Quenya Names

Aicanáro m. “Fell Fire; Sharp Flame”aica + nár
Ailinel f.ailin + -iel
Ainulindalë pn. “Music of the Ainur”Ainu + lindalë
Airefëa pn. “Holy Spirit”airë¹ + fëa
Airë Tári pn. “Holy Queen”
Aiwendil m. “Lover of Birds”aiwë + -(n)dil
Alalvinórë loc. “Land of Many Elms”alalvëa + nórë
Alamanyar coll. “(Elves) Not of Aman”al(a)-¹ + Amanyar
Alatar m.? + tar-¹
Alcarin pn. “Glorious”alcarin(qua)
Alcarinquë pn. “Glorious”alcarin(qua)
Alcarondas pn. “Castle of the Sea”alcar + ?
Aldalómë loc. “Tree-twilight”alda + lómë
Aldamir m. “*Tree Jewel”alda + mírë
Aldanil m. “Lover of Trees”alda + -(n)dil
Aldarion m. “*Son of Trees”alda (plural) + -ion
Aldaron m. “Lord of Forests, (lit.) Of Trees”alda (genitive plural)
Aldudénië pn. “Lament for the Two Trees”alda (dual) + ?
Almaren loc. ⇐ ᴹQ. almare
Almarian f. ⇐ ᴹQ. almare
Almiel f. “?Blessed Daughter”almë + -iel
Alqualondë loc. “Haven of the Swans”alqua + londë
Altáriel f. “Galadriel” ⇐ T. alata + riel(lë)
Aman loc. “Blessed Realm”
Amanar pn. “Yule” ⇐ #am- + Anar
Amandil m. “Lover of Aman”Aman + -(n)dil
Amaneldi coll. “*Elves of Aman”Aman + Elda (plural)
Amanyar coll. “Those of Aman”Aman + -ya¹ (plural)
Amarië f.márië
Ambaráto m. “*High Champion”amba¹ + aráto
Ambarmenië pn. “Way of the World”Ambar + men- (gerund)
Ambaróna loc. “Eastern (Land)”ambarónë
Ambarto m. “*High and Lofty”amba¹ + arata
Ambarussa m. “Top-russet”amba¹ + russa
Anairë f. “*Holiest”an- + airë¹
Anarcalin m. “*Sun-Bright”Anar + calina
Anardil m. “*Lover of the Sun”Anar + -(n)dil
Anárion m. “*Son of the Sun”Anar + -ion
Anarríma pn. “*Sun Border”Anar + ᴹQ. ríma
Anaxartaron Onyalië pn. “Of the Ents and the Eagles”
Ancalimë f. “*Brightest (f.)”an- + calima
Ancalimon m. “*Brightest (m.)”an- + calima + -on¹
Andafalassë loc. “Langstrand”anda + falassë
Andafangar coll. “Longbeards”anda + #fanga (plural)
Andor loc. “Land of Gift”anna + -ndor
Anducal m. “*Light of the West”andú- + cala
Anduinë loc. “Long River”anda + -(n)duinë
Andúnë loc. “The West”andúnë
Andúnië loc. “Sunset”andúnë + -ië¹
Andúril pn. “Flame of the West”andú- + √RIL
Andustar loc. “Westlands”
Angainor pn.
Angalailin loc. “Mirrormere”angal + ailin
Angamaitë m. “Iron-handed”anga + maitë
Angamando loc. “Iron Prison, Iron-gaol”anga + mando
Angaráto m. “*Iron Champion”anga + aráto
Annatar m. “Lord of Gifts”anna + tar-¹
Apanónar coll. “After-born”apa¹ + #nóna
Aracáno m. “High Chieftain”
Aracondo m. “*Noble Prince”ar(a)- + cundo
Aracorno m. “Aragorn”ar(a)- + ?
Arafinwë m. “*Noble Finwë”ar(a)- + Finwë
Araman loc. “Outside Aman, *Beside Aman”ar- + Aman
Aran Endór pn. “King of Middle-earth”
Aranórë loc. “Kingsland”aran + nórë
Arantar m. “*High King”aran + tar-¹
Aranwë m. “*King-person”aran + -wë
Aranwion m. “Son of Aranwë”Aranwë + -ion
Aratan m. “*Noble Man”ar(a)- + Atan
Aratar coll. “High Ones, The Exalted, The Supreme”arata (plural)
Arcantiër coll. “Major Patterns”ar(a)- + #cantië (plural)
Arcastar pn. “Tolkien”
Arciryas m. “*Noble Ship”ar(a)- + cirya¹
Arda loc. “The World, (lit.) Realm”
Arda Alahasta pn. “Arda Unmarred”
Arda Envinyanta pn. “Arda Healed”
^Arda Harina pn. “Arda Marred”
Arda Hastaina pn. “Arda Marred”
Ardamin m. “*World Tower”Arda + mindon
Ardamir m. “*World-jewel”Arda + mírë
Ardamírë m. “Jewel of the World”Arda + mírë
Ardaranyë loc. “Kingdom of Arda”
Arda Sahta pn. “Arda Marred”
Arda Úvana pn. “Arda Marred”
Arda Vanya pn. “Arda Unmarred”
Arfanyarassë loc. “High Shining White Peak”ar(a)- + fanya + rassë
Argoldo m. “Noble Noldo”ar(a)- + Noldo
Arien f. “Maiden of the Sun”árë + -ien¹
Armenelos loc. “City of the Kings; *(lit.) Noble Heaven City”ar(a)- + menel + osto (suffix)
Artafindë m. “*Noble [Golden] Hair”arata + findë
Artaher m. “Noble Lord”arata + heru
Artamir m. “*Noble Jewel”arata + mírë
Artanáro m. “*Noble Fire”arata + nár
Artanga m. “*Noble Iron”arata + anga
Artanis f. “Noble Woman”arata + nís
Artano m. “High-smith”ar(a)- + tamo
Artaresto m.arata + ?
