Middle Quenya Names

Ainulindale pn. “Music of the Ainur”Ainu (plural) + lindale
Aiwenóre pn. “Birdland, lower air”aiwe + nóre
Alakaru pn.
Alari pn.
Aláriel m. “Eadwine” ⇐ ᴹ✶alā́ri + -el
Alataire loc. “Great Sea”alta + aire
Aldalemnar pn. “Week of the Trees”alda + lemnar
Aldaron m. “Lord of Forests”
Alkar m. “Radiant”alkar(e)
Alkorin pn.al(a)- + Kôr + ?
Almáriel f.almare + -iel¹
Alqalonde loc. “Swan-haven”alqa + londe
Amalion pn.
Amardil m.
Ambarenya loc. “Middle-earth”Ambar + enya¹
Ambarkanta pn. “Shape of the World”
Anari pn.
Anárion m.Anar + -ion
Andalóke pn. “Long Serpent”anda + lóke
Andolat loc.
Ando Lómen pn. “Door of Night”
Andóre loc. “Land of Gift”anna + -ndor
Andúnie loc. “Sunset(land)”andúne + -ie¹
Andúril pn. “Flame of the West”
Angainor pn.
Angamanda loc. “Iron Prison, Hells of Iron”anga + #manda
Angor m.
Ankale pn. “Radiant-one, Sun, (lit.) The Very Bright”an- + ᴹ√KAL
Antirion pn.? + tirion
Arda loc. “Earth, world”arda
Are Fanturion pn. “Day of the Fanturi, fourth day of the Valian week”are + Fantur (genitive plural)
Are Manwen pn. “Day of Manwe, first day of the Valian week”are + Manwe (genitive)
Arendien pn. “Midyear’s Day”are + ende + yén
Are Veruen pn. “Day of the Spouses, third day of the Valian week”are + veru² (genitive dual)
Árien f. “Sun-maiden” ⇐ ᴹ√AR¹ + -ien¹
Arkimbele loc. “Rivendell”arka + imbe²
Ar Ulmon pn. “Day of Ulmo, second day of the Valian week”are + Ulmo (genitive)
Árundil m.
Arvalin loc. “Outside Valinor”ar- + Valinor
Arvernien loc.
Aryandor loc.
Aryante f. “Day-bringer”arya + ante
Astulat loc. “Bony Ridge”
Atalante pn. “Downfall(en)”atalta-
Attólamaite pn. “biconsonantal”atta + #ólamaite
Aule m. “Cræftfréa”
Avakúma loc. “Exterior Void”ava + kúma
Avallon loc.
Avallonde loc. “Haven of the Gods”? + londe
Avalóna loc. “Outer Isle”ava + lóna¹
Avarin pn. “language(s) of the Avari”Avar(o) + #-rin
Avar(o) pn. “Refuser, One who does not go forth”
Earendel m.
Earendil m. “Friend of the Sea”
Earendillinwe pn. “Short Lay of Earendel”
Earráme pn. “Sea-wing”ear + ráma
Eldahar m.Elda + ᴹ√KHAR
Eldakan m. “Elf-bold”Elda + ᴹ√KAN
Eldakar m. “Elfhelm”Elda + kár
Eldamar loc. “Elvenhome”Elda + mar
Eldamir m. “Elfstone”Elda + míre
Eldanor loc. “Elfland”Elda + nóre
Eldanyáre pn. “History of the Elves”Elda + nyáre
Eldavel m. “Elfwold”Elda + ?
