S. -il suf. “feminine suffix” (Category: Female)
A fairly common feminine suffix appearing as -il in Sindarin, either formed on its own or as a variant of the feminine suffix -iel. This suffix was also common Noldorin words in The Etymologies of the 1930s, along with an alternate form -ril that seems to be a feminine agental suffix, the equivalent of masculine -(r)on, seen in pairs like N. melethril/melethron “lover” and N. odhril/odhron “parent” (Ety/MEL, ONO). The -il suffix and its -ril variant are seen all the way back in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s in pairs like G. gwadhril/gwadhron “inhabitant” (GL/47) and G. ainil/ainos “god”, female and male respectively (GL/18). So it seems this feminine suffix was well established in Tolkien’s mind.
Reference ✧ SA/heru
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N. -(r)il suf. “feminine agent” (Category: Doer, Agent)
References ✧ Ety/BARÁD, BERÉTH, MEL, SLIG
Element In
G. #-(r)il suf. “feminine agent” (Category: Female)
References ✧ GL/18, 22, 29, 34, 41, 46-47, 57, 60, 70
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