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Q. #nillë² (nill-) n. “small [woman]” (Category: Woman)

Q. #nillë² (nill-), n. “small [woman]” (Category: Woman)

A diminutive form of nís “woman” given as nill- “small [woman]” in notes from 1968 (VT47/33).

Conceptual Development: An analogous diminutive form ᴱQ. qimelle “little woman” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s based on earlier ᴱQ. qin (qim-) “woman” (QL/77); this early word was also mentioned in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon (GL/45).

Reference ✧ VT47/33 ✧ nill- “small [woman]”


Phonetic Developments

nis > nill- [nisle] > [nizle] > [nille] ✧ VT47/33

ᴱQ. qimelle n. “little woman” (Category: Woman)

See Q. #nillë² for discussion.

References ✧ GL/45; QL/77



qin¹ “woman, female” ✧ QL/77
#-lla “diminutive” ✧ QL/77 (#-lle)