Elenarda loc. “Star-kingdom”elen + arda
Elende loc. “Elfland”
Elendil m. “Elf-friend”
#Elendilion pn. “Descendant of Elendil”Elendil + -ion
Elendilli coll. “Elf-friends”
Elentári f. “Queen of Stars, (lit.) Star Queen”
Elériel m. “Ælfwine” ⇐ ᴹ√ELED + -el
Elerína loc. “Crowned with Stars”elen + rína
Elessar m. “Elfstone”elen (assimilated) + sar
Elesser m. “Elf-friend”
Elostirion loc. ⇐ †él + ostirion
Elwe m. ⇐ †él + -we²
Endamar loc. “Middle-earth”ende + mar
Ender m. “Bridegroom”
Endien pn. “Midyear (week)”ende + yén
Endor loc. “Middle-earth”ende + -ndor
Engwar coll. “The Sickly”
Entarda loc. “Thither Lands, Middle-earth, Outer Lands, East”enta + arda
Entare pn. “Year’s beginning”
Ereol m.
Eressea loc.
Erólamaite pn. “uniconsonantal”er + #ólamaite
Eruman loc. “desert N.E. of Valinor”
Esselda coll. “*First-elf”esse² + Elda
Estanosse coll. “Firstborn”esta² + nosse
Este f. “rest”
Etingul pn. “one of Noldorin race who remained in Kor”
Etya-noldorin pn. “Exiled Noldorin”
Falanyel pn. “*Beach Singer”falasse + nyello
Falasse loc.falasse
Falmarin pn. “Foam-rider, Shore-Elf”
Fantur pn. “Lord of Cloud”fána + -tur
Fanyamar loc. “Cloudhome, Upper Air”fanya + mar
Feanáro m. “Radiant Sun”
Finwe m. ⇐ ᴹ√PHIN + -we²
Fionwe m.fion + -we²
Firiel m.
#Fírimo pn. “Mortal”fírima
Firyanor loc.firya + nóre
Helkar loc.helka
Helkarakse loc. “Grinding Ice”helka + karakse
Herendil m. “Fortune-friend”heren + -(n)dil
Herunúmen pn. “Lord-of-West”heru + númen
Hildi coll. “Mortal Men, (lit.) Followers”
Hildórien loc.Hildi + #-ien²
Hisilóme [þ] loc. “Twilit Mist, Land of Mist”híse + lóme
Hísilumbe [þ] loc.híse + lumbe
Hui pn. “Night”
Huore m. “heart-vigour, courage”
Ialasse loc. “Everlasting Whiteness”ia + †olos(se)
Ilien f.
Ilkorin pn. “Not of Kôr”il- + Kôr + ?
Ilma pn. “Starlight”
Ilmandur m.Ilma + -(n)dur
Ilmare f.
Ilmarin loc.
Ilmen loc. “Place of Light”Ilma + men
Ilmen-assa loc. “Chasm of Ilmen”Ilmen + assa¹
Ilumíre pn. “Silmaril”ilu + míre
Ilurambar pn. “Walls of the World”ilu + ramba¹ (plural)
Ilúvatar m. “All-father”ilúve + atar
Ilúve Ilu pn. “Heaven, the universe, all that is”ilúve + ilu
Ilverin m.
Imbeláris loc. “Rivendell”
Indis f. “Bride”indis
Ingil m.
Ingolonde loc. “Land of the Gnomes”
Ingwe m. “Prince of Elves” ⇐ ᴹ√ING + -we²
Ingwelindar coll.
Ingwemindon loc. “Tower of Ingwë”Ingwe + #mindon
Ingweqenya pn.Ingwe + Qenya
Ingwi coll.
Ingwiel m.Ingwe + ?
Iolosse loc.ia + †olos(se)
Irilde f. “Idhril”
Írimor coll. “Fair Ones”írima + #-mo (plural)
Isildur [þ] m.Isil + -(n)dur
Istimor coll. “The Wise”istima + #-mo (plural)
Kalakilya loc. “Pass of Light”kala + kilya
Kalamando m. “Light Mando”kala + Mandos
Kalamor coll. “Light-elves”kala + #-mo (plural)
Kalaqenderin pn. “languages of the Elves of Light”Kalaqendi + #-rin
Kalaqendi coll. “*Light Elves”kala + Qende (plural)
Kalion pn. “Son of Light, Valinorian Elda”
Kiningul pn.
