucë n. “strainer”
- ᴺQ. !cungandë n. “violin, (lit.) bow-harp” ⇐ ᴹQ. kú + ᴹQ. nande [created by Elaran]
- ᴺQ. !estatië n. “portion, share” ⇐ Q. estat-
- ᴺQ. !estatina adj. “divided, shared, distributed” ⇐ Q. estat-
- ᴺQ. !ettemo n. “foreigner” ⇐ ᴹQ. ette¹
- ᴺQ. !falarië n. “splashing, splash” ⇐ ^falarya- (gerund)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^falarya- v. “to splash, ⚠️foam” < √PHAL « ᴺQ. !palasta-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] fantercenya adj. “perspicacious, penetrating of sight or understanding” ⇐ Q. fana + Q. #tercenya
- ᴺQ. !farinë n. “vermin” ⇐ ᴹQ. farina [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !finëa adj. “downy, hairy [specifically fine, light hair]” ⇐ Q. finë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hempa n. “cord” < √KHEP
- ᴺQ. !hep- v. “to keep” < √KHEP [created by Ales Bican, ABNW]
- ᴺQ. !hlaraitë adj. “able to hear” ⇐ Q. #hlar-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] húmë num. card. “thousand; †great number”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyalin n. “paper”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyassë n. “rushing noise, *rustling” < *ᴺ√KHYAS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyasta- v. “to rush, rustle” < *ᴺ√KHYAS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^irta- v. “to peck, prick” < ^ᴺ√IRIT « ᴱQ. #irty-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^irtë (irti-) n. “peck, pinprick” < ^ᴺ√IRIT « ᴱQ. irt
- ᴺQ. !lista- v. “to sweeten, make sweet” < √LIS
- ᴺQ. !lotarwa n. “[flower] garden” ⇐ Q. lótë + tarwa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] luhtu n. “magic, spell” < ᴹ√LUK
- ᴺQ. !lungumë n. “weight, heaviness” ⇐ Q. #lungo
- ᴺQ. !lunguntë n. “scales” ⇐ Q. #lungo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^manco n. “wares” < ᴹ√MBAKH « ᴱQ. vanko
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^maxë n. “sale” < ᴹ√MBAKH « ᴱQ. vakse
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] munta n. “nothing, *zero” < √UMU
- ᴺQ. !nassëa¹ adj. “spiked, pointed, barbed” ⇐ ᴹQ. nasse
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oiwa adj. “glossy”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oiwië n. “gloss, glossiness” ⇐ oiwa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oricon n. “heather” < √RŌ/ORO
- ᴺQ. !orina adj. “risen” ⇐ Q. orya-¹ + Q. -ina
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] orosta n. “ascension” < √RŌ/ORO
- ᴺQ. !ovëantainë n. “imitation” ⇐ !ovëanta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ovëassë n. “resemblance; likelihood” ⇐ Q. ovéa « ᴱQ. soveasse [created by Boris Shapiro]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ovesta n. “contract, compact, treaty” ⇐ Q. o- + ᴹ✶wedtā
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pelecco (peleccu-) n. “axe” < ᴺ√PELEK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] puhta n. “coitus, *sex” < ^ᴺ√PUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^puhta- v. “to copulate, have sex” < ^ᴺ√PUK « ᴱQ. pukta- [created by Fiona Jallings]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^puncil n. “male organ, penis” < ^ᴺ√PUK « ᴱQ. puntl
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilta n. “belt, ⚠️girdle” < ^ᴺ√KWILIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quilta- v. “to gird, encircle” < ^ᴺ√KWILIT « ᴱQ. qilti- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quin- v. “to speak high, squeak” < ᴺ√KWIN « ᴱQ. qíni-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quínë n. “squeaking, *squeak” < ᴺ√KWIN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quínëa adj. “squeaking” ⇐ quínë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinqua adj. “languid, *lazy, relaxed, ⚠️drooping” < ᴺ√KWIK(W)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinquelë n. “languor, *relaxation” ⇐ quinqua
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quinquelëa adj. “languorous, *relaxing” ⇐ quinquelë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quint n. “loop, stitch (in knitting)” < ^ᴺ√KWIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quit- v. “to knit” < ^ᴺ√KWIT « ᴱQ. qity-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quitima adj. “(for) knitting” ⇐ ^quit-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quitin adj. “knitted, joined tight” < ^ᴺ√KWIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quol- v. “to ail, *be sick” < ᴺ√KWOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolimo n. “invalid” < ᴺ√KWOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolina adj. “ill, sickly, ailing” < ᴺ√KWOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolu n. “disease” < ᴺ√KWOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolúva adj. “pestilent, pestilential” ⇐ quolu
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quolúvië n. “pestilence” ⇐ quolúva
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quonda n. “choking smog, smoke” < ^ᴺ√KWOD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quor- v. “to choke, suffocate, (esp.) drown” < ^ᴺ√KWOD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quorin adj. “drowned, choked, speechless” < ^ᴺ√KWOD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quosta- v. “to choke, drown (trans.)” < ^ᴺ√KWOD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^rahta- v. “to stretch out, reach” < ᴹ√RAK « ᴱQ. rakta-¹
- ᴺQ. !rappa n. “rope” < ᴹ√RAP¹ [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !rassëa adj. “horned” ⇐ Q. rassë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ravennë n. “she-lion, *lioness” < ᴹ√RAW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ríma n. “line of seeds planted, row, series, furrow” < ᴹ√RIY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rimpë¹ (rimpi-) n. “stripe, strip” < ᴺ√RIP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rimpina adj. “striped” ⇐ rimpë¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rína adj. and suf. “scattered, ⚠️sown” < ᴹ√RIY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ripta- v. “to cut in strips, tear up; to stripe, mark in parallel lines; to flay, flog” < ᴺ√RIP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rísima [þ] adj. “scattered, ubiquitous, universal” < ᴹ√RIY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rísimandë [þ] adv. “passim [Latin]; *scatteredly, here and there, at random” < ᴹ√RIY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rotsë n. “pipe, tube” < √ROT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rua adj. “steady, still, tranquil” < ^ᴺ√RUH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ruë n. “stillness, *steadiness, tranquility, ⚠️rest, remaining, steadfastness” < ^ᴺ√RUH
- ᴺQ. !ruv- v. “to burst, rupture” < ^ᴺ√RUB [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rúvina adj. “burst, ruptured” ⇐ !ruv- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sahta- [þ] v. “to split” < ᴹ√STAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saipo n. “boot” < ^ᴺ√S(A)YAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sairina adj. “magic, *magical” < ᴹ√SAY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] salca n. “scythe” < #ᴹ√SALAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salpë n. “sip, ⚠️taste” < ᴹ√SALAP « ᴱQ. sult
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sara- [þ] v. “to saw [wood]” < √THAR¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] serma [þ] n. “string, ⚠️cord” < ᴺ√THER
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] silta n. “sieve” < ^ᴺ√SILIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^silta- v. “to sift, sort out, winnow” < ^ᴺ√SILIT « ᴱQ. silt-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siltina adj. “winnowed” < ^ᴺ√SILIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] simpa [þ] n. “pipe, flute, flageolet” < ^ᴺ√THIP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] simpetar [þ] n. “piper, *fluter” ⇐ simpa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] simpisë [þ] n. “piping, whistling” < ^ᴺ√THIP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] singë (singi-) n. “salt” < ᴺ√SIÑGI
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] singwa adj. “salt, *salty” < ᴺ√SIÑGI