Arvernien loc. “Land(s) beside the Verna”ar- + Verna + #-ien²
Astaldo m. “Valiant”astalda
Atalantë pn. “Downfall(en)”atalantë
Atanalcar m. “*Man Glory”Atan + alcar
Atanamir m. “*Man Jewel”Atan + mírë
Atanatar pn. “Father of Men”Atan + atar¹
Atanatárion pn. “(Legendarium) of the Fathers of Men”Atanatar (genitive plural)
Atandil m. “Friend of Men”Atan + -(n)dil
Atarincë m. “Little Father”atar¹ + #-incë
atendëa pn. “double-middle”at(a)- + #endëa
Attalyar coll. “Bipeds, (lit.) The Two-footed” ⇐ #attalya (plural)
Attólamaitë pn. “biconsonantal”atta + #ólamaitë
Atyamar loc. “*Second Home” ⇐ †tatya + már
Atyarussa m. “Second-russa”
Aulë m. “The Maker, The Smith”
Aulendil m. “Servant of Aulë”Aulë + -(n)dil
Aulendur pn. “Servant of Aulë”Aulë + -(n)dur
Aulëonnar coll. “Children of Aulë”
Aurel pn. “Elf who left Middle-earth for Aman”
Avallónë loc. “Outer Isle” ⇐ #ava¹ + #lónë
Avamanyar coll. “Elves who would not go to Aman”ava-² + Amanyar
Avar pn. “Refuser, Elf who did not journey to Aman”ava-¹ + #-r(o)
Avarin pn. “language(s) of the Avari, *of the Avari”Avar + #-rin
Avathar loc. “Shadows”
Axantur m. “*Master of Law”axan + -tur
Calacirian loc. “Anglicanized Calaciryan”
Calacirya loc. “Pass of Light”cala + cirya²
Calaciryan loc. “*Land of Calacirya”Calacirya + ✶yandē
Calantar pn. “Light-giver”cala + anta- + #-r(o)
Calaquenderin pn.
Calaquendi coll. “Elves of the Light, (lit.) Light Elves”cala + Quendë (plural)
Calimehtar m. “*Bright Warrior”calima + #mehtar
Calimmacil m. “*Bright Sword”calima + macil
Calion m. “*Son of Light”cala + -ion
Caliondo m.cala + -ndo
Calmacil m. “*Sword of Light, Shining Sword”cala + macil
Calmindon loc. “Light-tower”cala + mindon
Caltáriel f. “woman crowned with glory, radiance”
Canafinwë m. “Strong-voiced Finwë”cáno + Finwë
Carma-cundo pn. “Helm-guardian”
Carnil pn. “*Red Star”carnë + †él
Carnimírië pn. “Red-jewelled”carnë + mírëa + -ië¹
Carnistir m. “Red-face”
Casallië pn. “*Dwarf-folk”Casar (assimilated) + lië
Casarrondo loc. “Dwarrowvault”Casar + rondo¹
Castamir m.? + mírë
Celecormë m.
Cemendur m. “*Servant of the Earth”cemen + -(n)dur
Ciriáran pn. “Mariner King, *(lit.) Ship King”cirya¹ + aran
Ciryaher m. “*Ship Lord”cirya¹ + heru
Ciryandil m. “*Ship Lover”cirya¹ + -(n)dil
Ciryatan m. “Shipbuilder, Shipwright”ciryatan
Ciryatur m. “*Ship-master”cirya¹ + -tur
Ciryon m.cirya¹ + -on¹
Cormacolindor coll. “Ring-bearers” ⇐ #corma + #colindo (plural)
Cormarë pn. “Ringday”
Corollairë loc. “Green Mound, *(lit.) Mound of Summer”coron (assimilated) + lairë
Coron Oiolairë loc. “Mound Ever-summer”coron + oi(o) + lairë
Cuiviénen loc. “Water of Awakening”cuivië¹ + nén
Cuivienyarna pn. “Legend of the Awakening [of the Quendi]”
Culúrien pn. “*Golden Garland” ⇐ √KUL + rië¹
Curufinwë m. “*Skilled-Finwë”curu + Finwë
Curumo m. “*Skilled-one”curu + -mo
Eälótë pn. “*Sea Flower”ëar + lótë
Eämbar¹ pn. “Sea-dwelling”ëar + már
Eämbar² pn. “Creation as a Whole” + Ambar
Eärambar pn. “Walls of Eä” + ramba (plural)
Eärendil m. “Lover of the Sea”ëar + -(n)dil
Eärendur m. “Mariner, *(lit.) Servant of the Sea”ëar + -(n)dur
Eärnil m. “*Lover of the Sea”ëar + -(n)dil
Eärnur m. “*Servant of the Sea”ëar + -(n)dur
Eärrámë pn. “Sea-wing”ëar + ráma
Eärwen f. “*Sea-maiden”ëar + vendë (suffix)
Ecelli coll. “The Forsaken”
Ekkaia loc. “Outer Sea”
Elatan m. “*Star Man” ⇐ †él + Atan
Eldacar m. “Elfhelm”Elda + carma¹
Elda-lambë pn. “Language of the Eldar”
Eldalondë loc. “Haven of the Eldar”Elda + londë
Eldalótë f. “Elven-flower”
Eldamar loc. “Elvenhome”Elda + már
Eldameldor coll. “Elf-friends, Elf-lovers”Elda + #meldo (plural)
Eldandil m. “Elf-friend”Elda + -(n)dil
Eldanna loc. “*Elf-wards”Elda + -nna
Eldanor loc. “Elvenland”Elda + nórë
Eldanyárë pn. “History of the Elves”Elda + nyárë