Koirear pn. “Stirringdays”koire + are
Kôr loc.
Koreldarin pn.Kôr + Eldarin
Kornoldorin pn. “ancient language of the Noldor at Kôr”Kôr + Noldorin
Korolambe pn. “Tongue of Kôr”Kôr + lambe
Korolóra pn. “?Ilkorin”Kôr + -lóra
Kortirion loc.Kôr + tirion
Kuiviénen loc. “Waters of Awakening”kuivie + nén
Kuluqendi coll. “Golden-elves”kulu + Qende (plural)
Kulúrien pn.
Laiqeldar coll. “Green-elves”laiqa + Elda (plural)
Laiqendi coll. “Green-elves”laiqa + Qende (plural)
Lámaqenta pn. “Account of Sounds”
Lámasampane pn. “Combination of Sounds”
Lamorni coll. “Talking Trees” ⇐ ᴹ√LAM + orne (plural)
Larmindon loc. ⇐ ᴹ√LAS² + #mindon
Lastalaika m. “sharp-ears”lasta + laika
Latimberista loc. “Rivendell”latimbe + rista
Laurelin pn. “Song of Gold”laure + linde¹
Lemberin pn. “*of the Lembi”
Lembi coll. “Those That Lingered”
Lie-númen pn. “Númenoreans”lie + númen
Linda pn. “Elf of Lindarin kindred”
Lindarin pn. “*of the Lindar”Linda + #-rin
Lórien pn.
Lunguma m. “Heavy Hand” ⇐ ᴹ√LUG¹ + má¹
Lunoronti loc. “Blue Mountains”lúne + oron (plural)
Makalaure m. “Gold-cleaver” ⇐ ᴹ√MAK + laure
Malarauko pn. “Balrog”
Malinalda pn.malina + alda
Mandos m. “(Dread) Imprisoner” ⇐ #manda + osse
Manwe m. ⇐ ᴹ√MAN + -we²
Máraher m. “Good Steward”mára + heru
Mardil m.mar + -(n)dil
Martalmar loc. “Roots of the Earth”mar + talma (plural)
Martan(o) m. “Earth-smith, Earthbuilder”mar + tano
Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva loc. “Cottage of the Lost Play”
Melimar coll. “Lindar”melima
Melko m.
Menelmin(do) loc. “Pillar of Heaven”menel + #mindon
Meneltyúla loc.menel + tyulma
Mettare pn. “Year’s end”metta + are
Minyen pn. “first day [of year]”
Mirimor coll.mirima
Mólanoldorin pn. “Language of enslaved Noldor”
Moreldar coll. “Dark-elves”more + Elda (plural)
Morimando m. “Dark Mando”more + Mandos
Morimor coll. “Dark Elves, *(lit.) Dark-ones”more + #-mo
Morion m. “the Dark One”more + -on¹
Morionde loc.
Moriqendi coll. “Dark-elves”more + Qende (plural)
Mormakil m. “Black Sword” ⇐ ᴹ√MOR + makil
Nambarauto m. “Hammerer of Copper”namba + rauta
Nanar coll. “Green-elves”
Naneldar pn. “Danian Elves”nan + Elda (plural)
Naneldarin pn.nan + Eldarin
Nanisáro [þ] m. “Saviour of the Dani”
Nanno m.
Narsil [þ] pn. ⇐ ᴹ√NAR¹ + ᴹ√THIL
Nefantur m.? + Fantur
Neldion pn. “Day of the Three, fifth day of the Valian week”nelde (genitive plural)
Nelólamaite pn. “triconsonantal”nel- + #ólamaite
Nessa f. “*Young”
Nessaron pn. “*Day of the Younger Gods”nessa (genitive plural)
Nienna f.
Nienor f. “Sorrowful, Mourning”nie + ?