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sintë (sinti-) n. “esteem; estimate, computation” < ^ᴺ√SINIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sip- [þ] v. “to pipe” < ^ᴺ√THIP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sirpë [þ] n. “stalk, slender tube, ⚠️stem” < ^ᴺ√THIRIP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sis- [þiþ-] v. “to scorch, singe, fry” < ^ᴺ√THITH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sisin [þ-] adj. “parched, scorched” < ^ᴺ√THITH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sistë (sisti-) n. “ulcer, sore, boil” < ^ᴺ√SISTI
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sistina adj. “ulcerated, sore” ⇐ sistë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sitina adj. “habitual, customary, accustomed, usual, ordinary, common” < ᴺ√SIT « ᴱQ. sitsina
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sito (situ-) n. “custom, habit” < ᴺ√SIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sitta- v. “I am used to, I do habitually” < ᴺ√SIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] situ- v. “to be accustomed [to]” < ᴺ√SIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sohta- v. “to give to drink, drench” < √SOK « ᴱQ. sokto-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sóla n. “tide” < ᴹ√SOL
- ᴺQ. !sossëa [þ-] adj. “fearful, afraid” ⇐ ^sossë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] suiva adj. “soughing, moaning [of wind]” < √SŪ
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sulpa n. “soup” < *ᴹ√SULUP
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] sumba- v. “to submerge” < ᴺ√SUB
- ᴺQ. !surya- v. “to hiss” < ᴹ√SUS
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] suv- v. “to sink (esp. in water)” < ᴺ√SUB
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] talaitë (talaiti-) adj. “footed” < √TAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tambin (tambind-) n. “cauldron” < √TAM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tamin n. “forge” ⇐ √TAM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tampo n. “well” < √TAM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarwa n. “garden, enclosure” < ^ᴺ√TAD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarwë n. “cross, crucifix”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarwesta- v. “to crucify” ⇐ tarwë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tastë n. “fringe” < !ᴺ√TATH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tehtalë n. “art of writing, script; writings, documents, papers, scriptures” < √TEK « ᴱQ. tektele
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^telmëa adj. “conclusive, ⚠️final, end, last; extreme” ⇐ Q. telma « ᴱQ. telúmea
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telusta adj. “outer, extreme, ultimate” ⇐ telustë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telustë n. “extremity” ⇐ Q. #telu
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telwa adj. “late, ⚠️last” < √TEL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telyanta- v. “to allure, *attract”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telyantalya adj. “alluring, attractive” ⇐ telyanta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telyantassë n. “allurement, attraction” ⇐ telyanta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] teret (tereht-) n. “auger, borer, gimlet” < ᴺ√TER
- ᴺQ. !tevinqua adj. “hateful” ⇐ tev-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiqu- v. “to melt, thaw” < ᴺ√TIKW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiquilë n. “melting, thawing, thaw” ⇐ tiqu-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiquilin n. “thaw, melting snow, slush” ⇐ tiqu- + √LIN¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiquilindëa adj. “thawing, slushy” ⇐ tiquilin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiura adj. “compact” < ᴹ√TIW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiuta- v. “to corroborate, confirm; to comfort, console, *(orig.) to make firm; ⚠️to strengthen” < ᴹ√TIW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tiutaila adj. “comforting, consoling, easing” ⇐ tiuta- « ᴱQ. tiusima
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiutalë n. “confirmation; comfort, consolation, easement; ⚠️strengthening, reinforcement” ⇐ tiuta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] toc- v. “to appraise, tax, assess, assay; ⚠️to try, test, essay, endeavour; to feel with the hand, handle” < ᴺ√TOK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tocot n. “cock, *rooster”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] toli n. “doll, puppet” < ᴺ√TOLI
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tolipincë n. “little doll” ⇐ toli
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tolmen (tolment-) n. “boss (of shield), isolated round hill” < √TOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tolpo n. “bowl”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] tombo n. “gong” < √TOM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tompa n. “(small) drum” < √TOM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tompa- v. “to bang, *drum” < √TOM « ᴱQ. tompo-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tompo-tompo n. “noise of drums (or guns)” < √TOM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tontilla n. “cymbal, *tambourine” < √TOM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tuista n. “twig, shoot, ⚠️sprout, spray” < √TUY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tulca- v. “to set up, establish, *found; ⚠️to fix, stick in, ” < ᴹ√TULUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^tuluitë adj. “*able to come” ⇐ Q. tul- + Q. -itë « ᴹQ. túlima
- ᴺQ. !tulyaitë adj. “able to bring” ⇐ Q. tulya- + Q. -itë
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] tumba- v. “to cast down (into depths); *to dive; (orig.) to go or cause to go deep, endeepen” < ᴹ√TUB
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tumpo n. “shed, barn” < √TUP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tundo n. “firewood, fuel” < ᴺ√TUD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tunta- v. “to notice, perceive, ⚠️see” < ^ᴺ√TUNTU
- ᴺQ. !tuntaitë adj. “bright, witty, smart; *perceptive” ⇐ tunta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tunto n. “notice, regard, perception; quickness of perception, wit” < ^ᴺ√TUNTU
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] túpelë n. “roofing, tiles, ⚠️roof” < √TUP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tupin adj. “roofed, having a lid, having hat on” < √TUP
- ᴺQ. !tupina adj. “covered” ⇐ Q. tup- (passive-participle)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] túpo n. “cover, lid, ⚠️roof” < √TUP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] turwa adj. “powerful [in a general sense]” < √TUR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tusturë n. “tinder, chips, ⚠️firewood” < ᴺ√TUD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tusturin (tusturind-) n. “match” ⇐ tusturë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tuxainen num. card. “thousand” ⇐ tuxa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tuxainenëa num. ord. “thousandth” ⇐ tuxainen « ᴱQ. tuksainenya
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyas- [þ] v. “to test, try [out], pick, choose” < ^ᴺ√TYATH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyasta- v. “to (put to the) test, *verify” < ^ᴺ√TYATH
- ᴺQ. !tyet- v. “to suckle, nurse” < ᴺ√TYET [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyetsë n. “teat, *nipple” < ᴺ√TYET
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyuc- v. “to chew” < ᴺ√TYUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyulta- v. “to rear up, stick up” < ᴹ√TYUL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tyuxë n. “cud” < ᴺ√TYUK « ᴱQ. tyúka²
- ᴺQ. !urusta adj. “of copper” ⇐ Q. urus [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vacco n. “jacket, coat”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vaima n. “wrap, robe” < ᴹ√WAY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vaimata- v. “to [en]robe, *clothe; to get dressed, put on clothing” ⇐ vaima
