S. a¹ conj. “and; †by, near, beside” (Category: And)
- S. a¹, ] conj. “and; †by, near, beside” (Category: And)
@@@ possible usage in sequences https://academy.realelvish.net/2024/04/02/how-to-list-the-children-of-master-samwise-properly/
References ✧ AotM/62; LB/354; Let/448; LotR/305, 953; MR/329, 373; PE17/41, 102, 145; PE23/143; SA/ar; SD/129; VT43/30; VT44/28; VT47/31;
Element In
- S. aran Gondor ar Arnor ar Hîr i Mbair Annui “king of Gondor and Arnor and Lord of the Westlands” ✧ AotM/62; SD/128
- S. aran Gondor ar Arnor ar Hîr i Mbair Annui “king of Gondor and Arnor and Lord of the Westlands” ✧ AotM/62; SD/128
- S. ar e aníra ennas suilannad mhellyn în phain “and he desires to greet there all his friends” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
- S. Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth “The Debate of Finrod and Andreth” ✧ MR/329; PE17/41
- S. Daur a Berhael, Conin en Annûn “Frodo and Sam, princes of the west” ✧ Let/448; LotR/953
- S. Dor-Cúarthol “Land of Bow and Helm”
- S. pedo mellon a minno “speak, friend, and enter; (alternately) say ‘friend’ and enter” ✧ LotR/305; LotR/308; PE17/40; PE23/143
- S. a Pherhael ar am Meril suilad uin aran o Minas Tirith nelchaenen ned Echuir “to Samwise and Rose the King’s greeting from Minas Tirith, the thirty-first day of Stirring” ✧ SD/129; SD/129
- S. ar díheno ammen i úgerth vin “and forgive us our trespasses” ✧ VT44/21
- S. ar in Ellath epholar eno vi Eressai “*and the Elves (?remember) still in Eressëa” ✧ VT50/5
- S. ar Iorhael, Gelir, Cordof, ar Baravorn, ionnath dîn “and Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Hamfast his sons” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
- S. ar Meril bess dîn, ar Elanor, Meril, Glorfinniel, ar Eirien sellath dîn “and Rose his wife; and Elanor, Rose, Goldilocks and Daisy his daughters” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
- S. ar Nienor sel Morwen Níniel “*and Nienor daughter of Morwen, Níniel” ✧ VT50/5
- S. ar·phent Rían Tuor·na: man agorech? “*and said Rían to Tuor: what have we done?” ✧ VT50/5
- S. Narn e·Dant Gondolin ar Orthad en·Êl “*Tale of the Fall of Gondolin and the Raising of the Star” ✧ MR/373
- S. si loth a galadh lasto dîn “*here flower and tree listen [in] silence” ✧ LB/354
√AR “beyond, further than; outside; beside, alongside” ✧ SA/ar
√AD(A) “by (the side of), beside, alongside; against, opposed to, opposite” ✧ PE17/145 (ADA); PE17/145 (ADA)
✶as(a) “and” ✧ PE17/41 (as(a)); PE17/41; VT43/30 (as); VT47/31 (as)
✶ad(a) “and, alongside” ✧ PE17/41; PE17/41 (ad); PE17/41; PE17/102 (ada)
- < að < ad(a) ✧ PE17/41
√AD(A) “by (the side of), beside, alongside; against, opposed to, opposite” ✧ PE17/71 (ADA)
Phonetic Developments
✶ad(a) > að > a |
[ada] > [aða] > [að] ? [a]
✧ PE17/41 |
✶as(a) > a(h) > a |
[asa] > [aha] > [ah] > [a]
✧ PE17/41 |
G. ar² conj. “and, too, besides” (Category: And)
References ✧ GG/15; GL/17, 20, 37-38, 49; PE13/110
- le between nouns [is] used as ar² “and, too” ✧ GL/20
Element In