S. ar e aníra ennas suilannad mhellyn în phain “and he desires to greet there all his friends”

S. ar e aníra ennas suilannad mhellyn în phain “and he desires to greet there all his friends”

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References ✧ AotM/62; SD/129




“and; †by, near, beside” ✧ AotM/62 (ar); SD/129 (Ar)
e “he” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
#aníra- “to desire” present ✧ AotM/62 (anîra); SD/129
ennas “there” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
#suilanna- “to greet, *give greeting” gerund ✧ AotM/62 (suilannad); SD/129 (suilannad)
mellon “friend” soft-mutation plural ✧ AotM/62 (vellyn); SD/129 (mhellyn)
în² “his, *reflexive possessive = his own” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
#pân “all” nasal-mutation plural ✧ AotM/62 (phain); SD/129 (phain)

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