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vaina² adj. “clad” < ᴹ√WAY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vainolë n. “quiver” ⇐ vainë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] valda n. and adj. “worth; worthy, dear” < ^ᴺ√BALAD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^valda- v. “to matter; to be of significance, worth, moment; *to cost” < ^ᴺ√BALAD « ᴱQ. #vildi-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] valdëa adj. “of moment, important” ⇐ valda
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^valdima adj. “essential, imperative” ⇐ ^valda- + Q. -ima « ᴱQ. vildima
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vëalta- v. “to resemble” ⇐ Q. vëa¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vëasta n. “comparison, ⚠️resemblance” ⇐ Q. vëa¹
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !vel-² v. “to meet” [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- Q. *omen- “to meet, move to a common point, *(lit.) move together”
- ᴺQ. !vélamë n. “similarity” ⇐ Q. véla
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] velu- v. “to unroll, unfurl” < ^ᴺ√BELU
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] veluntë n. “sail” < ^ᴺ√BELU
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] velupantië n. “revelation” ⇐ velu- + pantië
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] venë n. “dish, [eating] vessel, ⚠️small boat” < ᴹ√BEN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] verin adj. “married” < ᴺ√BES
- ᴺQ. !vétaima adj. “comparable” ⇐ !véta-
- ᴺQ. !veuya- v. “to serve” < ᴹ✶beuyā- [created by PPQ, Petri Tikka]
- ᴺQ. !veuyalë n. “service” ⇐ !veuya- [created by NQ-Wiki, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vilina adj. “airy, breezy; light [weight?]” < ᴹ√WIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] voruva adj. “age long” < ᴹ√BOR(ON)
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] yalta n. “yoke” < ^ᴺ√YALTA
- ᴺQ. !yanta-¹ v. “to join” < √YAN²
- ᴺQ. !yantaina adj. “joined” ⇐ !yanta-¹ (passive-participle)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yausta n. “crop” < ᴹ√YAB
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yav- v. “to bear (fruit), *yield, bring forth, produce” < ᴹ√YAB
Version 0.6.7
- ᴺQ. !apaquet- v. “to forebode, foretell, predict” ⇐ Q. apa¹ + Q. quet- [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !cantil (cantild-) n. “quadrangle, *quadrilateral, rectangle, square” ⇐ Q. canta¹ + Q. tildë [created by Petri Tikka]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celu n. “source, origin” < √KEL « ᴱQ. qelu [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^celuva adj. “original” ⇐ ^celu « ᴱQ. qeluva
- ᴺQ. !erdevainë n. “seed pod, peapod” ⇐ ᴹQ. erde¹ + vainë
- ᴺQ. !fassëa adj. “shaggy, tangled [hair]” ⇐ ᴹQ. fasse [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !fel- v. “to feel (emotions)” < √PHEL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] finië n. “cunning” < √PHIN¹
- ᴺQ. !hísëa adj. “misty” ⇐ Q. #hísë
- ᴺQ. !hiuma n. “hint, clue” < ᴹ√ÑIW
- ᴺQ. !hlarië n. “hearing” ⇐ Q. #hlar-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^hris- v. “to snow” « Q. †#hriz-
- ᴺQ. !lio adv. “much” < √LI
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lotella n. “floret” ⇐ Q. lótë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mahtë n. “hold, grip, *grasp; ⚠️power, possession” < √MAH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mal- v. “to crush, squeeze; to hurt, pain (cause pain to)” < ᴹ√MBAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malaqua adj. “soft, yielding, tender (of meat, substances, etc.)” < ᴹ√MBAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malda- v. “to pound, ⚠️crush” < ᴹ√MBAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malicon (malicond-) n. “amber” ⇐ √MAL + Q. ondo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] malicondëa adj. “of amber” ⇐ malicon
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] manë adj. “good (moral, not evil)” < √MAN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mastacornë n. “[bread] loaf” ⇐ Q. masta + cornë
- ᴺQ. !matina adj. “eaten” ⇐ Q. mat- (passive-participle)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maxa- v. “to cook” < √MBAS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] maxar n. “cook” ⇐ maxa-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^miuya- v. “to cry, whine” < ᴹ√MIW¹ « ᴱQ. mauya-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] mólë n. “labour, *work” < √MŌ
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] móriva adj. “nocturnal” ⇐ Q. morë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] múco n. “dung, *manure, muck” < ᴺ√MUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^muhta- v. “*to defecate, empty bowels” < ᴺ√MUK « ᴱQ. mukta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mul- v. “to grind, *pulverize” < *√MUL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulda adj. “powdery” < *√MUL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulma n. “fine flour” < *√MUL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulmar n. “miller” ⇐ mulma
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mulmin n. “mill” ⇐ mulma
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] muqua adj. “filthy” < ᴺ√MUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mut (muc-) n. “dirt, filth” < ᴺ√MUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^naita- v. “to oppress, cause great grief to” < √NAY¹ « ᴱQ. naista-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] narca adj. “snappy, ill-tempered” < ᴹ√NARAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^narcë n. “*rend, tear; [ᴱQ.] snap of a dog; spiteful remark” < ᴹ√NARAK « ᴱQ. nark
- ᴺQ. !nauna- [ñ-] v. “to howl” < √ÑGAW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] naxa adj. “sour” < √NAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nelqua adj. “cornered, *angled” < √NEL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nelquesta fraction. “one thirteenth” ⇐ Q. *nelquë « ᴱQ. nelkesto
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^neltë n. “corner” < √NEL « ᴱQ. nelt
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nenquet- v. “to condescend, (orig.) speak down the nose” ⇐ ᴹQ. nengwe + Q. quet- « ᴱQ. nanqete
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nienaitë adj. “tearful” ⇐ ᴹQ. nie
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nier n. “(honey) bee” < √NEG
- ᴺQ. !nihta n. “piece, bit (of indeterminate size)” < √NIK [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nisilë [þ] n. “fragrance, perfume” < *√NITH [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nisilëa [þ] adj. “perfumed” [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] norollë n. “cart” < √NOR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nosta n. “birth, ⚠️birthday” ⇐ Q. nosta-
- ᴺQ. !nostarë n. “birthday” ⇐ nosta + Q. ré
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nungwë n. “cold (in the nose or head)” ⇐ ᴹQ. nengwe
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nus (nust-) n. “smell” < ᴹ√NUS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nustë n. “sense of smell” < ᴹ√NUS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyas [þ] n. “scratch, score, line, mark” < ᴺ√NYATH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyas- [þ] v. “to scratch” < ᴺ√NYATH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyat- v. “to talk idly, *gossip, chat” < ᴺ√NYAT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nyatil n. “idle talk, gossip” < ᴺ√NYAT « ᴱQ. nyatl
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyé n. “bleat, cry of goat or sheep” < ᴹ√NEY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyelecca n. “onyx” < ᴺ√NYELEK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyelet (nyelec-) n. “nail (of the finger)” < ᴺ√NYELEK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyéni n. “(she) goat” ⇐ nyé
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyenya adj. “querulous, tearful, plaintive” ⇐ nyenyë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyenyë n. “weeping” < ᴹ√NEY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nyérë n. “grief” < ᴹ√NEY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ohtë n. “egg” < ᴺ√OKH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] oswë [þ] n. “hip”
