Q. lilómëa adj. “many-shadowed, very dark, full of darkness” (Category: Dark, Murky)
An element in the Entish phrase Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna Tumbaletaurëa Lómëanor (LotR/467), which in one place Tolkien described as meaning “very dark, full of darkness”, a combination of the prefix li(n)- “many” and lómëa “shadowed, gloomy”. A more literal interpretation would be “having many nights”; compare lilótëa “having many flowers” (VT42/18). As such, I think it is safe to say this word is a poetic Entish elaboration, not likely to be used in ordinary Quenya speech.
References ✧ LotR/1131; PE17/81
#li(n)- | “many” | ✧ PE17/81 (#li-) |
#lómëa | “shadowed, gloomy” | ✧ PE17/81 |
Element In