Eldarion m. “*Son of the Eldar”Elda (plural) + -ion
Eldavehtë pn. “a habitation, haunt or place occupied by Eldar”
Eldo pn. “one of the Marchers”
Elemmacil m. “*Star Sword”elen + macil
Elemmírë pn. “Elven-gem, Star-gem”elen (assimilated) + mírë
Elendë loc. “Elfland”
Elendil m. “Elf-friend, Star-lover”Elda + elen + -(n)dil
Elendili coll. “Elf-friends”Elendil (plural)
Elendilmir pn. “Star of Elendil”Elendil + mírë
Elendur m. “*Star-servant”elen + -(n)dur
Elenna loc. “Starwards”elen + -nna
Elenna-nórë loc. “The Land of the Star”Elenna + nórë
Elentári f. “Queen of the Stars, Star-queen”elen + tári
Elentir pn. “*Star-gazer”elen + tir-
Elentirmo m. “Star-watcher”
Elenwë f.elen + -wë
Elerondiel f. “*Daughter of Elrond” ⇐ *Elerondo + -iel
*Elerondo m. “Elrond, (lit.) Star-dome”elen + rondo¹
Elerondorel f. “*Daughter of Elrond” ⇐ *Elerondo + seldë
Elerossë m. “Star Foam”elen + #rossë
Elerrína loc. “Crowned with Stars”elen + rína
Elessar m. “Elfstone”elen (assimilated) + #sar
Elestirnë f. “Star-brow”elen (assimilated) + *estirnë
Elmo m.
Elostirion loc. “*Star Fort” ⇐ †él + ᴹQ. ostirion
Elpino m. “*Christ”
Elwë m. ⇐ †él + -wë
Emerië loc. “?The Herding” ⇐ #emer- + -ië²
enderi coll. “middle-days”endë + (plural suffix)
Endórë loc. “Middle-earth, (lit.) Middle Land”endë + nórë
Enellië pn. “*Company of Enel” ⇐ ✶Enel + lië
Engwar coll. “Men, (lit.) The Sickly” ⇐ #engwa (plural)
Entulessë pn. “Return”entulessë
Envinyatar m. “Renewer” ⇐ #envinyata- + #-r(o)
Eönwë m.? + -wë
Ercambo m. “Onehand(ed), One-hand Man”er + camba
Ercantië pn. “Great Pattern”er + #cantië
Erendis f. “?Lonely Bride”er? + indis?
Eressëa loc. “Lonely (Isle)”eressëa
Ermenië pn. “One Beginning”er + men- (gerund)
Erólamaitë pn. “uniconsonantal”er + #ólamaitë
Eruamillë f. “*Mother of God”Eru + amil(lë)
#Eruanna pn. “[God’s] Grace”Eru + anna
Eruhantalë pn. “Thanksgiving of Eru”Eru + #hantalë
Eruhin pn. “Child of Eru (God)”Eru + hína (suffix)
Eruion m. “*Son of God”Eru + -ion
Erukyermë pn. “Prayer of Eru”
Erulaitalë pn. “Praise of Eru”Eru + #laitalë
Erulingar coll. “Rohirrim”
#Erulissë pn. “[God’s] Grace”Eru + lissë²
#Eruman loc. “Heaven”Eru + √MAN
Eruontarië f. “*Mother of God, (lit.) God-genetrix”Eru + ontari(l)
Erusēn coll. “Children of God”Eru + #sén (plural)
Essecarmë pn. “Name-making”
Essecenta Eldarinwa pn. “Enquiry (into the origins) of the Elvish names”
Essecilmë pn. “Name-choosing”essë¹ + cilmë
Estë f. “Rest, Repose, Peace”
Estelmo m. “*Hope-person”estel + -mo
Etyangoldi coll. “Exiled Noldor”
Etya-noldorin pn. “Exile-Noldorin”
Fairondi coll. “Incarnates”fairë + hrondo
Falarombar pn. ⇐ √PHAL + romba (plural)
Falassion m. “*Shore-son”falassë + -ion
Falastur m. “Lord of the Coasts”falassë + -tur
Falmari coll. “Sea-elves, (lit.) Wave-folk”falma
Faniel f.? + -iel
Fëanáro m. “Spirit of Fire”fëa + nár
Fëanoreva Tengwassë pn. “Feanorian Alphabet”
Fëanturi coll. “Masters of Spirits”fëa + -tur (plural)
Findaráto m. “*[Golden] Hair Champion”findë + aráto
Findecáno m. “*Hair Commander”findë + cáno
Findis f.Finwë + Indis
Finwë m. ⇐ √PHIN¹ + -wë
Finwion m. “Son of Finwë”Finwë + -ion
Fíriel f. “She that Died; She that Sighed; Mortal Woman”fir- + -iel
Fírima pn. “Mortal, (lit.) One Apt to Die”fírima
Firindil m. “Friend of Men”Fírima + -(n)dil
Firya pn. “Mortal”firya
Follondië loc. “North-harbourage”formen (prefix) + #londië
Formenos loc. “Northern Fortress”formen + osto (suffix)
Forontë pn. “Northern Lamp”for-
Forostar loc. “Northlands”
Haimenar m. “*Far-farer” ⇐ ᴹ√KHAY + men- + #-r(o)
Hallacar m. “*Tall Helm”halla + carma¹
Hallatan m. “*Tall Man”halla + Atan
Hávanissi coll. “Bread-women”háva + nís (plural)
Hecel pn. “Elf who stayed in Beleriand”hecil + Elda
Hecelmar loc. “*Home of the Hecel”Hecel + már