- ᴺQ. !otoquëa num. ord. “seventeenth” ⇐ Q. otoquë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pampilë n. “trembling” < ᴺ√PAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pampilëa adj. “tremulous” ⇐ pampilë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] panin adj. “definite, planned, concerted, deliberate, prepense, meant” < √PAN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] panna n. “arrangement, grouping; *plan, course; ⚠️book” < √PAN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pap- v. “to tremble” < ᴺ√PAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] patinca n. “slipper, ⚠️shoe” < *√PAT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pelin adj. “fenced in, pent” < √PEL
- ᴺQ. !penië n. “lack, want, shortage” ⇐ Q. pen-
- ᴺQ. !penyalë n. “poverty, deprivation” ⇐ Q. penya
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pequ- v. “to comb, card wool, tease” < ᴺ√PEK(W)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pequen n. “comb” < ᴺ√PEK(W)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pil- v. “to steal” < ᴺ√PIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pilu n. “thief, robber” < ᴺ√PIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pilucca adj. “stealthy, ⚠️secret” ⇐ pilu
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pilwë n. “robbery, theft” < ᴺ√PIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^pimpë (pimpi-) n. “tail” < ᴺ√PIP « ᴱQ. pint [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pimpina adj. “trailing” ⇐ ^pimpë
- ᴺQ. !pirina adj. “juicy, oozy” < ᴹ√PIS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] poco n. “bag” < ᴺ√POK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pulco n. “trunk, bole of tree, *torso, ⚠️body” < ᴺ√PUL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quá n. “duck” < *√KAWAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampa n. “peddlar-goods” < ᴺ√KWAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampa- v. “to hawk goods” < ᴺ√KWAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampalë n. “chaffering, *haggling, bargaining” ⇐ quampa-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quampo n. “pedlar, huckster” < ᴺ√KWAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quap- v. “to chaffer, bargain, swap, barter” < ᴺ√KWAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quapta n. “deal, bargain” < ᴺ√KWAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quapta- v. “to exchange” < ᴺ√KWAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quaptalë n. “exchange” ⇐ quapta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quaqua- v. “to quack, squawk, cackle, *croak” < *√KAWAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quas- [þ] v. “to shake, flap, nod, ⚠️rustle” < ᴺ√KWATH
- ᴺQ. !quëatarwa n. “vegetable or kitchen garden” ⇐ Q. quëa + tarwa [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] quilë n. “colour, color, hue” < ᴺ√KWIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilëa adj. “coloured, colored, -hued” ⇐ quilë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilin adj. “adorned; (orig.) bright-coloured, *embellished; ⚠️embroidered” < ᴺ√KWIL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilinoitë adj. “[em]broidered” ⇐ quilin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quiltassë n. “(em)broidery” ⇐ quilta
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilya- v. “to colour, color, embellish, *paint, ⚠️adorn” < ᴺ√KWIL
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !raila n. “smile” < √RAY² [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !rëo “smile”
- ᴺQ. !sáralë n. “bitterness” ⇐ Q. sára
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siqu- v. “to sigh” < ᴺ√SIKW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siquilë n. “sighing, ⚠️lament” ⇐ siqu-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] siquilissë n. “weeping willow; ⚠️lamentation” ⇐ siquilë
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^sorya- [þ-] v. “to dread, feel fear” < √THOS « Q. †þorya-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^sossë [þ-] n. “fear” < √THOS « Q. †þossë
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^sosta- [þ-] v. “to put to fright, terrify” < √THOS « Q. †þosta-
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !susta- [þ-] v. “to stink” < √THUS
- ᴺQ. !sauta- “to stink”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tev- v. “to hate, dislike” < ^ᴺ√TEB
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tevië n. “hatred, dislike” ⇐ tev- (gerund)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tevin adj. “hated” ⇐ tev-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tiris (tiriss-) n. “watch, vigil, ward” < √TIR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^töallë n. “blanket” ⇐ ᴹQ. toa « ᴱQ. oalle
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tuë n. “fleece” < ᴹ√TOW « ᴱQ. ue
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] vainë n. “sheath, pod” < ᴹ√WAY
Version 0.6.6
- ᴺQ. !anat prep. “against” < ✶anak [created by Ицхак Пензев (Yitzik Penzev)]
- ᴺQ. !anqua adj. and adv. “opposite, against” < ✶anak [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. !cainu- v. “to lie down, *bend down; [with locative] to endure, suffer (from)” < ✶kainu-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calainë n. “serenity, ⚠️serene” < √KAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calas (calass-) n. “brass” < √KAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calassina adj. “brazen, *made of brass” ⇐ calas
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] callë n. “fair weather, clear sky, blue sky” < √KAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] calleva adj. “fair (weather or complexion)” ⇐ callë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^calwa adj. “lurid” < √KAL « ᴱQ. kanwa¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cáma n. “guilt, responsibility” < ᴺ√KAH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] campo n. “flea” < ✶kamprū
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !canaquëa num. ord. “fourteenth” ⇐ *canaquë [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !canquëa “fourteenth”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cantallumë adv. “four times” ⇐ Q. canta¹ + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canu n. “lead [metal]” < ^ᴺ√KANU
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canuina adj. “of lead” ⇐ canu
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] canuva adj. “leaden” ⇐ canu
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] capanda n. “jump” < ᴹ√KAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcapolca n. “boar, *(lit.) tusk-pig” ⇐ Q. carca + polca
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcara adj. “toothed” ⇐ Q. carca
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] carcasarma [þ] n. “large saw” ⇐ Q. carca + sarma
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^carniambos n. “robin, (lit.) red-breast” ⇐ Q. carnë + ^ambos « ᴱQ. karneambar
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cecet n. “pheasant” < ᴺ√KEK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cehtecet n. “clucking” < ᴺ√KEK « ᴱQ. kekteket
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] celeta n. “trickle” < √KEL
- ᴺQ. !cil- v. “to choose, select” < √KIL [created by Common]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cirda n. “splinter, wood shaving” < √KIR « ᴱQ. kinda
- ᴺQ. !cirihta- v. “to reap, harvest” < ᴹ✶k’rikta- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] citya- v. “to tickle” < ᴺ√KIT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cityalë n. “tickling” ⇐ citya-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cityalëa adj. “ticklish, susceptible, sensitive” ⇐ cityalë
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] coina adj. “alive, ⚠️living” < √KOY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] coiva adj. “lively, ⚠️living; awake” < √KOY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólë n. “passivity, endurance, patience; a passive individual” < √KOL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólema n. “patience, endurance; hardship” ⇐ cólë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cólemaina adj. “patient” ⇐ cólema
