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Q. lanta- v. (weak-verb) “to fall” (Category: to Fall)

Q. lanta-, v. (weak-verb) “to fall; [ᴱQ.] to drop” (Category: to Fall)
ᴱQ. suqu- “to fall, fail, go down, die down”

The Quenya verb for “to fall”, dating all the way back to the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, though in that document it had the form ᴱQ. lant- and the additional gloss “drop” (QL/51). In the Qenya Lexicon it was derived from the early root ᴱ√LANTAN [LṆTṆ], but in The Etymologies of the 1930s Tolkien changed the root {ᴹ√LANTA >>} ᴹ√DA(N)T “fall down” as the basis for ᴹQ. lanta- “to fall” (Ety/DAT; EtyAC/LANTA). Q. lanta- “fall” appeared regularly in Tolkien’s later writings as well (MC/222; PE17/62; VT49/47), most notably in the Namárië poem in its first phrase: ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen “ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind” (LotR/377).

The word lanta was occasionally used as a noun for “a fall”; see that entry for discussion.

Neo-Quenya: In Tolkien’s later writings, lanta- was used only for intransitive “fall”. However, we have no Quenya verbs for transitive “drop” other than 1910s ᴱQ. lant-, so I would assume that lanta- can be used this way as well for purposes of Neo-Quenya (QL/51). For example, lantan “I fall” vs. lantan i macil “I drop [make fall] the sword”.

References ✧ LotR/377; MC/222; PE17/62; RGEO/58; VT49/47




lantalasse active-participle locative “in ... falling” ✧ MC/222
lantar aorist plural “fall” ✧ LotR/377
lantar aorist plural “fall (pl.)” ✧ RGEO/58
lántar aorist plural “fall” ✧ RGEO/58
lantuva future “[will] fall” ✧ VT49/47
lantar plural   ✧ PE17/62

Element In



Phonetic Developments

DAN-TA > lanta- [danta-] > [lanta-] ✧ PE17/62

ᴹQ. lanta- v. (weak-verb) “to fall” (Category: to Fall)

See Q. lanta- for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/DAT, TALÁT; EtyAC/LANTA; LR/47, 56; PE21/58, 63; SD/246, 310; VT24/7





lantaner past plural “fell” ✧ SD/246
lantaner past plural “they-fell” ✧ SD/310
lantaner past plural “they fell” ✧ VT24/7
lantie perfect; augmentless “fell” ✧ LR/56
lantier perfect; augmentless “they-fell” ✧ LR/47
lantier perfect; augmentless “fell” ✧ LR/56
lantier perfect plural; augmentless “they-fell” ✧ SD/310
lantar plural   ✧ PE21/58
lantar plural “fall” ✧ PE21/63

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√DANT > lanta- [danta-] > [lanta-] ✧ Ety/DAT
ᴹ√DAT > lanta- [danta-] > [lanta-] ✧ Ety/TALÁT
ᴹ√LANTA > lanta- [lanta-] ✧ EtyAC/LANTA
ᴹ✶dantā́r > dantār > lantar [dantar] > [lantar] ✧ PE21/58
ᴹ✶dantar > đantā̆r > lantar [dantar] > [lantar] ✧ PE21/63

ᴱQ. lant- v. “to fall, drop” (Category: to Fall)

See Q. lanta- for discussion.

References ✧ MC/214; PE14/28; PE16/57, 59, 132, 134; QL/51; VT40/8





lante aorist “fall” ✧ MC/214
lalantila frequentative active-participle   ✧ VT40/8
lantuváre future 3rd-sg-fem   ✧ PE16/59
lantumáre future passive 3rd-sg-fem   ✧ PE16/57
lante past   ✧ QL/51

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√LANTAN > lant- [lṇt-] > [lant-] ✧ QL/51
ᴱ√LANTAN > lante [lṇ̄te-] > [lante-] ✧ QL/51