Helcar loc.helca
Helcaraxë loc. “Grinding Ice”helca + #caraxë
Helluin pn. “?Ice or Sky Blue”? + luinë
Heren Istarion pn. “Order of Wizards”heren + Istar (genitive plural)
Herucalmo m.heru + cala + -mo
Heru Imillion pn. “Lord of the Rings”
Herumor m. “*Black Lord”heru + morë
Herunúmen m. “Lord of the West”heru + númen
Hildor coll. “Men, Aftercomers, (lit.) Followers” ⇐ #hildë
Hildórien loc. “*Land of the Followers”Hildor + #-ien²
Hirilondë pn. “Haven-finder”hir- (aorist) + londë
Hísilómë [þ] loc. “Land of Mist, (lit.) Mist-and-Dusk” ⇐ #hísë + lómë
Hostamir m. “*Many Jewels” ⇐ ᴹQ. hosta + mírë
Hrávandil m. “*Wild Beast Friend”hravan + -(n)dil
Hravani coll. “Wild-men, Savages”hravan (plural)
Hristo m. “*Christ”
Hrívion pn.hrívë
Hröambari coll. “Incarnate[s]”hröa + √MBAR
Hrónatani coll. “*Easterlings”(h)róna + Atan (plural)
Hyallondië loc. “South-harbourage”hyar- + #londië
Hyarantar loc. “?Southern Height”hyarna¹ + tar-¹
Hyarantë pn. “Southern Lamp”
Hyarastorni loc. “?South Fastness”hyar- + √STOR
Hyarmendacil m. “South-victor, South-slayer”hyarmen + #-ndacil
Hyarmentir loc. “*South Watch”hyarmen + tir-
Hyarnustar loc. “Southwestlands”
Hyarrostar loc. “Southeastlands”
Ilion m. ⇐ √IL? + -ion
Illuin pn.
*Ilma pn. “Starlight”
Ilmarë f. ⇐ *Ilma + ?
Ilmarin loc. “Mansion of the High Airs” ⇐ *Ilma + ?
Ilmen loc. “*Place of Starlight” ⇐ *Ilma + men
Ilquendatar m. “Father of All Quendi” ⇐ #il- + Quendë + atar¹
Ilthániel f. “*Starkindler”
Ilúvatar m. “Father of All”ilúvë + atar¹
Ilwen f. ⇐ √IL? + vendë (suffix)
Imillië pn. “Company of Imin” ⇐ ✶Imin + lië
Incánus m. “Mind Master(ship)”incánussë
Indis f. “Great Woman”indis
Indis i·Ciryamo pn. “The Mariner’s Wife”
Ingalaurë m. “*Top Gold”inga + laurë
Ingoldo m. “The Noldo” + Noldo
Ingolondë loc. “Country of the Noldor”
Ingwë m. “Chief” ⇐ √ING + -wë
Ingwë Ingweron pn. “Chief of the Chieftains”
Ingwemar loc. “*Ingwë Home”Ingwë + már
Ingwi coll. “People of Ingwë, Chieftains”Ingwë (plural)
Ingwil m.
Ingwion m. “Son of Ingwë”Ingwë + -ion
Írildë f. ⇐ #írë? + -ldë²?
Irildë f. “?Beloved Brilliance”
Írimë f. “*Lovely”írima
Írimon m. ⇐ #írë? + -mo?
Írissë f. “*Desirable Lady” ⇐ #írë + -issë
Irmo m. “Desirer” ⇐ #írë + -mo
Isildur [þ] m. “*Servant of the Moon”Isil + -(n)dur
Isildurioni [þ] coll. “Heirs of Isildur”Isildur + -ion (plural)
Isilmë f. “*Moonlight”isilmë
Isilmo [þ] m.Isil + -mo
Istar pn. “Wizard, (lit.) One Who Knows”ista- + #-r(o)
Istarnië f.
Itarillë f. “*Sparkling Brilliance”ita- + √RIL + -llë¹
i Tumbo Tarmacorto loc. “the Vale of the High Mountain Circle”
i Túrin i Cormaron pn. “the Lord of the Rings”
Kementári f. “Queen of the Earth”cemen + tári
Laicolassë m. “Green-foliage”laica + olass(i)ë
Laiquendi coll. “Green-elves”laica + Quendë (plural)
Lalwendë f. “Laughing Maiden”lala- + vendë
Lámaquenta pn. “Account of Sounds”
Lámasampanë pn. “Combination of Sounds”
Lambengolmor coll. “Loremasters of Tongues”lambë + ingolmo (plural)
Lambenyáre pn. “Account of ... Languages”lambë + nyárë
Lassemista pn. “Leaf-Grey”lassë + mista
Laurefindele m. “Golden Haired”laurë + findelë
Laurelin pn. “Song of Gold, Singing Gold”laurë + #lindë
Laurelindórenan loc. “(Land of the) Valley of Singing Gold”laurë + #lindë + -ndor + nan(do)
Laurenandë loc. “Valley of Gold”
Lëa-vinya f. “Lëa the Young”
Lemberin pn. “*of the Lembi”Lembi + #-rin
Lembi coll. “Lingerers” ⇐ ᴹQ. lemba
Lenwë m.? + -wë
#Lestanórë loc. “Doriath, *(lit.) Land of the Girdle” ⇐ #lesta + nórë
Linda pn. “Singer”
Lindalambë pn. “Language of the Lindar”Linda + lambë
Lindarin pn. “*of the Lindar”Linda + #-rin
Lindelorendor pn. “Singing-dream-land” ⇐ #lindë + lórë + -ndor
Lindissë f. “*Singer (f.)” ⇐ #lindë + -issë
Lindónë loc. “Lindon”
Lindórië f. ⇐ #lindë + ?
