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Q. Anar (Anár-) n. “Sun” (Category: Sun)

Q. Anar (Anár-), n. “Sun” (Category: Sun)
ᴱQ. Ahúra “Sun”
ᴱQ. auro “sun”

Anar is the most common Quenya name for the Sun and was derived from primitive ✶Anār, an augmented form of the root √NAR “fire” (Let/425; PE17/38; Ety/ANÁR; SD/302, 306). In the uninflect form the long vowel shortens as usual in final syllables, but its stem form is probably Anár- as with the name Anárion (LotR/1044) and the plural coranári of coranar “sun-round” (PM/126). When suffixes with consonant clusters are added, however, the á shortens such as with Anarinya “my Sun” (LR/72).

Conceptual Development: This term appeared in Silmarillion drafts of the 1930s with the gloss “Heart of Flame” (LR/240) and as ᴹQ. Anar “sun” in The Etymologies of the 1930s, already with the derivation given above (Ety/ANÁR, NAR¹).

References ✧ Let/425; MC/222; MR/44; MRI; NM/280-281; PE17/38, 148, 152; PE21/86; S/99; SA/nár; SI; UT/22; UTI; WJI



Element In



Phonetic Developments

NAR > Anar [anār] > [anar] ✧ Let/425
(A)NAR > anā̆r [anār] > [anar] ✧ PE17/38
(a)nar > Anar [anār] > [anar] ✧ SA/nár

ᴹQ. Anar (Anár-) n. “Sun” (Category: Sun)

References ✧ Ety/ANÁR, NAR¹; EtyAC/ANÁR; LR/41, 72, 240; LRI; PE22/19, 23; SD/306; SDI2/Anar




Anarinya 1st-sg-poss “my Sun” ✧ LR/72

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶anār- > Anar [anār] > [anar] ✧ Ety/ANÁR
ᴹ√NAR¹ > Anar [anār] > [anar] ✧ Ety/NAR¹
ᴹ✶Anār > Anar [anār] > [anar] ✧ SD/306