Q. Tumbalemorna pn. “deepvalleyblack”

Q. Tumbalemorna, pn. “deepvalleyblack”

A descriptive name of Fangorn appearing in the even longer Entish description of that land: Taurelilómëa-tumbalemorna Tumbaletaurëa Lómëanor (LotR/467). The name is a combination of tumbalë “deep valley, depth” and morna “black” (LotR/1131, PE17/81).

References ✧ LotR/467, 1131; SA/tum



tumbalë “depth, deep valley” ✧ LotR/1131
morna “black, dark; black of hair” ✧ LotR/1131
tumbo “deep vale, valley” ✧ SA/tum

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