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Q. adv. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)” (Category: Past, Ago)

Q. , adv. “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)” (Category: Past, Ago)
Q. auta “ago”
Q. engë “ago, in the past, [ᴹQ.] once (in past), †it was”
ᴱQ. ie “ago, †long ago”
ᴱQ. ielúmë “long ago”
ᴱQ. luin “ago”
ᴱQ. luina “ago”
ᴹQ. “formerly, ago, at that (distant) time, then (long ago)”
ᴱQ. yú- “ago”
ᴱQ. yúyë “long ago”

Reference ✧ VT49/31 ✧ “ago, behind (earlier time); yes (it was so)”

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Phonetic Developments

> [nē] ✧ VT49/31

ᴹQ. adv. “ago” (Category: Again)

References ✧ PE22/96; PE23/109


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Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶nḗ > [nē] ✧ PE22/96