Lómëanor loc. “Gloomyland” ⇐ #lómëa + -ndor
Lóminórë loc. “*Echoing Land” ⇐ North S. lómin + nórë
Lómion m. “Son of Twilight”lómë + -ion
Lórellin loc. “*Dream Pool”lórë + √LIN¹?
Lórien pn. “*Dream Lands”lórë + #-ien²
Luinil pn. “*Blue Star”luinë + †él
Lumbar pn. “?Shadow Home” ⇐ ᴹQ. lumbe? + már?
Lúnaturco loc. “?Dark Stronghold”
Lungumá m. “Heavyhand” ⇐ #lungo +
Luvailin loc. “Shadowmere” ⇐ √LUB¹ + ailin
Macalaurë m. “Forging Gold” ⇐ √MAK + laurë
Máhan pn. “one of the eight chiefs of the Valar”
Máhanaxar loc. “Ring of Doom, *(lit.) Ring of Judgement”Máhan
Mahtan m. “?Forger Smith” ⇐ √MAK + tamo
Mairen f.maira
Mairon m. “Admirable”maira + -on¹
Maitimo m. “Well-shaped One”maitë + -mo
Malantur m. “?Golden Lord”malina + -tur
#Malariandë loc. “Beleriand” see Q. #Valariandë
Malinalda pn. “Tree of Gold”malina + alda
Mámandil m. “*Sheep-friend”máma + -(n)dil
Mandos loc. “Castle of Custody”mando + osto (suffix)
Manwë m. “Blessed Being” ⇐ √MAN + -wë
Manwendil m. “*Friend of Manwë”Manwë + -(n)dil
Manyel f. ⇐ √MAN + -iel
Mardil m. “Devoted to the House”mar(da) + -(n)dil
Mardorunando pn. “*Redeemer of the World”
María f. “*Mary”
Mar-nu-Falmar loc. “Land under the Waves”már + nu + falma (plural)
Martamo m. “World-artificer”mar(da) + tamo
Mar Tyaliéva pn. “House of Mirth”
Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva loc. “House of Past (or Departed) Mirth”
Melkor m. “He who arises in Might; (lit.) Mighty Arising”
Melkorohíni coll. “Children of Melkor”Melkor + hína (plural)
Melkorsēni coll. “Children of Melkor”Melkor + #sén (plural)
Melyanna f. “*Dear Gift”
Meneldil m. “*Lover of the Heavens”menel + -(n)dil
Meneldur m. “*Servant of the Heavens”menel + -(n)dur
Menelmacar pn. “Swordsman of the Sky”menel + macar
Menelmacil pn. “*Sword of the Sky”menel + macil
Meneltarma loc. “Pillar of Heaven”menel + tarma
Mettanyë pn. “?I End”metta + -n(yë)
Mettarë pn. “last day of the year, *(lit.) end-day”metta +
Minalcar m. “?First Glory”minya? + alcar?
Minardil m. “?Friend of the Tower”minassë? + -(n)dil
Minastan m. “?Smith of the Tower”minassë? + tamo
Minastir m. “?Watch Tower”minassë? + tir-
Mindon Eldaliéva loc. “Lofty Tower of the Eldalië”mindon + Eldalië (possessive)
Minnónar coll. “First-born”minya + #nóna
Minohtar m. “*First Warrior”minya + ohtar
Minyar coll. “Firsts (original clan name of the Vanyar)”minya (plural)
Minyarussa m. “First-russa”
Minyatur m. “First-ruler”minya + -tur
Minyon m. “First-begotten”minya + √NŌ/ONO
Míriel f. “*Jewel-daughter”mírë + -iel
Mírondina pn. “Incarnate”mi + hrondo + -ina
Mirröanwi coll. “Incarnates” ⇐ #mirröanwë
Mittalmar loc. “Inlands”mitta + már
#Mondósar loc. “Oxford”mundo + √THAR¹
Morifinwë m. “Dark Finwë”morë + Finwë
Morikotto m. “*Dark Enemy”morë + #cotto
Morinehtar m. “Darkness-slayer”
Moriquendi coll. “Elves of the Darkness, (lit.) Dark Elves”morë + Quendë (plural)
Mormacil m. “Black Sword” ⇐ √MOR + macil
Morños m. “*Dark Enemy” see Q. Morikotto
Morwë m. ⇐ √MOR + -wë
Nahar m.
Naira pn.
Naltariel [ñ-] f. “Galadriel”nalta + riel(lë)
Námo m. “Judge, Ordainer”námo²
Nand’ Ondoluncava loc. “Stonewain Valley”
Nandor coll. “Silvan Elves, (lit.) Those who go back”
Nandorin pn.Nandor + #-rin
Nano m.