Ninqelóte pn. “Pale Blossom”ninqe + lóte
Ninqendi coll. “White-elves”ninqe + Qende (plural)
Noldo [ñ-] pn. “one of the wise folk, Gnome”
Noldolindarin [ñ-] pn.Noldo + Lindarin
Noldomír(e) [ñ-] pn. “Silmaril”Noldo + míre
Noldórien [ñ-] loc. “Beleriand”Noldo (plural) + #-ien²
Noldorin [ñ-] pn. “Gnomish”
pn. “Moon”
Nuaran pn. “*West-king” ⇐ ᴹ√NDŪ + aran¹
Nuaran Númenen pn. “Lord of the West”Nuaran + númen (genitive)
Númar loc.
#Númeheru pn.númen + heru
Númekundo pn. “*West Prince”númen + †kundu
Númenóre loc. “Westernesse”
Númenos pn.númen + osto
Nurqendi coll. “Deep-elves”núra + Qende (plural)
Nurufantur m. “Lord of Death-cloud”nuru + Fantur
Nyarna Valarianden pn. “Annals of Beleriand”
Nyarna Valinóren pn. “Annals of Valinor”
Oiakúma loc.oia + kúma
Oiolosse loc. “Everlasting Whiteness”oia + †olos(se)
Olofantur m. “Lord of Dream-cloud”olor + Fantur
Olórin m.olor + ?
Ond loc.
Ondor loc.
Ornelie coll. “Tree-folk”orne + lie
Ornómi coll. “Trees with Voices”orne + óma (plural)
Orome m.
Orondil m.oron + -(n)dil
Orontor m.
Orqin pn. “language of the Orcs”orko + ?
Osse m.
Otselen pn. “Seven Stars”otso + elen
Palúrien f. “Lady of the Wide Earth, Bosom of the Earth”palúre + -ien¹
Parma Kuluina pn. “Golden Book”parma + kuluina
Parmalambe pn. “Book-tongue”parma + lambe
Parmaqesta pn. “Book-language”parma + #qesta
Pelmar loc. “Enclosed Dwelling” ⇐ ᴹ√PEL(ES) + mar
Pereldar coll. “Half-eldar” ⇐ #per- + Elda (plural)
Poldor m.
Poldórea m. “Strong One, Valiant”
Qantarie pn. “Day of Completion, Oldyear’s Day”qanta + ?
Qantesser coll. “Full Names”qanta + esse¹ (plural)
Qendelie pn. “Elf-race”Qende + lie
Qenta Eldalien pn. “History of the Elves”qenta + Eldalie (genitive)
Qenta Noldorinwa pn. “History of the Gnomes”qenta + Noldorin (possessive)
Qenta Silmarillion pn. “History of the Silmarils”
Ringil pn.
Rómelonde loc. “East-haven”rómen + londe
Rómenildi coll. “Easterlings”rómen + Hildi
Rúmil m.
Sanavaldo m. “Almighty”
Sangahyando [þ] pn. “Throng-cleaver”sanga + hyando
Sauron [þ] m.saura + -on¹
Silmaril pn.
Silmerosse pn. “Glimmering Rain”silme + rosse
Silpion pn. “White Tree of Valinor”
Sindo [þ] m. “The Grey”
Sirvinya loc. “New Sirion”síre + vinya¹
Solonyeldi coll. “*Surf Singers”solor + nyello
Sorontar [þ] m. “King of Eagles”soron (prefix) + tar-
Súlimo [þ] m. “surname of Manwë (wind-god)”
Sundokarme pn. “Base-structure”
Sûr [þ] m.
Talmar Ambaren loc. “Roots of the Earth”talma + Ambar (genitive)
Taltelepsa f. “*Silverfoot”
Taltyelemna f. “*Silverfoot”tál + telemna
Tampio pn.
Taniqetil loc. “High White Horn” ⇐ ᴹ✶taʒna + ninqe + tilde
Tarakil m. “Trotter”
Tar-Ellion f. “Queen of the Stars”
Tar-Kalion m.
