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Q. sindë (sindi-) [þ] adj. “grey, pale or silvery grey” (Category: Grey)

Q. sindë (sindi-) [þ], adj. “grey, pale or silvery grey, [ᴹQ.] pale” (Category: Grey)
An earlier form of the Quenya adjective for “grey”, first appearing in The Etymologies (Ety/THIN). It appears in some later writings as well (WJ/384; PE17/141), and possibly remains a valid variant of the better-known sinda. In Notes on Names (NN) from 1957, Tolkien said sinde was the proper adjectival form, since Sinda referred only to Grey Elves (PE17/141), but this isn’t reflected elsewhere in his writings where sinda was used as an ordinary adjective meaning “grey”.

References ✧ PE17/141; WJ/384


Element In



Phonetic Developments

thindi- > sinde [tʰindi] > [θinde] > [θinde] > [sinde] ✧ PE17/141
thĭndĭ > sinde [tʰindi] > [θinidā] > [θinde] ✧ PE17/141
thinide > sindë [tʰinide] > [tʰinde] > [θinde] > [sinde] ✧ PE17/141

ᴹQ. sinde (sindi-) [þ] adj. “grey, pale” (Category: Grey)

Reference ✧ Ety/THIN ✧ “grey, pale”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶thindi > sinde [tʰindi] > [θinde] > [θinde] > [sinde] ✧ Ety/THIN