ᴹQ. i¹ article. “the” (Category: Article)
References ✧ Ety/I¹; LR/72, 199; PE21/69; PE22/106, 108, 116, 120-121, 124; PE23/79, 85-86, 98, 106; VT28/11
Element In
- ᴹQ. ā laituva i·aran “(long[?]) live[?] [the] k[ing?]” ✧ PE22/106
- ᴹQ. aldar olar sana nóresse “trees grow in that land” ✧ PE22/116
- ᴹQ. ampanaina i·már a·tatallanes “While it was being built people marveled at the house” ✧ PE22/108
- ᴹQ. enyáre tar i tyel, íre Anarinya qeluva “in that day beyond the end, when my Sun faileth” ✧ LR/72
- ᴹQ. i·aldar hinna ólar “the tree is still growing” ✧ PE22/116; PE22/116
- ᴹQ. (i) kirya sorasta “(the) ship(’s)-equipment” ✧ PE21/69
- ᴹQ. i kiryo sorasta “the ship’s (particular on[e]) equipment” ✧ PE21/69
- ᴹQ. Ilu vanya, fanya, eari, i-mar, ar ilqa ímen “the World is fair, the sky, the seas, the earth, and all that is in them” ✧ LR/72
- ᴹQ. i·mbar i Túro karne “the house that Túro built” ✧ PE23/98
- ᴹQ. inér e·qentes “it was he (the man) who said {that >>} it” ✧ PE23/86
- ᴹQ. i·nér né raiqa ar sí aphastat “the man was angry but now is in good humor (lit. it pleases him)” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. i nero karie kirya “the man’s making of a ship” ✧ PE22/120
- ᴹQ. i·nís e·karnes “it was she (the woman) who did it” ✧ PE23/86
- ᴹQ. i qanna nóre “the whole land, the entire land” ✧ PE23/106
- ᴹQ. i sorasta i kiryava “the ship’s (particular on[e]) equipment” ✧ PE21/69
- ᴹQ. i sorasta kiryava “the equipment of a ship” ✧ PE21/69
- ᴹQ. i Túro tulle mettanna i·malleo “(this) Túro (resuming a narrative about him) came to the end of the road” ✧ PE23/98
- ᴹQ. lie tatallaner i·már ampanaina “While it was being built people marveled at the house” ✧ PE22/108
- ᴹQ. malkar i·aldar i·ólar nóressella “how great are the trees that grow in your land?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. manar i·ennor/lie i me·kenner “who (are or were) the persons/people that we saw?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. manima i lie? “(and) of what sort are the people?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. masse i·lótin nóloa? “where are the flowers of yesteryear?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. qaqi i·nórion “all the lands” ✧ PE23/106
- ᴹQ. qe e·kárie i kirya aldaryas, ni kauva kiryasta menelyas “if he finishes the boat by Monday, I shall be able to sail on Wednesday” ✧ PE22/121
- ᴹQ. Sinar Orome i·tauresse faralye “today O. is hunting in the forest” ✧ PE22/116
- ᴹQ. tasse i·osto “there (is) the city” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. ten sí ye tyelma, yéva tyel ar i narqelion “for here is ending, and there will be an end and the Fading” ✧ LR/72
- ᴹQ. tyén ni·akára i kiryā “I am making the ship for yóu” ✧ PE23/79
- ᴹQ. yasse tintilar i eleni “*wherein the stars tremble” ✧ VT28/11
ᴹ√I¹ “that (deictic particle); [ᴱ√] here it is, root of relatives” ✧ Ety/I¹
Phonetic Developments
ᴱQ. i¹ article. “the” (Category: Article)
References ✧ CPT/259; LT1/114, 184; LT1A/Meril-i-Turinqi, Nori Landar; MC/215-216, 221; PE14/32, 42, 46-48, 50, 54-56, 71, 79, 81, 83,
117; PE15/32; PE16/62, 72, 74, 77, 90, 92, 100, 104; QL/31; VT40/8
Element In
ᴱ√I “here it is, root of relatives”