ᴹ√KHAY root. “far, distant, remote”
The earliest hints of this root are some words in the Gnomish Lexicon such as G. hai¹ “there (by him)”, G. haig “way, road, path” and G. haitha- “hie, go, fare, walk” (GL/47), indicating the existence of an early root *ᴱ√HAYA. The Etymologies of the 1930s had ᴹ√KHAYA “far, distant, remote” with derivatives in Quenya and Noldorin of similar meaning such as ᴹQ. haira “remote, far” and (unglossed) N. hae (Ety/KHAYA; EtyAC/KHAYA). Tolkien’s continued use of words like S. hae “far, very far away” and S. haered “remote(ness)” in later writings indicates its continued validity (LotR/238; PE17/25). In a list of monoconsonantal roots from the late 1960s Tolkien gave ✶khā “far”, perhaps a more rudimentary form of this root, but the list where it appeared was struck through (VT47/35).
References ✧ Ety/KHAYA; EtyAC/KHAYA
?ᴱ√HAYA root. “go, fare”