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Q. norolinda adj. “*tripping lightly” (Category: to Run)

Q. norolinda, 5^7YjT2# adj. “*tripping lightly” (Category: to Run)

A word in the Nieninquë poem of the 1950s within the phrase norolinda pirucendëa (PE16/96). Its second element is the adjective linda “soft, gentle, light” (PE16/96), and its first element is probably some form of the verb nor- “run”. In the version of the ᴱQ. Nieninqe poem from around 1930, the phrase was norolinde pirukendea and was translated “tripping lightly, whirling lightly” (MC/215). It seems likely this word is a poetic formation, not in common use.

Reference ✧ PE16/96 ✧ Norolinda


nor-¹ “to run (or leap, of animals or men)”
linda “beautiful (of sound), sweet, melodious; soft, gentle, light” ✧ PE16/96

Element In

ᴱQ. norolinde adj. “tripping lightly” (Category: to Run)

See Q. norolinda for discussion.

References ✧ MC/215; PE16/90, 92


Element In