Q. cendelë n. “face” (Category: Face)
A word for “face” in the Ambidexters Sentence of the late 1960s (VT49/8). Patrick Wynne suggested it is likely an abstract noun formation from the verb cenda- “watch, observe”, and hence similar in origin to English/French “visage” which likewise originated from a Latin verb meaning “to see” (VT49/21). Earlier “face” words ᴱQ. alma and ᴱQ. yéma have similar derivations, as pointed out by Patrick Wynne.
Reference ✧ VT49/21 ✧ kendele “face”
cenda- | “to watch (intensively), observe (for some time); to read” |
-lë | “abstract noun, adverb” |
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Q. #canwa² n. “face” (Category: Face)
A word appearing as kanwarya in one of the drafts of the Ambidexters Sentence, apparently a 3rd-sg possessive form meaning “*his face” (VT49/6, 21). Patrick Wynne suggested it might be derived from √KAT “shape” as in katmā > kanwa, patterned after Latin “faciēs” which also originally meant “shape”. It seems the n in this word was revised, but what the change was intended to be is unclear. Tolkien eventually revised this word to cendelë, so canwa was probably abandoned.
References ✧ VT49/21
kanwarya | 3rd-sg-poss | “*his face” | ✧ VT49/21 |
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