S. Thuringwethil f. “Woman of Secret Shadow”

S. Thuringwethil, f. “Woman of Secret Shadow”

Name of a servant of Sauron translated “Woman of Secret Shadow” (SI/Thuringwethil, Ety/THUR), a combination of thurin “secret, hidden”, gwath “shadow” (SA/gwath) and the feminine suffix -iel¹.

Conceptual Development: The name ᴱN. Thuringwethil first appeared in the Lays of Beleriand from the 1920s, where it was translated “She of Hidden Shadow” (LB/304). In The Etymologies from the 1930s, Thuringwethil was designated a Doriathrin [Ilkorin] name, translated “(Woman of) Secret Shadow”, and apparently had essentially the same derivation as given above (Ety/THUR).

References ✧ LT2I; SA/gwath; SI; WJI




thurin “secret, hidden”
gwath “shadow, dim light” plural
-il “feminine suffix”

Ilk. Thuringwethil f. “(Woman of) Secret Shadow”

See S. Thuringwethil for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/THUR ✧ Dor. Thuringwethil “(Woman of) Secret Shadow”


thúren “guarded, hidden” ✧ Ety/THUR
gwath “shade”
*-il “feminine suffix” ✧ Ety/THUR
ᴹ√WATH “shade” ✧ Ety/THUR


ᴱN. Thuringwethil f. “She of Hidden Shadow”

References ✧ LB/304; LBI; SMI
