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Q. engë adv. “ago, in the past” (Category: Past, Ago)

⚠️Q. engë, adv. “ago, in the past, [ᴹQ.] once (in past), †it was” (Category: Past, Ago)
Q. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”

Reference ✧ PE19/96 ✧ eñge “ago, in the past”


Phonetic Developments

> eñge [eŋŋe] > [eŋge] ✧ PE19/96

ᴹQ. enge adv. “ago, once (in past), †it was” (Category: Past, Ago)

Reference ✧ PE19/48 ✧ “ago, once (in past), †it was”


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ > enge [eŋɣe] > [eŋge] ✧ PE19/48