Adûnaic Words

The Adûnaic words presented here are largely drawn from “The Notion Club Papers” (SD/145-327), “The Drowning of Anadûne” (SD/331-397) and “Lowdham’s Report on the Adunaic Language” (SD/413-440), though some are deduced from elements of names from later sources.

-a- suf. “subjective inflection”
a pron. “*it”
*aban n. “?world”
abâr n. “strength, endurance, fidelity”
-ada prep. “to, toward, into, against, -ward”
adûn n. “west, westward”
#Adûnâ n. “Númenórean, (lit.) Westerner”
Adûnayân n. “language of Númenor”
adûni n. “the West”
agan n. “death”
?aglar n. “glory”
*-ak prep. “away”
akhâs n. “chasm”
ammê n. “mother”
-an suf. “common subjective suffix”
an- pref. “of; genitive/adjectival prefix”
*-ân¹ suf. “participle suffix”
*-ân² suf. “agental suffix”
anâ n. “human being”
anadûni adj. “western”
*aphana n. “?bliss”
Ar- pref. “king or queen”
ârû n. “king”
asdi ? “[unglossed]”
-at suf. “dual suffix”
attô n. “father”
Avalê n. “goddess”
Avalô n. “Power, God”
azar n. “star (draft)”
*azga n. “war”
azgarâ- v. “to wage war”
azra n. “sea”
azra-zâin n. “sea-lands, maritime regions”
#azûl n. “east”
particle. “don’t”
#Balâ n. “*Vala (draft)”
#balak n. “ship”
banâth n. “wife”
bâr n. “lord”
*bat- v. “to walk”
batân n. “road, path, way”
#bawab n. “wind”
#bêl- v. “*to befriend, love”
*bên n. “servant, ?person”
bêth n. “expression, saying, word”
#bith- v. “to say”
burôda adj. “(very) heavy”
*-dâ- suf. “verbal suffix”
dâira n. “Earth”
dalad prep. “under, beneath”
dâur n. “gloom”
dolgu n. “dark, (evil) night”
du pref. “should, so-as”
dubud- v. “to fall (under influence/cover of)”
dulgu adj. “black, dark”
êphal adj. “far”
êphalak adj. “far away”
-êth suf. “feminine suffix”
gimil coll. “(all) stars; ?silver”
gimli n. “star (in the sky)”
hazad n. “seven”
# pron. “me”
#hi pron. “she”
*-hin suf. “child, patronymic”
huzun n. “ear”
suf. “feminine suffix”
-î- suf. “plural inflection”
îdô adv. “now”
igmil n. “star-shaped figure”
-im suf. “gendered plural subjective suffix”
-in suf. “feminine subjective suffix”
inzil n. “flower, lily”
*-iyê suf. “language suffix”
izindi adj. “straight, right, true”
izindu-bêth n. “true-sayer, prophet”
izrê n. “sweetheart, beloved”
kadar n. “city”
kadar-lâi n. “city folk”
kadô conj. “and so”
kalab- v. “to fall (down)”
kali n. “woman”
kamāt n. “earth (draft)”
kan- v. “to hold”
karab n. “horse”
katha adj. “all”
kathuphazgân n. “conqueror”
#khay- v. “to lie (down)”
khibil n. “spring”
khô n. “crow”
*khôr n. “lord”
ki pron. “*you”
#kulbu n. “root”
kulub coll. “roots, edible vegetables that are roots not fruits”
lâi coll. “folk”
#lôkhi adj. “bent, crooked”
lômi n. “(pleasant) night”
*-m suf. “verb-plural”
-mâ prep. “with”
-ma suf. “instrumental (draft)”
?mag- v. “to build”
*magân n. “wright, *builder”
manô n. “spirit”
menel n. “the heavens (draft)”
mîk n. “*baby boy”
minal n. “the heavens, sky”
mîth n. “baby girl, maid-child, little girl”
#miya n. “infant”
-n suf. “predicate suffix”
*nad prep. “hind, *behind”
nadroth n. “hind-track”
nai adv. “might (draft)”
#nakh- v. “to come”
#nâlu n. “shadow”
#narak n. “eagle”
nardû n. “soldier”
narû n. “man, male”
* pron. “us”
nîlu n. “moon”
Nimir n. “Elf, (lit.) Shining One”
Nimriyê n. “Nimrian Tongue, *Elvish”
#nimruzîr n. “Elf-friend”
nithil n. “girl”
*nitir- v. “to kindle”
*-nud prep. “on”
nûph n. “fool”
nuphâr n. “parent”
prep. “from”
suf. “genitive (draft)”
*ob prep. “fore, *before”
obroth n. “fore-cutting”
-ôn suf. “adjective or agental suffix”
n. “hand”
pharaz n. “gold”
pharaz² n. “sea”
*phazag- v. “?to rule, conquer”
phazân n. “prince, king’s son”
*-phel suf. “?-daughter”
phurus- v. “to gush, flow”
pûh n. “breath”
*-râ- suf. “causative suffix”
raba n. “dog”
rahat- v. “to break, rend”
rôth n. “foam, white crest of waves”
rûkh n. “shout”
-s suf. “dative (draft)”
sâibêth n. “assent”
*sakal n. “shore”
sapda ? “[unglossed]”
#saphad- v. “to understand”
sapthân n. “wise man, wizard”
satta n. “two”
sûla n. “trump”
sulum n. “mast”
#tabad- v. “to touch”
tâidô adv. “once, then”
tamar n. “smith”
târik n. “pillar, that which supports”
thâni n. “land”
*-thôr suf. “?-son”
tûbal n. “*pillar (draft)”
-u- suf. “objective inflection”
suf. “masculine suffix”
#u pron. “he”
ugru n. “shadow”
ugrudâ- v. “to overshadow”
-un suf. “masculine subjective suffix”
ûri n. “sun”
#urud n. “mountain”
urug n. “bear”
uruk n. “orc, goblin”
#ya n. “*they (neuter)”
#yad- v. “to go”
?yi pron. “they (feminine)”
* n. “gift”
yu pron. “they (masculine)”
*zabath- v. “to (be) humble”
zabathân adj. “humbled”
zadan n. “house”
*zagar n. “?sword”
zâir n. “longing, yearning”
zâyan n. “land”
-zê prep. “at”
*zen n. “land (draft)”
zidar n. “poise”
zigûr n. “wizard”
*zimra n. “jewel”
zinî n. “female”
zîr- v. “*to love, desire”
zîrân adj. “beloved”
*zôr n. “?fire, ?foam”
zôrî n. “nurse”