Q. ramba n. “wall” (Category: Wall)
A word for “wall” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from ᴹ✶rambā under the root ᴹ√RAB² (Ety/RAMBĀ; EtyAC/RAMBĀ). The root form did not appear in The Etymologies as published in The Lost Road (LR/382), but Carl Hostetter and Patrick Wynne noted the actual root in their Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies (VT46/10). The word ramba appeared as an element in some later names as well, such as Eärambar “Walls of Eä” in Silmarillion revisions of the 1950s (MR/63).
Reference ✧ SA/ram ✧ “wall”
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