Nan-tasarion [þ] loc. “Vale of Willow[s]”nan(do) + tasar(ë) (genitive plural)
Narmacil m. “*Fire-sword”nár + macil
Narsil [þ] pn. “Red and White Flame” ⇐ √NAR + √THIL
Narsilion [þ] pn. “(Song) of the Sun and Moon” ⇐ √NAR + √THIL (genitive plural)
Narya pn. “(Ring) of Fire”nár + -ya¹
Naucalië coll. “People of the Dwarves”
Návarot loc. “Hollowbold” ⇐ #náva¹ + rotto
Návatar m. “*Dwarf-father” ⇐ #náva¹? + atar¹
Neldië pn. “*Trinity”neldë + -ië¹
Nelólamaitë pn. “triconsonantal” ⇐ ᴹQ. nel- + #ólamaitë
Nelwë m.
Nelyafinwë m. “Finwë third” ⇐ †nelya + Finwë
Nelyar pn. “Thirds (original clan name of the Teleri)” ⇐ †nelya (plural)
Nénar pn.néna + ?
Nendili coll. “Water-lovers”nén + -(n)dil (plural)
Nenya pn. “(Ring) of Water”nén + -ya¹
Nerdanel f.nér + ?
Nerwen f. “Man-maiden”
Nessa f. “she that has manlike valour or strength”
Nessanië f.Nessa
Nieliccilis f.
Nienna f. “Lady of Pity and Mourning” ⇐ ᴹQ. nie + ?
Nienor f. “Mourning” ⇐ ᴹQ. nie + ?
Nindamos loc.nenda + osto
Nindatalma loc. “Wetwang, Nindalf”
Ninquelótë pn. “White Blossom”ninquë + lótë
Nísimaldar [þ] loc. “Fragrant Trees”
Nísinen [þ] loc. “*Fragrant Water” ⇐ #nis- + nén
Nityafinwë m. “Little Finwë” ⇐ #nitya + Finwë
Noirinan loc. “Valley of Tombs”
Noldo [ñ-] pn. “one of the wise folk, Gnome”
Noldolantë [ñ-] pn. “Fall of the Noldor”
Noldóran [ñ-] pn. “King of the Ñoldor”Noldo + aran
Noldorin [ñ-] pn. “of the Noldo; the Noldor language”Noldo + #-rin
Nólimon [ñ-] m. “*Learned One”nólë + -mo
Nolofinwë [ñ-] m. ⇐ √ÑGOL¹ + Finwë
Nolondil m. “?Friend of Knowledge”nólë + -(n)dil
Nornalië pn. “People of the Dwarves”norna + lië
Norsus [ñorþus] m. “Mist of Fear”
Númellótë m. “Flower of the West”númen (assimilated) + lótë
Númendil m. “*Friend of the West”númen + -(n)dil
Númenórë loc. “Westernesse, (lit.) West-land”númen + nórë
Númerrámar pn. “West-wings”númen (assimilated) + ráma
Núnatani coll. “Western Men”núna + Atan
Nunduinë loc. “*West River”núna + -(n)duinë
Nur-menel loc. “*Under Heaven”nu + menel
Nurtalë Valinóreva pn. “the Hiding of Valinor”
Nurwë m.? + -wë
Oärel pn. “Elf who left Middle-earth for Aman”öar + Elda
Ohtar m. “Warrior”ohtar
Oiencarmë pn. “Perpetual Production”oi(o) + en- + carmë
Oiolossë loc. “Ever (Snow) White”oi(o) + lossë¹
Oiomúrë loc.oi(o) + ?
Olórin m. “*Dream/vision one”olor + ?
Olwë m. ⇐ √OL + -wë
Ondoher m. “*Stone Lord”ondo + heru
Ondohir m.ondo + S. hîr
Ondolindë loc. “Rock of the Music of Water, (lit.) Singing Stone”ondo + #lindë
Ondoluncanan(do) loc. “Stonewain Valley”ondolunca + nan(do)
Ondonórë loc. “Gondor, (lit.) Stone Land”ondo + nórë
Ondosto loc. “*Stone City”ondo + osto
Onnalúmë pn. “Time of the Children”onna + lúmë¹
Onnarië pn. “Time of Children”onna + + -ië¹
Ormal pn.
Ornendil m. “*Tree-friend”ornë + -(n)dil
Orocarni loc. “Red Mountains”oro + carnë (plural)
Orofarnë pn. “Mountain Ash; Mountain-dwelling”oro + farnë
Oromë m. “Horn-Blowing”
Oromendil m. “*Friend of Oromë”Oromë + -(n)dil
Oromet loc. “?Hill at the End”oro + √MET
Oron Oiolossë loc. “Mount Everwhite”
Orontor m.
Orrostar loc. “Eastlands”orró- + -sta¹ (plural)
Ósanwe-centa pn. “[Enquiry into] Communication of Thought”
Ossë m.