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cóleva adj. “passive” ⇐ cólë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] corda n. “temple” < ^ᴺ√KOD
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cordon n. “idol” ⇐ corda
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !coropë n. “skull” < √KOR [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. !corpë “skull”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^corta- v. “to roll (up), pack” < √KOR « ᴱQ. konta-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] cuita- v. “to waken, rouse; ⚠️to live” < ✶kuitā-
- ᴺQ. !cuiva adj. “awake” < √KUY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^cullingwë n. “goldfish” ⇐ √KUL + Q. #lingwë « ᴱQ. kuluin
- ᴺQ. !ecca n. “hole, *lair” < ✶ekka [created by Helge Fauskanger]
- ᴺQ. !eccuinu- v. “to awake, wake up” < ✶etkuinu-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] enquellumë adv. “six times” ⇐ Q. enquë + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. !finyalë n. “cleverness” ⇐ Q. finya
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] firinga n. “necklace, carcanet” < ᴺ√FIRING
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hérë n. “lordship” < √KHER
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] heru- v. “to lord it over, be master of, own, [ᴱQ.] rule” < ✶kheru-
- ᴺQ. !himítë (himíti-) adj. “clinging, sticking, (lit.) able to stick on; persistent, chronic” < ✶khimīti
- ᴺQ. [Q.] hlöa n. “flood, fenland”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^húni n. “bitch, *female dog” < ᴹ√KHUG « ᴱQ. suni
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^huolë n. “litter (of pups, cubs, etc.)” ⇐ ᴹQ. huo « ᴱQ. saule
- ᴺQ. !hyamië n. “prayer” ⇐ Q. #hyam- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iqu- v. “to beg, ‘pray’ [ask earnestly]” < ^ᴺ√IKWI(S)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^iquirya- v. “to ask for, request” < ^ᴺ√IKWI(S) « ᴱQ. iqisya-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iquis (iquist-) n. “requirement” < ^ᴺ√IKWI(S)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] iquista n. “request; ⚠️if you please, please” < ^ᴺ√IKWI(S)
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] itsë n. “fly” < ^ᴺ√ITITH
- ᴺQ. !laimamatta n. “vegetable food, (lit.) plant food” ⇐ Q. laima + Q. matta [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^laistima adj. “unknowable, secret” ⇐ Q. laista « ᴹQ. alistima
- ᴺQ. !lalamma- v. “to chatter, babble” < √LAM [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !lalammië n. “babble” ⇐ !lalamma-
- ᴺQ. !lalda n. “laugh” < √LAL
- ᴺQ. !lalië n. “laughter, laughing” ⇐ Q. lala- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lalië-malina n. “daffodil, (lit.) yellow laughter” ⇐ !lalië + Q. malina « ᴱQ. kankale-malina
- ᴺQ. !lalil n. “chuckle” < √LAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lamanwa adj. “animal-like, beastly, stupid” ⇐ Q. laman
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lapil n. “swathe, flowing cloth” < √LAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lappa n. “loose-end, end of rope, hem of robe” < √LAP
- ᴺQ. [Q.] laptë n. “gluttonous eating, [ᴹQ.] †licking up (food or drink)” < ✶labdē
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laru n. “grease, ⚠️fat” < ᴹ√LAR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] larúva adj. “greasy” ⇐ laru
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lassëa adj. “with leaves, leafy” ⇐ Q. lassë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulë n. “mode of life, *lifestyle” < √LAW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulema adj. “inhabiting” ⇐ laulemo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulemo n. “inhabitant” ⇐ laulë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laulesta n. “livelihood” ⇐ laulë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] laupë n. “tunic, shirt” < √LAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lávëar n. “glutton” ⇐ √LAB + ✶-ro
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lenga- v. “to behave” < √LEÑ
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lengë n. “gesture, characteristic look, gesture or trait” < √LEÑ
- ᴺQ. !lepenquëa num. ord. “fifteenth” ⇐ Q. lepenquë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lepsa n. “liver” < ^ᴺ√LEPH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lepsilë (lepsily-) n. “tendril” < √LEP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lia- v. “to entwine” < ᴹ√SLIG
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^liltë n. “dance” < ᴹ√LILT « ᴱQ. lilt
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liltië n. “dancing, ⚠️dance” ⇐ Q. lilta- (gerund)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] limil n. “chain” < √LIM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lindalëa adj. “melodious” ⇐ Q. lindalë « ᴱQ. lindelea
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lindëa adj. “like music, *musical, ⚠️singing” ⇐ Q. #lindë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lindelin n. “melody, tune” ⇐ Q. #lindë
- ᴺQ. !lingwëa adj. “fishlike” ⇐ Q. #lingwë
- ᴺQ. !lingwileuca n. “eel” ⇐ Q. #lingwë + Q. leuca
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] linta- v. “to soothe” < √LIN²
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lipta- v. “to drip” < ᴹ√LIB¹ « ᴱQ. lipte-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liquis (liquist-) n. “clarity, transparence, limpidity” < ^ᴺ√LIKWIS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] liquistëa adj. “transparent, *clear” ⇐ liquis
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lisselë n. “sweetness” ⇐ Q. lissë¹ « ᴱQ. lísele
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lop- v. “to run (of animals), gallop, *lope” < ᴹ√LOP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lótëa adj. “full of blossom, *blooming, flowering” ⇐ Q. lótë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^loxo n. “mud” < √LOG « ᴱQ. lukso [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^lúmëa adj. “pertaining to time, temporal” ⇐ Q. lúmë¹ « ᴱQ. lúmia
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lúta- v. “to have time pass” < ᴹ√LU
- ᴺQ. !manan adv. “why” ⇐ Q. mana (dative) [created by Petri Tikka]
- ᴺQ. !matya- v. “to feed” < ✶matyā- [created by Damien Bador]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^meletya- v. “to magnify” < √MBELEK « ᴱQ. velitya-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] minquellumë adv. “eleven times” ⇐ Q. minquë + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mirucarnë (mirucarni-) adj. “wine-red” ⇐ miru + Q. carnë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mirúva adj. “like wine, winy” ⇐ miru
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] moica adj. “soft, gentle” < ᴹ√MOY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] mórilanta n. “nightfall” ⇐ Q. morë + Q. lanta
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nehtelë n. “honeycomb” ⇐ Q. nehtë² « ᴱQ. nektele
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nellumë adv. “thrice, three times” ⇐ Q. neldë + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. !ninquelë n. “pallor” ⇐ Q. ninquë
- ᴺQ. !numbë n. “timidity” < √(N)DUB
- ᴺQ. !numbëa adj. “timid” ⇐ !numbë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nur (nurr-) n. “complaint, ⚠️growl” < *√NUR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ólemë n. “elbow”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] otsola n. “(seven-day) week” ⇐ Q. otso
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] otsollumë adv. “seven times” ⇐ Q. otso + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^pahta- v. “to speak, talk (intransitive)” < √PAKAT « Q. †pakta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] polca n. “pig” < √POL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] qualmëa adj. “deadly, deathly” ⇐ ᴹQ. qalme
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quam- v. “to be ill, vomit” < ᴹ√KWAM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quámëa adj. “sick, *nauseous” ⇐ ᴹQ. qáme
