Ad. lômi n. (strong-II neut) “(pleasant) night” (Category: Night)

Ad. lômi n. (strong-II neut) “(pleasant) night” (Category: Night)

A noun translated “night” or more fully “fair night, a night of stars”, a late loan word from Q. lómë (SD/414-5). According to Tolkien, it has a pleasant connotation similar to its Quenya equivalent: “it is a word of peace and beauty and has none of the associations of fear or groping that ‘dark’ has” (SD/306). Some unpleasant words for night and darkness are dulgu, nâlu and ugru.

References ✧ SD/306, 414-415





Phonetic Developments

ᴹQ. lóme > lōmi [lōme] > [lōmi] ✧ SD/414