Tarkil pn. “High Man”tar- + Hildi
Tarkilion loc.
Tarkilmar loc. “Westermanton”Tarkil + mar
Tar-kulu m. “*High Gold”tar- + kulu
Tarmenel loc. “High Heaven”tar- + menel
Tarqendi coll. “High-elves”tar- + Qende (plural)
Tarqesta pn. “High Speech, High Language”tar- + #qesta
Tasarinan [þ] loc. “Land of Willows”tasar(e) + nanda
Taure Huinéva loc. “*Forest of Shadow”taure + huine (possessive)
Telellie pn. “Teler-folk”Teler (assimilated) + lie
Teler pn. “a Teler”
Telerin pn. “Telerian”Teler + #-rin
Telperion pn.
Telumehtar pn. “Warrior of the Sky”telume + mahtar
Tengwesser coll. “Letter-names”tengwe + esse¹ (plural)
Terendul m. “Slender and Dark”teren + nulla
Tilion m. “Horned”
Tindingol m. “*Grey-wise”sinde + ᴹ√ÑGOL
Tindómerel f. “Nightingale, (lit.) Daughter of Twilight”tindóme + selde
Tintalle f. “Kindler”
Tintánie f. “Kindler, Star-maker, (lit.) Star-making” ⇐ ᴹ√TIN + ᴹ√TAN¹ + -ie¹
Tinúviel f.
Tinwe-malle loc. “Star-street”tinwe + malle
Tinwenairin loc. “Crowned with Stars”tinwe + ?
Tinwerína loc. “Crowned with Stars”tinwe + rína
Tinwerontar f. “Queen of Stars”tinwe (genitive plural) + tar-
Tinwetári f. “Queen of Stars”tinwe + tári
Tirion loc.tirion
Tiristemindon loc. “Minas Tirith”
Tirmindon loc. ⇐ ᴹ√TIR + #mindon
Tol Eressea loc. “Lonely Isle”tol + eressea
Tulkas m.
Tumbolatsin loc.tumbo + latina
Túna loc. “Hill City”
Turambar m. “Master of Fate, Conqueror of Fate” ⇐ ᴹ√TUR + ᴹ√MBARAT
Turindo m.túre + indo
Turkil pn. “Great Man, Lordly Man, Númenórean”turo + Hildi
Túro m.
Uinen f.
Ulmo m.
Ungoliante f. “Gloomweaver”ungo + liante
Úrien¹ f. “Sun-maiden”
Úrien² pn. “Summer”
Úrin pn. “Sun, (lit.) Fiery”
Úrion m.
Utumno loc.
Vaiaro m. “Ulmo”Vaiya + #-ro
Vaire f. “Weaver”
Vaiya pn. “Outer Sea, Enfolding Ocean”vai(y)a
Valakirka pn. “Sickle of the Gods”Vala + kirka
Valandil m. “God-friend”
Valandur m. “*Servant of the Vala”Vala + -(n)dur
#Valariande loc. “Beleriand”
Valarin pn.
Valarindi coll.
Valatar pn. “Vala-king”Vala + tar-
Valatári pn. “Vala-queen”Vala + tári
Valinor loc. “Land of the Valar”Vala + nóre
Valinórelúmien pn. “Annals of Valinor”
Valmar loc. “City of the Gods”Vala + mar
Vana f.
Varda f. “Lofty, Sublime”
Veaneldar coll. “Sea-elves”vea² + Elda (plural)
Vinya loc. “Young, New Land”vinya¹
Vinyarie pn. “Newyear’s Day”vinya¹ + ?
Vista loc. “Air”vista
Voronwe m. “Steadfast(ness), Faithful”
Wingelóte pn. “Foam-flower”winge + lóte
Yára-noldorin pn. “Old Noldorin”
Yáre m. “Eldest”yáre
Yavanna f. “Fruit-giver”yáve + anna
Yénie Valinóren pn. “Annals of Valinor”