- ᴺQ. !quamna n. “vomit” ⇐ quam- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !quëallumë adv. “ten times” ⇐ Q. quëan + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quelehtë n. “carcass” < √KWEL¹ « ᴱQ. qelekte
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quelehtië n. “rot, corruption” ⇐ ^quelehtë « ᴱQ. qeleksie
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quelehtima adj. “corrupt, rotten” ⇐ ^quelehtë « ᴱQ. qeleksima
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] queletya- v. “to perish” < √KWEL¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quelmë n. “ruin, utter end, perdition, ⚠️end, death” < √KWEL¹
- ᴺQ. [Q.] quenna n. “saying, proverb” < √KWEN
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quetítë adj. “having speech, able to talk, good at expression, glib” ⇐ Q. quet- + Q. -itë « ᴱQ. qets(im)a
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quettalë n. “sentence; wording, expression, phrase” ⇐ Q. quetta « ᴱQ. qentele
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quilda adj. “quiet, hushed, still” < ^ᴺ√KWILID
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quilda- v. “to stay quiet, be quiet, ⚠️rest” < ^ᴺ√KWILID « ᴱQ. qildi-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quildarë n. “bat” ⇐ quilda
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^quinga- v. “to twang, thrum (of strings, harps, etc.)” < ᴹ√KWIG « ᴱQ. qingi-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] recca n. “spittle, *saliva” < ᴺ√K(E)REK
- ᴺQ. !rondova adj. “cavernous” ⇐ Q. rondo¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sampa n. “spade, *shovel” < ᴺ√SAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sampo n. “*cellar, vault; ⚠️cave, hollow” < ᴺ√SAP « ᴱQ. kambo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sap- v. “to dig” < ᴺ√SAP
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sappa adj. “hollow, dug-out, excavated” < ᴺ√SAP « ᴱQ. satwa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sarma [þ] n. “saw” < √THAR¹
- ᴺQ. !sarnincë n. “pebble” ⇐ Q. #sar + Q. #-incë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] sérë n. “peace, [ᴹQ.] rest, repose” < √SED
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sovalda- v. “to cleanse, purify” < ^ᴺ√SOW « ᴱQ. sovalna-
- ᴺQ. !tallimë (tallimi-) n. “ankle, (lit.) foot-link” ⇐ Q. tál + Q. #limë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telpingwë n. “silverfish” ⇐ Q. telpë + Q. #lingwë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyausta n. “savour, flavour” < √KYAW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyavasta n. “sense of taste” ⇐ Q. tyav-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ulumpë n. “camel” < ^ᴺ√LUP
- ᴺQ. !yarra n. “growl, snarl” < ✶yarr-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yullumë adv. “twice, two times” ⇐ Q. yu- + ᴹQ. -llume
Version 0.6.5
- ᴺQ. !accal- v. “to blaze, shine (suddenly and) brilliantly” < ✶akkal-
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ahtar- v. “to do back, react; ⚠️to requite, avenge” ⇐ √AT + Q. car-
- ᴺQ. !ahtarië n. “reaction; ⚠️vengeance” ⇐ ahtar- [created by NQ-Wiki, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ahto n. “wright, maker, *[lesser] craftsman” < ✶aktō
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aimahto n. “martyr, (lit.) blessed slain” ⇐ √AYA(N) + √MAK « ᴱQ. aimaktu
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aimo n. “saint” ⇐ √AYA(N) + Q. -mo
- ᴺQ. !aino n. “god” ⇐ Q. aina < √AYA(N) [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aipio n. “cherry” ⇐ √AYA(N) + pio
- ᴺQ. !aita-¹ v. “to revere, worship” ⇐ √AYA(N) + ✶-tă
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aitalë n. “reverence, worship, religion” ⇐ !aita-¹ + Q. -lë « ᴱQ. aistale
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aitalëa adj. “reverent, worshipful, religious” ⇐ ^aitalë + Q. #-a « ᴱQ. aistalea
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^alalla- v. “*to keep on growing” « ᴹQ. ololla-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alas (alast-) n. “marble” < ^ᴺ✶galast-
- ᴺQ. !alassëa adj. “joyful, happy, *merry” ⇐ Q. alassë [created by ABNW]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] alasta adj. “of marble, marble” ⇐ alas
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aldeon (aldeond-) n. “avenue (of trees)” ⇐ Q. alda
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] almo n. “shoulder, ⚠️back” < √GAL²
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] amapta- v. “to ravish, seize and carry off forcibly” < √MAP
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ammë n. “mummy, mother”
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ana- pref. “to, towards” < √NA/ANA
- ᴺQ. [Q.] anta n. “[ᴹQ.] face, *front of the head, [ᴱQ.] cheek; ⚠️[Q.] jaw”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] apanta- v. “to open, reveal, show, display” ⇐ ᴹQ. panta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] apantië n. “display, *revealing, ⚠️revelation” ⇐ apanta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^arcólima adj. “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able” ⇐ Q. ar- + Q. cólima < !ᴺ✶askōlimā « ᴱQ. aryúlima
- ᴺQ. !arrongo adv. “right away, promptly, very soon” ⇐ Q. ar(i)- + Q. ron(go) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] aurëa adj. “sunny, sunlit; *daytime” ⇐ Q. aurë + Q. #-a
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^aurië n. “wealth [in possessions], property” ⇐ Q. aura « ᴱQ. ausie
- ᴺQ. !autaila adj. “going away, passing away” ⇐ Q. auta-¹ + Q. -(i)la
- ᴺQ. !axula adj. “bony” ⇐ Q. axo¹
- ᴺQ. !capaitë adj. “leaping, bounding” ⇐ ᴹQ. kap- + Q. -itë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] capta- v. “to make spring, scatter; [ᴱQ.] to startle, ⚠️leap” ⇐ ᴹ√KAP + ✶-tā
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^carasta n. “making, manufacture, construction” ⇐ Q. car- + Q. #-sta² « ᴹQ. karaste
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^celusta n. “outflow” « ᴹQ. keluste
- ᴺQ. !cemnassë n. “earthenware, pottery” ⇐ ᴹQ. kemna [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !cesië [þ] n. “search” ⇐ Q. ces- + Q. -ië²
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^costaima adj. “debatable” ⇐ ᴹQ. kosta- « ᴱQ. kosima
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^costë n. “quarrel, dispute; legal action” < √KOT « ᴱQ. kos [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !cuilórë n. “day-dream, (lit.) awake-dream” ⇐ √KUY + Q. lórë
- ᴺQ. !cuilórëa adj. “absent-minded, (lit.) day-dreamy” ⇐ !cuilórë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] cúnë n. “crescent, arch, ⚠️bow” < *√KU(H)
- ᴺQ. [Q.] cunya- v. “to rule, *govern, reign over” < *√KUN(DU)
- ᴺQ. !cupta n. “deception, lie” < √KUB [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. !cupta- v. “to deceive, lie” < √KUB [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] curuni n. “witch, *sorceress, female magician (not necessarily evil)” ⇐ Q. curu + ᴹQ. †ní
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^ëasta n. “existence, being” ⇐ Q. ëa- + Q. #-sta² « ᴹQ. easte
- ᴺQ. !eccahta n. “hawthorn, (lit.) thorn-hedge” ⇐ ᴹQ. ekko + Q. hahta [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^eccoia adj. “thorny” ⇐ ᴹQ. ekko « ᴱQ. ekkia
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ef- v. “to emerge (especially from water)” < *ᴺ√EPH
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ehta- v. “to stab” < ✶ektā-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ellumë adv. “once, one time” ⇐ Q. er + ᴹQ. -llume
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] elmenda n. “wonder, wonderment” < ^ᴺ√ELEM
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] enar n. “tomorrow” ⇐ Q. en + Q. aurë
- ᴺQ. !enenquëa num. ord. “sixteenth” ⇐ Q. enenquë
- ᴺQ. !enquain num. card. “sixty” ⇐ Q. enquë [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] erda adj. “solitary, deserted” < √ER
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^esta adv. “outwards” ⇐ √ET + ✶-da « ᴱQ. est
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] eulë n. “lamb” < ᴺ√EW(EL)
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^farasta n. “hunting, the chase” ⇐ Q. fara- + Q. #-sta² « ᴹQ. faraste
