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KARAK root. “*sharp fang, spike, tooth”

KARAK root. “[ᴹ√] sharp fang, spike, tooth”

Christopher Tolkien gave this root as carak- in the Silmarillion appendices as the basis for Q. carca/S. carch “fang” along with various related words (SA/carak). Its origin dates all the way back to the earliest version of the language: its first iteration was (unglossed) ᴱ√KṚKṚ in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, already the basis for ᴱQ. karka/G. carc “fang” (QL/48; GL/25), though its other derivatives were more variable in form due to the vagaries of the phonetic developments of syllabic in Early Qenya and Gnomish. After Tolkien dropped syllabic consonants from the vowel system of Primitive Elvish, the root became ᴹ√KARAK “sharp fang, spike, tooth” in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/KARAK). The frequent appearance of its derivatives in later writings indicate its continued validity.

Reference ✧ SA/carak ✧ carak-


ᴹ√KARAK root. “sharp fang, spike, tooth”

See √KARAK for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/KARAK, KHARÁS; EtyAC/KARAK






ᴱ√KṚKṚ root. “*point, bend”

See √KARAK for discussion.

References ✧ LT2A/Karkaras; QL/48
