Q. Mirröanwi coll. “Incarnates”

Q. Mirröanwi, t%7'Y`C5nT coll. “Incarnates”

A term for those (Men and Elves) with naturally embodied spirits, appearing in the essay Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth written around 1959 (MR/315, VT39/23). It contains the word mi “in” and hröa “body”, but the meaning of the final element of the word is obscure. It might be a nominalized variant -nwë of the perfective participle suffix -nwa (hat tip to Röandil for this suggestion). Several rejected forms of this name (Mirruyainar, Mirroyainar) also appeared (MR/326).

Conceptual Development: In earlier writings, the words Fairondi and Mírondina is used for the same concept (PE17/124; NM/238).

References ✧ MR/315, 326, 350; MRI; VT39/23





#mirröanwë “incarnate”


Phonetic Developments

mi-srawanwe > Mirröanwi [misrawanwe] > [misroanwe] > [mizroanwe] > [mirroanwe] ✧ MR/350

Q. Fairondi coll. “Incarnates”

A term for those (Men and Elves) with naturally embodied spirits (PE17/124). It seems to be a combination of PHAY “spirit” with hrondo “body”. In later writings, the word Mirröanwi (MR/315) is used for “Incarnates”.

Reference ✧ PE17/124 ✧ fairondi “Incarnates”


fairë “spirit (disembodied), phantom; †radiance” ✧ PE17/124
hrondo “(physical) body, corporeal form”

Q. Mírondina pn. “Incarnate”

A term for those (Men and Elves) with naturally embodied spirits in notes from 1957 (NM/238 footnote). It seems to be a combination of mi “in” with hrondo “body” and the adjectival suffix -ina. In later writings, the word Mirröanwi (MR/315) is used for “Incarnates”.

Reference ✧ NM/238 ✧ mírondina “Incarnate”


mi “in”
hrondo “(physical) body, corporeal form”
-ina “adjective suffix; passive participle”