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hac- v. “to squat” < ^ᴺ√KHAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hacca n. “the hams, buttocks” < ^ᴺ√KHAK
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- v. “to answer, *respond” ⇐ Q. han- + Q. quet- [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúrë n. “manliness, masculinity” ⇐ ᴹQ. hanu « ᴱQ. anúre
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanusta n. “monastery” ⇐ ᴹQ. hanu « ᴱQ. anusta
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanustar n. “monk” ⇐ ^hanusta « ᴱQ. anustar
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúva adj. “doughty, *manly” ⇐ ᴹQ. hanu « ᴱQ. anúva
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hanúvië n. “manhood, doughtyness” ⇐ ^hanúva « ᴱQ. anúvie
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^haru- v. “to sit down, take a seat” < √KHAD « ᴹQ. hamu-
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] hat- v. “[ᴱQ.] to hurl, fling, *throw” < ᴹ√KHAT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hel- v. “to freeze (of water)” < √KHEL « ᴱQ. hilk-
- ᴺQ. !helta- v. “to strip, bare, peel; to despoil, denude” < ᴹ✶skelta- [created by Damien Bador, Psalms]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hessa adj. “withered, ⚠️dead” < ^ᴺ√KHES
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hesta- v. “to wither” < ^ᴺ√KHES
- ᴺQ. !híma adj. “sticky, viscous” < ᴹ✶khīmā
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlaiwa adj. “sickly, sick, ill” « ᴹQ. laiwa
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlívë n. “sickness, *disease” « ᴹQ. líve
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlussa- v. “to whisper” < ᴹ√SLUS « ᴹQ. lussa-
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hlussë n. “whispering sound, *whisper” < ᴹ√SLUS « ᴹQ. lusse
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hó n. “owl” < √KHOL²
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] hollë n. “shout” < √KHOL²
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hont n. “sneeze” < ^ᴺ√HOT
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hontossë n. “loud sneeze” ⇐ hont
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hostaitë adj. “able to gather” ⇐ Q. hosta- « ᴱQ. hostalka
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hototyossë n. “a cough and a sneeze” ⇐ ᴺ√^HOT + tyos
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hotsë n. “army, band, troop” < √KHOT¹ « ᴱQ. hosse¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^hotya- v. “to sneeze” < ^ᴺ√HOT « ᴱQ. #hotyo-
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^hravanda n. “wilderness” ⇐ Q. hráva « ᴹQ. ravanda
- ᴺQ. !hrávëa adj. “fleshly, carnal” ⇐ Q. hrávë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] hyar n. “plough” < ᴹ√SYAD¹
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ilimba adj. “milky” ⇐ ilin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ilin (ilim-) n. “milk” < ^ᴺ√ILIM
- ᴺQ. !iluasta n. “omnipresence” ⇐ Q. ilu + ^ëasta
- ᴺQ. !imyalë n. “sameness” ⇐ Q. imya
- ᴺQ. !inimë n. “femininity, womanliness” ⇐ ᴹQ. †ní [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !iniva adj. “womanly” ⇐ √NĪ/INI
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itis [þ] n. “fly bite; *itch” < ^ᴺ√ITITH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itisin [þ] adj. “itching” < ^ᴺ√ITITH
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] itisya- [þ] v. “to itch, irritate” < ^ᴺ√ITITH
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lacenítë adj. “unseeing, blind” ⇐ Q. cenítë
- ᴺQ. !laimamatya adj. “herbivorous, vegetarian, (lit.) plant-eating” ⇐ Q. laima + Q. #-matya
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lantanwa adj. “*fallen” ⇐ Q. lanta- (perfective-participle)
- ᴺQ. !lantasírë n. “waterfall, (lit.) falling river” ⇐ Q. lanta + Q. sír(ë) [created by Boris Shapiro, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. !larmëa adj. “fatty, fleshy” ⇐ ᴹQ. larma
- ᴺQ. !léramo n. “freeman” ⇐ Q. léra
- ᴺQ. !lérië n. “freedom” ⇐ Q. léra
- ᴺQ. !leryalë n. “release” ⇐ Q. lerya-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] letinwessë n. “constellation” ⇐ Q. lé² + Q. tinwë + Q. #-ssë²
- ᴺQ. !lipsanë n. “lather” ⇐ ᴹQ. lipsa
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^lirusta n. “singing, chant” « ᴹQ. liruste
- ᴺQ. [Q.] lomba adj. “blind” < √DOM
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] lorda adj. “slumbrous, drowsy, *sleepy” < √(O)LOR
- ᴺQ. !lórelot n. “poppy, *(lit.) flower of sleep” ⇐ Q. lórë + Q. lótë
- ᴺQ. !lorta- v. “to faint, swoon, become dazed” < √(O)LOR
- ᴺQ. !lortalë n. “swoon, faint, dizziness” ⇐ !lorta-
- ᴺQ. !loru- v. “to fall asleep” < √(O)LOR [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] luc- v. “to haul, drag, [ᴱQ.] pull (behind)” < √LUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^luilë n. “sapphire, blue stone” < √LUY « ᴱQ. lúle
- ᴺQ. !maitië n. “hunger” ⇐ Q. maita [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. !mardaitë adj. “homely, domestic” ⇐ Q. mar(da) + Q. -itë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mehar n. “gore” < ^ᴺ√MEKH « ᴱQ. mear
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mehta- v. “to aim at” < ᴺ√MEK « ᴱQ. mekte-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^mehtë n. “mark, aim, object” < ᴺ√MEK « ᴱQ. met
- ᴺQ. !milla adj. “oily” < ^ᴺ√MILIG
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] millo (millu-) n. “oil” < ^ᴺ√MILIG
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] miquë n. “kiss” < *√MIKW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] miquelë n. “kissing” ⇐ miquë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] miru n. “wine”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^narambo n. “bang, buffet” < ᴹ√DARAM « ᴱQ. tarambo [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nelca adj. “dense” < !ᴺ√NDEL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] nelma n. “needle” < √NEL
- ᴺQ. [Q.] nelya- v. “to thicken, congeal” < !ᴺ√NDEL
- ᴺQ. !nista n. “thrust, push, shove” ⇐ √NID + ✶-dā [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !nómëa adj. “local” ⇐ Q. #nómë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] nonwë n. “calculation, sum, *total” < ✶notmē
- ᴺQ. !nópata- v. “to precede, (lit.) to walk before” ⇐ Q. nó¹ + Q. pata-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^nornolassëa adj. “having oak-leaves” ⇐ Q. norno + Q. lassë + Q. #-a « ᴱQ. nornelassea
- ⚠️ᴺQ. ?notto [ñ-] n. “*enemy” < ✶ñgothō
- Q. #cotto “*enemy”
- ᴺQ. !núlemo [ñ-] n. “(evil) sorceror, black magician” ⇐ Q. núlë
- ᴺQ. !nustaima adj. “odorous, (lit.) able to be smelled” ⇐ ᴹQ. nusta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] occa n. “knee” < !ᴺ✶okkā
- ᴺQ. !ohtarië n. “martial ardour” ⇐ Q. ohtar
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^olanwa adj. “fully grown, adult, mature” ⇐ ᴹQ. ola- (perfective-participle) « ᴹQ. alanwa
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^olasta n. “growth” ⇐ ᴹQ. ola- + Q. #-sta² « ᴹQ. olaste
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] olorda adj. “dreamy, drowsy; in dreams” < √(O)LOR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ondolë n. “(stone) monument or cairn” ⇐ Q. ondo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^ondova adj. “stony” ⇐ Q. ondo « ᴱQ. onwa [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] onin n. “anvil” < ᴹ√GONOD
- ᴺQ. !orendë n. “(nuclear) family” ⇐ Q. o- + ^rendë [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. !ovëanta- v. “to imitate, make like” ⇐ Q. ovéa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimë n. “vengeance taken, punishment, penalty, infliction” < ᴺ√PAY
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimenë n. “vindictiveness, vengefulness, cruelty” ⇐ paimë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimesta n. “chastisement” ⇐ paimeta- + Q. #-sta²
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] paimeta- v. “to exact or inflict a penalty, punish” ⇐ paimë + Q. -ta
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] palis (palist-) n. “sward, green, lawn” < √PAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] palo (palu-) n. “plane (surface), the flat, *level, flatness; ⚠️plain” < √PAL
