Q. Avarin pn. “language(s) of the Avari, *of the Avari”

Q. Avarin, `CyE7T5 pn. “language(s) of the Avari, *of the Avari”

Term referring to the languages of the Avari (WJ/410).

Conceptual Development: The term ᴹQ. Avarin appeared in the Comparative Tables from the 1930s, replacing the older term ᴹQ. Lemberin (PE19/19). Earlier still in the 1920s, Tolkien used the term ᴱQ. Ilkorin to refer to the languages of the Elves who remained behind in Middle-earth (PE14/62), but by the 1930s the term ᴹQ. Ilkorin referred only to the languages of the Elves of Beleriand (which in still later writings became Sindarin).

References ✧ PE18/72; WJI


Avar “Refuser, Elf who did not journey to Aman”
#-rin “-ian, racial-adjective, language”

ᴹQ. Avarin pn. “language(s) of the Avari”

See Q. Avarin for discussion.

References ✧ PE18/24; PE19/19


Avar(o) “Refuser, One who does not go forth”
#-rin “-ian, racial-adjective, language”