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ᴺS. [S.] ^dammen- [nd-] v. “to return, go back” (Category: to Return, Give Back)

ᴺS. [S.] ^dammen- [nd-], v. “to return, go back” (Category: to Return, Give Back)
G. raina- “to return”
G. rinta- “*to return”
See ᴺS. ^dammen- for discussion.


S. dadwen- [nd-] v. “to return, go back” (Category: to Return, Give Back)

A Sindarin verb for “return, go back” as a combination of √(N)DAN “back” and √MEN “go”, contrasted with dandol- “return, come back” appearing in notes from around 1959 (PE17/166). Tolkien first gave this verb as {namen >>} damen reflecting vacillation on the primitive prefix *nan- > *ndan-. Later in the same notes he gave a form dadwen, reflecting vacillation of the development of ancient nm in Sindarin, to either mm or dw.

Neo-Sindarin: For purposes of Neo-Sindarin, I would use ᴺS. dammen- for this word as the most phonologically plausible. Tolkien represented intervocalic m as both mm and m in Sindarin (e.g. lammad vs. minlamad), so damen- is possible as well. Either way, the pronunciation would be [with damen] (short [m]).

References ✧ PE17/166





dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again” ✧ PE17/166; PE17/166 (dan/dad-)
#men- “to go” soft-mutation



Phonetic Developments

nan-men > damen [ndanmen-] > [danmen-] > [dammen-] > [damen-] ✧ PE17/166