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^paltalda n. “palm tree” ⇐ Q. palta + Q. alda « ᴱQ. paltyalda
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^paluhta n. “table” ⇐ palo « ᴱQ. palukta [created by Helge Fauskanger, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pantië n. “unfolding, opening, ⚠️revealing” ⇐ ᴹQ. panta-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pio n. “berry, plum, cherry”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pirin (pirind-) n. “thin rod, pin” < ᴺ√PIR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pirindëa adj. “cylindrical” ⇐ pirin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] pirinumbë n. “cylinder (hollow)” ⇐ pirin
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] poita- v. “to cleanse, *clean” < ᴹ√POY
- ᴺQ. !poitië n. “(act of) cleaning, cleansing” ⇐ poita- + Q. -ië² [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^quaista fraction. “one tenth” ⇐ Q. quain + Q. asta « Q. caista
- ᴺQ. !quiril n. “spindle; [spinning] top, *whirligig” < ᴺ√KWIR
- ᴺQ. !quirilda adj. “twirling, pirouetting” ⇐ !quiril [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] quirmë n. “cream” < ᴺ√KWIR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rámaitë (rámaiti-) adj. “winged, having wings”
- ᴺQ. !ranyaila adj. “wandering” ⇐ ᴹQ. ranya- (active-participle)
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] renda adj. “related, of the same kin or clan” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^rendë n. “kinship, kin, kindred, clan” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D « ᴱQ. rendi
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rendo n. “male cousin, kinsman, *relative” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] rendolë n. “cousinship” ⇐ rendo
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ressë n. “female cousin, kinsman, *relative” < ^ᴺ√RE(N)D
- ᴺQ. !ruimenya adj. “fireside, by the fire” ⇐ Q. ruimen + Q. -ya¹ [created by Paul Strack]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saicë n. “hunger” < ^ᴺ√SAYAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saicelë n. “famine” ⇐ saicë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saicelëa adj. “famished” ⇐ saicelë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saiqua adj. “hungry” < ^ᴺ√SAYAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] saitya- v. “to starve” < ^ᴺ√SAYAK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salca- v. “to mow, scythe, mow down” < #ᴹ√SALAK « ᴱQ. silki-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salcessë n. “harvest [product], *produce” ⇐ ^salca- « ᴱQ. silkesse
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^salcima adj. “ready for cutting, *harvestable” ⇐ ^salca- « ᴱQ. silkima
- ᴺQ. !salquenor n. “grassland, meadow” ⇐ ᴹQ. salqe + Q. nór
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^sapta n. “(delved) hole, pit; [ᴱQ.] grave” < ✶sapnā « ᴱQ. sapta
- ᴺQ. !sesta- v. “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)” < √SED
- ᴺQ. !soicië n. “thirst” ⇐ Q. soica [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sornion [þ] n. “eyrie” ⇐ Q. soron
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sov- v. “*to bathe” < ^ᴺ√SOW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sovallë n. “washing, bathing, purification” < ^ᴺ√SOW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] sovalwa adj. “cleansing, *purifying” < ^ᴺ√SOW
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] súcë [þ] n. “resinous tree, pine or fir” < ^ᴺ√THUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^suhtë (suhti-) n. “resin, gum” < ^ᴺ√THUK « ᴱQ. sukte
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^suhtina adj. “resinous” ⇐ ^suhtë « ᴱQ. suksina
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^súsa [súþa] n. “bath water, hot water” < ^ᴺ√SOW « ᴱQ. sausa
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarqua- v. “to dry, preserve; to pickle” < ^ᴺ√TARKWA
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tarquin(a) n. and adj. “salt meat; salted, dried, *(orig.) preserved” ⇐ tarqua-
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^tel (teld-) n. “end” < √TEL « ᴹQ. tyel
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^telima adj. “final” ⇐ Q. #tel- + Q. -ima « ᴹQ. tyelima
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telpilin n. “silver piece, *silver coin” ⇐ Q. telpë
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] telumbë n. “mushroom” < √TELU
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^tenca n. “letter (epistola)” < ✶teknā « Q. tenna²
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ter- v. “to pierce” < ᴺ√TER [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tintilië n. “sparkling, twinkling” ⇐ Q. tintila- « ᴱQ. tintele
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^tirista n. “*watch, guard” « ᴹQ. #tiriste
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tirmë n. “steadfast regard, stare, *gaze” ⇐ √TIR + Q. #-më « ᴱQ. tirne
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] titinwë n. “small star, sparkle of dew, *small sparkling thing” ⇐ Q. tinwë
- ᴺQ. !tucië n. “drawing, pulling” ⇐ ᴹQ. tuk- (gerund)
- ᴺQ. !tuluhta- v. “to support, prop (up), uphold” < ᴹ√TULUK
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tuxa num. card. “hundred; ⚠️gross, 144” < ᴺ√TUKSA
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyos (tyoss-) n. “cough” < ᴺ√TYOS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^tyosta- v. “to cough” < ᴺ√TYOS « ᴱQ. tyosto-
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyur- v. “to curdle (blood, milk, etc.), *congeal” < ᴺ√KYUR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyurda adj. “curdled” < ᴺ√KYUR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] tyurmë n. “cheese” < ᴺ√KYUR
- ᴺQ. !ulunda adj. “monstrous” ⇐ ᴹQ. ulundo
- ᴺQ. !ulundië n. “monstrosity” ⇐ ᴹQ. ulundo
- ᴺQ. !ú pusto adv. “immediately, at once, (lit.) without pause” ⇐ ᴹQ. pusta (genitive) [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] úrin adj. “(blazing) hot” < √UR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] urna n. “oven” < √UR
- ᴺQ. !uruhta- v. “to (cause to) smoke; to belch smoke” < √USUK [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] úruva adj. “fiery, [ᴱQ.] like fire” ⇐ ᴹQ. úr
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] urwa adj. “on fire, afire” < √UR
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] us- [þ] v. “to escape, get out” < ^ᴺ√UTH
- ᴺQ. !ustya- v. “to smoke (intr.)” < √USUK [created by Shihali]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] uswë [þ] n. “escape, issue, outlet” < ^ᴺ√UTH
- ᴺQ. [Q.] vaina¹ [w] adj. “blonde, fair of hair” < √(G)WAN
- ᴺQ. !varassë n. “cliff” < √BARAS
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^velet n. “boil, tumor” < ^ᴺ√WEL « ᴱQ. welet
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^velva adj. “boiling, bubbling” < ^ᴺ√WEL « ᴱQ. welba
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^velvë n. “bubble” < ^ᴺ√WEL « ᴱQ. welbe
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^vembë n. “worm” < ^ᴺ√WEB « ᴱQ. wembe [created by Helge Fauskanger, NQNT]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] venta n. “chin” < ^ᴺ√BENET
- ᴺQ. !véta- v. “to compare, liken” < ✶bē [created by Fayanzār]
- ᴺQ. [Q.] ^vinima adj. “childish” « Q. winima
- ᴺQ. !vorimyalë n. “monotony” ⇐ ᴹQ. vor(o)- + !imyalë
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !xéya- v. “to pass (of time, intransitive)” < √SKEY [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴺQ. lúta- “to have time pass”
- ⚠️ᴺQ. !xíta- v. “to pass, spend (time, transitive)” < √SKEY [created by Tamas Ferencz]
- ᴹQ. oi- “to live, pass one’s days”
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yaxë n. “cow” < ^ᴺ√GYAK
- ᴺQ. !yesta- v. “to begin, *start” < *√YESET [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPQ]
- ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] ^yunquëa num. ord. “twelfth” ⇐ Q. yunquë « ᴱQ. yunqenya
- ᴺQ. !yuquain num. card. “twenty” ⇐ Q. yu- + Q. quëan [created by EruannoVG]
- ᴺQ. !yuquain tuxa num. card. “one hundred twenty” ⇐ !yuquain + tuxa