Q. ringa súmaryassë “in her cold bosom”

Q. ringa súmaryassë “in her cold bosom”

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The fourth line of the Markirya poem (MC/222). The first word is ringa “cold” followed by the 3rd-singular possessive form (“her”) of súma “bosom” with the locative suffix -ssë¹ (“in”).

Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:

ringa súma-rya-ssë = “*cold bosom-her-in”

Reference ✧ MC/222 ✧ ringa súmaryasse “in her cold bosom”


ringa “cold” ✧ MC/222
súma “hollow cavity, bosom” 3rd-sg-poss locative ✧ MC/222 (súmaryasse)

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