Q. Ciryon m.

Q. Ciryon, aT7ÏY5 m.

Third son of Isildur (S/285). The meaning of his name is unclear, but it may contain cirya¹ “ship” (SA/kir).

Conceptual Development: In drafts of the Lord of the Rings appendices, this character was first given the name Vëandur.

References ✧ PMI/Ciryon, Vëandur; SA/kir; SI; UTI



cirya¹ “(sharp-prowed) ship; swift gliding” ✧ SA/kir (círya)
-on¹ “masculine suffix”

Q. Vëandur m.

An earlier name of Ciryon (PM/191). It might be a combination of [ᴹQ.] vea “sea” and -(n)dur “servant”; hat-tip to Vyacheslav Stepanov for this suggestion.

Reference ✧ PMI/Vëandur



ᴹQ. vea² “sea”
-(n)dur “servant; to serve”