Ostoher m. “*City Lord”osto + heru
Palacendo m. “*Far sighted one”palan + #cen
Palantir m. “Far-sighted”palan + tir-
Palarran pn. “Far Wanderer”palan (assimilated) + √RAN
Pallando m.palan + -ndo
Parmaitë m. “*Book Handy”parma + maitë
Parmaquesta pn. “Book-language”parma + #questa
Pelendur m. “?Servant of the Border” ⇐ √PEL? + -(n)dur
Pelóri loc. “Mountain Wall, Fencing Heights”pelo + oro (plural)
Pelóri Valion loc. “Mountains of Valinor”
Pereldar coll. “Half-elven” ⇐ #per- + Elda (plural)
Pityafinwë m. “Little Finwë”pitya + Finwë
Pitya-naucor coll. “Petty-dwarves”
Poldórëa m. “Valiant; Breaker up of the Hard/Tough”
Quendelië pn. “Elf-race”Quendë + lië
Quendil m. “Elf-friend”Quendë + -(n)dil
Quendingoldo m. “*Loremaster of the Elves”Quendë (plural) + ✶ñgolodō
Quennar m.
Quennar Onótimo m.
Quenta Noldorinwa pn. “the History of the Noldor”quenta + Noldorin (possessive)
Quenta Silmarillion pn. “History of the Silmarils”
Quettúri coll. “Word-masters”quetta + ᴹQ. turo (plural)
Ranalinquë pn. “*Moon-grass”Rána + linquë¹
Raurossë loc. “Roaring-rain” ⇐ ᴹ√RAW + #rossë
Ringil pn. ⇐ ᴹQ. ringe
Rithil-Anamo loc. “Doom-ring”? + nam-
Rombaras pn. “Horn of Oromë”
Rómendacil m. “East-victor, East-slayer”rómen + #-ndacil (suffix)
Rómenna loc. “Eastwards”rómen + -nna
Rómestámo m. “East-helper”
pn. “Wose”
Rúatan pn. “Wose, (lit.) Wose-man” + Atan
Rúmil m.
Russandol m. “Copper-top”russa + ᴹ√NDOL
Salmar m.
Sangahyando [þ] m. “Throng-cleaver”sanga + #hyando
Sarafinwë m.? + Finwë
Sarmo m. ⇐ √SAR + -mo
Sauron [þ] m. “Abhorred”saura + -on¹
Serindë [þ] f. “Broideress, Needlewoman”serindë
Silmarien f. ⇐ ᴹQ. silma + -ien¹
Silmaril pn. “Great Jewel”silima + √RIL
Silpion pn. “White Tree”
Sinda [þ] pn. “Grey-elf”sinda
Sindacollo [þ] m. “Grey-cloak, Greymantle”sinda + collo
Sindanórië [þ] loc. “Grey Country, Land of Greyness”sinda + nórë + -ië¹
Sindicollo [þ] m. “Grey-cloak”sindë + collo
Singollo [þ] m. “Grey-cloak, Greymantle”
Siril loc.sír(ë) + ?
Siriondil m. “*Sirion-lover” ⇐ S. Sirion + -(n)dil
Soronildi pn. “Eorlingas”soron
Sorontar [þ] m. “King of Eagles”soron + tar-¹
Sorontil [þ] loc. “Eagle-horn”soron + tildë
Soronto [þ] m.soron + ?
Soronúmë [þ] pn. “*Eagle of the West”soron + númen
Súlimo [þ] m. “Lord of the Breath of Arda, (lit.) Breather”súlë + -mo
Sundocarmë pn. “Base-structure”
Súrion m. “*Wind-son”súrë + -ion
Taniquetil loc. “High White Peak”tar-¹ + ninquë + tildë
Tannacolli pn. “Signifer”
Tarannon m.tar-¹ + S. annon
Taras Lúna loc. “*Dark Tower”
Tar Calimos loc. “*Royal Bright City”tar-¹ + calima + osto (suffix)
Tarcil pn. “High Man, Númenórean”tar-¹ + Hildor
Tarciryan m.tar-¹ + ciryando
Tareldar coll. “High-elves”tar-¹ + Elda (plural)
Tarindor m. “*High minded one”tar-¹ + indo
Tarmacorto loc. “High Mountain Circle”tarma + #corto
Tarmasundar [þ] loc. “Roots of the Pillar”
Tarmenel loc. “High Heaven”tar-¹ + menel
Tarondor m. “?King of Stones”tar-¹ + ondo (plural)
Tarostar m. “?King of the Lands”tar-¹ + -sta¹ (plural)
Tarquesta pn. “High Speech, High Language”tar-¹ + #questa
Tarumbar pn. “King of the World”tar-¹ + Ambar
Tasarinan [þ] loc. “Willow-vale”tasar(ë) + nan(do)
Tatalië pn. “*Company of Tata” ⇐ ✶Tata + lië
Tatyar coll. “Seconds (original clan name of the Noldor)” ⇐ †tatya (plural)
Taurelilómëa loc. “Forestmanyshadowed”taurë + lilómëa
Tauremorna loc. “Black Forest”
Tauremornalómë loc. “*Forest (of) Black Night”taurë + morna + lómë
Taurosso m. “Forest-warden”
Telcontar m. “Strider” ⇐ #telconta- + #-r(o)
Telemmaitë m. “Silver-handed”telpë (assimilated) + maitë
Telemnar m. “*Silver Fire”telpë (assimilated) + nár
Teler pn. “Last-comer, Hindmost”
Telerin pn. “of the Teleri”Teler + #-rin
Telperien f.telpë + -ien¹
Telperinquar m. see Q. Telpinquar
Telperion pn. “?Silver Tree”telpë + ?
Telpinquar m. “Silver-fist”telpina + quár(ë)
Telporno m. “*Silver Tall”telpë + ✶ornā
Telufinwë m. “Last Finwë”
Telumehtar pn. “Orion, (lit.) Warrior of the Sky”telumë + #mehtar
Telumendil pn. “*Sky-lover”telumë + -(n)dil
Tilion m. “Horned” ⇐ √TIL + ?
Tindómerel f. “Daughter of Twilight”tindómë + seldë
Tindómiel f. “*Daughter of Twilight”tindómë + -iel
Tintallë f. “(Star) Kindler”tinta- + -llë¹
Tirion loc. “Great Watch-tower”tirion
Tol Eressëa loc. “Lonely Isle”tollë¹ + eressëa
Tol Uinen loc. “*Island of Uinen”tollë¹ + Uinen
Tompollë loc. “Great Bear-dance” ⇐ √TOM?
Tulkas m. ⇐ ᴹQ. tulka
Tumbalemorna pn. “deepvalleyblack”tumbalë + morna
Tumbaletaurëa pn. “Deepvalleyforested”tumbalë + #taurëa
Túna loc.
Túnarin pn.Túna + #-rin
Turambar m. “Master of Doom, Master of Fate”-tur + ✶ṃbart(ă)
Turcafinwë m. “strong, powerful (in body)” ⇐ #turca + Finwë
Turmen Follondiéva loc. “Realm of the North-harbourage”
Turmen Hyallondiéva loc. “Realm of the South-harbourage”
Turondo m. “Lord of Stone”-tur + ondo
Túrosto loc. “Mickleburg, (lit.) Great Fortress” ⇐ √TUR + osto
Turucáno m. “Ruling Lord, *(lit.) Victory Commander”turu- + cáno
Turukondo m. “Victory Prince”turu- + cundo
Turuphanto pn. “Wooden-whale” ⇐ ᴱQ. turu + ?fanto
Tyalie Mar pn. “House of Mirth”
Tyelcormo m. “Hasty-riser”tyelca + #ormo
Tyeleptalëa f. “Silver-footed” ⇐ †tyelpë + tál
Tyelpelepta m. ⇐ †tyelpë + lepta
Tyelperion pn. “?Silver Tree”
Uinen f.
Uinendili coll. “Lovers of Uinen”Uinen + -(n)dil (plural)
Uinéniel f. “Daughter of Uinen”Uinen + -iel
Úlairi coll. “Ring-wraiths, (lit.) ?Un-living, Un-summer”ú- + lairë?
Ulmo m. “Pourer” ⇐ √UL + -mo
Ulmondil m.
Ulumúri pn.
Úmaiar coll. “Evil Spirits”ú- + Maia (plural)
Úmaneldi coll. “*Elves not of Aman”ú- + Amaneldi
Úmanyar coll. “Those not of Aman”ú- + Amanyar (plural)
Umbardacil m. “Conqueror of Umbar” ⇐ Un. Umbar + #-ndacil (suffix)
Umbarto m. “Fated”umbar
Undómiel f. “Evenstar”undómë + †él
Úner m. “Noman”
Ungoliantë f. “Gloomweaver, *Shadow Spider” ⇐ ᴹQ. ungo + ᴹQ. liante
Úr(in) pn. “Sun”
Urundil m. “Copper-lover”
Utumno loc. “Deep-hidden”
Vairë f. “Weaver, Ever-weaving”
Valacar m. “*Vala Helm”
Valacirca pn. “Sickle of the Valar”Vala + circa
Valandil m. “Lover of the Valar”
Valandor loc. “Land of the Valar”Vala + -ndor
Valandur m. “*Servant of the Vala”Vala + -(n)dur
Valaquenta pn. “Account of the Valar”Vala + quenta
Valarauko pn. “Demon of Might” ⇐ √BAL + rauco
#Valariandë loc. “Beleriand”
Valarin pn.Vala + #-rin
Valaróma pn. “Horn of Oromë, *(lit.) Vala-horn”Vala + róma
Valimar loc. “Dwelling of the Valar”Vala (plural) + már
Valinórë loc. “Land of the Valar”Vala + nórë
Vána f. “Ever-young, *(lit.) Beauty”
Vanimeldë f.vanimelda?
Vanya pn.vanya
Vanyarin pn. “*of the Vanyar; language of the Vanyar”Vanya + #-rin
Varda f. “Exalted, Lofty, Sublime”
Vardamir m. “*Varda-jewel”Varda + mírë
Vardilmë f. “?Friend of Varda”Varda + -(n)dil (fem)
**Varsi [þ] f.
Vása pn. “Consumer”
Vastuman loc.
Vëandur m. ⇐ ᴹQ. vea² + -(n)dur
Vëantur m. ⇐ ᴹQ. vea²? + -tur
Verna loc.
Vilya pn. “(Ring) of Air” ⇐ ᴹ√WIL + -ya¹
Vingilótë pn. “Foam-flower”vingë + lótë
Vinyalondë loc. “New Haven”
Vinyamar loc. “New Dwelling”vinya + már
Vinyarion m. “*New Son”vinya + -ion
Vorondil m. “*Ever-friend” ⇐ ᴹQ. voro + -(n)dil
Voronwë m. “Steadfast, Faithful” ⇐ ᴹ√BOR(ON) + -wë
Wilwarin pn. “Butterfly”vilvarin
Yáranoldorin pn. “Ancient Noldorin”
Yavanna f. “Giver of Fruits, (lit.) Fruit-gift”yávë + anna
Yavannildi coll. “Maidens of Yavanna”Yavanna + ᴹQ. nilde
Yávien f.yávë + -ien¹
Yénië Valinóreo pn. “Annals of Valinor”
Yénonótië pn. “*Reckoning of Years”
Yestarë pn. “first day of the year”yesta +
Yésus m. “Jesus”